Note: there are errors in the addition on several pages of Accounts. Presumably these are errors made by the Clerk copying them from the Cash Book into this Book

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The Menu for the Supper was considered and approved and it was agreed that the cost of the Tickets by £3.50.

The Toast List was discussed and it was agreed that the Toasts be The Nine Incorporated Trades and to The Deacon, Boxmaster and Clerk. The Deacon would arrange as to the Speakers. It was remitted to the Clerk to make the usual arrangements.

Annual Dinner

It was intimated that the Annual dinner of the craft would be held in the Invercarse Hotel on Wednesday the 23rd November 1977. It was remitted to the Deacon to arrange the Proposers of the Toast to the Trade and Prosperity of Tayside Region and it was hoped that the Reply would be by Convener Duncan Millar. Again the arrangements as to the Speakers was left in the hands of the Deacon.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

John Allardyce

At Dundee the 5th Day of October 1977

At the Annual general meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon Harold Adams, Boxmaster John Allardyce and Members of the Craft as per the Lockit Book

Also attending Mr Iain R L Lamont the Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from: Ex-Convene R Ogilvie Smith, Ex-Deacon J G Sibbald. Dr Derek Buchanan, Dr F Proudfoot, Dr A K Tulloch and Messers James I Merry, W A M Graham, H L Lawrie, Henry R Robb, Charles Brand, W D S Smith, James D Boyd, A R Ramsay, Neil Bowman and F W Allan

The following Minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting – 6th October 1976

(b) Special General Meeting – 6th October 1976

(c) –do- 9th March 1977

The Clerk reported that Committee Meetings were held on 21st October 1976. 27th January 1977 and 1st September 1977.


The Clerk submitted the Accounts of the Craft for the year to 30th June 1977 an abstract of which had already been circulated to Members. He reported tat the Income over Expenditure amounted to £38.29 due in the main to the fact that the proceeds from the sale of tickets for the Suppers and the Annual Dinner had been in excess of the expenses. In an effort to cut down on postal expenses all Members had been circulated asking them to conform if they wished to receive notices of the Suppers and makings and 177 Members had replied indication that they did. Accordingly a revised mailing list had been prepared.

The, matter of the cost of Ex-Deacons Badges was discussed and remitted to the Committee for consideration.
The accounts were approved on the motion of Ex-Deacon Dr Archie Ritchie seconded by Ex-Deacon Chessor Matthew.
Election of Office Bearers

(a) Deacon

On the motion of Deacon Harold Adams seconded by Chessor Matthew Mr John Allardyce was unanimously elected Deacon for the ensuing year. The new Deacon expressed his thanks to the Members of the Craft for appointing him Deacon and assured the Members that it would be his earnest endeavour to serve the Craft to he best of his ability. He alsp paid tribute to the services rendered to the Craft by Ex-Deacon Harold Adams and had pleasure in making the presentation to him of the Ex-Deacon’s Badge.

Ex-Deacon Harold Adams stated how much he had enjoyed the honour of acting as Deacon for the past two years and thanked the Members of the Committee for their co-operation and assistance,

(b) Boxmaster

On the motion of Deacon John Allardyce seconded by Ex-Deacon Harold Adams Mr F Gordon Allan was unanimously elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year. In accepting Office Mr Allan thanked the Members for the honour paid to him in appointing him to this office.

(c) The Clerk

On the motion of the Deacon Mr Iain R L Lamont was unanimously re-elected Clerk to the Craft

(d) Committee

It was intimated that De W P Dallas Ross, Mr James I Merry, Dr J A M Langlands and me Cecil Black retired from office and were not eligible for re-election.

The following were appointed Members of Committee to hold office for two years:

Mr Ronald Farqhuarson proposed by Ex-Deacon Harold Adams and seconded by Mr C E Allardyce.

Mr Jack Thomson proposed by Mr David Richardson and seconded by Mr R Gilbert.

Mr Jarvis Scott proposed by Ex-Deacon A S Drummond and seconded by Mr Peter Cluny

Annual Dinner

The Deacon intimated that the Annual Dinner would be held in the Invercarse Hotel on Wednesday 23rd November 1977.

Kirkin of the Trades

The Deacon reminded Members that the Kirkin of the Trades would take place in St Andrew’s Church on Sunday 12th October and he expressed the hope that as many Members as possible would attend.

The Annual Election of the Convener of the Nine Incorporated Trades would take place in the Church Hall at 10.30 a.m. preceding the Service.

John Allardyce

At Dundee the Fifth day of October 1977
At a Special general Meeting of the Bonnetmaker craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 7.15 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Boxmaster J Gordon Allan and Members of the Craft as per the Lockit Book also attending Iain R L Lamont Clerk


Deacon John Allardyce proposed and Boxmaster F Gordon Allan seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

John W Hay Farmer Carlungie Farm Carnoustie.

Alan R Muat Chartered Quantity Surveyor 8 Norwood Crescent Dundee

David H Price Base Manager 16 Davidson Street Broughty Ferry Dundee

William Slidders Chief Medical Laboratory Technician 227 Perth Road Dundee

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

John Allardyce

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held on Thursday 27th October 1977 at 5.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Ex-Deacon Harold Adams, Messers Jarvis Scott, F T G Conacher, R C Farquharson, Sinclair Aitken, David Richardson and Boxmaster Gordon F Allan

Also attending: the Clerk Mr Iain R L Lamont

A apologies for absence was intimated from D R T Ritchie, Dr Dallas Ross, Dr Langlands, Mr J I Merry and the Clerk Mr Iain R L Lamont


The Minute of the Meeting held on 1st September 1977 was read and approved

Arising from the Minutes

The Clerk reported that the proceeds of the sale of tickets for the Supper held on 5th October 1977 amounted to £212.80 and that the expenses were £207.82 leaving a surplus of £4.98. This was considered satisfactory.

The Clerk intimated that one of the Pensioners Mrs Elizabeth Mather had died on 26th August 1977. There are now three Pensioners and letters from them were read to the Meeting. As there had been no change in their financial circumstances since last year the Committee recommended that the three applications should be submitted to the Nine Trades Court. The Committee authorised the Deacon and Boxmaster to sign the List of Poor,
Annual Dinner

Arrangements for the Annual Dinner were considered and the Clerk submitted specimen Menus. It was agreed that a Menu be selected at a cost in the region of £4.50 and after consideration of other expenses it was agreed that the price of the tickets be £6. It was remitted to the Clerk to make the final arrangements with the Invercarse Hotel.

The Deacon stated that the Toast List was as followed:

The Trade and Prosperity of Tayside Region to be proposed by Mr Douglas Hardie and the reply by Convener J A Duncan Millar

The Toast to The Nine Incorporated Trades to be proposed by Rev T R S Campbell and the Reply by Convener Alexander Drummond.

The Guests would be proposed by the Deacon and the Reply by Mr Stevenson Deacon of the Incorporation of Bonnetmakers and Dyers of Glasgow.

The Boxmaster would propose the Vote of Thanks.
March Making

It was agreed that the March Making and Supper be held in the Queen’s Hotel on 8th March 1978 if the rooms are available on that date. The Deacon asked Members of the Committee to consider suitable applications for admission too the Craft in March.

Any Other Business

The Meeting considered whether there should not be a Bonnetmaker Craft tie and it was agreed to consider this further.

The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.

John Allardyce

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held on Thursday 27th October 1977 at 5.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Boxmaster Gordon F Allan

Ex-Deacon Harold Adams, Messers Sinclair Aitken, F T G Conacher, R C Farquharson, R W Glass, Jarvis Scott, John Thomson and the Clerk

Apology for absence was intimated from Dr F Proudfoot


The Minute of the Meeting held on 27th October 1977 was read and approved

Arising from the Minutes

It was noted that he November Dinner incurred a loss of £28.30 and it was decided that for the March Supper the full mailing list should be used less those who had indicated that they did not wish to remain on the mailing list.

Mr Sinclair Aitken submitted a proposed Bonnetmaker tie but this was found to be unsuitable and he was asked to go ahead with a different design.
March Making 1978

The list of new Members was considered and approved and the Boxmaster was advised to go ahead with his arrangements but to limit the final number to eight.

It was agreed to maintain the ticket price at £4.

It was also agreed that the Deacon propose formal Toast to the Nine trades and this would be replied to by the Convener. John Hay was to be invited to propose a Toast to the Oil Industry and Howard Price was to be invited to Reply. The Boxmaster would introduce the New Members who would reply individually as usual. Sinclair Aitken was asked to propose a Vote of Thanks.

Annual Dinner to be held on 22nd November 978

A preliminary discussion regarding Speakers for the Annual Dinner took place and several names were noted. These included:

David Yellowlees The Dean of Edinburgh

Mr Jim Halliday of the College of Education

Mr George B Johnston of the Education Department

Colonel F Lamb of Edzell

It was agreed to leave contact in the hands of the Deacon and the Clerk to make initial approaches.

The date of the 1979 Dinner was to be November 21st 1979

Any Other business

A suggestion that the other Crafts be invited to future Suppers was noted, and it was agreed that these would be tried at the October Making to take the place of a Toast to a profession or industry. He visiting Craft deacon would Reply to a Toast to his Craft.

There being no further business the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

John Allardyce Deacon

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at 1 Albert Square Dundee on Thursday 13th July 1978 at 5.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Messers F T G Conacher and R C Farquharson

Also attending Mr Iain R L Lamont the Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from Ex-Deacon Harold Adams and Sinclair Aitken

The Clerk intimated that in view of certain circumstances which had arisen he regretfully had to tender his resignation as Clerk to the Craft

The Deacon expressed his regret at his decision but accepted the position and stated that the had invited Mr David Tweedie of Messers Shield & Kyd Solicitors Dundee to be Interim Clerk until he next Annual General Meeting. Mr David Tweedie who was in attendance stated that he would be pleased to accept the position and arrange the takeover of the various documents of the Craft from Mr Lamont.

It was agreed that the next Meeting of the Committee would be held on 24 August 1978

John Allardyce Deacon

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at City House 16 Overgate Dundee on Thursday 24th August 1978 at 5.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Boxmaster F Gordon Allan, Ex-Deacon Harold Adams, Messers Jarvis Scott, Sinclair Aitken, D W Richardson, E W Glass and the Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from Dr F Proudfoot, H Farquharson and F Conacher.
Annual Accounts

The accounts for the Craft for the year to 30th June 1778 were on the table and were submitted for approval. It was explained that these had been prepared by the former Clerk and showed a deficit for the year of £103.73. Considerable discussion took place concerning the accounts and concern expressed as to the loss sustained for the year which to the extent of £50 was due to the losses on the two a

Suppers and the Annual Dinner held during the course of the year. Members discussed the financial difficulties involved in running the Craft where there is no annual levy and suggestions put forward including making a voluntary levy upon Members and also running a raffle at suppers. The Meeting favoured a voluntary levy made and it was decided that is would require he sanction of an Annual General Meeting. further the interim Clerk pointed out that the Accounts of the Craft do not appear to be audited and whilst the Accounts of not incorporate an abundance of financial transactions he felt it proper that the Annual Accounts should be audited by, say, two Honorary Auditors to be appointed each year from the membership of the Craft. The meeting unanimously agreed that this course of action should follow in future.
Finance of the 9 Incorporated Trades

Ex-Deacon Harold Adams spoke about the finances of the Nine Incorporated Trades and advised that the Commoner now has a Committee looking into the re-drafting of the Rules and Regulations of the Nine Trades involving all elements of finance. One point is the number of Pensioners who are dying off and the stage is going to be reached very soon where there are only one or two Pensioners left and finally none at all. The problem therefore is in what other way can the funds of the Nine Incorporated Trades be used and suggestions include sponsoring bursaries and scholarships.

Arrangements of Annual General Meeting

The meeting decided that the Agenda for the AGM to be held on 4th October 198 should include a proposal to raise a voluntary levy from members and also to incorporate the nomination of honorary auditors. Of possible applicants for admission at the Special Meeting following the AGM two application forms were on the table and the Deacon indicated that there should be two further applications – one from Bill Smith proposing someone and another from Dr W Yeaman proposing Mr Hector Powrie and it was arranged that the interim Clerk would look into this.

Also it was noted that Mr Ronald Farquharson had a proposed applicant in mind and the Deacon also had a further application in mind. There could possibly be six applicants for admission at the next meeting.

The Meeting left it to the Deacon to arrange the Speakers. The price of the ticket for the autumn meeting was discussed at length in conjunction with the possible Menu and it was decided that a ticket charge of £5 would be made and that the Deacon and Interim Clerk would arrange a Menu with the Hotel. It was also arranged that Ronald Farquharson would be asked to propose the vote of thanks at the end.

Annual Dinner

The Annual Dinner of the Craft will be held in the Invercarse Hotel on 2nd November 1978. The Principal Toast will be made by the Dean of Edinburgh the Very Reverend D W Brady and it was remitted to the Deacon to arrange the other Speakers.

Any Other Competent Business

He Deacon intimated that the design put forward for a Craft tie by Sinclair Aitken was now ideal and it was left to Sinclair to get a quotation for a woven tie incorporating the final design.

John Allardyce Deacon
At Dundee the 4th day of October 1978

At the Annual General Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held within the Queen’s Hotel Dundee at 6.45 p.m.

Present: Deacon John Allardyce, Boxmaster F Gordon Allan and Members of the Craft as per the Lockit Book

Also attending Mr David R Tweedie Interim Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from the Mr Derek Buchanan, Bryan G C Stenson, Bernard C Bowman, Neil Bowman, Ex-Convener Alex S Drummond, Duncan S Millar, Peter S Miller, Philip S Ridgway, Ex-Clerk Iain R L Lamont, James Boyd, Fred T G Conacher, Douglas T Stewart, Dr Derek Proudfoot, Muir N Cherry, A R P Ramsay, Alastair F Bremner, Hugh H Carlton,, Ex-Deacon Greig Sibbald, John Sibbald and David Sibbald.

The following minutes were read and approved:

(a) Annual General Meeting – 5th October 1977

(c) Special General meeting – 5th October 1977

The interim Clerk reported that whilst there had been a Special Meeting of the Craft held in Queen’s Hotel Dundee on Wednesday 8th March 1978 their had been no Clerk present at that Meeting and hence no Minute of the Meeting had been prepared. It was recorded that the following gentlemen were admitted Members to the Craft at the Special Meeting held on the 8th March namely:

Thomas Campbell Stocks Joiner and Contractor 35 Seaforth Road West Ferry Dundee

John Mills Hardie Company Director 5 Invergowrie Drive Dundee

James Michael Hardie Company Representative 576 Perth Road Dundee

Bruce Leslie Company Representative 55 Dalhousie Street Monifieth

John Rennie McWhirter Assistant Director of Education 10 Strathern Road Broughty Ferry Dundee

Kenneth Ian Malcolm Bank Manager 21 Cloan Road Downfield Dundee

The Interim Clerk submitted the Accounts of the Craft for the year to 30th June 1978 an Abstract of which had been circulated to Members prior to the Meeting. He reported that the Accounts disclose a deficit for the year of £13.75 and explained that his deficit had been bought about to the extent of £50 by losses incurred on the Suppers and Dinners held during the course of the year. The balance of the losses had been brought about by the ever-increasing running expenses of the Craft and he indicated that there was little likelihood of the position showing any improvement in view of escalating costs.

On the motion of Craftsman John Langlands seconded by Ex-Deacon Harold Adams the accounts were approved.

The Deacon explained to the Meeting that the Committee had already carefully considered rising costs of and expenses and ways and means by which the Craft might overcome the difficulties being encountered and the Deacon put forward to the Meeting he proposal unanimously agreed to by the Committee that a Voluntary Levy should be given effect to as from October 1979 and that members of the Craft would be asked to give a voluntary donation of £1. Some discussion followed and the proposal was thereafter unanimously approved by the Meeting.

Election of Office Bearers

(a) Deacon

On the motion of Boxmaster F Gordon Allan seconded by Interim Clerk David Tweedie Mr John Allardyce was unanimously re-elected Deacon for the ensuing year.

(b) Boxmaster

On the motion of the Deacon seconded by Craftsman Bill Black Mr F Gordon Allan was re-elected Boxmaster for the ensuing year.

(c) Clerk

On the motion of the Deacon seconded by Ex-Deacon Harold Adams Mr David B Tweedie was unanimously elected Clerk to the Craft.

The Deacon explained to the Meeting the circumstances under which former Clerk Iain R L Lamont had required to resign and the Deacon paid tribute to the hard work which had been undertaken by Iain Lamont over many years and expressed the Craft’s regret at losing his services.

(d) Committee

It was intimated that Dr F B Proudfoot. D W Richardson, E W Glass and F T C Conacher retired from office and were not eligible for re-election.

The following gentlemen were appointed Members of the Committee to hold office for two years, Dr William T Yeaman, Dr Ronald C Graham, George Hogg and George Crabb. The Deacon thanked the retiring Members if the Committee for their work over the last two years.

(e) Honorary Auditors

Mr Gordon Lowden and Mr Alastair Findlay were appointed Honorary Auditors for the ensuing year.
Annual Dinner

The Deacon intimated that the Annual Dinner would be held in the Invercarse Hotel on Wednesday 22nd November 1978.

Kirkin of the Trades

The Deacon reminded Members that the Kirkin of the Trades would take place in St Andre’s Chinch on Sunday next 8th October 1978.


Mr Sinclair Aitken reported that the design for the Craft tie had now been approved by the Committee and the first batch of 200 ties had been ordered and it was hoped that they would be to hand shortly.

The motif on the display the Corporate seal of the Craft and the basic colour is blue with other colours interwoven.

John Allardyce Deacon

At Dundee the 4th day of October 1978

At a Special Meeting of the Bonnetmaker Trade held within the Queen’s Hotel at 6.45 p.m.

Present Deacon John Allardyce, Boxmaster F Gordon Allan and Members of the Craft as per the Lockit Book

Also attending Davud N Tweedie Clerk

Deacon John Allardyce proposed and Boxmaster F Gordon Allan seconded the following gentlemen for admission to the Craft namely:

Hector Chalmers Fowlie Medical Practitioner 21 Clepington Road Dundee

Ian S McGill Accountant 7 Marlee Road Broughty Ferry Dundee

Duncan Martin McLean 16a Newtyle Road Muirhead of Liff Dundee

Alastair Irvine White Company Director 1 Rosedale Crescent Barnhill

William Murray Black Wood Bank Manager 49 Gotterstone Drive Broughty Ferry

These gentlemen having severally emitted the customary declaration were accordingly admitted Members with all the rights, privileges and immunities appertaining to Membership conform to Minute of admission in the Lockit Book. The Clerk was instructed to have Certificates of Admission issued on payment of entry money and dues.

John Allardyce Deacon

Minute of Meeting of the Committee of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee held at City House 16 Overgate Dundee on Thursday 26th October 1978 at 5.30 p.m.

Present: Deacon John P Allardyce, Boxmaster F Gordon Allan, Messers Ronald C Farquharson, James J Scott, Dr Ronald C Graham, George Hogg, George Crabb and the Clerk

Apologies for absence were intimated from Messers John Thomson and Sinclair Aitken and from Ex-Deacon Harold Adams

The Minutes of Meeting of the Committee held on 24th August 1978 were read and approved.

Arising from the Minutes the Clerk reported on the financial aspect of the last Supper and had to report that there had been a deficit of £16.69 on the function. It was noted that there had been 50 paying guests at £5 and 4 non-paying guests.

The Deacon reported that this had been a very successful AGM, Making and Supper and although there had been a deficit this was not a large one and the Voluntary donations received during the course of the evening more than off-set the loss.

The Boxmaster suggested that the Committee should seriously consider advancing the date of the next Autumn Making and Supper by one week and the general feeling of the Meeting was that this was a very good idea but that it would be left over for a definite decision at the Spring Meeting of the Committee.

The Deacon reported that he had visited all three pensioners presently on the Roll and tat all were deserving cases. Mrs Curtis and her daughter Mrs Scott are both most appreciative of the pension which they receive. Mrs Murray who is presently in receipt of a one-half pension only is a very deserving case indeed and after full discussion it was agreed that the Deacon would speak at the Meeting of the General Fund with a strong submission that her pension should be increased to a full pension.

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