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39-3.03A General

Section 39-3.03 applies to removing asphalt concrete dikes outside the limits of excavation.

39-3.03B Materials

Not Used

39-3.03C Construction


39-3.03D Payment

Not Used


39-3.04A General

Section 39-3.05 includes specifications for cold planning asphalt concrete pavement.

Cold planning asphalt concrete pavement includes the removal of pavement markers, traffic stripes, and pavement markings within the area of cold planning.

39-3.04B Materials

HMA for temporary tapers must be of the same quality that is used for the HMA overlay or comply with the specifications for minor HMA in section 39-2.07.

39-3.04C Construction

39-3.04C(1) General

Do not use a heating device to soften the pavement.

The cold planing machine must be:

1. Equipped with a cutter head width that matches the planing width unless a wider cutter head is authorized.

2. Equipped with automatic controls for the longitudinal grade and transverse slope of the cutter head and:

2.1. If a ski device is used, it must be at least 30 feet long, rigid, and a 1-piece unit. The entire length must be used in activating the sensor.

2.2. If referencing from existing pavement, the cold planing machine must be controlled by a self-contained grade reference system. The system must be used at or near the centerline of the roadway. On the adjacent pass with the cold planing machine, a joint-matching shoe may be used.

3. Equipped to effectively control dust generated by the planing operation

4. Operated such that no fumes or smoke is produced.

Replace broken, missing, or worn machine teeth.

If you do not complete placing the HMA surfacing before opening the area to traffic, you must:

1. Construct a temporary HMA taper to the level of the existing pavement.

2. Place HMA during the next work shift.

3. Submit a corrective action plan that shows you will complete cold planing and placement of HMA in the same work shift. Do not restart cold planing activities until the corrective action plan is authorized.

39-3.04C(2) Grade Control and Surface Smoothness

Install and maintain grade and transverse slope references.

The final cut must result in a neat and uniform surface.

The completed surface of the planed pavement must not vary more than 0.02 foot when measured with a 12-foot straightedge parallel with the centerline. With the straightedge at right angles to the centerline, the transverse slope of the planed surface must not vary more than 0.03 foot.

Where lanes are open to traffic, the drop-off of between adjacent lanes must not be more than 0.15 foot.

39-3.04C(3) Planed Material

Remove cold planed material concurrently with planing activities such that the removal does not lag more than 50 feet behind the planer.

39-3.04C(4) Temporary HMA Tapers

If a drop-off between the existing pavement and the planed area at transverse joints cannot be avoided before opening to traffic, construct a temporary HMA taper. The HMA temporary taper must be:

1. Placed to the level of the existing pavement and tapered on a slope of 30:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter to the level of the planed area

2. Compacted by any method that will produce a smooth riding surface
Completely remove temporary tapers before placing permanent surfacing.

39-3.04D Payment

Not Used


39-3.05A General

Section 39-3.06 includes specifications for removing base and asphalt concrete surfacing.

39-3.05B Materials

Not Used

39-3.05C Construction

Where base and surfacing are described to be removed, remove base and surfacing to a depth of at least 6 inches below the grade of the existing surfacing. Backfill resulting holes and depressions with embankment material under section 19.

39-3.05D Payment

The payment quantity for remove base and surfacing is the volume determined from the dimensions shown.

39-3.06–39-3.08 RESERVED



40-1.01 GENERAL

40-1.01A Summary

Section 40-1 includes general specifications for constructing concrete pavement.

40-1.01B Definitions

action limit: Test results at which corrective actions must be made while production continues.

full-depth crack: Crack other than a working crack that runs from one edge of a slab to the opposite or adjacent side of the slab.

raveling: Progressive disintegration of the concrete pavement surface resulting in dislodged aggregate.

suspension limit: Test results at which production must be suspended while corrections are made.

working crack: Crack that extends through the full depth of a slab and is parallel to and within 0.5 foot of a planned contraction joint.

40-1.01C Submittals

40-1.01C(1) General

At least 15 days before delivery to the job site, submit the manufacturer's instructions for storage and installation of:

1. Splice couplers for threaded tie bars

2. Joint filler
Submit calibration documentation and operational guidelines for frequency measuring devices for concrete vibrators as an informational submittal.

Submit updated QC charts each paving day as an informational submittal.

If repair or replacement of noncompliant concrete is required, submit a repair or replacement plan.

40-1.01C(2) Certificates of Compliance

Submit a certificate of compliance for:

1. Tie bars

2. Splice couplers for threaded tie bars

3. Dowel bars

4. Tie bar baskets

5. Dowel bar baskets

6. Joint filler

7. Epoxy-powder coating

40-1.01C(3) Quality Control Plan

Submit a concrete pavement QC plan. Allow 30 days for review.

40-1.01C(4) Mix Design

At least 15 days before testing for mix proportions, submit a copy of the AASHTO accreditation for the laboratory determining the mix proportions as an informational submittal.

At least 15 days before starting field qualification, submit the proposed concrete mix proportions, the corresponding mix identifications, and laboratory test reports, including measurements of the modulus of rupture, for each trial mixture at 10, 21, 28, and 42 days.

40-1.01C(5) Just-In-Time Training


40-1.01C(6) Concrete Field Qualification

Submit field qualification data and test reports, including:

1. Mixing date

2. Mixing equipment and procedures used

3. Batch volume in cubic yards

4. Type and source of ingredients used

5. Penetration of the concrete

6. Air content of the plastic concrete

7. Age and strength at the time of concrete beam testing

The minimum batch size for field qualification is 5 cu yd.

Field qualification test reports must be certified with a signature by an official in responsible charge of the laboratory performing the tests.

40-1.01C(7) Test Strips

You may request to eliminate a test strip if you use paving equipment and personnel from a Department project (1) for the same type of pavement and (2) completed within the past 12 months. Submit supporting documents and the previous project's information with your request to eliminate a test strip.

40-1.01C(8) Cores

Submit the name of the laboratory that will test the cores for air content.

Submit each core in an individual plastic bag marked with a description of the location from which the core was taken.

40-1.01C(9) Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

Submit 4 test specimens fabricated from a single sample of concrete for testing the coefficient of thermal expansion under AASHTO T 336 for field qualification and during production.

Submit your coefficient of thermal expansion test data at:

40-1.01C(10)–40-1.01C(15) Reserved

40-1.01D Quality Assurance

40-1.01D(1) General

If the pavement quantity is at least 2,000 cu yd, provide a QC manager.

Core pavement as described for thickness, bar placement, and air content.

Provide material and labor to assist the Engineer in fabricating test beams for the Department's modulus of rupture testing.

Allow at least 25 days for the Department to schedule testing for the coefficient of friction. Notify the Engineer when a lane or lanes are scheduled to be opened to traffic and when the pavement is ready for testing, which is the latter of:

1. 7 days after paving

2. When the pavement has attained a modulus of rupture of at least 550 psi

The Department tests for the coefficient of friction within 7 days of receiving notification that the pavement is ready for testing.

40-1.01D(2) Just-In-Time Training


40-1.01D(3) Quality Control Plan

The QC plan must describe the organization and procedures used to:

1. Control the production process

2. Determine whether a change to the production process is needed

3. Implement a change

The QC plan must include action and suspension limits and the details of the corrective action to be taken if any process is outside of those limits. The suspension limits must not exceed the specified acceptance criteria.

The QC plan must address the elements affecting concrete pavement quality, including:

1. Mix proportions

9. Contraction and construction joints

2. Aggregate gradation

10. Bar reinforcement placement and alignment

3 Materials quality

11. Dowel bar placement, alignment, and anchorage

4. Stockpile management

12. Tie bar placement

5. Line and grade control

13. Modulus of rupture

6. Proportioning

14. Finishing and curing

7. Mixing and transportation

15. Protecting pavement

8. Placing and consolidation

16. Surface smoothness

40-1.01D(4) Qualifications

Testing laboratories and their test equipment must be qualified under the Department's Independent Assurance Program.

Use a laboratory that complies with ASTM C1077 to determine the mix proportions for concrete pavement. The laboratory must have a current AASHTO accreditation for:

1. AASHTO T 97 or ASTM C78

2. ASTM C192/C192M

Use an ACI-certified concrete laboratory technician, Grade I, to perform field qualification tests and calculations.

40-1.01D(5) Mix Designs

Make trial mixtures no more than 24 months before field qualification.

Using your trial mixtures, determine the minimum cementitious materials content. Use your value for minimum cementitious material content for MC in equation 1 and equation 2 of section 90-1.02B(3).

To determine the minimum content of cementitious materials or the maximum ratio of water to cementitious materials, use modulus of rupture values of at least 570 psi for 28 days age and at least 650 psi for 42 days age.

If you change an aggregate supply source or the mix proportions, produce a trial batch and field qualify the new concrete. The Department does not adjust time for sampling, testing, and qualifying new mix proportions or changing an aggregate supply source.

40-1.01D(6) Test Strips

Construct a test strip for each type of pavement if the quantity is at least 2,000 cu yd. Obtain authorization of test strips before additional paving. Test strips must be:

1. From 700 to 1,000 feet long

2. Same width as the planned paving

3. Constructed using the same equipment to be used for constructing pavement

The Engineer selects from 6 to 12 core locations for dowel bars and up to 6 locations for tie bars for each test strip. If you use mechanical dowel bar inserters, the test strip must demonstrate they do not leave voids, segregations, or surface irregularities such as depressions, dips, or high areas.

Test strips must comply with the acceptance criteria for:

1. Smoothness except an inertial profile is not required

2. Dowel bar and tie bar placement

3. Pavement thickness

4. Final finishing except for the coefficient of friction

Allow 3 business days for evaluation of a test strip. If a test strip is not authorized, submit a plan for changes to your materials, methods, or equipment. Allow 3 business days for authorization of the plan. Construct another test strip under the authorized plan.

Remove test strips that are not authorized.

If a test strip is compliant except for smoothness and final finishing, you may grind the surface. After grinding, retest the smoothness under section 36-3. The Engineer retests the thickness after grinding.

Construct additional test strips if you change any of the following:

1. Paving equipment, including:

1.1. Paver

1.2. Dowel bar inserter

1.3. Tie bar inserter

1.4. Tining machine

1.5. Curing equipment

2. Concrete mix proportions

40-1.01D(7) Quality Control

40-1.01D(7)(a) General

During paving, test the concrete pavement under the test methods and at the frequencies shown in the following table:

Concrete Pavement Test Methods and Testing Frequencies

Quality characteristic

Test method

Minimum testing frequency

Cleanness value

California Test 227

2 per day

Sand equivalent

California Test 217

Aggregate gradation

California Test 202

Air content (air entrainment specified)

California Test 504

1 per hour

Air content (air entrainment not specified)

California Test 504

1 per 4 hours


California Test 518


California Test 533

Aggregate moisture meter calibrationa

California Test 223 or 226

1 per day

a Check the calibration of the plant moisture meter by comparing moisture meter readings with California Test 223 or California Test 226 test results.

Maintain control charts to identify potential problems and assignable causes. Post a copy of each control chart at a location determined by the Engineer.

Control charts for individual measurements of quality characteristics must use the target values in the mix proportions as indicators of central tendency.

Develop linear control charts for:

1. Cleanness value

2. Sand equivalent

3. Fine and coarse aggregate gradation

4. Air content

5. Penetration

Control charts must include:

1. Contract number

2. Mix proportions

3. Test number

4. Each test parameter

5. Action and suspension limits

6. Specification limits

7. QC test results

For control charts for fine and coarse aggregate gradation, record the running average of the previous 4 consecutive gradation tests for each sieve and superimpose the specification limits.

For control charts for air content, the action limit is 1.0 percent of the specified value. If no value is specified, the action limit is 1.0 percent of the value used for your authorized mix design.

As a minimum, a process requires corrective action if any of the following occurs:

1. 2 consecutive running averages of 4 tests for fine or coarse aggregate gradation are outside the specification limits

2. 1 point falls outside the suspension limit line for individual penetration or air content measurements

3. 2 points in a row fall outside the action limit line for individual penetration or air content measurements

Stop production for processes requiring corrective action.

Before placing concrete pavement each day and at intervals not to exceed 4 hours during production, use a tachometer to test and record the vibration frequency of the concrete vibrators.

40-1.01D(7)(b) Concrete Field Qualification

Before paving, your mix design must be field qualified.

For field qualification, the modulus of rupture at an age of 28 days or earlier must be at least:

1. 550 psi for each single beam

2. 570 psi for the average of 5 beams

40-1.01D(7)(c)–40-1.01D(7)(h) Reserved

40-1.01D(8) Department Acceptance

40-1.01D(8)(a) General

The Department tests the concrete pavement under the test methods and at the frequencies shown in the following table:

Department Acceptance Testing Frequency

Quality characteristic

Test method

Minimum testing frequencya



Air contentb

California Test 504

1 day's paving

Modulus of rupture at 28 days

California Test 523

1,000 cu yd

Dowel bar placement



700 sq yd

Tie bar placement



4,000 sq yd

Coefficient of friction

California Test 342

1 day's paving


California Test 531

1,200 sq yd

aA single test represents no more than the frequency specified.

bTested only if air entrainment is specified.

40-1.01D(8)(b) Verification Testing
40-1.01D(8)(b)(i) General

40-1.01D(8)(b)(ii) Air Content

If air-entraining admixtures are specified, the Engineer uses a t-test to compare your QC test results with the Department's test results. The t-value for test data is determined using the following equation:














































nc = number of your QC tests (minimum of 6 required)

nv = number of Department’s tests (minimum of 2 required)

= mean of your QC tests

= mean of the Department’s tests

Sp = pooled standard deviation

Sc = standard deviation of your QC tests

Sv = standard deviation of the Department’s tests
Your QC test results are compared with the Department's test results at a level of significance of  = 0.01. The t-value is compared to tcrit for the degrees of freedom shown in the following table:

Degrees of freedom (nc+nv-2)

tcrit (for  = 0.01)





















If the calculated t-value is less than or equal to tcrit, your QC test results are verified. If the calculated t-value is greater than tcrit, your QC test results are not verified.

If your QC test results are not verified, core at least 3 specimens from the concrete pavement under section 40-1.03M. The Engineer selects the core locations. The authorized laboratory must test these specimens for air content under ASTM C457. The Engineer compares these test results with your QC test results using the t-test method. If your QC test results are verified based on this comparison, the Engineer uses the QC test results for acceptance of concrete pavement for air content. If your QC test results are not verified based on this comparison, the Engineer uses the air content of core specimens determined by the authorized laboratory under ASTM C457 for acceptance.

40-1.01D(8)(c) Acceptance Testing
40-1.01D(8)(c)(i) General

The Department accepts concrete pavement based on compliance with the requirements shown in the following table:

Concrete Pavement Requirements for Acceptance

Quality characteristic

Test method




Air content

California Test 504

±1.5 % of the specified valuea

Modulus of rupture at 28 days

(min, psi)

California Test 523


Bar reinforcement depth tolerance at joints (min)

Field measurement

1/2 inch below the saw cut depth

Dowel bar placement tolerancesc:

Horizontal offset (inch)

Longitudinal translation (inch)

Horizontal skew (max, inch)

Vertical skew (max, inch)

Vertical depth


Field measurement





The minimum distance measured from the concrete pavement surface to any point along the top of the dowel bar must be:
DB + 1/2 inch


DB = 1/3 of the pavement thickness or the saw cut depth in inches, whichever is greater
The maximum distance below the depth shown must be 5/8 inch.

Tie bar placement tolerancesc:

Horizontal and vertical skew (max, inches)

Longitudinal translation (inches)

Horizontal offset (embedment, inches)

Vertical depth


Field measurement

5 1/4


1. At least 1/2 inch below the bottom of the saw cut

2. At least 2 inches from any point along the bar to the pavement surface or bottom

Coefficient of friction (min):

Concrete pavement

Ramp termini

California Test 342



Pavement smoothness

California Test 387, AASHTO R 57, and AASHTO R 56

1. No area of localized roughness with an International Roughness Index greater than 120 in/mi

2. Mean Roughness Index of 60 in/mi or less within a 0.1 mile section

Thickness toleranced (max, foot)

California Test 531

0.01 foot deficient of the thickness shown

aIf no value is specified, the air content must be within 1.5 % of the value used for your authorized mix design.

bAverage of the individual test results of 2 test beams.

cPlacement tolerance is measured relative to the completed joint.

dSee section 40-1.01D(8)(c)(iv) for additional thickness requirements.

40-1.01D(8)(c)(ii) Dowel and Tie Bar Placement

Core each day's paving within 2 business days. The Engineer identifies the joint and dowel or tie bar to be tested. Each dowel or tie bar test consists of 2 cores, 1 on each end of the bar to expose both ends for measurement. If the initial cores show that dowel or tie bars are within alignment tolerances and the Engineer orders more coring, the additional cores are change order work.

If the coring indicates the dowel or tie bars are not placed within the specified tolerances or if unconsolidated concrete is around the dowel or tie bars, perform additional coring as ordered to determine the limits of unacceptable work. The Engineer determines the limits for removal and replacement.

40-1.01D(8)(c)(iii) Pavement Smoothness

The Department may accept pavement smoothness based on your inertial profiler testing in the absence of its own testing.
40-1.01D(8)(c)(iv) Thickness

Drill cores for the Department's acceptance testing for thickness under section 40-1.03M. Drill the cores in the primary area, which is the area placed in 1 day for each thickness. Core at the locations determined by the Engineer and in the Engineer's presence.

If grinding is required, do not core until grinding has been completed.

The core specimen diameter must be 4 inches. To identify the limits of concrete pavement deficient in thickness by more than 0.05 foot, you may divide primary areas into secondary areas. The Engineer measures cores under California Test 531 to the nearest 0.01 foot.

You may request additional thickness measurements to determine the average thickness variation. The Engineer determines the locations with random sampling methods.

If each thickness measurement in a primary area is deficient by less than 0.05 foot, the Engineer calculates the average thickness deficiency in that primary area. The Engineer uses 0.02 foot for a thickness difference more than 0.02 foot over the specified thickness.

The thickness of the concrete pavement must not be deficient by more than 0.05 foot. For each thickness measurement in a primary area deficient by more than 0.05 foot, the Engineer determines a secondary area where the thickness deficiency is more than 0.05 foot. The Engineer determines this secondary area by measuring the thickness of each concrete pavement slab adjacent to the measurement found to be more than 0.05 foot deficient. The Engineer continues to measure the thickness until an area that is bound by slabs with a thickness deficient by 0.05 foot or less is determined.

Slabs without bar reinforcement are defined by the areas bound by longitudinal and transverse joints and concrete pavement edges. Slabs with bar reinforcement are defined by the areas bound by longitudinal joints and concrete pavement edges and 15-foot lengths. The thickness measurements for a secondary area in a slab determine that entire slab thickness.

The Engineer measures the remaining primary area thickness after removing the secondary areas from consideration for determining the average thickness deficiency.

The minimum thickness is not reduced for specifications that may affect concrete pavement thickness such as allowable tolerances for subgrade construction.

The Engineer determines the areas of noncompliant pavement, thickness deficiencies, and limits where removal is required.

Pavement with an average thickness deficiency less than 0.01 foot is acceptable. If the thickness deficiency is 0.01 foot or more and less than 0.05 foot, you may request authorization to leave the pavement in place and accept a payment adjustment. If the deficiency is more than 0.05 foot, you must remove and replace the pavement.

The deduction for pavement thickness deficiency in each primary area is as shown in the following table:

Deduction for Thickness Deficiency

Average thickness deficiencya


0.01 foot

$0.90/sq yd

0.02 foot

$2.30/sq yd

0.03 foot

$4.10/sq yd

0.04 foot

$6.40/sq yd

0.05 foot

$9.11/sq yd

aValues greater than 0.01 foot are rounded to the nearest 0.01 foot.

40-1.01D(8)(c)(v)–40-1.01D(8)(c)(viii) Reserved

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