Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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dimitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to dismiss, discharge {Hence:} dimission

di-morphe = {adj} dimorphic {Hence:} dimorphismo

dimorphismo = {n} dimorphism (1. [Biol., Bot., etc.]; 2. [Cryst.])

din- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] dino-, din- (= fearful, terrible) {Hence:} dinosauro etc. ...

dinar = {v} to dine, to take dinner {Hence:} dinator

dinar = {n} dinner, dining

dinator = {n} diner (= one who dines)

dino-sauro = {n} [Paleontol.] dinosaur

diocesan = {adj} diocesan

diocesano = {n} diocesan

diocese = {n} diocese (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Eccl.]) {Hence:} diocesan-diocesano

dionysia [L] = {npl} [Gr. Relig.] Dionysia {Hence:} dionysiac

dionysiac (-íac) = {adj} Dionysiac

Dionysio = {npr} [Anc. Hist.] Dionysius

Dionyso = {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Dionysus, Dionysos

diorama = {n} diorama

Dioscuros = {npl} [Mythol.] Dioscuri, Dioscuroi, Castor and Pollux

di-petale = {adj} [Bot.] dipetalous

diphtheria (-ía) = {n} diphtheria {Hence:} diphtheric

diphtheric = {adj} diphtheritic, diphtheric

diphthongar = {v} to diphthongize

di-phthonge = {adj} diphthongal, diphthonged {Hence:} diphthongo-diphthongar

diphthongo = {n} diphthong (= union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable)

diplo- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] diplo- (= twofold, double) {Hence:} diplopia etc. ...

diploma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} diploma {Hence:} diplomatic; diplomatica; diplomar-diplomate

diplomar = {v} to grant a diploma to

diplomat- see diploma

diplomate = {adj} certified (= having been granted a diploma, license, etc.) diplomate {n} diplomat, diplomatist {Hence:} diplomatia; diplomatic-diplomatico

diplomatia (-ía) = {n} diplomacy

diplomatic (1) = {adj} diplomatic (= pertaining to the science of diplomatics or diplomas)

diplomatic (2) = {adj} diplomatic (1. belonging to diplomacy; 2. characterized by diplomacy); corpore diplomatic diplomatic corps

diplomatica = {n} diplomatics (= science of diplomatics or of diplomas)

diplomatico = {n} diplomat, diplomatist

dipl-opia (-ía) = {n} diplopia {Hence:} diplopic

diplopic = {adj} diplopic

dips- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] dips- (= thirst) {Hence:} dipsomania etc. ...

dipso-mane = {adj} dipsomania {Hence:} dipsomano

dipso-mania (-ía) = {n} dipsomania

dipsomano (-só-) = {n} dipsomaniac

di-ptere = {adj} 1. [Arch.] dipteral; 2. [Entom.] dipterous {Hence:} dipteros

dipteros (díp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Diptera

direct- see diriger

directe = {adj} 1. straight (= in a line); 2. direct (= without deviation or interruption); (ir, ambular, etc.) directe (to go, walk, etc.) straight

direction = {n} direction (1. action of directing; 2. as in "to move in a certain direction")

directiva = {n} directive

directive = {adj} directive

director = {n} director; {also:} manager, principal, editor-in-chief, etc.; director de orchestra [Mus.] conductor

directorato = {n} directorate (= function of a director)

directori = {adj} directory

directorial = {adj} directorial (1. pertaining to a director; 2. pertaining to a directorate, or to the French Directory)

directorio = {n} 1. directorate, board of directors; 2. [Fr. Hist.] Directory

directrice = {n} 1. directress, {also:} head-mistress, etc.; 2. [Geom.] directrix

directura = {n} uprightness, rectitude, straightforwardness

diriger [-rig-/-rect-] = {v} to direct (1. to guide, control, manage; 2. to cause to turn in a particular direction); diriger se verso (un loco) to turn towards (a place); diriger (un orchestra) to conduct (an orchestra); diriger (un littera) a (un persona) to direct (a letter) to (someone) {Hence:} dirigibile; direction; directive-directiva; director-directorato, directorial; directori; directorio-directorial; directrice; directura; directe-indirecte

dirigibile = {adj} dirigible dirigibile {n} dirigible

dirimente = {adj} 1. ppr of dirimer; 2. annuling, nullifying, diriment; impedimento dirimente [Law] diriment impediment

dirimer = {v} to annul, invalidate {Hence:} dirimente

dis- = {prefixo} dis-, de-, un- (1. [expressing separation, deprivation, division, and the like]; 2. [expressing the negative, contrary, opposite]) {Hence:} disaffection etc.; disillusion etc.; discontinue etc.; discontente etc.; dissone etc.; disapprobar etc.; disarmar etc.; disinfectar etc.; disrumper etc.

disabusar = {v} to disabuse

disaccopular = {v} to separate (a couple)

disaccordar = {v} to disaccord, disagree

disaccordo = {n} 1. disaccord, disagreement; 2. [Mus.] discord

disaccostumar = {v} to disaccustom

disaffection = {n} disaffection

disaffectionar = {v} to disaffect

disaggregar = {v} to disaggregate

disaggregation = {n} disaggregation

disagradabile = {adj} disagreeable, unpleasant

disagradar = {v} -; disagradar a to displease

disancorar = {v} to weigh anchor

disanimar = {v} to dishearten, dispirit

disanimate 1. pp of disanimar; 2. {adj} discouraged, dispirited

disannidar = {v} to take out of the nest

disapprender = {v} to forget, unlearn

disapprobar = {v} to disapprove, disapprove of

disapprobation = {n} disapproval, disapprobation

disapprobator = {n} disapprover

disappunctamento = {n} disappointment (= state of being disappointed)

disappunctar = {v} to disappoint (= to fail to realize the expectations of) {Hence:} disappunctamento

disaquamento = {n} draining

disaquar = {v} to drain, dry, etc.

disargentar = {v} to desilver, remove the silver from

disarmamento = {n} disarmament

disarmar = {v} to disarm (1. to deprive of weapons; 2. to reduce the size of the army, navy, etc.)

disarticular = {v} to disarticulate

disarticulation = {n} disarticulation

disassimilar = {v} [Physiol.] to cause disassimilation {Hence:} disassimilation

disassimilation = {n} [Physiol.] disassimilation

disassociar = {v} dissociate, disassociate

disastro = {n} disaster {Hence:} disastrose

disastrose = {adj} disastrous

disaurar = {v} to ungild

disavantage (-aje) = {n} disadvantage

disavantagiose (-jo-) = {adj} disadvantageous, unfavorable

disbandamento = {n} disbanding; disbandment

disbandar = {v} to disband; disbandar se to disband, break ranks {Hence:} disbandamento

disbarbar = {v} to shave

disbarbate = {adj} beardless

disbarcamento = {n} debarkation, disembarkation; testa de disbarcamento beachhead; ponte de disbarcamento gangplank

disbarcar = {v} to disembark (1. to put ashore from a ship; 2. to go ashore from a ship)

disbarcatorio = {n} wharf, landing pier; {also:} gangplank

disblocar = {v} to raise the blockade of

disbordamento = {n} overflow, inundation (= flowing over the banks, the brim, etc.)

disbordar = {v} to overflow (= to flow over the brim, banks, etc.) {Hence:} disbordamento

disbridar = {v} 1. to unbridle; 2. [Surg.] to debride

disbuccamento = {n} (action of) debouching, issuing forth

disbuccar = {v} to debouch, issue forth {Hence:} disbuccamento

disbuclar = {v} to uncurl (= to cause to uncurl)

disbursamento = {n} disbursament

disbursar = {v} to disburse, pay out {Hence:} disbursamento

disbuttonar = {v} to unbutton (a coat, etc.)

disbutyrar = {v} to skim (milk)

discalceamento = {n} (act of) taking off (one's or someone's) shoes, stockings, etc.

discalcear = {v} 1. to take off (shoes, stockings, etc. from someone's feet); 2. to uncover, expose the foot or roots (of a tree, tooth, etc.); discalcear se to take off one's shoes, stockings, etc.

discalceate 1. pp of discalcear; 2. {adj} barefooted

discalceator = {n} bootjack

discamminar = {v} to lead astray

discampamento = {n} decampment

discampar = {v} to decamp (1. to break up a camp; 2. to depart quickly) {Hence:} discampamento

discantar = {v} [Mus.] to descant (= to sing a descant or counterpoint above the plain song)

discanto = {n} [Mus.] descant (1. counterpoint above the plain song; 2. upper part in part music) {Hence:} discantar

discapillar = {v} to tousle, dishevel

discapillate = {adj} disheveled

discarbonatar = {v} to decarbonize, decarbonate

discarburar = {v} to decarbonize

discarburation = {n} decarbonization

discardinar = {v} to unhinge

discarga = {n} I. (act of) unloading, unlading; {also:} dumping; II. discharge (1. firing off a fire-arm; 2. "electric discharge"; 3. [Arch.]); III. unburdening, relief, etc.

discargamento = {n} unloading, unlading

discargar = {v} I. to unload, unlade; {also:} to dump; II. to discharge (1. to fire, fire off; to rid of an electric charge); III. to unburden, relieve, etc.; discargar un persona de (un obligation, etc.) to discharge, release, exonerate someone from (an obligation, etc.)

discargator = {n} unloader; {also:} longshoreman

discargatorio = {n} 1. unloading place, wharf; 2. dump, dumping place

discarnar = {v} to take off flesh; {also:} to make thin

discarnate 1. pp of discarnar; 2. {adj} fleshless; {also:} lean, gaunt

discassage (-aje) = {n} (action of) unpacking or unboxing

discassamento = {n} 1. (action of) unpacking or unboxing; 2. (action of) paying out (cash)

discassar = {v} 1. to unpack, unbox; 2. to pay out (cash)

discentralizar = {v} to decentralize

discentralization = {n} decentralization

discerner [-cern-/-cret-] = {v} to discern {Hence:} discernimento; discernibile-indiscernibile; discretion-discretional, discretionari, indiscretion; discretive; discrete-indiscrete; discernitor

discernibile = {adj} discernible

discernimento = {n} discernment

discernitor = {n} discerner

discinct- see discinger

discincte = {adj} ungirded, ungirt

discinger [-cing-/-cinct-] = {v} to ungirdle {Hence:} discincte

disciplina = {n} discipline (1. as in "school discipline", "military discipline", etc.; 2. branch of instruction; 3. [Eccl.] scourge) {Hence:} disciplinari; disciplinar

disciplinar = {v} to discipline (1. to subject to discipline; 2. [Eccl.] to scourge)

disciplinari = {adj} disciplinary

discipulo (-cí-) = {n} disciple

disclavar = {v} to unnail, remove the nails from

disco = {n} 1. disk; 2. discus; 3. (phonograph) record

discollar = {v} to unglue

discolorar = {v} to discolor (= to deprive of color or coloring)

discompletar = {v} to render incomplete

disconcertamento = {n} disconcertment; {also:} bafflement

disconcertar = {v} to disconcert (1. to spoil, upset; 2. to embarrass greatly; {also:} to baffle) {Hence:} disconcertate; disconcertamento

disconcertate 1. pp of disconcertar; 2. {adj} disconcerted; {also:} baffled

disconsolate = {adj} disconsolate, unconsoled

discontabile = {adj} discountable

discontaminar = {v} decontaminate

discontamination = {n} decontamination; discontamination de plutonium [Atomic Phys.] decontamination of plutonium

discontar = {v} to discount (1. [Com.]; 2. to deduct, leave out of account) {Hence:} disconto; discontabile; discontator

discontator = {n} discounter

discontentamento = {n} discontentment, discontent

discontentar = {v} to discontent; to dissatisfy

discontente = {adj} discontent, discontented

discontento = {n} discontent

discontinuar = {v} to discontinue (= to cause to cease)

discontinuation = {n} discontinuation

discontinue = {adj} discontinuous

discontinuitate = {n} discontinuity

disconto = {n} [(Com.] discount; banca de disconto discount bank; disconto bancari bank discount

disconvenientia = {n} disparity, disproportion

disconvenir = {v} to disagree, be in disagreement; disconvenir a to be unsuited to, unsuitable for

discoperir [-per-/-pert-] = {v} 1. to uncover; 2. to discover; discoperir se to uncover (= to take off one's hat) {Hence:} discoperta; discoperitor

discoperitor = {n} discoverer

discopert- see discoperir

discoperta = {n} discovery

discoragiamento (-aja-) = {n} discouragement

discoragiar (-ajar) = {v} to discourage, dishearten

discorcar v. to uncork

discordante 1. ppr of discordar; 2. {adj} discordant, disagreeing

discordantia = {n} discordance (1. disagreement; 2. discord)

discordar = {v} to disagree

discorde = {adj} discordant {Hence:} discordia; discordar-discordo, discordante-discordantia

discordia = {n} discord; le pomo de(l) discordia the apple of discord

discordo = {n} disagreement, discord

discornar = {v} to dehorn

discoronar = {v} to uncrown, dethrone

discortese = {adj} discourteous

discortesia (-ía) = {n} discourtesy

discreditar = {v} to discredit (= to injure the credit of)

discredito (-cré-) = {n} discredit (= loss of good name or standing); cader in discredito to fall into discredit

discrepante 1. ppr of discrepar; 2. {adj} discrepant

discrepantia = {n} discrepancy

discrepar = {v} to be discrepant, be at variance {Hence:} discrepante-discrepantia

discrescer = {v} to decrease

discret- see discerner

discrete = {adj} 1. discrete (= consisting of distinct parts); 2. discreet

discretion = {n} discretion (= quality of being discreet); etate del discretion age or years of discretion; a discretion at discretion

discretional = {adj} discretionary, discretional

discretionari = {adj} discretionary

discretive = {adj} discriminative, distinguishing

discriminar = {v} to discriminate (= to perceive or note the difference in or between) {Hence:} discrimination

discrimination = {n} discrimination (= act or faculty of perceiving or noting differences and distinctions)

disculpar = {v} to free from blame, exculpate; disculpar (de) exonerate (from)

diseurrer [-curr-/-curs-] = {v} to discourse (= to speak formally) {Hence:} discursive; discurso

discurs- see discurrer

discursive = {adj} discursive (1. proeeeding by reasoning, not intuitive; 2. rambling)

discurso = {n} discourse (1. formal speech; 2. treatise); pronunciar un discurso to deliver a speech; le partes del discurso the parts of speeeh

discuss- see discuter

discussion = {n} discussion

discuter [-cut-/-cuss-] = {v} to discuss {Hence:} discutibile-indiscutible; discussion

discutibile = {adj} debatable

disdicer = {v} to deny, contradict; disdicer se to retract, recant {Hence:} disdicimento

disdicimento = {n} retraction, withdrawal (from a contract or agreement)

disdignar = {v} to disdain, scorn {Hence:} disdigno; disdignose

disdigno = {n} disdain, scorn

disdignose = {adj} disdainful

disduplamento = {n} (action of) undoubling, unfolding

disduplar = {v} to undouble, unfold

disembarassar = {v} to disentangle, disembarrass; disembarassar se de to get rid of

disequilibrar = {v} to unbalance, throw out of balance

disequilibrate 1. pp of disequilibrar; 2. {adj} unbalanced (= unsteady, unstable)

disestima = {n} disesteem

disestimar = {v} to disesteem

disfacer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} I. to undo (1. to unfasten; 2. to destroy); II. to defeat; disfacer se de to get rid of {Hence:} disfacte; disfacta

disfact- see disfacer

disfacta = {n} undoing; {also:} defeat

disfacte = {adj} discomposed (as in "discomposed features")

disfalsar = {v} to true, straighten

disfavor = {n} disfavor

disfavorabile = {adj} unfavorable

disfavorar = {v} to disfavor

disferrar = {v} to unshoe (a horse); un cavallo disferra se a horse loses a shoe

disfigurar = {v} to disfigure {Hence:} disfiguration

disfiguration = {n} disfigurement, disfiguration

disfloramento = {n} defloration

disflorar = {v} to deflower (1. to strip of flowers; 2. to deprive of virginity) {Hence:} disfloramento

disfoliar = {v} to defoliate (= to strip, deprive, of leaves)

disfoliation = {n} defoliation (= act of depriving of leaves)

disfoliator = {n} defoliator

disfrenar = {v} to unbridle (a horse, etc.); {also:} to unleash

disfructar = {v} to pick fruit

disgelar = {v} to unfreeze (1. to cause to thaw or melt; 2. to thaw, become melted) {Hence:} disgelo

disgelo = {n} thaw

disgorgamento = {n} disgorgement

disgorgar = {v} to disgorge {Hence:} disgorgamento

disgranamento = {n} (act of) threshing, flailing, shelling, etc.

disgranar = {v} to thresh, thrash, flail, shell, etc. {Hence:} disgranamento; disgranator

disgranator = {n} I. thresher (1. one who threshes; 2. threshing machine); II. sheller (= one who or that which shells)

disgrassiar = {v} to remove the fat from (the carcass of an animal, etc.)

disgratia = {n} I. disgrace (1. disfavor; 2. public dishonor); II. misfortune; III. lack of grace; {also:} ungraciousness; awkwardness; cader in disgratia to fall into disgrace {Hence:} disgratiose; disgratiar

disgratiar = {v} to disgrace (1. to dismiss from favor; 2. to reflect dishonor upon)

disgratiose = {adj} lacking grace; {also:} ungracious, awkward

disgregar = {v} to disintegrate; {also:} [Chem.] to disgregate {Hence:} disgregation

disgregation = {n} disintegration; {also:} [Chem.] disgregation

disguisamento = {n} disguise

disguisar = {v} to disguise (= to change the dress and appearance of so as to conceal identity) {Hence:} disguisamento

disgustar = {v} to disgust {Hence:} disgusto-disgustose

disgusto = {n} disgust

disgustose = {adj} disgusting

dishabituar = {v} to disaccustom, make (someone) lose a habit; dishabituar se to lose, overcome a habit

disharmonia (-ía) = {n} disharmony

disharmonic = {adj} disharmonic

disharmoniose = {adj} unharmonious, disharmonious

disharmonizar = {v} to disharmonize

disherbar = {v} to weed (= to clear of weeds)

dishereditar = {v} to disinherit

dishonestate = {n} 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency

dishoneste = {adj} 1. dishonest; 2. improper, immodest

dishonestitate = {n} 1. dishonesty; 2. impropriety, indecency

dishonor = {n} dishonor (1. loss of honor, disgrace; 2. cause or source of disgrace)

dishonorabile = {adj} dishonorable

dishonorante = {adj} dishonoring, dishonorable

dishonorar = {v} to dishonor, disgrace; dishonorar un puera to dishonor a girl

dishydrator = {v} to dehydrate

disillusion = {n} disillusion

disillusionamento = {n} disillusionment

disillusionar = {v} to disillusion

disimballar = {v} to unpack

disimbarcar = {v} to disembark

disimbarcation = {n} debarkation, disembarkation

disincantamento = {n} disenchantment

disincantar = {v} to disenchant (1. to free from a spell; 2. to disillusion)

disincantator = {n} disenchanter; attrib. disenchanting

disincarcerar = {v} to release from prison or confinement

disincarceration = {n} release from prison or confinement

disincassamento = {n} unpacking, unboxing

disincassar = {v} to unpack, unbox

disinfamar = {v} to free from stigma

disinfectante = {adj} disinfectant disinfectante {n} disinfectant

disinfectar = {v} to disinfect

disinfectator = {n} disinfector

disinfection = {n} disinfection

disinflammar = {v} to remove the inflammation from

disinflar = {v} 1. to reduce the swelling of; 2. to become less swollen; 3. to deflate

disingranar = {v} to disengage, ungear

disinraucamento = {n} (action of) freeing from hoarseness

disinraucar = {v} to free from hoarseness

disintegrar = {v} to disintegrate (= to cause disintegration)

disintegration = {n} disintegration

disinteressar = {v} 1. to make uninterested or indifferent; 2. to buy out, indemnify; disinteressar se de to lose one's interest in, become indifferent to

disinteressate = {adj} 1. disinterested; 2. uninterested (= not having an interest in a thing)

disinteresse = {n} 1. disinterestedness; 2. uninterestedness (= state of not having an interest in a thing)

disinveloppar = {v} to unwrap

disinvolt- see disinvolver

disinvolte = {adj} easy, unconstrained, free in speech or manner

disinvoltura = {n} ease, unconstraint, freedom in speech or manner

disinvolver [-volv-/-volt-] = {v} to disentangle {Hence:} disinvolte-disinvoltura

disjejunar = {v} to break the fast, stop fasting

disjunct- see disjunger

disjunction = {n} disjunction

disjunctive = {adj} disjunctive (1. tending to disjoin; involving disjunction; 2. [Gram.])

disjunger [-jung-/-junct-] = {v} to disjoin {Hence:} disjunction; disjunctive

dislactar = {v} to wean

disligamento = {n} (act of) unbinding

disligar = {v} to unbind {Hence:} disligamento

dislocar = {v} 1. to displace, shift from its place; 2. to dislocate, put out of joint {Hence:} dislocation

dislocation = {n} dislocation (1. displacement of a bone at a joint; 2. [Geol.])

disloyal = {adj} disloyal

disloyalitate = {n} disloyalty

dismacular = {v} to remove the stains from, clean

dismaculator = {n} cleaner (1. professional cleaner; 2. spot remover, cleaning fluid)

dismaculatura = {n} cleaning, removal of spots

dismanicar = {v} to remove the handle of

dismantellamento = {n} dismantling, dismantlement (as in "the dismantling or dismantlement of a fortress, vessel, etc.")

dismantellar = {v} to dismantle (= to strip of equipment, fortifications, rigging, etc.) {Hence:} dismantellamento

dismarcar = {v} to remove markers or identification marks from

dismascar = {v} to unmask (= to strip of a mask)

dismembramento = {n} dismemberment

dismembrar = {v} to dismember {Hence:} dismembramento

dismensurate = {adj} beyond measure, immeasurable

dismentir = {v} 1. to give the lie to; 2. to deny, disown; {also:} to belie

dismesurate = {adj} beyond measure, immeasurable

dismilitarizar = {v} demilitarize

dismilitarization = {n} demilitarization

dismobilar = {v} to strip of furniture

dismonetizar = {v} to demonetize

dismonetization = {n} demonetization

dismontabile = {adj} dismountable (= that can be taken apart or dismounted)

dismontage (-aje) = {n} [Mech.] (action of) dismounting; also: dismantling

dismontar = {v} to dismount (1. to alight, alight from; 2. to unhorse; 3. [Mech.] to take down from a mounted or assembled condition) {Hence:} dismontage; dismontabile

dismoralizar = {v} to demoralize (= to destroy the morals or morale of) {Hence:} dismoralization; dismoralizator

dismoralization = {n} demoralization (= act of demoralizing or state of being demoralized)

dismoralizator = {n} demoralizer

disnationalizar = {v} to denationalize

disnationalization = {n} denationalization

disnaturante = {adj/n} denaturant

disnaturar = {v} to denature (= to alter the nature of)

disnaturation = {n} denaturation

disnazificar = {v} denazify

disnazification = {n} denazification

disnodar = {v} to unknot; untie

disnodose = {adj} smooth, knotless, without gnarls

disobediente 1. ppr of disobedir; 2. {adj} disobedient

disobedientia = {n} disobedience

disobedir = {v} to disobey; disobedir a (un persona) to disobey (somebody)

disobligante = {v} disobliging

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