Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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La Cabaña Fortress (Havana, Cuba): Spanish casualties at, 105:611

LaCambe, France: Gene Wheeler's grave near, 102:53

LaCenter, Ky., 96:145, 165

Lacey, Priscilla, 89:156

Lach, Pamela R.: book review by, 105:752–54

La Chapelle, Peter: book review by, 103:823–24

Lacur, James F.: compensated emancipation, 106:600

Lacy, Adolph, 94:286, 287, 291, 292

Lacy, Eric Russell: book reviews by, 79:84–86, 83:161–62

Lacy, Jemae, 94:286, 287, 291

Lacy House Hotel (St. Louis, Mo.), 103:656

Ladaviere, Peter, 108:222

Ladies' Calhoun Memorial Association (Charleston, S.C.), 102:391

Ladies Home Journal, 95:70; and female etiquette, 93:43, 53, 60, 70–72

Ladore, Brother—, 108:230

Lady and the President, The: The Letters of Dorothea Dix and Millard Fillmore, by Charles M. Snyder: reviewed, 75:74–76

Lady Anne (horse), 100:492

Lady Bird Johnson and the Environment, by Lewis L. Gould: reviewed, 87:187–89

Lady Bird Johnson: Our Environmental First Lady, by Lewis L. Gould: reviewed, 98:333–34

Lady Scott (horse), 100:481, 485

Lady's From Kentucky, The (film), 98:370–71

LaFantasie, Glenn W.: Gettysburg Heroes: Perfect Soldiers, Hallowed Ground, reviewed, 106:279–80; Gettysburg Requiem: The Life and Lost Causes of Confederate Colonel William C. Oates, reviewed, 105:499–500

Lafayette (New Orleans, La.): Ky. Regiment at, 105:601, 602

LaFayette, Edmond de, 73:390

LaFayette, Madame de, 73:394

Lafayette, Marquis de, 90:36, 37; and American Revolution, 105:580, 610; portrait, 101:23; visit to Ky., 73:390–95; visit to U.S., 107:574

Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church (New York City), 91:163

LaFayette Cavalry (Louisville, Ky.), 73:391, 392

Lafayette College (Easton, Pa.), 72:321

Lafayette Female Academy (Lexington, Ky.), 80:204

Lafayette High School (Lexington, Ky.), 102:3–4; African American enrollment, 101:247; illus., 101:245

Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution: Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790: vol. 3, April 27, 1780–March 29, 1781, edited by Stanley J. Idzerda, Robert Rhodes Crout, Lloyd S. Kramer, Linda J. Pike, and Mary Ann Quinn; vol. 4, April 1, 1781–December 23, 1781, edited by Stanley J. Idzerda, Robert Rhodes Crout, Linda J. Pike, and Mary Ann Quinn, both reviewed, 80:454–56; vol. 5, January 4, 1782–December 29, 1785, edited by Stanley J. Idzerda and Robert Rhodes Crout, reviewed, 82:183–85

LaFeber, Walter: Deadly Bet, The: Vietnam and the 1968 Election, reviewed, 103:605–6

Lafferty, Squire, 104:416

Laffoon, Ruby, 80:311–12, 83:197, 84:38–43, 45–46, 157–58, 186, 364, 388, 392–93, 85:147, 90:276, 99:298, 104:449, 555

LaFollette, Philip, 104:440

LaFollette, Robert M., 73:168, 84:285, 92:284, 95:36, 104:439–40

LaFollette Committee, 104:443, 444, 455; and Ed Prichard, 104:439–40

La Forte, Robert S.: and Ronald E. Marcello, eds., Remembering Pearl Harbor: Eyewitness Accounts by U.S. Military Men and Women, reviewed, 90:415–16

Laframboise, Michel, 74:136

Lago, Enrico Dal: book review by, 107:441–43

La Guardia, Fiorello, 82:360, 92:190, 96:372

Lainhart, Gladys, 95:72

Lair, John, 80:172, 93:306; Rockcastle Recollections, reviewed, 90:285–86

Lake County, Ind., 94:289

Lake Erie, 105:205, 215; battle of, 104:41–42, 105:215–16, 226; during War of 1812, 104:10; Western Basin of, 104:6

Lake Michigan, 105:222

Lake Providence (Miss.): and the Vicksburg campaign, 103:634, 640, 649

Lakeside (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:58

Lalor, Teresa, 74:30

Lamar County, Tx., 73:85

Lamb, Chris: Blackout: The Untold Story of Jackie Robinson's First Spring Training, reviewed, 104:773–74

Lambert, D. Warren: book review by, 91:223–24; When the Ripe Pears Fell: The Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, reviewed, 95:304–5

Lambert, F. B., 93:442

Lambert, Joseph E., 99:217

Lamme, Nathan, 73:62

La Motte, Golladay, Hopkinsville, Ky., 104:583

Lamour, Dorothy, 100:196

Lamp in the Forest: Natural Philosophy in Transylvania University, 1799–1859, by Ash Gobar and J. Hill Hamon: reviewed, 82:391–92

Lancashire, Great Britain: during Civil War, 107:168, 195

Lancaster, Clay, 103:509; Antebellum Architecture of Kentucky, reviewed, 90:383–85; Vestiges of the Venerable City: A Chronicle of Lexington, Kentucky, reviewed, 79:66–68

Lancaster, Dallas M.: and Mary H. Lancaster., eds., The Civil War Diary of Anne S. Frobel of Wilton Hill in Virginia, reviewed, 85:184–85

Lancaster, John, Washington County, Ky.: slave of, 101:287

Lancaster, Ky., 73:191, 300, 301, 398, 75:127, 95:396; member of Ky. Regiment from, 105:602

Lancaster, Mary H.: and Dallas M. Lancaster, eds., The Civil War Diary of Anne S. Frobel of Wilton Hill in Virginia, reviewed, 85:184–85

Lancaster, Ohio, 99:115

Lancaster, Pa., 73:207

Lancaster Woman's Club (Lancaster, Ky.): Patches of Garrard County, 1796–1974, reviewed, 73:331–33

Land, Peter B.: and Ronald E. Marcello, eds., Warriors and Scholars: A Modern Reader, noted, 103:846

land acquisition: ethnic origin of land grantees, 85:103–10; on Ky. frontier, 84:241–62, 105:44–45

"Land Acquisition on the Kentucky Frontier," by Neal O. Hammon, 78:297–321

Land and Allegiance in Revolutionary Georgia, by Leslie Hall: reviewed, 99:307–9

Landberg, Brian K.: Free at Last to Vote: The Alabama Origins of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, reviewed, 105:367–69

Land Between the Lakes (Ky.), 101:4

Land Between the Rivers: The Southern Illinois Country, by C. William Horrell: reviewed, 72:73–74

Land Beyond the Mountains, by Janice Holt Giles: noted, 94:346–47

Lander, Ernest McPherson Jr.: ed., "A Rebel Came Home": The Diary and Letters of Floride Clemson, 1863–1866, reviewed, 88:477–79

Lander, Robert N., 90:171

Landers, Ann, 90:368

Land Fever: Dispossession and the Frontier Myth, by James M. Marshall: reviewed, 85:179–80

Landis, James M., 104:457, 465; oral history interview, 104:615–17

Landis, John, 98:390

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 82:359–62, 365–66, 368, 382, 99:107, 104:448

Landmarkism, 74:114–15, 118, 205–6

Landmark Series of American History, 102:521

Land of Lee: The Formation and County Officials of Lee County, Kentucky, 1870–1983, by Dennis L. Brewer: noted, 81:462–63

Land of Saddle-Bags: A Study of the Mountain People of Appalachia, by James Watt Raine: noted, 95:215–16

Land of Tomorrow: Iroquois name for Ky., 103:67

Land of Tomorrow, by Louise Philipps: reviewed, 73:80–82

Landon Carter's Uneasy Kingdom: Revolution and Rebellion on a Virginia Plantation, by Rhys Isaac: reviewed, 102:571–73

Landor Addition (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:54

Land Ordinance (1784): and Thomas Jefferson, 72:424

Land Ordinance (1785), 91:388, 392, 393, 394, 96:35; and the Northwest Territory, 107:34

Landrum, John J., 76:143–44

Landrum, John James, 75:122

Landrum, William S., 76:201

Landrum-Griffin Act (1959): Dwight David Eisenhower's support for, 105:466

Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam, by Stephen W. Sears: reviewed, 82:191–93

Landsteiner, Karl, 87:21

land surveys: types defined, 91:391–92

Land That I Will Show You: Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America, by Stanley Feldstein: reviewed, 77:151–53

Lane, Col. ——, 89:27

Lane, Frank, 97:436

Lane, G. W., 97:310

Lane, Harriet, 85:205

Lane, Henry Smith, 95:240, 258, 96:228, 229–30

Lane, Margaret A.: and Thomas D. Clark, People's House, The: Governor's Mansions of Kentucky, reviewed, 101:321–22

Lane, Turner, 73:137

Lane Theological Seminary (Cincinnati, Ohio), 72:421, 74:105, 75:101, 102:38; and John G. Fee, 105:619

Lang, Janet, 95:303

Langan, Edward C., 84:384

Lange, Dorothea, 84:176, 85:294–95

Lange, Jeffrey J.: Smile When You Call Me A Hillbilly: Country Music's Struggle for Respectability, 1939-1954, reviewed, 103:823–24

Langley, Katherine G., 99:275

Langley, Lester D.: The Banana Wars: An Inner History of American Empire, 1900–1934, reviewed, 82:311–12

Langsam, Walter E.: and William Gus Johnson, Historic Architecture of Bourbon County, Kentucky, reviewed, 84:310–11

Langum, David J.: Crossing Over the Line: Legislating Morality and the Mann Act, reviewed, 93:362–64

Lanham, Sallie Clay: Rebecca Darnell Bolton and Mary Nash Cox, eds., Portrait of Early Families: Frankfort Area Before 1860, noted, 107:627

Lanier, Hubert Max, 82:368, 381, 99:111

Lanier, Sidney: Florida: Its Scenery, Climate, and History, reviewed, 72:69–71

Lanning, John T.: Thomas D. Clark letter to, 103:210

Lansdowne Elementary School (Lexington, Ky.): African American students, 101:260, 266

Lanza, Michael L.: Agrarianism and Reconstruction Politics: The Southern Homestead Act, reviewed, 89:104–6

Laos: North Vietnam control of, 102:331–32

LaPage, Joseph A.: book notes by, 89:432, 92:345–46; book review by, 94:69–70

La Palombara, Joseph, 74:279

La Paz, Bolivia, 74:296, 298

Lapham, Increase Allen, 72:52

Lapham, Robert: and Bernard Norling, Lapham's Raiders: Guerrillas in the Philippines, 1942-1945, reviewed, 94:327–28

Lapham, Samuel Jr.: and Albert Simons, eds., The Early Architecture of Charleston, noted, 89:236–37

Lapham's Raiders: Guerrillas in the Philippines, 1942-1945, by Robert Lapham and Bernard Norling: reviewed, 94:327–28

Lapp, John A., 78:150

Lappas, Thomas J.: book review by, 107:583–85

Laprade, William L.: Thomas D. Clark letter to, 103:392

Lapsley v. Brashier (1823), 78:17

Larabee, Ann: Dynamite Fiend, The: The Chilling Tale of a Confederate Spy, Con Artist, and Mass Murderer, reviewed, 104:165–67

Larger Aspects of Socialism, by William English Walling, 96:367

Larison, Isaac, 98:58

Larkin, George, 83:108

Larkin, George Elmer Jr., 83:108–22

Larkin, John, 108:230; at Saint Ignatius Literary Institution, 108:236

Larkin, Sarah Crowe, 83:108

Larrabee, Eric: Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War, reviewed, 86:302–3

Larsen, Lawrence H.: book review by, 88:467–68; History of Missouri, A, vol. 6, 1953 to 2003, noted, 102:279; The Rise of the Urban South, reviewed, 84:327–29; The Urban South: A History, reviewed, 89:220

Larson, Arthur: career of, 105:468–71; and Modern Republicanism, 105:462; A Republican Looks at His Party , 105:469

Larson, Edward: Edward Caudill, and Jesse Fox Mayshark, The Scopes Trial: A Photographic History, reviewed, 99:70–71

Larson, Jason T., 98:343

Larson, John Lauritz: Market Revolution in America, The: Liberty, Ambition, and the Eclipse of the Common Good, reviewed, 108:398–400; and Michael A. Morrison, eds., Whither the Early Republic: A Forum on the Future of the Field, review essay, 104:112–14, 116–17, 120, 123–24

Larson, Robert, 72:426

Larue County, Ky., 100:143; Lincoln family in, 106:473, 480

La Salle, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de, 92:164

LaSallette Academy (Covington, Ky.), 98:186

Lasch, Christopher, 93:13–14

Lasch-Quinn, Elisabeth: Black Neighbors: Race and the Limits of Reform in the American Settlement House Movement, 1890–1945, reviewed, 93:111–12

Lash, Jeffrey N.: Destroyer of the Iron Horse: General Joseph E. Johnston and Confederate Rail Transport, 1861–1865, reviewed, 90:197–98

Lash, Joseph P., 84:299, 104:470; Love, Eleanor: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Friends, reviewed, 81:226–28

Lasker, A. D., 100:326

Laski, Harold, 77:35–36, 104:431–32, 461

Lassen Cutoff (Calif.), 79:106

Lasser, William: Benjamin V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal, reviewed, 100:549–51

Lassiter, Matthew D.: and Andrew B. Lewis, eds., The Moderates' Dilemma: Massive Resistance to School Desegregation in Virginia, reviewed, 97:477–79

Last American Hero (film), 96:128

Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, by John H. Rhodehamel and Thomas F. Schwartz: reviewed, 92:84–85

Last Cavaliers: Confederate and Union Cavalry in the Civil War, by Samuel Carter III: reviewed, 79:289–90

Last Citadel: Petersburg, Virginia, June 1864–April 1865, by Noah Andre Trudeau: reviewed, 90:301–2

Last Coach, The: A Life of Paul "Bear" Bryant, by Allen Berra: reviewed, 104:295–97

Last Communion of Henry Clay, by Robert Weir: illus., 106:543

Last Generation, The: Young Virginians in Peace, War, and Reunion, by Peter S. Carmichael: reviewed, 103:799–801

Last Gladiator: Cassius M. Clay, by Roberta Baughman Carlee: reviewed, 79:70–72

Last Half-Century, by Norris Janowitz: reviewed, 77:316–18

Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: vol. 2, Alone, 1932–1940, by William Manchester, reviewed, 87:184–85

Last Magnificent War: Rare Journalistic and Eyewitness Accounts of World War I, edited by Harold Elk Straubling: reviewed, 88:359–60

Last Muster, The: Images of the Revolutionary War Generation, by Maureen Taylor: reviewed, 108:396–98

Last Public Execution in America, by Perry T. Ryan: noted, 92:445

Las Vegas, Nev., 98:346

Latham, Mrs. Elise Gaylord, 82:247

Latimer, Jon: 1812: War with America, reviewed, 106:87–88

Latimer, Lieutenant ——, 73:413

Latin America, 72:79; and the diplomacy of Henry Clay, 107:554–60, 567; revolutions against Spain, 107:553, 566

Latin American Free Trade Association, 73:321

Latner, Richard B.: book review by, 87:70–71; The Presidency of Andrew Jackson: White House Politics, 1829–1837, reviewed, 80:235–36

Latonia Racetrack (Covington, Ky.), 104:444

Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 74:233, 91:134, 103:507; design of First Presbyterian Church (Lexington, Ky.), 106:209, 211, 216; design of Pope Villa, 106:208; and Federal-style architecture, 103:502

Lattimer, John K.: Kennedy and Lincoln: Medical and Ballistic Comparisons of Their Assassinations, reviewed, 80:359–61

Lau, Peter F.: Democracy Rising: South Carolina and the Fight for Black Equality since 1865, reviewed, 104:771–73

Lauck, W. Jett, 73:158

Lauderdale (Louisville, Ky.): plat of, illus., 107:62

Laudermilk, Ellis L.: Marc Evans, Greg Abernathy, and Deborah White, eds., Kentucky's Natural Heritage: An Illustrated Guide to Biodiversity, noted, 108:169

Laughlin-Schultz, Bonnie: book review by, 107:599–600

Launitz, Robert: Mexican War monument of, illus., 106:41

Launius, Roger D.: ed., "Search for Asylum: The Mormons Petition the Kentucky Governor, 1845," 105:229–46; and Janet R. Daly Bednarek, eds., Reconsidering a Century of Flight, reviewed, 101:531–34

Laura Clay and the Woman's Rights Movement, by Paul E. Fuller: noted, 91:241; reviewed, 74:234–35

Laurel & Thorn: The Athlete in American Literature, by Robert J. Higgs: reviewed, 82:105–7

Laurel County, Ky., 72:112, 94:270, 100:16, 21

Laurens, John, 107:188

Lavender, David, 73:74, 75

Laver, Harry S., 107:525; book note by, 93:127–28; book reviews by, 96:198–99, 107:100–102; "'Chimney Corner Constitutions': Democratization and Its Limits in Frontier Kentucky," 95:337–67; Citizens More than Soldiers: The Kentucky Militia in the Early Republic, reviewed, 106:70–71

Lavialle, Peter, 108:248

LaViers, Harry: and the Appalachian coal supply, 107:326

Lavoisier, Antoine, 79:317

Law, J. P., 81:34

Law and Society in the South: A History of North Carolina Court Cases, by John Wertheimer: reviewed, 107:275–76

Lawless, Elaine J.: God's Peculiar People: Women's Voices and Folk Tradition in a Pentecostal Church, reviewed, 87:90–91

Lawrence, Charles, 95:409

Lawrence, D. H., 97:116

Lawrence, Jerome, 86:130

Lawrenceburg, Ind., 72:420–21

Lawrenceburg, Ky., 72:350, 73:300, 75:128, 95:405, 419, 100:11

Lawrenceburg, Ky,: during Civil War, 108:28

Lawrenceburg Christian Church (Lawrenceburg, Ky.), 74:242

Lawrenceburg Pike (Frankfort, Ky.), 103:471

Lawrence County, Ky., 72:247–48, 250–51, 73:330, 74:18, 19, 102:69

Lawrence Scientific School (Harvard University), 96:1

Lawson, Allan: Commonwealth of Hope, A: The New Deal Response to Crisis, reviewed, 105:540–41

Lawson, Anita: Irvin S. Cobb, reviewed, 83:64–65

Lawson, Hughie G., 97:86; book reviews by, 73:428, 429, 74:248–50, 75:340–41, 77:146–48, 84:312–13, 88:87–88

Lawson, John Howard, 104:542

Lawson, Marcus A., 86:254, 256, 257, 263, 265

Lawson, Melinda: book reviews by, 101:139–41, 108:413–15; Patriot Fires: Forging a New American Nationalism in the Civil War North, reviewed, 101:344–46

Lawson, Nina, 98:15

Lawson, Norman, 72:203

Lawson, Steve, 104:219

Lawson, T. E., 82:242, 248

Lawson, Thomas, 81:350

Lawson, Vera, 94:282

Lawton, Henry, 83:343

Lawton, Selika Ducksworth: book reviews by, 105:350–51, 106:144–45

Lawyering for the Railroad: Business, Law, and Power in the New South, by William G. Thomas: reviewed, 98:325–26

Lawyers in Politics: Mid-Nineteenth Century Kentucky as a Case Study, by James W. Gordon: noted, 89:235

Laycock, Joseph G., 74:179

Layton, Edwin T.: with Roger Pineau and John Costello, "And I Was There": Pearl Harbor and Midway–Breaking the Secrets, reviewed, 84:444–46

Lazelle, Henry M., 103:523–24, 540

LBJ and Vietnam: A Different Kind of War: by George C. Herring, 102:287

LBJ's Texas White House: "Our Heart's Home," by Hal K. Rothman: reviewed, 100:414–15

Lea, James F.: ed., Contemporary Southern Politics, noted, 87:196–97

Lea, Luke, 78:325–26, 338

Leach, Douglas Edward: Arms for Empire: A Military History of the British Colonies in North America, 1607–1763, reviewed, 72:59–61

Leach, George Brown "Brownie," 100:489, 492

Leach, William: book review by, 104:180–82

Leadership in the Modern Presidency, edited by Fred I. Greenstein: reviewed, 87:191–92

Lead Time: A Journalist's Education, by Garry Wills: reviewed, 82:104–5

League for Industrial Democracy, 84:288

League of Augsburg, War of the, 72:59

League of Nations, 93:338, 339, 94:258, 260, 263, 264, 95:29–55, 104:426

League of Women Voters, 72:361, 93:22, 99:255, 257

Leahy, Frank, 88:173

Leake, James, 87:27

Learned Presidency: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, by David H. Burton: reviewed, 87:181–82

Learning from the Left: Children's Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States, by Julia L. Mickenberg: reviewed, 104:363–64

Learning to Read and Write in Colonial America, by E. Jennifer Monaghan: reviewed, 104:304–5

Learning to Stand and Speak: Women, Education, and Public Life in America's Republic, by Mary Kelley: reviewed, 105:114–15

Leary, Joseph: 1956 senatorial campaign, 104:561–62; and Albert Benjamin ("Happy") Chandler, 79:228–29, 232–33, 236

Leary, William M.: ed., MacArthur and the American Century: A Reader, reviewed, 100:107–10; We Shall Return! MacArthur's Commanders and the Defeat of Japan, reviewed, 86:399–401

Lease, Mary Elizabeth, 73:200, 326, 78:241

Leathers, John W., 76:203

Leavell, Frank H., 80:59, 64; book review by, 79:180–81

Leavelle, Charles, 101:232–33

Leaving England: Essays on British Emigration in the Nineteenth Century, by Charlotte Erickson: reviewed, 93:344–45

Leavitt, Sarah A.: From Catherine Beecher to Martha Stewart: A Culture of Domestic Advice, reviewed, 100:393–94

Leavy, William A., 81:124, 88:396, 106:220; early theater in Lexington, Ky., 76:268, 272–74, 279–80

Lebanon, Ky., 72:20–24, 27–28, 32, 36, 124, 273–74, 370, 384, 73:291, 294, 297, 299, 300, 302, 365, 77:15, 92:352, 353, 362, 390, 95:10, 18, 108:218; Catholic schools near, 108:213; during Civil War, 106:590; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:26–29, 61, 71–72, 74–75; proposal to relocate state capital to, 104:249, 254, 281; and Saint Mary's College, 108:243; telegraphic communication during Civil War, 108:27, 33–34, 54, 72–73

Lebanon, Ohio, 74:12, 104:15

Lebanon, Tenn., 75:128–29

Lebanon College for Young Ladies (Lebanon, Tenn.), 89:141

Lebanon Junction, Ky., 72:26, 36; telegraphic communication during Civil War, 108:72–73

Lebanon Presbyterian Church (Lebanon, Ky.), 74:107

Lebsock, Suzanne: Murder in Virginia, A: Southern Justice on Trial, reviewed, 101:165–67; and Nancy A. Hewitt, eds., Visible Women: New Essays on American Activism, noted, 92:453–54

LeBus, Clarence, 83:351, 354

Leckie, Andrew, 74:135

Leckie, Robert: None Died in Vain: The Saga of the American Civil War, reviewed, 89:311–12

Leckie, Shirley A.: and Bruce J. Dinges, eds., Just and Righteous Cause, A: Benjamin H. Grierson's Civil War Memoir, reviewed, 108:420–22

LeClaire and Company (France), 78:144

LeClercq, Anne Sinkler Whaley: Between North and South: The Letters of Emily Wharton Sinkler, 1842–1865, reviewed, 99:314–15

Lecompte, Joseph, 74:53

Lecuyer, Christophe: Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech, 1930–1970, reviewed, 104:373–75

Ledbetter, Billy D.: book review by, 75:165–67

Lederer, Norman: book review by, 75:148–50

Ledford, Katherine: Dwight B. Billings, and Gurney Norman, eds., Confronting Appalachian Stereotypes: Back Talk from an American Region, reviewed, 97:453–55

Ledford, Lily May, 93:306

Ledgerwood's Bend, Ky.: proposal to relocate state capital to, 104:250

Lee, Antoinette J.: Architects to the Nation: The Rise and Decline of the Supervising Architect's Office, reviewed, 99:185–87

Lee, C. H., 93:412–13

Lee, Charles, 84:16

Lee, Charles R. Jr.: book reviews by, 78:176–79, 87:71–73, 88:475–76, 90:393–95

Lee, David D.: book reviews by, 76:172–73, 80:113–15, 358–59, 82:107–8, 83:164–65, 84:336–37, 86:95–96, 89:116–17; Sergeant York: An American Hero, reviewed, 84:97–98; Tennessee in Turmoil: Politics in the Volunteer State, 1920–1932, reviewed, 78:378–80

Lee, Fitzhugh, 98:67

Lee, George, 72:167

Lee, George Washington Custis: illus., 107:241

Lee, Henry, 74:63, 280

Lee, John: Mormon missionary in Kentucky, 105:230–31

Lee, Lloyd G.: A Brief History of Kentucky and Its Counties, noted, 80:480–81

Lee, Mother Ann, 74:216–19, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227–29, 85:316

Lee, R. Alton: Eisenhower and Landrum-Griffin: A Study in Labor-Management Politics, reviewed, 88:485–87

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