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Politics Link Turns Turn Bipart—

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Politics Link Turns

Turn Bipart—

A. African military assistance is popular with congress and the public

Independent task force report 6 (“More than humanitarianism: A strategic U.S. approach Toward Africa”, Council on Foreign Relations) 

B. Bipart key to agenda --- lobbies and senate

Ap 7 (1/2)

“Some lobbyists concede…Chamber of commerce.” 

Popularity determining factor

Boston Globe 12/3

“republicans said they would…January’s agfenda.” 

Turn Gop—

A. GOP salivates over plan – it’s seen as an opportunity to win black voters

Ridgeway ‘3 (“liberia: ripe for colonizing?”

“Finally, Bush’s foray into…from the Democrats.” 

B. Base support key to agenda

Washing Post 07 (“Base to Bush: It’s Over”)

“So now the president has…looking forward to Jan. 20, 2009.”

MBA AS – Negative


A. Problem/Solution – The 1AC logic of problematizing the world and

providing a solution through an increase in public health assistance to

Africa engages in technological thinking that enframes things as problems

or solutions, degrading everything on earth to something of calculative

value.Korous 97 (George, Yale Law Graduate, Copeland Winner, Become What

You Are, p. 19)

Problemization is very similar to...the representation of the problem.

The affs call crisis based politics engages in a type of thinking that

reduces all life on earth to a tool to be instrumentalized, further

disconnecting ourselves from what it means to be.

Swazo 2 (Norman, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alaska,

"Crisis Theory and World Order: Heideggerian Reflections," p 110-11)

The inevitability of such a fight issues from the pathology of

nihilism...and which finds its instrument in technocracy.
Engaging in hegemonic power politics reduces all life to a standing

reserve with no connection to being, won't solve, and spawns global


Swazo 2 (Norman, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alaska,

"Crisis Theory and World Order: Heideggerian Reflections," p 114-15)

For Huntington this international order does not entail Westernization of

the world...service of this economy. ..." (Will to Power, note 866).
B. Continued domination of technological thought risks extinction through

global conflict and the deterioration of Earth.  Meditative thought is

crucial to preventing inevitable planetary destruction.

Swazo 2 (Norman, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alaska,

"Crisis Theory and World Order: Heideggerian Reflections," p 157-60)

The grounding question claims us `earthly-temporal' is

C. Alternative – Vote negative to reject this instance of technological

thought––the Affirmative's conception of the world is shaped by

technological ordering and must be interrogated.Korous 97 (George, Yale

Law Graduate, Copeland Winner, Become What You Are , p. 22-25)

The thought that habits critique is not bent on achieving quick and

efficient's ontological situation, that is, what constitutes reality.

Law of the Sea

(Ocean health impact)
It’s key to ocean health

Jennifer L. Talhelm, 2k

(North Carolina Journal of International Law& Commercial Regulation, 25 N.C.J. Int'l L. & Com. Reg. 381)


Robin KundisCraig, 3

(Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University School of Law, 34 McGeorge L. Rev. 155)

EU Counterplan

[insert text]

It’s K

We recognize that Buber’s rhetoric is sexist. We do not affirm any of his gendered language.

The affirmative’s deployal of the term “its” brings into existence the I-it relationship. This term necessarially separates I-it, reducing objects to pure calculability.

Buber, 37

(Martin, I and Thou, 15-17)

This separation is unique to ‘it.’ This term separates the relation of the human body from the surrounding world. In ‘it’ the ‘I’ definition ally comes before the ‘it,’ establishing a barrier between subject and object.

Buber, 37

(Martin, I and Thou, 37-39)

The separation of people from institutions is uniquely bad. Life is reduced to nothingness. Institutions act only in the exterior goal based realm while the realm of feelings is within. Only rejecting their separation embraces the eternal center, the area of life.

Buber, 37

(Martin, I and Thou, 62-66)

The impact is the total abjuration of life. The separation of institutions ie.the United States federal government allows for a total oppressive control of death. This manifests itself in the levers of economics, or the uncontrollable rise of tyranny. Piecemeal institutional reforms are not enough, nothing can substitute the unified relation with the center.

Buber, 37

(Martin, I and Thou, 67-70)

Consult Japan

Relations are stretched to the brink due to lack of consultation

BBC World 04. (“150th Anniversary of US-Japan Peace Treaty” March 30. Byline: Won-Jae Park.

Japan would say yes—they support African aid and want a Security Council seat.

IHT 05 (“Japan splits with Bush, to boost aid for Africa” International Herald Tribune 6/3/05

And consultation builds a consultative framework, which ensures long-lasting relations

Hwang 05. (Balbina, PhD in Government from Georgetown, Senior Policy Analyst @ Asian Studies Center for Heritage Foundation

Genuine consultation is key to relations and the alliance

Bergsten et al. 01. (C. Fred, Director of Peterson Institute for International Economics, PhD from Fletcher. Takatoshi Ito, Professor of Economic Research @ Hitotsubashi University, Marcus Noland, Senior Fellow @ Peterson Institute for International Economics. PhD Johns Hopkins. “No More Bashing: Building a New Japan- United States Economic Relationship” October.

This is key to check Chinese invasion of Taiwan

Okamoto 02. (Yukio, Special Advisor on Task Force for Foreign Relations (Japan). Spring, Washington Quarterly Vol. 25, Num. 2, “Japan and the United States: The Essential Alliance” Lexis)

And this would go nuclear and kill millions

Dr. Bullard 04. (Monte, PhD from UC Berkeley, Retired Colonel in US Army, Army attaché to Beijing, now Senior Fellow @ Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

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