Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Lutkemeier, W. A., 72:203

Luttrell, John, 73:67

Luvaas, Jay: and Harold W. Nelson, eds., The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Antietam: The Maryland Campaign of 1862, noted, 87:94; and Harold W. Nelson, eds., The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg, noted, 86:99–100

Luxemburg, Rosa, 96:356

Lyle, James, 100:342

Lyle, John, 73:138–40, 145, 90:71; and the Cane Ridge revival, 106:182, 203

Lyle's Female Academy (Bourbon County, Ky.), 73:138, 140

Lyman, Theodore: With Grant and Meade: From the Wilderness to Appomattox, noted, 92:451–52

Lyman C. Draper Collection: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 101:19

Lyman T. Johnson v. Board of Trustees of the University of Ky.: and integration of the University of Ky., 103:407–8

Lynch, Gertrude, 93:55

Lynch, James David: . see James David Lynch Papers

Lynch, Ky., 97:191; coal-company housing in, 107:488; and the U.S. Steel Corporation, 107:483

Lynch, Thomas, 72:403

Lynchburg, Va., 100:298

lynching: in Ky., 100:17; Lincoln-Haycraft correspondence, 106:310–11, 313–14, 332, 436; in Louisville, 102:357–82; study of, 89:346, 351–53; as triumph of white racism, 102:400–401; and the Will Lockett case, 84:263–79, 349

Lynching in America: A History in Documents, by Christopher Waldrep: reviewed, 105:316–17

Lynching in the New South: Georgia and Virginia, 1880–1930, by W. Fitzhugh Brundage: reviewed, 92:99–101

Lynching in the West: 1850-1935, by Ken Gonzales-Day: reviewed, 105:319–20

Lyne, Edmund, 78:312

Lynn, Loretta, 74:129, 90:64, 96:129, 101:4, 104:639; museum artifacts of, 107:506

Lynn, Loretta Webb, 83:126

Lynn, M. E., 72:126

Lynn, William, 83:218, 222, 226

Lynne, Edmund, 77:188, 194–95, 198

Lyon, Chittenden, 80:403

Lyon, Chittendon, 74:53

Lyon, Danny: Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, noted, 91:367

Lyon, George Ella: book review by, 86:89–91

Lyon, Hugh, 82:245

Lyon, Hylan B., 75:227, 94:396

Lyon, Mary, 89:70

Lyon, Matthew, 79:330, 80:400, 403, 406; and the conquest of Canada, 76:45–52

Lyon, Rhoda J., 98:9

Lyon, Sidney S., 80:409

Lyon County (Ky.) Herald: on Barkley Dam, 88:190

Lyon County, Ky., 80:393, 90:167, 181, 99:346, 352, 104:675

Lyons, France: Jesuits in, 108:221

Lyons, Samuel, 88:147

Lythe, John, 73:357

Lythgoe, A. J., 97:275, 285

Lytle, Andrew, 80:9, 32, 103:272; Bedford Forrest and His Critter Company, noted, 83:295; and Robert Penn Warren, 104:78, 90

Lytle, Mark: book review by, 89:327–29

Lytle, Mark Hamilton: Gentle Subversive, The: Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, and the Rise of the Environmental Movement, reviewed, 105:344–46

Lytle, Robert T., 75:197

Lytle, Robert Todd, 74:56

Lytle, William, 72:39–43, 45; memories of frontier Ky. agriculture, 107:8

Lyttle, David Y., 93:414

Mabee, Carleton: with Susan Mabee Newhouse, Sojourner Truth: Slave, Prophet, Legend, reviewed, 92:215–17

Mable Walker Willebrandt: A Study of Power, Loyalty, and Law, by Dorothy M. Brown: noted, 83:386–87

MacArthur, Arthur, 83:335, 337–40, 342–44, 346; Philippine War, prosecution of, 104:48

MacArthur, Douglas, 85:151–52, 86:231, 243, 247, 92:293, 93:84, 100:460, 102:329

MacArthur and the American Century: A Reader, edited by William M. Leary: reviewed, 100:107–10

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 101:481, 488; on history, 101:479–80; illus., 101:483

Macauley's Theater (Louisville, Ky.), 81:278

Maccoun, David, 88:403

Maccoun, James, 87:108, 88:403, 405, 419

MacDonald, Peter: testimony to the National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty, 107:361

MacDonald, Ramsey, 96:355–56

MacDonnell, Francis: book review by, 104:357–59

Mace, Borden, 96:130

MacEachen, Roderick: illus., 105:431; Italian POWs, Fort Benning, Ga, 105:431–32

Macedonia Presbyterian Church (Woodford County, Ky.), 74:107–9

Maceo, Ky., 90:110–11

MacGregor, Gregor, 72:407–8

Mach, Thomas S.: "Gentleman George" Hunt Pendleton: Party Politics and Ideological Identity in Nineteenth-Century America, reviewed, 106:94–95

Macheca, Joseph P., 76:170–71

Machen, Henry, 79:329

Machen, Willis B., 99:352, 353

Machoian, Ronald G.: William Harding Carter and the American Army: A Soldier's Story, reviewed, 104:731–33

Machtinger, Barbara: book review by, 105:324–25

Macías, Juan Manuel: 1850 López expedition, 105:605

Macintire, William J.: book note by, 92:125–26

Mack, Connie, 82:385, 85:152

MacKaye, Benton, 107:58

Mackaye, Percy, 91:187

Mackay-Smith, Alexander: The Race Horses of America, by Edward Troye, reviewed, 80:450–52

Mackenzie, E., 90:39

MacKenzie, Leslie, 76:181, 186

MacKenzie, S. P.: book review by, 105:747–49

MacKethan, Lucinda H.: and Joseph M. Flora, eds., The Companion to Southern Literature: Themes, Genres, Places, People, Movements, and Motifs, reviewed, 100:580–81

Mackey, Robert R.: Uncivil War: Irregular Warfare in the Upper South, 1861–1865, review essay, 103:535–41

Mackey, Thomas C.: book reviews by, 93:212–13, 492–93, 94:186–87, 445–46, 95:189–90, 455–56, 96:97–98, 97:216–17, 98:123–25, 99:187–88, 100:235–37, 102:232–33, 104:171–72, 105:142–43, 107:278–79

Mackville, Ky., 96:339; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:25

MacLean, John R.: and the Peace Democrats, 103:638; reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:644–45

MacLeish, Archibald, 85:307, 104:432

MacMurray, Fred, 98:374

Macomb County, Mich., 94:289

Macon, Ga., 74:295, 296, 94:166, 101:78

Macon, Uncle Dave, 80:175

Macon County, Ill.: Hanks family in, 108:179; Lincoln family in, 106:364

MacPhail, John A., 74:146, 148–51

MacPhail, Larry, 82:361, 371, 373–75, 379–80, 99:99, 113, 117, 188

MacRae, Ann Cameron: book review by, 101:120–21

MacVeagh, Wayne: and Preston Brown case, 104:60, 63; tactics during Philippine War, 104:66

Madam Belle Brezing, by Buddy Thompson: reviewed, 84:211–12

Mádan, Cristóbal, 105:583; 1850 López expedition, 105:573–74; filibustering recruiting efforts, 105:580–82; forms Council of Superior Government, 105:582; reasons for failure of 1850 López expedition, 105:613

Madden, Charlotte, 93:188

Maddox, Cabbell, 108:31

Maddox, James G., 99:41

Maddox, John, 77:204

Maddox, Robert F.: book reviews by, 75:343–45, 79:294–96; The Senatorial Career of Harley Martin Kilgore, reviewed, 80:358–59

Maddox, Robert Franklin: book review by, 77:69–71

Madeline (horse), 100:485

"Madeline McDowell Breckinridge: Her Role in the Kentucky Woman Suffrage Movement, 1908–1920," by Melba Dean Porter, 72:342–63

Madero, Francisco, 72:78

Madigan, Mary Lou, 99:4; book notes by, 78:94, 193–95, 296, 386, 79:96–98, 80:252, 81:113, 462, 83:171, 84:341, 85:286, 86:98, 202, 405, 406–7, 87:92, 193–94, 470, 88:370–71, 89:235, 90:220–21, 91:123, 92:119–20, 93:126–27, 506–7, 94:346–47, 456–57, 98:136–37; book reviews by, 73:94, 75:347–48; map by, 86:238

Madigan, William, 72:202

Madison, Gabriel, 83:216, 222, 225, 90:137

Madison, George, 72:86, 76:283, 83:177, 89:242

Madison, James, 72:81, 407–8, 73:106, 242, 247, 253, 367, 74:210, 261, 268–70, 272, 276, 76:47, 269, 77:89, 78:11, 103, 111, 83:178, 88:143, 412, 89:35, 37, 41, 42, 45, 90:57, 91:133, 94:354, 95:38, 42, 337, 339, 342, 343, 350, 359–61, 364–67, 420, 99:96, 100:55, 444, 105:204–5, 106:471, 107:153; economic philosophy of, 106:504; on education, 82:217; expedition against Pottawatamie Indians, 105:222–25; greatness of, 100:424, 450, 455, 471; Henry Clay on, 100:471; Ky. support for, 101:289; and slavery, 101:100; and the War of 1812, 105:199

Madison, James H.: book reviews by, 74:65–66, 77:145–46, 83:269–70, 105:319–20; Eli Lilly: A Life, 1885–1977, reviewed, 88:354–55; Indiana through Tradition and Change: A History of the Hoosier State and Its People, 1920–1945, reviewed, 81:332–33; The Indiana Way: A State History, reviewed, 85:173–74

Madison, James, president of the College of William and Mary, 90:137

Madison, Thomas, 83:209, 216, 218–19, 223

Madison, William Strother, 83:232–33

Madison, Wis., 100:191

Madison County, Ala: settlement of, 106:361

Madison County, Ky., 72:127–28, 346, 73:374, 375, 385, 74:19, 75:3, 7, 94:270, 99:208, 100:15, 498, 102:542, 108:354; African American recruiting in, 101:460; African Americans in, 108:349; agriculture in, 108:353; census data of, 101:458; Daniel Boone's surveys in, 102:555; Edward Francis family in, 101:457, 458, 478; and the family of John G. Fee, 105:621, 623–25; Green Clay land in, 104:252; militia of, 88:7; National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty hearing in, 107:357–60

Madison County: 200 Years in Retrospect, by William E. Ellis, H. E. Everman, and Richard Sears: reviewed, 84:308–10

Madison County Rediscovered: Selected Historic Architecture, by Lavinia H. Kubiak: reviewed, 87:442–43

Madisonian, 85:27; on Tyler administration, 76:327

Madison River, 104:14

Madisons at Montpelier, The: Reflections on the Founding Couple, by Ralph Ketcham: reviewed, 108:391–93

Madison Square Garden (New York City), 78:243

Madison Square Garden (N.Y.), 96:276

Madisonville (Ky.) Daily Hustler, 90:177

Madisonville (Ky.) Hustler, 72:17

Madisonville, Ky., 72:11, 73:165, 78:44, 95:396, 98:254, 293, 294, 99:277, 100:193; economic impact of Civil War on, 103:672–73

Madness in America: Cultural and Medical Perceptions of Mental Illness before 1914, by Lynn Gamwell and Nancy Tomes: noted, 95:118

Madoc, 90:49–50

Madonna (horse), 100:485

Madrid, Spain, 74:273

Madrillene (horse), 100:492

Mae, Bishop, 86:130

Maes, Camillus Paul, 74:35, 38

Maga, Timothy P.: John F. Kennedy and New Frontier Diplomacy, 1961–1963, reviewed, 93:247–48; Judgment at Tokyo: The Japanese War Trials, reviewed, 99:427–29

Magdol, Edward: and Jon L. Wakelyn, eds., The Southern Common People: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Social History, reviewed, 79:290–92; A Right to the Land: Essays on the Freedman's Community, reviewed, 76:249–51

Magee, Jeffrey: Uncrowned King of Swing, The: Fletcher Henderson and Big Band Jazz, reviewed, 105:530–31

Magee, Malcolm D.: book review by, 107:286–87

Magee, M. Juliette: Old Fort Jefferson, reviewed, 74:325, 326

Maggard, Sally Ward: book reviews by, 82:181–83, 84:77–79

Maggie B. B. (horse), 100:482, 494

Magic (horse), 100:485

Magic City, The: Footnotes to the History of Middlesborough, Kentucky, and the Yellow Creek Valley, by Ann Dudley Matheny: listed, 102:151

Magill, Frank N., 75:262, 264, 97:115

Maglie, Sal, 82:368, 99:111

Magliocca, Gerard N.: Andrew Jackson and the Constitution: The Rise and Fall of Generational Regimes, reviewed, 105:489–91; book review by, 105:122–24

Magner, Dennis, 108:194; evaluation of Denton Offutt and John S. Rarey, 108:208–11

Magness, Phillip W.: book review by, 108:408–11

Magnolia: Grant's headquarters boat, 103:646

Magnolia (horse), 100:479–80, 482–83, 485, 492–93

Magoffin, Beriah, 73:21–23, 25, 26, 74:127, 75:24, 77:270, 79:7–8, 16, 28, 124, 80:290, 92:349, 99:344–45, 351–54, 357, 105:624; cartoon of, 103:672; and Ky. neutrality, 103:661–62; Lowell H. Harrison's evaluation of, 105:34–38; during the secession crisis, 72:91–110, 106:413, 453–54; vetoes of, 105:72

Magoffin County, Ky., 72:251, 94:266, 267, 272

Magowan, Mary Parker, 76:275

Magowan, Mrs. ——, 85:331

Magruder, Billy, 86:370

Magruder, Henry C., 86:370, 371, 375

Magruder, John B., 80:207, 108:104

Maguire, Eugene: death of, 108:226

Maguire, Jane: and Ed Brown, On Shares: Ed Brown's Story, reviewed, 75:165–67

Magyar Banyaszlap (Hungarian Miners Journal), 86:124

Mahan, Dennis Hart, 79:311, 107:192

Mahan, D. H., 72:58

Mahan, Sara W., 99:265

Mahan family, 102:485

Mahar, Karen Ward: Women Filmmakers in Early Hollywood, reviewed, 105:330–32

Maher, Elaine (Penny), 96:292

Maher, Neil M.: Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement, reviewed, 106:135–37

"Mahlon D. Manson and the Civil War in Kentucky: The Politics of Martial Glory," by William J. Kaan, 96:221–47

Mahnken, Thomas G.: Uncovering Ways of War: U.S. Intelligence and Foreign Military Innovation, 1918–1941, reviewed, 100:554–56

Mahoney, John, 94:172

Maier, Elsie, 81:300

Maier, Pauline, 75:163

Mailer, Norman, 96:25

Mails, Thomas E.: Fools Crow, reviewed, 78:188–89

Main, Gloria L.: book review by, 89:86–87; Peoples of a Spacious Land: Families and Cultures in Colonial New England, reviewed, 100:207–9

Maine, 99:268; boundary issue, 107:563–64

Mainfort, Robert C.: and Darlene Applegate, eds., Woodland Period Systematics in the Middle Ohio Valley, reviewed, 103:767–69

Main Street (Frankfort, Ky.): illus., 103:464

Main Street (Lexington, Ky.): churches on, 106:196, 213, 225, 228–29; courthouse on, 106:200; paving of, 106:200

Main Street (Louisville, Ky.), 106:52, 60–61, 63, 107:33, 41–42, 44

Main Street Amusements: Movies and Commercial Entertainment in a Southern City, 1896–1930, by Gregory A. Waller: reviewed, 95:183–85

Maizlish, Stephen E.: book review by, 93:228–30; and Robert H. Abzug, eds., New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth M. Stampp, reviewed, 85:174–76

Majewski, John, 106:496; Modernizing a Slave Economy: The Economic Vision of the Confederate Nation, reviewed, 107:276–77

Major, Samuel I. M., 95:395; Ky. Historical Society, 101:12

Major Butler's Legacy: Five Generations of a Slaveholding Family, by Malcolm Bell Jr.: reviewed, 86:182–84

Major Daingerfield (horse), 100:494

Major General Adam Stephen and the Cause of American Liberty, by Harry M. Ward: reviewed, 88:340–41

Major General George Henry Thomas: A Summary in Perspective, by Hans Juergensen: noted, 79:302

Major Hall (Frankfort, Ky.), 101:14

Major McKinley: William McKinley and the Civil War, by William H. Armstrong: reviewed, 98:319–21

Majors, Alexander, 76:318

Majors, William R.: Editorial Wild Oats: Edward Ward Carmack and Tennessee Politics, reviewed, 83:161–62

Mak, James: and Erik F. Haites, and Gary M. Walton, Western River Transportation: The Era of Early Internal Development, 1810–1860, reviewed, 74:346, 347

Make Me a Map of the Valley: The Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson's Topographer, Jedediah Hotchkiss, edited by Archie P. McDonald: noted, 87:94–95

Making and Unmaking of a Revolutionary Family, The: The Tuckers of Virginia, 1752–1830, by Phillip Hamilton: reviewed, 102:235–37

Making a Way Out of No Way: African American Women and the Second Great Migration, by Lisa Krissoff Boehm: reviewed, 107:618–19

Making Constitutional Law: Thurgood Marshall and the Supreme Court, 1961–1991, by Mark V. Tushnet: reviewed, 95:455–56

Making Heretics: Militant Protestantism and Free Grace in Massachusetts, 1636–1641, by Michael P. Winship: reviewed, 101:327–29

Making History: The Biographical Narrratives of Robert Penn Warren, by Jonathan S. Cullick: reviewed, 100:62–66

Making Manhood: Growing Up Male in Colonial New England, by Anne S. Lombard: reviewed, 101:325–27

Making of a Journalist, by William S. White: reviewed, 85:168–69

"Making of a Kentucky Architect and Entrepreneur: Insights into the Life of Matthew Kennedy": by Francis D. Pitts III, 103:493–515

"Making of Imperishable Honor, The: Charles S. Todd in the War of 1812," by Sherry K. Jelsma, 105:195–227

Making of "Mammy Pleasant," The: A Black Entrepreneur in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco, by Lynn M. Hudson: reviewed, 101:162–65

Making of Sacagawea: A Euro-American Legend, by Donna J. Kessler: reviewed, 95:94–95

Making of the Cold War Enemy: Culture and Politics in the Military Intellectual Complex, The, by Ron Robin: reviewed, 100:250–52

Making of Tocqueville's Democracy in America, The, by James T. Schleifer: reviewed, 79:279–81

Making of Urban America, The: A History of Urban Planning in America, by John W. Reps, 107:37

Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech, 1930-1970, by Christophe Lecuyer: reviewed, 104:373–75

Making the Corn Belt: A Geographical History of Middle Western Agriculture, by John C. Hudson: reviewed, 93:100–102

Makowsky, Veronica A., 90:374

Malaria: Poverty, Race and Public Health in the United States, by Margaret Humphreys: reviewed, 100:516–18

Malcolm, Howard, 74:202, 203

Malcolm X: Inventing Radical Judgment, by Robert E. Terrill: reviewed, 103:828–29

Malden, M. O., 102:44

Male High School: . see Louisville Male High School

Malewski, Chubby, 92:303

Malin, James C., 72:61

Malinta Tunnel, 86:253, 254

Malkin, M. M.: The Civil War in the United States of America and Czarist Russia, 73:270

Mallalieu, William C.: history of the University of Louisville, 81:62–64, 67

Malley, John M., 80:324

Mallory, Robert, 72:365, 80:284, 96:334; opposition to First Confiscation Act, 106:577

Malone, Bill C., 98:387, 400; book review by, 77:235–36; New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, vol. 12: Music, reviewed, 107:132–34; Singing Cowboys and Musical Mountaineers: Southern Culture and the Roots of Country Music, reviewed, 92:109–10; Southern Music—American Music, reviewed, 79:271–73; "William S. Hays: the Bard of Kentucky," 93:286–306

Malone, Bobbie: book note by, 94:456

Malone, Cheryl Knott: "Louisville Free Public Library's Racially Segregated Branches, 1905–1935," 93:159–79

Malone, Dumas: Jefferson and His Time, vol. 6, reviewed, 81:209–10; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:326; Thomas D. Clark letters to, 103:231, 238, 326, 374–76

Malone, Henry T., 76:332

Malone, J. B., 82:245

Maloney, Clarence: Edward F. Prichard Jr. interview, 105:2; and the truck deal, 104:575

Malpede, John: and Robert F. Kennedy's visit to eastern Ky., 107:371

Maltby, Charles, 108:183

Malthus, Thomas Robert, 74:221

Maltoni, Cesare: illus., 102:168; polyvinyl chloride and cancer, 102:169–71; rat studies, 102:172; study of angiosarcoma, 102:177

Maltz, Earl M.: The Chief Justiceship of Warren Burger, 1969–1986, reviewed, 98:222–24; Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861, reviewed, 107:443–45

Malvasi, Mark G.: book reviews by, 100:551–52, 102:259–60, 104:785–87

Malvern Hill (Va.): battle of, 96:14

Mama Learned Us to Work: Farm Women in the New South, by Lu Ann Jones: reviewed, 100:553–54

Mambrino Chief (horse), 100:487–88, 490

Mambrino Patchen (horse), 100:487

Mamie Doud Eisenhower: The General's First Lady, by Marilyn Irvin Holt: reviewed, 106:146–49

Mammals of Kentucky, by Roger W. Barbour and Wayne H. Davis: reviewed, 73:203–5

Mammoth Cave (Edmondson County, Ky.), 107:501

Mammoth Cave (Edmonson County, Ky.), 73:302, 81:32–33, 35, 55, 87:107, 91:52, 94:62, 97:383, 98:385; description by Theodor Kirchoff, 81:383–406; and gunpowder manufacture, 88:418; saltpeter mining in, 77:248–49, 251–52, 255, 257, 259–60

Mammoth Cave National Park (Edmonson County, Ky.): Civilian Conservation Corps and the creation of, 93:446–64

Mammoth Cave National Park: Reflections, by Raymond Klass: noted, 104:807

Mammoth Life and Accident Insurance Company (Louisville, Ky.), 99:371, 373–74

Mammy and Uncle Mose: Black Collectibles and American Stereotyping, by Kenneth W. Goings, reviewed, 93:109–10

Mamre Baptist College (Oneida, Ky.): . see Oneida Baptist Institute

Manager (horse), 100:492–93

Manalapan Mining Company: operations in Harlan County, Ky., 107:471, 495–96

Manassas, Va.: battle of, 103:671, 673; second battle of, George W. Smith's reaction to, 103:676

Manchester, Ala, 94:158

Manchester, England, 74:224

Manchester, Ky., 72:340, 88:3, 4, 5, 7

Manchester, William: The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, vol. 2, Alone, 1932–1940, reviewed, 87:184–85

Mandarins of the Future: Modernization Theory in Cold War America, by Nils Gilman: reviewed, 101:548–49

Manegold, C. S.: Ten Hills Farm: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North, reviewed, 107:432–34

Maness, Lonnie E.: book reviews by, 90:397–99, 91:437–39, 92:217–18; An Untutored Genius; The Military Career of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, reviewed, 89:414–15

Man Everybody Knew, The: Bruce Barton and the Making of Modern America, by Richard M. Fried: reviewed, 104:180–82

Maney, Frank, 74:73, 78

Man for the Ages: Tributes to Abraham Lincoln, compiled by Louis A. Warren with biographical sketch and bibliography by John David Smith: reviewed, 77:211–12

Mangum, Leonard H., 75:203

Mangum, Willie P., 75:203

Manhunt: The Twelve-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer, by James L. Swanson: reviewed, 104:727–29

Manifee, Jane, 90:69

Manifest Destiny, 90:342, 343, 107:551–52; and Daniel Boone, 102:498–99, 501, 510–11, 520, 525; and the invasion of Cuba, 105:572

Manifest Destiny's Underworld: Filibustering in Antebellum America, by Robert E. May: reviewed, 100:221–25

Manifest Manhood and the Antebellum American Empire, by Amy S. Greenberg: reviewed, 103:789–90

Manigault, Arthur M., 97:275

Manila Bay (Philippines): Spanish fleet in, 104:44

Manion, Richard L.: book review by, 108:420–22

Manipulators, The: America in the Media Age, by Robert Sobel: reviewed, 75:343–45

Manis, Andre Michael: Southern Civil Religions in Conflict: Black and White Baptists and Civil Rights, 1947–1957, reviewed, 86:303–4

Mankins, James, 83:18

Mann, Ambrose Dudley: and the Hungarian revolution, 107:572–74

Mann, Horace, 86:24, 96:36, 42, 54, 58

Mann, John, 78:297

Mann, Ralph: article by, 103:528

Mann, Terry, 99:222

Manning, Ambrose N.: and Robert T. Higgs, and Jim Wayne Miller, eds., Appalachia Inside Out: A Sequel to Voices from the Hills, reviewed, 93:466–67

Manning, Chandra, 107:546; book review by, 104:155–57; What This Cruel War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil War, reviewed, 106:97–100

Manning, Keri L.: book review by, 98:125–27

Manning, Mrs. William: sexual harassment allegations against Fr. John Thayer, 101:293

"Man of Books and a Man of the People": E. Y. Mullins and the Crisis of Moderate Southern Baptist Leadership, by William E. Ellis: reviewed, 84:312–13

Man O'War (thoroughbred), 76:307

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