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C. Preliminary Damage Assessment

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C. Preliminary Damage Assessment

A damage assessment is needed to quickly assess the life safety needs, magnitude of the disaster and eligibility for state and federal aid. Damage assessment is accomplished in phases. The initial assessment scans the affected area to determine the width and breadth of damage, looking at critical facilities to determine the immediate and life safety needs.

ESF-5 is the county’s single point for receiving damage assessment reports and determining the disaster magnitude. The Levy County Property Appraiser’s Office provides analysis support for damage assessment. This agency can provide a graphic depiction of damage levels as well as monetary damage assessments. The State EOC will be contacted for assistance.
The PDA Team members will be notified by any functioning means of communication to report to the Levy County EOC . The PDA Team will be married up with the State and FEMA PDA teams to jointly assess the damages. [See Appendix VII]
Damage Assessment Information Flow

As information is received, the Property Appraiser uses computer analysis to determine dollar cost damage and mapping. This information can provide complete damage analysis support for the county. The Levy County Damage Assessment Coordinator (Building and Zoning Director) assigns teams, backed-up with out of-county mutual aid, to perform a “structure by structure” damage assessment. ESF-5 produces a preliminary damage assessment for the state EOC Situation Report and other government agencies.

In order to confirm that the impact from disasters meets disaster assistance thresholds, a Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) is requested by the County Emergency Management Director as soon as possible after damage assessment data is compiled, or if the magnitude of the event overwhelms the ability of the county to conduct its own damage assessment. The PDA will inspect impacted areas in coordination with the County EOC. The PDA is a joint effort with FEMA, FDEM, and Levy County.
If the preliminary damage assessment indicates that the damage is severe and widespread, a declaration of a State of Emergency may be possible without a detailed written damage assessment. In that case state and federal teams may be dispatched to assist in completing the damage assessment.
Information is collected and evaluated, using State Damage Assessment Forms, Situation Reports, Essential Elements of Information (EEI) and other means and is shared with State and Federal officials as needed. This prevents duplication of effort and verifies incomplete information.
ESF-5 Information and Planning is the single point to consolidate and evaluate damage assessment information. This assessment is formatted using State Damage Assessment Forms to facilitate rapid dissemination of information. Levy County agencies use the Levy County Damage Assessment Standard Operating Guidelines to document and insure damage assessment procedures are standardized.

D. SERT Reconnaissance Teams.

The purpose of the SERT RECON team is to provide an initial report of the impacted area boundaries, evacuation routes, and communities for the SERT. Information will be provided to the SERT Chief and the SEOC. RECON Teams expedite situation assessments of areas impacted by emergencies when deployed. RECON Teams move expeditiously through damaged areas relaying information that assists the SERT with meeting the following standing orders.

  • Establish communications with impacted areas

  • Search and Rescue

  • Meet basic human needs, to include medical, water, food, shelter, and emergency fuel

  • Restore critical infrastructure

  • Open schools/local businesses

  • Begin recovery.

1. Information Sought by the SERT RECON Teams
When the SERT RECON Teams come to Levy County, they will be seeking specific information to support the State EOC in their response to Levy County. This information will include:

a. Number of survivors impacted, and their sustainability with their current resources.

b. General overview of the impacted area

c. Available resources within the area i.e. Publix, Wal-Mart, etc.

d. Status of local government response

e. Impact of critical infrastructure (ports, hospitals, police, fire, schools, shelters, utilities, power generating capacity.

2. RECON Team Composition
A RECON Team will primarily consist of representatives from the Florida National Guard, the Florida Wildlife Commission, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Civil Air Patrol. Others can be added to the Team as the need requires.
3. Logistic Appraisal
The SERT RECON Team is organized and equipped to be self-sustaining if necessary. Logistic support from Levy County will be situation dependent. Current designated RECON landing/staging zones: (if transported by helicopters)
Primary: Bronson High School

Football Field North of HWY 27 (Alternate) and east of HWY 337

Lat/Long 29°2657 N /82°3748 W
Alternate Levy County Landfill

Vacant lot North of HWY 27 and East of HWY 335, East of Bronson

Lat/Long 29°2631 N / 82°3438 W

E. Levy County Support Agencies

Emergency Management - Coordinate SERT RECON activity and support requirements with local support agencies and organizations. Serve as Public Assistance Officer (PAO).
Levy County Building and Zoning Department – Coordinate overall damage assessment operations; determine eligibility of public and private damage. Provide field officers to assist in facility (homes, businesses and public buildings) damage assessment; Coordinates assessment of damage to county buildings, facilities and recreational sites.
Levy County Road Department - Assist in evaluating the damage to utilities and traffic control systems; roads and bridges; and flood control facilities; and transportation resources.
Maintenance Operations – Assist in evaluating the damage to water and wastewater systems control facilities.
Property Appraiser - Provide field officers from the Appraiser’s Office to assist in facility (homes, businesses and public buildings) damage assessment.
Library Services - Damage to libraries and associated property.
American Red Cross - Identification of immediate personal, disaster relief needs for individuals affected by the event; mass care requirements food, water, clothing, shelter/housing, medical needs, etc.
Levy County School Board - Damage to school buildings and property.

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