Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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derogatori = {adj} derogatory (as in "derogatory remark"); clausula derogatori [Law] derogatory clause

deroutar = {v} [Mil.] to rout

deroute [F] = {n} [Mil.] rout {Hence:} deroutar

dervich (-sh) = {n} dervish

descendente = {n} descendant

descendentia = {n} 1. descent, descendance ("descent from a particular ancestor"); 2. descendants

descender [-scend-/-scens-] = {v} to descend {Hence:} descendente-descendentia; descension; descendita; condescender &; redescender

descendita (-cén-) = {n} descent (= action of descending)

descens- see descender

descension = {n} descent (= action of descending)

describer [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} to describe (1. "to describe a view, a person, etc."; 2. "to describe a curve") {Hence:} descriptibile-indescriptibile; description; descriptor; descriptive

descript- see describer

descriptibile = {adj} describable

description = {n} description

descriptive = {adj} descriptive; geometria descriptive descriptive geometry

descriptor = {n} describer

*desde = {prep} since, from (out of)

deserer [-ser-/-sert-] = {v} to desert, abandon {Hence:} desertion; desertor; deserte-desertar, deserto-desertic

desert- see deserer

desertar = {v} to desert

deserte = {adj} desert (as in "desert region")

desertic = {adj} desert (as in "desert region")

desertion = {n} desertion

deserto = {n} desert; predicar in le deserto to preach in the wilderness, talk to deaf ears

desertor = {n} deserter

déshabillé [F] = {n} dishabille, deshabille

desiccar = {v} to dry up, desiccate {Hence:} desiccation; desiccative

desiccation = {n} desiccation

desiccative = {adj} desiccative

desiderabile = {adj} desirable

desiderar = {v} to desire, wish, wish for; lassar (multo) a desiderar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement {Hence:} desiderose; desiderio; desiderabile-indesiderabile; desiderative

desiderative = {adj} 1. desirous; 2. [Gram.] desiderative

desideratum (pl desiderata) [L] = {n} desideratum

desiderio = {n} desire, wish

desiderose = {adj} desirous; desiderose de desirous of

designar = {v} 1. to designate; 2. to draw, sketch; 3. to design, intend {Hence:} designo; designation; designative; designator

designation = {n} designation

designative = {adj} designative

designator = {n} sketcher, drawer

designo = {n} I. design (= scheme, plan); II. drawing (1. art of drawing or sketching; 2. as in "a drawing hanging on the wall)

desin- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} desinentia-desinential

desinentia = {n} [Gram.] ending, desinence

desinential = {adj} terminal, desinential

desirabile = {adj} desirable

desirar = {v} to desire, wish, wish for; lassar (multo) a desirar to leave (much) to be desired, leave room for improvement {Hence:} desiro-desirose; desirabile-indesirabile

desiro = {n} desire, wish

desirose = {adj} desirous; desirose de desirous of

desistentia = {n} desistance

desister = {v} to desist; desister de to desist from {Hence:} desistentia

desolar = {v} to desolate (1. to devastate; 2. to afflict, distress) {Hence:} desolation; desolator; desolate

desolate 1. pp of desolar; 2. {adj} desolate, distressed

desolation = {n} desolation (1. devastation; 2. dreary barrenness; 3. affliction)

desolator = {n} desolater

despect- see despicer

despectar = {v} to spite, mortify, treat (someone) with spite

despecto = {n} resentment, spite, despite; {also:} grudge; in despecto de in spite of, despite

despectose = {adj} spiteful; despiteful

desperantia = {n} despair, hopelessness

desperar = {v} 1. to despair; 2. to drive to despair {Hence:} despero; desperantia; desperation; desperate

desperate = {adj} 1. in despair; 2. desperate

desperation = {n} desperation, desperateness

despero = {n} 1. despair; 2. desperation

despicer [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} to despise {Hence:} despecto-despectose, despectar

despoliamento = {n} despoliation, spoliation

despoliar = {v} to despoil, spoliate {Hence:} despoliamento

despota (dés-) = {n} despot {Hence:} despotismo; despotic; despotizar

despotic = {adj} despotic

despotizar = {v} to despotize, tyrannize

despotismo = {n} despotism

dessert [F] = {n} dessert

destinar = {v} to destine (= to set apart for a particular purpose or use); destinate a destined or intended for {Hence:} destino; destination; destinatario; predestinar-predestination

destinatario = {n} addressee

destination = {n} destination (1. action of destining; 2. place of destination)

destino = {n} destiny (= one's lot or fortune)

destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} 1. to render destitute; 2. to displace, discharge, dismiss (from office) {Hence:} destitution; destitute

destitut- see destituer

destitute = {adj} destitute (1. deprived, lacking; 2. in great need or want)

destitution = {n} 1. destitution (= state of being destitute); 2. discharge, dismissal (from office)

destruct- see destruer

destructibile = {adj} destructible

destructibilitate = {n} destructibility

destruction = {n} destruction

destructive = {adj} destructive

destructor = {n} destroyer (= one who or that which destroys)

destruer [-stru-/-struct-] = {v} to destroy {Hence:} destructibile-destructibilitate, indestructibile-indestructibilitate; destruction; destructive; destructor

desuete = {adj} disused; {also:} obsolete, deadletter, etc. {Hence:} desuetude

desuetude = {n} desuetude

detaliar = {v} to detail (= to tell in detail) {Hence:} detalio

detalio = {n} 1. detail (= individual item, particular); 2. [Com.] retail; in detalio in detail, fully; vender al detalio to retail, sell at retail

detect- see deteger

detective [A] = {n} detective

detector = {n} [Elec., Radio] detector

deteger [-teg-/-tect-] = {v} to detect, uncover {Hence:} detector

detener [-ten-/-tent-] = {v} 1. to hold (= to have, own); 2. to detain (= to keep in custody, confine) {Hence:} detenimento; detention; detentor

detenimento = {n} detention, imprisonment, confinement

detent- see detener

detention = {n} 1. holding, possession (of a thing); 2. detention, imprisonment, confinement; detention preventive preliminary detention

detentor = {n} 1. holder (of rights, titles, etc.); 2. detainer (= one who detains)

deter- [-ter-/-trit-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} detrimento-detrimentose; detrito

deteriorar = {v} to impair (= to cause to deteriorate); deteriorar se to deteriorate {Hence:} deterioration

deterioration = {n} deterioration

determinabile = {adj} determinable

determinabilitate = {n} determinability

determinante = {n} [Math.] determinant

determinar = {v} to determine (1. to be the deciding factor in settling the form, function, etc. of; 2. to fix precisely); determinar se a facer un cosa to determine on doing or to do something {Hence:} determinismo-indeterminismo; determinista-indeterminista; determinante; determinabile-determinabilitate; determination-indetermination; determinative; determinator; determinate-indeterminate; predeterminar-predetermination

determinate I. pp of determinar; II. {adj} 1. determined (= resolute); 2. definite (= clear)

determination = {n} determination (1. act of fixing precisely; 2. fixed intention, resolution; 3. resoluteness); prender un determination to resolve, make up one's mind

determinative = {adj} determinative

determinator = {n} determiner

determinismo = {n} determinism

determinista = {n} determinist

detestabile = {adj} detestable

detestar = {v} to detest {Hence:} detestabile; detestation

detestation = {n} detestation

detonar = {v} to detonate (= to explode) {Hence:} detonation; detonator

detonation = {n} detonation

detonator = {n} detonator

detr- see deter-

[detra]' 1. {adv} behind, back, backwards; 2. {prep} behind

detract- see detraher

detraction = {n} detraction

detractor = {n} detractor

detraher [-trah-/-tract-] = {v} to detract, detract from {Hence:} detraction, detractor

detrimento = {n} detriment; al detrimento de to the detriment of

detrimentose = {adj} detrimental

detrit- see deter-

detrito = {n} detritus

deus ex machina [L] deus ex machina

deut- see deuter-

deuter- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] deuter-, deutero- (= second) {Hence:} deuterium; deuteron; Deuteronomio etc.: deuton; deutoxydo etc.

deuterium (-té-) = {n} [Phys., Chem.] deuterium, heavy hydrogen

deuteron = {n} [Phys., Chem.] deuteron

Deutero-nomio = {n} [Bib.] Deuteronomy

deuton = {n} [Phys., Chem.] deuton

deut-oxydo (-tó-) = {n} [Chem.] deutoxide

devalutar = {v} to devaluate

devalutation = {n} devaluation

devastar = {v} to devastate {Hence:} devastation; devastator

devastation = {n} devastation (= act of devastating)

devastator = {n} devastator

devenir = {v} to become (= to come to be)

deviar = {v} to deviate (as in "his statement deviates from the truth")

deviation = {n} 1. deviation; 2. detour, roundabout way; deviation del bussola deviation of the compass

devie = {adj} devious {Hence:} deviar-deviation

devisa = {n} device (1. [Her.]; 2. motto); devisa (stranier) (foreign) bill of exchange

devolut- see devolver

devolution = {n} devolution (as in "the devolution of the crown")

devolutive = {adj} causing to devolve or transfer by devolution

devolver [-volv-/-volut-] = {v} to devolve (= to transfer) {Hence:} devolution; devolutive

devorante 1. pp; of devorar; 2. {adj} ravenous

devorar = {v} to devour; devorar le via to eat up the miles {Hence:} devorante; devorator

devorator = {n} devourer

devot- see devov-

devotar = {v} to devote (= to dedicate, consecrate)

devote = {adj} 1. devout; 2. devotional; devote a devoted to

devotion = {n} devotion (1. [Relig.]; 2. "devotion to a person, cause, etc."); devotiones devotions

devoto = {n} devout person, devotee; {also:} votary

devov- [-vov-/-vot-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} devotion-indevotion; devote-indevote, devoto; devotar

dextera, dextra (déx-) = {n} right hand

dextere, dextre = {adj} 1. right (= not left); 2. dexterous {Hence:} dexteritate; ambidextere; dextrina; dexteromane etc.; dextrogyr etc.; dextera

dexteritate = {n} dexterity

dextero-mane, dextro-mane = {adj} righthanded (= using the right hand more easily and readily than the left)

[dextra] = {prep} on the right of

dextrina = {n} dextrin

dextro-gyr = {adj} dextrogyrous

di- [occurring in compounds] di- (= twice) {Hence:} digamma etc.; dilemma etc.; dimetro etc.; dimorphe etc.; diphthonge etc.

di- see also dia-; Zeus

dia- = {prefixo} [di- before vowels, used chiefly to form technical terms] dia-, di- (1. through; 2. away, apart) {Hence:} diametro etc.; diastase etc.; diapositiva etc.; diacaustic etc.; diagno- etc.; diorama etc.

diabete = {n} diabetes {Hence:} diabetic-diabetico

diabetic = {adj} diabetic

diabetico = {n} diabetic

diaboleria (-ía) = {n} deviltry, devilry (= devilish mischief)

diabolessa = {n} she-devil

diabolic = {adj} diabolic, diabolical, devilish

diabolo (-á-) = {n} 1. devil (= spirit of evil); 2. [Game] diabolo; povre diabolo poor devil; advocato del diabolo devil's advocate {Hence:} diaboleria; diabolessa; diabolic; indiabolar-indiabolate

diacaustic = {adj} [Math.] diacaustic

diaconal = {adj} diaconal

diaconato = {n} diaconate

diaconessa = {n} deaconess (1. [Early Chr. Ch.]; 2. member of a Protestant sisterhood devoted to works of charity and religion)

diacono (-á-) = {n} deacon (= member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest) {Hence:} diaconato; diaconessa; diaconal; archidiacono etc.

diadema = {n} diadem

diagno- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} diagnose; diagnostic &

diagnose = {n} diagnosis (1. [Med.]; 2. [Biol.])

diagnostic = {adj} diagnostic {Hence:} diagnosticar; diagnostico

diagnosticar = {v} to diagnose

diagnostico = {n} diagnostics, diagnosis

diagonal = {adj} diagonal diagonal {n} diagonal

diagramma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} diagram {Hence:} diagrammatic

diagrammat- see diagramma

diagrammatic = {adj} diagrammatic

dialectal = {adj} dialectal

dialectic = {adj} dialectic, dialectical {Hence:} dialectico; dialectica

dialectica = {n} dialectics, dialectic

dialectico = {n} dialectician

dialecto = {n} dialect (as in "Scottish dialect") {Hence:} dialectal; dialectic &

dialogar = {v} to dialogue

dialogic = {adj} in form of a dialogue, dialogic

dialogizar = {v} to dialogize

dialogismo = {n} dialogism

dialogista = {n} dialogist

dialogo (-á-) = {n} dialogue, dialog {Hence:} dialogismo; dialogista; dialogic; dialogar; dialogizar

diamante = {n} diamond

diametral = {adj} diametrical, diametric

diametric = {adj} diametric

diametro (-á-) = {n} diameter {Hence:} diametral; diametric-isodiametric etc.; semidiametro etc.

Diana = {npr} [Rom. Relig.] Diana diana {n} reveille

di-antho = {n} [Bot.] pink; {also:} carnation

diapason (-pá) = {n} 1. range (as in "range of a singing voice"; "range of an instrument"); 2. tuning fork

diaphane = {adj} diaphanous {Hence:} diaphaneitate; semidiaphane etc.

diaphaneitate = {n} diaphaneity

diaphragma [-ma/-mat-] diaphragm (1. midriff; 2. [Photog., Phys.; etc.]) {Hence:} diaphragmatic

diaphragmat- see diaphragma

diaphragmatic = {adj} diaphragmatic

diapositiva = {n} [Photog.] transparent positive, transparency, diapositive

diario = {n} diary

diarrhea (-éa) = {n} diarrhea {Hence:} diarrheic

diarrheic (-éic) = {adj} diarrheal, diarrheic

diaspora (-ás-) = {n} Diaspora, Dispersion

diastase (diás-) = {n} 1. diastasis; 2. [Chem.] diastase

diastole = {n} [Physiol.] diastole {Hence:} diastolic

diastolic = {adj} [Physiol.] diastolic

diathermia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] diathermy {Hence:} diathermic

diathermic = {adj} [Med.] diathermic

diatonic = {adj} [Mus.] diatonic; scala diatonic, gamma diatonic diatonic scale

dica = {n} 1. dike (= embankment built to prevent inundations); 2. dam, weir

-dicar = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} abdicar &; dedicar &; predicar &

-dice = {n} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} indice &; judice etc.; vindice etc.

dicer [dic-/dict-] = {v} to say; {also:} to tell; dicer le missa to say mass; dicer le bon ventura to tell fortunes; pro si dicer so to say; voler dicer 1. to mean, signify; 2. to mean (to say) {Hence:} indicibile; diction &; dicto &; dictar &; contradicer &; disdicer &; edic- &; indicer &; interdicer &; predicer &; benedicer etc.; juridic etc.

dict- see dicer

dictamine = {n} dictate, dictamen

dictar = {v} to dictate (1. as in "to dictate a letter"; 2. to prescribe authoritatively) {Hence:} dictamine; dictator-dictatorial; dictatura; dictato

dictato = {n} dictation (as in "take down dictation")

dictator = {n} dictator

dictatorial = {adj} dictatorial (= pertaining to a dictator)

dictatura = {n} dictatorship

diction = {n} diction (1. choice of words to express ideas; 2. enunciation, elocution) {Hence:} dictionario; jurisdiction etc.

dictionario = {n} dictionary

dicto = {n} saying (as in "an old saying") {Hence:} verdicto etc.

didact- see didasc-

didactic = {adj} didactic

didactica = {n} didactics

didasc- = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] didasc-, didact- (= to teach someone or something) {Hence:} didascalia-didascalic; didactic; didactica; autodidacte-autodidacto-autodidactic

didascalia (-ía) = {n} [Antiq.] stage directions

didascalic = {adj} didascalic, didactic

Didon = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Dido

die = {n} day (1. "day" as opposed to "night"; {also:} daylight; 2. period of twenty-four hours); de die in die from day to day; die utile [Law] lawful day; die feriate holiday; un die one day, sometime; le die sequente the next day, the following day {Hence:} diario; diurne; quotidian etc.; mediedie etc.; lunedi etc.; martedi etc.

diese (dí-) [Mus.] sharp

Diesel, Rudolf = {npr} [1858-1913; inventor of Diesel motor] {Hence:} diesel

diesel = {n} Diesel engine or motor, Diesel; motor Diesel Diesel engine, Diesel motor; oleo Diesel Diesel oil

dies irae [L] dies irae, day of wrath

dieta (1) = {n} [Med.] diet; dieta lactee milk diet; dieta absolute starvation diet; esser a dieta to be on a diet; poner a dieta to put on a diet {Hence:} dietetic; dietetica; dietar

dieta (2) = {n} [Hist., Pol.] diet

dietar = {v} to diet

dietetic = {adj} dietetic

dietetica = {n} dietetics

diffamar = {v} to defame {Hence:} diffamation; diffamatori

diffamation = {n} defamation

diffamatori = {adj} defamatory

differente = {adj} different

differentia = {n} difference; il non face differentia it makes no difference

differential = {adj} differential; calculo differential differential calculus differential {n} differential (1. [Math.]; 2. "differential of an automobile etc.")

differentiar = {v} to differentiate (1. to distinguish; 2. [Math.])

differentiation = {n} [Math.] differentiation

differer [-fer-/-lat-] = {v} 1. to defer, delay; 2. to differ (= be different) {Hence:} differente-differentia-differential, differentiar-differentiation, indifferente &, equidifferente etc.; dilatori

difficile = {adj} difficult {Hence:} difficultate

difficul- see difficile

difficultate = {n} difficulty

diffidente = {adj} distrustful

diffidentia = {n} distrust

diffider = {v} to be distrustful; diffider de un persona to distrust, mistrust someone {Hence:} diffidente-diffidentia

diffract- see diffranger

diffractar = {v} to diffract

diffraction = {n} diffraction

diffranger [-frang-/-fract-] = {v} to diffract {Hence:} diffraction; diffractar

diffunder [-fund-/-fus-] = {v} to diffuse (= to spread widely); also: = radiodiffunder {Hence:} diffusibile-diffusibilitate; diffusion; diffusive; diffuse; radiodiffunder etc.

diffus- see diffunder

diffuse = {adj} diffuse (1. spread out, diffused; 2. verbose, not concise)

diffusibile = {adj} diffusible

diffusibilitate = {n} diffusibilitv

diffusion = {n} diffusion (1. dispersion, wide distribution; 2. diffuseness, wordiness; 3. [Phys.] intermingling of fluids); also: = radiodiffusion

diffusive = {adj} diffusive

di-gamma = {n} digamma

digerer [-ger-/-gest-] = {v} to digest (1. "to digest food"; 2. to absorb mentally; 3. [Chem.]); non poter digerer un cosa to be unable to stomach or swallow something {Hence:} digestibile-digestibilitate, indigestibile-indigestibilitate; digestion-indigestion; digestive; digestor; digeste-indigeste, digesto

digest- see digerer

digeste = {adj} digested

digestibile = {adj} digestible

digestibilitate = {n} digestibility

digestion = {n} digestion (1. Physiol.]; 2. [Chem.]); de facile, difficile, digestion easy, hard, of digestion

digestive = {adj} digestive (1. pertaining to digestion; 2. helping digestion); apparato digestive digestive apparatus

digesto = {n} [Law] digest, Pandects

digestor = {n} [Physiol; Chem.] digester

digital = {adj} digital digital {n} 1. thimble; 2. [Bot.] digitalis, foxglove {Hence:} digitalina

digitalina = {n} [Chem.] digitalin

digitate = {adj} digitate (= having fingers or digits; also: [Bot.])

digiti-forme = {adj} digitiform, finger-shaped

digiti-grade (-tí-) = {adj} [Zool.] digitigrade {Hence:} digitigrado

digitigrado (-tí-) = {n} digitigrade

digito (-dí-) = {n} digit (1. finger; toe; 2. [Arith.]); (digito) indice forefinger, index finger; digito medie middle finger; (digito) annular ring finger; (digito) auricular little finger {Hence:} digital (1)-interdigital, cubitodigital etc.; digital (2) &; digitate; digitiforme etc.; digitigrade etc.; prestidigitar etc.

dignar = {v} to deign

digne = {adj} 1. worthy, deserving; 2. dignified (= showing or expressing dignity); digne de (laude) worthy (of praise), (praise)worthy {Hence:} dignitate-dignitario; dignar-disdignar &; dignificar; indigne-indignitate, indignar &; condigne

dignificar = {v} to dignify, make worthy

dignitario = {n} dignitary

dignitate = {n} dignity (1. intrinsic worth, stateliness; 2. high office, rank, or title)

digreder [-gred-/-gress-] = {v} to digress (= to deviate from the main subject) {Hence:} digression; digressive

digress- see digreder

digression = {n} digression (1. deviation from the subject in discourse or writing; 2. [Astron.]); perder se in un digression or in digressiones to lose oneself in a digression or in digressions

digressive = {adj} digressive

di-hedre = {adj} [Math.] dihedral {Hence:} dihedro

dihedro = {n} [Math.] dihedron

dilapidar = {v} to squander, dilapidate {Hence:} dilapidation; dilapidator

dilapidation = {n} squandering, waste

dilapidator = {n} squanderer, wastrel, spendthrift

dilat- see differer

dilatabile ad; dilatable

dilatabilitate = {n} dilatability

dilatar = {v} to dilate (= to make larger or wider) {Hence:} dilatabile-dilatabilitate; dilatation; dilatator

dilatation = {n} dilatation, dilation

dilatator = {n} dilator (1. one who or that which dilates; 2. [Surg.])

dilatori = {adj} dilatory (= tending to delay)

dilect- see dilig-

dilection = {n} affection, love

di-lemma = {n} dilemma

dilettante [I] = {n} lover of the arts, amateur, dilettante {Hence:} dilettantismo

dilettantismo = {n} dilettantism

dilig- [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} diligente-diligentia; dilection-predilection

diligente = {adj} diligent

diligentia = {n} diligence (1. assiduity; 2. public stage coach)

diluer [-lu-/-lut-] = {v} to dilute (as in "to dilute wine") {Hence:} dilution; diluvio &

dilut- see diluer

dilution = {n} dilution

diluv- see diluer

diluvial = {adj} diluvial, diluvian

diluvian = {adj} diluvian, diluvial

diluviar = {v} to rain heavily, pour

diluvio = {n} 1. deluge; 2. [Geol.] diluvium {Hence:} diluvial; diluvian-antediluvian, postdiluvian; diluviar

dimens- see dimetir

dimension = {n} dimension (1. as in "the three dimensions"; 2. size, magnitude, extent); dimensiones critic [Phys.] critical size {Hence:} dimensional-bidimensional etc.

dimensional = {adj} dimensional

di-mere = {adj} [Bot., Zool.] dimerous

dimetir [-met-/-mens-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} dimension &

di-metro (dí-) = {n} dimeter

diminuendo = {n} [Mus.] diminuendo

diminuer = {v} to diminish, lessen; diminuer le precio to reduce the price; diminuer de valor to diminish in value; columna diminuite diminished, tapering column {Hence:} diminuendo; diminution; diminutive-diminutivo

diminution = {n} diminution

diminutive = {adj} [Gram.] diminutive

diminutivo = {n} [Gram.] diminutive

dimiss- see dimitter

dimission = {n} 1. dismissal; 2. demission, resignation

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