Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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National Youth Administration, 98:396

Nation Building in South Korea: Koreans, Americans, and the Making of a Democracy, by Gregg Brazinsky: reviewed, 105:759–60

Nation by Design, A: Immigration Policy in the Fashioning of America, by Aristide R. Zolberg: reviewed, 104:733–35

Nation magazine, 72:69

Nation of Counterfeiters, A: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States, by Stephen Mihm: reviewed, 106:91–92

Nation of Sovereign States: Secession & War in the Confederacy: Journal of Confederate History Series, vol. 10, edited and compiled by Archie P. McDonald, noted, 92:449

Nations, Markets, and War: Modern History and the American Civil War, by Nicholas Onuf and Peter Onuf: reviewed, 104:716–18

Nations Divided: America, Italy, and the Southern Question, by Don H. Doyle: reviewed, 101:143–45

Nation's Region: Southern Modernism, Segregation, and U.S. Nationalism, by Leigh Anne Duck: reviewed, 105:340–41

Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples, A, edited by Barry M. Pritzker: reviewed, 100:68–69

Native American Place Names of the United States, by William Bright: noted, 103:845

Native Americans, 80:271–72, 276, 278, 91:8, 249–59, 298, 302, 304–14, 316–18, 320–21, 386, 388, 92:131–34, 136–47, 149–74, 98:372–73; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:346–47, 368; and African Americans on frontier, 102:480; agriculture of on Ky. frontier, 107:11, 27; attitude of Lincoln family toward, 106:321–24; burial mound, illus., 102:474; captives in white society, 102:471; captives of, 102:468–71; causes of poverty, 107:360–61, 367; conflict with whites, 102:475–80; and Daniel Boone, 100:500–501, 102:470–71, 477–78, 492–97, 524, 528–29, 544; displacement in Old Northwest, 106:365; Dudley's Defeat, presence at, 104:36–38; education of, 91:260–97; effect of disease, 102:476–77; in frontier Ky., 78:98–101, 106, 303–4, 90:1–25, 64–69, 225–29, 95:219–35, 102:468–80, 107:12, 16, 31; indigenous groups in Kentucky, 102:474–75; and Ky. place names, 78:198–205; land claims at Falls of the Ohio, 107:39; life in early Ky., 90:1–25; Melungeon ancestry, 102:208, 211, 218; negotiation with, 102:480; passing for white, 102:209; political conflicts among, 102:474–75; previous experience of whites, 102:473; and the teaching of history, 107:245; and tobacco, 100:314; on the trans-Appalachian Frontier, 82:330, 332, 340–41; on the trans-Appalachian frontier, 106:334–37, 344–49; variety of, 102:480; white Indian myth, 90:49–51; women of, 93:81, 82; Woodland methods of warfare, 86:4–23

Native Americans, The: Peopling Indiana, vol. 2, by Elizabeth Glenn and Stewart Rafert: noted, 107:634

Native Ground, The: Indians and Colonists in the Heart of the Continent, by Kathleen Du Val: reviewed, 104:297–98

Natives & Newcomers: The Cultural Origins of North America, by James Axtell: reviewed, 99:165–67

Natural Allies: Women's Associations in American History, by Anne Firor Scott: reviewed, 91:231–32

Natural Bridge (Powell County, Ky.), 74:129

Natural Law Party, 99:267

Nature of Cities, The: Ecological Visions and the American Urban Professions, 1920-1960, by Jennifer S. Light: reviewed, 108:165–67

Nature of Gold, The: An Environmental History of the Klondike Gold Rush, by Kathryn Morse: reviewed, 101:523–24

Nature's Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite, by Harvey Meyerson: reviewed, 100:91–93

Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, by William Cronon: reviewed, 90:307–8

Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement, by Neil M. Maher: reviewed, 106:135–37

Nauvoo, Ill., 105:244–46; abolition of city charter, 105:233; map of, 105:239; Mormons in, 105:229–36

Navajo Indians: poverty of, 107:361

Navarino, Greece: naval battle, 107:565

Navy Cross–Vietnam; Citations of Awards to Men of the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, 1964–1973, edited by Paul Drew Stevens: noted, 88:243

Nazareth, Ky., 72:387

Nazareth Academy (Nelson County, Ky.): and slavery, 108:247

Nazi Prisoners of War in America,by Arnold Kammer, 105:419

Nazism, 93:338, 339, 95:135, 140, 141, 149, 151, 160, 162, 166, 167, 170, 172, 178, 179; and German POWs, 105:440–42, 449, 454

Ndiaye, Pap A.: Nylon and Bombs: DuPont and the March of Modern America, reviewed, 105:357–58

Neal, Jacob, 88:147

Neal, Jarrett: book review by, 106:132–33

Neal, Julia: book review by, 79:371–72

Neal, M. H., 97:302

Neal, Patricia, 83:126

Neal, Sterling: red-scare tactics used against, 104:222–23, 247

Neal, Steve: Dark Horse: A Biography of Wendell Willkie, reviewed, 82:417–18; The Eisenhowers: Reluctant Dynasty, reviewed, 78:291–93

Nearby History: Exploring the Past Around You, by David E. Kyvig and Myron A. Marty: reviewed, 81:435–36

Neary, Donna M.: oral history interviews with Thomas D. Clark, 103:333; and Patti Linn, Riverside, The Farnsley-Moremen Landing: The Restoration of a Way of Life, noted, 98:134–35

Neb, Theodore H., 81:154, 160–61

Nebraska, 72:362, 81:255, 271–73; bookmobile projects in, 95:60

Needlework Guild of America, 82:258

Neel, William C., 79:331

Neely, Mark E. Jr., 106:433–34; The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia, reviewed, 81:79–81; "American Nationalism in the Image of Henry Clay: Abraham Lincoln's Eulogy on Henry Clay in Context," 106:537–70; article by, 103:530–31; book review by, 77:148–49; Boundaries of American Political Culture in the Civil War Era, The, reviewed, 103:566–68; Fate of Liberty, The: Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberties, review essay, 106:435–36; and Harold Holzer, and Gabor S. Boritt, The Confederate Image: Prints of the Lost Cause, reviewed, 86:189–90; and Harold Holzer, Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: The Civil War in Art, reviewed, 92:326–27; Lincoln article by, 106:299–302, 304–5; and R. Gerald McMurtry, The Insanity File: The Case of Mary Todd Lincoln, reviewed, 85:167–88

Neely, Sylvia: book review by, 82:183–85

Neem, Johann N.: book review by, 100:214–15

Neeson, Liam, 98:379

Neff, Emery Edward, 97:120

Neff, Lieutenant ——, 73:413

Negdi (Arabian tribe), 100:478

Negley, James, 96:318

Negotiating for Georgia: British-Creek Relations in the Trustee Era, 1733–1752, by Julie Anne Sweet: reviewed, 104:302–4

Negro American League (baseball), 99:113

Negro Family, The: The Case for National Action, by Daniel Patrick Moynihan: and African American poverty, 107:353–54

Negro Labor Council, 104:223, 231

Negro Library Conference, 93:164, 175

"Negro Politics and the Suffrage Question in Kentucky, 1866–1872," by Victor B. Howard, 72:111–33

Negro State Convention, 98:166

Nehru, Jawaharlal: and John Sherman Cooper, 82:31, 33–37, 41–44, 46–47, 49, 51, 57–59

Neidel-Greenlee, Rosemary: and Evelyn M. Monahan, Few Good Women, A: America's Military Women from World War I to the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, reviewed, 108:301–3

Neider, Charles: The Complete Tales of Washington Irving, reviewed, 75:347–48; ed., The Comic Mark Twain Reader, reviewed, 76:74–76

Neighbours, Kenneth Franklin: Robert Simpson Neighbors and the Texas Frontier: 1836–1859, reviewed, 76:69–70

Neither Lady nor Slave: Working Women of the Old South, edited by Susanna Delfino and Michele Gillespie: reviewed, 100:522–24

Nekrassoff, Philippe: D-Day research, 102:39–40

Nell (film), 96:133

Nelli, Bert S., 86:120, 97:101; "Adolph Rupp, the Kentucky Wildcats, and the Basketball Scandal of 1951," 84:51–75; book note by, 88:240; book reviews by, 90:409–10, 92:98–99, 94:303–5; "Herman L. Donovan and the Emergence of 'Big-Time' Athletics at the University of Kentucky," 88:163–82; oral history interviews with Thomas D. Clark, 103:447–48; The Winning Tradition: A History of Kentucky Wildcat Basketball (1984), reviewed, 83:269–70; The Winning Tradition: A History of Kentucky Wildcat Basketball (1998) reviewed, 97:459–60

Nelli, Steve: and Bert S. Nelli, The Winning Tradition: A History of Kentucky Wildcat Basketball (1998), reviewed, 97:459–60

Nelms, Willie E., 82:151–69, 97:94; "Cora Wilson Stewart and the Crusade Against Illiteracy in Kentucky," 74:10–29; Cora Wilson Stewart: Crusader Against Illiteracy, reviewed, 96:88–90

Nelson, Dana D.: book reviews by, 100:528–29, 102:104–6

Nelson, Dave, 83:237–38

Nelson, D. G., 100:305

Nelson, Donald: War Production Board, 104:495–96

Nelson, Emily, 73:420

Nelson, Gaylord, 77:44

Nelson, Harold W.: and Jay Luvaas, eds., The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Antietam: The Maryland Campaign of 1862, noted, 87:94; and Jay Luvaas, eds., The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg, noted, 86:99–100

Nelson, H. B., 94:143

Nelson, Horatio, 93:281

Nelson, Jacquelyn S.: Indiana Quakers Confront the Civil War, reviewed, 90:299–330

Nelson, Larry L.: book review by, 105:110–11, 106:87–88; "Dudley's Defeat and the Relief of Fort Meigs during the War of 1812," 104:5–42

Nelson, Paul David, 89:63; Anthony Wayne: Soldier of the Early Republic, reviewed, 84:320–23; book reviews by, 75:68–69, 76:68–69, 81:88–89, 84:324–25, 86:377–78, 88:468–69, 90:388–89, 95:185–86, 96:399–400, 101:334–35; "From Intolerance to Moderation: The Evolution of Abraham Lincoln's Racial Views," 72:1–9; The Life of William Alexander, Lord Stirling, reviewed, 87:169–70; Lincoln article by, 106:299; "'Mad' Anthony Wayne and the Kentuckians of the 1790s," 84:1–17; William Tryon and the Course of Empire: A Life in British Imperial Justice, reviewed, 89:305–6

Nelson, Scott: and Carol Sheriff, People at War, A: Civilians and Soldiers in America's Civil War, 1854-1877, reviewed, 106:265–67

Nelson, Thomas, 72:80, 81:17

Nelson, W. Dale: The President Is at Camp David, reviewed, 93:502

Nelson, William ("Bull"), 72:183, 305, 73:297, 403, 74:287, 76:10, 85:30, 88:284, 285, 96:241, 242, 316–17, 322, 323–24, 328–29, 330, 331, 344, 97:254, 99:346–47, 105:71; battle of Richmond, 108:54, 56

Nelson, William (historian), 74:64

Nelson-Campbell, Deborah Hubbard: Journals of Tommie L. Hubbard, The: Life in Madison County, Kentucky, 1898–1900, noted, 104:814

Nelson County, Kentucky: A Pictorial History, by Dixie Hibbs: noted, 88:369

Nelson County, Ky., 73:357, 358, 366, 428, 74:244, 90:120, 140–64, 95:10, 29, 97:131, 104:257; Beauchamp-Cook tombstone in, 104:88; Catholic slaveholders in, 101:287; Christianity and Progressivism in, 87:144–61; economic development of, 106:353–54; out-migration, 106:366; slave trade in, 106:360

Nemec, Mark R.: Ivory Towers and Nationalist Minds: Universities, Leadership, and the Development of the American State, reviewed, 104:741–42

Nemerov, Alexander: Frederic Remington and Turn-of-the-Century America, reviewed, 94:447–49

Nenninger, Timothy K., 99:123; book reviews by, 82:87–89, 88:227–28

Neo-Colonial style: in Louisville, Ky., 107:63

Neo-Federal style: in Louisville, Ky., 107:63

Neon, Ky., 90:350, 356

Nerinckx, Charles: and Catholicism in Ky., 97:353, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370; and Jesuits in Ky., 108:215–16, 218–19; slaves of, 101:288, 108:217; view of slavery, 108:227

Nerinckx–Kentucky–Loretto, 1804–1851: Augustin C. Wand, S. J. and Sister M. Lilliana Owens, S. L., eds., reviewed, 72:411–12

Nerney, May Childs, 78:46, 48–49

Nestor, George, 89:7

Neth, Mary, 108:327

Netherland, Benjamin, 81:120

Netter, Gabriel, 77:4–5

Nettles, Tom, 94:284

Nettleton, Asahel: and revivalism, 106:189

Networked Machinists: High-Technology Industries in Antebellum America, by David R. Meyer: reviewed, 105:488–89

Network of Women in State Government, 99:255

Neu, Charles, 95:289

Neuenschwander, John A.: books by, 104:644; oral history roundtable discussion panelist, 104:643–73

Neuman, Caryn E.: book review by, 106:238–40

Neuman, Fred G.: and Catherine Neuman Adams, The Story of Paducah, noted, 78:296

Neuman, Fred G., Paducah, Ky., 92:150, 152, 167, 102:202; review of J. Winston Coleman's Slavery Times in Kentucky, 103:716

Neumann, Caryn E.: book review by, 105:153–55

Neutrality Act of 1818: and filibustering, 105:571, 585; prosecution of members of 1850 López expedition, 105:613

Nevada, 72:353; library projects in, 95:60

Never Surrender: Confederate Memory and Conservatism in the South Carolina Upcountry, by W. Scott Poole: reviewed, 103:801–3

Neville, John (Lord Latimer), 72:416

Nevins, Allan, 73:347, 86:11, 89:363, 100:275, 101:425; and oral history, 104:389–90, 617–18

Nevitt, Charles A., 103:60

New Age Now Begins, A: A People's History of the American Revolution, by Page Smith: reviewed, 75:58–60

New Albany, Ind., 95:396, 421

New American Dream Machine, The: Toward A Simpler Lifestyle in an Environmental Age, by Robert L. Sansom: reviewed, 76:79–81

New and Complete System of Teaching the Horse on Phrenological Principles, A , by Denton Offutt: publication of, 108:187

Newark (N.J.) Daily Advertiser: on Brutus J. Clay, 75:215

Newark (N.J.) Evening News: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:309–10

New Bern, N.C., 74:310

New Berne expedition (1862), 73:319

Newberry, Anthony: book review by, 78:287–89

Newberry Library, 76:195

New Brunswick, Canada: coal strike in, 107:510

Newburg, N.Y., 105:404

Newburg Elementary School (Jefferson County, Ky.), 105:6–7; desegregation, 105:20

Newburg Road (Louisville, Ky.), 107:33

Newby, I. A.: book reviews by, 81:313–14, 91:357–58, 92:99–101, 93:356–57; Plain Folk in the New South: Social Change and Cultural Persistence, 1880–1915, reviewed, 88:103–4; The South: A History, reviewed, 78:70–72

New Carthage, Miss.: Civil War campaign, 105:672

New Castle Presbytery (New York), 106:170

New Cathedrals, The: Politics and Media in the History of Stadium Construction, by Robert C. Trumpbour: reviewed, 105:187–89

New College, Oxford University: Robert Penn Warren, degree from, 104:78

Newcomb, Herman D., 76:302

Newcomb, Horatio D., 106:58–59

Newcomb, Richard F.: A Pictorial History of the Vietnam War, reviewed, 86:195–96

Newcombe, Don, 82:386, 99:116

New Court Party: and the bank issue in Ky., 78:20–22

New Covenant Bound, by T. Crunk: noted, 107:629

New Crusades, The New Holy Land: Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention, 1969-1991, by David T. Morgan: reviewed, 94:210–12

New Day/New Deal: A Bibliography of the Great American Depression, 1929–141, compiled by David E. Kyvig and Mary-Ann Blasio: noted, 87:96–97

New Deal, 72:245, 79:48, 80:309–10, 313–18, 321, 325–28, 85:95–96, 275–76, 291, 90:85, 256–83, 358, 367, 92:196, 93:446–64, 96:375, 99:43, 365, 104:399, 440, 441, 450, 456, 464, 479, 501, 622, 105:462, 107:50, 343, 365; and Arthur Larson, 105:470; big dam projects of, 107:328; and Dwight David Eisenhower, 105:464; and employment, 107:314–17; legacy of, 104:601–2; liberalism of, 107:336; and Louis D. Brandeis, 77:38–39, 42; policies, 107:367–68; and the Republican Party, 108:379; and rural Ky., 84:146–91; Samuel M. Wilson's view of, 103:53; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:235

New Deal and the Triumph of Liberalism, The, edited by Sidney Milkis and Jerome Mileur: reviewed, 100:247–48

New Deal Fat Cats: Business, Labor, and Campaign Finance in the 1936 Presidential Election, by Michael J. Webber: reviewed, 100:105–7

New Deal in Tennessee, 1932–1938, by John Dean Minton: reviewed, 79:196–98

"New Deal in the Cold War, A: Carl D. Perkins, Coal, and the Political Economy of Poverty in Eastern Kentucky," by Robert S. Weise, 107:305, 307–38

New Deal in the Urban South, by Douglas L. Smith: reviewed, 87:80–81

New Deal Justice: The Life of Stanley Reed of Kentucky, by John D. Fassett: reviewed, 93:212–13

New Decatur, Ala., 97:195

New Departure Democrats: . see Democratic Party

New Diamond Mine (Hopkins County, Ky.), 90:100

Newell, Linda King: et al., Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith: Prophet's Wife, "Elect Lady," Polygamy's Foe, reviewed, 83:275–77

New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The: vol. 10, Law and Politics, edited by James W. Ely and Bradley G. Bond: reviewed, 106:291–92

New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The: vol. 12: Music, edited by Bill C. Malone: reviewed, 107:132–34

New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The: vol. 15, Urbanization, edited by Wanda Rushing: reviewed, 107:623–25

New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, The: vol. 1, Religion, edited by Samuel S. Hill: reviewed, 105:176–78, 106:137–38

New England, 72:144, 151, 421, 73:243, 98:399, 105:70, 107:254, 108:9; coal markets of, 107:322; out-migration, 106:365; town development in, 107:39

New England Association of Oral Historians: disappearance of, 104:628

New England Courant, 76:163–64

New Englander: on concealed weapons, 81:137

New England Life Mutual Insurance Company: and George Chescheir, 105:421, 458

New Era, 72:245, 105:463

Newfoundland: fishery issue, 107:563

New Hampshire, 72:403, 93:182, 183

New Harvest: Forgotten Stories of Kentucky's Jesse Stuart, edited by David R. Palmore: listed, 102:152–53

New Haven, Conn., 73:381

New Haven, Ky., 72:21–22, 108:73

New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Reappraisals, by Gertrude Himmelfarb: reviewed, 86:285–86

New History of Kentucky, A, by Lowell H. Harrison and James C. Klotter, 97:84, 105:90; illus., 105:91; reviewed, 96:307–14

New History of Muhlenberg County, by Paul Camplin: reviewed, 83:270–72

New Hope Church-Dallas (Ga.): battle at, 94:163, 172

New Jersey, 99:268, 105:591; election of 1864, 103:684–85, 106:470; emigration to Indiana, 108:338; triracial isolate group in, 102:212

New Kent County, Va.: school integration, 101:247–49, 257

New Leader, 84:288

New Left, 104:245

New Light on the Tyrant George III, by J. H. Plumb: reviewed, 78:179–80

New Madrid, Mo.: earthquakes, 72:398–402, 75:237, 77:25–26, 28, 108–10, 97:42–44

New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811–1812, The, by James Penick Jr.: reviewed, 75:150–53

Newman, Benjamin, 72:25

Newman, Jennifer: book review by, 105:477–78

Newman, John W., 75:31, 44, 46

Newman, Mark: Divine Agitators: The Delta Ministry and Civil Rights in Mississippi, reviewed, 101:553–54

Newman, Paul Douglas: book note by, 90:427–28; book reviews by, 101:131–33, 105:104–6

Newman, Ralph C.: Abraham Lincoln, His Story in his Own Words, reviewed, 73:426–28

Newman, Robert, 84:13

Newmann, Caryn: book note by, 92:453–54

Newman's Ridge (Tenn.): Melungeons in, 102:211, 219

New Market, Ky., 72:28

New Masses, 84:288; reporting on Harlan County, Ky., 107:479

New Men, New Cities, New South: Atlanta, Nashville, Charleston, Mobile, 1860–1910, by Don H. Doyle: reviewed, 89:106–7

New Mexico, 72:425; acquisition of, 107:572; "Moonlight Schools" in, 74:25

Newmyer, R. Kent: John Marshall and the Heroic Age of the Supreme Court, reviewed, 100:73–75

Newnan, Ga., 74:295

New Nuns, The: Racial Justice and Religious Reform in the 1960s, by Amy I. Koehlinger: reviewed, 105:762–64

New Orleans (La.) Crescent: on Matt Ward trial, 84:143

New Orleans (La.) Delta, 105:586

New Orleans (La.) Picayune, 94:254; reports on 1850 López expedition, 105:600

New Orleans (La.) Time-Picayune, 75:237; on Fred M. Vinson, 75:307–8

New Orleans (La.) Times-Democrat, 108:59; George A. Ellsworth's memoir in, 108:13, 15–42, 73–110

New Orleans (La.) Times-Picayune, 108:13

New Orleans (steamboat), 75:237

New Orleans, La., 72:11, 39, 146, 156, 159, 169, 302, 339, 398, 73:319, 74:60, 66, 300, 75:4, 78:108, 90:324, 326, 92:7, 93:267, 292, 95:7, 26, 27, 250–52, 277–78, 100:335–36, 343, 105:585, 588, 598, 613, 106:11; 1849 attempt to invade Cuba, 105:580; Abraham and Thomas Lincoln's flatboat trips to, 106:356–57; Abraham Lincoln's trip to, 108:180; architectural styles in, 103:502; battle of, 72:337, 98:112–13, 376, 106:25, 473; black branch library in, 93:161; Board of Trade, 76:39; filibustering recruiting efforts in, 105:580, 585; George A. Ellsworth in, 108:12, 19; Henry Clay Jr. in, 106:8–9; and Jefferson Davis, 107:208; and Jesuits, 108:222, 225–26, 228–29; Ky. Regiment at, 105:586–87, 600–602; Matthew Kennedy in, 103:500–502; and Mississippi River navigation, 107:26; National Convention of African American Men, 98:171; recruitment of African American soldiers, 106:466–67; slavery in, 106:360, 457; students from at Saint Joseph's College, 108:242–43; trade at, 106:358; trade with, 108:178–79; violence in, 76:170–72

New Orleans After the Promises: Poverty, Citizenship, and the Search for the Great Society, by Kent B. Germany: reviewed, 105:562–63

New Orleans and Ohio Railway, 97:306, 309

New Orleans on Parade: Tourism and the Transformation of the Crescent City, by J. Mark Souther: reviewed, 105:332–35

New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth M. Stampp, edited by Robert H. Abzug and Stephen E. Maizlish: reviewed, 85:174–76

Newport (Ky.) Local, 74:307, 98:154, 178

Newport, Ky., 72:337, 341, 79:41, 91:259, 92:21, 94:39, 66, 95:396, 98:167, 99:251, 101:15, 104:15; arsenal of, 88:404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 417; members of Ky. Regiment from, 105:583, 593; organized crime in, 98:343–65; PTA in, 95:75; recruiting rendezvous during War of 1812, 105:213–14; Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:659

Newport, Ky., army barracks, 96:3

Newport Civic Association, 98:349

Newport Ministerial Association, 98:349, 351

Newport News, Va., 88:45, 101:308; Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, 88:48

Newport Paper and Printing Company (Newport, Ky.), 87:417

New Providence Presbyterian Church (Mayville, Tenn.), 74:105

New Republic, 78:51, 91:190, 194; articles in, 104:423–24; on J. B. Matthews, 84:287

New Republic, The, 72:69

New Sabin, The: Books Described by Joseph Sabin and His Successors, Now Described Again on the Basis of Examination of Originals and Fully Indexed by Title, Subject, Joint Authors, and Institutions and Agencies, by Lawrence Thompson: reviewed, 73:433

New Salem, Ill., 106:367, 108:171, 180; Denton Offutt in, 108:173–74, 181–84; description of, 108:182

New Salem, Ind.: settlement of, 106:364; and Upland South culture, 106:370

News and Truths, 74:122

"New Scholarship on John G. Fee and the Early Years of Berea College," by John David Smith, 95:79–85

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