Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Proclamation of 1763, 72:395, 90:226, 106:335, 107:38

Procter, Henry: at Fort Meigs, 104:20–22, 39, 41; prisoners of war, report on, 104:38; during the War of 1812, 105:213, 218

Proctor, Henry, 75:194, 83:94, 105, 87:106

Proctor, John Robert, 75:222–23, 225, 80:423, 426–27, 429; Ky. Historical Society, 101:12

Proctor, Larkin, 75:15

Proctor, Samuel, 72:70

Proctor, William J. Jr., 94:399

Proctor and Gamble, 94:271, 97:39, 100:319

Profiles in Courage, by John F. Kennedy, 74:236

Profiles of Paducah People, by Allan Rhodes Sr. and John E. L. Robertson: noted, 107:633

Profiles of Rafinesque, edited by Charles Boewe: listed, 102:152

Program 60:1960-1970, A Decade of Action for Progress in Eastern Kentucky: and infrastructure development, 107:335–36

Progressive (Bull Moose) Party, 98:268

Progressive Era, 79:136–37, 94:226, 234, 243, 263, 107:341

Progressive Party, 72:354; defended by Louisville Courier-Journal, 104:243; support of the Bradens for, 104:223

Progressive Presidents: Roosevelt, Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson, by John M. Blum: reviewed, 80:111–13

Progressives and Prohibitionists: Texas Democrats in the Wilson Era, by Lewis L. Gould: noted, 91:462

Progressivism, 93:31, 98:265; effect on Melungeons, 102:219; and Ky. governors, 76:285–306; in Nelson and Washington counties, 87:144–61

Progressivism–And After, by William English Walling, 96:367

Prohibition, 76:303, 87:149, 90:104–5, 94:256–57, 260, 263, 276, 95:54, 96:64–66, 98:344, 397, 99:14; in Kentucky politics, 79:144–50, 155–56, 158, 160–61; in Ky. politics, 78:246, 248–49, 251–53; and Patrick Henry Callahan, 92:175–99

"Prohibition and Politics in Kentucky: The Gubernatorial Campaign and Election of 1915," by Thomas H. Appleton Jr., 75:28–54

Prohibition Party, 73:381

Project MUSE: and the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society, 108:2

Prokop, Eugene, 97:60, 62

Prokop, Victor, 100:153

Prokopowicz, Gerald J.: All for the Regiment: The Army of the Ohio, 1861–1862, reviewed, 99:159–60; book review by, 101:490–92; Did Lincoln Own Slaves? and Other Frequently Asked Questions about Abraham Lincoln , 106:440–41

Promised Land: The South Since 1945, by David R. Goldfield: reviewed, 86:95–96

Promise of the New South: Life after Reconstruction, by Edward L. Ayers: reviewed, 91:355–57

Promises, by Robert Penn Warren, 104:79

Proper Sense of Honor, A: Service and Sacrifice in George Washington's Army, by Caroline Cox: reviewed, 102:406–8

Propes, Chris, 101:399; and Marshall Myers, eds.: "'I Don't Fear Nothing in the Shape of Man': The Civil War and Texas Border Letters of Edward Francis, U.S. Colored Troops," 101:457–78

Prophet, Pastor, and Patriarch: The Rhetorical Leadership of Alexander Campbell, by Peter A. Verkruyse: reviewed, 104:127–28

Proslavery: A History of the Defense of Slavery in America, 1701–1840, by Larry E. Tise: reviewed, 86:286–88

Protestantism, 92:182, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 192, 198; Fr. John Thayer's attitude to, 101:289–90; in the South, 94:275–88

Protsman, W. O.: on tobacco farming, 108:322

Protzman, Lawrence, 94:21

Proud Kentuckian: John C Breckinridge, 1821–1875, by Frank H. Heck: reviewed, 76:55–57

Proudly We Can Be Africans: Black Americans and Africa, 1935–1961, by James H. Meriwether: reviewed, 101:201–3

Providence, Ky.: during World War II, 100:168, 176–77, 183, 193–94

Providence Journal, 74:150

Providence Presbyterian Church (Harrodsburg, Ky.), 74:100, 106

Provost Marshal General's Office (PMGO), 105:435; World War II POW operations, 105:424, 427

Prowse, Charles O., 82:241

Prucha, Francis Paul: book review by, 79:183–85

Pruett, J. W., 95:396

Prufer, Olaf H.: and Richard S. Mendl, and Sara E. Pedde, eds., Archaic Traditions in Ohio and Kentucky Prehistory, reviewed, 100:349–50

Pruitt, Ervin: and the commodities issue, 107:316–17

Prussia: and the Spanish New World empire, 107:564

Pryor, Col. ——, 85:332, 336, 338, 353

Pryor, James, 93:397, 400

Pryor, M. T., 88:158

Pryor, William S., 81:136, 87:415, 93:403, 414

Przybyszewski, Linda: book review by, 100:220–21; The Republic According to John Marshall Harlan, reviewed, 98:209–11

Pseudo-Science and Society in Nineteenth Century America, edited by Arthur Wrobel: reviewed, 86:296–98

Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, Gender, and Power in Modern America, by Elizabeth Lunbeck: reviewed, 93:237–38

Public Career of Cully A. Cobb, The: A Study in Agricultural Leadership, by Roy V. Scott and J. G. Shoalmire: reviewed, 72:171–72

Public Enemy, The (film), 98:425–27

Public Historian, 104:619

Public History: An Introduction, edited by Barbara J. Howe and Emory L. Kemp: noted, 85:285

Public Library of Kentucky: lotteries for, 87:414

Public Papers of Governor Brereton C. Jones, 1991–1995, edited by Penny M. Miller: reviewed, 99:402–3

Public Papers of Governor Edward T. Breathitt, 1963–1967, edited by Kenneth E. Harrell: reviewed, 84:76–77

Public Papers of Governor Keen Johnson, 1939–1943, edited by Frederic D. Ogden: reviewed, 81:200–203

Public Papers of Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, 1950–1955, edited by John E. Kleber: reviewed, 82:176–77

Public Papers of Governor Louie B. Nunn, The, ed. by Robert F. Sexton and Lewis Bellardo Jr.: reviewed, 75:141–42

Public Papers of Governor Martha Layne Collins, 1983-1987, edited by Elizabeth Duffy Fraas: reviewed, 106:238–40

Public Papers of Governor Simeon Willis, 1943–1947, edited by James C. Klotter: reviewed, 87:61–62

"Public Reactions to Ulysses S. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign in Ky., Cincinnati, and Across the Union," by James A. Ramage and Kristopher A. Teters, 103:627–60

Public Service Commission (Frankfort, Ky.), 99:5, 104:511, 580, 583

Public Women, Public Words: A Documentary History of American Feminism, vol. 1, Beginnings to 1900, edited by Dawn Keetley and John Pettegrew: noted, 96:117–18

Public Works Administration (PWA), 90:276, 277, 278, 281

Pudup, Mary Beth: and Dwight B. Billings, and Altina L. Waller, eds., Appalachia in the Making: The Mountain South in the Nineteenth Century, reviewed, 94:300–302

Puerto Rico, 94:377, 384, 98:362; migration from, 107:340; possible invasion of, 107:555; and Spain, 107:556

Puget Sound (Wash.), 72:66

Pula, James S.: book review by, 108:278–80

Pulaski County, Ky., 82:28–29, 31, 54, 93:134, 135, 136, 157, 158, 94:267, 100:16, 21

Pulitzer, A Life, by Denis Brian: reviewed, 100:382–83

Pulitzer, Joseph, 94:254

Pulitzer Fountain (New York City), 92:71

Pulitzer Prize, 73:385, 94:250

Pullin, Tanya, 99:274

Pulse of Politics: Electing Presidents in the Media Age, by James David Barber: reviewed, 80:113–15

Punch: 1850 López expedition, illus., 105:589

Punitive War: Confederate Guerrillas and Union Reprisals, by Clay Mountcastle: reviewed, 107:278–79

Purcell, Aaron D.: book note by, 95:215; "Bourbon to Bullets: Louisville's Distilling Industry during World War II, 1941–45," 96:61–87; "Louisville and the Origins of the L & N Railroad," 95:1–28

Purcell, Edward A. Jr.: The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem of Value, reviewed, 72:192–94

Purcell, George, 86:228

Purcell, John, 108:184, 237

Purcell, L. Edward: ed., The Vice Presidents: A Biographical Dictionary, noted, 95:461

Purcell, Sarah: book review by, 108:396–98

Purchasing Identity in the Atlantic World: Massachusetts Merchants, 1670–1780, by Phyllis Whitman Hunter: reviewed, 100:209–10

Purdon, Patricia, 92:292

Purdue University (West Lafayette, Ind.): and institutional review boards, 104:672

Pure Fire: Self-Defense as Activism in the Civil Rights Era, by Christopher B. Strain: reviewed, 103:829–32

Pure Food: Securing the Federal Food and Drugs Act of 1906, by James Harvey Young: reviewed, 88:358–59

Puritan Origins of the American Self, The, by Sacvan Bercovitch: reviewed, 76:335–37

Purity and Hygiene: Women, Prostitution, and the "American Plan," 1900–1930, by David J. Pivar: reviewed, 100:235–37

Pursuit of a Dream, by Janet Sharp Hermann: reviewed, 81:223–24

Pursuit of Happiness: Family and Values in Jefferson's Virginia, by Jan Lewis: reviewed, 82:401–3

Pursuit of Public Power: Political Culture in Ohio, 1787–1861, edited by Jeffrey P. Brown and Andrew R. L. Cayton: noted, 93:508

Purviance, David, 91:8, 12–14, 19, 22

Purvis, Thomas L., 85:103; "The Ethnic Descent of Kentucky's Early Population: A Statistical Investigation of European and American Sources of Emigration, 1790–1820," 80:253–66

Pusatari, Joseph: residential construction by, 107:77

Pusateri, C. Joseph: "The 'Turn Another Screw' Affair: Oil and Railroads in the 1880's," 73:346–55

Pusey, Eleanor (Stewart), 103:489

Pusey, Henry, 88:41, 103:489

Pusey, Lena Stewart, 88:32, 36, 37, 41

Pustz, Jennifer: Voices from the Back Stairs: Interpreting Servants' Lives at Historic House Museums, reviewed, 107:457–59

Putnam, F. O., 86:35

Putnam, Katie, 88:36

Putnam County, Tennessee, 1850–1970, by Mary Dean DeLozier: reviewed, 78:383–84

Putting Meat on the American Table: Taste, Technology, Transformation, by Roger Horowitz: reviewed, 104:205–7

Pyron, Darden Asbury: Southern Daughter: The Life of Margaret Mitchell, reviewed, 91:104–5


Quakers, 74:217, 106:333; in Depression-era Kentucky, 90:345–67; influence of William Morgan Beckner, 96:31, 47

Quality of Mercy: Southern Baptists and Social Christianity, 1890–1920, by Keith Harper: reviewed, 95:105–7

Quantrill, William Clarke, 86:352, 354, 355, 367, 375, 90:59, 97:18

Quapaw Indians, 91:272

Quare Women's Journals: May Stone and Katherine Pettit's Summer in the Kentucky Mountains and the Founding of the Hindman Settlement School, edited by Jess Stoddart: reviewed, 95:433–35

Quarles, Tunstall, 88:4, 6, 10, 11, 12

Quartermaster Depot (Jeffersonville, Ind.), 104:223, 243

Quebec, Canada, 72:60, 72, 74:59, 97:359

Queen, F. J.: slaves of, 108:244

Queen and the Arts: Cultural Life in Nineteenth-Century Cincinnati, by Robert C. Vitz: reviewed, 89:107–8

Queen City Guards: Cincinnati, Ohio, 105:587

Queen Katherine Parr, by Anthony Martienssen: reviewed, 72:415–17

Queen Marie of Romania: American tour of, 105:421; illus., 105:422

Quest for the Origins of the First Americans, by James Dixon: noted, 92:446

Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy, by Thomas C. Reeves, reviewed, 90:421–23

"Question of Greek Independence in Kentucky, 1821–1828, The," by Paul Pappas, 72:143–70

Question of Justice, A: New South Governors and Education, 1968–1976, by Gordon E. Harvey: reviewed, 101:385–87

Quick, David: Lexington, Ky., 101:238

Quimby, Robert S.: The U.S. Army in the War of 1812: An Operational and Command Study, reviewed, 96:397–99

Quincy, Ill.: Lincoln-Douglas debate at, 106:516–17

Quincy, Josiah, 76:46

Quinn, Charles, 86:257

Quinn, Hartwell L.: Arthur Campbell: Pioneer and Patriot of the "Old Southwest," noted, 89:332

Quinn, Mary Ann: . see Idzerda, Stanley J.

Quinn's Row (Louisville, Ky.): and Bloody Monday, 102:360

Quintayros Plaza (Cárdenas, Cuba), 105:608; skirmish at, 105:606–7; Spanish counterattack, 105:609–11

Quirk, Thomas, 72:233, 83:228

Quisenberry, Anderson Chenault: statistics for War of 1812, 82:277–86

Quisenberry, Clyde, 89:271, 273

Quist, John W.: ed., For Free Press and Equal Rights: Republican Newspapers in the Reconstruction South, reviewed, 103:803–5

Quitman, John Anthony: biographical sketch of, 105:586–87; and filibustering, 105:586

Quotations from Abraham Lincoln, edited by Ralph Y. McGinnis: reviewed, 77:55–56

Rabb, Maurice, 99:363, 367, 372, 380, 383

Rabble Rousers: The American Far Right in the Civil Rights Era, by Clive Webb: reviewed, 108:441–42

Rabe, Stephen G.: book reviews by, 88:487–88, 91:113–14

Rabinowitz, Howard, 97:315–17, 322; book review by, 78:70–72; Race, Ethnicity, and Urbanization: Selected Essays, by Howard Rabinowitz, reviewed, 92:437–38; Race Relations in the Urban South, 1865–1890, reviewed, 77:150–51; Southern Black Leaders of the Reconstruction Era, noted, 82:110–11

Rable, George C., 101:427; book reviews by, 80:353–54, 85:181–83, 93:227–28, 358–59; But There Was No Peace: The Role of Violence in the Politics of Reconstruction, reviewed, 83:159–60; Civil Wars: Women and the Crisis of Southern Nationalism, reviewed, 88:215–17; Confederate Republic: A Revolution Against Politics, reviewed, 93:228–30; Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg!, reviewed, 100:226–27

Raboteau, Albert, 91:68

Rabun County, Ga., 96:130

Rabun Gap–Nacoochee School (Ga.), 74:251

Raccoon John Smith: Frontier Kentucky's Most Famous Preacher, by John Sparks: reviewed, 104:288–89

race: Abraham Lincoln's views on, 106:317–32, 515–18, 572; issue of during Civil War, 107:169–72; psychological basis of racial attitudes, 106:320–22

Race, Class, and Politics in Southern History: Essays in Honor of Robert F. Durden, edited by Jeffrey J. Crow, Paul D. Escott, and Charles L. Flynn: reviewed, 89:109–10

Race, Ethnicity, and Urbanization: Selected Essays, by Howard Rabinowitz: reviewed, 92:437–38

Race, War, and Remembrance in the Appalachian South, by John C. Inscoe: reviewed, 106:112–13

Race, War, and Surveillance: African Americans and the United States Government During World War I, by Mark Ellis: reviewed, 100:237–39

Race & Medicine in Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century America, by Todd L. Savitt: reviewed, 105:516–17

Race Against Time: Culture and Separation in Natchez since 1930, by Jack E. Davis: reviewed, 100:103–5

Race and History: Selected Essays, 1938–1988, by John Hope Franklin: reviewed, 89:110–12

Race and Liberty in the New Nation: Emancipation in Virginia from the Revolution to Nat Turner's Rebellion, by Eva Sheppard Wolf: reviewed, 107:104–5

Race and the Atlanta Cotton States Exposition, 1895, by Theda Perdue: reviewed, 108:152–54

Race Horses of America, by Edward Troye, by Alexander Mackay-Smith: reviewed, 80:450–52

"Race Ideology and the Missionary Quest of Lucinda and Mary Helm: What Kentucky Patricians Thought They Knew about the 'negro element,'" by Fred A. Bailey, 99:53–68

Race on the Line: Gender, Labor, and Technology in the Bell System, 1880–1980, by Venus Green: reviewed, 100:389–91

Race over Empire: Racism and U.S. Imperialism, 1865–1900, by Eric T. L. Love: reviewed, 104:163–65

Rachel of Old Louisiana, by Avery O. Craven: noted, 94:111

Rachels, David, ed.: Mark Twain's Civil War, 105:713–15

Racial Integrity Law (1924): Va., 102:219

"Racial Politics in Central Kentucky during the Post-Reconstruction Era: Bourbon County, 1877-1899," by Charles L. Davis, 108:315–16, 347–80

racial violence: in Appalachia, 100:300, 302; in Corbin, 100:293–310; in Ky., 100:300, 308; in Mercer County, 100:306–7; in Paducah, 100:308; in South, 100:300, 303; . see Waldrep, Christopher

Racial Violence in Kentucky, 1865–1940: Lynchings, Mob Rule, and "Legal Lynchings," by George C. Wright, 89:346, 351; noted, 94:215–16; reviewed, 89:300–301

Racism: A Short History, by George M. Fredrickson: reviewed, 101:208–12

Radcliffe College (Cambridge, Mass.), 93:185, 197–98

Rader, Benjamin, 74:68

Rader, Marie L., 99:274

Radford, Lena, 99:35

Radical Enlightenment of Benjamin Franklin, The, by Douglas Anderson, 105:250

Radical Innocence: A Critical Study of the Hollywood Ten, by Bernard F. Dick: reviewed, 87:462–63

Radicalism of the American Revolution, by Gordon S. Wood, 105:257

Radical Republicans, 72:9, 119, 122, 131–32, 106:527–28

"Radicals, Reunion, and Repatriation: Harlan County and the Constraints of History," by Jessica Legnini, 107:471–512

Radio: development of in Ky., 79:333–53

Radio City Music Hall (N.Y.), 96:276

Radio's America: The Great Depression and the Rise of Modern Mass Culture, by Bruce Lenthall: reviewed, 105:744–45

Radley, Kenneth: Rebel Watchdog: The Confederate States Army Provost Guard, reviewed, 88:352

Raeburn, John: Staggering Revolution, A: Cultural History of Thirties Photography, reviewed, 104:752–53

Raetz, Lena, 93:54, 62, 63, 69, 78

Rafert, Stewart: and Elizabeth Glenn, Native Americans, The: Peopling Indiana, vol. 2, noted, 107:634

Rafinesque, Constantine, 72:156–58, 79:313, 319; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:339

Raft, George, 82:379, 98:370

Rafuse, Ethan S.: book review by, 105:499–500; book reviews by, 106:115–16, 107:121–22; McClellan's War: The Failure of Moderation in the Struggle for the Union, reviewed, 103:570–72

Ragar, Cheryl R.: and John Edgar Tidwell, eds., Montage of a Dream: The Art and Life of Langston Hughes, reviewed, 105:343–44

Ragarsville, Ky., 72:340

Ragland, J. M., 94:263

Raglin, ——, 90:71

Ragtime, 93:287, 302

Raiford, Leigh: and Renee C. Romano, eds., Civil Rights Movement in American Memory, The, reviewed, 104:370–71

Railey, William E.: Ky. Historical Society, 101:28

railroads: rail mileage in Ky., 78:227; segregation on, 98:241–59; and telegraphy, 98:279–95; and the William Goebel affair, 78:322–42

Railroads in the African American Experience: A Photographic Journey, by Theodore Kornweibel Jr.: reviewed, 107:454–55

Railroads in the Civil War: The Impact of Management on Victory and Defeat, by John E. Clark Jr.: reviewed, 102:575–76

Railroads in the Old South: Pursuing Progess in a Slave State, by Aaron W. Marrs: reviewed, 107:105–7

Railroad Town: A Pictorial History of Lebanon Junction, by Steve Masden and Burlyn Pike: noted, 90:220

Railton, Ben: Contesting the Past: Reconstructing the Nation: American Literature and Culture in the Gilded Age, 1876-1893, reviewed, 105:722–24

Rainbow (horse), 100:485

Rainbow Quest: The Folk Music Festival and American Society, 1940–1970, by Ronald D. Cohen: reviewed, 101:391–92

Raine, James Watt: The Land of Saddle-Bags: A Study of the Mountain People of Appalachia, noted, 95:215–16

Raines, Aylette, 72:370, 380, 383, 387

Raines, Edgar F. Jr., 99:123; book reviews by, 84:447–48, 89:102–3, 100:408–10, 104:731–33; and David R. Campbell, The Army and the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Evolution of Army Ideas on the Command, Control, and Coordination of the U.S. Armed Forces, 1942–1985, noted, 85:393–94; "Major General J. Franklin Bell, U.S.A.: The Education of a Soldier, 1856–1890," 83:315–46

Rainey, Jasper, 101:92

Rainey, Joe, 101:92

Rainey, Tub: and the Brookside, Ky., coal strike, 107:500

Rains, Albert, 79:54

Raising Her Voice: African-American Women Journalists Who Changed History, by Rodger Streitmatter: reviewed, 92:439–40

Raisor, Tommy, 90:155, 157

Raitz, Karl B.: book review by, 99:176–77; and Carolyn Murray-Wooley, Rock Fences of the Bluegrass, reviewed, 91:333–35; ed., The Theater of Sport, reviewed, 94:209–10; and Richard Ulack, and Gyula Pauer, eds., Atlas of Kentucky, reviewed, 97:445–47; and Richard Ulack, with Thomas R. Lembach, Appalachia, A Regional Geography: Land, People, and Development, reviewed, 84:214–15

Rakes, Paul H.: book review by, 104:293–95

Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:307

Raleigh, N.C., 72:363, 75:137

Raleigh, Sir Walter: lost colony, 102:218

Raleigh letter: and Henry Clay, 107:571

"Raleigh" letters, 73:260–62

Rall, John P.: book note by, 88:370; book reviews by, 91:211–12, 92:318–19, 441–42, 94:212–13

Rally (horse), 100:481

Ralph Adams Cram: An Architect's Four Quests: Medieval, Modernist, American, Ecumenical, by Douglass Shand-Tucci: reviewed, 104:167–69

Ralston, Vera, 98:376

Ramage, Andrea S.: book review by, 94:319–20; "Love and Honor: The Robert Wickliffe Family of Antebellum Kentucky," 94:115–33; . see Watkins, Andrea S.

Ramage, James A., 74:233, 80:72, 137, 97:90, 98:155; book note by, 83:385; book reviews by, 75:60–61, 76:66–67, 238–40, 77:137–38, 80:217–18, 446–48, 81:209–10, 82:301–3, 85:270–71, 86:189–90, 87:449–50, 89:216–17, 99:310–12, 416–18, 102:419–22, 106:113–14, 254–56, 107:119–20; Gray Ghost: The Life of Col. John Singleton Mosby, reviewed, 99:84–86; illus., 107:221; and the Jefferson Davis symposium, 107:143, 203–6, 210, 218–20, 223, 225, 227, 231, 233, 235; on John Hunt Morgan, 105:61; "John Hunt Morgan and the Kentucky Cavalry Volunteers in the Mexican War," 81:343–65; John Wesley Hunt, Pioneer Merchant, Manufacturer, and Financier, reviewed, 73:322–24; and Kristopher A. Teters: "Public Reactions to Ulysses S. Grant's Vicksburg Campaign in Kentucky, Cincinnati, and Across the Union," 103:627–60; Rebel Raider: The Life of General John Hunt Morgan, reviewed, 85:162–63; "Recent Historiography of Guerrilla Warfare in the Civil War—A Review Essay," 103:517–41; "The Green River Pioneers: Squatters, Soldiers, and Speculators," 75:171–90

Ramage, Thomas W., 80:80

Ramold, Steven J.: Baring the Iron Hand: Discipline in the Union Army, reviewed, 107:447–48

Rampaging Frontier, by Thomas D. Clark, 103:202, 208, 209; correspondence about, 103:214

Rampant Women: Suffragists and the Right of Assembly, by Linda J. Lumsden: reviewed, 96:206–7

Ramsay, Jonathan, 78:116

Ramsdell, Charles W.: review of J. Winston Coleman's Slavery Times in Kentucky, 103:721

Ramsey, ——, 83:209

Ramsey, James, 102:79

Ramsey, Priscilla R.: book review by, 105:343–44

Ramsey, William R., 86:221

Ranck, George W., 74:317, 106:222; History of Lexington, Kentucky, noted, 88:238; illus., 101:13; Ky. Historical Society, 101:12, 14; letter of, 101:16; "'Travelling Church': An Account of the Baptist Exodus from Virginia to Kentucky in 1781," 79:240–65

Randall, Catharine: From a Far Country: Camisards and Huguenots in the Atlantic World, reviewed, 107:585–86

Randall, James G., 72:8, 101:425, 106:302; Abraham Lincoln's eulogy of Henry Clay, 106:538, 562

Randall, Stacy Ingrum: book review by, 101:377–78

Randall, Willard Sterne: A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin and His Son, reviewed, 83:361–62

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