Gonzaga Debate Institute 2011 Mercury China Coop Aff

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Coop Good – North Korea

Coop on North Korea crucial to reducing provocations

Agence France Presse, 6-26-11

(Agence France-Presse, “US asks China to press N.Korea” 6-26-2011 http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hCVWLUUUrqsLCV2mr9glZAERCZsQ?docId=CNG.8684d0c4fc022391e25dcc498eda9e5c.e1 , MLF, accessed 6-30-11)

HONOLULU, Hawaii — The United States on Saturday asked China to use its influence on North Korea to prevent a new "provocation," saying that Pyongyang must mend ties with the South if it wants to move ahead. During first-of-a-kind talks between the Pacific powers on Asia-related issues, senior US official Kurt Campbell said he shared views with China on North Korea, which counts on Beijing as its primary source of support. "We've again asked for China to take critical steps to urge North Korea to reach out and to deal responsibly and appropriately with South Korea and to refrain from any further provocations," Campbell told reporters after the talks in Hawaii. North Korea and China have appealed for a resumption of six-nation talks on ending Pyongyang's nuclear program, but the United States has said that it first wants Kim Jong-Il's regime to commit clearly to previous agreements and to lower tension with US-allied South Korea. "We are looking for concrete progress in North-South relations and we believe that that is critical first step towards a larger engagement with North Korea," Campbell said. North Korea last year shelled a civilian area of the South for the first time since the 1950-53 Korean War, killing four, and was accused in the sinking of a South Korean warship that claimed the lives of 46 sailors. China refrained from public criticism of North Korea over the tensions, to the consternation of South Korea and the United States. But South Korean media on Friday quoted the South 's President Lee Myung-Bak as telling lawmakers that China has warned North Korea against further attacks. The Hawaii talks focused largely on rising tension between China and its neighbors in the South China Sea, with the United States urging calm.

US is pushing China to pressure North Korea to create peace on the Korean Peninsula

Ariang News 6-11-11

(Ariang is Korea’s Global News Network: “US: China Should Push N. Korea to Improve Inter-Korean Ties” 6-11-2011 http://www.arirang.co.kr/News/News_View.asp?nseq=116961&code=Ne2&category=2, MLF, accessed 6-30-11)

The United States has once again stressed the importance of the two Koreas improving their ties and urged China to use its influence on North Korea to make that happen. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Friday that Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt Campbell, who recently visited China and South Korea, asked his counterparts in Beijing to push the North to make progress in repairing inter-Korean relations. And not referring to China by name, he urged "extreme caution" in business dealings with Pyeongyang. The remark came days after China and North Korea broke ground on the Hwanggumphyong and Wihwa Islands joint economic zones along their shared border.

Coop Good – East Asia Peace

US and Chinese cooperation in the East Asian region key to peace in the region

China Daily News 6-24-11

(China Daily News Newspaper: “China, US launch new win-win cooperation platform” 6-24-2011 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2011-06/24/content_12771662.htm , MLF, accessed 6-30-11)

The first round of consultations between China and the United States on Asia-Pacific affairs will be held in Hawaii on June 25. Compared to the existing 60-plus consultation mechanisms between the two countries, the Asia-Pacific affairs consultation mechanism appears a little "late." However, it was actually launched at the right time, given the development of China-U.S. relations and the current situation in the region. China and the United States are two world powers facing each other across the Pacific Ocean. They have conducted fruitful cooperation in handling Asia-Pacific affairs and made great contributions to regional peace, stability, and prosperity. During Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit to the United States this past January, the heads of state of the two countries vowed to follow the trend of the times, and to work together toward a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit, ensuring that the two countries' cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region will move in the right direction. The United States has long dominated the political, economic, and security landscape of the Asia-Pacific region, while China, as an emerging great power in the region, is bound to play a major role in transforming the landscape. The interests of the two countries in the region overlap to some extent, which has caused friction. The two countries are both located in the Asia-Pacific region, so it is understandable that they have overlapping interests. Proper handling of their overlapping interests will create a significant and positive impact on the regional peace, development and prosperity. The Asia-Pacific region is currently searching for a deep economic integration and is in a period of transforming to a new security pattern. The China-U.S. consultation is the inevitable product of this transitory stage. There are many hot issues in the Asia-Pacific region and regional diversity and complexity is very prominent. China and the United States have common interests and common responsibility in the Asia-Pacific region. This has decided that the two countries can only work together in this region. The China-U.S. consultation on Asia-Pacific affairs is not aimed at "setting the tone" or "setting the direction" for various Asia-Pacific affairs, but rather planning and promoting bilateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region through the exchange of views to properly handle related conflicts and differences and form an interaction pattern with rules. China and the United States strengthening mutual trust is the reliable guarantee of the stable development of the Asia-Pacific region. China will strengthen contact with Asia-Pacific countries in various fields along with its rapid economic development and growing strength in order to expand its influence in the Asia-Pacific region. However, China will remain a developing country for a long period of time, and China's development will not constitute a challenge to other countries because China does not have such a strategic will. The peaceful development of the Asia-Pacific region requires a new political, economic and security pattern and the creation of more space for the development of emerging markets, such as China. China and the United States strengthening consultation is conducive to ensure a peaceful interest distribution method of the Asia-Pacific region in the transitory stage and will also help both sides adapt to their exchanges in the new pattern of the future. Some countries in the Asia-Pacific region are concerned about the rise of China. Some traditional allies of the United States still expect it to counterbalance China and their mindsets are understandable. The countries seeking to counterbalance China simply aim to use such a balance to maintain regional peace and stability and maximize interests for their development. The more results the China-U.S. cooperation produces, the more benefits they will receive. None of the countries are willing to face a situation in which they will have to choose which side they will be on, China or the United States. The confrontation between China and the United States is harmful to both sides, because it will not only increase the development costs of both sides, but also lead to the loss of security in the region. As for the entire Asia Pacific region, the peaceful coexistence between China and the United States is beneficial to both sides and all of the parties involved. Therefore, the China-U.S. consultation on Asia-Pacific affairs to be held in Hawaii is of considerable symbolic significance. The island is located in the middle ground between Beijing and Washington D.C. and is around 8,000 kilometers away from both of the two capitals. What a huge area it will be when drawing a circle with Hawaii in the center and with its radius covering both capitals.

*** Relations Advantage

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