Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Reluctant King: The Life and Reign of George VI, 1895–1952, by Sarah Bradford: reviewed, 89:233–34

Reluctant Partners: Nashville and the Union, July 1, 1863 to June 30, 1865, by Walter T. Durham: reviewed, 86:290–91

Reluctant Reformers: Rascism and Social Reform Movements in the United States, by Robert L. Allen and Pamela P. Allen: reviewed, 74:248–50

Remaking America: Public Memory, Commemoration, and Patriotism in the Twentieth Century, by John Bodnar: reviewed, 91:109–11

Remaking the Presidency: Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, 1901-1916, by Peri E. Arnold: reviewed, 107:286–87

"Remarks to the Legislature," by William R. Buster, 74:156–59

Remember Goliad!, by Craig H. Roell: noted, 93:508–9

Remington Medal, 91:41

Remini, Robert V., 106:498, 510; Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Democracy, reviewed, 83:75–77; Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Freedom, 1822–1832, reviewed, 81:89–92; The Battle of New Orleans: Andrew Jackson and America's First Military Victory, reviewed, 98:112–14; career of, 100:427–28; Daniel Webster: The Man and His Time, reviewed, 96:199–201; At the Edge of the Precipice: Henry Clay and the Compromise that Saved the Union, reviewed, 108:255–57; Henry Clay: Statesman for the Union, reviewed, 91:76–77; illus., 100:470; The Legacy of Andrew Jackson: Essays on Democracy, Indian Removal, and Slavery, reviewed, 86:382–83; quoted, 100:423; roundtable discussion of Henry Clay, 100:427–72; "The Early Heroes of Kentucky," 90:225–35

Reminiscences and Reflections: African Americans in the Kentucky-Tennessee Upper Cumberland Since the Civil War, by Walli Rashash Kharif and William Lynwood Montell: noted, 104:809

Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, by Joshua Fry Speed, 106:519

Reminiscences of Confederate Service, 1861–1865, by Francis W. Dawson: reviewed, 80:236–38

Reminiscing . . . with James C. Carter Jr., by James C. Carter: noted, 87:92–93

"Removal of Blacks from Corbin in 1919, The: Memory, Perspective, and the Legacy of Racism," by Kristy Owens Griggs, 100:293–310

Renaissance Development (Louisville, Ky.): residential construction by, 107:77

Renda, Lex: book reviews by, 93:221–22, 94:78–80, 95:194–97

Renfro Valley Barn Dance (Rockcastle County, Ky.), 80:172, 93:306

Rennick, Robert M., 90:57, 92:154; book note by, 101:396; book review by, 102:96–97; Kentucky Place Names, reviewed, 83:272–73

Rennie's Way: A Novel, by Verna Mae Slone: reviewed, 93:93–95

Rensselaer Polytechnic School (Troy, N.Y.), 79:320

Rentrow, Daphnee: book review by, 101:179–81

Rentz, Ralph M.: They Can't Take That Away from Me: The Odyssey of an American POW, reviewed, 101:189–92

Reporter (Berea College), 83:253

Reporter, The, 72:339

Reporting from Washington: The History of the Washington Press Corps, by Donald A. Ritchie, 104:637

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, by Otto Kerner: report on urban riots, 107:354

Repositor, The, 72:339

Representation in State Legislatures, by Malcolm E. Jewell: reviewed, 81:437–38

Reps, John W.: The Making of Urban America: A History of Urban Planning in America, 107:37

Republic According to John Marshall Harlan, The, by Linda Przybyszewski: reviewed, 98:209–11

Republicanism, Religion, and the Soul of America, by Ellis Sandoz: reviewed, 105:169–71

Republican Looks at His Party, A, by Arthur Larson, 105:469

Republican Party, 72:5, 92, 96, 99, 101, 114, 117–18, 121–22, 124–29, 132–33, 348, 354, 419, 73:268, 271, 279, 326–28, 378, 380, 381, 74:50, 54, 235, 302, 309, 75:32, 41, 50, 327, 76:26, 33, 79:6, 30, 214, 80:168, 281, 310, 316, 326, 329, 81:36, 40, 48, 85:54, 86:58, 62, 65, 87:149, 88:270, 89:385, 90:362, 91:416, 92:7, 27, 40, 191, 93:29, 37, 133, 136–38, 402, 403, 404, 406, 408–11, 414, 415, 418, 94:261, 98:11, 74, 155, 165, 166, 169, 171, 256, 257, 264, 269, 270, 271, 354, 99:39, 45, 252, 290, 101:414, 417, 102:74–75, 104:532, 105:470, 677, 106:307, 373, 380, 394, 107:228, 536, 545, 108:11, 190; 1955 gubernatorial campaign, 104:557; 1956 convention, 105:470; abandonment of African Americans, 102:395–96; A. B. "Happy" Chandler's support for, 104:560; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:312, 498, 514, 533; African Americans in, 108:358–60; and Alben Barkley, 78:251, 254–56; antislavery rhetoric of, 103:734; and Benjamin F. Buckner, 107:546; in Bourbon County, Ky., 104:404; during Civil War, 76:197–215; in Civil War Ky., 107:516; conservative resurgence of, 105:471–72; control in Bourbon County, Ky., 108:355–56, 362–63; control of state senate, 102:80; convention (1864), 72:14; Dwight David Eisenhower and conservative Republicans, 105:466–67; economic program of, 100:448–49; election of 1896 in Ky., 106:473; elections of 1862, 106:454; and emancipation in Ky., 107:533–34; and Ernie Fletcher, 102:3, 6–11; and the expansion of slavery, 101:407, 415; formation in Kentucky, 76:197–215; and George W. Smith, 103:680; and the Goebel affair, 78:334–36; gubernatorial campaign of 1999, 102:80; and Henry Clay, 100:426, 459; Jefferson Davis's opinion of, 107:153–54; and Kentucky African Americans, 105:389–91, 392; in Ky., 105:64; in Ky. gubernatorial races, 99:23–27, 220, 253–54, 266, 267; Liberal Republicans, 72:132; in Louisville, Ky., 104:589–90; meaning of the Civil War, 102:384–85; Modern Republicanism, review essay, 105:461–74; national committee, 107:180; newspapers of and the Green v. Gould case, 105:391; original-intent theory, 102:398; and Populism, 78:226, 232–33, 237–40; post-Civil War policy, 102:395–96; and racial politics in Bourbon County, Ky., 108:347–80; Radical Republicans, 72:5, 9, 119, 122, 131–32; and Reconstruction, 108:359; Reconstruction laws of, 105:401; rise of, 103:666; during the secession crisis, 106:409–32; and the "slave power conspiracy," 101:409; and slavery, 106:308, 311, 463, 508, 574, 576, 583; in Switzerland County, Ind., 108:338; and the tariff issue, 107:172–73; Unconditional Unionists, 75:214, 216–21; and the War on Poverty, 107:386–87; in western Ky., 99:14–15; and whipping issue, 100:16, 18–20, 26; women in, 99:256, 257–59, 267, 269, 271, 274–76, 282, 296; . see also Radical Republicans

Republican Party and the South, 1855–1877, by Richard H. Abbott: reviewed, 85:89–91

Republican Right Since 1945, by David W. Reinhard: reviewed, 82:313–14

Republican Vision of John Tyler, The, by Dan Monroe: reviewed, 101:515–16

Republican Women: Feminism and Conservatism from Suffrage through the Rise of the New Right, by Catherine E. Rymph: reviewed, 104:194–96

Republic Aviation (N.Y.): illus., 100:179; during World War II, 100:167–70, 178, 183–84, 187, 191–92

Republic of Intellect: The Friendly Club of New York City and the Making of American Literature, by Bryan Waterman: reviewed, 105:484–86

Republic of Mind and Spirit, A: A Cultural History of American Metaphysical Religion, by Catherine L. Albanese: reviewed, 105:337–39

Republic of Texas: Poll Lists for 1846, by Marion Day Mullins: reviewed, 72:297

Republic Steel (Cleveland, Ohio): investigation of, 104:439

"Requiem Responses: Public Comments on an Exhibition of Vietnam War Photographs," 97:323–36

Requiem: Variations on Eighteenth-Century Themes, by Forrest McDonald and Ellen Shapiro McDonald: reviewed, 87:168

Resaca, Ga., 77:172, 94:163; battle of, 96:244

Resaca de la Palma, Mexico: battle of, 81:355, 362, 106:17, 22, 25, 27

Rescue the Perishing: Selected Correspondence of Annie W. Armstrong, edited by Keith Harper: noted, 103:847

Researching, Writing and Publishing Local History, by Thomas E. Felt: reviewed, 76:62–64

Resettlement Administration: in Ky. during New Deal, 84:168–72, 174; . see Farm Security Administration

Resolution of 1787, 102:25, 26

"Resolutions adopted on October 17, 1980, at a meeting of the Executive Committee," 79:175–77

Resolving Racial Conflict: The Community Relations Service and Civil Rights, 1964–1989, by Bertram Levine: reviewed, 103:832–34

Response of Kentucky to the Mexican War, 1846–1848, The, by Damon Eubank: reviewed, 103:544–47

Response to Prostitution in the Progressive Era, by Mark Thomas Connelly: reviewed, 80:241–43

Restad, Penne: book review by, 101:230–31

Restless Heart: Kentucky's Search for Individual Liberty and Community, by James Larry Hood: noted, 108:443

Restless Nation: Starting Over in America, by James M. Jasper: reviewed, 99:306–7

Restless Past, A: History and the American Public, by Joyce Appleby: review essay, 104:101–4, 108–10

Restless People: Americans in Rebellion, 1770–1787, by Oscar and Lilian Handlin: reviewed, 81:85–86

Rest of the Dream: The Black Odyssey of Lyman Johnson, by Wade Hall: reviewed, 87:440–41

Restoring Shakertown: The Struggle to Save the Historic Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, by Thomas Parrish: reviewed, 103:778–80

Rethinking Social Realism: African American Art and Literature, 1930–1953, by Stacy I. Morgan: reviewed, 102:257–59

Rethinking the Fur Trade: Cultures of Exchange in an Atlantic World, edited by Susan Sleeper-Smith: reviewed, 107:583–85

Rethinking the New Left: An Interpretive History, by Van Gosse: reviewed, 103:835–36

Rethinking the South: Essays in Intellectual History, by Michael O'Brien: reviewed, 87:85–87

Rethinking Zion: How the Print Media Placed Fundamentalism in the South, by Mary Beth Swetnam Mathews: reviewed, 105:730–31

Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign, by Kent Masterson Brown: reviewed, 104:722–23

Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869–1879, by William Gillette: comments regarding, 80:213–16; reviewed, 79:191–94

Reuben, Julie A.: book review by, 102:230–32

Reuss, Henry, 104:504

Reuther, Walter, 104:488, 107:394

Reveille: on medical profession, 97:164, 166

Revel, Jean-Francois: How Democracies Perish, reviewed, 83:379–80

Revelation and Inspiration, by Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield, 72:333–34

"Revelry and Religion in Frontier Kentucky," by James I. Robertson Jr., 79:354–68

Revels, Tracy Jean: book note by, 93:254–55

Revenge, by Edward Young, 76:268, 274, 276, 281

Revenue Act of 1938, 75:305

Revenuers and Moonshiners: Enforcing Federal Liquor Law in the Mountain South, 1865–1900, by Wilbur R. Miller: reviewed, 90:305–6

Revere, Joseph Warren, 72:409

"Review Essay: Renewing the History of Kentucky," by Stephen Aron, 96:307–14

Revive Us Again: The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism, by Joel A. Carpenter: reviewed, 97:224–26

Revolt, 84:288

Revolt of the Rednecks, The, by Albert D. Kirwan, 74:125

Revolutionary Conceptions: Women, Fertility, and Family Limitation in America, 1760-1820, by Susan E. Klepp: reviewed, 108:394–96

Revolutionary Frontier, The, 1763–1783, by Jack M. Sosin, 74:65

Revolutionary Generation: Harvard Men and the Consequences of Independence, by Conrad Edick Wright: reviewed, 104:703–5

Revolutionary Negotiations: Indians, Empires, and Diplomats in the Founding of America, by Leonard J. Sadosky: reviewed, 108:123–25

Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence: vol. 1, compiled by William J. Van Schreeven, edited by Robert L. Scribner, reviewed, 72:185–87; vol. 2, The Committees and the Second Convention, 1773–1775: A Documentary Record, compiled by William J. Van Schreeven and Robert L. Scribner, reviewed, 74:134, 135; vol. 3, Parts 1 and 2: Independence and the Fifth Convention, 1776, compiled and edited by Brent Tarter and Robert L. Scribner, reviewed, 82:392–94

Revolutionary War, 72:11, 18, 61, 74, 86, 241, 277, 284, 293, 309, 403–4, 73:265, 316, 343, 74:59, 63, 65, 152, 78:310–11, 90:120, 91:257, 312, 314, 105:227, 106:335–36; . see American Revolution

Revolution Down on the Farm, A: The Transformation of American Agriculture Since 1929, by Paul K. Conkin: reviewed, 106:286–88

Revolution in Virginia, 1775–1783, by John E. Selby: reviewed, 88:86–87

Revolution Remembered: Eyewitness Accounts of the War for Independence, edited by John C. Dann: reviewed, 80:341–45

Revolver (horse), 100:485

Revyuk, Emil, 84:299

Reyburn, Hobart, 104:516

Reynold, Jonah, 88:147

Reynolds, Christine, 88:35, 36

Reynolds, Donald E.: book review by, 95:102–3

Reynolds, Ignatius A., 108:236

Reynolds, John F.: Demise of the American Convention System, 1880–911, The, reviewed, 105:507–9

Reynolds, Joseph J., 72:20, 21, 32, 36

Reynolds, LeeAnn G.: book review by, 107:266–67

"RFK in EKY," by John Malpede, 107:371

Rhea, Capt. ——, 85:353

Rhea, Gordon C.: The Battle of the Wilderness: May 5-6, 1864, reviewed, 93:108–9

Rhea, John S., 75:116

Rhea, Thomas S., 80:311, 327, 84:40, 45–46, 50, 399–400, 93:64, 104:414–15, 442, 555; 1947 Democratic gubernatorial primary, 104:518; Breathitt administration, 104:594

Rhetoric and the Republic: Politics, Civic Discourse, and Education in America, by Mark Garrett Longraker: reviewed, 105:486–88

Rhett, Robert Barnwell Jr., 101:417, 418

Rhind, Charles, 100:478

Rhoads, Henry, 75:178

Rhoads, McHenry, 88:451, 97:302; and Ky. educational leadership, 93:310, 312–13, 318, 321–22, 326–30; and West Kentucky College, 97:294, 296–99

Rhodehamel, John H.: and Louise Taper, eds., "Right or Wrong, God Judge Me": The Writings of John Wilkes Booth, reviewed, 96:407–9; and Thomas F. Schwartz, The Last Best Hope of Earth: Abraham Lincoln and the Promise of America, reviewed, 92:84–85

Rhodes, Allan Sr.: and John E. L. Robertson, Profiles of Paducah People, noted, 107:633

Rhodes, James, 83:42

Rhodus, Mary Frances, 87:10, 11

Rhyne, J. Michael: book review by, 99:418–19

Rice, Alice Hegan, on Annie Fellows Johnston, 89:125

Rice, Cale Young, 89:133

Rice, Charlie, 81:293, 295–97

Rice, David, 73:217, 223, 77:75, 77, 89, 91:9, 95:354, 102:13; antislavery activism, 102:29, 108:217; and the Cane Ridge revival, 106:181–84, 203; historiography of, 102:22; historiography on, 106:165–68; Kentucky Constitutional Convention (1792), 102:22–24; legacy of, 106:188–90; letter to Transylvania Presbytery, 102:26–27; marriage of, 106:173; meetings of the Kentucky Synod, 106:182, 184–85; ministry in Kentucky, 106:177, 179–86; ministry in Virginia, 106:169–76; moderate revivalism of, 106:165–90; opposition to slavery, 106:166–67; on Presbyterian New Lights, 106:186–87; relationship with John Todd, 106:170, 172–73, 177; relationship with Samuel Davies, 106:170, 172–74, 189; salary controversy, 106:179–81; slave-owner exclusion, 102:25–26, 31–32; supports gradual emancipation, 102:23, 27, 31–32, 36

Rice, George, 73:354, 355; and oil and railroads in the 1880s, 73:346–52

Rice, Harry, 95:409

Rice, James, 106:170

Rice, John Holt: and revivalism, 106:189

Rice, Luther, 106:215

Rice, Mary (Blair): marriage of, 106:173

Rice, Michael, 83:226

Rice, Nathan Lewis, 73:233, 234, 356

Rice, Otis K., 89:187, 188; book review by, 80:453–54; Frontier Kentucky, noted, 93:123; Frontier Kentucky, reviewed, 74:323–25; The Hatfields and the McCoys, reviewed, 78:64–65; West Virginia: A History, reviewed, 84:222

Rice, Russell: Big Blue Machine, 84:67

Rice University (Houston, Tex.), 101:430–31

Rich, Doris L.: Jackie Cochran: Pilot in the Fast Lane, reviewed, 105:526–28

Rich, O. L., 98:399

Richard B. Russell Jr.: Senator from Georgia, by Gilbert C. Fite: reviewed, 90:216–17

Richard H. Collins Award (Kentucky Historical Society), 99:122, 100:28; winners of, 101:6, 102:12, 103:492, 104:387, 105:279–80

Richard Nixon and the Quest for a New Majority, by Robert Mason: reviewed, 102:452–54

Richards, Alexander Keene: and Denton Offutt, 108:177, 192–93, 199–200, 207; horse farm of, 108:32–33

Richards, Ann, 95:73

Richards, Frances: Western Kentucky University, 105:80–81, 83

Richards, Kean, 97:181

Richards, Keene, 74:233

Richards, Leonard L.: Shays's Rebellion: The American Revolution's Final Battle, reviewed, 101:131–33; The Slave Power: The Free North and Southern Domination, 1780–1860, reviewed, 99:178–79

Richards, W. C., 97:262, 263, 265, 268, 285

Richards, Willard, 105:243

Richardson, ——, 92:137–38

Richardson, Albert, 74:179

Richardson, Albert Deane, 84:131, 143

Richardson, Clement, 89:347

Richardson, Dan: Comintern Army: The International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War, reviewed, 81:336–37

Richardson, D. E.: book review by, 83:382–84

Richardson, Dora, 73:381

Richardson, Elino: Dams, Parks & Politics, reviewed, 72:190–92

Richardson, George, 96:358

Richardson, Harold Edward, 80:35; book review by, 79:75–78; book reviews by, 77:242–44; Cassius Marcellus Clay, reviewed, 75:146–47; comp., The Best-Loved Stories of Jesse Stuart, reviewed, 98:332–33; Jesse: The Biography of an American Writer: Jesse Hilton Stuart, reviewed, 83:267–69

Richardson, Joe M.: Christian Reconstruction: The American Missionary Association and Southern Blacks, 1861–1890, reviewed, 85:91–93

Richardson, John: Forty-first Regiment (British), 104:34

Richardson, Martha, 93:291

Richardson, Robert, 83:180, 84:356–57

Richardson, Robert N.: Valentine Peers, reviewed, 75:241–42

Richardson, Samuel: Clarissa, 105:266

Richardson, William B., 97:396

Richardson, William C.: An Administrative History of Kentucky Courts to 1850, noted, 82:318

Richardson, William H., 88:6, 13, 95:245, 251, 265, 267, 268

Richardsville, Ky., 92:273, 280, 281, 283; Methodist Church, 92:17, 70

Richard Taylor, Soldier Prince of Dixie, by T. Michael Parrish: noted, 91:123–24

Richey, Ish, 80:79

Richings, George F., 89:347

Rich Man's War, Poor Man's Fight: Race, Class, and Power in the Rural South during the First World War, by Jeanette Keith : reviewed, 102:578–80

Richmond (Ky.) Enquirer, 78:126

Richmond (Va.) Dispatch: Thomas Hutchison interview, 106:429–30

Richmond (Va.) Examiner, 79:36

Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch, 75:248; on Fred M. Vinson, 75:307

Richmond, Ind., 72:423

Richmond, James H., 83:193, 195

Richmond, Ky., 72:131, 73:224, 357, 386, 388, 75:123, 86:25, 95:122, 396, 419, 97:254; battle of, 96:222, 223, 241, 244, 245, 246, 331, 105:57; during Civil War, 108:37, 51; Civil War battle at, 108:53–54; family of John G. Fee in, 105:625

Richmond, La.: Twenty-second Kentucky Union Infantry Regiment at, 105:672

Richmond, N.Y., 107:392

Richmond, Va., 72:80, 264, 74:25, 127, 75:137, 177, 78:44, 51, 54, 93:261, 265, 273, 280, 95:372, 96:321, 99:372, 100:452, 101:444, 107:143, 210; Abraham Lincoln statue in, 107:145, 252; Abraham Lincoln's visit to, 106:603–4; African Americans in, 107:250; during Civil War, 108:83; Civil War heritage of, 107:220; and the Confederate States of America, 107:239, 247, 249–52; Daniel Boone in, 102:555; defense of, 101:447; Denton Offutt in, 108:200–201; and Jefferson Davis, 107:145, 207–9, 241, 244, 261; merger of school districts in, 105:14; Museum of the Confederacy, 107:203, 206

Richmond After the War, 1865–1900, by Michael B. Chesson: reviewed, 80:353–54

Richmond House (Chicago, Ill.): and Confederate conspiracies in the North, 108:98–100

Richmond Pike (Lexington, Ky.), 100:475, 487, 489

Richmond Redeemed: The Siege at Petersburg, by Richard J. Sommers, 80:351–53

Richmond: The Story of a City, by Virginius Dabney, 75:248–49

Rich Mountain (Va.), 96:224–25

Richter, Alfred, 95:154

Richter, Daniel K., 106:348

Richter, William L.: Overreached on All Sides: The Freedmen's Bureau Administrators in Texas, 1865–1868, reviewed, 91:225–27

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 82:164, 99:137

Ricketts, D. L., 84:369, 378

Rickey, Branch, 82:374, 376–77, 379, 385, 99:113, 115–16, 118–20, 104:448

Ricks, W. L., 93:163

Riddell, Robert, 93:416

Riddle, John, 91:290

Riddle, Stephen, 86:19

Riddle, William, 95:11, 13

Riddleberger, Patrick W.: 1866: The Critical Year Revisited, reviewed, 78:377–78

Ridenour, Hugh, 102:38; article by, 102:1; book review by, 96:405–7, 98:208–9; The Greens of Falls of Rough: A Kentucky Family Biography, 1795–1965, reviewed, 95:427–29; "John Orlando Scott: Scion of the Bluegrass in Peace and War," 97:159–88; "Wartime Romance and D-Day Tragedy: A Kentucky Flyer's Death and His Wife's Struggle to Cope," 102:39–67

Rider, Marion, 104:532; political campaign of, 104:415–17

Ridgely, Frederick, 77:249

Ridgely, J. V.: Nineteenth-Century Southern Literature, reviewed, 79:382–84

Ridgley, Duke, 97:412, 427, 428

Ridgway, Ill., 100:153

Riding School of the Duke of Wellington (London, England): John S. Rarey at, 108:195

Riding the Roller Coaster: A History of the Chrysler Corporation, by Charles K. Hyde: reviewed, 101:529–31

Ridley, Susan, 86:332

Rienstra, Ellen Walker: Giant Under the Hill: A History of the Spindletop Oil Discovery at Beaumont, Texas, in 1901, reviewed, 101:177–79

Riesman, David, 77:33, 43

Rigby, Ralph, 80:172

Rigdon, Sidney: illus., 105:232; Mormon missionary in Kentucky, 105:230–31

Rigelwood, George H., 92:59

Rigelwood, George Thomas, 92:56, 58

Rigelwood, Harry, 92:49

Riggs, Robert L., 79:230

Righteous Cause: The Life of William Jennings Bryan, by Robert W. Cherny: reviewed, 84:90–91

Righteous Discontent: The Women's Movement in the Black Baptist Church, 1880–1920, by Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham: reviewed, 92:332–34

Righteous Indignation: Religion and the Populist Movement, by Joe Creech: reviewed, 105:321–22

Rightmyer, Don: book reviews by, 79:391–92, 81:458–60, 93:465–66

"Right or Wrong, God Judge Me": The Writings of John Wilkes Booth, edited by John H. Rhodehamel and Louise Taper: reviewed, 96:407–9

Rights for a Season: The Politics of Race, Class, and Gender in Richmond, Virginia, by Lewis A. Randolph and Gayle T. Tate: reviewed, 101:384–85

Right-to-Life Association, 99:255

Right to the Land, A: Essays on the Freedman's Community, by Edward Magdol: reviewed, 76:249–51

Riley (horse): 1890 Ky. Derby Winner, 100:485

Riley, ——, 90:354

Riley, F. A., 74:173

Riley, Glenda: The Life and Legacy of Annie Oakley, reviewed, 93:235–37

Riley, Herbert P.: book review by, 72:194–96; Thomas D. Clark letter to, 103:359–60

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