Index for the Register Volumes 72-108 (1974-2010)

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Southeastern Community & Technical College (Cumberland, Ky.), 107:505

Southeastern Conference (SEC), 88:163, 170, 173, 175, 179, 99:48–49, 387; integration of, 103:446–47

Southeastern Education Foundation (Benham, Ky.), 107:505

Southeastern Indians Since the Removal Era, edited by Walter L. Williams: reviewed, 78:271–72

Southeastern Kentucky Youth for Christ, 107:399

South End (Louisville, Ky.), 107:54, 73; land development in, 107:34, 52, 55, 57, 59

Souther, J. Mark: book review by, 105:562–63; New Orleans on Parade: Tourism and the Transformation of the Crescent City, reviewed, 105:332–35

Southern, David W.: book reviews by, 87:84–85, 89:106–7; Gunnar Myrdal and Black-White Relations: The Use and Abuse of An American Dilemma, 1944–1969, reviewed, 86:92–94; reviews by, 89:106–7

Southern Agriculture during Civil War Era, 1860–1880, by John Solomon Otto: reviewed, 93:233–34

Southern and Western Theological Seminary (Maryville, Tenn.), 74:105

"Southern Apostasy," 102:13

Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science: meeting of, 106:159

Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), 74:115

Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) (Louisville, Ky.), 94:284, 292, 293–96, 97:312, 321; oral history project on women in ministry, 104:659–60; Social Service Commission of, 92:189

Southern Baptist Review, 74:204, 207, 210

Southern Baptists, 94:282, 283, 285, 288, 289, 290

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, Ky.), 74:113, 78:30, 94:253, 96:298

Southern Biography Series: Louisiana State University Press, 101:430

Southern Black Creative Writers, 1829–1953: Bibliographies, compiled by M. Marie Booth Foster: noted, 87:195–96

Southern Black Leaders of the Reconstruction Era, edited by Howard N. Rabinowitz: noted, 82:110–11

Southern Built: American Architecture, Regional Practice, by Catherine W. Bishir: reviewed, 105:112–13

Southern Center for Human Rights (Atlanta, Ga.), 102:304

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 99:29; antidiscrimination campaign in Louisville, 104:241

Southern Civil Religions in Conflict: Black and White Baptists and Civil Rights, 1947–1957, by Andre Michael Manis: reviewed, 86:303–4

Southern Committee Against Repression (Louisville, Ky.): formation of, 104:246–47

Southern Common People, The, Studies in Nineteenth-Century Social History, edited by Edward Magdol and Jon L. Wakelyn: reviewed, 79:290–92

Southern Conference Educational Fund, 91:198; Bradens' role in, 104:226

Southern Conference for Human Welfare: influence of cold war on, 104:218–19

Southern Country Editor, by Thomas D. Clark, 103:206, 208, 209; noted, 91:125

Southern Country Store, by Thomas D. Clark: correspondence about, 103:220–21; cover, illus., 103:205; Thomas D. Clark lecture on summarizing, 103:117–24

Southern Cut Stone Company (Bowling Green, Ky.), 92:67, 68, 69

Southern Daughter: The Life of Margaret Mitchell, by Darden Asbury Pyron: reviewed, 91:104–5

Southern Debate Over Slavery, The, vol. 1, Petitions to Southern Legislatures, 1778–1864, edited by Loren Schweninger: reviewed, 100:529–31

Southern Diaspora, The: How the Great Migration of Black and White Southerners Transformed America, by James N. Gregory: reviewed, 104:184–86

Southern Discomfort: Women's Activism in Tampa, Florida, 1880s–1920s, by Nancy A. Hewitt: reviewed, 100:90–91

Southern Educational Association, 74:17

Southern Elementary School (Lexington, Ky.): African American students, 101:260, 266

Southerners and Other Americans, by Grady McWhiney: reviewed, 72:56–59

Southern Exposition (Louisville, Ky.), 78:30–31, 96:37, 38

Southern Extension (Louisville, Ky.): development of, 107:52

Southern Families at War: Loyalty and Conflict in the Civil War South, edited by Catherine Clinton: reviewed, 100:82–83

Southern Folk Plain and Fancy: Native White Social Types, by John Shelton Reed: reviewed, 85:383–84

Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, by William Walker: noted, 86:406

Southern Heights (Louisville, Ky.): creation of, 107:54

Southern Historical Association, 80:119, 129, 132, 146, 103:208, 104:679; Charles Sydnor Award, 74:125

Southern Historical Association meeting, New Orleans, 76:192

Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in the Old South, by Bertram Wyatt-Brown: reviewed, 81:445–48

Southern Horrors: Women and the Politics of Rape and Lynching, by Crystal N. Feimster: reviewed, 108:424–26

Southern Humanities Media Fund, 96:133

Southern Independence Association: Great Britain, 107:168

Southern Indiana in the American Revolution, by James H. O'Donnell III: reviewed, 72:284–85

Southern Industrial Conference on Human Relations (1930), 78:153

Southern Ladies: New Women: Race, Region, and Clubwomen in South Carolina, 1890–1930, by Joan Marie Johnson: reviewed, 104:174–75

Southern Manhood: Perspectives on Masculinity in the Old South, edited by Craig Thompson Friend and Lorri Glover: reviewed, 102:237–40

Southern Masculinity: Perspectives on Manhood in the South since Reconstruction, edited by Craig Thompson Friend: reviewed, 108:424–26

Southern Migrants: Northern Exiles, by Chad Berry: reviewed, 98:213–14

Southern Mountaineers in Silent Films: Plot Synopses of Movies about Moonshining, Feuding, and Other Mountain Topics, 1904–1929, by J. W. Williamson: reviewed, 92:315–16

Southern Mountain Speech, by Cratis D. Williams: noted, 91:242

Southern Music—American Music, by Bill C. Malone: reviewed, 79:271–73

Southern Pamphlets on Secession, November 1860–April 1861, edited by Jon L. Wakelyn: reviewed, 95:102–3

Southern Patriot: support for the Bradens, 104:227

Southern Progressivism: The Reconciliation of Progress and Tradition, by Dewey W. Grantham: reviewed, 82:309–11

Southern Railroad, 104:462

Southern Railway, 72:278, 76:292, 93:140, 142, 143; system of, 104:601

Southern Regional Council: and Louisville civil rights movement, 104:222

Southern Relief Association, 79:220

Southern Renaissance, A.: The Cultural Awakening of the American South, 1930–1955, by Richard H. King: reviewed, 79:296–98

Southern Review: and Robert Penn Warren, 104:79

"Southern Review" Years, 1935–1942: selected letters of Robert Penn Warren, 104:82

Southern Rightist Party, 93:400

Southern Rights Party, 77:269–70, 79:7, 99:355–56

Southern Ruralist, 72:171

Southern Slavery and the Law, 1619-1860, by Thomas D. Morris: reviewed, 94:437–38

Southern Sons: Becoming Men in the New Nation, by Lorri Glover: reviewed, 105:482–84

Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference (1913), 72:357

Southern States Woman Suffrage Conference (SSWSC), 93:11, 21–22

Southern Stories: Slaveholders in Peace and War, by Drew Gilpin Faust: noted, 93:128

Southern Strategies: Southern Women and the Woman Suffrage Question, by Elna C. Green: reviewed, 95:205–6

Southern Tier Counties (New York), 107:392; antipoverty programs for, 107:382–85

Southern Tier Expressway (New York), 107:383

Southern Tradition: The Achievement and Limitations of an American Conservatism, by Eugene D. Genovese: reviewed, 93:375–77

Southern Women at Vassar The Poppenheim Family Letters, 1882–1916, by Joan Marie Johnson: reviewed, 101:359–61

Southern Women: Black and White in the Old South, by Sally G. McMillen: noted, 90:429

Southern Women: Histories and Identities, edited by Virginia Bernhard et al.: noted, 92:127

Southern Women in Revolution, 1776–1800: Personal and Political Narratives, by Cynthia A Kierner: reviewed, 97:209–11

Southern Women's League for the Rejection of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment, 93:19

Southern Writers and the New South Movement, 1865–1913, by Wayne Mixon: reviewed, 80:238–40

Southern Writers: A New Biographical Dictionary, edited by Joseph M. Flora and Amber Vogel: noted, 104:812–13

South Fork Baptist Church (Hardin County, Ky.): and slavery, 106:349, 488

South Fork Country, by Samuel D. Perry: reviewed, 83:67–69

South From Hell-fer-Sartin: Kentucky Mountain Folktales, by Leonard W. Roberts: noted, 87:194

Southgate, Richard, 96:1, 17, 22

South Is Another Land: Essays on the Twentieth-Century South, edited by Bruce Clayton and John A. Salmond: reviewed, 86:192–94

South Lebanon, Ohio, 94:266

South Lexington Family Physicians (Lexington, Ky.): and Ernie Fletcher, 102:5

South Pacific Diary, 1942–1943, by Mack Morriss: reviewed, 95:111–12

South Returns to Congress: Men, Economic Measures, and Intersectional Relationships, 1869–1879, by Terry L. Seip: reviewed, 82:97–99

South Since Appomatox, The, by Albert D. Kirwan, 74:125

South since Appomattox, by Thomas D. Clark and A. D. Kirwan: correspondence about, 103:229–31

South Union, Ky., 74:97, 90:78; textiles of Shakers at, 94:33–58

South Vietnam, 102:335; effect of American intervention, 102:332; ignorance of, 102:353

South Western Baptist (Alabama), 74:205–8, 211

Southwestern Parkway (Louisville, Ky.), 107:33, 69

Southwest Virginia's Railroad: Modernization and the Sectional Crisis, by Kenneth W. Noe: reviewed, 93:355–56

Southwick, Charles: land-development firm of, 107:53–54

Souvarine, Boris, 72:83

Soviet Union, 96:74, 79, 102:4, 316–17; and the Appalachian coal supply, 107:325; and China, 102:318

Soviet Union Today, 84:288

Sowerby, E. Milicent, 92:78

Spain, 72:59, 81, 143–44, 408, 88:53, 56, 100:336, 346; cedes La. to France, 100:334; control of Miss. River and New Orleans, 73:340, 342, 345; and control of Miss. River and New Orleans, 100:332, 335, 345, 348; and Cuba, 107:556; in the La. Territory, 102:490; and the Latin American revolutions, 107:553, 555–56, 558–59, 564; loyalists resist 1850 López expedition, 105:608–11; and Mississippi River navigation, 107:26; New World settlement, 102:464; opposition to colonial rule in Cuba, 105:570, 574; relations with U. S. in 19th century, 73:263; revolution in, 107:564

Spain, American negotiations with, 74:261, 262, 265–68, 272, 273, 276, 279

Spain, Rufus B.: book review by, 80:233–35

Spalding, Arabella: gift to Ky. Historical Society, 101:18

Spalding, Catherine, 96:313

Spalding, Elizabeth Edwards: First Cold Warrior, The: Harry Truman, Containment, and the Remaking of Liberal Internationalism, reviewed, 104:764–66

Spalding, Martin John, 72:411; on Bloody Monday fatalities, 102:361

Spalding, Mattingly, 90:55

Spalding, Phinizy, 76:318; book reviews by, 85:171–73, 88:338–39, 90:200–202

Spangler, Jewel L.: Virginians Reborn: Anglican Monopoly, Evangelical Dissent, and the Rise of the Baptists in the Late Eighteenth Century, reviewed, 106:245–47

Spaniards: Melungeon ancestry, 102:208, 210, 215; prejudice against, 102:222–23

Spaninger, Joe, 92:52

Spanish-American War, 74:159, 78:255, 83:315, 89:287–99, 98:43, 102, 104:49, 107:223; casualties of, 104:45; and the Clay family, 94:363–95

Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution, by Burnett Bolloten: reviewed, 90:208–9

Spanish Colonial style: New Orleans, La., 103:502

Spanish Conspiracy, 76:100, 105, 107–8, 110–11, 106:358; participants in, 100:332

Spanish influenza, 93:146

Spanish Observers and the American Revolution, 1775–1783, by Light Townsend Cummins: reviewed, 91:85–86

Spanish-revival house: in Louisville, Ky., 107:63

Spann, Glen: book reviews by, 100:545–46, 102:264–66, 576–78

Sparkman, J. M., 74:78, 180

Sparkman, John J., 76:129

Sparks, Edie: book review by, 101:162–65

Sparks, Edith: Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco, 1850-1920, reviewed, 105:138–40

Sparks, Harry, 104:596

Sparks, Jared: ed., Works of Benjamin Franklin, 105:267; Library of American Biography, 102:517

Sparks, John: book reviews by, 104:127–28, 105:281–82; Kentucky's Most Hated Man: Charles Chilton Moore & The Bluegrass Blade, noted, 107:628; Raccoon John Smith: Frontier Kentucky's Most Famous Preacher, reviewed, 104:288–89

Sparks, Randy J.: book review by, 92:220–21; On Jordan's Stormy Banks: Evangelicalism in Mississippi, 1773–1876, reviewed, 93:345–47; Religion in Mississippi, reviewed, 100:398–99

Sparrow, ("Doc"), 86:257

Sparrow, Nancy, 90:54

Sparta, Tenn., 75:123, 96:320, 108:21; George A. Ellsworth in, 108:69; John Hunt Morgan in, 108:41–42, 70

Spartanburg, S.C., 99:375

Spartan Memorial Stadium (Portsmouth, Ohio), 97:443

Spaulding, Lily May: and John Spaulding, eds., Civil War Recipes: Receipts from the Pages of Godey's Lady's Book, reviewed, 97:475–77

Speak, John: slaves of, 108:246

Speaking of Abraham Lincoln: The Man and His Meaning for Our Times, by Richard N. Current: reviewed, 82:408–9

Speaking Out: Two Centuries of Kentucky Orators, by Gifford Blyton and Randall Capps: reviewed, 77:59–61

Speak Now Against the Day: The Generation Before the Civil Rights Movement in the South, by John Egerton: reviewed, 93:500–501

Spears, Abraham, 94:142

Spears, Catherine K., 94:145, 148, 150

Spears, Edward Ford: life and letters of, 94:134–73

Spears, George Jr., 75:234

Spears, George Sr., 75:233

Spears, Henry, 94:162, 163, 171

Spears, Jacob, 75:234

Spears, John, 75:234

Spears, Joseph F.: "Spears Creek," 75:233–34

Spears, Margaret K., 94:162

Spears, Noah, 94:162

Spears, Timothy R.: 101 Years on the Road: The Traveling Salesman in American Culture, reviewed, 94:101–3

"Spears Creek," by Joseph F. Spears, 75:233–34

Special Joint Committee on Capital Removal, 104:274–76

Special Tax Commission, 76:305

Specie Resumption Act (1875), 78:225

Speculators and Slaves: Masters, Traders, and Slaves in the Old South, by Michael Tadman: reviewed, 89:94–96

Speeches and Writings of Mother Jones, edited by Edward M. Steele: noted, 87:96

Speed, Emma (Keats): death of, 106:65; grave of, 106:67; marriage of, 106:63

Speed, James, 72:115, 117, 76:3, 80:287, 290, 294–95, 297, 84:118, 131, 89:155, 95:10, 11, 19, 97:8, 9, 20, 25; and Abraham Lincoln, 106:477, 493; and the Emancipation Proclamation, 106:586; opposition to John C. Frémont, 106:577–78; and slave confiscation, 106:579

Speed, James G., 84:356

Speed, James S., 84:127

Speed, John, 106:60, 474; estate of, 106:64

Speed, John Gilmer: The Horse in America, noted, 81:112; and John Keats's manuscripts, 106:65–66

Speed, Jonathan G., 91:178, 179

Speed, Joshua F., 95:10, 12, 21

Speed, Joshua Fry, 80:285–87, 297, 84:131, 86:209; and Abraham Lincoln, 105:70, 106:63, 434, 438, 474, 493; Abraham Lincoln letter to on slavery, 106:519–22; and the Emancipation Proclamation, 106:586; land-development firm of, 107:53–54; opposition to John C. Frémont, 106:577–78; slaves of, 106:457

Speed, Lucy, 106:474

Speed, Mary: Abraham Lincoln letter to, 106:518–19

Speed, Matthias M., 97:42

Speed, Philip: death of, 106:65; grave of, 106:67; and John Keats's manuscripts, 106:65–67; marriage of, 106:63

Speed, Thomas: estate of, 106:64

Speed, William S.: land development by, 107:58

Speer, Jean Haskell: The Appalachian Photographs of Earl Palmer, reviewed, 88:458–59

Speight, J. C., 78:351, 356, 358, 96:249, 254

Spelman, John III: Thomas D. Clark letter to, 103:216

Spelman College (Atlanta, Ga.), 104:660

Spence, Brent, 104:452; and the Bretton Woods legislation, 79:40–56

Spence, Philip B.: Sixteenth Confederate Cavalry, 102:385

Spence, Richard, 84:137–38

Spencer, ——, 88:133, 140, 145, 146

Spencer, Anna Garlin, 93:76–77

Spencer, Benjamin, 91:418

Spencer, I. J., 85:308, 310

Spencer, Sally Louise Pendleton, 85:308, 309

Spencer, Samuel R. Jr.: book review by, 82:411–12; and J. Garry Clifford, The First Peacetime Draft, reviewed, 85:386–88

Spencer, W. Vaughn, 84:162

Spencer County, Ind., 77:5; Lincoln family in, 106:316, 363; out-migration, 106:364

Spencer County, Ky.: slavery in, 108:245

Sperry, Charles S., 88:71

Sphinx on the American Land, A: The Nineteenth-Century South in Comparative Perspective, by Peter Kolchin: review essay, 103:727–41

Spielhofer, Josef, 95:154, 159

Spike, Robert W., 99:41

Spindel, Donna J.: book review by, 90:288–89; Crime and Society in North Carolina, 1663–1776, reviewed, 88:338–39

Spingarn, Joel E., 78:46, 48

Spirited Resistance: The North American Indian Struggle for Unity, 1745–1815, by Gregory Evans Dowd: reviewed, 91:339–40

Spirit of 1848: German Immigrants, Labor Conflict, and the Coming of the Civil War, by Bruce Levine: reviewed, 91:342–43

Spirit of Rebellion: Labor and Religion in the New Cotton South, by Jared Roll: reviewed, 108:150–52

Spirit of Seventy-Six, The: ed. by Henry Steele Commager and Richard B. Morris, 72:76

Spirit of the Times, 77:283–84, 108:207; and Denton Offutt's horse training method, 108:186–87; Denton Offutt's letters to, 108:188, 192, 199–201

Spivey, Bill, 84:54, 63–67, 71, 73

S. P. Lees Collegiate Institute (Madison County, Ky.), 91:167, 174–75

Splinters of a Nation: German Prisoners of War in Utah, by Allan Kent Powell: reviewed, 89:320–21

Split Nose (Objibwa Warrior): Dudley's Defeat, slaughter of prisoners, 104:37–38

Spock, Benjamin, 76:173

Spooner, Horace, 93:67

Sport and American Mentality, 1880–1910, by Donald J. Mrozek: reviewed, 82:308–9

Sporting Gentlemen: Men's Tennis from the Age of Honor to the Cult of the Superstar, by E. Digby Baltzell: reviewed, 94:207–9

Sporting Magazine, 77:279–80, 282

Sporting News, The, 99:103, 107

"Sports History with a Kentucky Bouquet," by Carl B. Cone, 77:275–84

Sports Illustrated: on University of Kentucky's basketball program, 88:181

SportsWars: Athletes in the Age of Aquarius, by David W. Zang: reviewed, 100:121–22

Sporty Creek: A Novel of Appalachian Boyhood, 97:113

Spotswood Hotel (Glasgow, Ky.), 91:59

Spotsylvania County, Va.: migration of "Traveling Church" from, 108:333

Spottsylvania County, Va., 74:192, 79:240, 246, 262; out-migration, 106:343

Sprague, Frank J., 95:396, 402

Sprague, Stuart S.: book reviews by, 77:46–49

Sprague, Stuart Seely, 90:49; book reviews by, 72:77, 76:240–42, 78:169–70, 82:287–88, 90:197–98; Eastern Kentucky: A Pictorial History, reviewed, 85:70–71; and George E. Dickinson, Anxiety and Safety: Two Studies of the Kentucky Coal Miner, reviewed, 85:73–74; His Promised Land: The Autobiography of John P. Parker, Former Slave and Conductor in the Underground Railroad, reviewed, 95:191–93; "Kentucky Politics and the Heritage of the American Revolution: The Early Years, 1783–1788," 78:98–114; "The Canal at the Falls of the Ohio and the Three Cornered Rivalry," 72:38–54; "Town Making in the Era of Good Feelings: Kentucky, 1814–1820," 72:337–41

Spratt, Margaret A.: book note by, 88:241–42; book reviews by, 89:429–30, 93:500–501

Sprawl: A Compact History, by Robert Bruegmann: reviewed, 104:207–9

Spread Eagle (horse), 100:477

Sprigg, June: and Linda Butler, Inner Light: The Shaker Legacy, noted, 83:385

Springen, Karen: Lincoln historiography, 106:440

Springfield (Ill.) Independent: on race riot, 96:359, 362, 363

Springfield (Ill.) State Journal: on race riot, 96:360

Springfield (Ky.) Sun: on faith, 87:155; on peace, 87:161

Springfield, Ill., 73:378, 74:202, 75:212, 86:203, 210, 214, 96:358–60, 362, 105:233, 106:302, 309; Abraham Lincoln in, 106:364, 371–72, 404, 409–32, 474, 479, 490, 108:190; Denton Offutt in, 108:180, 182–83; Vicksburg campaign victory celebration, 103:655

Springfield, Ky., 72:20, 22–24, 73:365, 93:314, 315, 318, 99:10, 100, 223, 365; during Civil War, 108:76

Springfield, Mass.: subdivisions in, 107:64

Springfield, Ohio, 106:390

Spring Meadows Children's Home (Louisville, Ky.), 90:236–37, 252; . see also Louisville Baptist Orphan's Home

Sproat, John G.: book review by, 87:74–76

Sproule, Almarine, 94:403

Spruill, Matt: ed., Guide to the Battle of Chickamauga, noted, 92:123

Spurgeon, Charles H., 74:209

Spurlock, John H.: book review by, 87:62–63; He Sings For Us: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Appalachian Subculture and of Jesse Stuart as a Major American Author, reviewed, 80:337–39

Sputnik, 105:471

Squeeze 'Em (horse), 100:485

Squire Boone and Nicholas Meriwether: Kentucky Pioneers, by Ronald R. Van Stockum Sr.: noted, 108:312

Squires, James, 83:135

Squires, Jane W.: book note by, 91:367

Squires, Jim: Headless Horsemen: A Tale of Chemical Colts, Subprime Sales Agents, and the Last Kentucky Derby on Steroids, reviewed, 107:269–70

Squire's Memoirs, The, by J. Winston Coleman Jr.: reviewed, 75:55–57

Srebnick, Amy Gilman: book reviews by, 105:93–94, 107:578–81

Staats Zeitung (newspaper), 98:194

Stacey, C. P., 72:293

Stacker, Charles, 79:329

Stacker, John, 79:328

Stacker, Samuel, 79:328

Stafford, Jean, 90:373

Stafford, May F., 95:62

Stage-Coach Days in the Bluegrass: Being an Account of Stage-Coach Travel and Tavern Days in Lexington and Central Kentucky, 1800-1900, by J. Winston Coleman Jr.: noted, 94:343

Stages of Emergency: Cold War Nuclear Civil Defense, by Tracy C. Davis: reviewed, 105:757–59

Stagg Distillery (Frankfort, Ky.), 90:104–6

Staggering Revolution, A: Cultural History of Thirties Photography, by John Raeburn: reviewed, 104:752–53

Staggs, William, 83:17

Staging Tradition: John Lair and Sarah Gertrude Knott, by Michael Ann Williams: reviewed, 104:701–2

Stahlman Building (Nashville, Tenn.), 92:71

Stahr, Elvis J. Jr., 99:12; Thomas D. Clark letters to, 103:231–32, 302–3

Stalin, Joseph, 82:41, 88:314

Stall, Martin, 72:234

Stallard, Flora, 86:32

Stallybrass, Peter, 105:261; and James N. Green, Benjamin Franklin, Writer and Printer, review essay, 105:247, 264–67

Stamboul (horse), 100:478

Stamp Act (1765), 72:186, 73:310

Stamp Act Congress, The, by C. A. Weslager: reviewed, 75:334–35

Stamper, John C., 98:57, 68

Stamper, W. Thayer: book review by, 99:189–90

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