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 Conexión. February 6, 2015. Periodista de Rapcos asesinado al finalizar noticiario; Univisión. February 7, 2015. El periodista Carlos Fernández fue asesinado a tiros en Honduras


 La Prensa. February 24, 2015. Matan a operador de Radio Globo en Tegucigalpa; Tiempo. February 24, 2015. Asesinan a operador de Radio Globo en la capital de Honduras.


 La Tribuna. April 24, 2015. Muere comunicador social que iba con juez asesinado; Cerigua. April 27, 2015. Dos periodistas asesinados en Honduras.


 La Prensa. April 25, 2015. Matan a balazos a camarógrafo de canal de televisión en Tegucigalpa; Cerigua. April 27, 2015. Dos periodistas asesinados en Honduras.


 La Prensa. May 14, 2015. Locutor asesinado en Yoro había sido amenazado and golpeado; CNN en español. May 14, 2015. Asesinan a locutor invidente en Honduras.


 Reporters without Borders (RSF). July 8, 2015. Honduras: otros tres asesinatos en el país de la impunidad; Hondudiario. June 23, 2015. Asesinan a comunicador en Puerto Cortés.


 El Tiempo. June 28, 2015. Honduras: Ultiman a camarógrafo en La Entrada, Copán; La Tribuna. June 29, 2015. Ultiman camarógrafo de medio de comunicación en Copán.


 RSF. July 8, 2015. Honduras: otros tres asesinatos en el país de la impunidad; El Tiempo. July 4, 2015. Asesinan a dueño de canal de televisión en Taulabé.


 CONADEH. February 6, 2015. 11 personas vinculadas a los medios de comunicación murieron en circunstancias violentas.


 IACHR. December 5, 2014. Preliminary Observations concerning the Human Rights Situation in Honduras.


 IACHR. Preliminary Observations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on its visit to Honduras, May 15 to 18, 2010. OEA/SER.L/V/II. Doc. 68. June 3, 2010. Para. 26.


 Official Gazette of the Republic of Honduras. Decree Law No. 379-2013, reforming Public Ministry Law. March 18, 2014.


 United Nations. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression. Addendum. Mission to Honduras. A/HRC/23/40/Add.1. March 22, 2013. Para. 40.


 IACHR. Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Special Study on the Status of Investigations into the Murder of Journalists during the 1995-2005 Period for Reasons that may be Related to their Work in Journalism. OEA/Ser.L/V/II.131. Doc. 35. March 8, 2008. Para. 116.


 IACHR. Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Special Study on the Status of Investigations into the Murder of Journalists during the 1995-2005 Period for Reasons that may be Related to their Work in Journalism. OEA/Ser.L/V/II.131. Doc. 35. March 8, 2008. Para. 125-126; IACHR. Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Impunity, Self-censorship and Armed Internal Conflict: An Analysis of the State of Freedom of Expression in Colombia. OEA/Ser.L/V/II Doc.51. August 31, 2005. Para. 65-66.


 IACHR. Annual Report 2013. Report of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Chapter III (Violence against Journalists and media workers: Inter-American standards and national practices on Prevention, Protection and Prosecution of Perpetrators). OEA/Ser.L/V/II.149. Doc. 50. December 31, 2013. Para. 37. In the same sense the observations of Frank La Rue, Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, in the context of his official visit to Honduras. Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression. Addendum. Mission to Honduras. A/HRC/23/40/Add.1. March 22, 2013. Para. 93 a).


 CONADEH. February 6, 2015. 11 personas vinculadas a los medios de comunicación murieron en circunstancias violentas; CONADEH/Prensa. May 7, 2015. Ante el CONADEH: Periodista denuncia que teme por su vida and pide protección para él and su familia.


 IACHR. Annual Report 2013. Report of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Chapter III (Violence against Journalists and media workers: Inter-American standards and national practices on Prevention, Protection and Prosecution of Perpetrators). OEA/Ser.L/V/II.149. Doc. 50. December 31, 2013, para. 274.


 United Nations. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). San José Declaration. May 2-4, 2013.


 Committee for Freedom of Expression (C-Libre). December 1, 2014. Acts of Aggression against Journalists in Honduras (information received during the IACHR’s on-site visit to Honduras held between December 1-5, 2014). Available at: file of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression; Pen International. Honduras; Journalism in the shadow of Impunity. 2014; National Human Rights Commission (CONADEH). February 6, 2015. 11 personas vinculadas a los medios de comunicación murieron en circunstancias violentas; CONADEH/Prensa. May 7, 2015. Ante el CONADEH: Periodista denuncia que teme por su vida and pide protección para él and su familia.


 C-Libre. January 3, 2014. Desconocidos tirotean vehículo de periodista frente al canal de televisión; Proceso Digital. January 2, 2014. Corresponsal de Abriendo Brecha espera pronta acción judicial tras atentado criminal.


 La Prensa. February 2, 2015. Disparan contra la Radio Nacional de Honduras; Committee for Freedom of Expression. February 3, 2015. Disparan dos balazos contra edificio de Radio Nacional de Honduras.


 C-Libre. March 27, 2015. Policías amenazan con sus armas a 10 periodistas.


 Televicentro (via YouTube). March 14, 2015. TVC TN5 Matutino – Policías Militares agreden a personal periodístico de Televicentro en SPS (video).


 C-Libre. December 1, 2014. Acts of Aggression against Journalists in Honduras (information received during the IACHR’s on-site visit to Honduras held between December 1-5, 2014. Available at: on file with the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression.


 C-Libre. February 5, 2014. Por difundir información deportiva, periodista recibe amenazas de muerte.


 Reporters without Borders (RSF). July 25, 2014. AMENAZAN DE MUERTE A TRES PERIODISTAS DE INVESTIGACIÓN POR UN REPORTAJE EN HONDURAS; El Heraldo/EFE. July 25, 2014. Piden a Honduras que proteja a tres periodistas amenazados de muerte; Centro Knight para el Periodismo en las Américas. July 30, 2014. RSF pede proteção a governo de Honduras para sua correspondente no país.


 Conexihon/C-Libre. August 18, 2014. Periodista responsabiliza a hijo de alcalde municipal si sufre atentado; Noticias Honduras. August 31, 2014. Reportero responsabiliza a hijo de alcalde por cualquier atentado.


 Conexihon/C-Libre. September 3, 2014. Hombres armados amenazan de muerte a periodista en Choluteca; El Libertador. September 3, 2014. Hombres armados amenazan de muerte a periodista hondureña.


 CONADEH. May 7, 2015. Ante el Conadeh: Periodista denuncia que teme por su vida and pide protección para él and su familia; La Prensa. May 7, 2015. Amenazan a muerte a dos periodistas hondureños; C-Libre. May 12, 2015. Dos periodistas hondureños amenazados a muerte.


 C-Libre. January 26, 2015. Periodista abandona el país por amenazas a muerte; Cholusat Sur Canal 36. January 28, 2015. Video: Periodista Ely Vallejo sale del país por temor a perder su vida; C-Libre. January 8, 2015. Periodista perseguido por desconocidos después de interrogar al presidente de Honduras.


 Reporters without Borders (RSF). June 10, 2015. RSF pide protección para el director de Radio Globo, que padece graves amenazas; Conexihon C-libre/You Tube. May 19, 2015. Amenazas a muerte para periodista que denunció corrupción del IHSS.


 C-Libre. January 29, 2015. Periodista amenazado por el Jefe de Seguridad del presidente del Congreso Nacional de Honduras.


 C-Libre. December 1, 2014. Acts of Aggression against Journalists in Honduras (information received during the IACHR’s on-site visit to Honduras held between December 1-5, 2014. Available at: on file with the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression.


 C-Libre. May 28, 2014. Persiste la intimidación and el asecho en contra de reportero de televisión; RSF. May 30, 2014. ASESINAN AL PERIODISTA HERNÁN CRUZ BARNICA: ¿DÓNDE PARARÁ LA VIOLENCIA EN HONDURAS?; Connection. December 2, 2014. Alex Sabillón, un retrato de la impunidad de los agresores.


 C-Libre. June 17, 2014. Frente a custodia policial empleado municipal amenaza de muerte a reportero; RSF. June 19, 2014. RSF ANIMA A HONDURAS PARA QUE ACRECIENTE SUS ESFUERZOS EN LA LUCHA CONTRA LA IMPUNIDAD.


 C-Libre. December 1, 2014. Acts of Aggression against Journalists in Honduras (information received during the IACHR’s on-site visit to Honduras held between December 1-5, 2014. Available at: on file with the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression.


 RSF. June 10, 2015. RSF pide protección para el director de Radio Globo, que padece graves amenazas; Conexihon C-libre/You Tube. May 19, 2015. Amenazas a muerte para periodista que denunció corrupción del IHSS.


 IACHR. July 3, 2009. IACHR expresses concern at the suspension of guarantees in Honduras and grants precautionary measures.


 IACHR. Annual Report 2014. Report of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Chapter II (Evaluation of the Freedom of Expression in the Hemisphere). OEA/Ser.L/V/II Doc. 13. March 9, 2015. Para. 635; IACHR. Annual Report 2011. Report of the Special Rapporteur for the Freedom of Expression. Chapter II (Evaluation of the Freedom of Expression in the Hemisphere). OEA/Ser.L/V/II Doc. 69. December 30, 2011. Para. 342.


 C-Libre. January 29, 2015. Periodista amenazado por el Jefe de Seguridad del presidente del Congreso Nacional de Honduras.


 IACHR. Undated. Precautionary Measures granted in Honduras.


 Luz Mariana Paz Villalobos (December 6, 2011); Aníbal Barrow (June 24, 2013); Manuel Murillo Varela (October 23, 2013); Juan Carlos Argeñal Medina (December 7, 2013). See: Reporters without Borders (RSF). May 2015. Entre crímenes, amenazas, acosos and más, los periodistas de Radio Globo and Globo TV transmiten la información; Pen International. Honduras; Periodismo a la Sombra de la Impunidad. 2014.


 RSF. July 29, 2014. RSF pide medidas cautelares para su corresponsal en Honduras Dina Meza.


 C-Libre. June 22, 2015. Presidenta de PEN Honduras corre riesgo por 20 incidentes en su contra.


 IACHR. Annual Report 2006. OEA/Ser.L/V/II.127. Doc. 4 rev. 1. March 3, 2007. Vol. I. Chapter III.


 CIPRODEH. Report on compliance with provisional and precautionary measures granted by the Commission and Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2013. On file with the IACHR; Pen International. Honduras; Periodismo a la Sombra de la Impunidad. 2014.


 Also, according to the information available, CONADEH issued precautionary measures in favor of journalists during the period covered by this report. Such is the case of journalists Francisco Zuñiga and Carlos Posada, of HRN and news program “Hoy mismo” of the channel Televicentro, who requested protection on May 7, 2015, from the CONADEH after receiving death threats. CONADEH reported that it asked the government to take precautionary measures to safeguard the integrity of journalists and their families CONADEH/Prensa. May 7, 2015. Ante el CONADEH: Periodista denuncia que teme por su vida and pide protección para él and su familia.


 Communication from the State of Honduras, Note No. SG/064/MHOEA/2015, Observations of the State of Honduras to the 2015 Draft Report on Honduras of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, December 14, 2015.


 UN Special Rapporteur on the Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the Representative on Freedom of the Media of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Special Rapporteur of the Organization of American States (OAS) for Freedom of Expression and the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and access to Information of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR). June 25, 2012. Joint Declaration on Crimes against the Freedom of Expression.


 United Nations. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO). International Programme for the Development of Communication. UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. Point 5.22.


 IACHR. Preliminary Observations concerning the Human Rights Situation in Honduras. December 5, 2014.


 CONADEH. February 6, 2015. 11 personas vinculadas a los medios de comunicación murieron en circunstancias violentas.


 IACHR. Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. July 15, 2013. Press Release R50/13. Office of the Special Rapporteur Condemns Murder of Kidnapped Journalist in Honduras; Proceso Digital. July 10, 2013. Fiscalía confirma que cuerpo encontrado en Siboney pertenece a Aníbal Barrow; La Prensa. July 10, 2013. Honduras: Confirman que cadáver hallado es de Aníbal Barrow.


 IACHR. Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. July 15, 2013. Press Release R50/13. Office of the Special Rapporteur Condemns Murder of Kidnapped Journalist in Honduras; Proceso Digital. July 10, 2013. Fiscalía confirma que cuerpo encontrado en Siboney pertenece a Aníbal Barrow; La Prensa. July 10, 2013. Honduras: Confirman que cadáver hallado es de Aníbal Barrow.


 La Prensa. March 15, 2014. Declaran culpable al “Chele” por el asesinato de Aníbal Barrow; Honduprensa/El Tiempo. March 14, 2014. Ocho años de cárcel para asesino de Aníbal Barrow.


 El Heraldo. July 13, 2013. Intensifican búsqueda del autor intelectual de crimen contra Barrow.


 Inter American Press Association (IAPA). June 12, 2014. IAPA welcomes conviction in Alfredo Villatoro case in Honduras; El País. June 12, 2014. Cadena perpetua a los asesinos de un periodista hondureño; El Universal/AFP. June 12, 2014. Cadena perpetua para asesinos de periodista en Honduras; El Heraldo. June 11, 2014. Cadena perpetua a asesinos de Alfredo Villatoro; Clases de periodismo. June 12, 2014. Honduras: Asesinos de periodista son condenados a cadena perpetua.


 IACHR. Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. May 17, 2012. Press Release R52/12. The Office of the Special Rapporteur Condemns Murder of Journalist Kidnapped in Honduras; Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas. May 16, 2012. Kidnapped Honduran radio journalist found dead; Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-Libre). May 16, 2012. Ángel Alfredo Villatoro Rivera; Reporters without Borders (RSF). May 16, 2012. Kidnapped Radio Journalist Alfredo Villatoro Found Shot Dead.


 Radio Progreso. Roger Mauricio condenado por asesinato de periodista Héctor Polanco. November 2013; Proceso Digital. March 24, 2014. Justicia hondureña ha logrado sentencias en cuatro de 40 casos de periodistas asesinados.


 IFEX/Reporters without Borders (RSF). September 12, 2012. Robber Gets 28 Years in Prison for Murdering TV Journalist; La Tribuna. September 11, 2012. 28 años de cárcel para el homicida de “Georgino” Orellana; IACHR. Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. April 22, 2010. Press Release R45/10. Office of the Special Rapporteur Expresses its Concern at the Latest Murder of a Journalist in Honduras and at the Grave Vulnerability of the Media There.


 IACHR. Annual Report 2011. Chapter III (The Petition and Case System). OEA/Ser.L/V/II. Doc. 69.30. December 2011, para. 74. Available for consultation at: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/docs/annual/2011/–TOC.asp.

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