Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Dice game for 2 players.

Each player is a Warrior represented by a single die.


Each player needs one Ten-sided die.

Use spare change to keep track of Hits.

Note: This is a very portable game. (Keep Battle tables written on Index cards)


Reduce your opponent to zero hits.


One Face (1) is the Adder.

If you roll the Adder, Roll again and add 10 to the Force of the roll.

One Face (2) is the Doubler.

If you roll the Doubler, Roll again twice and keep one of the rolls.

The other eight faces are a combination of Attack and Defense results.

An Attack or Defense Face has a Force value.

A Force value is always a number that is a multiple of 10.


Choose which Warrior you want to be.

Each basic Warrior starts with 100 Hits.

Players roll high to see who goes first.


Each turn is divided into 3 phases:

Attack Phase

Defend Phase

Damage Phase


The attacker (the current player whose turn it is) rolls his die.

If you roll the Adder, Roll again and add 10 to the Force of the roll.

If you roll the Doubler, Roll again twice and keep one of the rolls.

If you roll a Defense result the turn ends.

If you roll an Attack face proceed to the Defend phase.


The defender (the other player) rolls his die.

If you roll the Adder, Roll again and add 10 to the Force of the roll.

If you roll the Doubler, Roll again twice and keep one of the rolls.


The Attacker does damage (in Hits) to the defender equal to the Force of his Attack result.

If the defender rolled a Defense result in Defend phase, he subtracts the Force of

The Defense result from the Damage he receives. (Treat a negative result as zero)


Neutralize: this is a type of Attack result: Your opponent skips his next 2 attack phases.

All Out: this is a type of Attack result: If ATTACKING, roll again and

double the Force of the result.


A = Attack

D = Defense


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Sword A 30

4 Dagger A 20

5 Hilt Punch A 10

6 Hack & Slash A 40

7 Shield D 30

8 Dodge D 40

9 Parry D 20

0 Chain Mail D 10


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Lance A 30

4 Broad Sword A 30

5 Armor D 20

6 Kite Shield D 30

7 Great Helm D 20

8 Furious Assault A 30

9 Charge A - All Out

0 Plate D 30


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Thrown Dagger A 30

4 Dagger A 20

5 Sap A 10

6 Leather Armor D 10

7 Dexterity D 30

8 Back Stab A 40

9 Run D 30

0 Hide D 30


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Battle Axe A 30

4 Kick A 10

5 Overhead Smash A 40

6 Leap D 40

7 Throw Axe A 10

8 Berserk A - All Out

9 Reflexes D 40

0 Feel no Pain D 20


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Long Sword A 30

4 Bow A 30

5 Elven Chain D 20

6 Fleet of Foot D 20

7 Arrow A 40

8 Dodge D 20

9 Parry D 20

0 Agility D 20


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 War Hammer A 30

4 Armor D 20

5 Shield D 20

6 Axe A 30

7 Sturdy D 20

8 Crossbow A 30

9 Shield Bash A 10

0 Grim Determination D 40


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Staff D 10

4 Magic Missile A 10

5 Fireball A 40

6 Lightning Bolt A 30

7 Charm A - Neutralize

8 Circle of Protection D 40

9 Magic Shield D 30

0 Blur D 20


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Armor D 20

4 Prayer D 20

5 Shield D 20

6 Blessing D 20

7 Mace A 20

8 Crushing Blow A 40

9 Heal - - Regain 10 Lost Hits

0 Smite A 40


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Scimitar A 30

4 Tough Hide D 20

5 Stab A 20

6 Disembowel A 40

7 Helm D 20

8 Spiky Armor A 10

9 Shield D 30

0 Piecemeal Armor D 30


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Maul A 30

4 Great Strength A 40

5 Barrel Attack A 20

6 Rampage A - All Out

7 Regenerate - - Regain 10 Lost Hits

8 Thick Hide D 30

9 Immune to Pain D 30

0 Great Bulk D 20


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Spear A 30

4 Round Shield D 30

5 Thrown Spear A 30

6 Short Sword A 30

7 Breast Plate D 30

8 Wrestle A 10

9 Greaves D 10

0 Dodge D 30


1D10 Result Type Force Notes

1 Adder

2 Doubler

3 Trident A 40

4 Net A - Neutralize

5 Dagger A 20

6 Feint A - Neutralize

7 Dodge D 40

8 Skill D 10

9 Evade D 40

0 Toughness D 10

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