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Documentation – Basic communications Library

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Documentation – Basic communications Library

The basic communications library provides internal E-mail (sometimes called mud-mail) and bulletin board facilities for users.

01 Message boards

Tells you how to add one or message boards to your online world.

Message boards

Adding message boards to your online world is very easy:

  1. Create a new object and base it

    off of cMessageBoard.

  2. Make sure the Automatically create as an object button

    is checked. The message board should not be located in

    a room though.

  3. Set the pNLPNounName and pNLPParseName with

    the message board's name, like "Suggestions".

  4. Set pExamineGeneral to a string describing the message board.

  5. pMessageBoardDatabase should be filled with a unique database

    name for the message board where the message thread objects will

    be stored. This string will be passed into the DatabaseXXX() functions.

    You might wish to prefix the string with "MessageBoard" so the database is

    obviously a message board.

That's it. You're done!

If you wish to change the priviledges for the message board then

write a MessageBoardCanAcces() method for the object.

Documentation – Basic RPG Library

Provides functionality to handle standard CRPG features.

The Basic RPG Library provides functionality to handle standard CRPG features, such as attributes, skills, combat, combat with NPCs, talking to NPCs, etc. It also handles a lot of MUD-style functionality.

This library is based on the Basic Interactive Fiction Library, which must also be included in the project. It must have a higher priority than the Basic Interactive Fiction Library.

01 Skills, attributes, and disadvantages

Describes how to define new skills, attributes, and disadvantages, and how to use them.

Skills, attributes, and disadvantages

The RPG library does not support class levels,

as is typical in Dungeons & Dragons. Instead, it supports

skills, allowing players to advance their characters in any

direction they like.

There are three types of skills:

  • Skills - These are learned abilities, such as

    swordfighting, archery, and basket weaving. Skills can be

    learned by the characters and trained over time to improve

    them; training is done using experience points.

  • Attribute - Attributes are characteristics that

    are fundamental to a character and cannot be changed (under

    normal circumstances.)

  • Disadvantages - Disadvantages are, in many

    ways, negative skills. They are something the character begins

    with, but can pay off over time and get rid of. Some sample

    disadvantages are: fear of spiders, studdering, and alcoholism.

    Disadvantages are useful role-playing devices.

Role playing games often have "special abilities" and "feats".

These could be categorized under skills too.

Create your own attributes, skills, and disadvantages

The "Basic RPG library" and "Basic Fantasy library" include some

standar attributes, skills, and disadvantages. You can always

create your own. Here's how:

  1. Create a new object, called "oSkillXXX", where XXX

    is replaced with your skill's name.

  2. Base the skill off the super-class, cSkill. The

    cSkill class is a sub-class of cObject.

  3. Check the Automatically create as an

    object button. All skills are instantiated objects.

  4. Fill in the pNLPNounName and pNLPParseName for

    the skill with an appropriate name,

  5. Provide a description for the skill in pExamineGeneral.

    This description is displayed when the user types the "skills" command.

  6. Fill in the skill's pSkillCategory so that the

    skill will be placed in the appropriate category in the skills

    list, such as "Combat skills", or "Spells".

  7. If this is an attribute, set pSkillType to 'a' (case

    is important). Attributes cannot be trained, and are randomly

    generated for a character when it is first created. You

    should also modify gAttributes to include the skill


  8. If the skill is really a disadvantage,

    set pSkillType to 'd' (case

    is important). Users cannot train their characters with a

    disadvantage, so you will need to modify the character creation

    code so that disadvantages will be randomly applied or the

    player will be able to select the character's disadvantage.

    If the skill is a normal skill, don't set pSkillType since

    the default value, set in cSkill, is 's'.

  9. The pSkillLevelCap is normally set to a reasonably

    high value, around 30. However, you can make this lower or higher.

    If the value is low, the skill acts more like a "feat", where the

    skill is either not known, or known completely. (For example: Riding

    a bicycle.)

  10. You may wish to set pSkillTrainTeacherLevel. A player

    with a high enough level in a skill can teach the skill to

    other players. This is a number indicating the required skill


  11. If pSkillTrainTeacherLevel is set to 0, any

    characters can learn the skill without a teacher. You might

    wish to use a 0-value for skills like climbing or jumping, where

    the skills are just a matter of practice.

    To prevent players from training the skill to

    thousands of other players, the teacher loses one

    experience point every time they train another character.

  12. To make the skill require another skill, or an attribute,

    set pSkillTrainPrerequisites. This can contain

    zero or more skills with required levels.

  13. If the skill is associated with a language,

    set pSkillLanguage to the language-independent

    (and case sensative) language string, such as "common" or "elvish".

    If it's not a language, leave pSkillLanguage blank or set to NULL.

  14. If the language is an animal or monster language, you might

    wish to write a LanguageSoundEffect() for the skill

    so that when the animal/monster speaks to players that don't

    understand the language, a wave file will be played (like a growl sound)

    instead text-to-speech.

Those are the basics of creating a new skill. There is more,

but I'll get to the advanced topics after discussing experience points.

Experience points

Every skill has a skill level. Skills begin at level 0,

and are increased as the user trains the skill using up

earned experience points.

The amount of experience points to raise a skill to the next

level is (roughly) the level of the skill. The actual equation

is that the level of the skill =

sqrt(experience points invested)/2.

This makes is more and more difficult for skill levels to improve.

As a general guideline, 1 XP is handed out for every hour

that the player plays. 1 XP = 1 hour of play.

Therefore, if a player only raises one skill, they can go

from level 0 to level 10 in about 50 hours of play.

You are, of course, welcome to hand out experience points

any way you wish.

In online (multiplayer) mode, the default behavior is to

automatically hand out 1 XP for every hour the player is logged

on (even if they're chatting). This is limited to no more than 1XP

per day, and 3 XP per week. That means, that barring additional

XP from quests, a player can get a maximum of 156 XP per year.

In offline (single player) mode, experience points are handed out

based on what quests/tasks the player completes. To

provide XP in either offline or online mode,

call XPAward().

The RPG library also includes an XPPenalize() call

that will penalize the player if they act out of character. When

the player has been penalized, his character can receive no

experience for the next 24 hours. An example of penalization would

be if the player's character has a "fear of heights" disadvantage

but persisted in having his character walk across a tall bridge

despite warnings.

A player's attributes (or even other skills) affects how much

1 XP helps a skill. Each skill has a pSkillAttribiteBase property

that can list zero or more attributes. You can use this so that

a higher attribute makes the experience go further towards advancing

the skill. For example: A high intelligence would make learning

a mathematics skill easier, thus making XP count for more. If

the same character had a low strength attribute, strength-based

skills would not advance as quickly.

Attributes and standard deviations

In Dungeons & Dragons, attributes are rolled on 3 6-sided dice,

resulting in a value between 3 and 18, with the average value

being 10.5. The distribution of the numbers forms a bell curve,

with attribute values in the 8-12 range being much more common than

those at the extremes.

A bell curve is a non-technical term for a mathematical

entity known as a gaussian. The neat thing about

bell curves, as mentioned above, is that most people's strength (or

whatever) ends up being near the norm, but a very are very strong

or very weak.

The topic of bell curves brings up standard deviations.

A standard deviation says how close an attribute is close to the

norm. 68% of all characters will have a strength attribute

within 1 standard deviation of the norm. 95%

will be within 2 standard deviations, 99% for 3, and 99.99% within

4 standard deviations.

In English terms, a world champion body builder is about 5 standard

deviations above normal (stronger than 99.9999% of the population).

Likewise, a exceptionally weak person is -5 standard deviations,

or weaker than 99.9999% of the population.

The RPG library stores attributes in standard deviations,

not values between 3 and 18. Therefore, most characters' attributes

will be close to 0 (meaning average), with ranges between

-1 and 1. Some will be higher 1 to 2 or lower (-1 to -2) meaning

above/below normal strength (or, dexterity, etc.) but nothing

too unusually. A rare character will have values higher than 2, or

lower than -2.

Storing attributes as standard deviations has many handy ramifications

that will become apparent as you read through the tutorials.

When a new character (based in cCharacter) is created, the constructor

automatically "rolls" random values for the attributes

in gAttributes. It uses the RandomStdDev() function

to generate the values. The attributes are also "normalized" so

that the sum of all the character's attributes are 0... so as

not to create any hopeless characters.

Races and skills

While races won't be discusses completely until a later topic,

I will touch on some issues here where races affect what skills

a character has.

First of all, any race class (such as cRaceElf) is ultimately

sub-classed from cCharacter. cCharacter supports several

properties related to attributes, a few of which are relevant

to races.

  • pSkillsRacialInnate are a list of skills that

    are innate to a race. These include attribute adjustments

    (like all Elves having a +1 dexterity), or abilities

    that the race is born with (such as all Elves having a +5 magic skill).

  • pSkillRacialLearned are skills that are automatically

    learned by the race. For example: All Elves being knowing cSkillElvish

    at level 10, and cSkillArchery at level 5, or whatever.

    When a character is first created, the character's constructor will

    move all the skills from pSkillRacialLearned into the character's

    skill list.

  • pSkillsMaleInnate and pSkillsFemaleInnate work

    similarly to pSkillsRacialInnate except that they affect skills

    based on gender. There is no equivalent male/female test

    for pSkillRacialLearned though.

Characters and skills

Each character, based on cCharacter, has a number of properties

and methods pertaining to skills:

  • pSkills is a list of all the skills the character

    knows along with their skill level. As stated above, the

    character's constructor will add any skills

    from pSkillsRacialInnate that do not already

    appear in pSkills.

  • If you write code to add or remove a skill from pSkills,

    don't forget to call SkillAdded() or SkillRemoved().

    See the advanced skill topic below.

  • As a general rule, you should not access pSkills directly,

    but instead use SkillGet() from the character object.

    SkillGet() is a useful method that gets the skill level

    from pSkills, and then adds the skill levels from

    pSkillsRacialInnate and pSkillsTemporary if

    there are any. This basically returns the skill level

    that includes character-specific skills/attributes,

    racial skills/attributes, and magic effect enhancements

    from pSkillsTemporary.

  • pSkillsTemporary stores temporary modifications

    to skills, usually resulting from the possession or use

    of magic items. For example: A "Ring of Elvish Speech" would

    add the oSkillElvish skill to pSkillsTemporary while it

    was worn, allowing the user to speak elvish.

  • Rather than modifying pSkillsTemporary directly, you

    should call the SkillTemporaryAdd() method,

    as well as SkillTemporaryQuery() and SkillTemporaryRemove().

Advanced skill topics

Now that I have spend time discussing how skills fit in with

characters, I'll delve into some advanced skill topics:

  • Whenever a skill is added or removed from

    a character's pSkills or pSkillsTemporary properties,

    you should

    call cSkill.SkillAdded() or cSkill.SkillRemoved().

    (You don't need to call these if you

    use SkillTemporaryXXX() since the functions are

    called automatically.)

  • These calls allow the skills to set or remove timers and other

    hooks into the character object. The most common use for such

    hooks is disadvantage, where, for example, a cSkillAlcoholic

    disadvantage might require the character to drink some

    alchohol every 30 minutes of play or suffer an XPPenalize() call.

    Thus, if you wrote a cSkillAchoholic disadvantage, you'd

    provide a SkillAdded() method that would set

    a timer to go off every 30 mintes. SkillRemoved() would

    destroy the timer.

  • You can write a SkillCanLearn() method for your

    skill that only allows it to be learned by certain races.

  • If a skill allows a player to issue new command then

    you should provide a NLPCommandParseQuery(),

    NLPCommandParse(), and NLPRuleSetTempVerb() message

    to parse th new command. For example: If the skill were

    gymnastics, you might provide a "backflip" or "do a handstand"

    command for the user. Players who did not know the skill wouldn't

    be able to use the commands.

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