Our empirical research has confirmed that certain business preconditions significantly influence success of enterprises. A positive development of
profit and growing added value, as the indicator of revaluation of available sources, can be expected on a well-managed market, with high flexibility, its own dynamics (ability to adjust the range of products to the market) and under conditions of effective and economical functioning. These are the factors that increase performance of enterprises at the microeconomic level and, consequently, also at the macroeconomic level, with a focus on small and medium enterprises.
The achieved added values, based on the prevailing economic activities in the selected EU countries, were quite diverse which is also documented by different status and application of factors that affect growth of added value; the group of countries consisted of more successful ones with high added values, such as Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and Finland, and countries with poorer results, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Monitoring of most of the factors that affect growth of added value has confirmed this division and indirectly explained why strengthening of some of the factors may improve the situation. The key factors we have selected included the ratio of total added value to the turnover, research and development expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP, structure of the sources used for research and development expenditures from the viewpoint of sectors and their shares, and also the number of European patent applications. A specific group of factors includes labor productivity in EUR per hour and per employee, along with the average number of hours worked per one week. The last group of factors focused on investments where we monitored net return (after tax) on equity and rate of gross investments.
Growth of efficiency of economic processes, added value and overall business success in small and medium enterprises in the Czech Republic and Slovakia depends on selection of the right sphere of business, application of research and development, as well as on adequate investments and cooperation between individual sectors or on the level of investment activity.
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Ing. Marianna Psárska, Ph.D.
The Institute of Technology and Businesses in České Budějovice
Okružní 517/10, 37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
doc. Ing. Marek Vochozka, MBA, Ph.D.
The Institute of Technology and Businesses in České Budějovice
Okružní 517/10, 37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic