King, Rufus, 74:261, 264, 266–69, 271, 273–75; and Federalist Party, 74:280
King, Rufus A., 100:199
King, Samuel Alexander, 74:110, 111
King, Thomas Butler, 79:111
King, William H., 95:39
King, William Montgomery, 74:108, 110
King, Wilma: Stolen Childhood: Slave Youth in Nineteenth-Century America, reviewed, 94:315–17
King and Queen County, Va., 73:106
Kingdom Come: Fact or Fantasy?, by Marie Frazier Day: reviewed, 82:82–83
Kingdom of Mathias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in 19th-Century America, by Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz: reviewed, 93:102–3
Kingdom Within: A Spiritual Autobiography, by Jesse Stuart: reviewed, 78:172–73
Kingfish and His Realm: The Life and Times of Huey P. Long, by William Ivy Hair: reviewed, 90:313–14
King Rene (horse), 100:490
Kingsbury, Cyrus, 91:266, 267, 268
Kingsbury, Henry Walter, 97:282
King's Daughter (horse), 100:493
Kingseed, Cole C.: Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis of 1956, reviewed, 94:96–98
King's Lancers Cavalry Regiment (Spanish): attacks Ky. Regiment, 105:609–11
Kingsland, Sharon E.: book review by, 103:608–10
King's Mountain (N.C.), 74:244
Kings Mountain (N.C.): battle of, 72:236, 279
King's Mountain (N.C.): battle of, 73:343, 75:316
Kingsport, Tenn., 72:226, 83:306
Kingsport, Tennessee: A Planned American City, by Margaret Ripley Wolfe: reviewed, 86:190–92
King's Three Faces, The: The Rise and Fall of Royal America, 1688-1776, by Brendan McConville: reviewed, 105:99–100
Kingston, N.Y.: subdivisions in, 107:64
Kingston, Tenn.: Civil War skirmish at, 108:21
Kinkade, Samuel, 78:116
Kinkead, George B., 81:361–62
Kinkead, Shelby C., 99:28
Kinnaird, R. L., 75:37
Kinnaird, Robert B.: Ky. Historical Society director, 101:36–37, 44
Kinnaman, A. J., 86:30, 34, 42, 43
Kinnard, Douglas: President Eisenhower and Strategy Management: A Study in Defense Politics, reviewed, 76:255–57
Kinnard, Harry: reaction to George C. Herring's work, 102:341
Kinnell, Susan: and Jessica Brown, eds., Women in American History: A Bibliography, vol. 2, noted, 84:238
Kinner, Stephen Gerard, 72:259–60
Kinney, F. S., 78:226
Kinney, Lewis, 98:57, 58
Kinney, William: compensated emancipation, 106:600
Kinsolving, H. B. Jr., 84:372, 374–75, 382–84, 388
Kiowa Indians, 95:229
Kirby, Captain ——, 73:292, 308
Kirby, Isaac M., 73:176, 191, 300, 399, 412
Kirby, Jack Temple, 94:265; book reviews by, 80:240–41, 85:377–78; Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, 1920–1960, reviewed, 85:381–83
Kirby, Jesse, 87:19
Kirby, Martha Burnam, 87:19
Kirby, Maurice, 88:433
Kirby, William F., 95:39
Kirchhoff, Theodor, 81:383–84, 384–406
Kirchhubel, Dorothy, 79:336
Kirk, Elise K.: Music at the White House: A History of the American Spirit, reviewed, 85:359–62
Kirk, Naomi: work on George Keats, 106:43–45, 64, 67
Kirk, W. Astor: and the War on Poverty in Breathitt County, Ky., 107:410–11
Kirkendall, Richard S.: book reviews by, 79:198–200, 82:313–14, 84:94–95, 85:69–70, 87:87–88
Kirkham, F. Bruce: The Building of Uncle Tom's Cabin, reviewed, 78:162–64
Kirkpatrick, ——, 85:351, 353
Kirkpatrick, James: bail hearing in Louisville lynching case, 102:378; Louisville police chief, 102:371
Kirov, Russia, 72:83
Kirshenbaum, Jerry, 84:75
Kirwan, A. D., 80:87, 84:58, 64–65; illus., 103:345, 387; South since Appomattox , 103:229–31; Thomas D. Clark letters to, 103:229–31, 246–47, 362, 386–88, 430, 449, 457–58
Kisacky, Jeanne: book review by, 105:700–701
Kisch, Josef, 95:154, 155
Kise, William C., 96:238, 239
Kiser, Thelma Scott, 74:323; book review by, 77:141–42
Kiskis, Michael J.: book reviews by, 105:502–3, 713–15, 108:147–48
Kisler, Ben, 92:59
Kisler, Frank, 92:59
Kisseloff, Jeff: Generation on Fire: Voices of Protest from the 1960s, an Oral History, reviewed, 105:765–67
Kissinger, Charles Clark: Seems Like Yesterday: A Surgeon's Odyssey, noted, 86:406
Kissinger, Henry, 73:390, 100:3, 105:471; and Vietnam War, 102:332, 346–49
Kith and Kin: A Portrait of a Southern Family, 1630–1934, by Carolyn L. Harrell: reviewed, 82:399–400
Kittredge, G. L., 73:71
Kittridge, George Lyman, 80:141
Kitty Clive (horse), 100:492
Kiwanis Clubs: in Corbin, Ky., 81:26, 29–30; in Lexington, Ky., 88:174, 91:194
Kiyota, Minoru: Case of Japanese Americans during World War II, The: Suppression of Civil Liberty, reviewed, 102:261–62
Kizer, Allen, 108:92
Kizer Station, Ky.: during Civil War, 108:92
Kjelland, Brittany, 100:329
Klair, William F. ("Billy"), 84:28, 33, 50; during the Great Depression, 90:256, 259, 260, 262, 264, 265, 266, 279; political organization of, 104:414, 510
Klapeke, Harry: and the truck deal, 104:574
Klass, Raymond: Mammoth Cave National Park: Reflections, noted, 104:807
Kleber, John E., 84:69, 97:92; "As Luck Would Have It: An Overeview of Lawrence W. Wetherby as Governor, 1950–1955," 84:397–421; book reviews by, 77:63–65, 91:331–33, 93:213–14, 99:402–3; ed., The Kentucky Encyclopedia, reviewed, 90:380–83; ed., The Public Papers of Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, reviewed, 82:176–77; The Encyclopedia of Louisville, reviewed, 99:385–92; illus., 106:472; "Judgement of Future Events, The: Kentucky Embraces Abraham Lincoln, its Native Son," 106:471–77; Lincoln bicentennial presentation by, 106:301, 303; "Myth and Reality in Kentucky History," 90:45–63; Thomas D. Clark of Ky.: An Uncommon Life in the Commonwealth, reviewed, 101:319–21
Klee, John: book note by, 90:220; book review by, 89:203–4; oral history projects of, 104:621
Klein, Mary, 76:333
Klein, Maury: The Life and Legend of Jay Gould, reviewed, 85:274–75
Kleinberg, S. J.: Widows and Orphans First: The Family Economy and Social Welfare Policy, 1880–1939, reviewed, 104:340–41
Klement, Frank L., 97:1; Dark Lanterns: Secret Political Societies, Conspiracies, and Treason Trials in the Civil War, reviewed, 83:278–79
Klepp, Susan E.: Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in America, 1760-1820, reviewed, 108:394–96
Kliebard, Herbert M., 93:195
Kline family, 79:18
Klingaman, William K.: 1929: The Year of the Great Crash, noted, 88:242
Klooster, David J.: and Russell Duncan, eds., Phantoms of a Blood-Stained Period: The Complete Civil War Writings of Ambrose Bierce, reviewed, 101:152–54
Klotter, James C., 76:307, 309, 86:62, 92:252, 98:240, 257, 341, 101:450, 103:525, 105:387, 107:183; 88:33, 88:461–62; on Abraham Lincoln and Ky., 106:470; book notes by, 78:193–94, 79:202, 80:116, 366, 479–80, 482, 81:111, 114, 234–36, 339–40, 342, 462–63, 82:208, 209–10, 318, 320, 83:89, 169–70, 84:236, 86:93, 312, 87:196–97, 88:244, 89:118–19, 235, 93:253–54; book reviews by, 73:80–82, 417–19, 74:126–28, 143, 144, 255, 256, 323–25, 75:325–26, 76:55–57, 78:69–70, 79:78–80, 81:434–35, 86:78–79, 87:64–66, 162–63, 91:423–25, 92:316–18, 97:451–53, 104:165–67; The Breckinridges of Kentucky, 1760–1981, reviewed, 85:262–63; "Clio in the Commonwealth: The Status of Kentucky History," 80:65–88; ed., Human Tradition in the New South, noted, 104:808–9; ed., Our Kentucky: A Study of the Bluegrass State, reviewed, 91:77–79; ed., The Public Papers of Governor Simeon Willis, 1943–1947, reviewed, 87:61–62; Governor's Award, 105:277–78; Human Tradition in the Old South, The, noted, 103:845; illus., 101:36, 105:91; and John W. Muir, "Boss Ben Johnson, the Highway Commission, and Kentucky Politics, 1927–1937," 84:18–50; Kentucky Justice, Southern Honor, and American Manhood: Understanding the Life and Death of Richard Reid, reviewed, 101:493–95; Ky. Historical Society director, 101:37, 39, 44; and Lowell H. Harrison, A New History of Kentucky, reviewed, 96:307–14; "Moving Kentucky into the Twenty-first Century: Where Should We Go From Here?," 97:83–112; oral history involvement of, 104:629; Register editor, 101:2; resignation, 101:41; "Two Centuries of the Lottery in Kentucky," 87:405–25; William Goebel: The Politics of Wrath, reviewed, 77:137–38
Klunder, Willard Carl: Lewis Cass and the Politics of Moderation, reviewed, 94:439–40
K'Meyer, Tracy E., 104:213–15, 666; book reviews by, 99:324–25, 101:387–89, 107:134–35, 461–62; and Catherine Fosl, Freedom on the Border: An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement in Kentucky, reviewed, 107:266–67; Civil Rights in the Gateway to the South: Louisville, Kentucky, 1945-1980, reviewed, 108:115–17; essay on oral history, 104:391–93; illus., 105:279; "Louisville Civil Rights Movement's Response to the Southern Red Scare," 104:217–48; "Oral History Method and Theory Today–A Review Essay and Commentary," 104:685–98; Richard H. Collins Award, 105:279–80
Knapp, Charles Merriam: University of Ky., 103:17
Knapp, Mr. ——, 80:201
Knapp, Seaman A., 92:267
Knecht, William, 72:425
Knepper, George W.: Ohio and Its People, noted, 102:279–80
Knepper, Paul, 97:98; book note by, 94:105; book review by, 92:342–43; "Thomas Jefferson, Criminal Code Reform, and the Founding of the Kentucky Penitentiary at Frankfort," 91:129–49
Knicely, Carroll, 99:222–23, 240–43
Knight, Charles H., 79:154
Knight, Frederick C.: Working the Diaspora: The Impact of African Labour on the Anglo-American World, 1650-1850, reviewed, 107:581–83
Knight, John, 83:98; depiction of Simon Girty, 102:527
Knight, Louise W.: Citizen: Jane Addams and the Struggle for American Democracy, reviewed, 104:169–70
Knight, Thomas, 100:46
Knight, V. M., 97:4
Knight, W. T.: Ky. Regiment, 105:588, 604, 608–10
Knightsbridge (London, England): John S. Rarey at, 108:195
Knights of Columbus, 92:177, 178, 180, 185, 189, 96:299
Knights of Labor, 73:154, 86:218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 227; and the Louisville woolen mills strike, 82:136–50
Knights of Pythias Hall (Clarksville, Tenn.), 92:72
Knights of Temperance, 75:28
Knights of the Golden Rule: The Intellectual as Christian Social Reformer in the 1890s, by Peter J. Frederick: reviewed, 76:254–55
Knob Creek, Ky.: Lincoln family at, 106:310, 315, 316, 318, 351, 473, 484–89
Knob Lick (Metcalfe County, Ky.), 72:233, 279–80, 98:389
Knobs (Boyle County, Ky.), 106:413
Knobs (Ky,), 72:274
Knobs (Ky.), 76:226–27
Knock, Mr. ——, 77:161
Knopp, Otto, 95:152
Knott, Clark H.: biographical sketch of, 105:594–95; Ky. Regiment, 105:600
Knott, Claudia: book review by, 93:361–62
Knott, John R.: book review by, 101:115–18
Knott, J. Proctor, 75:112, 114–15, 78:227, 80:428, 430, 86:220–21, 87:420, 96:49–51, 105:407; illus., 104:264; state capital relocation issue, 104:265–66
Knott, Maria, 77:1
Knott, Richard W., 78:332, 95:32
Knott, Sarah: Sensibility and the American Revolution, reviewed, 107:95–96
Knott County, Ky., 93:186, 97:113, 107:315; coal mining in, 107:317–18; community-action programs in, 107:388–89; illus., 107:391; Robert F. Kennedy's visit to, 107:390–91; strip mining in, 107:371; and the War on Poverty, 107:306, 412
"Knowing about the Tobacco: Women, Burley, and Farming in the Central Ohio River Valley," by Jeffery A. Duvall, 108:315, 317–46
Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered, The, Robert Jefferson Breckinridge, 72:219, 221, 334
Know-Nothing Party: election of 1860, 106:410, 412–13
Know-Nothing Party (American Party), 72:368, 80:379–80, 93:258, 273, 395–98, 400, 408, 102:363, 374, 375, 103:666; and Bloody Monday, 102:359–62; in Louisville, 102:357–82
Knox, Enoch, 89:12
Knox, Henry, 78:111, 84:3–4, 10, 12–14, 91:312
Knox, James, 72:226, 234, 241, 78:301
Knox, Mr. —, 108:72–73
Knox, Samuel, 86:103
Knox County, Ill., 108:184
Knox County, Ky., 94:267, 100:16, 21; state capital relocation issue, 104:282
Knox County Economic Opportunity Council: and the War on Poverty, 107:412
Knoxville, Tenn., 72:29, 388, 73:123, 124, 75:133–34, 93:268, 94:152, 95:18, 19, 97:66, 100:293, 297; black branch library in, 93:162, 174; George A. Ellsworth in, 108:78; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:20, 25, 29, 41–42, 57–59; telegraphic communication during Civil War, 108:52
Knoxville Academy (Knoxville, Tenn.), 99:367
Knoxville Convention (Tenn.), 73:127
Knudsen, William J., 104:486; War Production Board, 104:488
Knupfer, Peter B.: book review by, 90:294–95; "Henry Clay's Constitutional Unionism," 89:32–60; The Union As It Is: Constitutional Unionism and Sectional Compromise, 1787–1861, reviewed, 90:389–90
Koch, Robert, 74:131
Kochendoerfer, Violet A.: One Woman's World War II, reviewed, 92:431–33
Kocklani (horse), 100:478
Koeniger, A. Cash: book review by, 104:722–23
Koerper, "Dum Dum," 97:409
Koerting, Gayla: book review by, 96:201–3; "For Law and Order: Joseph Holt, the Civil War, and the Judge Advocate General's Department," 97:1–25
Koestler, Arthur, 84:303
Kohl, Lawrence Frederick, 100:30, 33–34; book review by, 105:129–31
Kohler, Dayton, 97:113–22; letters of Jesse Stuart to, 75:261–85
Kohler, Vincent: and David F. Ward, eds., Harlan Hubbard Journals, 1929–1944, noted, 86:97–98
Kohlman, Anthony, 108:216
Kohn, Ira: book review by, 80:228–29
Kohn, Richard, 74:64
Koistinen, Paul A. C.: Arsenal of World War II: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1940–1945, reviewed, 103:819–21
Kokomo American Legion, 97:427, 428, 429, 438, 440
Kolb, Lawrence, 100:321
Kolchin, Peter, 76:249, 103:723, 106:496; American Slavery, 1619–1877, review essay, 103:727–41; book review by, 84:87–89; Sphinx on the American Land, A: The Nineteenth-Century South in Comparative Perspective, review essay, 103:727–41; Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom, reviewed, 87:173–74
Kollar, Robert: and Kelly Leiter, The Tennessee Valley: A Photographic Portrait, noted, 97:243–44
Kolmer, John A., 87:25, 27
Konig, F. K.: attitude toward George Chescheir, 105:458
Konkle, Andrew, 97:275, 278, 284
Konter, Sherry: Vanishing Georgia: Photographs from the Vanishing Georgia Collection, Georgia Department of Archives and History, noted, 81:235
Kooistra, Annemarie: book review by, 108:157–59
Kopacz, Paula: book note by, 98:338–39
Koppes, Clayton R.: and Gregory D. Black, Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies, reviewed, 86:194–95
Kopple, Barbara: reporting on Harlan County, Ky., 107:492–97, 500, 502–3, 505, 507, 509
Korean War, 72:245, 95:293, 96:126, 100:137–38, 107:229; influence on views of Vietnam, 102:329; and NSC-68, 102:313; Robert Penn Warren's concern about, 104:93; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:238
Korean War, by Max Hastings: reviewed, 87:186–87
Korean War: An International History, by William Stueck: reviewed, 94:201–3
Korean War: Challenges in Crisis, Credibility, and Command, by Burton I. Kaufman: reviewed, 85:280–81
Kornbluh, Felicia: book review by, 101:172–73
Kornbluth, Gary J.: book review by, 102:97–99
Kornitzer, Bela, 92:33
Kornweibel, Theodore Jr.: Railroads in the African American Experience: A Photographic Journey, reviewed, 107:454–55
Korr, Charles P.: The End of Baseball as We Knew It: The Players Union, 1960–81, reviewed, 100:372–73
Kosair Crippled Children's Hospital (Louisville, Ky.), 87:34
Kossie-Chernyshev, Karen: book review by, 101:227–29
Kossuth, Louis, 90:234–35; and the Hungarian revolution, 107:572; visit to U.S., 107:574–76
Kosygin, Alexei, 95:294
Kotal, Eddie, 97:429
Kotex, Kleenex, Huggies: Kimberly-Clark and the Consumer Revolution, by Thomas Heinrich and Bob Batchelor: reviewed, 103:816–17
Kousser, J. Morgan, 76:169, 80:77, 213–16; book review by, 79:191–94; and James M. McPherson, eds., Region, Race and Reconstruction: Essays in Honor of C. Vann Woodward, reviewed, 81:450–52
Kouwenhoven, John A., 83:301
Kozee, William C.: Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky, reviewed, 72:172–73
Kraditor, Aileen, 93:5, 13
Kramer, Carl E., 104:250; book reviews by, 84:327–29, 99:84–86, 102:409–11, 103:786–87, 105:679–80; Capital on the Kentucky: A Two Hundred Year History of Frankfort and Franklin County, reviewed, 85:263–64; Corps of Discovery, The, and the Falls of the Ohio, noted, 102:279; "The Evolution of the Residential Land Subdivision Process in Louisville, 1772-2008," 107:33–81; This Place We Call Home: A History of Clark County, Indiana, reviewed, 107:88–89; Visionaries, Adventurers, and Builders, reviewed, 98:307–8
Kramer, Francis, 105:448
Kramer, Lloyd S.: . see Idzerda, Stanley J.
Kramer, Paul A.: Blood of Government, The: Race, Empire, the United States, and the Philippines, reviewed, 104:338–40
Krammer, Arnold: Nazi Prisoners of War in America, 105:419
Kratz, Theodore, 98:86
Krause, Allison, 83:47
Krause, Walter, 100:156–57
Kraut, Alan M.: Goldberger's War: The Life and Work of a Public Health Crusader, reviewed, 105:135–38
Krauth, Charles P., 73:35, 36, 43, 48; eulogy of Henry Clay, 106:541–42, 550, 556
Krauthamer, Barbara: book review by, 102:106–7
Krebs, Robert T.: Celestial City: A History of the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, noted, 90:426
Krebs, Ronald R.: Dueling Visions: U.S. Strategy toward Eastern Europe under Eisenhower, reviewed, 100:115–17
Kreisel, Martha: and Domenica M. Barbuto, Guide to Civil War Books: An Annotated Selection of Modern Works on The War Between the States, noted, 94:217–18
Kreps, Juanita Morris, 77:292, 83:128, 138
Kresky, Joe, 97:438
Kress, Howard, 97:440
Kretschmer, Alfred: attitude toward George Chescheir, 105:457–58
Kreyche, Gerald F.: Visions of the American West, reviewed, 88:209–10
Krick, Robert K.: Stonewall Jackson at Cedar Mountain, reviewed, 89:214–15
Krieger, A. A., 107:62
Krieger, William: proposal to relocate state capital to Louisville, 104:273
Krige, John: American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe, reviewed, 105:358–60
Krock, Arthur, 94:249, 252, 254–58, 260
Kroll, Dan, 80:8
Kroll, Harry Harrison, 80:1–2, 6, 9–11, 53–54; Their Ancient Grudge, noted, 107:629
Kroll, Harry Jr., 80:8
Kronstadt Naval Club (St. Petersburg, Russia), 73:268, 282
Kruman, Marc W., 95:350–52; Parties and Politics in North Carolina, 1836–1865, reviewed, 82:185–86
Kruse, J. Henry, 98:184, 187, 191–92, 194–96, 199, 201–3
Kubiak, Lavinia H.: Madison County Rediscovered: Selected Historic Architecture, reviewed, 87:442–43
Kuhl, Michelle: book review by, 105:317–19
Kuhn, Bowie, 82:359, 387
Kuhn, Cliff: Georgia State University, 104:660
Kuhn, Emil, 75:226–27
Kukla, Jon: Wilderness So Immense, A: The Louisiana Purchase and the Destiny of America, reviewed, 101:338–39
Kuklick, Bruce: Blind Oracles: Intellectuals and War from Kennan to Kissinger, reviewed, 104:364–66; The Rise of American Philosophy: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860–1930, reviewed, 78:92–94
Ku Klux Klan, 72:57, 131, 73:421, 81:374, 84:28, 263, 266, 279, 85:211, 86:54, 91:411, 92:183, 192, 94:263, 96:299, 352, 371, 372, 99:9, 100:309, 104:417, 105:393; after World War I, 104:410–11; in Bracken County, Ky., 104:418; in Louisville, 104:242; oral history, 104:642, 653–54
Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia, by Michael Newton and Judy Ann Newton: noted, 89:433–34
"Ku Klux Law," 82:245
Kulikoff, Allan, 80:406, 92:10; Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Colonies in the Chesapeake, 1680–1800, reviewed, 85:79–81
Kundahl, George G.: Confederate Engineer: Training and Campaigning with John Morris Wampler: reviewed, 98:317–18
Kunhardt, Philip B. Jr.: ed., Life in Camelot: The Kennedy Years, noted, 87:197
Kunstler, William, 83:37
Kunta Kinte, 75:246–47
Kunz, Diane B.: The Economic Diplomacy of the Suez Crisis, reviewed, 91:111–12
Kupperman, Karen Ordahl: book reviews by, 82:397–99, 85:79–81, 86:177–78; Captain John Smith: A Select Edition of His Writings, reviewed, 87:66–67; Jamestown Project, The, reviewed, 105:685–86
Kurdistan: oral history project in, 104:649
Kurtz, Michael L.: and Morgan D. Peoples, Earl K. Long: The Saga of Uncle Earl and Louisiana Politics, reviewed, 89:116–17
Kurtzhalz, Walter, 97:409
Kushma, John J.: ed., Essays on the Postbellum Southern Economy, noted, 85:287
Kutler, Stanley I.: The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon, reviewed, 89:329–30
Kuttawa, Ky., 88:183; visited by Heinrich Lemcke, 75:227–28
Kuttawa Lake (Lyon County, Ky.), 88:202
Kutulas, Judy: American Civil Liberties Union and the Making of Modern Liberalism, reviewed, 105:152–53; book reviews by, 100:404–6, 568–70
Kwasny, Mark V.: Washington's Partisan War, 1775–1783, reviewed, 95:185–86
Kyvig, David E.: book review by, 79:93–95; Daily Life in the U.S., 1920–1939, noted, 101:396; and Mary-Ann Blasio, comps., New Day/New Deal: A Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929–1941, noted, 87:96–97; and Myron A. Marty, Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around You, reviewed, 81:435–36; Unintended Consequences of Constitutional Amendment, noted, 99:448
Laas, Virginia Jeans: ed., Bridging Two Eras: The Autobiography of Emily Newell Blair, 1877–1951, reviewed, 98:323–25; ed., Wartime Washington: The Civil War Letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee, reviewed, 91:99–100; Love and Power in the Nineteenth Century: The Marriage of Violet Blair, reviewed, 97:217–19
Labbadie, Medaroe: at battle of the River Raisin, 105:208–9
Labor, Knights of, 73:154
Labor Action, 84:288
Labor and Industry Committee, 99:272
Labor Chest: and William English Walling, 96:374
Labor History in Kentucky: A Teaching Supplement for Middle and Secondary Education, compiled by Ky. Dept. of Education: noted, 85:282–83
"Labor-Management Relations in the Progressive Era: A Profit Sharing Experience in Louisville," by William E. Ellis, 78:140–56
Labor Reform Party, 78:225
La Botz, Dan: book reviews by, 99:197–99, 101:541–43
Labre, Benedict Joseph: and Fr. John Thayer, 101:277, 286
Labrot, Leopold, 88:29, 103:469; death of, 103:489; retirement of, 103:468
Labrot, Sylvester: American Creosote Works (New Orleans, La.), 103:491
Labrot & Graham Distillery (Frankfort, Ky.), 88:29, 103:465, 475; history of, 103:469, 489–91; illus., 103:464, 470; John McClelland Van Derveer's career at, 103:467–71; renamed Woodford Reserve Distillery, 103:469
Labunski, Richard: book review by, 108:265–67; James Madison and the Struggle for the Bill of Rights, reviewed, 104:307–9
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