Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Play (discard) an Attack card to have a unit attack.

The attack card has a number.

This is the range of the attack.

Attacks are diagonal or orthogonal.

The enemy unit that is the target of the attack takes one Hit point of damage.

A unit reduced to zero hits is captured and is removed from the map.

Units cannot attack through other units.

A player may discard a Defense card to negate an attack.


M = Movement

A = Attack

D = Defense

X = Special

Type = Purpose of card

# = Number of that type of card in the deck


Card Name: # Range Type Notes

Move 5 1 M Walk

Move 5 2 M Run

Move 5 3 M Hover

Move 4 4 M Jet Pack

Move 3 5 M Full Throttle

Blast Off 1 3 M Rangers only

Rocket Cycle 1 4 M Rangers only

Flying Platform 1 3 M Zurg only

Laser 5 2 A Pistol

Laser 5 3 A Rifle

Laser 4 4 A Bazooka

Laser 4 5 A Cannon

Close Combat 3 1 A Kick

Close Combat 3 1 A Punch

Close Combat 2 - D Flip: vs Close Cbt: Attacker takes 1 Hit

Armor 1 - D Terrillium Carbonic Alloy

Armor 1 - D Laser Resistant Diavallic Alloy

Maneuver 1 - D Gemini Split: Rangers only

Maneuver 1 - D Emergency Liftoff

Maneuver 1 - D Dodge

Communicator 1 - X Draw 3 cards

Nefarious Scheme 1 - X Draw 3 cards: Zurg only

Crystolic Fusion Cell 1 - X Draw 2 cards

Energy Readings 1 - X Look at opponents Hand

Spy Drone 1 - X Look at opponents Hand: Zurg only

Special 6 - X Activate Unit Special Ability



Two player card game depicting the struggle between Law & Chaos in

Moorcock’s Elric Fantasies.


There are 2 decks:

The Law Deck

The Chaos Deck

Each player controls one deck.


Shuffle the decks.

Each player draws 8 cards from his own deck.

Each player starts with 4 Balance Tokens.


The first player to control all 8 Balance Tokens wins the game.


Each turn has 5 phases:

Fate Phase

Destiny Phase

Quest Phase

Struggle Phase

Balance Phase


Each player fills his hand to 8 cards

If a deck runs out, shuffle its discard and draw from it.


Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.


Players may discard a Transport card to search their deck for and play any

Item or Place card.


Each player may play to the table, face-up, some, all, or none of his cards.

Each played card has a Force Value.

Each player adds up the Force Value of his played cards.

The player with the highest total Force Value wins the turn.

The Law player may only play:

1 Elric card, 1 Stormbringer card, 1 Lady card, 1 Spell card, 1 God card,

1 Transport card, 1 Place card, 1 Item card.

The Law Player may play any number of Hero and Army cards.

The Chaos Player may only play:

1 Sorcerer or Villain card, 1 God card, 1 Transport card, 1 Place card,

1 Special Item card, 1 Event card.

The Chaos Player may play any number of Monster, Army, and Item cards.


The turn winner gets to take a Balance Token from his opponent.

All played cards are discarded.

Players may discard some, none, or all of the cards in their hands.


E = Elric

SB = Stormbringer

H = Hero

A = Army

P = Place

L = Lady (Lover)

B = Boon

I = Item

S = Spell

T = Transport

G = God


Card Name: Type Force Notes:

Elric, Eternal Champion E 9

Elric, God-Slayer E 9 Destroy 1 opposing God

Elric the Doomed Albino E 8

Elric the White Wolf E 8

Elric, Emperor of the Ruby Throne E 7

Elric of Melnibone E 7

Elric, Woman-Slayer E 6 You cannot play a Lady card

Stormbringer, Hell Sword SB 9 +2 if Elric card Played

Stormbringer, Soul Stealer SB 8 +2 if Elric card Played

Stormbringer, Rune Blade SB 7 +2 if Elric card Played

Stormbringer, The Black Sword SB 6 +2 if Elric card Played

Moonglum H 8

Rackhir the Red Archer H 7

Tanelorn P 8

Dyvim Tvar, Lord of the Dragon Caves H 5 +4 if Dragons are played

Magum Colim, Grand Admiral H 6 Friendly Armies get +2

Horn of Fate I 10 Only play if you have 7 Tokens

Chaos Shield I 9 Destroy opposing Sorcerer

Myshella, Emress of the Dawn L 9 Spells you play get +2

Champion of Law B 7 Only if you play at least 1 Hero

Count Smiorgan Baldhead H 5 Friendly Armies get +2

Queen Yishana of Jharkor L 6

Zarzonia Voashoon L 4

The Noose of Flesh S 7 Destroy one opposing Army

Invulnerability S 7

The Ship that Sails over Land & Sea T 7 +3 if Straasha or Grome played

Mechanical Bird T 5 +3 if Myshella played

Potion of Strength I 4 +3 if Elric played

Dragons of Melnibone A/T 9

Steeds of Nihran T 3

Duke Avan Astran, Explorer H 6

Dyvim Slorm H 7

Oone, Dreamthief L 6

Actorios, the Ring of Kings I 8 Play only if Elric Played

Isle of Purple Towns P 7 +2 if Count Smiorgan played

Golden Battle Barges A 8

Straasha, King of the Sea G 8

Grome, King of the Earth G 8

Lasshaar, King of the Air G 8

Sepiritz, Captain of the Fates H 6

Grey Lords G 9 Only play if Chaos is winning

Castle Kaneloon P 8 +3 if Myshella played

Sea Lords Reaver Fleets A 6 +2 vs Imrryr

Elemental Allies A 7 +2 if a God is played

Three As One S 9 2 Heroes & Elric must be played

Meerclar, Lord of Cats G 7

Fileet, Lord of the Birds G 7

Haaashaastaak, Lord of Lizards G 7

Arrow of Justice I 8 Destroy one opposing Monster

Astral Travel S/T 4

White Lords of Law G 10 Play only if you are winning

Karlaak, City of Jade Towers P 5 +2 if Zarzonia is played

The Winged Men of Myyrhn A 5

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