Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book

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At Dundee the Twenty sixth day f September 1963

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present Deacon Dr George H Smith, Boxmaster David S Moyes

Also attending Thirty two Members of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Deacon George H Smith in the Chair

Apologies for absence were intimated from: Messers J K Bowman, W R R Bruce, John R Conacher, Ex-Deacon A S Drummond, Ex-Convener Alister Goodfellow, T Lindsay Gray, Kennet w Pritchard, E H Leslie Shepherd. Ian d Stuart, David L Urquhart, #Alan C Lemon, Robert R Douglas, E R Simpson, Alexander Smith and Ian Murray

The Deacon welcomed the Members

I. Minutes

The following Minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting - 23rd October 1962

(b) Special General Meeting – 23rd October 1962

(c) –do- 14th March 1963

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings were held on 14th November 1962, 8th February 1963 and 28th August 1963.

II. Accounts

The Boxmasters Cash Account for the year ended 15th September 1963 was approved on the motion of Mr Cecil G Black seconded by Mr W A Findlay. Mr A Lindsay Robertson and Mr J Sanderson suggested that the Clerk’s Salary should be increased. Mr Cecil g Black proposed hat the Salary should increased to £50 immediately. Mr W A ~Findlay considered that a considerable annual amount of the work of the Clerk and his Staff was in connection with arranging the Annual Dinner and Functions and he made a suggestion that levy for the Dinner expenses should be made against each Member. After a further discussion this matter was left to the Committee.

III. Election of Office Bearers

(a). On the motion of Dr George H Smith, Boxmaster David S Moyes was unanimously elected Deacon for the ensuing year. The new Deacon expressed his thanks to the Members of the Craft for the honour they had paid him in appointing him Deacon and assured the Members that it would be his endeavour to serve the Craft to he best of his ability.

He also paid tribute to the services rendered to the Craft by Ex-Deacon Dr George H Smith.

The presentation of an Ex-Deacons Badge to Dr Smith was made by the new Deacon. Dr Smith stated how much he had enjoyed the honor of acting as Deacon of the Bonnetmaker Craft for the past two years and thanked the Boxmaster and Members of Committee for their co-operation and assistance.

(b). Boxmaster

On the motion of the Deacon Mr J Greig Sibbald was unanimously elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year. In accepting office Mr Sibbald thanked the Members of the Craft for the honour they had paid him in appointing in to the high office.

(c). Committee

It was intimated that Dr O Taylor Brown, Mr D W H McKerchar and Mr W K Black retired and were not eligible, for re-election, the following Members were elected to the Committee to hold office for twp years namely: Mr Kenneth W Pritchard, Dr R Glyn Thomas and Mr Chessor L Matthew.

(d). Clerk

Mr Frank Hay was unanimously re-elected as Clerk to the Craft.

IV. Annual Dinner

The Deacon intimated that the Annual Dinner would be held in the Invercarse Hotel on Wednesday 4th December 1963.

V. Any Other Competent Business

Mr W A Findlay stated that as the Annual accounts did not close until 15th September it was not giving the Clerk time to complete the Accounts and send the Abstracts to the Members and he proposed that the Accounts should in future close on 30th June in each year. This was agreed.

VI. Kirking of the Trades

The Deacon intimated that the Kirking of he Trades would be held in St Andrew’s Church on 13th October next and that the Reverend T R S Campbell would refer to this at the Supper.

David S Moyes Chairman.

At Dundee the Twenty sixth day of September 1963

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 7 p.m.


Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald

Also attending

Thirty two Members of the Craft as per Lockit Book and Mr Frank Hay Clerk
Deacon David S Moyes proposed and Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:
James Crabbe Johnston Bank Manager Lyndale Lawhead Road East St Andrews

Nigel Robertson Falconer Law Medical Representative 48 East Haddon Road Dundee

Alister Geekie Robertson Law Medical Practitioner 10 Forfar Road Dundee

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Membership issued on payment of entry money and dues.

David S Moyes Chairman
Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Friday 24th October 1963 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald, Glyn Thomas, and Alistair H Mill

Ex- Deacon George H Smith, Ralph Pride, Dr O Taylor Brown, D W H McKerchar and W K Black
Apologies for absence were intimated from Ex- Deacon Chessor Matthew and Kenneth W Pritchard
I. Minutes.

The Minute of Meeting held on 29th August 1963 was read and approved.

II. Arrangements for Annual Dinner

The Deacon reported that he had now completed the Toast List for the Annual Dinner which was as follows: “Her Majesty’s Forces” proposed by James Carmichael Esq. MA (Hon) FEIS Vice-President Educational Institute of Scotland. Reply Major General D B Lang DSO, MC.

“The City and Trade of Dundee” proposed by the Lord Lieutenant of Perthshire The Earl of Mansfield and Mansfield. Reply Lord Provost Maurice McManus LL. JP

“The Nine Incorporated Trades” proposed by Professor J W L Adams BA Oxon, MA. Reply Matthew M Waddell Esq. JP Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades.

“Vote of Thanks” the Boxmaster.

The Clerk submitted Menus and it was left to the Boxmaster and the Clerk to arrange a suitable Menu with the Invercarse Hotel. It was decided to fix the price of he Tickets at 30/-. It was also decided to engage a three piece Orchestra.

The Deacon suggested that the Town Officer might be asked to announce the Guests and that was agreed.

It was decided to hold another Meeting of the Committee on Thursday prior to the Annual Dinner.

David S Moyes Chairman
Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 28th November 1963 at 4 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald Ex- Deacon George H Smith, Leslie F Mitchell and Chessor Matthew

Apologies for absence were intimated from John R Coacher Dr R Glyn Thomas and Kenneth W Pritchard
I. Minutes.

The Minute of Meeting held on 24th October 1963 was read and approved.

II. Arrangements for Annual dinner

The Deacon reported on the arrangements that had been made regarding the Annual Dinner to be held in Wednesday 4th December.

The Deacon suggested that Loud Speaker equipment should be provided and the Clerk was instructed accordingly. The Deacon requested that Song Sheets be supplied.

It was arranged that Deacon Moyes, Boxmaster Sibbald and Ex-Deacon Smith should attend Invercarse Hotel on Wednesdays at 2.30 p.m. to make final table arrangements.

The Deacon arranged for the Members of the Committee to look after the principal Guests.

David Moyes Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 6th February 1964 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald, John R Conacher, Louis M Hill, Chessor Matthew and Leslie F Mitchell

Apologies for absence were intimated from>Ex-Deacon Dr Smith and Kenneth W Pritchard.
I. Minutes.

The Minute of Meeting held on 28th November 1963 was read and approved.

II. Applications for Membership

An Application for Membership from Mr Harold M Adams Merchant and Distributor 2 India Buildings Dundee was submitted. The Clerk stated that he expected to receive Applications from twin sons of Mr Allardyce and also an Application from Mr Mortali Dentist. The Deacon also reported that he expected to receive two further Applications and it was agreed that provided the Applications were received in time the Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk would have authority to approve these Applications.

III. Arrangements for Making.

The Deacon reported that the Queen’s Hotel had no suitable date available in March and that he and the Clerk had visited the Angus Hotel and had booked rooms for Thursday 5th March 1964. Specimen Menus were submitted and the Clerk was instructed to discuss these with the Angus Hotel. Te price of the meal was to be 14/6d and after discussion it was agreed that the price of the Tickets for this Special Making should be 17/6d.

IV. Toast List

It was decided that the Toasts should be:

“The Nine Incorporated Trades” “The Clergy” and “The New Members”.

It was suggested that Mr Scott C Henderson should be asked to propose the Toast of “The Clergy” and the Reverend T R S Campbell would reply. The Toast of “The Nine Incorporated Trades” should be proposed by Mr John R Pate and the Convener would reply. If either of these gentlemen were unable to attend it was suggested that the Chief Constable John H Orr and Dr Law might be approached. The “Vote of Thanks” would be in the hands of a Committee Member Mr Leslie F Mitchell.

V. Annual Dinner

The Clerk submitted Statement of Receipts and Payments on the Annual Dinner held on 4th December 1963 which showed a deficit of £3. 5. 9d. The Accounts were agreed.

A general discussion regarding last years Dinner then took place and it was felt that the time taken up by the Speakers should be cut down if possible. It was suggested that a Toast Master should be engaged. The Deacon reported that he had provisionally booked the Angus Hotel for the Annual Dinner on the 25th November 1964. The Clerk stated that of course the Invercarse Hotel was also provisionally booked for 2nd December 1964. It was decided to do nothing further for definite bookings until after the Making.

The Deacon stated that the toast List for the Annual Dinner might now be:

“The City and Trade of Dundee”.

“The Nine Incorporated Trades”

“Our guests”.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman

David S Moyes Chairman
At Dundee the Fifth day of March 1964

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft held within the Angus Hotel Dundee at 7.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald

Also attending

Fifty eight Members of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Apologies: Apologies for absence were intimated from Lord Dean of Guild A S Drummond, Ex-Convener George H Smith, W R R Bruce, David Mudie and T Lindsay Gray

Deacon David S Moyes proposed and Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

Harold M Adams Merchant and Distributor 2 India Buildings Dundee

John Prophet Allardyce, Surgical Instrument Maker 45 Blake Street Broughty Ferry.

David Anderson Outfitter Mayfield Guthrie Street Carnoustie

Alexander F Bremner Insurance Broker Craigmore 28 Taymouth Street Carnoustie

Dr Samuel Buchan Company Director Homestead Carlogie Road Carnoustie.

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. Te Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

David Moyes Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 16th April 1964 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald Leslie Mr F Mitchell

Apologies for absence were intimated from J Conacher and Dr R Glyn Thomas
I. Minutes.

The Minute of Meeting held on 6th February 1964 was read and approved.

II. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting and Making

After discussion it was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting on the 7th October in the Queen’s Hotel if that date was available. The Clerk was instructed to make the necessary arrangements.

The Clerk submitted a Statement of Receipts and Payment of the Initiation Meeting and Making held in the Angus Hotel on 6th March 1964 showing a deficit of £6.16. 6d but the Deacon had still to make a contribution towards the refreshments at the Top Table.
III. Annual Dinner

It was decided that the Annual Dinner should be held on 2nd December 1964 and that the provisional booking at the Invercarse Hotel should be made final. Certain suggestions as to speakers were put forward. The Deacon suggested that in order to reduce the length of the Toast List that a Toast Master be engaged and that the Toast of “The Guests” would be proposed by himself. This was agreed.

IV. Lockit Book

The Clerk stated that we would shortly be requiring a new Lockit Book and it was left to him in the first instance to approach Mr Crawford of the Art College or Burns & Harris to see if they could undertake to produce a Lockit Book as near as possible to the original.

David Moyes Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Wednesday 2nd September 1964 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon David S Moyes, Ex-Deacon George H Smith, Dr R Glyn Thomas and Mr Frank Hay Clerk

Leslie Mr F Mitchell

Apologies for absence were intimated from John Conacher, Louis M Hill, Leslie F Mitchell, Chessor L Matthew and Boxmaster J Greig Sibbald
I. Minutes.

The Minute of Meeting held on 11th April 1964 was read and approved.

II. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting and Making

The Secretary submitted a Specimen Menu which he had received from the Queen’s Hotel and informed that Meeting that after discussion the Manager had agreed to charge 15/-. This was the minimum he would Charge. A discussion followed as to the price of tickets for the Supper following the Making and it was decided to charge 17/6d as formerly.

III. Toast List

It was decided that the Toasts should be “The City and Trade of Dundee”, “The Nine Incorporated Trades”, and “The New embers”. The Secretary was instructed to contact Mr John R Pate and ask him to propose the Toast of the City and Trade of Dundee and to approach Mr George A Crabb and ask him to propose the Toast of the Nine Incorporated Trades. Other names were suggested if these gentlemen were not available.

IV. Applications for Membership

The Secretary reported that Mr Allardyce and Mr Mortali whose Applications were passed prior to the last Making and who were not available to attend would come up at this Making. No further Applications had so far been received. The Deacon, Boxmaster and the Clerk were authorised to approve of any late Applications.

V. Annual Dinner

The Deacon reported in the progress he had made to obtain Speakers for the Annual Dinner. The name of Lewis F Robertson was suggested and Dr R Glyn Thomas was to approach him.

VI. Clerk’s Salary

A discussion followed out of the instructions to the Committee at the last Annual General Meeting and in view of the fact that the Accounts for the year showed a loss the Clerk intimated that he could not see his way to accept any increase in Salary. It might be part of the Salary given as expenses.

David Moyes Chairman



Funds as at 15th September 1963

852. 7. 7


From General Fund

253. 0. 0


From Trades Fund

12. 4.10


Entrance Fees

107. 2. 0


Proceeds of Sale of Tickets

333. 5. 6




Loss on Re-Valuation

17.10. 0


Pensions paid

258. 0. 0


Over Feuduty

12. 6


Entrance Fees paid to Nine Incorporated Trades

59.10. 0


Income Tax

7. 9


Hotel Accounts Etc

354. 1. 6


Clerk’s Salary

31.10. 0



19. 5.11

Funds at Close of account

822. 2. 3



Total Receipts

710.12. 4

Total Payments

740.17. 8

Expenditure over Income

30. 5. 0

Funds of the Craft at close of this Account

Fairsdale feu

38.13. 4

Gas Annuity

110. 0. 0

British Transport Guar Stock 1978/88: £85. 8. 9d

54.13. 7

British Transport 3% Guar Stock 1978/88: £14.11. 3

9. 6. 5

3% Savings Bonds 1960/70 £229. 8. 4

201.12 9

-do- £250.17. 4d

220.15. 3

-do- 320

17.12. 0

Corporation of City & Burgh of Dundee Annuity

16. 0

Deacon’s Badge Chain & Staff

22. 2. 0

Safe & Stand

18. 2. 0

Banner, Case & pole

31.10. 0

Clydesdale & North o fScotland Bank Ordinary Account


Dundee Savings Bank SID Account

5.11. 1

Cash in hand

24.18. 1

524. 2. 3

Benevolent Fund

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 15th Sept 1963

57.18. 2

Interest received

1. 8. 6

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 30th June 1964

59. 6. 8


59. 6. 8

59. 6. 8

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