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USAMRU-K Politics Links

Bipartisan Support for DOD-run international surveillance – Recent funding increase proves

Institute of Medicine, 9/25/2007 (The Institute provides a vital service by working outside the framework of government to ensure scientifically informed analysis and independent guidance. The Institute provides unbiased, evidence-based, and authoritative information and advice concerning health and science policy to policy-makers, professionals, leaders in every sector of society, and the public at large. Our work is conducted by committees of volunteer scientists--leading national and international experts--who serve without compensation. Committees are carefully composed to assure the requisite expertise and to avoid bias or conflict of interest. Every report produced by our committees undergoes extensive review and evaluation by a group of external experts who are anonymous to the committee, and whose names are revealed only once the study is published. “Review of the DOD-GEIS influenza programs: Strengthening global surveillance and response”, The National Academies Press)
On January 2, 2005, the …were implemented by DoD-GEIS-supported entities (Malone, 2005).

We’ve drastically increased our military aid to Kenya – it’s due to expand

Kevin J Kelley, The Nation (Nairobi), 9/9/2007
[“Steep Rise in U.S. Military Aid,” All Africa,]
The United States has increased … (Sh368 million) next year.

Polls prove Public supports spending on disease prevention and bioterrorism defense

PR Newswire 2-5-07 (“Cuts Proposed in the President's Budget to Disease Prevention and Bioterrorism Preparedness Programs Jeopardize the Health of Americans, TFAH Warns,” l/n)
"The increased … than current spending levels.

International Bird Flu Surveillance is an Olive Branch – National Security

Anderson, 06 (Jamie, Bachelor of Arts in International Studies at Boston College “The Looming Threat of an Avian Flu Pandemic: Concepts of Human Security,” May,
In contrast to viewing vaccines as the primary tool, … for funding and that it could wait another year.

DOD Surveillance kills political capital – Congress is caving into political pressures because of a lack of public attention

Josh Michaud, 9/4/07 (worked as an Epidemiologist with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and as a Consultant with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He received a BA in Political Science from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a Master's in Infectious Disease Epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a Master's in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University., “US lawmakers’ efforts to support global disease surveillance are not contagious…yet”,
An outside observer might get the idea … law before that occurs.

Kenyan Relations Advantage – 2AC Addon

Current heavy handed policies prevents securing Kenya’s support for the global war on terrorism and stability in the region – A shift in US policy allows for cooperation with this crucial “anchor state”

Barkan, Professor of Political Science at U of Iowa, 2004
(Joel D., FOREIGN AFFAIRS, “Kenya After Moi”, Jan/Feb)
ON DECEMBER 27, 2002, more … to Somalia, Rwanda, and southern Sudan.

Terrorism risks extinction

Yonah Alexander, professor and director of the Inter-University for Terrorism Studies, 8/28/03 (Washington Times)
Last week's brutal suicide bombings … national, regional and global security concerns.

US Economy Advantage – 2AC Addon

Wakabi proves that collapse of the industry destroys the economy in Africa

That spills over to the US – Africa is key to our economy

Susan E. Rice, Senior Fellow in FPGS at the Brookings Institution, 2006

[“Africa’s Strategic Importance to the U.S., Speech at Reed College, March 20,]
There are additional … U.S. entrepreneurs and workers.

Economic decline risks extinction

Bearden, Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, 2000 (Tom, June 24,, Accessed 9/11/03)
History bears out that … perhaps most of the biosphere, at least for many decades.

Meadows (All Teams) – Affirmative – Disease Surveillance

Text: The United States federal government should establish Disease Research, Surveillance, Isolation and Containment Centers in East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa and Southern Africa that develop surveillance networks, respond to outbreaks, train personnel, and conduct research

Text: The United States federal government should increase disease surveillance to topically designated areas
Contention 1 is Bird Flu
Current efforts in Asia have been successful, but have not been replicated in Sub-Saharan Africa – Inadequate surveillance increases the risk of a global pandemic

Davis ’07 (Mike Davis is professor of history at the University of California, Irvine, and the author of The Monster at Our Door: The Global Threat of Avian Flu -- The Guardian (London) -February 7th – lexis)

Just when most of us thought it was safe … or any genuine effort to develop a "world vaccine".
Africa is a unique hotspot – Bird Migration and People live in close proximity with birds

Addis Ababa, 2006 (Commissioner of Rural Economy and Agriculture of the African Union, “Avian Flue: Possible Outbreak, Economic Importance and Emergency Preparedness Iniative in Africa”)

Africa been one of the … complicates the situation.
A study in October found a mutation that increases the risk of a Pandemic

Laurance 10/6 (Jeremy, Health Editor, 2007,

The bird flu virus H5N1 has mutated into … in the last century – in 1918, 1957 and 1968 – and more are expected. said.
The kills a billion people

Satish Chandra, Deputy National Security Advisor of India – Center for Strategic Decision Research, 2004

[Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century, 5/7,]

This scenario, …rate is estimated.


If the possibility of the collapse … with mortality rates of 60 to 70 percent

Probability and magnitude mean that a pandemic would outweigh nuclear war and terrorism

Edmonds & Palmore ’06 (Mark Edmonds is the Director of the Centre for Defence and International Security Studies @ the University of Lancaster; Julian Palmore - Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Both are the Editors-in-Chief of Defense and Security Analysis -- Defense and Security Analysis – June 1st – via Taylor & Francis and obtainable through google scholar)

Four times a year we, as Editors of … a pandemic. There is no time to waste.

Surveillance, Labs, and US expertise are key to contain an outbreak before it goes global

Blount ’07 (Stephen B. Blount, MD, MPH, Director Office for Global Health US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies -- United States Senate -- May 02, 2007 --

Currently, the US and … channels so we can respond effectively.

Contention Two is Bioweapons
They pose the greatest risk of extinction – Nuclear weapons are easier to control


Of all the weapons of mass destruction,…Human extinction is now possible.
Qualified authors prove that despite Technical difficulties and past failures, intense efforts by terrorists make a Bioterrorist Attack inevitable – There is motive, expertise and supply

Clare Lopez, 2005 (Clare Lopez is/was:

1. Operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), serving domestically and abroad for 20 years in a variety of assignments, acquiring extensive expertise in counterintelligence, counternarcotics, and counterproliferation issues with a career regional focus on the former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
2. Produced Technical Threat Assessments for U.S. Embassies at the Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, where she worked as a Senior Intelligence Analyst for Chugach Systems Integration
3. A strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on Middle East, homeland security, national defense, and counterterrorism issues at the intelligence summit
4. Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee, a Washington, DC think tank, from 2005-2006
5. Senior Scientific Researcher at the Battelle Memorial Institute; a Senior Intelligence Analyst, Subject Matter Expert, and Program Manager at HawkEye Systems, LLC.;
“Defending the Homeland Against Bioweapons in the Hands of Terrorists”, Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International)

There are considerable technical difficulties …BW attack carries with it the threat of very high potential lethality.

The US is uniquely vulnerable to bio-weapon threat dude to poor training of military medical personnel

Defeo, 06 (Joseph, Captain of the United States Navy, "Joint Medical Readiness: Are We Ready to Answer the WMD Threat?" March 15 p. 7)

Having the right people … in any of the current training programs.

Training through real-world experience is crucial to creating a strong public health infrastructure that is capable of minimizing the casualties from a bioterrorist attack – Global surveillance programs provide an opportunity for this training

Smolinski et al. 03 – Director of the Global Health and Security Initiative at Nuclear Threat Initiative [Marks. Smolinski (Former Senior Program Officer at the Institute of Medicine of the National Academics of Science and Epidemic Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Margaret A. Hamburg (Vice President for Biological Programs at Nuclear Threat Initiative), & Joshua Lederberg (Directs the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Informatics at The Rockefeller University) Editors, Board on Global Health at the institute of the National Academics, Microbial threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and Response, 3-18-2003,]

As described earlier, surveillance of and … the workforce to provide both on-the-ground epidemiologic expertise and laboratory capability.


The real-world information and skills … upper-level management positions.

CDC international surveillance programs help train “disease detectives” that can respond to future treats

Gerberding, 4/26/2004 (Julie, MPH Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Administrator, Agency for Toxis Substances and Disease Registry, “CDC's Terrorism and Global Disease Detection Efforts,” Testimony before Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, Committee on Appropriations,

Ultimately, even the best disease detection … and knowledge, and rapidly deployed when needed.
Focusing on Africa is key – Infectious disease with potential in biological warfare are endemic to it

Njuguna ’05 (James Thuo Njuguna holds a master of science degree in biotechnology and is currently completing his PhD in medical parasitology at the University of Bonn. He previously worked for the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi on control of trypanosomosis and malaria. African Security Review Vol 14 No 1, 2005 --

Major infectious diseases known … endemic to the eastern Africa region.
Minimizing the death toll is crucial – large casualties ensures a US response that escalates to nuclear war.
Conley ’03 (Lt Col Harry W. is chief of the Systems Analysis Branch, Directorate of Requirements, Headquarters Air Combat Command (ACC), Langley AFB, Virginia. Air & Space Power Journal - Spring 2003 --
The number of American casualties suffered due … whatever promises had been made.”48

Contention Three is Solvency

Establishing Disease Research, Surveillance, Isolation and Containment Centers in each of the four regions of Sub-Saharan Africa allows for the integration of global efforts to combat disease and bioterrorism

Fox 98 (C. WILLIAM FOX, JR. -- C. WILLIAM FOX, JR., M.D., is en route to assignment as the Commander of Bayne-Jones Army Hospital, Ft. Polk, LA, where he concurrently will serve as Command Surgeon of the Joint Readiness Training Center -- Parameters, Winter 1997-98, pp. 121-36. --

Disease Research, Surveillance, Isolation … by a future adversary.
Establishing Surveillance Centers modeled after the military’s overseas laboratories in Sub-Saharan Africa allows for effective responses to Bird Flu and Bioterrorism

Jean-Paul Chretien, Assistant Coordinator of DOD’s Overseas Research Laboratories, 2006

“Global Networks Could Avert Pandemics”, Nature

Since late 2003, an avian influenza epidemic has caused … linked to a global professional network.

The US is key – It has unique expertise, the perception of its leadership in Disease Surveillance ensures information sharing, and deploying public health officials trains them to respond to a bioterror attack on the US

CISET 1996 (An interagency Government working group on emerging infectious diseases was formed in December 1994 under the auspices of the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on International Science, Engineering, and Technology (CISET). Led by CDC, the Department of State, USAID, Food and Drug Administration, NIH, and the Department of Defense, the working group makes the following recommendations for action by the U.S. Government., “Global Microbial Threats in the 1990s,”

The modern world is a very small place; … to combat infectious diseases.
The Canadian government conducted a comparative international study. The results prove no one is better at surveillance and outbreak assistance than the US.

National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health 03

(Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada – October --
The members of the National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health were: Dr. David Naylor, Dean of Medicine at the University of Toronto (Chair); Dr. Sheela Basrur, Medical Officer of Health, City of Toronto; Dr. Michel G. Bergeron, Chairman of the Division of Microbiology and of the Infectious Diseases Research Centre of Laval University, Quebec City; Dr. Robert C. Brunham, Medical Director of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver; Dr. David Butler-Jones, Medical Health Officer for Sun Country, and Consulting Medical Health Officer for Saskatoon Health Regions, Regina; Gerald Dafoe, Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Public Health Association, Ottawa; Dr. Mary Ferguson-Paré, Vice-President, Professional Affairs and Chief Nurse Executive at University Health Network, Toronto; Frank Lussing, Past President and CEO of York Central Hospital, Richmond Hill; Dr. Allison McGeer, Director of Infection Control, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto; Kaaren R. Neufeld, Executive Director and Chief Nursing Officer at St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg; Dr. Frank Plummer, Scientific Director of the Health Canada National Microbiology Laboratory, Winnipeg)

The CDC exerts considerable influence … earmarked state-level funding and partnerships.

The alternative creates an all-consuming Colonialistic West and an Angelic South that reentrenches ethnocentrism and create impossible expectations for the South to meet

Pascal Bruckner, 1986 (Counts among the best-known French "nouveaux philosophes”, Académie Française Prix 2000 and Medici Prize 1995, The Tears of The White Man: Compassion as Contempt)

An ethnologist praying for the extermination of the … is to give in to a loathsome from of blackmail.
Disease Securitization mobilizes political action to solve disease and bioterrorism

Enemark 05 (Dr. Christian Enemark is a Visiting Fellow of the John Curtin School of Medical Research at ANU where he serves as Deputy Director of the National Centre for Biosecurity.'INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY', The Nonproliferation Review, 12:1, 107 – 125. March 1st – via Taylor & Francis, which is usually obtainable through google scholar)

In pursuing international cooperation, a threshold issue is how to … as a weapon of war or terror.5


Global networks assisted in …would far exceed that of SARS.

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