Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial Appeal, 94:260; on Alben Barkley, 78:248; on Fred M. Vinson, 75:307–8
Memphis, by Larry E. McPherson: noted, 100:270
Memphis, Clarksville & Louisville Railroad, 74:185, 190, 97:248
Memphis, Tenn., 73:17, 19, 20, 74:173, 300, 305, 75:80, 92:159, 161, 93:267, 95:10, 19, 25, 97:306, 98:284, 289, 99:341, 348, 349, 372; black branch library in, 93:162, 174; Jefferson Davis Monument in, 107:208; members of 1850 López expedition from, 105:586; National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty hearing in, 107:357, 362–64; Twenty-second Kentucky Union Infantry Regiment in, 105:669–70; and the Vicksburg campaign, 103:634, 642
Memphis & Charleston Railroad, 74:185, 97:248
Memphis & Ohio Railroad, 97:248
Memphis and Charleston Railroad: during Civil War, 108:70
Memphis and Louisville Railroad Company, 95:19
Memphis Since Crump: Bossism, Blacks, and Civic Reformers, by David M. Tucker: noted, 81:114
Memphis State University (Memphis, Tenn.), 99:123; Edward M. Coffman at, 104:680
Men and the Vision of the Southern Commercial Conventions, 1845–1871, by Vicki Vaughn Johnson: noted, 91:366–67
Menchaca, Martha: Recovering History, Constructing Race: The Indian, Black, and White Roots of Mexican Americans, reviewed, 100:69–71
Mencken, H. L., 90:236, 92:175, 194, 96:299; antiwar sentiments of, 102:395
Mendl, Richard S.: Olaf H. Prufer, and Sara E. Pedde, eds., Archaic Traditions in Ohio and Kentucky Prehistory, reviewed, 100:349–50
Mendoza, Valerie M.: book review by, 100:69–71
Menefee, Richard, 74:35
Menendez, Albert J.: Civil War Novels: An Annotated Bibliography, noted, 86:98
Menessier, Francis, 77:18
Mengel, Jennie, 83:25, 32
Menifee County, Ky., 94:270
Men in German Uniform: POWs in America during World War II, by Antonio Thompson: reviewed, 108:439–40
Menna, Larry: book review by, 108:255–57; book reviews by, 103:783–85, 104:382–84, 105:185–87
Mennonites, Amish,and the American Civil War, by James O. Lehman and Steven M. Nolt: reviewed, 106:100–101
Men of Little Faith: Selected Writings of Cecelia Kenyon, edited by Stanley Elkins, Eric McKitrick, and Leo Weinstein: reviewed, 101:509–10
Menrath, Christian, 95:152
Mentelle, Mrs. Waldemard, 77:16, 20, 90:79
Mentelle, Rose Victoire, 77:20
Mentelle, Waldemarde, 81:125
Mentzer, Raymond A.: book review by, 107:585–86
Menzies, John W., 76:202–3, 205, 93:403, 416–17
Mercantini, Jonathan: Who Shall Rule at Home? The Evolution of South Carolina Political Culture, 1748–1776, reviewed, 105:289–90
Mercer, Anna Elizabeth, 100:432
Mercer, Beryl, 98:426
Mercer, William N., 100:431–32, 480
Mercer County, Ky., 72:315, 385, 427, 73:90, 224, 323, 361, 362, 74:103, 99:208; McDowell family in, 100:346; during Mexican War, 106:22; "Moonlight Schools" in, 74:18; race riot in, 100:306–7; selection of capital commissioners, 104:249
Mercer University Press (Mercer, Ga.), 102:214, 216
Merchant of Illusion, The: America's Salesman of the Businessman's Utopia, by Nicholas Dagen Bloom: reviewed, 102:139–41
Merchants, Midwives, and Laboring Women: Italian Migrants in Urban America, by Diane C. Vecchio: reviewed, 104:342–43
Meredith, Hubert, 84:389–90, 394
Meredith, James, 103:251
Meredith, Samuel, 106:352
Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education (2007): Jefferson County School District student-assignment plan, 105:28–32
Merewether, Nicholas, 84:254, 259
Meridian, Miss., 74:350; black branch library in, 93:161
Meriwether, David, 75:7, 9, 95:10
Meriwether, Elizabeth: . see Dorothy Dix
Meriwether, George W., 106:60
Meriwether, James H.: Proudly We Can Be Africans: Black Americans and Africa, 1935–1961, reviewed, 101:201–3
Meriwether, Marie Winston, 90:369
Meriwether, Nancy Minor, 90:371
Meriwether, William H., 84:356
Meriwether family, 90:370
Merk, Frederick, 80:141
Merman, Ethel, 96:276
Merrick, Charlie, 81:414–15, 419–20
Merrick, Lindsay, 82:241
Merrick, Roy, 81:414–16, 418–20, 422
Merrifield, W. J., 81:247, 250–51
Merrill, Boynton Jr., 80:68; book review by, 77:131–33; ed., Old Henderson Homes and Buildings, reviewed, 84:422–23; Jefferson's Nephews: A Frontier Tragedy, reviewed, 75:236–38
Merrill, John, 90:67
Merrill, Julia, 72:422
Merrill, Mrs. John, 90:67–68, 83
Merrill, Oscar C., 81:31, 37–38
Merrill, W. E., 93:276
Merrill, William E., 95:379, 383–84
Merrill's Marauders, 100:137
Merriman, Scott A.: "An Intensive School of Disloyalty: The C. B. Schoberg Case under the Espionage and Sedition Acts in Kentucky during World War I," 98:179–204; book reviews by, 98:209–11, 99:322–24, 101:378–79
Merritt, Jane T.: At the Crossroads: Indians and Empires on a Mid-Atlantic Frontier, 1700–1763, reviewed, 101:126–28
Merritt, Wesley, 103:523
Merritt, Wesley L., 83:325, 330–32, 346
Merritt, W. H., 84:348–49
Merriwether, Frank, 90:170, 173–75
Merriwether, Ned, 75:80, 85, 87, 90
Merryfield, England, 102:53; airport of, 102:67; illus., 102:50
Merry Mont (Todd County, Ky.), 90:371, 372, 383
Mescaleero Apache Indians: poverty of, 107:361
Meserve, Walter, 100:42
Messer, Captain ——, 73:413
Messer, H. Collin: book review by, 103:818–19
Messia, Robert A.: book review by, 100:262–64
Messick, Hank, 98:363, 364; Razzle Dazzle, reviewed, 94:303–5
Messmer, John T., 84:369, 371–72, 378–79, 382
Metairie Cemetery (New Orleans, La.): Jefferson Davis burial at, 107:209
Metcalf, Fay D.: and Matthew T. Downey, Using Local History in the Classroom, reviewed, 81:203–4
Metcalf, Mark H., 102:8
Metcalf, Samuel L., 86:6
Metcalfe (Ky.) County Herald, 98:389, 395, 398
Metcalfe, Barnett, 88:398, 410
Metcalfe, Thomas, 72:314, 73:127, 75:1–2, 78:130, 82:220–21, 88:253, 255, 270, 95:370, 394; portrait, 101:18
Metcalfe County, Ky.: article on, 98:385–404
Metcalfe Motor Company (Edmonton, Ky.), 98:398
Methodism in Kentucky, by Roy Hunter Short: reviewed, 79:373–74
Methodism in Wayne County, Kentucky, 1802–1974, by Bess D. Stokes and Elizabeth F. Duncan: reviewed, 73:211–13
Methodist Board of Temperance, 92:189
Methodist Church (Richardsville, Ky.), 92:71
Methodist Church South: formation of, 105:406; and Millersburg Female College, 105:396
Methodist Episcopal Church: Francis Asbury and the trans-Appalachian Frontier, 82:334–57
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 93:65; article about post-Civil War racial attitudes of, 99:53–68
Methodists: annual conference, Louisville, Ky., 74:117; at the Cane Ridge revival, 106:202; controversy over evolution, 74:117–18; division over slavery, 106:502; Fr. John Thayer's attitude to, 101:289–90; on Ky. frontier, 106:343; in Lexington, Ky., 106:193–94, 196, 198–99, 213–14, 216, 219, 221–25, 227, 229; in Metcalfe County, 98:399, 400; and revivalism, 106:189, 204; in San Antonio, Texas, 105:641; and slavery, 102:18–19
Methodists and the Crucible of Race, 1930–1975, by Peter C. Murray: reviewed, 102:264–66
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 98:417
Metropolis, Ill., 98:291
Metropolitan Revolution, The: The Rise of Post-Urban America, by Jon C. Teaford : reviewed, 104:778–79
Metropolitan Sewer District (Louisville, Ky.): extension of sewer lines, 107:69
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel von, 107:552
Metz, Judith: book review by, 105:762–64
Metzger, Walter, 74:68
Metzner, Eric, 87:52
Mexican League (baseball), 82:368, 371, 373, 380, 382, 99:111, 113, 121
Mexican Lobby: Matias Romero in Washington: 1861–1867, edited by Thomas D. Schoonover: noted, 85:196
Mexicans: in Texas, Christmas preparations for, 105:642–45; in Texas, prejudice against, 105:645–47
Mexican Southern Railroad Company, 81:373
Mexican War, 72:55, 58, 86, 409–10, 73:85, 186, 298, 321, 377, 420, 74:194, 75:1, 5, 191, 318–19, 79:122, 93:257, 261, 281, 96:224, 229, 101:418, 102:510, 104:64–65, 105:603, 612, 614, 106:508, 107:148; American atrocities during, 106:20–21; government military policy during, 106:5–6; and guerrilla warfare, 103:533; and Henry Clay, 100:464; Henry Clay Jr. killed in, 100:464, 494; Henry Clay Jr.'s war journal of, 106:5–42; Henry Clay's opposition to, 107:571; and Jefferson Davis, 101:431, 107:176; and jingoism, 105:574; and John Hunt Morgan and Kentucky Cavalry Volunteers in, 81:343–65, 371–72; Kentucky volunteers in, 95:237–83; Ky. military units during, 106:10–11; Ky. military units in, 105:578, 580, 583, 585–86, 588–89, 592–94, 596–97, 602; Ky. volunteers during, 105:56; participation of Kentuckians in, 90:323–44; veterans in 1850 López expedition, 105:586, 602; veterans in Ky. Regiment, 105:572, 575, 577–79, 582, 587–89, 592–93, 596; veterans in Mississippi Regiment, 105:604; veterans of, 107:151
Mexican War Journal and Letters of Ralph W. Kirkham, edited by Robert Ryal Miller: reviewed, 89:409–10
Mexican War Journal of Captain Franklin Smith, edited by Joseph E. Chance: reviewed, 91:94–96
Mexico, 72:182, 296, 73:260, 275, 106:460; conflict with Spain, 107:555–56, 559; Jesuit recruitment in, 108:228–29; and the Panama Congress, 107:557; possible annexation of, 107:572; and the revolution of Texas, 107:569; and the Texas annexation issue, 107:568–72; U.S. relations with, 107:567; U.S. trade convention with, 107:555
Mexico City, Mexico, 72:409, 75:1, 107:560, 569; Aztec Club founded in, 105:582; during Mexican War, 106:28; surrender of, 105:578
Mexico Under Fire: Being the Diary of Samuel Ryan Curtis, 3rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment, 1846–1847, edited by Joseph E. Chance: noted, 93:382–83
Meyer, David R.: Networked Machinists: High-Technology Industries in Antebellum America, reviewed, 105:488–89
Meyer, Douglas K.: and John A. Jakle, and Robert W. Bastian, Common Houses in America's Small Towns: The Atlantic Seaboard to the Mississippi Valley, reviewed, 88:365–66
Meyer, Eugene: Washington Post, 104:553; Washington Times-Herald, 104:551
Meyer, Jeff: book review by, 105:683–84; "Henry Clay's Legacy to Horse Breeding and Racing," 100:473–96
Meyer, John R.: interpretation of slavery, 103:732–33
Meyer, Michael: book review by, 105:536–38
Meyer, Stephen Grant: As Long as They Don't Move Next Door: Segregation and Racial Conflict in American Neighborhoods, reviewed, 100:400–401
Meyerowitz, Joanne: ed., Not June Cleaver: Women and Gender in Postwar America, 1945–1960, noted, 93:254–55
Meyers, Debra: book reviews by, 100:512–14, 101:330–32, 104:140–41
Meyers, Harry G., 72:347–48, 353
Meyers, Irene T., 83:26
Meyerson, Harvey: Nature's Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite, reviewed, 100:91–93
Meyzeek, Albert E., 78:43, 48, 93:162–63, 167; records of, 89:357–58
Miami, Fla., 72:71, 98:344, 364, 99:103
Miami Beach, Fla.: Carl Dee Perguson Jr. stationed at, 101:317
Miami Conservancy District (Ohio), 97:50, 51
Miami Indians, 88:395, 90:20, 24, 91:253, 272, 92:161, 163, 164, 167
Miami University of Ohio (Oxford, Ohio): and John G. Fee, 105:619
Miami Valley (Ohio), 104:15
Miaoulis, Andreas, 72:167
Michael Cassidy: Frontiersman, by Samuel M. Cassidy: reviewed, 79:65–66
Michaux, Andre, 92:76; Ky. tour of, 107:26–27
Michaux, Francois A., 75:175–76, 87:102, 94:13, 27; and the Cane Ridge revival, 106:204; visit to Kentucky of, 75:187
Michel, Gregg L.: book review by, 106:142–44
Michell, Raven, 72:266–68
Michell, Tobias, 72:267
Michener: A Writer's Journey, by Stephen J. May: reviewed, 103:838–40
Michigan, 72:375, 94:267, 273, 284, 286, 289; bookmobile projects in, 95:60; oral history in, 104:628; during the War of 1812, 105:215
Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad: during Civil War, 108:95
Michigan State University (East Lansing, Mich.), 97:33
Michigan Territory: during War of 1812, 104:8
Mickel, Eugene, 91:157, 168–73
Mickenberg, Julia L.: Learning from the Left: Children's Literature, the Cold War, and Radical Politics in the United States, reviewed, 104:363–64
Micronisia, 72:426
Middleburg, Vt.: Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:654
Middle Creek, Ky.: battle of, Twenty-second Kentucky Union Infantry Regiment in, 105:659–60
Middle East: and oil imports, 107:323; oral history project in, 104:649; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:242–43
Middle Fork (Kentucky River): flood-control projects on, 107:329
Middle Fork Presbyterian Church (Breathitt County), 91:168
Middlekauff, Robert: Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies, 105:250; Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies, reviewed, 95:188–89; The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763–1789, reviewed, 81:440–41
Middle Kentucky River Area Development Council (MKRADC): and the Turner family, 107:405–7, 409–17; and the War on Poverty, 107:403
Middlesboro (Ky.) Distilling Company, 98:98
Middlesboro (Ky.) Weekly Herald, 98:46
Middlesborough (Middlesboro), Ky., 95:396, 97:195, 98:50, 100:195, 309; proposal to relocate state capital to, 104:249
Middle Tennessee, 1775–1825: Progress and Popular Democracy on the Southwestern Frontier, by Kristopher Ray: reviewed, 106:80–82
Middle Tennessee Society Transformed, 1860–1870: War and Peace in the Upper South, by Stephen V. Ash: reviewed, 86:388–89
Middleton, Drew: Crossroads of Modern Warfare, noted, 82:210
Middleton, Henry, 107:565
Middleton, Stephen: book review by, 87:458–59
Middletown, Ky., 72:338
Middletown, Ohio, 94:266, 269, 270, 97:405, 407, 411, 416, 422, 425; Armco Blues, 97:427–30, 432–33, 435, 438–40
Middle West Utilities (Chicago, Ill.), 95:406
Midgette, Nancy Smith: book note by, 93:385–86
Midland Park (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:72
Midway, Ky., 72:124, 74:32; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:30–32; land office at, 102:540–41; telegraphic communication during Civil War, 108:29, 33–34
Midway College (Midway, Ky.), 90:80
Midway Presbyterian Church, 74:110
Mier, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:20–22, 38
Mifflin, Warner, 102:25
Mighty Eighth in WWII: A Memoir, by J. Kemp McLaughlin: reviewed, 99:86–88
migration: and chain migration, 106:363–72; and the Lincoln family, 106:333–72; methods of travel, 106:342–44; preparations for, 106:342–43; reasons for, 106:341–42; and slavery, 106:351–54, 358–62
Migration and Transformation of the Southern Workplace since 1945, edited by Robert Cassanello and Colin J. Davis: reviewed, 108:164–65
Mihm, Stephen: A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States, reviewed, 106:91–92
Mike Barry and the Kentucky Irish American: An Anthology, edited by Clyde F. Crews: reviewed, 94:69–70
Miken, George, 84:71
Mikulski, Barbara, 99:232
Milam (Milum), John, 83:6, 10
Milanich, Mark, 96:136
Milburn, William S., Louisville, Ky., 104:589
Mildren, Frank T., 90:163
Mild Reservationists and the League of Nations Controversy in the Senate, by Herbert F. Margulies: reviewed, 89:222–23
Miles, Benjamin, 74:104
Miles, Edwin A.: book review by, 75:249–50
Miles, Helen: illus., 105:638
Miles, Ida Embree: illus., 105:638
Miles, Nelson A., 72:295, 94:377, 385, 104:59; conflict with Elihu Root, 104:71; and Preston Brown case, 104:70–71; relationship to Theodore Roosevelt, 104:70–71; U.S. conduct of Philippine War, 104:72
Miles, Tiya: book review by, 102:99–100; Ties That Bind: The Story of an Afro-Cherokee Family in Slavery and Freedom, reviewed, 104:138–39
Miles, William, 78:116, 80:401
Mileur, Jerome: and Sidney Milkis, eds., The New Deal and the Triumph of Liberalism, reviewed, 100:247–48
Miley, Marion, 84:362
Milford, Lewis: and Richard Severo, The Wages of War: When America's Soldiers Came Home–From Valley Forge to Vietnam, noted, 89:434–35
Milikens Bend (Miss.): Vicksburg, Miss., Civil War campaign, 105:672
Militant Church Movement: support for the Bradens, 104:228
Militant Mediator: Whitney M. Young Jr. by Dennis C. Dickerson: reviewed, 97:202–3
Military Education and the Emerging Middle Class in the Old South, by Jennifer R. Green: reviewed, 107:100–102
Military History, by Walter Millis, 99:141
Military Necessity & Homosexuality, by Ronald D. Ray: noted, 91:369
Military Society (Lexington, Ky.), 76:267, 271–72, 276, 281
Militia Act (1862), 72:364, 80:296, 106:583
Milkis, Sidney M.: and Jerome Mileur, eds., The New Deal and the Triumph of Liberalism, reviewed, 100:247–48; Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive Party, and the Transformation of American Democracy, reviewed, 107:459–61
milk sickness, 74:88–89
Mill, John Stuart, 99:260
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 75:273
Mill Creek (Ky.), 100:301; Lincoln family farm near, 106:356
Mill Creek, Ky.: and the Appalachian Volunteers, 107:347–48, 352
Milledgeville, Ga.: state capital relocation issue, 104:266
Milledon, Henry, 98:168
Millennial Praises: A Shaker Hymnal, edited by Christian Goodwille and Jane F. Crosthwaite: noted, 107:633
Miller, A. M., 93:430
Miller, Anderson, 87:104
Miller, Archibald, 77:249
Miller, Arnold, 75:150
Miller, Ben J., 89:150
Miller, Brian Craig: Kentucky Historical Society scholarly research fellow, 107:297
Miller, Caroline R.: and James Russell Harris: "Dachau Album: Perpsectives from War Crimes Prosecutor William O. Miller and Court Reporter Leona Mumedy Miller, 1946–47," 95:135–80
Miller, Cattie Lou, 99:279; 1947 Democratic gubernatorial primary, 104:518; 1963 Democratic gubernatorial primary, 104:584; Breathitt administration, 104:594–95; Ed Prichard's evaluation of, 104:598
Miller, Char: book review by, 100:91–93
Miller, Cora, 89:141
Miller, Cristanne: and Faith Barrett, eds., "Words for the Hour": A New Anthology of American Civil War Poetry, reviewed, 105:131–33
Miller, Danny L.: book notes by, 95:216–17, 96:114; and Sharon Hatfield, and Gurney Norman, eds., American Vein, An: Critical Readings in Appalachian Literature, noted, 104:812
Miller, Debra, 99:257
Miller, Diane: Rape and Race in the Nineteenth-Century South, reviewed, 103:561–63
Miller, Don: The Carr Creek Legacy, noted, 94:214
Miller, Douglas: and Marion Nowak, The Fifties: The Way We Really Were, reviewed, 76:172–73
Miller, Edward A. Jr.: Gullah Statesman: Robert Smalls from Slavery to Congress, 1839–1915, reviewed, 93:359–61
Miller, Eleanor E.: . see Bingham, Eleanor E.
Miller, Elinor: and Eugene D. Genovese, eds., Plantation, Town, and Country: Essays on the Local History of American Slave Society, 73:206–8
Miller, Everett, 95:169
Miller, Fannie, 98:2
Miller, George, 105:243
Miller, G. William, 99:41
Miller, Henry, 92:7
Miller, James, 92:10
Miller, James M., 92:253, 265
Miller, Jay: and Colin G. Calloway, and Richard A. Sattler, comps., Writings in Indian History, 1985-1990, noted, 94:222–23
Miller, J. C., 97:424, 436
Miller, J. G., 72:352
Miller, Jim Wayne: and Ambrose N. Manning, and Robert T. Higgs, eds., Appalachia Inside Out: A Sequel to Voices from the Hills, reviewed, 93:466–67; book reviews by, 81:204–6, 432–34, 83:267–69, 88:236–37; Reading, Writing, Region; A Checklist, Purchase Guide and Directory for School and Community Libraries in Appalachia, noted, 84:237–38
Miller, J. Irwin, 99:41
Miller, J. J., 96:256
Miller, John: death of, 105:244; Fort Meigs, sortie from, 104:28; and residential segregation in Louisville, Ky., 78:46–47; Washington County, Penn., 92:131
Miller, John B., 88:398, 410
Miller, John C.: This New Man, The American: The Beginnings of the American People, reviewed, 73:82, 83
Miller, Jonathan Peckman, 72:149, 167–68
Miller, Joseph, 85:38
Miller, Joseph R., 99:226
Miller, Karl Hagstrom: book review by, 102:255–56; Segregating Sound: Inventing Folk and Pop Music in the Age of Jim Crow, reviewed, 107:612–14
Miller, Kristie: Ruth Hanna McCormick: A Life in Politics, 1880–1944, reviewed, 91:232–33
Miller, Lee, 105:473
Miller, Leland S., 84:304
Miller, Leona Mumedy, 95:135–80
Miller, Mary Ellen: book reviews by, 82:306–8, 86:391–92
Miller, Mrs.—: illus., 107:358
Miller, Mrs. E. F., 87:29
Miller, Nathan: F. D. R.: An Intimate History, reviewed, 81:456–58; The Roosevelt Chronicles, reviewed, 79:93–95
Miller, Neville, 84:400, 104:454; and 1937 flood in Louisville, 105:422
Miller, Pam, 99:259, 277
Miller, Penny M., 97:84; Kentucky Politics and Government: Do We Stand United?, reviewed, 92:316–18; and Malcolm E. Jewell, Political Parties and Primaries in Kentucky, reviewed, 89:301–2; and Malcolm E. Jewell, The Kentucky Legislature: Two Decades of Change, reviewed, 87:439–40; The Public Papers of Governor Brereton C. Jones, reviewed, 99:402–3; "The Slow and Unsure Progress of Women in Kentucky Politics", 99:249–84
Miller, Perry, 75:333
Miller, Randall M.: book reviews by, 79:185–87, 90:400–402, 92:215–17; and George E. Pozzetta, eds., Shades of the Sunbelt: Essays on Ethnicity, Race, and the Urban South, reviewed, 87:84–85; and John David Smith, eds., Dictionary of Afro-American Slavery, reviewed, 88:85–86; and John R. McKivigan, eds., Moment of Decision: Biographical Essays on American Character and Regional Identity, reviewed, 93:219–20; and Jon L. Wakelyn, eds., Catholics in the Old South: Essays on Church and Culture, reviewed, 82:186–88; and Linda Patterson Miller, eds., The Book of American Diaries, noted, 94:112–13
Miller, Rex: book review by, 79:289–90; "John Thomas Croxton: Scholar, Lawyer, Soldier, Military Governor, Newspaperman, Diplomat and Governor," 74:281–99
Miller, Richard F.: Harvard's Civil War: A History of the Twentieth Massachusetts, reviewed, 105:129–31
Miller, Robert, 84:264, 95:12
Miller, Robert Ryal: The Mexican War Journal of Ralph W. Kirkham, reviewed, 89:409–10
Miller, Samuel, 72:217, 323–25, 332, 77:292
Miller, Samuel F., 83:125
Miller, Shackelford, Louisville, Ky., 104:454
Miller, Silas, 82:146
Miller, Stephen: Excellence & Equity: The National Endowment for the Humanities, reviewed, 83:70–71
Miller, Steven F.: and Steven Hahn and Susan E. O'Donovan, eds., Freedom: A Documentary History of Emancipation, 1861-1867, series 3, vol. 1, Land and Labor, reviewed, 107:124–25
Miller, Susan: marriage of, 101:478
Miller, Thomas, 86:351
Miller, Tipton A., 98:246, 248, 249
Miller, T. Rothrock: A Ship Without A Name, noted, 91:368
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