Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Hollingsworth, Kent: The Kentucky Thoroughbred, noted, 84:234–35, 107:107:627; The Kentucky Thoroughbred, reviewed, 77:56–57

Hollingsworth, Lynne: book review by, 98:315–16; and Kenneth H. Williams, and James Russell Harris, eds., "Early Kentuckians and the New Nation: The Samuel McDowell Family Letters," 100:329–48

Hollingsworth, Mary A., 90:239–42

Hollingsworth, Randolph: book review by, 102:237–40; Lexington: Queen of the Bluegrass, reviewed, 102:403–4

Hollister, John, 82:53

Hollon, Morton, 107:413, 416

Holly, John, 83:5–6, 16–17

Hollybush: Folk Building and Social Change in an Appalachian Community, by Charles E. Martin: reviewed, 83:142–43

Holly Springs, Miss.: and the Vicksburg campaign, 103:642, 647

Hollywood, Calif., 100:195–200; depiction of Ky. in film, 98:367–83; depiction of women in film, 98:405–28; effects on culture, 98:406–7

Hollywood as Historian: American Film in a Cultural Context, edited by Peter C. Rollins: reviewed, 82:107–8

Hollywood Cemetery (Richmond, Va.): and Jefferson Davis, 107:145, 208–9

Hollywood Cemetery; The History of a Southern Shrine, by Mary H. Mitchell: noted, 85:100

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies, by Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black: reviewed, 86:194–95

Hollywood History of the World: From One Million Years B. C. to Apocalypse Now, by George MacDonald Fraser: reviewed, 88:108–10

Hollywood Ten, 104:541–42

Holman, C. Hugh: The Immoderate Past: The Southern Writer and History, reviewed, 78:276–79

Holman, Jessee L.: The Prisoners of Niagara or Errors of Education: A New Novel Founded on Fact, reviewed, 74:58–59

Holmberg, James J., 99:391; book reviews by, 100:351–52, 101:109–10; ed., Dear Brother: Letters of William Clark to Jonathan Clark, reviewed, 100:201–2; Into the Wilderness: The Lewis and Clark Expedition, listed, 102:151

Holmes, Andrew, 75:180; and location of state capital in Frankfort, 104:250, 261

Holmes, Burton, 97:35

Holmes, Donald, 88:146

Holmes, Helen, 88:332

Holmes, Jack D. L., 74:245

Holmes, John Haynes, 96:363

Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr., 74:238, 77:35, 92:408, 98:197, 104:461, 479, 482

Holmes, Oliver Wendell Sr., 73:337, 92:408

Holmes, Robert, 81:124

Holmes, Theophilus, 101:449

Holmes, William F., 76:319; book reviews by, 79:290–92, 89:218–19

Holms, —— (1803), 100:342

Holocaust, 95:138–39, 153, 178, 180; analogy of Vietnam War, 102:355

Holocaust: The Documentary Evidence, compiled by Robert Wolfe: noted, 93:254

Holsen, John, 85:214

Holsteiner, George Michael: . see Stoner, Michael

Holston River, 79:252

Holston River (N.C.): valley of, 72:279

Holt, Andrew, 73:423

Holt, Ann, 106:381

Holt, Eleanor K. Stephens: family of, 106:375–76

Holt, Eleanor (Stephens), 97:2

Holt, Elizabeth, 106:376

Holt, Hamilton, 96:363

Holt, Ivan Lee, 76:119

Holt, James, 106:381; correspondence of Joseph Holt with, 106:405–6

Holt, J. Lawrence, 94:160

Holt, John, 97:2

Holt, John W.: career of, 106:375–76

Holt, Joseph, 75:197, 80:286–87, 290, 103:540, 106:577; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:373–407; article about, 106:300–302; and the Democratic Party, 106:382–88, 390, 394; family of, 106:375–76, 379–82; and Henry Clay, 106:389; illus., 106:375, 399; and Joshua Fry Speed, 106:438; and the judge advocate general's department, 97:1–25; nullification, 106:389; and Robert J. Breckinridge, 106:387; as secretary of war, 106:386–88, 390–91, 393–94, 406; and slavery, 106:376–78, 397–402; support for Richard Mentor Johnson, 106:385, 398–99; and Unionism, 106:388–92, 394, 396–97, 401

Holt, Len: CORE, 104:233, 236

Holt, Margaret Wickliffe, 97:2, 106:381; slaves of, 106:400–401

Holt, Marilyn Irvin: Mamie Doud Eisenhower: The General's First Lady, reviewed, 106:146–49

Holt, Mary Harrison, 97:2; death of, 106:381

Holt, Michael F., 101:427, 106:504; Political Parties and American Political Development from the Age of Jackson to the Age of Lincoln, reviewed, 91:340–42

Holt, Richard, 106:376, 381

Holt, Robert S., 97:7, 106:388, 405, 407; correspondence with Joseph Holt, 106:381–82, 392–94

Holt, Thomas, 106:376, 381

Holt, Thomas H.: correspondence with Joseph Holt, 106:380

Holt, W. Garrard, 94:160

Holt, William H., 93:414

Holt house (Breckinridge County, Ky.): construction of, 106:376; illus., 106:380

Holton, John A., 89:243

Holton, Mrs. Robert: slaves of, 101:291

Holton, Robert: slaves of, 101:287

"Holt's Bottom" (Breckinridge County, Ky.), 106:375

Holy Alliance (1815), 72:143–44, 152, 154–55, 161, 107:564; end of, 107:566; and the Greek revolution, 107:564–65; and Latin American revolutions, 107:555, 559

Holy Cross (Washington County, Ky.), 101:287

Holy Cross parish (Loretto, Ky.), 97:131

Holy Profane, The: Religion in Black Popular Music, by Teresa Reed: reviewed, 101:227–29

"Holy Rollers," by Thomas D. Clark, 103:93–108

Holzer, Harold: et al., The Lincoln Image: Abraham Lincoln and the Popular Print, reviewed, 82:409–10; and John Y. Simon and Dawn Vogel, eds., Lincoln Revisited: New Insights from the Lincoln Forum, 107:110–12; "Lincoln and Washington: The Printmakers Blessed Their Union," 75:204–13; Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made Abraham Lincoln President, reviewed, 102:108–9; and Mark E. Neely Jr., and Gabor S. Boritt, The Confederate Image: Prints of the Lost Cause, reviewed, 86:189–90; and Mark E. Neely Jr., Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: The Civil War in Art, reviewed, 92:326–27

Holzinger, Colonel —, 81:242–43, 246

Holzweiss, Robert F.: book review by, 105:560–62

Home, John, 100:45

Home Builders Association of Louisville (Louisville, Ky.), 107:77

home demonstration clubs, in Ballard County, 96:137–66

Home from Siberia: The Secret Odysseys of Interned American Airmen in World War II, by Otis Hays Jr.: reviewed, 89:114–15

Home Front, The: War Years in Britain, 1939–1945, by Susan Briggs: reviewed, 74:351–54

Home Guards, 108:55; in Henderson, Ky., 103:670

Home Missionary Society, 72:323

Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC), 80:327, 90:281

Homes in the Heartland: Balloon Frame Farmhouses of the Upper Midwest, 1850–1920, by Fred W. Peterson: noted, 92:125–26

Homestead Air Force Base (Fla.), 102:4

Home Voices, edited by Mark Lucas: noted, 89:433

homicide: in nineteenth century Ky., 81:134–53

Honest Miller of Simpson County, by A. B. Broderson: noted, 92:344–45

Honest Yankee, The: performance of, 76:268

Honhart, Fred: book note by, 93:382

Honolulu, Hawaii, 100:196

Honorable Justice: The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, by Sheldon M. Novick: reviewed, 88:356–58

Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels: and Charles S. Todd, 105:196

Honor and Slavery, by Kenneth S. Greenberg: reviewed, 94:435–37

Hood, Andrew: frontier station of, 92:141; state capital relocation issue, 104:257; station of, 107:14

Hood, Fred J.: Reformed America: The Middle and Southern States, 1783–1837, reviewed, 80:346–47

Hood, James Larry, 80:80, 97:341; book notes by, 81:111–12, 84:106, 86:407–8, 88:369; book reviews by, 76:62–64, 80:243–45; "For the Union: Kentucky's Unconditional Unionist Congressmen and the Development of the Republican Party in Kentucky, 1863–1865," 76:197–215; "Marching to Zion: Christianity and Progressivism in Nelson and Washington Counties, Kentucky," 87:144–61; Restless Heart: Kentucky's Search for Individual Liberty and Community, noted, 108:443; "The Union and Slavery: Congressman Brutus J. Clay of the Bluegrass," 75:214–21; Visions of Zion: Christianity, Modernization, and the American Pursuit of Liberty: Progressivism in Rural Nelson and Washington Counties, Kentucky, reviewed, 103:774–76

Hood, John Bell, 74:288–89, 296, 76:333, 94:165–66, 97:174

Hood, Major ——, 89:7, 14, 15

Hood's Station, Clark County, Ky., 92:140–41, 107:14

Hook, Charles, 97:414–15, 441

Hook, George: identity of, 103:497; and Matthew Kennedy, 103:495–96

Hooker, Joseph: evaluation of, 101:456

Hoosier Regiment in Dixie, by Arville L. Funk: reviewed, 77:212–14

Hoover, Blacks & Lily Whites: A Study of Southern Strategies, by Donald J. Lisio: reviewed, 84:336–37

Hoover, Herbert, 72:289, 412, 73:156, 74:122, 79:163, 338–39, 344, 81:31, 42, 82:169, 84:147–48, 90:266, 271, 280, 348, 92:186, 191, 195, 198, 97:47, 104:474; economic policies of, 104:424; on federal regulation of broadcasting, 75:343; political philosophy of, 105:463–64

Hoover, Herbert Jr., 82:53

Hoover, J. Edgar, 82:360; Ed Prichard's evaluation of, 104:475–76; and immigration policy, 104:483–84; and POW security issue, 105:448

Hope, Bob: illus., 100:196

Hope, John S., 94:156

Hope Dies Last: Keeping the Faith in Difficult Times, by Studs Terkel: reviewed, 101:387–89

Hopeful Lutheran Church (Florence, Ky.), 91:48

Hopemont (home of John Wesley Hunt, Lexington, Ky.), 74:233, 76:57, 97:384, 391–93

Hopewell, Ky., 94:22, 98:383

Hopewell, Timmy: illus., 105:21

Hopewell Museum (Paris, Ky.): exhibition on African Americans, 105:416

Hopkins, Harry, 80:317, 84:166, 168; 1933 report to on eastern Ky., 78:55–63

Hopkins, James F., 82:72, 93:86, 100:428, 103:65; book reviews by, 76:236–38, 79:369–71, 80:444–46, 81:89–92, 82:391–92; A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky, noted, 97:236; and Mary W. M. Hargreaves, eds., The Papers of Henry Clay, vol. 6, reviewed, 81:199–200; and Mary W. M. Hargreaves, The Papers of Henry Clay, vol. 5, Secretary of State, 1826, reviewed, 72:418–20; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:346; Thomas D. Clark letters to, 103:393–94, 427

Hopkins, Jerry: book review by, 78:174–76

Hopkins, Larry L., 90:85, 275–76

Hopkins, Samuel: support for William Henry Harrison, 105:201

Hopkins, Stephen, 72:403

Hopkins County, Ky., 73:164, 99:346, 355; and Steven L. Beshear, 106:3; temperance league in, 75:34

Hopkinsianism, 74:105

Hopkinsville (Ky.) Kentuckian, 81:411, 90:173–74, 175; on Night Riders, 82:242, 244, 249

Hopkinsville (Ky.) New Era: on Night Riders, 82:249

Hopkinsville, Ky., 72:11, 127, 353, 73:369, 74:77, 308, 75:80–81, 90, 128, 89:382, 90:173, 93:61, 94:140, 95:396, 97:160, 170, 365, 98:287–89, 99:5, 8, 34, 123, 348, 107:163; Confederate volunteers in, 103:673; economic impact of Civil War on, 103:672–73; Ned Breathitt's law office in, 104:580; during World War II, 100:127, 129–38, 153

Hord, Lysander, 95:379

Horine, Emmet Field, 81:62

Horizon Concise History of Mexico, The, by Victor Alba: reviewed, 72:77–79

Horn, Tammy: Bees in America: How the Honey Bee Shaped a Nation, noted, 104:816

Hornady, H. C., 79:224

Hornback, Nancy, 90:54

Hornblower, Joseph C., 80:281

Horne, Lena, 96:277

Hornellsville, N.Y.: Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:654

Hornet (steamboat), 95:377

Hornsby, Henry, 88:173

Hornsey, T. A.: gifts to Ky. Historical Society, 101:14

Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, 89:70, 93:151; Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures from the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present, noted, 87:95–96

Horowitz, Roger: Putting Meat on the American Table: Taste, Technology, Transformation, reviewed, 104:205–7

Horrall, Stanley W.: The Pictorial History of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, reviewed, 72:196–98

Horrell, C. William: Land Between the Rivers: The Southern Illinois Country, reviewed, 72:73–74

Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture, by Robert C. Allen: reviewed, 89:415–16

Horse Branch (Ohio County, Ky.), 101:313; Perguson family in, 101:298

Horse Cave, Ky., 100:153; telegraphic communication during Civil War, 108:23

Horse Guards: London, England, 108:195

Horse in America, by John Gilmer Speed: noted, 81:112

Horseman & Fair World, 77:284

"Horse Owners in Kentucky in 1800," by Lee Soltow, 79:203–10

Horse People: Thoroughbred Culture in Lexington & Newmarket, by Rebecca Cassidy: reviewed, 105:683–84

horses: Clay family breeding and racing of, 100:473–96; horse farms, 90:258; Ky. owners in 1800, 79:203–10; racing industry, 98:370–72; training of, 108:173–211; . see also standardbreds; thoroughbreds; trotters

Horses at Work: Harnessing Power in Industrial America, by Ann Norton Greene: reviewed, 106:282–85

Horse Sense and Humor in Kentucky, by Eslie Asbury: noted, 80:251

Horse World of the Bluegrass, by Mary E. Wharton and Edward L. Bowen: noted, 80:481–82

Horsman, Reginald, 104:123; book reviews by, 83:274–75, 86:185–86, 107:609–10; Feast or Famine: Food and Drink in American Westward Expansion, reviewed, 106:243–45; Josiah Nott of Mobile: Southerner, Physician, and Racial Theorist, reviewed, 86:80–82

Horton, Edward W. Jr., 83:109, 115–16, 119

Horton, James Oliver: and Lois F. Horton, Slavery and the Making of America, review essay, 103:727–41

Horton, Lois F.: and James Oliver Horton, Slavery and the Making of America, review essay, 103:727–41

Horton, Louise: book reviews by, 75:155–57, 78:65–67; "General Samuel Bell Maxey Prepares for the Invasion of Kentucky, Fall 1862," 79:122–35; In the Hills of the Pennyroyal: A History of Allen County, Kentucky From 1815–1880, reviewed, 74:329–31; Samuel Bell Maxey—A Biography, reviewed, 73:85, 86

Horvath, David: and Beverly W. Brannan, eds., A Kentucky Album: Farm Security Administration Photographs, 1935–1943, reviewed, 85:71–72

Horwitz, Lester V.: The Longest Raid of the Civil War, reviewed, 99:396–98

Horwitz, Tony, 107:251; Confederates in the Attic, 107:214, 242

Hoskins, Patricia: book review by, 106:110–11

Hoskins, William A., 72:20, 23–24, 27–28, 31, 33, 36

Hosmer, Charles, 96:380

Hotaling, Edward: They're Off! Horse Racing at Saratoga, reviewed, 94:77–78

Hotchkiss, William A., 73:301

Hotel Nakatosh (Natchitoches, Miss.), 101:87

Hotel St. Charles (Owensboro, Ky.), 77:7

Hoten camp, Philippines, 86:261–62

Hoth, David R.: and George H. Hoemann, and Harold D. Moser, eds., The Papers of Andrew Jackson, vol. 4, 1816–1820, reviewed, 93:98–99

Houchen, Mrs. John, 85:216

Houchens, Hubert, 85:219

Houchens, Mariam Sidebottom: History of Owen County, Kentucky: "Sweet Owen," reviewed, 76:154–55

Houchins, ——: and Mammoth Cave, 81:383

Houdon, Jean Antoine, 75:206

Hough, Emerson, 80:440

Hough, Joseph, 72:398–99, 401

Houk, John C., 98:95

Houk, L. C., 98:97

Houke, Kathleen: compiler, The Dark Side of Hopkinsville: Stories by Ted Poston, reviewed, 90:187–89

Houlihan, Edward T., 73:97; ed., Six Sketches of Kentucky: From the Pamphlets of J. Winston Coleman Jr., reviewed, 95:93–94

Houlihan, Robert, 104:525

Hounds on the Mountains, 97:113

Hourigan, Kenneth M., 86:265, 268

House, Charles: The Outrageous Life of Henry Faulkner: Portrait of an Appalachian Artist, reviewed, 86:378–79

House Committee on Education: Kentucky General Assembly, 72:346

House Committee on Suffrage and Elections: Kentucky General Assembly, 72:347

House Divided: Sectionalism and Civil War, 1848–1865, by Richard H. Sewell: reviewed, 86:385–86

Household magazine: on marriage issues, 93:70

House of Abraham: Lincoln and the Todds, a Family Divided by War, by Stephen Berry: review essay, 106:434–35, 467–69

House of Percy: Honor, Melancholy, and Imagination in a Southern Family, by Bertram Wyatt-Brown: reviewed, 93:373–74

Houses From Books: Treatises, Pattern Books, and Catalogs in American Architecture, 1738–1950: A History and Guide, by Daniel D. Reiff: reviewed, 99:183–85

House Ways and Means Committee, 104:501

Houston (Tex.) Post: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:307

Houston, Charles H., 89:357

Houston, John B., 75:215

Houston, Mrs. H. H., 89:155

Houston, Prudence, 94:38

Houston, Russell: land development by, 107:60

Houston, Sam, 81:239, 245, 248, 97:168; and Denton Offutt, 108:193, 198; during the secession crisis, 106:433

Houston, Tex.: George A. Ellsworth in, 108:12, 18–19

Houston, Texas, 74:17; American Missionary Association ministers in, 105:636; black branch library in, 93:161, 174

Houston Seminary (Paris, Ky.), 73:139–41

Hovey, Benjamin, 72:38

Hovey, Horace C., 77:262

Howard, Barry, 76:311

Howard, Berry, 98:99

Howard, Charles T., 87:415

Howard, Clyde B., 78:253

Howard, Ebenezer, 107:58

Howard, Elizabeth B.: book reviews by, 72:64–66, 74:69, 70, 75:158–59, 76:57–59

Howard, Ellen Key, 76:58

Howard, James B., 76:311–12

Howard, Jim, 99:158

Howard, John, 79:129, 81:124, 98:376

Howard, John Tasker: and the Book Thieves, 103:58

Howard, Leslie, 98:420

Howard, Oliver O., 84:346, 349–50, 354–55, 91:407, 98:159; and Berea College, 105:636

Howard, Oscar, 81:291, 294–95, 297

Howard, Victor B., 72:307, 80:77, 90:183–84, 105:392–93; Black Liberation in Kentucky: Emancipation and Freedom, 1862–1884, reviewed, 82:78–79; book note by, 86:99; book reviews by, 73:77–79, 74:140, 141, 76:157–59, 77:300–302, 79:392–94, 81:92–94, 83:78–79, 98:117–19; Conscience and Slavery: The Evangelistic Calvinist Domestic Missions, 1837–1861, reviewed, 89:309; The Evangelical War against Slavery and Race: The Life and Times of John G. Fee, reviewed, 95:79–85; "James Madison Pendleton: A Southern Crusader Against Slavery," 74:192–215; Lincoln article by, 106:300; "Lincoln Slave Policy in Kentucky: A Study of Pragmatic Strategy," 80:281–308; "Negro Politics and the Suffrage Question in Kentucky, 1866–1872," 72:111–33; Religion and the Radical Republican Movement, 1860–1870, reviewed, 89:217–18; "The Kentucky Presbyterians in 1849: Slavery and the Kentucky Constitution," 73:217–40

Howard Female College (Gallatin, Tenn.), 99:293

Howard-Pitney, David: book review by, 103:560–61

Howards Creek (Ky.), 72:238

Howard University (Washington, D.C.), 93:177, 99:20, 374–76

Howard W. Odum's Folklore Odyssey: Transformation to Tolerance through African American Folk Studies, by Lynn Moss Sanders: reviewed, 103:818–19

Howarth, John, 92:44

How Democracies Perish, by Jean-Francois Revel: reviewed, 83:379–80

Howe, Abraham, 76:279

Howe, Albert, 98:354

Howe, Barbara J.: and Emory L. Kemp, eds., Public History: An Introduction, noted, 85:285

Howe, Daniel Walker: The Political Culture of the American Whigs, reviewed, 79:187–89; What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848, reviewed, 106:254–56

Howe, Edward, 76:278–79

Howe, Ezra: Paris Female Academy of, 73:140

Howe, Frederic, 77:40

Howe, Jacob, 76:274

Howe, John, 75:163

Howe, Richard, 105:256

Howe, Samuel Gridley, 72:150, 165, 167, 169

Howe, W. T. H.: book collection of, 103:59; and the Book Thieves, 103:58

Howell, Jeff Davis, 107:404

Howell, Jeffy D., 73:424

Howell, Jerry Funce, 107:408–9; and the War on Poverty in Breathitt County, Ky., 107:413

Howell, Robert B., 74:206, 207

Howell, Treva Louise: testimony to U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor, 107:414–16; and the War on Poverty in Breathitt County, Ky., 107:403–4, 408, 411, 413

Howell, William Hunting: book review by, 105:484–86

Howell, W. R., 75:116

Howells, William Dean, 76:254

How Far the Promised Land? World Affairs and the American Civil Rights Movement from the First World War to Vietnam, by Jonathan Rosenberg: reviewed, 105:146–48

"How Historical Archaeology Works: A Case Study of Slave Houses at Locust Grove," by Amy Lambeck Young, Philip J. Carr, and Joseph E. Granger, 96:167–91

Howlett, Andy, 98:170–71

How Much Is That in Real Money? A Historical Price Index for Use as a Deflator of Money Values in the Economy of the United States, by John J. McCusker: noted, 92:447–48

How New York Became American, 1890-1924, by Angela M. Blake: reviewed, 105:322–24

How Old Are You? Age Consciousness in American Culture, by Howard P. Chudacoff: reviewed, 89:231–32

Howorth, Lisa: comp., Yellow Dogs, Hushpuppies, and Bluetick Hounds: The Official Encyclopedia of Southern Culture Quiz Book, noted, 95:117

How Race is Made: Slavery, Segregation, and the Senses, by Mark M. Smith: reviewed, 104:318–20

How the North Won: A Military History of the Civil War, by Herman Hattaway and Archer Jones: reviewed, 82:93–94

How the Vote Was Won: Woman Suffrage and the Western United States, 1868–1914, by Rebecca J. Mead: reviewed, 102:248–50

How the West Was Lost: The Transformation of Kentucky from Daniel Boone to Henry Clay, by Stephen Aron, 105:49–50; reviewed, 94:422–23

"How to Stay Elected: A Story of Local Political Success," by J. B. Shannon, 79:162–74

How We Talked and Common Folks, by Verna Mae Slone: reviewed, 107:267–69

How Young Ladies Became Girls: The Victorian Origins of American Girlhood, by Jane H. Hunter: reviewed, 101:526–27

Hoy, Jones, 107:12–13

Hoy, Thomas P.: biographical sketch of, 105:591; Ky. Regiment, 105:588

Hoyle, Lydia Huffman: book review by, 101:341–43

Hoy's Station, Ky.: frontier agriculture at, 107:12

Hrisko, Peter: They Can't Take That Away from Me: The Odyssey of an American POW, reviewed, 101:189–92

Huang, Nian-Sheng: Benjamin Franklin in American Thought and Culture, 1790-1990, reviewed, 94:74–76

Hubbard, A. H., 72:114

Hubbard, Carroll, 99:218

Hubbard, Harlan: Shantyboat: A River Way of Life, reviewed, 77:242–44; Shantyboat Journal, noted, 93:126–27

Hubbard, John Milton, 73:24

Hubbard, Preston John: Apocalypse Undone: My Survival of Japanese Imprisonment in World War II, reviewed, 89:320–21

Hubbell, John T., 74:348; book review by, 80:349–51; ed., "Stand By the Colors: The Civil War Letters of Leander Stem," 73:171–94, 291–313, 396–415; and James W. Geary, eds., Biographical Dictionary of the Union: Northern Leaders of the Civil War, reviewed, 94:192–93

Huber, Patrick: Linthead Stomp: The Creation of Country Music in the Piedmont South, reviewed, 106:288–91

Hubert, Pooley, 97:433

Hubert, Thomas S., 91:169, 170

Huddleston, Edwin, 104:466

Huddleston, Eugene L.: Uncle Sam's Locomotives: The USRA and the Nation's Railroads, reviewed, 100:546–47

Huddleston, Walter D., 83:62, 99:27, 216, 104:475, 500

Hudson, Charles: and Robbie Ethridge, eds., The Transformation of the Southeastern Indians, 1540–1760, reviewed, 100:360–62

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