Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA, by John Prados: reviewed, 105:164–66
Saffells, Todd, 88:36
Saffell's Grocery (Frankfort, Ky.), 103:482–83
Safford, Edwin, 87:47, 48; and community-action representation, 107:388–89
Safire, William: Lincoln historiography, 106:440
Saga of Iron Annie, by Martin Caidin: noted, 80:365
Saga of John Hammon, Revolutionary War Hero and Owen County, Kentucky Pioneer, by Stratton Owen Hammon: noted, 78:296
Saha, Santosh: book review by, 105:703–5
Saigh, Fred, 82:384–85
Saigon (Vietnam), 95:289, 294; illus., 102:335
Saigon, Vietnam: illus., 102:328
Sailor (horse), 100:485
Sailor's Daughter, The, 76:270
Sainsbury, Keith: Churchill and Roosevelt at War: The War They Fought and the Peace They Hoped to Make, reviewed, 93:365–67
Saint Aloysius College (Louisville, Ky.): and Jesuits, 108:245
Saint Augustine: view of slavery, 108:227
Saint Catharine College (Springfield, Ky.), 99:223
Saint Charles Catholic Church (Lebanon, Ky.): millstones at, 108:213–14
Saint Ignatius Literary Institution (Louisville, Ky.), 108:236–38
Saint Ignatius of Loyola, 108:222
Saint John's Cathedral (Jacksonville, Fla.), 92:72
Saint John's College (N.Y.), 108:237
Saint Joseph Hospital (Lexington, Ky.), 99:145
Saint Joseph's Cathedral (Bardstown, Ky.): construction of, 108:217; dedication of, 108:216
Saint Joseph's College (Bardstown, Ky.), 108:219, 233, 237; and the Jesuits, 108:213, 222, 239–49; opening of, 108:216; slaves at, 108:217, 241–46
Saint Joseph's Seminary (Bardstown, Ky.): opening of, 108:216
Saint Leonard des Bois, France, 99:142
Saint Louis University (St. Louis, Mo.), 108:238, 240, 247; Jesuits at, 108:218; slaves at, 108:224–25
Saint Mary's College (Lebanon, Ky.), 108:231, 233–35, 248–49; incorporation of, 108:230; Jesuits at, 108:223–30, 237–38, 243; slaves at, 108:213, 218–21, 227–28, 232
Saint Mary's Country School (Lebanon, Ky.): . see Saint Mary's Seminary
Saint Mary's Seminary (Lebanon, Ky., 108:225–26; . see also Saint Mary's College (Lebanon, Ky.)
Saint Paul (steamboat): during 1937 flood, 102:189
Saint Stanislaus Novitiate (Florissant, Mo.), 108:240; construction of, 108:229
Saint Thomas Cathedral (New York City), 92:71
Saint Thomas' Seminary (Bardstown, Ky.), 108:215–16; closing of, 108:232
Saint Xavier College (Cincinnati, Ohio), 108:239, 243; Jesuits at, 108:237
Saladin (steamer): and 1850 López expedition, 105:599–600
Saladino, Gaspare J.: and John P. Kaminski, eds., Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, vol. 8, Virginia, reviewed, 88:207–8; and John P. Kaminski, eds., The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, vol. 10, Virginia [3], reviewed, 91:431; and John R. Kaminski, eds., The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution, vol. 9, reviewed, 89:407–8
Salamis, Greece, 72:148
Salamon, Sonya, 108:327
Salatino, Anthony J.: A True Man of God: A Biography of Father Ralph William Beiting, Founder of the Christian Appalachian Project, reviewed, 100:356–58
Salem, Dorothy C.: ed., African-American Women: A Biographical Dictionary, noted, 92:126
Salem, Ind.: John Hunt Morgan in, 108:76
Salem, Ohio: members of Ky. Regiment from, 105:598
Salem Academy (Christian County, Ky.): land of, 78:117–19
Salerno, Italy, 101:314
Salerno, Reynolds M.: Vital Crossroads: Mediterranean Origins of the Second World War, 1935–1940, reviewed, 101:187–89
Sales, Frances de, 74:32, 38
Sales, Grover: and the Braden case, 104:224, 229
Salina, Kans., 76:144
Saline County, Ark.: migration to, 102:207
Salinger, Pierre: et al., eds., "An Honorable Profession": A Tribute to Robert F. Kennedy, noted, 91:464
Salisbury, Richard V.: book notes by, 93:508–9, 96:114–15; book reviews by, 88:343–44, 89:92–93, 317–18, 409–10, 90:190–91, 94:314–15
Salk, Jonas, 87:25, 30, 36, 38; polio vaccine, 105:461
Salmon, Fr. Anthony: slaves of, 97:369, 101:288
Salmon, Lucy, 89:71
Salmon, Lucy Maynard, 85:117, 123, 126, 130
Salmon, Marylynn: Women and the Law of Property in Early America, reviewed, 85:81–82
Salmond, John A.: and Bruce Clayton, The South Is Another Land: Essays on the Twentieth-Century South, reviewed, 86:192–94
Salmon P. Chase: A Life in Politics, by Frederick J. Blue: reviewed, 86:82–83
Salmon P. Chase Papers: vol. 1, Journals, 1829–1872, edited by John Nivan, reviewed, 92:420–22; vol. 2, Correspondence, 1823-1857, edited by John Niven, reviewed, 94:186–87; vol. 3, Correspondence, 1858—March 1863, edited by John Niven, reviewed, 94:445–46; vol. 4, Correspondence, April 1863–1864, edited by John Niven, reviewed, 96:97–98; vol. 5, 97:216–17
Salmons, Miss. ——, 85:228
Salstrom, Paul, 92:263; Appalachia's Path to Dependency: Rethinking a Region's Economic History, 1730–1940, reviewed, 93:92–93; From Pioneering to Perservering: Family Farming in Indiana to 1880, reviewed, 106:242–43
Salt Creek (Ill.), 108:180
Saltillo, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:29, 31, 34–35, 37–38
Salt Lake (Utah) Tribune: on Fred M. Vinson, 75:309
Salt Licks (Ky.): Native American captives at, 102:472
Salt of the Earth: Conscience of the Court: The Story of Justice Wiley Rutledge, by John M. Ferren: reviewed, 102:404–6
"Saltpeter Mining in Kentucky Caves," by Carol A. Hill and Duane DePaepe, 77:247–62
Salt River (Ky.), 72:224, 233–34, 75:129, 78:298, 305, 94:62, 63, 96:324; Rolling Fork, 106:484
Saltville, Va.: battle of, 80:381–82
Salvation Army, 90:260
Salvatori: Italian POW, 105:436
Salyersville, Ky.: during Civil War, 108:88, 92; George A. Ellsworth in, 108:84
Salzburg (Rockcastle County, Ky.): colony of, 75:229
Salzburg Seminar (Germany): and Thomas D. Clark, 103:236–37
Samet, Elizabeth D.: Willing Obedience: Citizens, Soldiers, and the Progress of Consent in America, 1776–1898, reviewed, 102:240–41
Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television, 1948–1961, by James L. Baughman: reviewed, 105:558–60
Sam Houston: The Life and Times of the Liberator of Texas, an Authentic American Hero, by John Hoyt Williams: noted, 92:448
Samoa, 72:426
Sampson, Flem D., 72:68, 83:125, 84:24–30, 36, 95:54, 104:415–16; and Cumberland Falls power issue, 81:32–33, 35–36, 39–41, 45–49, 51–55; eastern Kentucky coal mining investigation, 105:421; illus., 100:297
Sampson, William, 93:401
Samuel Eliot Morison Prize, 99:123
Samuel Hannaford and Son (Cincinnati, Ohio): architectural firm, 74:37
Samuels, Hiram: slave of, 102:358
Samuels, Lewis: slave of, 102:365
Samuels, Peggy: and Harold Samuels, Frederic Remington: A Biography, reviewed, 81:100–101; and Harold Samuels, The Collected Writings of Frederic Remington, reviewed, 78:185–88
Samuels, Sheldon: AFL-CIO, 102:180
Samuels, William: Ky. Historical Society, 101:26–27
Samuels, W. T., 89:251, 259
San Antonio (Texas) Express: news of Berea College in, 105:639–40
San Antonio, Texas, 95:251; African Americans in, 105:641–42; American Missionary Association ministers in, 105:636; Baptists in, 105:641; Burritt Hamilton Fee and John G. Fee in, 105:636, 639, 640–42, 648, 650–51; climate of, 105:648; Methodists in, 105:641
Sanchez, Anita: Mr. Lincoln's Chair: The Shakers and Their Quest for Peace, reviewed, 107:116–17
Sandburg, Carl, 79:215, 97:132, 106:480; Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, 106:448; Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, 106:572; meeting with William H. Townsend, 103:56
Sand Creek Massacre (Col.), 75:252
Sandelowski, Margarete: Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology, and American Nursing, reviewed, 99:195–97
Sanderlin, John B.: "Ethnic Origins of Early Kentucky Land Grantees," 85:103–10
Sanders, Carl E., 99:17, 38
Sanders, Charles W. Jr.: While in the Hands of the Enemy: Military Prisons of the Civil War, reviewed, 104:726–27
Sanders, George Nicholas: annexation of Texas, 105:574–75
Sanders, Harland, 90:60, 100:324–25
Sanders, John, 95:240
Sanders, Lewis, 87:102
Sanders, Lynn Moss: Howard W. Odum's Folklore Odyssey: Transformation to Tolerance through African American Folk Studies, reviewed, 103:818–19
Sanders, Marie Tyler, 98:60
Sanders, Robert Stuart, 74:111
Sanders, Samuel, 72:339
Sanders, Samuel Smith, 81:251
Sanders, Stuart W.: ed.,"'I Have Seen War in all Its Horrors': Two Civil War Letters of John T. Harrington, Twenty-second Kentucky Union Infantry Regiment," 105:657–77
Sanders, Thomas: Daniel Boone's surveys for, 102:550
Sandidge, Allen, 93:60, 66, 67
Sandlin, Willie, 77:291, 83:125, 99:128
Sand Mountain (Tenn.), 72:287
Sandoz, Ellis: Republicanism, Religion, and the Soul of America, reviewed, 105:169–71
Sandrich, Mark, 98:405
Sandstone Cliff (Ky.), 100:301
Sandusky, Jacob: . see Jacob Sodowski
Sandusky, James: . see James Sodowski
Sandweiss, Martha A.: and Rick Stewart, and Ben W. Huseman, Eyewitness to War: Prints and Daguerreotypes of the Mexican War, 1846–1848, reviewed, 90:190–91
Sandy River (Ky.), 94:63, 108:88
Sanford, John, 75:245
Sanford, John L., 76:310–11, 78:328–29
Sanford, John T., 74:45, 47, 48
Sanford, Ted: illus., 107:410
Sanford, Terry, 99:17, 39, 104:581; Thomas D. Clark letters to, 103:247–48
San Francisco, Calif., 73:277, 278, 388, 96:291, 99:103, 100:196
San Francisco Oral History Project, 104:610–11, 621
Sangamo (Ill.) Journal, 106:368
Sangamon County, Ill., 108:182; and Upland South culture, 106:370
Sangamon River (Ill.), 108:178–82, 184
Sangamo Town, Ill., 108:180
Sanitarians: A History of American Public Health, by John Duffy: reviewed, 89:108–9
San Jacinto, Texas: battle of, 107:569; battle of, Texas Revolution, 105:588
San Luis Potosi, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:26, 31–32, 35–36, 37–38
San Miguel, Luciano, 83:344
Sanoff, Alvin P.: and John R. Thelin, and Welch Suggs, Meeting the Challenge: America's Independent Colleges and Universities Since 1956, noted, 104:815–16
Sansom, Robert L.: The New American Dream Machine: Toward a Simpler Lifestyle in an Environmental Age, reviewed, 76:79–81
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 72:78, 75:319, 81:237, 239, 241, 243, 247, 355, 357–58, 95:253, 263, 273, 276; battle of Buena Vista, 106:38–40; illus., 106:28; during Mexican War, 106:29, 31, 34
Santa Catarina, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:34
Santa Fe, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:33
Santayana, George, 101:237
Santelli, Robert: and Mari-Lynn Evans, and Holly George-Warren, eds., Appalachians, The: America's First and Last Frontier, noted, 104:811
Santiago, Cuba, 94:381, 382, 383, 384, 386, 387; during Spanish-American War, 104:49
Saralvo, Mexico: during Mexican War, 106:22
Saranac, N.Y., 72:356
Sarantakes, Nicholas Evan: book review by, 93:247–48
Sarashon, David: Party of Reform: Democrats in the Progressive Era, reviewed, 88:105–6
Saratoga: Turning Point of America's Revolutionary War, by Richard M. Ketchum: reviewed, 96:198–99
Sargeant, John: and the Panama Congress, 107:558–60
Sargent, Winthrop, 86:341
Sarow, Marilyn Stine: and Karen M. Kedrowski, Cancer Activism: Gender, Media, and Public Policy, reviewed, 106:151–53
Sartain, George F.: Louisiana Regiment, 105:602
Sartrain, Lee: and Kevern Verney, eds., Long Is the Way and Hard: One Hundred Years of the NAACP, reviewed, 108:435–37
Sassafras, Ky., 97:191
Sassoon, Siegfried, 96:25
Satan's Back Yard, by Sam J. Slate: reviewed, 72:407–8
Satterfield, James, 80:400
Sattler, Richard A.: and Jay Miller, and Colin G. Calloway, comps., Writings in Indian History, 1985-1990, noted, 94:222–23
Saturday Evening Post, 91:199; on Alben W. Barkley, 76:120; article about Melungeons, 102:220
Satz, Ronald N.: American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era, reviewed, 74:344, 345; Tennessee's Indian Peoples: From White Contact to Removal, 1540–1840, reviewed, 79:183–85
Saucebox (horse), 100:485
Sauer, Ted, 99:222, 240, 241, 242
Sauer's Extracts, 100:319
Saul, Norman E.: book review by, 100:402–4
Saunders, Charles, 72:294
Saunders, Frances Wright: Ellen Axson Wilson: First Lady Between Two Worlds, reviewed, 84:91–93
Saunders, James, 72:239
Saunders, James Robert: and Monica Renae Saunders, Black Winning Jockeys in the Kentucky Derby, reviewed, 101:112–13
Saunders, Jane, 89:156
Saunders, Laura, 98:175
Saunders, Lewis, 88:406
Saunders, Monica Renae: and James Robert Saunders, Black Winning Jockeys in the Kentucky Derby, reviewed, 101:112–13
Saunders, R. Frank Jr.: and Walter J. Fraser, and Jon L. Wakelyn, eds., The Web of Southern Social Relations: Women, Family, and Education, reviewed, 84:319–20
Saunders, Robert, 100:475
Saunders, Rowena, 98:174
Savage, Henry Jr.: Discovering America, 1700–1875, reviewed, 79:80–82
Savage, James: book review by, 108:293–96
Savage, John, 92:144
Savage, Sean J.: book review by, 93:244–45; Roosevelt: The Party Leader, 1932–1945, reviewed, 90:210–11
Savage Conflict, A: The Decisive Role of Guerrillas in the American Civil War, by Daniel E. Sutherland: reviewed, 107:119–20
Savannah (Ga.) Daily News Herald, 79:225
Savannah, Ga., 75:135, 95:7; black branch library in, 93:161; during Civil War, 108:110; defense of, 101:447
Savannah, Ky., 72:340
Savannah River (Ga.), 75:138
Saving Monticello: The Levy Family's Epic Quest to Rescue the House That Jefferson Built, by Marc Leepson: reviewed, 100:75–77
Saving Private Ryan (film), 100:138
Savitt, Todd L.: and James Harvey Young, eds., Disease and Distinctiveness in the American South, reviewed, 88:90–91; Medicine and Slavery: The Diseases and Health Care of Blacks in Antebellum Virginia, reviewed, 78:76–78; Race & Medicine in Nineteenth- and Early-Twentieth-Century America, reviewed, 105:516–17; and Ronald L. Numbers, eds., Science and Medicine in the Old South, reviewed, 88:472–73
Savory Memories, edited by L. Elisabeth Beattie: reviewed, 96:418–19
Sawrey, Robert D.: Dubious Victory: The Reconstruction Debate in Ohio, noted, 91:126–27
Sawyer, ——, 91:170
Sawyer, Charles, 76:127
Sawyer, John, 106:364
Sawyier, Paul, 72:202, 99:362, 103:477; etching of covered bridge, 103:475; painting of, illus., 103:476
Saxon, Edward, 79:228
Saxton, ——, 87:101
Sayers, J. Crockett, 98:171
Sayles, John, 96:132
Sayre, Burwell B., 97:162, 163, 167, 184, 102:307; Ky. Regiment, biographical sketch of, 105:594–95
Sayre School (Lexington, Ky.): illus., 102:307
Sayre's Institute for Boys (Frankfort, Ky.): founding of, 105:595
Scaggs, Deirdre A.: book review by, 105:300–301; and Thomas D. Clark memorial issue, 103:6; Women in Lexington, noted, 104:806–7
Scalawag in Alabama Politics, 1865–1881, by Sarah Woolfolk Wiggins: noted, 90:221–22
Scales, Junius Irving: and Richard Nickson, Cause at Heart: A Former Communist Remembers, reviewed, 85:389–90
Scalf, Henry P.: book review by, 74:243, 244, 75:147–48
Scandals and Scoundrels: Seven Cases that Shook the Academy, by Ron Robin: reviewed, 103:614–15
Scanlon, Jennings B., 86:257
Scanning the Skies: A History of Tornado Forecasting, by Marlene Bradford: reviewed, 99:444–46
Scapegoats: A Defense of Kimmel and Short at Pearl Harbor, by Edward L. Beach: reviewed, 94:325–26
Scarborough, William K., 74:321; book reviews by, 81:223–24, 82:298–99; ed., The Diary of Edmund Ruffin, vol. 3, A Dream Shattered, June 1863–June 1865, reviewed, 89:101–2
Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Southern Women in the Civil War Era, by Laura F. Edwards: reviewed, 99:82–84
Scarlett's Sisters: Young Women in the Old South, by Anya Jabour: reviewed, 106:262–63
Scars to Prove It: The Civil War Soldier and American Fiction, by Craig A. Warren: reviewed, 107:282–84
Scent, Bill, 104:570; 1963 Democratic gubernatorial primary, 104:581
Schaff, Philip, 72:325
Schaffer, Ronald: Wings of Judgment: American Bombing in World War II, reviewed, 84:337–38
Scharnhorst, Gary: ed., Mark Twain: The Complete Interviews, reviewed, 105:502–3; with Jack Bales, The Lost Life of Horatio Alger Jr., reviewed, 84:435–36
Schatz, Thomas, 98:425
Schauberger, Mrs. Henry Etta, 73:416
Schechter Poultry Corp. v. U.S. (1935), 90:363
Scheer, Teva J.: Governor Lady: The Life and Times of Nellie Tayloe Ross, reviewed, 104:755–57
Scheiber, Laura L.: and Mark D. Mitchell, Across a Great Divide: Continuity and Change in Native North American Societies, 1400-1900, reviewed, 108:257–59
Scheick, William J.: The Half-Blood: A Cultural Symbol in 19th-Century American Fiction, reviewed, 79:88–89
Schell, Frank, 73:319
Schemers & Dreamers: Filibustering in Mexico, 1848–1921, by Joseph A Stout Jr.: reviewed, 100:221–25
Schenck v. U.S. (1919), 98:197
Schenectady, N.Y., 72:209
Schenk, Charles, 80:425, 429
Schenk, Paul, 75:230
Schenkkan, Robert, 92:259, 260, 262, 264
Schenley Distillers Corp.: in Louisville, Ky., 96:61–62, 65–67, 69, 74–77, 79, 82–83, 85–87
Scherman, Harry, 79:52
Schiff, Stacy, 105:261; Great Improvisation, A: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America, review essay, 105:247, 270–73
Schiffer, Michael Brian, 105:261; Draw Down the Lightning: Benjamin Franklin and Electrical Technology in the Age of Enlightenment, review essay, 105:247, 267–70
Schildt, John W.: Jackson and the Preachers, noted, 82:110; Roads from Gettysburg, noted, 81:113–14
Schiltz, Friedrich W., 100:159
Schleifer, James T.: book review by, 79:285–89; The Making of Tocqueville's Democracy in America, reviewed, 79:279–81
Schlemmer, Fred, 97:75
Schlereth, Thomas J.: US 40: A Roadscape of the American Experience, noted, 84:341; Victorian America: Transformations in Everyday Life, 1876–1915, noted, 90:320
Schlesinger, Andrew: Veritas: Harvard College and the American Experience, reviewed, 103:780–81
Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., 82:20, 92:410, 102:325; The Cycles of American History, reviewed, 85:265–67; evaluation of Ed Prichard, 104:395, 602
Schlesinger, Arthur M. Sr., 92:245, 254
Schlesinger, Arthur Sr., 80:141
Schlink, F. J., 84:290, 292
Schlup, Leonard: "Adlai E. Stevenson's Campaign Visits to Kentucky in 1892," 75:112–20; "Senator J. C. W. Beckham and the Fight for Ratification of the League of Nations," 95:29–55; "William Lindsay and the 1896 Party Crisis," 76:22–23
Schmelzer, Janet: book review by, 93:344–45
Schmidt, Fred A., 94:415
Schmidt, Hans: Maverick Marine: General Smedley D. Butler and the Contradictions of American Military History, noted, 86:200–201
Schmidt, Johnny, 100:156–57
Schmidt, Martin F.: Kentucky Illustrated: The First Hundred Years, reviewed, 91:330–31
Schmidt, Raymond: Shaping College Football: The Transformation of an American Sport, 1919-1930, reviewed, 105:739–40
Schmidt, William E., 85:109
Schmitt, Edward R.: "Appalachian Thread in the Antipoverty Politics of Robert F. Kennedy, The," 107:305–6, 371–400; book review by, 106:149–51; President of the Other America: Robert Kennedy and the Politics of Poverty, reviewed, 107:462–64
Schmitzer, Jeanne Cannella: "CCC Camp 510: Black Participation in the Creation of Mammoth Cave National Park," 93:446–64; "Reaching Out to the Mountains: The Pack Horse Library of Eastern Kentucky," 95:57–77
Schnable, Hans, 87:32
Schneider, Carl J.: and Dorothy Schneider, American Women in the Progressive Era, 1900–1920, noted, 92:237–38; and Dorothy Schneider, Into the Breach: American Women Overseas in World War I, reviewed, 90:309
Schneider, Dorothy: and Carl J. Schneider, American Women in the Progressive Era, 1900–1920, noted, 92:237–38; and Carl J. Schneider, Into the Breach: American Women Overseas in World War I, reviewed, 90:309
Schneider, Joe: Combs administration, 104:577
Schneider, Mark Robert: "We Return Fighting": The Civil Rights Movement in the Jazz Age, reviewed, 100:239–40
Schneider, Richard: illus., 107:358
Schnellenberger, Howard, 99:238, 387
Schnitzelburg (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:52
Schober, Heinz, 100:153
Schoberg, Charles B.: espionage case against, 98:179–204
Schocket, Andrew M.: book review by, 107:431–32; Founding Corporate Power in Early National Philadelphia, reviewed, 105:295–97
Schoeffling, Michael, 98:382
Schoen, Brian: Fragile Fabric of Union, The: Cotton, Federal Politics, and the Global Origins of the Civil War, reviewed, 107:600–602
Schoenbachler, Matthew G., 97:87, 88; book notes by, 91:125, 462–63, 92:447–48; book reviews by, 92:209–11, 93:102–3, 478–80, 101:489–90, 104:309–11; Murder and Madness: The Myth of the Kentucky Tragedy, reviewed, 107:578–81
Schoenstedt, Walter, 100:159–60
Schoepperle, Karl, 95:153, 154, 159
Schofield, John, 78:36
Scholtz, Herman, 93:429
Schomaekers, Guenter: The American Civil War, reviewed, 78:285–87
School and Society, 91:186
School Days, by Eric Sloane: reviewed, 72:64–66
Schoolfield, Jo, 85:341
Schoolmaster's Assistant, by Thomas Dilworth: illus., 106:327
School Review, 91:187
Schoonover, Thomas D.: Mexican Lobby: Matias Romero in Washington, 1861–1867, noted, 85:196
Schott, Thomas E.: Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia: A Biography, reviewed, 87:71–73
Schratz, Paul R.: Submarine Commander: A Story of World War II and Korea, reviewed, 87:185–86
Schrecker, Ellen W.: No Ivory Tower: McCarthyism and the Universities, reviewed, 85:188–90
Schrier, Arnold: and Joyce Story, A Russian Looks at America: The Journey of Aleksandr Borisovich Lakier in 1857, reviewed, 79:285–89
Schroeder, John H.: Mr. Polk's War: American Opposition and Dissent, 1846–1848, reviewed, 72:182–83
Schroeder, Judy, 83:45
Schroeder-Lein, Glenna R.: Confederate Hospitals on the Move: Samuel H. Stout and the Army of Tennessee, reviewed, 92:325–26
Schullery, Paul: and Lee Whittlesey, Myth and History in the Creation of Yellowstone National Park, reviewed, 102:429–31
Schulman, Robert: John Sherman Cooper, Global Kentuckian, reviewed, 75:326–28
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