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Our empirical research has confirmed that certain business preconditions significantly influence success of enterprises. A positive development of profit and growing added value, as the indicator of revaluation of available sources, can be expected on a well-managed market, with high flexibility, its own dynamics (ability to adjust the range of products to the market) and under conditions of effective and economical functioning. These are the factors that increase performance of enterprises at the microeconomic level and, consequently, also at the macroeconomic level, with a focus on small and medium enterprises.

The achieved added values, based on the prevailing economic activities in the selected EU countries, were quite diverse which is also documented by different status and application of factors that affect growth of added value; the group of countries consisted of more successful ones with high added values, such as Sweden, Belgium, Denmark and Finland, and countries with poorer results, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Monitoring of most of the factors that affect growth of added value has confirmed this division and indirectly explained why strengthening of some of the factors may improve the situation. The key factors we have selected included the ratio of total added value to the turnover, research and development expenditure expressed as a percentage of GDP, structure of the sources used for research and development expenditures from the viewpoint of sectors and their shares, and also the number of European patent applications. A specific group of factors includes labor productivity in EUR per hour and per employee, along with the average number of hours worked per one week. The last group of factors focused on investments where we monitored net return (after tax) on equity and rate of gross investments.

Growth of efficiency of economic processes, added value and overall business success in small and medium enterprises in the Czech Republic and Slovakia depends on selection of the right sphere of business, application of research and development, as well as on adequate investments and cooperation between individual sectors or on the level of investment activity.


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Havlíček, K. (2011). Management & controlling: malé a střední firmy. 1st ed. Praha: Vysoká škola finanční a správní, 210 p. ISBN 978-80-7408-056-2.

Jeck, T. (2014). Malé a stredné podniky na Slovensku a v Európskej únii: Bariéry, financovanie a inovačné správanie. Working papers 67: Ekonomický ústav SAV v BA, 26 p. ISSN 1337-5598 (electronic version).

Veber, J. (2014). Management: základy, moderní manažerské přístupy, výkonnost a prosperita. 2nd ed. Praha: Management Press. ISBN 978-80-7261-274-1.

Eschenbach, R., & Siller, H. (2012). Profesionální controlling: koncepce a nástroje. 2nd ed. Překlad Jaroslav Rubáš. Praha: Wolters Kluwer Česká republika. ISBN 978-80-7357-918-0.

Plán rozvoja vidieka Slovenskej republiky: Kritériá ekonomickej životaschopnosti, Ministerstvo pôdohospodárstva Slovenskej republiky Príloha D1: Available at: (23.2.2016)

Slovstat, ČSÚ, & Eurostat (2015-16): Štatistické databázy.


Ing. Marianna Psárska, Ph.D.

The Institute of Technology and Businesses in České Budějovice

Okružní 517/10, 37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic

doc. Ing. Marek Vochozka, MBA, Ph.D.

The Institute of Technology and Businesses in České Budějovice

Okružní 517/10, 37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic

0 The innovative position has been determined using the Innovation Union Scoreboard

0 Electronic procurement refers to any action in the process of procurement, which replaces any traditional form of submitting statements and documents with an electronic one. Such an understanding of the concept is now common in all of the European Union member states

0 More on this subject (Borowiec, 2009)

0 As mentioned before, an analogous study regarding awarding authorities has been conducted by the author in another scientific publication.

0 A complete taxonomy of support instruments may be difficult to compile due to the plethora of different forms and tools that can be used. Typically public support to R&I may be channelled through: competitive grant schemes for R&I; innovation support services; support to start-ups, incubators, tech-parks, etc.; collaborative R&D programmes; financial instruments, including direct or indirect equity investments; tax incentives or credits; etc.

0 A wealth of literature and scientific publications provide analysis and arguments for the validity of public support to R&I:

OECD, (2015), “Governance and Implementation of Innovation Policies”

OECD, (2015), “The Innovation Imperative: Contributing to Productivity, Growth and Well-Being”

OECD (2010), “R&D Tax Incentives: Rationale, Design, Evaluation”

Harper J. C. (2013), “Impact of Technology Foresight: Compendium of Evidence on the Effectiveness of Innovation Policy Intervention”, Manchester Institute of Innovation Research

Auerswald P. (2007), “The Simple Economics of Technology Entrepreneurship: Market Failure Reconsidered”, in D. Audretsch, I. Grilo, R. Thurik, Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

0 An exception to the yearly Work Programme is Horizon 2020, the programme for R&I under which the Work Programmes are published one every two years: the current Work Programme for H2020 covers the 2016-2017 period.

0 While third countries’ eligibility to participate in EU funding programmes varies according to the specific programme (and sub-programme), in most programmes the following are generally eligible:

  • Countries of the European Economic Area (EEA);

  • Countries at various stages of accession to the Union (candidate and potential candidates countries);

Countries interested by the European Neighbourhood Policy (i.e. border the EU, southward and eastwards)

0 Central Statistical Office of Poland, Czech Statistical Office, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Slovak Statistical Office (2016)

0 Authors are familiar with the fact, that there are various legal forms of business entities and therefore the actual amount of days required to start business may differ. However since this indicator is comparable across V4 countries we use it as a proxy variable for bureaucratic barriers of potential entrepreneurs with all its limitations

0 Silberstein, L., adjunct professor at Boston University School of Hospitality and Administration,, accessed on 28.01.2016

0 Gonzalo, F., senior researcher in Gonzo Marketing, www., accessed on 22.02.2016

0 CRM- Customer relation management

0 Google plans setting of terms for implementation in its search engines by development of smart phone applications. Hotels which do not have developed applications will lose their place in organic search

0 “Shitstorm” is a storm of indignation in a discussion on Social Media platforms (blogs, Twitter, Facebook) accompanied with insulting remarks aggressive, abusive, threatening or attacking statements about companies, institutions. Its distinguishing feature is the large number of subjective criticism in a short period of time.

0 The Ergo Insurance Group is an international insurance group. It is one of the largest insurance companies in Germany with offices in 30 countries (

0 In: Handelsblatt, 07.08.2011. Online:, checked 22.04.2015.

0 Online:, checked 26.04.2015.

0 Due to sales and market capitalization, Allianz SE is the world's largest insurance group and is represented in about 70 countries. The company's most important market is Germany with approximately 20 million customers. The Allianz Germany AG generated sales of around 30 billion euros in 2013 (

0 The transparency of the platform changed the scope of subjects. Allianz-helps is a Facebook application, a mobile website for Tablet / PC and available on Twitter. This makes it accessible to all customers, regardless of devices. On the website, there is an indication to the current response status with response times.

0 This includes, for example, the automated setting of the imprint, customer service applications with unique content of agents and a defined tab for videos from the YouTube channel of the Allianz.

0 The post engagement rate refers to the average user engagement that is realized by a single post. Thus, the Allianz has standardized comparable metrics for measuring success.

0 The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure that correlates with the success of the company (in certain sectors). The method was developed by Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.

0 ROPO effect means: Research online, purchase offline, is a trend in buying behaviour where customers research relevant product information to qualify their buying decision, before they actually decide to buy offline.

0 S/E Ratio was developed at the Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) in 2011. According to The Vatican (January 2015) it is now “the God metric … the most rapidly adopted social impact analysis metric in the world” (Lubov, 2015). The Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance ( has curated the use of S/E Ratio to develop many prodigy metrics in use today from measurement of social impact used in UK Social Value Act 2012 through Health & Wellbeing, Organisational Value, Freedom for Modern Slavery Act 2015, Ethical Leadership and even Personal Value (PV) launched at the end of 2015.

0 See also study by Kramin et al (Kramin, Fatkheiv, Kramin, & Grigoryev, 2015) regarding state-private partnership case.

0 in accordance with the data of the unified research and information portal of the State support of innovative development of business

0 Translation by the authors

0 EMES is an abbreviation for a French title of an extensive research focusing on the Emergence of Social Enterprises in Europe, 1996–1999. It originally identified a network of researchers within a research programme financed by the European Commission. Title of the research programme was quoted in projects dealing with social enterprises and social economy and later became a title of an international network. The society is aimed at linking knowledge of existing university research centres active in the area social economy and at gradual development of a European database of theoretic and empiric knowledge on social economy.

0 EMES Focus Areas. Focus Areas. Emes European Research Network [online]. [cit. 2015-08-04]. Available at:

0 CEE: Austria, Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Other CEE (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

0 All companies generated 73% of the Polish GDP in 2012.

0 Data for 2012.

0 Data for 2011.

0 Services: PL: 29.7%, EU-28: 41.2%; industry: PL: 29.6%, EU-28: 24.5%; trade: PL: 25.8%, EU-28: 22.9%; construction: PL: 14.9%, EU-28: 11.5%.

0 Buyouts resulting in a fund becoming the majority shareholder. Buyouts often comprise a company’s management whose shares are expected to provide incentives to work more efficiently. It is a common practice to access new markets, perceived as an opportunity for the acquired company to develop fast and allowing it to catch up quickly with other companies in the sector that have a competitive advantage in a particular area of economic activity.

0The most popular division in the EU-28 refers to the number of employees: a micro-entrepreneur employs 0–9 people, a small entrepreneur 10–49, a medium-sized one 50–249 and a large entrepreneur more than 250 people. According to the EVCA data, investors attracted by funds, nonetheless, prefer the following breakdown: 0–19; 20–99; 100–199; 200–249.

0 The SME sector raised EUR 5.1 bn for development in 2007 and EUR 5.7 bn in 2009 through venture capital.

0 Source: own calculations based on GEM data.

0 More precisely, early-stage entrepreneurs are defined as individuals aged 18-64 who are either currently actively involved in setting up a business they will own or co-own, or have already started a business but this business has not paid any wages or salaries etc. for more than 42 months. This is the definition used in the GEM project.

0 This may be explained by the fact that already before the outbreak of the economic crisis, in France, a comparably high unemployment rate was mixed with unfavorable institutional conditions for business start-ups and low trust in own capabilities to start a business among French.

0 Similar results are obtained from a model replacing the macro-level variables by country dummies and a multi-level model (not shown here). However, a likelihood-ratio test demonstrates that a multi-level specification is not necessary in our case. It may also be flawed due to the low number of observations on level-2 and their non-random selection.



0 According to Investopedia, “Accredited Investor is a term used by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under Regulation D to refer to investors who are financially sophisticated and have a reduced need for the protection provided by certain government lings. Accredited investors include individuals, banks, insurance companies, employee benefit plans, and trusts. In order for an individual to qualify as an accredited investor, he or she must accomplish at least one of the following:

1) earn an individual income of more than $200,000 per year, or a joint income of $300,000, in each of the last two years and expect to reasonably maintain the same level of income.

2) have a net worth exceeding $1 million, either individually or jointly with his or her spouse.

3) be a general partner, executive officer, director or a related combination thereof for the issuer of a security being offered. An employee benefit plan or a trust can be qualified as accredit investors if its total assets are in excess of $5 million.







0 based on the EU definition of small and medium enterprises. This category includes all enterprises with 0 – 250 employees and the turnover and/or the total balance sheet smaller than 50 mil. Eur.

0 NACE Rev. 2

0 Calculated from the Eurostat data for 2014

0 Economic activities and the symbols used: C- processing industry, F- building industry, G- wholesale and retail, repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles, J- IT and communication, L- real estate activities, N-administrative and supporting activities, M- specialized, scientific and technical activities.

0 Eurostat database – available at:

0 The indicator is included in the criteria of economic survival as reported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic in the Countryside Development Plan for the Slovak Republic, Annex D1.

0 Added value per employee

0 Patents are granted to inventors, i.e. to technical solutions which are results of inventor´s activities and which are new worldwide and can be utilized in the industry. This means that patentable inventions do not include discoveries or scientific theories, mathematical methods, aesthetic creations, plans, regulations and methods of performance of mental work, provision of information, computer programs, new plant and animal species or treatment methods for humans and animals.

0 The European patent applications relate to applications for protection of inventions submitted either directly to the European Patent Office (EPO), or under the Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT) and designed for EPO (Euro-PCT). The applications are counted regardless of whether the patent was granted or not. The data indicate the total number of patent applications for the individual countries. In case of several inventors from several countries the applications are counted proportionately to avoid duplicity.

0 The average number of hours corresponds to the number of hours normally worked by a worker. This includes all worked hours , including extra hours, either paid or unpaid. The number does not include time spent traveling between home and workplace or lunch break.

0 is defined as net entrepreneurial income (code ESA 2010: B.4n) minus usual taxes on the income (D.5PAY) divided by shares / certificates of investment from investment funds (AF.5) - liabilities. Detailed data and methodology are available at

0 The rate of gross investment of non-financial enterprises is defined as created gross fixed capital (code ESA 2010:P.51g) divided by gross added value (B.1g). This ratio relates investments made by non-financial enterprises into long-term assets (building, machinery etc.) to the added values created by the production process. Detailed data and methodology are available at:

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