Introduction to Warpspawn Games

SETUP Each player draws 7 cards from his deck. Mulligan: Discard & redraw if your hand has no Characters. TURN SEQUENCE

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Each player draws 7 cards from his deck.

Mulligan: Discard & redraw if your hand has no Characters.


Each turn has 13 phases:

New Day Phase

Genius Phase

Healing Phase

Minion Phase

Invention Phase

Recruit Phase

Plot Phase

Spy Phase

Assassin Phase

Plot Phase

Intercept Phase

Track Phase

Attack Phase


Draw 1 card from your deck.


For each Character with Genius on your side roll once on the Plot Table:

1D6 Result:

1 Analysis: Opponent must discard 1 card

2 Predictions: Look at next 7 cards in either deck

3 Deduction: Look at opponents Hand

4 Lure: Gain Control of target Character

5 Recruit: Put any character in your deck into your hand

6 Contingencies: Draw 1 Card


For each Wound counter roll 1D6. Remove the counter on a roll of 5+.

This is called the Healing Roll.

An Immortal gets Heal +3 to self.

A Doctor can give Heal +2 to any one roll per turn.


Most Masterminds (and some other card types) can Generate one

Minion Token per turn in this phase.

All Minion Tokens are Fight = 1 units.


For each Character with Invention or Scientist skill on your side roll once on

The Invention Table:

1D6 Result:

1 Research: Look at the next 7 cards in your deck

2 Build: Put an Invention Marker on a Target Unit

3 Eureka: Draw one card

4 Blueprints: Search your deck for a Vehicle or Weapon & put it into play

5 Failed Project: Nothing

6 Lab Explosion: Inventor receives a Wound Marker

Invention Markers give the attached unit Fight +1

If the Inventor is a Location (Not a Character) and there is an explosion, the

Location cannot roll on the Invention table for 2 turns.


Put non-event card into play.

Cards in play are placed face up in front of you.

Vehicles and Weapons must be attached to Units.

Locations in the Villain deck must be attached to a specific Mastermind.

Minor Villains must be attached to a specific Mastermind.


The Villain player may attach plot cards to his Masterminds.

Put a Plot Counter on each plot card already in play.

There are Minor and Major Plot cards.

If a Minor Plot accumulates 3 plot counters, the

Villain player discards it and Draws 1D6 cards.

If a Major Plot card accumulates 4 plot counters, the

Villain player automatically wins the game.

All Plots undertaken by the Martians become

Major Plots of the Title "World Conquest"

The Martians cannot attach Minor Characters or Vehicles.

Marian Tripod Tokens are each Fight +2.


For each Spy on your side roll 1D6: on a roll of

1 Spy caught: Discard Spy

2-4 Nothing

5+ Discovery: Look at Opponent’s hand.


Each Major Villain may send some of his Minions to attack the Heroes.

These are suicide Missions, The Minions are always killed.

Roll 2D6 for each Minion sent.

Add the Fight of the Minion. Subtract the Fight of the target Hero.

Event cards may be used to modify Force ratings.

Modified Roll: Notes:

2 or less Minion Interrogated: Get +1 to next Track Roll

3-5 Minion cannot find Heroes: Return Minion to Mastermind

6-7 Nothing

8-10 Hero Wounded (or discard an attached weapon or vehicle)

11+ Hero Killed

This is called the Assassin Roll.


Heroes may attempt to thwart the Villain’s Nefarious Schemes.

Each Hero picks a target Mastermind Villain and rolls 2D6:

This is called the Track Roll.

Add the Track Bonuses of the Hero.

Event cards may be used to give additional Bonuses or Penalties.

This is called the Sleuth Roll.

Modified Roll: Notes:

5 or less On the Wrong Track: All Heroes get a Track –1 this turn.

6-9 Dead End: Nothing Found

10 Foiled: Discard one target Plot card

11+ Villain is Thwarted.

If the Villain is Thwarted, discard all Plot cards of that Villain in play.

Every Mastermind not Thwarted this phase allows the Villain player to roll once on

The Villain Table:

1D6 Result:

1 Neutralize: Opponent must discard 1 card

2 Machinations: Look at next 7 cards in either deck

3 Spies: Look at opponents Hand

4 Manipulations: Gain Control of target Character

5 Hirelings: Gain 2 Minion Tokens

6 Wheels in Motion: Draw 1 Card or put 1 Plot Counter on 1 Plot card in play


The Heroes may attack any Mastermind Villain that was Thwarted this turn.

Each Hero attacks seperately.

The Hero must target a Minion of the Villain.

Roll 1D6 and add the Fight of the Hero. Subtract the Fight of the target Minion.

This is called the Combat Roll.

The Minion is always killed.

Modified Roll: Notes:

1 or less Hero Killed

2-3 Hero Wounded (or discard an attached weapon or vehicle)

4-6 Hero Unscathed

7+ Hero gets to make another attack with Fight –1

If no Minions remain, the Hero may automatically destroy a location attached to the Villain.

If no Locations remain, the Mastermind himself may be attacked.

Roll 1D6. This is called the Showdown roll. (It is modified like a Combat roll)

Modified Roll: Notes:

1 or less Hero Killed

2-3 Hero Wounded (or discard an attached weapon or vehicle)

4-5 Villain Wounded (or discard an attached weapon or vehicle)

6+ Villain Killed


E = Events

C = Character

M = Mastermind

V = Vehicle

W = Weapon

L = Location

P = Plot

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