Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book

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The price of Tickets was fixed at 30/-. It was also decided that the Deacon and Boxmaster would offer hospitality to any of the Speakers who were staying overnight.
V. March Making

It was agreed to endeavour to arrange Wednesday 23rd March 1966 or Friday 25th March 1966 for the Making.

VI. General

Reference was made to the remarks made by Mr Watson at the October Making and by the Reverend T R S Campbell in his address at the Kirking of the Trades. it was felt that perhaps the Craft take more interest in Public Affairs and this matter would be discussed at a furore Meeting.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

O Taylor Brown. Chairman

Abstract of Accounts of Receipts and Payments of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee from 30th June 1964 to 30th June 1965



Funds as at 15th September 1964

822. 2. 3


Sums received from General Fund

250. 0. 0


Income from Trades Fund

19.11. 2


Entrance Fees

81.18. 0


Proceeds of Sale of Tickets

289.18. 6

1463. 9.11



Loss on Re-Valuation

24.10. 0


Pensions paid

250. 0. 0


Over Feuduty

1. 0. 4


Entrance Fees paid to Nine Incorporated Trades

43.15. 0


Income Tax

7. 9


Hotel Accounts Etc

319.16. 2


Clerk’s Salary

31.10. 0




Funds at Close of account


1463. 9.11

1463. 9.11

Total Receipts

641. 7. 8

Total Payments

698.16. 1

Expenditure over Income

57. 8. 5

Benevolent Fund

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 30th June 1964

59. 6. 8

Interest received

1. 9. 6

Balance in Dundee Savings Bank at 30th June 1965

60.16. 2


60.16. 2

600.16. 2

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 17th February 1966 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon O Taylor Brown, Mr Harold M Adams, Mr John P Allardyce, Mr W S Gauldie, Ex-Deacon Ralph Pride

Apologies for absence were intimated from: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Ex-Deacon David S Moyes and Mr Alan C Lemon

I. The Minute of Meeting of Committee held on Friday 22nd October 1965 was read and approved.
II. Pensions

In connection with the reference made in the last Minute regarding Pensions the Boxmaster stated that he thought that we might require to give more attention to the granting of threes Pensions in the future. The Clerk stated that he every year wrote to the Pensioners requesting them to confirm whether their financial position had increased or not. The Boxmaster stated that his was a matter that could be left to a later Meeting of the Committee.

III. New Lockit Book

The Clerk reported on the position of the Lockit Book and stated that there appeared to be a delay in getting Mr Harrington’s part of the work completed.

The Clerk submitted a list of Subscribers to the Special Appeal for the Lockit Book. The Boxmaster enquired if the Circular which was to be sent out by the Deacon making as special Appeal to these Members who did not contribute had been done and the Clerk stated tat to the best of his knowledge this had still to be carried out.

The Boxmaster undertook to contact the Deacon in this matter and it was decided that a complete list of the Subscribers might be delayed until all the Members had had a further opportunity of subscribing.

IV Applications for Membership

He Clerk reported that the only Application he had in hand was the one from Mr Hugh Harold Martin. Certain names were suggested and the Committee authorised the Deacon, the Boxmaster and the Clerk to pass these Applications when received. The Boxmaster stated that he was most anxious to have at least three or four Applications.

V. Toast List

It was decided that the Toasts should be:

“The City and Trade of Dundee”

“The Nine Incorporated Trades”

“The New Members”.

Mr w S Gauldie undertook to propose the Toast of “The City and Trade of Dundee” and Mr John P Allardyce undertook towropes the Toast of “The Nine Incorporated Trades”

It was decided to request Ex-Deacon John Robb to propose the Vote of Thanks. It was agreed that the price of the tickets should be £1. 1/- and that the Menu should be approved by the Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk.

O Taylor Brown Chairman

At Dundee the Twenty third day of March 1966.

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown

Also attending:

(blank) Members of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay Clerk
Deacon J Greig Sibbald proposed and Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

James G Lockhart Director “Elmbank” Elmwood Road Dundee. Hugh H Martin Ariba Longcroft Longforgan.

Roger Roscoe, Chartered Town Planner 62 Fintry Place Broughty Ferry Dundee.

William J Wood Bank Manager 77 Strathern Road Broughty Ferry Dundee

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

J Greig Sibbald

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Thursday 12th May 1966 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown, Mr Harold M Adams. Mr J P Allardyce

Apologies for absence were intimated from: Mr Alan C Lemon and Mr David Moyes
I. The Minute of Meeting held on 11th February 1966 was read and approved.
II. Ralph Pride Bequest

The Clerk read a letter from Messers Hendry & Fenton Agents for the late Mr Pride’s Executors intimating a bequest of £1000 to the Craft. The Clerk stated that he had already written to Hendry & Fenton expressing the very grateful thanks of the Craft to Mr Pride for this very generous bequest.

A full discussion followed and it was decided that a full Meeting of the Members of the Committee might be called specially to deal with how the bequest should be utilised but in the meantime he Deacon was to call an informal Meeting of he Ex-Deacons to ask their advice on the matter. The Committee authorised the Deacon, Boxmaster and the Clerk to arrange temporary investment so soon as the bequest was paid.

The Clerk informed the Committee that the total amount of the Subscriptions received from the Members towards the cost of the New Lockit book etc was £347. 6. 6. He submitted an Account from Messers T M Sparks & Son Ltd for the preparation of the Lockit Book amounting to £98. 9. 2d and the Clerk was authorised to pay the account.

In connection with the proposed purchase of a new Banner the Clerk submitted an Estimate from D M Goudielock Ltd for a blue and gold Banner, edged gold silk fringe, Hand Painted design exactly as the existing Banner of the Craft for £16.10/- and a further estimate for an Embroidered Banner at a total cost of £233.17. 6.

The Clerk stated that Mr Sutherland a Member of the Craft and Secretary of the Rotary Club had been most helpful in obtaining these estimates. It was decided that the Deacon might have a word with Mr Sutherland regarding the proposed Banner and the decision regarding the proposed Banner was delayed. The Boxmaster stated hat he thought an Embroidered Banner might be very heavy and that a replica of the existing Banner might be satisfactory.

He suggested dates for the Annual General Meeting and Making were given as 28th September, 5th or 12th October. It was left to the Clerk to ascertain the exact date of the Kirking of the Trades so that he making might be held on a date before the Kirking.

The Deacon stated that the Annual Dinner would be held on 2nd November and he submitted suggested names for the Principal Toasts and he was to approach certain likely Speakers.

The Boxmaster raised the question of the proportion of our Entrance Fees received from the Members who we had to pay over to the Nine Incorporated Trades and thought that we might ascertain if all the Crafts were charged the same proportions. The Boxmaster further stated that in the past few years the finances of the Craft were insufficient to meet all our necessary outlays and this whole matter would require to be gone over.

J Greig Sibbald Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Wednesday 14th September 1966 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown, Mr Harold M Adams. And Mr J P Allardyce

Apologies for absence were intimated from: Mr W S Gauldie, Mr Alan C Lemon and Ex-Deacon David Moyes
I. The Minute of Meeting held on Thursday 12th May 1966 was read and approved.

The Deacon referred to certain items arising from the Minute and stated tat a Meeting of the Ex-Deacons had not been called to discuss the use that Mr Ralph Pride’s bequest was to be put to and general discussion followed. It was pointed out that Income Tax would be deducted from any interest received on this Investment and although the Nine incorporated Trades were treated as a Charitable Trust the individual Crafts were not. It was decided to take no definite steps regarding this matter until later at the Annual General (Meeting) Members might be asked to send in written suggestions as to the use to which the bequest should be put. It was also pointed out that the Income of the Trust was very limited and it was felt that Mr Pride would not have wished any separate Charitable Trust to be constituted and the actual Bonnetmaker Craft not to get the benefit of his bequest.

II Accounts

The Accounts for the year to 30th June 1966 were submitted and approved. These Accounts had already been audited by the Deacon and the Boxmaster and Mr Adams as a Member of the Committee signed the docquet in the Cash Book.

III. Arrangements for Annual General Meeting and Making

The Deacon reported that the following gentlemen had agreed to become Members of the Craft:

Elson Gamble JP, Mr Ronald C Miller a son of Mr Arthur J Miller, a Bonnetmaker, Mr THomas Agnew Solicitor a son of the late THomas Agnew Solicitor who was a Bonnetmaker, A Malcolm Currie Property Agent and Mr James Dunbar.

The Clerk stated that he thought that Mr Graham C Thomson Simer would like to join the Craft.

It was suggested that Mr Alistair Nicoll. Stockbroker might be approached.

The Toast List was then discussed and it was agreed that the Toasts should be

The Nine Incorporated Trades

The Clergy

The New Members

The Boxmaster stated he would approach Dr S D Forwell to propose the Toast of The Nine Incorporated Trades and Dr George H Smith as Convener would reply. It was decided to ask Mr Wood to propose the Toast of The Clergy and the Reverend T R S Campbell would reply. The Boxmaster as usual would propose the toast of the New Members. It was agreed that the price of the Tickets for the Dinner would be 25/-.

IV Arrangements for Annual Dinner

The Deacon reported on the progress he had made with the Toast List.

V. New Banner

The Deacon reported that he had ordered a new Banner being a replica of the existing Banner. It was thought that this Banner should be dedicated and the Clerk was asked to contact the Reverend T R S Campbell in this matter.

The Boxmaster raised the question of the Annual Income of the Craft and pointed out that the Clerk’s Salary was inadequate and it was thought that expenses might be paid to him in lieu of increasing his Salary.

It was decided to discuss the matter at the next Meeting.

J Greig Sibbald Chairman
At Dundee the Twelfth day of October 1966

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held in Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown

Also attending

Thirty one Members of the Craft and Mr Frank Hay clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from:

Mr Alan C Lemon, Mr Robert R Douglas, Mr A J Lindsay Robertson, Lord Dean of Guild Alexander S Drummond, Mr B D Doig, Ex-Deacon David S Moyes and Mr Nicoll P S Gregor
The Deco welcomed the Members and thanked them for their attention. He referred to the sad loss to the Craft by the sudden death of Mr Thomas P Winter who was a very enthusiastic Member.

The Deacon also referred to the very handsome bequest made by the late Mr Ralph Pride of £1000 to he funds of the Craft.

Reference was also made to the new Banner which was dedicated at the Kirking of the Trades by the reverend T R S Campbell on Sunday 9th October 1966.

The following Minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting - 6th October 1965

(b) Special General Meeting – 6th October 1965

(c) –do- 23rd March 1966

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings had been held on 22nd October 1965, 17th February 1966, 12th May 1966 and 14th September 1966.


The Clerk read over the Boxmasters Cash Account for the year ended 30th June 1966 an Abstract of which had already been circulated to the Members. The Clerk explained that the Investment income of the Craft amounted to only £19 and it was essential that new Members should be admitted regularly. The Accounts were approved on the motion of Cecil B Black and seconded by Ex-Convener Matthew M Waddell.

Election of Office Bearers

(a) Deacon

On the motion of the Boxmaster seconded by Convener Dr George H Smith Mr J Greig Sibbald was unanimously re-appointed Deacon, Mr Sibbald thanked the Members for their c-operation and assistance.

(b) Boxmaster

On the motion of the Deacon seconded by Mr McNab Dr O Taylor Brown was unanimously re-elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year.

(c) Committee

It was intimated that Lovat Grant, James S Dorward and W S Smillie retired and were not eligible for re-election and it was pointed out that another Member would require to be appointed in place of the late Mr Ralph Pride. The following Members were elected to the Committee to hold office for two years: Arthur J Miller, W R Black, Leslie Mitchell and Dr Tulloch.
(d) Clerk

Mr Hay was unanimously reappointed Clerk of the Craft.

There being no other business the Meeting closed with a Vote of thanks to he Chairman

J Greig Sibbald Chairman

At Dundee the Twelfth day of October 1966

At a Special General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held in the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6..45 p.m.

Present: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown

Also attending:

Thirty one Members of the Craft and Frank Hay Clerk

Deacon J Greig Sibbald proposed and Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

Thomas Agnew Solicitor, 8 Roxburgh Terrace Dundee

Archibald Malcolm Thomson Currie Property agent 41 Dawson Road West Ferry Dundee

James Batchelor Devlin Chartered Quantity Surveyor 34 Jedburgh Road Dundee

Ronald Brodie Millar Dental Surgeon Oakdene Cedar Lane Liss Hants

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

J Greig Sibbald Chairman

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 148 Nethergate Dundee on Wednesday 26th October 1966 at 5.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon J Greig Sibbald, Boxmaster Dr O Taylor Brown, Ex-Deacon David S Moyes. Messers Harold W Adams, John Allardyce, W K Black, Leslie F Mitchell and Dr A K Tulloch

An apology for absence was intimated from Mr Arthur J Millar
I. the Minute of Meeting of the Committee held on Wednesday 14th September 1966 was read and approved.

Arising out of the minute the Deacon referred to the suggestion that expenses should be allocated to the Clerk and the amount was left to be discussed at a Meeting to be held immediately prior to the closing of the Accounts for 1966/67.

II. Storage of Banner

The Clerk reported that the Reverend T R S Campbell had offered to have the Banner stored permanently in St Andrew’s Church and it was agreed that this offer should be accepted and the Deacon undertook to obtain a suitable covering for the Banner to save it from dust. It was suggested that the Clerk might consult Mr Chessor S Matthews on this matter.

III Pensions

The Applications for Pensions were submitted and the individual letters from the applicants were read to the Members. A very full discussion followed and it was felt that we could not take any exception to any of our Pensioners this year but the Deacon undertook to look into the financial position of one of the Pensioners before her Application was renewed for the following year. It was felt that a more stringent method of vetting the Applications should be undertaken in future yeares. The Clerk reported that all these Pensioners with the exception of the Pension paid to Mrs Alexina Laburn had been receiving Pensions for a considerable number of years prior to 1951 when he was appointed Clerk.

IV Arrangements for Annual Dinner

Toast list

The Deacon stated that the Toast List had bee completed and was as follows.

The Queen - the Deacon

The city and Trade of Dundee - Professor James Drever MA, FRSE, Master of Queen’s College and Principal Designate of the University of Dundee

Reply – Lord Provost Maurice McManus CBE, LL, JP

The Nine Incorporates Trades – James Strachan Esq. Deacon Convener of the Seven Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen.

Reply – Dr George H Smith MD, FR Path Convener of The Nine Incorporated Trades

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