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Little Rock LS – Negative


The 1ac is a drive for ontological completion on the basis of existence and rationality in the context of war that causes an endless cycle of violence in the Middle East.  This ontology makes violence and escalation of conflict inevitable.  Ultimately, this results in a norm of war and conflict in which individuals are regarded only as utilitarian objects to be controlled

Anthony Burke (Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at UNSW, Sydney) 2007 “Ontologies of War:  Violence, Existence,  and Reason” Theory and Event 10:2, Muse

The War and . . . their own substance.

The drive for protection from external evils is validated by a sense of American exceptionalism that paints itself as invulnerable and attempts to scourge the earth of any perceived danger.  Vulnerability and conflict are inevitable – only sustaining the illusory goal of vulnerability via the plan causes global escalatory violence

Robert Jay Lifton (Visiting professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School) 2003 “Superpower Syndrome” p. 125-30

It is almost . . . become dangerously destabilized.

It is this constant search for security and invulnerability that allows for the purging all threats to the populous and allows for the subordination of everything to the realm of calculation and casting vast populations to the status of the living dead

Achille Mbembe (senior researcher at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of the Wiwatersrand) Winter 2002 “Necropolitics” Project Muse

It has been argued . . . freedom are blurred.

The alternative is to reject the affirmative and affirm the status quo by embracing the wars described in the 1ac by the process of imagination

War is an archetypal psychological condition of humans.  It is not a ‘scenario’ that can be ‘solved’ but rather something to be understood and imagined.  War cannot be explained merely in terms of ‘causes’ based on scientific rationality.  Only by imagining conflict and war and the process from which it occurs can transform understanding and access knowledge that is key to check extinction

James Hillman (psychologist, scholar, international lecturer, pioneer psychologist) 2004 A Terrible Love of War p. 1-11

One sentence in . . . before or since. 


Polish NMD politics:

Bush wants Polish NMD – but can’t get additional Polish funding now because he lacks political capital with the Congress. This is a deal-breaker for Poland.

(Wess Mitchell is director of research at the Center for European Policy Analysis, a Washington-based institute dedicated to the study of Central Europe -- Christian Science Monitor -- 2008 – lexis) 

 And, it’s on top of Bush’s docket – he’s now rushing to iron-out the deal.

(Philip Coyle -- a Washington-based expert on worldwide military research, defense and security policy -- also served as assistant secretary of defense and director of operational test and evaluation at the Pentagon during former U.S. president Bill Clinton's tenure. Inter-Press Service – Jan 18th – lexis) 

Deploying Polish BMD is bad – even Russian Generals admit it would accidentally set-off their automated nuclear-response system.

(Mike Whitney – of Global Research -- Global Research, December 20, 2007 -- 

The impact is extinction



US-Polish NMD sparks Middle East Prolif.

(Philip Coyle -- a Washington-based expert on worldwide military research, defense and security policy -- also served as assistant secretary of defense and director of operational test and evaluation at the Pentagon during former U.S. president Bill Clinton's tenure. Inter-Press Service – Jan 18th – lexis) 

this de-stabilizes the region, turns the case, and independently escalates to nuclear war

Cirincione, Director for Non-Proliferation Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005

(Joseph, A New Non-Proliferation Strategy, March 5,


Elections politics:

Democrats are set to win the general election due to Bush’s low favorability ratings.  Hillary will get the democratic nomination

John O'Sullivan The Spectator, December 15 2007  HEADLINE: Republicans must heed the voters to beat Hillary; John O'Sullivan looks ahead to a gloriously unpredictable US presidential race and assesses the prospects of the Republican contenders lining up to thwart Hillary Clinton 

First, Irrespective of the nominees, the GOP will lose the election unless Bush adopts popular foreign policies in his second-term 
Lichtman 2005,
(Allan J. Lichtman, prof of History @ American University and a national political analyst. The Keys to the White House: The Surefire Guide to Predicting the Next President – page x thru xi)

The Republicans are going to pursue the Bush Doctrine; including continuing pressure on Iran.

David S Broder, Jun 7, 2007[“Candidates Lacking A Real-World Clue; [FINAL Edition];” The Washington Post; pg. A.27; Washington Post politics writer]

Bush Doctrine allows countries to adopt similar pre-emption policies including India

Lopez 03(“Perils of Bush's pre-emptive war doctrine” George Lopez director of policy studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame Indianapolis Star October 3, 2003 .cfm?topicId=3956)

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