Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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"New School Presbyterian Seminary in Woodford County," by Harold M. Parker Jr., 74:99–111

New Side Synod (New York), 106:170

Newsome Crushed Stone & Quarry Company (Knoxville, Tenn.), 92:57

New South, 79:226

New South Faces the World: Foreign Affairs and the Southern Sense of Self, 1877–1950, by Tennant S. McWilliams: reviewed, 87:179–81

Newspaper Press in Kentucky, The, by Herndon J. Evans: reviewed, 76:155–57

Newsweek, 91:194, 195, 197, 95:296, 106:440; on Henry H. Denhardt, 84:388; on the media as historians, 92:402

Newton, Judy Ann: and Michael Newton, The Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia, noted, 89:433–34

"New Towns," 107:366, 369; and the Council of the Southern Mountains, 107:346–48; programs of, 107:352

New Woman in Alabama: Social Reforms and Suffrage, 1890–1920, by Mary Martha Thomas: reviewed, 91:450–51

"New Women": expectations of, 101:46–49, 51–53

New Women of the New South: The Leaders of the Woman Suffrage Movement in the Southern States, by Marjorie Spruill Wheeler: reviewed, 92:101–2

"'New Wrinkle for Rural Uplift': Henry Hardin Cherry and His Famous Chautauquas," by Jonathan Jeffrey, 92:267–87

New York, 72:38, 51, 139, 331, 105:220, 107:213, 343; coal markets of, 107:322; identification with presidents, 106:480; Jesuits in, 108:237; and Robert F. Kennedy's senate campaign, 107:382–83; Southern Tier Counties of, 107:382–85; and treatment of tuberculosis, 105:635; triracial isolate group in, 102:212

New York (ship), 97:183

New York, N.Y., 72:282, 298, 73:277, 278, 283, 378, 431, 74:262, 310, 99:103, 118, 367, 385, 100:56, 175, 183, 200, 494, 105:580, 107:226; 1864 attempt to burn, 75:82; community development in, 107:386; Cooper Institute, 106:308; election of 1844 in, 100:464–65; filibustering efforts in, 105:582; poverty in, 107:382; Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:654; during World War II, 101:91–92

New York Asylum for Widows and Orphans (New York, N.Y.): and John S. Rarey, 108:204

New York Central Railroad, 94:282

New York City Independent, 96:43

New York Courier and Enquirer, 81:190

New York Daily Tribune, 99:347

New Yorker, 74:151, 100:2, 101:485; on Duncan Hines, 97:41

New York Evangelist, 73:233

New York Evening Post, 96:363

New York Evening Star, 75:203

New York Freeman: on domestic servants, 85:127, 129, 130

New York Giants, 99:118

New York Greek Committee, 72:167

New York Herald, 74:8, 172, 179, 98:19, 105:660; John S. Rarey statement in, 108:204; Lincoln-Haycraft correspondence, 106:310; on Matt Ward trial, 84:117; reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:650–51

New York Herald-Tribune, 76:124

New York Herald Tribune: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:309

New York Herald-Tribune: on prohibition, 92:190

New York Independent: on Don Carlos Buell, 96:328

New York Observer, 73:226, 233, 236

New York Public Library (New York City), 93:174, 96:277, 103:59

New York Society for the Prevention of Vice, 87:416

New York State Library School, 93:174

New York Sun: on tobacco fund, 82:258

New York Supreme Court: and Denton Offutt's lawsuit, 108:203, 205

New York Times, 72:69, 167, 81:31, 36, 94:249, 254, 95:297, 98:371, 373, 407, 415, 416, 421, 426, 427, 100:2, 276, 101:437, 102:181, 104:425, 681, 106:374, 107:180, 108:203; on battleships, 88:48; book review by, 92:260; and the Braden case, 104:226; and Denton Offutt's lawsuit, 108:205; on Duncan Hines, 97:40, 41; on Fred M. Vinson, 75:309, 312; on "Happy" Chandler, 80:312; headline on Vicksburg campaign, illus., 103:652; on Henry H. Denhardt, 84:388; on homicide, 81:136–37; on J. B. Matthews, 84:297, 300; on John Sherman Cooper, 82:30; on lynching, 84:272; on Matt Ward trial, 84:116, 130; POW escape, 105:443; and POW security issue, 105:448; on prohibition, 92:184, 190; reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:651–54; reporting on Harlan County, Ky., 107:475–76, 478–85, 492, 495; on USS Kentucky, 88:79; on Valentine Hatfield, 87:402; on William English Walling, 96:369

New York Tribune, 106:438, 440, 574; biographical sketch of Grant, 103:645; headline on Vicksburg campaign, illus., 103:648; reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:647–50; Thomas Hutchison interview, 106:421; on World War I, 96:370

New York University (New York City), 96:274, 278, 291, 292, 98:407; and Lowell H. Harrison, 105:33, 81–83

New York World: reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:637

New York World-Telegram: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:309

New York Yankees, 99:99, 100, 104, 105, 113, 118

New Zealand, 96:305

New Zealand Purchasing Commission, 104:525

Next of Kin (film), 98:379

Niagara Falls (N.Y.), 72:62

Niagara Movement, 96:365

Niblos Garden (New York, N.Y.): John S. Rarey at, 108:202

Nicaragua: William Walker expedition to, 105:614

Nichaus, John, 93:53, 54, 55, 58, 59–60, 66

Nicholas, George, 72:310, 73:217, 75:110, 153, 180, 76:269, 77:77–81, 84–85, 87, 78:2, 6, 79:28, 81:251, 89:9, 90:133, 232, 91:12, 94:115, 95:337, 339–40, 352, 354–55, 361–67, 100:452, 105:49; proslavery arguments of`, 102:23–24

Nicholas, George Ann: marriage of, 76:269

Nicholas, Hetty Morrison, 79:28

Nicholas, Newton, 82:245

Nicholas, Robert Carter, 77:77

Nicholas, Samuel S., 72:162, 75:109, 106:59

Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 72:427

Nicholas County, Ky., 72:124, 75:1; Daniel Boone's surveys near, 102:553; politics in, 79:162–74

Nicholasville, Ky., 72:119, 129, 92:353, 357, 360, 361, 363, 95:407, 416, 417, 421, 423; Twenty-second Wisconsin Infantry Regiment at, 106:587

Nichols, David A.: book reviews by, 94:306–8, 101:507–8; Red Gentlemen & White Savages: Indians, Federalists, and the Search for Order on the American Frontier, reviewed, 107:93–95

Nichols, Roger L.: book review by, 93:235–37

Nichols-Casebolt, Ann: book review by, 102:128–29

Nichols General Hospital (Louisville, Ky.), 100:146

Nicholson, Amariah Purcell, 90:96

Nicholson, Amber: Kentucky Historical Society scholarly research fellow, 107:298

Nicholson, George Harrison, 90:106–7

Nicholson, Sarah, 99:257

Nicholson, William B. ("Bill"), 99:112

Nickell, Joe, 90:52–53; Ambrose Bierce Is Missing and Other Historical Mysteries, reviewed, 91:118; book review by, 93:240–42; Pen, Ink, and Evidence: A Study of Writing and Writing Materials for the Penman, Collector, and Document Detective, reviewed, 89:430–31; Real or Fake: Studies in Authentication, reviewed, 107:625–26

Nickeson, Jennifer: Kentucky Historical Society scholarly research fellow, 107:297

Nicks, Roy S.: Community Colleges of Tennessee: The Founding and Early Years, noted, 79:97–98

Nickson, Richard: and Junius Irving Scales, Cause at Heart: A Former Communist Remembers, reviewed, 85:389–90

Nicolaevsky, Boris: Forced Labor in Soviet Russia, 72:83

Nicolaisen, Peter: Peter S. Onuf, Andrew J. O'Shaughnessy, and Leonard J. Sadosky, eds., Old World, New World: America and Europe in the Age of Jefferson, reviewed, 107:591–93

Nicolay, John George, 73:328, 75:204

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 78:150, 84:264, 90:347; influence on Ed Prichard, 104:427–28

Niedermeier, Lynn E.: book review by, 99:412–13; Eliza Calvert Hall: Kentucky Author and Suffragist, reviewed, 106:72–73; "That Mighty Band of Maidens": A History of Potter College for Young Ladies, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1889–1909, reviewed, 100:354–56

Niehaus, Charles Henry, 90:93

Nield, ——, 86:225

Nielson, Carl, 79:349

Nieman, Donald G.: and Christopher Waldrep, eds., Local Matters: Race, Crime, and Justice in the Nineteenth-Century South, reviewed, 100:370–71; ed., African American Life in the Post-Emancipation South, 1861–1900, vol. 10, African Americans and Education in the South, 1865–1900, reviewed, 92:428–29

Niemic, John, 97:438, 439

Nienaber, Leonard, 90:259

Niendorff, Lieutenant ——, 102:60

Night Comes to the Cumberlands: A Biography of a Depressed Area, by Harry M. Caudill, 83:302, 312, 97:195–96, 101:4, 107:389, 492; reviewed by Thomas D. Clark, 103:281–82

Night Riders, 76:294–95, 299, 79:138, 141, 83:349, 90:180–81, 91:179, 100:313; murder of Axiom Cooper, 81:407–24; and the prosecution of David Amoss, 82:235–56

Night Riders by Robert Penn Warren, 104:82

Night Riders: Defending Community in the Black Patch, 1890–1915, by Christopher Waldrep: reviewed, 92:305–9

Niles, John Jacob, 80:170–71, 84:184; oral history project, 104:643

Niles, Rena, 84:184

Niles' Register, 72:333, 94:401

Nimitz, Chester, 92:299

1984 Directory of Historical Organizations and Speakers Bureau, compiled by Glenda Harned: noted, 83:169

1968: The Election That Changed America, by Lewis L. Gould: reviewed, 92:116–17

1967 gubernatorial race: Thomas D. Clark's commentary on, 103:362

1937 flood: effect on Paducah, 102:183–206; rainfall amounts during, 102:184

1928 presidential campaign: Thomas D. Clark letter about, 103:235

1929: The Year of the Great Crash, by William K. Klingaman: noted, 88:242

Nineteenth Amendment, 72:342, 361, 74:234, 235, 90:84, 94:263, 99:252, 299; and Laura Clay, 93:4–24; and Madeline McDowell Breckinridge, 93:25–43; ratification of, 93:1–3

Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature, by J. V. Ridgely: reviewed, 79:382–84

Nineteenth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, 75:252

Nineteenth Street (Louisville, Ky.), 107:44

Ninety-eighth Ohio Volunteers, 92:397

Ninth Air Force Troop Carrier Command: and Gene Wheeleer, 102:48; and Gene Wheeler, 102:45

Ninth Kentucky Cavalry, 72:20, 23, 75:128, 130–31

Ninth Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 97:179

Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry, 92:363

NIOSH: . see National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Niven, John: ed., Salmon P. Chase Papers, vol. 1, Journals, 1829–1872, reviewed, 92:420–22; ed., Salmon P. Chase Papers, vol. 4, Correspondence, April 1863–1864, reviewed, 96:97–98; ed., Salmon P. Chase Papers. vol. 5, Correspondence, 1865–1873, reviewed, 97:216–17; ed., The Salmon P. Chase Papers, vol. 2, Correspondence, 1823-1857, reviewed, 94:186–87; John C. Calhoun and the Price of Union: A Biography, reviewed, 87:170–71; vol. 3, Correspondence, 1858—March 1863, reviewed, 94:445–46

Nixon, Herman, 103:272

Nixon, James O., 97:285

Nixon, John W., 75:165

Nixon, Patricia, 83:37

Nixon, Richard, 72:403, 80:12, 19; administration of and the War on Poverty, 107:416; administration of the War on Poverty in Breathitt County, Ky., 107:409–11; and the election of 1960, 107:375

Nixon, Richard M., 74:254, 75:168, 328, 76:130, 81:370, 83:40–41, 46, 51, 60, 63, 84:200, 87:55, 90:164, 99:25, 104:622, 105:471; and school integration, 101:249–50; and the "Silent Majority," 102:352; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:247; and Vietnam War, 102:332, 346–49

Nixon Reconsidered, by Joan Hoff: reviewed, 93:371–73

No Better Place to Die: The Battle of Stones River, by Peter Cozzens: reviewed, 89:99–100

Noble, C. D.: medical treatment of Burritt Hamilton Fee, 105:633–35

Noble, Donald R.: and Joab L. Thomas, eds., The Rising South, , vol. 1, Changes and Issues, reviewed, 75:164–65

Noble, John C., 75:22–24, 27

Noble, M. C. S., 96:39

Noble, William, 98:55

Noblesse Oblige: Charity & Cultural Philanthropy in Chicago, 1849–1929, by Kathleen D. McCarthy: noted, 81:235–36

No Chariot Let Down: Charleston's Free People of Color on the Eve of the Civil War, edited by Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roark: reviewed, 83:277–78

"No Cheap Padding": Seventy-five Years of the Indiana Magazine of History, compiled by Lorna Lutes Sylvester: reviewed, 80:225–28

Nodyne, Kenneth R.: book review by, 75:161–64

Noe, J. T. Cotton, 88:436, 437, 451

Noe, Kenneth W.: 2003 Governor's Award winner, 101:74; article by, 103:528; book by, 103:526; book note by, 91:123–24; book reviews by, 89:213–14, 90:399–400, 92:326–27, 93:485–86, 99:159–60; Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle, reviewed, 100:59–60; and Shannon H. Wilson, eds., The Civil War in Appalachia: Collected Essays, reviewed, 95:445–48; Southwest Virginia's Railroad: Modernization and the Sectional Crisis, reviewed, 93:355–56

Noe, Randolph: The Shawnee Indians: An Annotated Bibliography, reviewed, 99:167–68

Noe, Roger, 99:222

Noe, Thomas ("Cotton"), 93:310, 312–13, 318, 319, 321, 327, 329–30

Noel, C. T., 77:2

Noel, J. I., 95:403

Noel, Silas M., 89:240–41

No Exit: America and the Germany Problem, 1943–1954, by James McAllister: reviewed, 100:559–61

Nofcier, Lena, 95:59, 66, 67, 70, 75, 76

No Higher Law: American Foreign Policy and the Western Hemisphere since 1776, by Brian Loveman: reviewed, 108:387–88

No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities, by Ellen W. Schrecker: reviewed, 85:188–90

Nolan, Alan T.: book review by, 93:222–24; Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History, reviewed, 90:196–97

Nolan, Howard, 100:298, 306

Nolan, Hugh, 104:657

Nolan, Janet A.: Ourselves Alone: Women's Emigration from Ireland, 1885–1920, reviewed, 88:479–80; review by, 92:329–31

Noland, Zerelda, 104:410

Noland's Landing (Fulton County, Ky.), 77:27

Nolen, Evelyn Thomas: and John B. Boles, Interpreting Southern History: Historiographical Essays in Honor of Sanford W. Higginbotham, reviewed, 86:78–79

Nolen, John H., 98:61

Nolen, Sara, 80:15

Noll, Mark A.: Civil War as a Theological Crisis, The, reviewed, 104:154–55; and Edith L. Blumhofer, eds.: Sing Them Over Again to Me: Hymns and Hymnbooks in America, reviewed, 104:800–802

Nollet, Abbe, 105:256

Nolt, Steven M.: and James O. Lehman, Mennonites, Amish, and the American Civil War, reviewed, 106:100–101

No Man's Land: 1918, The Last Year of the Great War, by John Toland: reviewed, 81:104–5

None Died in Vain: The Saga of the American Civil War, by Robert Leckie: reviewed, 89:311–12

Non-Partisan Voter Registration Committee (Louisville, Ky.), 104:238

Nooe, Roger T., 74:116, 117

No Peace for the Wicked: Northern Protestant Soldiers and the American Civil War, by David Rolfs: reviewed, 107:279–81

No Place for a Woman: A Life of Senator Margaret Chase Smith, by Janann Sherman: reviewed, 98:130–31

No Place Like Home: A History of Nursing and Home Care in the U.S., by Karen Buhler-Wilkerson: reviewed, 101:173–75

Nord, David Paul: Communities of Journalism: A History of American Newspapers and their Readers, reviewed, 100:264–65

Nordell, John R. Jr.: The Undetected Enemy: French and American Miscalculations at Dien Bien Phu, reviewed, 94:95–96

Nordstrom, Justin: Danger on the Doorstep: Anti-Catholicism and American Print Culture in the Progressive Era, reviewed, 104:745–46

Norfolk (horse), 100:482

Norfolk, Va., 72:239–40, 74:310, 78:44, 54; black branch library in, 93:162

Norfolk and Western Company (Va.), 87:386

Norling, Bernard: and Ray C. Hunt, Behind Japanese Lines: An American Guerrilla in the Philippines, reviewed, 85:276–77; and Robert Lapham, Lapham's Raiders: Guerrillas in the Philippines, 1942-1945, reviewed, 94:327–28

Norman, Arthur, 88:323, 328, 330

Norman, Elizabeth M.: and Michael Norman, Tears in the Darkness: The Story of the Bataan Death March and Its Aftermath, reviewed, 107:130–32

Norman, Gurney, 92:259, 262, 96:133; and Katherine Ledford, and Dwight B. Billings, eds., Confronting Appalachian Stereotypes: Back Talk from an American Region, reviewed, 97:453–55

Norman, Hans: and Harold Runblom, Transatlantic Connections: Nordic Migration to the New World After 1800, noted, 88:240

Norman, Michael: and Elizabeth M. Norman, Tears in the Darkness: The Story of the Bataan Death March and Its Aftermath, reviewed, 107:130–32

Normandy (France), 100:136, 102:49; airdrop, 102:40; illus., 102:50

Norman Rockwell: The Underside of Innocence, by Richard Halpern: reviewed, 105:735–37

Norris, Anna, 93:444

Norris, Ed, 86:41

Norris, George W., 81:40, 57, 84:178, 97:48, 75; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:320–21

Norris, Kathleen, 92:183

Norris, Mrs. Nathan, 94:404

Norris, W. P., 98:74, 76, 78, 81

Norris Dam (Tenn.), 97:46, 75

Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932), 104:458

North, E. P., 81:296

North American Aerospace Defense Command, 102:4

North American Indian Wars, by Richard H. Dillon: reviewed, 82:295–96

North American Review, 92:408; on divorce, 93:63; on marriage, 93:48; on teaching, 93:74–75

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): and the Appalachian coal supply, 107:324–25

North by South: The Two Lives of Richard James Arnold, by Charles Hoffman and Tess Hoffman, reviewed, 86:383–85

North Carolina, 72:18, 80, 395, 95:129, 98:367, 99:39, 250, 360, 100:197, 498; assembly of, 72:279; boundary with Va., 75:172; Camp Mackall, 102:46; civil rights movement in, 104:219; constitution, 95:347; Daniel Boone claims of, 102:485; defense of, 101:447; Denton Offutt in, 108:189; emigration to Carroll County, Ky., from, 108:333, 343; guerrilla warfare in, 103:525, 527; migration of slaves to, 106:360; oral history projects in, 104:610; out-migration, 106:338, 361–62, 362, 365; secession of, 101:412; slavery in after American Revolution, 107:188; triracial isolate group in, 102:212

North Carolina Atlas: Portrait Of A Changing Southern State, ed. by James W. Clay, Douglas M. Orr Jr. and Alfred W. Stuart: reviewed, 75:76–77

North Carolina Planters and Their Children, 1800–1860, by Jane Turner Censer: reviewed, 83:150–51

Northcutt, William B., 105:212; on the battle of Fort Meigs, 105:211; diary of, 105:214

North District Baptist Association, 88:126, 132, 134

Northeastern Federation of Women's Clubs, 93:23

North Elkhorn Creek (Scott County, Ky.), 74:35

Northern Bank of Kentucky (Covington, Ky.), 95:239, 97:386

Northern Baptist Convention (NBC), 94:282, 283, 284, 289, 290

Northern Elementary School (Lexington, Ky.): integration of, 101:267

Northerners at War: Reflections on the Civil War Home Front, by J. Matthew Gallman: reviewed, 108:413–15

Northernizing the South, by Richard N. Current: reviewed, 82:296–98

Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, Ky.), 73:324, 98:343, 107:143, 221

Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War, by David G. Surdam: reviewed, 100:227–29

Northern Passage: American Vietnam War Resisters in Canada, by John Hagan: reviewed, 99:330–32

Northern Securities Company, 76:292

Northern Whigs: . see Whig Party

North for Union: John Appleton's Journal of a Tour to New England Made by President Polk in June and July 1847, edited by Wayne Cutler: reviewed, 85:373–74

Northington, Nathanial ("Nat"), 99:48, 49, 387

North Into Freedom: The Autobiography of John Malvin, Free Negro, 1795–1880, edited by Allan Peskin: noted, 86:310–11

North Licking Creek, 94:15

North Memphis Savings Bank (Memphis, Tenn.), 92:71

North Middletown, Ky., 94:148; during Civil War, 108:92; economy of, 108:354; George A. Ellsworth in, 108:91

Northup, Anne Meagher, 99:259, 275

North Vietnam, 102:330, 335; control of Laos, 102:331–32; ignorance of, 102:353

Northwest Army: during the War of 1812, 105:201, 205–6

Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.), 85:60

Northwest Land Ordinance (1784), 90:230, 232, 91:388, 102:19

Northwest Ordinance (1787), 72:424, 426

Northwest Territory: and George Rogers Clark, 105:42; and the Land Ordinance of 1785, 107:34

Norton, Charles H., 98:14–15, 19–22

Norton, David J.: Rebellious Younger Brother: Oneida Leadership and Diplomacy, 1750-1800, reviewed, 107:91–93

Norton, John, 86:9, 10, 15, 16, 20

Norton, Mary Beth, 72:183; In the Devil's Snare: The Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692, reviewed, 101:121–23

Norton, Mrs. Charles, 103:48

Norton, William F., 90:249

Norton, William F. Jr. ("Daniel Quilp"): and the Louisville Amphitheatre Auditorium, 78:28–29, 31, 33, 36–38

Nortonsville, Ky., 75:228

Norway: U.S. commercial treaty with, 107:560

Norwood, C. J., 80:426, 429

Norwood, Ohio, 94:267

Norwood-Dingell HMO bill, 102:8–9

"No Sorrow like Our Sorrow": Northern Protestant Ministers and the Assassination of Lincoln, by David B. Chesebrough: reviewed, 92:220–21

noted: Roman Catholic migration to Ky., 97:131

"Note on Regional Allegiances during Civil War: Kenton County, Kentucky, As a Test Case," by Paul Allen Tenkotte, 79:211–18

Notes from a Native Son: Essays on the Appalachian Experience, by Garry Barker: noted, 94:347

"Nothing But Slaves: The Second Kentucky Volunteer Infantry and the Spanish-American War," by Jeff L. Patrick, 89:287–99

No Time for Sergeants (film), 96:127

Not in Vain: A Rifleman Remembers World War II, by Leon C. Standifer: reviewed, 91:239–40

Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945–1960, edited by Joanne Meyerowitz: noted, 93:254–55

Notorious in the Neighborhood: Sex and Families across the Color Line in Virginia, 1787–1861, by Joshua D. Rothman: reviewed, 101:343–44

Not Under Oath, by Eslie Asbury: noted, 86:311

Not Written in Stone: Learning and Unlearning American History through 200 Years of Textbooks, by Kyle Ward: reviewed, 108:272–74

Nourse, James, 72:230; journal of, 72:237

Novak, Daniel A.: The Wheel of Servitude: Black Forced Labor After Slavery, reviewed, 77:225–27

Nova Scotia, Canada: coal strike in, 107:510

Novick, Peter: That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Profession, reviewed, 88:113–15

Novick, Sheldon M.: Honorable Justice: The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, reviewed, 88:356–58

Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution, by Forrest McDonald: reviewed, 85:82–83

Nowak, Marion: and Douglas Miller, The Fifties: The Way We Really Were, reviewed, 76:172–73

Now and Then, by Robert Penn Warren, 104:79

Nowland-Curry, Betsy, 99:255

NSC-68: globalization of, 102:313, 315; and Korean War, 102:313

Nudelman, Franny: John Brown's Body: Slavery, Violence, and the Culture of War, reviewed, 102:422–24

Nuetzel, Fred O., 107:62

Nugent, Don Christopher: book review by, 88:336–37

Nugent, Frank S., 98:415

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