Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Portland, Ky., 72:39, 42, 46, 53, 337; annexation of, 107:46; Confederacy of, 82:170–75

Portland, Ohio: . see Oak Hill, Ohio

Portland Avenue (Louisville, Ky.), 107:33, 45

Portland Canal (Louisville, Ky.), 95:5

Portland State University (Portland, Ore.), 104:628

Portland Street (Louisville, Ky.), 106:63

Portrait of a Father, by Robert Penn Warren: reviewed, 87:63–64

Portrait of America: A Cultural History of the Federal Writers' Project, by Jerrold Hirsch: reviewed, 101:536–38

Portrait of Early Families: Frankfort Area Before 1860, edited by Rebecca Darnell Bolton, Mary Nash Cox, and Sallie Clay Lanham: noted, 107:627

Portraits and Dreams: Photographs and Stories by Children of the Appalachians, by Wendy Ewald: noted, 84:237

Portsmouth, Ohio, 74:243, 97:404

Portsmouth Shoe-Steels (Ohio), 97:427, 428, 429, 430, 443

Portsmouth Spartans (Ohio), 97:431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443

Portugal, 72:143

Portuguese: Melungeon ancestry, 102:210–12, 218, 222–23

Posey, W. H., 95:396

Posey County, Ind., 74:66

Post, David: "From the Jefferson Seminary to the Louisville Free School: Change and Continuity in Western Education, 1813–1840," 86:103–18

Post, James C., 95:380, 382, 383, 385, 386

Postage Stamp Guide to Kentucky, by Harry G. Enoch: noted, 84:103

Postlethwait's Tavern (Lexington, Ky.): illus., 100:31

Post-Wolcott, Marion, 84:176

Potawatomi Indians, 91:252–53, 255–56, 258, 272, 284, 92:161; expedition against, 105:222–25

Potomac River (Va.), 72:406

Potter, David M., 99:95–96, 100:273, 275, 107:181; Lincoln and His Party in the Secession Crisis, 101:424; view of Jefferson Davis, 101:435–37

Potter, Foster, 90:353, 354

Potter, Herschel, 93:68

Potter, Hugh O.: A History of Owensboro and Daviess County, Kentucky, reviewed, 73:416, 417

Potter, J. R., 88:433

Potter, Pleasant J., 79:20

Potter College for Young Ladies (Bowling Green, Ky.), 86:38, 89:141, 143

Potts, Guy: illus., 101:248; Lexington, Ky., 101:264

Potts Lumber Company (Frankfort, Ky.), 100:172–73

Poulson, Susan L.: and Leslie Miller-Bernal, eds., Going Coed: Women's Experiences in Formerly Men's Colleges and Universities, 1950–2000, reviewed, 102:445–46

Pound, Ezra: Robert Penn Warren's defense of, 104:92

Pound, Louise, 80:171

Pound Gap (Letcher County, Ky.), 78:206–7

poverty: causes of, 107:342–45, 350–51, 353–69; issue of in United States, 107:301–2; and the War on Poverty in Appalachian Ky., 107:301–417

Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth-Century U.S. History , by Alice O'Connor, 107:343–44

Poverty Knowledge: Social Science, Social Policy, and the Poor in Twentieth Century U.S. History, by Alice O' Connor: reviewed, 99:431–33

Powderly, Terrence V., 86:222

Poweleit, Alvin C., 86:247, 252, 256, 269

Powell, Allan Kent: Splinters of a Nation: German Prisoners of War in Utah, reviewed, 89:320–21

Powell, Arthur G.: Lessons from Privilege: The American Prep School Tradition, reviewed, 95:333–34

Powell, Captain ——, 72:266, 268

Powell, Dick, 100:198

Powell, E. L., 74:113, 116–18, 120–22, 94:253

Powell, George, 82:240–41

Powell, James Wooldridge: Edgewood, the Story of a Family and Their House, noted, 78:193

Powell, John W.: Yankee Artillerymen Through the Civil War with Eli Lilly's Indiana Battery, reviewed, 74:349

Powell, Lazarus W., 73:369, 75:245, 84:144, 88:266, 268; opposition to emancipation, 106:582–83; portrait, 101:18

Powell, Purman, 77:13

Powell, Robert A.: Kentucke: The Story of a Proud Heritage, reviewed, 76:242–43; Kentucky Governors, reviewed, 75:325–26; This Is Kentucky, reviewed, 74:128, 129

Powell, Samuel, 88:147

Powell, Thomas Reed, 104:435, 472

Powell, William S.: Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, vol. 1, A-C, noted, 78:386–87

Powell County, Ky., 74:10, 315, 107:404

Powell's Mountain (Va., Tenn.), 79:256

Power, J. Tracy: book review by, 105:497–99

Power, Thomas, 84:14–16

Power and Culture: The Japanese-American War, 1941–1945, by Akira Iriye: reviewed, 80:477–78

Power and Peace: The Diplomacy of John Foster Dulles, by Frederick W. Marks III: reviewed, 92:231–32

Power and Powerlessness: Quiescence and Rebellion in an Appalachian Valley, by John Gaventa: reviewed, 80:222–24

power companies, in Kentucky, 104:522–23; regulation of, 104:510–11

Power of Femininity in the New South: Women's Organizations and Politics in North Carolina, 1880-1930, by Anastatia Sims: reviewed, 96:105–6

Powers, Caleb, 76:211–13, 308, 83:125, 99:158

Powers, Francis Gary, 83:125–26

Powers, Georgia Davis, 89:357, 90:86, 101:4; and Edward T. Breathitt, 99:8, 30, 36–37; I Shared the Dream: The Pride, Passion and Politics of the First Black Woman Senator from Kentucky, reviewed, 94:70–71; in Ky. senate, 99:271–73, 364–65; and Louisville, 99:364–65, 381–83; "power suit" of, 99:302

Powers, Kevin: book review by, 101:181–82

Powers That Be, by David Halberstam, 104:437–38, 550, 552

Pozzetta, George E.: and Randall M. Miller, eds., Shades of the Sunbelt: Essays on Ethnicity, Race, and the Urban South, reviewed, 87:84–85

Practical Distiller, 106:61

"Practical Recognition of the Brotherhood of Man": John G. Fee and the Camp Nelson Experience, by Richard D. Sears: reviewed, 85:163–64

Practical Treatise on the Diseases Peculiar to Women, by Dr. Samuel Ashwell, 74:90

Prados, John, 95:289; Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA, reviewed, 105:164–66

Prairie Power: Voices of 1960s Midwestern Student Protest, by Robbie Lieberman: reviewed, 102:273–75

Prall, John A., 72:367

Prather, Joseph, 99:217, 218, 219

Prather, Thomas, 100:437

Prather, William, 106:9

Prather Street (Louisville, Ky.), 107:46

Prats, Armando Jose: Invisible Natives: Myth & Identity in the American Western, reviewed, 101:562–63

Pratt, Eliphaz Perkins, 73:234, 235

Pratt, Mrs. LeRoy G., 87:29

Pratt, Robert A.: We Shall Not Be Moved: The Desegregation of the University of Georgia, reviewed, 100:564–66

Pratt, Walter F. Jr.: The Supreme Court under Edward Douglass White, 1910–1921, reviewed, 98:123–25

Pratt, William, 81:362

Pratt, William Moody, 72:383

Pravda, 107:230

Prchal, Tim: book review by, 105:722–24

Preakness Stakes, 100:480, 482

Preble County, Ohio, 91:14

Précis ou Abrégé des Voyages, Travaux, et Recherches de C. S. Rafinesque, edited by Charles Boewe and others: reviewed, 86:77

"Predreadnought Battleship USS Kentucky," by John S. Gillig, 88:45–81

Pregnant by Mistake: oral history and the law, 104:652

Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (1862), 106:439, 454, 455, 523–24, 575

Prelude to Greatness: Lincoln in the 1850's, by Don Fehrenbacher, 106:538

Premo, Terri L.: Winter Friends: Women Growing Old in the New Republic, 1785–1835, reviewed, 89:210–11

Prendergast, Norma: and Carol Kammen, Encyclopedia of Local History, reviewed, 98:334–36

Prentice, David, 86:110

Prentice, George D., 72:367–68, 380, 75:219, 76:3, 19, 156, 206, 79:27, 80:287, 81:137, 84:116, 127, 129–30, 143, 86:355, 93:292, 96:232, 99:344–46, 350, 100:443, 103:204; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:475; attitude to African American Union soldiers, 103:628; defends Louisville's Know-Nothing government, 102:380–81; and Grant's Jewish expulsion order, 103:634; and Henry C. Burnett, 77:272; illus., 102:361, 103:631, 106:602; John Hunt Morgan message to, 108:41, 48; Ky. Historical Society, 101:8; opposition to John C. Frémont, 106:577; reaction to capture of Fort Donelson, 103:628–30; reaction to Grant's Vicksburg campaign, 103:632; reaction to Louisville lynching, 102:372–73, 377; relationship with George Keats, 106:52; and the slave curfew, 102:363–65; and slavery, 106:596, 601; supports Lincoln's war aims, 103:630; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:340–41; Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:658–59

Prentis, Joseph: correspondence of, 90:117–39

Prentiss, Benjamin F., 75:24–25

Prentiss, George: battle of Shiloh, 88:282, 283, 284

Prentiss, James, 72:40, 77:92; and the failure of the Ky. Insurance Company, 73:1–16

Prentiss, Sergeant S., 73:361, 362

Presbyterian, The, 72:329

Presbyterian Academy (Greenville, Ky.), 97:287

Presbyterian and Reformed Review, 72:333, 335

Presbyterian Herald, The, 73:233

Presbyterian Library (Philadelphia, Pa.), 92:348

Presbyterian of the West, 73:233, 234

Presbyterians, 72:10, 211–13, 323–24, 326–27, 420–21, 91:16, 158, 174, 93:143, 146, 98:399, 400, 99:66, 106:189; 1832 General Assembly, 72:217; 1837 General Assembly, 72:214–15; and Alben Barkley, 78:344, 347; and Barton Stone and the Cane Ridge Revival, 85:308–21; in Breathitt County, 91:150–75; at Cane Ridge, 91:1–23; and Charles S. Todd, 105:196; controversy over evolution, 74:118–19; Cumberland Presbyterians, 73:123–26, 336, 85:319; Cumberland Presbyterians, emancipation convention of, 73:224, 227, 235, 238; Cumberland Presbyterians, new school, 73:219–20, 224, 233–36; Cumberland Presbyterians, plan of Union (1801), 73:220; Cumberland Presbyterians, synod of Ky., 73:218–19; Cumberland schism in, 74:99, 107; in Danville, Ky., 106:179–82; emigration of antislavery activists from the South, 102:35; impact of Cane Ridge revival on, 106:201–6; and the issue of revivalism, 106:165–90; on Ky. frontier, 106:343; in Lexington, Ky., 106:192–93, 195–99, 206–7, 212, 216, 219, 221, 223–25, 227–29; New Light movement in, 74:99, 107; New Lights, 106:172, 186–87, 203–5; New School, 72:216, 421, 106:189; New School seminary of, 74:99–111; New Sides, 106:170, 173, 187; Old School, 72:215–16, 421; Old School-New School split in, 74:99, 100, 110; Presbytery of Transylvania (Ky.), 74:101; Providence Presbytery (Ky.), 74:102–3; Psalmody in, 74:99; and slave-owner exclusion, 102:15; on slavery, 73:217–40, 91:17, 19; and the slavery controversy, 102:13–38; support gradual emancipation, 102:25; Synod of Kentucky, 75:105, 91:156; Synod of Virginia, 91:6, 19; Transylvania Presbytery, 91:2–7, 14, 16–17, 21; in the United States, 91:155, 156, 161; West Lexington Presbytery, 91:17, 19

Presbyterians: Two Hundred Years in Danville, 1784–1974, by Richard C. Brown: reviewed, 82:394–96

Presbyterian Theological Seminary (Louisville, Ky.), 92:71

Presbytery of Redstone (Pa.), 102:30

"Preservation of Southern Historical Documents," by Thomas D. Clark, 103:143–58

Preserving Charleston's Past, Shaping Its Future: The Life and Times of Susan Pringle Frost, by Sidney R. Bland: reviewed, 94:91–92

Presidencies of Grover Cleveland, by Richard E. Welch Jr.: reviewed, 88:101–2

Presidencies of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler, by Norma Lois Peterson: reviewed, 88:342–43

Presidencies of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore, by Elbert B. Smith: reviewed, 87:70–71

Presidency and Women, The: Promise, Performance, and Illusion, by Janet M. Martin: reviewed, 101:554–56

Presidency of Abraham Lincoln, by Phillip Shaw Paludan: reviewed, 93:222–24

Presidency of Andrew Jackson, by Donald B. Cole: reviewed, 92:211–12

Presidency of Andrew Jackson: White House Politics, 1829–1837, by Richard B. Latner: reviewed, 80:235–36

Presidency of Franklin Pierce by Larry Gara: reviewed, 90:294–95

Presidency of Gerald R. Ford, by John Robert Greene: noted, 94:113–14

Presidency of James K. Polk, by Paul H. Bergeron: reviewed, 86:184–85

Presidency of James Monroe, by Noble E. Cunningham Jr.: reviewed, 94:312–14

Presidency of John Quincy Adams, by Mary W. M. Hargreaves: reviewed, 84:428–29

Presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson, by Vaughn Davis Bornet: reviewed, 83:289–90

Presidency of Martin Van Buren, by Major L. Wilson: reviewed, 82:405–6

President Eisenhower and Strategy Management: A Study in Defense Politics, by Douglas Kinnard: reviewed, 76:255–57

Presidential Anecdotes, by Paul F. Boller Jr.: reviewed, 81:82–83

Presidential Campaigns, by Paul F. Boller Jr.: reviewed, 83:72–74

Presidential Medal of Freedom: and Robert Penn Warren, 104:79

President Is at Camp David, by W. Dale Nelson: reviewed, 93:502

President Johnson's War on Poverty: Rhetoric and History, by David Zarefsky: noted, 84:455–56

President Lincoln: The Duty of a Statesman, by William Lee Miller, 106:437–38

President of the Other America: Robert Kennedy and the Politics of Poverty, by Edward R. Schmitt: reviewed, 107:462–64

Presidents, The (1976), edited by Robert G. Ferris: reviewed, 76:64–65

Presidents, The (1977), edited by Robert G. Ferris: reviewed, 77:153–55

Presidents Above Party: The First American Presidency, by Ralph Ketcham: reviewed, 82:403–4

Presidents and Political Thought, by David J. Siemers: reviewed, 107:436–38

Presidents and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face; The Myth of Bilateral Bliss, 1867–1982, by Lawrence Martin: noted, 81:463–64

President's Appalachian Regional Commission (PARC): creation of, 107:378, 380; and Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., 107:380–81

President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency (PCJD), 107:379; and Robert F. Kennedy, 107:376–78

President's House: A History, by William Seale: reviewed, 85:359–62

President Washington's Indian War: The Struggle for the Old Northwest, 1790–1795, by Wiley Sword: reviewed, 84:323–24

Presnell, Glenn, 97:434, 436, 439

Press, Politics, and Patronage, The: The American Government's Use of Newspapers, 1789–1875, by Culver H. Smith: reviewed, 76:326–38

Presser, ——, 92:133

Press Gallery: Congress and the Washington Correspondents, by Donald A. Ritchie: reviewed, 90:412–13

Press Gang: Newspapers and Politics, 1865–1878, by Mark Wahlgren Summers: reviewed, 92:426–28

"Press Reaction to the Appointment of Fred M. Vinson as Chief Justice of the United States," by Philip A. Grant Jr., 75:304–13

Preston, Alice Ward: illus., 100:289

Preston, Ann Sophonisba, 72:209, 218

Preston, Brett, 100:282

Preston, Carry, 94:120, 121

Preston, —— (Covington, Ky.), 76:209

Preston, Francis, 72:210, 80:276–77

Preston, Francis (uncle of William Preston), 93:258

Preston, Franky, 83:226

Preston, Grace Mollette: illus., 100:281, 286; writing story of, 100:279–91

Preston, Howard L.: and Joe P. Dunn, eds., The Future South: A Historical Perspective for the Twenty-first Century, reviewed, 90:316–17

Preston, James Patton, 93:258

Preston, John, 72:331, 77:290, 78:199, 94:121

Preston, John David: The Civil War in the Big Sandy Valley of Kentucky, noted, 83:295–96

Preston, Johny, 83:226

Preston, Lifie: illus., 100:281, 284, 290; writing story of, 100:279–91

Preston, Linda Sue: . see DeRosier, Linda Scott

Preston, Margaret Howard Wickliffe, 93:258, 259, 269, 285

Preston, Margaret Jr. ("Poog"), 94:120, 121

Preston, Margaret (Wickliffe), 94:118, 119, 120, 121

Preston, Mary, 94:120, 121, 97:174

Preston, Mary Owen, 94:119

Preston, Paris: illus., 100:289

Preston, Samuel H.: and Michael R. Haines, Fatal Years: Child Mortality in Late Nineteenth-Century America, reviewed, 90:408–9

Preston, Wick, 93:269

Preston, William, 72:226, 228–29, 234, 237, 395, 107:39–40; land grant of, 107:60; land in Louisville, Ky., 107:46–47; recognition of Texas, 107:569

Preston, William (1729-1783), 78:300–301, 303–4, 307, 84:257, 259; frontier Ky. land claims, 78:300–301, 303–4, 307; and John Floyd, 83:202–28, 230–36

Preston, William (1816-1887), 75:7, 13–14, 16, 79:15, 126, 84:127, 90:342, 92:369, 94:120, 121, 126, 95:252, 264, 97:174, 104:59; and the fight for Southern Independence, 93:257–85; on invasion of Cuba, 105:580–82

Preston, William C., 85:18

Preston, William Campbell, 93:258

Preston Highway (Louisville, Ky.), 107:33, 60

Prestonia Land Company (Louisville, Ky.): land development by, 107:60

Prestonsburg, Ky., 72:306, 107:320; during Civil War, 108:84; Edward F. Prichard's speech in, 104:591

Prestonsburg Community College (Prestonsburg, Ky.), 102:78

Preston's Enlargement (Louisville, Ky.), 107:46

Prestons of Smithfield and Greenfield in Virginia, by John Frederick Dorman: noted, 81:111

Preston's Station (Prestonsburg, Ky.), 78:199

Presyterian Herald: and colonization, 75:96

Prewitt, H. R., 82:239

Price, Benjamin Lewis: book review by, 105:99–100

Price, Dr. ——, 85:342

Price, Jacob, 98:160, 165, 171

Price, R. N., 93:65–66

Price, Samuel Woodson, 73:323

Price, Sterling, 74:350, 79:127, 86:367

Price Elementary School (Jefferson County, Ky. ), 105:6–7; desegregation, 105:20

Price House Hotel (Catlettsburg, Ky.), 72:259–60

Price of Defiance, The: James Meredith and the Integration of Ole Miss, by Charles W. Eagles: reviewed, 107:293–94

Price of Loyalty, The: Tory Writings from the Revolutionary Era: edited by Catherine C. Crary, reviewed, 72:183–85

Prichard, Allen, 104:543; illus., 104:544

Prichard, Edward F. Jr., 80:328, 99:32; appeal to Supreme Court, 104:539; ballot stuffing during 1948 Democratic senatorial primary, 104:528–42; biographical sketch, 104:395–97; and the Bretton Woods Conference, 104:494–95; career in Washington, D.C., 104:450–51, 482–507; decision to return to Kentucky, 104:505–7; depression of, 104:546–47; education of, 104:397, 406–10, 419–39, 601; family of, 104:400–419, 443, 543, 550, 590; on future of Kentucky, 104:602–8; illus., 104:396, 401, 508, 526, 533, 544, 597, 603; imprisonment of, 104:538–42; interest in journalism, 104:425, 427–28; Kentucky Educational Television special about, 104:399–400; later career of, 104:600–602; law practice of, 104:507–9, 543–44, 548–50; marriage of, 104:524–28; and the Office of Production Management, 104:486–90; oral history interviews of, 104:392–94; pardon of, 104:498, 501–2, 529, 538–39; pardon of, illus., 104:498; and political campaigns, 104:494–95, 544–46, 554–55, 558–59, 572–73, 580–88; post-prison struggles, 104:542–49; relationship with A. B. "Happy" Chandler, 104:513, 540–45; relationship with Bert Combs, 104:397, 548, 570–71, 601; relationship with Dick Moloney, 104:509–10; relationship with Earle Clements, 104:509, 510, 512–13; relationship with Felix Frankfurter, 104:398, 426, 428–36, 451, 455–81; relationship with Franklin D. Roosevelt, 104:425, 480–81; relationship with John Ed Pearce, 104:392, 530, 593, 601; relationship with Ned Breathitt, 104:397, 548, 570–72, 591–601; relationship with Philip Graham, 104:549–53; relationship with the press, 104:549, 571–72; tax problems, 104:547–48; Thomas D. Clark commentary on, 103:374–76

Prichard, Erin E.: and Todd M. Ahlman, eds., TVA Archaeology: Seventy-Five Years of Prehistoric Site Research, reviewed, 107:287–89

Prichard, James M.: book reviews by, 93:209–10, 94:423–25, 95:321–23, 445–48, 96:387–89, 98:114–17, 327–28, 100:61–62, 529–31, 104:291–93, 757–59

Prichard, Louis, 104:543

Prichard, Lucy Elliott, 104:397, 543; death of, 104:392; early life, 104:525–26; illus., 104:526; marriage of, 104:524–28; personality of, 104:526–27; reaction to Ed Prichard's imprisonment, 104:540

Prichard, Nathan, 104:543; illus., 104:544; photographs by, 104:396, 603

Prichard and Ball (Paris, Ky.), 104:400

Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence, 97:133, 104:601; Thomas D. Clark speech to, 103:368–69

Prichard Oral History Project, 104:399

Pride of the Confederate Artillery: The Washington Artillery in the Army of Tennessee, by Nathaniel Cheairs Hughes Jr.: reviewed, 96:403–5

Priest, Mattie, 90:246

Priest, Nancy L.: "Joseph Rogers Underwood; Nineteenth Century Kentucky Orator," 75:286–303

Priestley, Joseph, 79:309, 317, 86:107, 105:256

Priestly, James, 78:6

Prieto, Laura R.: At Home in the Studio: The Professionalization of Women Artist in America, reviewed, 100:386–89

Primitive Baptist Church (Lexington, Ky.), 102:6

Primitive Baptists: and Ernie Fletcher, 102:6

Prince, Eldred E. Jr.: with Robert R. Simpson, Long Green: The Rise and Fall of Tobacco in South Carolina, reviewed, 99:171–72

Prince, Lawrence: bail hearing in Louisville lynching case, 102:379

Prince, Morton Henry, 106:451

Prince, Ulysses, 88:329

Prince, William, 77:205, 78:116, 80:401

Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada: and George A. Ellsworth, 108:9, 17

Prince George County, Va., 90:119

Prince's Station, Tenn., 77:205

Princeton, Ky., 74:309, 75:89, 98:292, 293

Princeton College (Princeton, N.J.), 72:326

Princeton Review, 73:231, 233

Princeton Review, The, 72:326, 329

Princeton Theological Seminary, 72:151, 208–9, 217, 323, 326–28, 332–34

Princeton University (Princeton, N.J.), 74:106, 88:179, 101:424, 107:147; Ed Prichard at, 104:419–28

Princetown, Ky., 94:64

Princetown School (Lexington, Ky.): closes, 101:247

Prindle, David F.: book reviews by, 100:538–39, 104:377–78; Paradox of Democratic Capitalism, The: Politics and Economics in American Thought, reviewed, 104:705–7

Prisoners of Myth: The Leadership of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933–1990, by Erwin C. Hargrove: reviewed, 93:495–96

Prisoners of Niagara or Errors of Education, The: A New Novel Founded on Fact, by Jessee L. Holman: reviewed, 74:58, 59

prisoners of war: illus., 100:141, 144, 147, 151, 157, 161, 164; in Ky. during World War II, 100:139–65

Prison Life Among the Rebels: Recollections of a Union Chaplain, edited by Edward D. Jervey: reviewed, 88:476–77

Pritchard, James: In Search of Empire: The French in the Americas, 1670–1730, reviewed, 103:551–52

Pritchette, Glen: Fayette County, Ky., school integration, 101:250–51

Pritzker, Barry M.: ed., A Native American Encyclopedia: History, Culture, and Peoples, reviewed, 100:68–69

Private Civil War: Popular Thought During the Sectional Conflict, by Randall C. Jimerson: reviewed, 87:452–53

Private Franklin, The, by Claude-Anne Lopez and Eugenia Herbert, 105:250

Prize Cases, 98:180

"Problem of Concealed Weapons in Nineteenth-Century Kentucky," by Robert M. Ireland, 91:370–85

Problem of Emancipation, The: The Caribbean Roots of the American Civil War, by Edward Bartlett Rugemer: reviewed, 107:98–100

Problems of Plenty: The American Farmer in the Twentieth Century, by R. Douglas Hurt: reviewed, 101:534–36

Pro-Choice Coalition of Kentucky, 99:255

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