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Where described, install temporary crash cushion modules under section 12-3.22 before starting temporary support activities. Remove crash cushion modules when authorized.

Construct temporary supports under the specifications for falsework in section 48-2.03C.

Equip each jack with a pressure gauge or load cell for determining the jacking force. Each pressure gauge must have an accurately reading dial at least 6 inches in diameter. Each load cell must be provided with an indicator to determine the jacking force.

Provide a redundant system of supports during jacking activities. The redundant system must include stacks of steel plates added as necessary to maintain the redundant supports at each jack location within 1/4 inch of the jacking sill or corbels.

Before starting bridge removal work at a location being supported, the temporary support system must (1) apply a force to the structure that is equal to the initial jacking load or the dead load shown and (2) hold that load until all initial compression and settlement of the system is completed.

Apply jacking loads simultaneously. Control and monitor jacking operations to prevent distortion and stresses that would damage the structure. Maintain total vertical displacements at control points to less than 1/4 inch from elevations recorded before jacking or as authorized.

Stop jacking activities if unanticipated displacements, cracking, or other damage occurs. Apply corrective measures before resuming jacking activities.

After reconstruction activities, the monitored control points must not deviate by more than 1/4 inch from the initial vertical survey elevations or other authorized elevations.

Remove temporary supports under the specifications for falsework in section 48-2.03D. If traffic is carried on the structure on temporary supports, do not release temporary supports until the supported concrete has attained 100 percent of the described strength.

Remove attachments from the existing structure. Restore concrete surfaces to original conditions except where permanent alterations are shown.

48-3.04 PAYMENT

Payment for crash cushion modules is not included in the payment for temporary support.


48-4.01 GENERAL

48-4.01A Summary

Section 48-4 includes specifications for temporary decking for joint or deck reconstruction.

If you are unable to complete bridge reconstruction activities before the bridge is to be opened to traffic, furnish and maintain temporary decking until that portion of the work is complete.

Temporary decking must comply with the specifications for existing structures in section 60 and the falsework specifications in section 48-2.

48-4.01B Definitions


48-4.01C Submittals

Submit shop drawings for temporary decking. Include the following:

1. Description, location, and value of all loads

2. Details of the connection between the temporary decking and the existing structure

3. Storage location of equipment and materials that allows for 1 shift of work and placement of temporary decking within the time allowed

4. Construction sequence and schedule details

5. Cure time for concrete to be placed under a steel plate system

6. Details for removing temporary decking and restoring the existing structure
Shop drawings must be signed by an engineer who is registered as a civil engineer in the State.

48-4.01D Quality Assurance

Temporary decking must comply with the falsework specifications in section 48-2.02B(2), section 48-2.02B(3), and the following:

1. For the design loading shown, deflection must not exceed 1/300 of the temporary decking span.

2. Temporary decking must have a uniform surface with a coefficient of friction of at least 0.35 when measured under California Test 342.

3. Steel plate systems must be mechanically connected to the existing structure and adjacent approaches. If a steel plate spans a joint, the mechanical connection must accommodate at least 50 percent of the movement rating shown for that joint.

4. Temporary decking must not overstress, induce permanent forces into, or produce cracking in the existing structure.


Not Used


Temporary decking must consist of one of the following:

1. Steel plate system that spans the incomplete work.

2. Falsework with an asphalt concrete surface that spans the incomplete work. Do not use falsework with an asphalt concrete surface to cover deck concrete that has not cured or to cover partially installed joint materials.
Construct temporary decking under the specifications for falsework in section 48-2 except the first paragraph of section 48-2.03D does not apply.

If there is a horizontal gap of more than 1/2 inch or an elevation difference of more than 1/4 inch between the temporary decking and the adjacent deck, install tapers up to and away from the temporary decking. Use the ratio for tapers specified in the special provisions. If the temporary decking does not extend the entire width of the roadway, taper the sides of the temporary decking at a 12:1 (horizontal: vertical) ratio. Material for tapers must comply with section 60-3.02B(2). Cure tapers at least 3 hours before allowing traffic on the temporary decking.

For ramp locations, tapers may be installed at 12:1 (horizontal: vertical) up to and away from the temporary decking. If the temporary decking does not extend the entire width of the roadway, taper the sides of the temporary decking at 12:1 (horizontal: vertical). Material used at these locations must be sufficiently rigid to support traffic. If unanticipated displacements, cracking, or other damage occurs to the existing structure or to any new components installed in or adjacent to the deck, stop work on the deck and perform corrective measures.

Edges of steel plate systems must be in full contact with the existing deck and the adjacent approach slab. If used, shims must be securely attached to the plate.

For falsework with an asphalt concrete cover, asphalt concrete must be at least 3 inches thick and compacted in place.

Do not allow traffic on deck concrete until it has attained the design compressive strength shown. For RSC, do not allow traffic on deck concrete until it has cured at least 24 hours.

When temporary decking is no longer needed, remove temporary decking materials and connections from the existing structure as soon as possible. Restore modifications to the existing structure except where permanent alterations are shown.

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