Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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involver [-volv-/-volut-] = {v} I. to wrap (up), envelop; II. to involve (1. to entangle, implicate; 2. to imply) {Hence:} involution; involute; disinvolver &

invulnerabile = {adj} invulnerable

invulnerabilitate = {n} invulnerability

io = {pron pers} I

iodar = {v} to iodate

iodato = {n} iodate

iodic = {adj} iodic

iodismo = {n} [Med.] iodism

iodo = {n} iodine {Hence:} iodato; iodic; iodose; iodismo; iodar; iodometria etc.; iodoformo etc.

iodo-formo = {n} iodoform

iodo-metria (-ía) = {n} iodometry

iodose = {adj} iodous

ion (í-) = {n} ion {Hence:} ionic; ionizar-ionization

-ion = {suffixo substantive} [used with the second stem of verbs in `-er' and `-ir'; {note:} `-ion' + `-ose' = `-iose'] -ion (= action or result of {Hence:} election etc.; vision etc.; inflexion etc.; distribution etc.; solution etc.; sanction etc.

ionic = {adj} [Phys.] ionic

ionizar = {v} to ionize

ionization = {n} ionization

iota = {n} iota (1. ninth letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. as in "not an iota of evidence")

Iphigenia (-ía) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Iphigenia

ipse myself, yourself, himself, etc. (as in "the king himself"); hodie ipse this very day

-ique see eque

ir = {v} to go; ir a (un persona) to suit, be becoming to (someone); ir e venir to walk up and down {Hence:} adir &; ambir &; circuir &; exir &; obir &; preterir &; transir &; see also verbal forms va, [van], [vamos]

ir- see Eire

ir- see in-

ira = {n} anger, wrath, ire {Hence:} irate; irascer &

irascer = {v} to become angry {Hence:} irascibile-irascibilitate

irascibile = {adj} irascible

irascibilitate = {n} irascibility

irate = {adj} angry, wrathful, irate

iridaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Iridaceae

iridacee = {adj} [Bot.] iridaceous

Iride = {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Iris; iride iris (1. rainbow; 2. "iris of the eye"; 3. [Bot.]; {also:} orris); diaphragma iride [Photog.] iris diaphragm {Hence:} iridium; iridacee-iridaceas; iridescer-iridescente-iridescentia

iridescente 1. ppr of iridescer; 2. {adj} iridescent

iridescentia = {n} iridescence

iridescer = {v} to iridesce

iridium = {n} iridium

Iris = {npr} [Gr. Relig.] Iris; iris iris (1. rainbow; 2. "iris of the eye"; 3. [Bot.]; {also:} orris); diaphragma iris [Phot.] iris diaphragm {Hence:} irizar-irization; iritis

irizar = {v} to make iridescent, iridize

irization = {n} iridescence, irization

iritis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] iritis

Ir-landa = {npr} Ireland {Hence:} irlandese

irlandese = {adj} Irish irlandese {n} 1. Irish (language); 2. Irishman, Irishwoman

ironia (-ía) = {n} irony {Hence:} ironista; ironic; ironizar

ironic = {adj} ironical, ironic

ironizar = {v} to speak ironically, ironize

ironista = {n} ironist; ironical person

irradiante 1. ppr of irradiar; 2. {adj} irradiant

irradiar = {v} to radiate, irradiate (1. to shine; 2. to give out, shed) {Hence:} irradiante; irradiation; irradiator

irradiation = {n} irradiation (1. act of irradiating; 2. state of being irradiated)

irradiator = {n} irradiator

irrationabile = {adj} unreasonable (1. not en dowed with reason; 2. not conformable to reason)

irrational = {adj} irrational (1. not endowed with reason; 2. not conformable to reason, unreasonable; 3. [Math.])

irrationalitate = {n} irrationality (1. state of lacking reason; 2. unreasonableness; 3. [Math.])

irreal = {adj} unreal

irrealizabile = {adj} unrealizable

irrealitate = {n} unreality

irreclamabile = {adj} nonclaimable

irreconciliabile = {adj} irreconcilable

irreconciliabilitate = {n} irreconcilability

irrecuperabile = {adj} irrecoverable

irrecusabile = {adj} [Law] not challengeable, not exceptionable, irrecusable

irredenta [I] = {n} irredenta {Hence:} irredentismo; irredentista

irredentismo = {n} Irredentism; irredentism

irredentista = {n} Irredentist; irredentist

irredimibile = {adj} irredeemable (= not redeemable)

irreducibile = {adj} irreducible

irreducibilitate = {n} irreducibility

irreflexion = {n} want of reflection, thoughtlessness

irreformabile = {adj} irreformable

irrefrangibile = {adj} irrefrangible

irrefrangibilitate = {n} irrefrangibility

irrefutabile = {adj} irrefutable

irrefutabilitate = {n} irrefutability

irrefutate = {adj} unrefuted

irregular = {adj} irregular

irregularitate = {n} irregularity (1. quality of being irregular; 2. that which is irregular)

irreligion = {n} irreligion

irreligiose = {adj} irreligious

irreligiositate = {n} irreligiousness

irremediabile = {adj} irremediable

irremissibile = {adj} irremissible

irremissibilitate = {n} irremissibility

irremunerabile = {adj} irremunerable

irreparabile = {adj} irreparable

irreparabilitate = {n} irreparability

irreprehensibile = {adj} irreprehensible, irreproachable

repressibile = {adj} irrepressible

irreprochabile = {adj} irreproachable

irresistibile = {adj} irresistible

irresistibilitate = {n} irresistibility

irresolubile = {adj} irresoluble, irresolvable

irresolute = {adj} irresolute

irresolution = {n} irresolution, irresoluteness

irrespirabile = {adj} irrespirable (= not fit for respiration)

irresponsabile = {adj} irresponsible

irresponsabilitate = {n} irresponsibility

irreverente = {adj} irreverent

irreverentia = {n} irreverence

irrevocabile = {adj} irrevocable

irrevocabilitate = {n} irrevocability

irrider [-rid-/-ris-] = {v} to deride {Hence:} irrision; irrisor; irrisori

irrigabile = {adj} irrigable

irrigar = {v} to irrigate {Hence:} irrigabile; irrigation; irrigator; irrigatori

irrigation = {n} irrigation

irrigator = {n} 1. irrigator; 2. [Med.] syringe, clyster

irrigatori = {adj} irrigative, irrigatory

irris- see irrider

irrision = {n} derision

irrisor = {n} derider

irrisori = {adj} derisive, derisory

irritabile = {adj} irritable

irritabilitate = {n} irritability

irritante = {n} irritant; {also:} [Med.]

irritar = {v} to irritate (1. to annoy; 2. [Pathol.] to make morbidly sensitive; 3. [Physiol.] to stimulate to vital action) {Hence:} irritante; irritabile-irritabilitate; irritation

irritation = {n} irritation (1. annoyance; 2. [Pathol.]; 3. [Physiol.])

irrite (ír-) = {adj} [Law] void, nullified

irrorar = {v} to bedew; {also:} to sprinkle, spray {Hence:} irroration

irroration = {n} bedewment; {also:} sprinkling, spraying

irrumper [-rump /-rupt-] = {v} to break or burst into, irrupt {Hence:} irruption

irrupt- see irrumper

irruption = {n} irruption

[is]' 1. {dem pron} this, that; 2. {dem adj} this, that

is- {n} [occurring in geographical compounds] is-, ice- (= ice) {Hence:} Islanda etc.

is- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] iso- (as in "isotope, isometric") {Hence:} isotope etc.; isometric etc.; isobare etc.

Isaac = {nprm} Isaac

Isaia (-sáia) = {npr} Isaiah

-izar = {suffixo verbal} [used with nouns and adjectives] -ize (1. [with nouns] to make into ...; to apply ...; to make uso of ...; etc.; 2. [with adjectives] to render ..., to make ...) {Hence:} chloroformizar etc.; pasteurizar etc.; pulverizar etc.; commercializar etc.; standardisar etc.

islam = {n} Islam {Hence:} islamismo; islamita-islamitic; islamic; islamizar

islamic = {adj} Islamic, Islamitic

islamizar = {v} to Islamize

islamismo = {n} Islamism

islamita = {n/adj} Islamite, Mohammedan

islamitic = {adj} Islamitic, Islamic

Is-landa = {npr} Iceland {Hence:} islandese; islandic

islandese = {adj} Icelandic islandese {n} 1. Icelander; 2. Icelandic (language)

islandic = {adj} Icelandic

-ismo = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns, adjectives, and verbs in `-izar'] -ism (1. action, process, practice, or result of ...izing; 2. state or practice of being ...; 3. [Med.] abnormal condition resulting from excess of ...; 4. doctrine or practice of ... or concerned with what is ...; 5. something characteristic of ...; {also:} the language of ...) {Hence:} baptismo etc.; hypnotismo etc.; magnetismo etc.; barbarismo etc.; despotismo etc.; alcoholismo etc.; plumbismo etc.; calvinismo etc.; socialismo etc.; gallicismo etc.; provincialismo etc.

iso-bare = {adj} [Phys., Geog.] isobaric; linea(s) isobare isobaric line(s), isobar(s) {Hence:} isobaro-isobaric

isobaric = {adj} isobaric (1. [Phys., Geog.]; 2. [Chem.] )

isobaro (-ó-) = {n} isobar (1. [Meteorol.]; 2. [Chem.])

iso-chrone = {adj} isochronal {Hence:} isochronismo

isochronismo = {n} isochronism

iso-cline = {adj} isoclinal {Hence:} isoclino

isoclino (-ó-) = {n} isocline

iso-diametric = {adj} isodiametric

iso-dynamic = {adj} isodynamic

iso-game (-ó-) = {adj} [Biol.] isogamous {Hence:} isogamia

isogamia (-ía) = {n} isogamy

iso-gone = {adj} isogonal

isolamento = {n} 1. isolation; 2. [Elec., etc.] insulation

isolar = {v} 1. to isolate, insulate; 2. [Elec., etc.] to insulate {Hence:} isolamento; isolation; isolator; isolate

isolate 1. pp of isolar; 2. {adj} isolated, lonely, solitary

isolation = {n} 1. isolation; 2. [Elec., etc.] insulation

isolator = {n} 1. isolator (= one who or that which isolates); 2. [Elec., etc.] insulator

iso-mere = {adj} [Chem. ] isomeric, isomerous {Hence:} isomerismo

isomerismo = {n} [Chem.] isomerism

iso-metric = {adj} isometric

iso-morphe = {adj} isomorphic {Hence:} isomorphismo

isomorphismo = {n} isomorphism

iso-scele = {adj} isosceles

isotherma = {n} isotherm

iso-therme = {adj} isothermal {Hence:} isotherma

iso-tope (-só-) = {adj} [Chem.] isotopic {Hence:} isotopo

isotopo (-só-) = {n} [Chem.] isotope

Israel = {npr} Israel {Hence:} israelita

israelita = {n} 1. Israelite; 2. Israeli (= national of the State of Israel) israelita {adj} 1. Israelitic, Israelite; 2. Israel of (the State of) Israel

[isse] = {dem adj} this, that, these, those (= esse) {Hence:} isso

-issime (-íssime) = {suffixo adjective} [used with adjectives] most, very, greatly ... {Hence:} -issimo; fortissime etc.

-issimo (-íssimo) = {suffixo substantive} [used with adjectives] -issimo (= one who or that which is most or most highly ...) {Hence:} generalissimo etc.; pianissimo etc.

-issimo (-íssimo) = {suffixo} adverbial [used with adjectives and adverbs] -issimo (= most, verry, greatly {Hence:} bravissimo etc.; pianissimo etc.

[isso] = {dem pron} this, that; pro isso for this reason, for that reason, therefore (= esso)

-ista = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns and adjectives, and with verbs in `-izar'] -ist (1. one who ...izes or believes in ...izing; 2. one who practices the art or science of ...; 3. adherent of the doctrine of or of the ...) {Hence:} baptista etc.; clarinettista etc.; novelista etc.; biologista etc.; calvinista etc.; evolutionista etc.; socialista etc.

-ista = {suffixo adjective} [used with nouns and adjectives, and with verbs in `-izar'] -ist, -istic (= pertaining to ...ism or to ...ists) {Hence:} baptista etc.; socialista etc.

iste' I. {dem adj} 1. this; these; 2. (the) latter (= second of two); II. {dem pron} 1. this (one); 2. the latter; istes {dem pron} these

-ister see -sister

isthmic = {adj} isthmian

isthmo = {n} isthmus {Hence:} isthmic

-it- see -itate

[ita] = {adv} 1. thus, so; 2. just so, yes; 3. and so, consequently; 4. accordingly, under the circumstances {Hence:} itaque etc.

-ita = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns] -ite (1. inhabitant, citizen, or native of ...; 2. member, adherent, or partisan of ...) {Hence:} cosmopolita etc.; jesuita etc.; semita etc.

Italia = {npr} Italy {Hence:} italian-italianismo, italianizar, italiano; italic-italico

italian = {adj} Italian

italianizar = {v} to Italianize

italianismo = {n} Italianism

italiano = {n} Italian (1. language of Italy; 2. inhabitant of Italy)

italic = {adj} 1. Italic; 2. [Print.] italic

italico = {n} [Print.] italic

[ita-que] (í-) = {conj} and so, therefore

-itate = {suffixo substantive} [used with adjectives; `-it-' before additional suffix] -ity, -iety (= state or quality of being ...) {Hence:} regularitate etc.; varietate etc.

-ite = {suffixo substantive} [used mainly with nouns] [Geol., Mineral.] -ite (= mineral or rock containing ..., resembling ..., characterized by ..., etc.) {Hence:} graphite etc.; lignite etc.; meteorite etc.

item (í-) = {adv} I. item; II. likewise (1. in the same manner; 2. moreover, furthermore)

iterabile = {adj} repeatable

iterar = {v} to iterate, repeat (1. to do again; 2. to say again)

iteration = {n} iteration, repetition

iterative = {adj} iterative (1. repetitive; 2. [Gram.] frequentative)

iterator = {n} repeater (= one who repeats)

-iterne see eterne

[itero] (í-) = {adv} again, anew; itero e itero again and again, repeatedly {Hence:} iterar-iterabile, iteration, iterative, iterator, reiterar-reiterabile, reiteration, reiterative

itinerante = {adj} itinerant

itinerantia = {n} itinerancy

itinerar = {v} to ravel from place to place

itinerari = {adj} itinerary (= pertaining to roads, a route, or a journey)

itinerario = {n} itinerary (1. course of travel; 3. guidebook)

itinere = {n} road, route; line of travel {Hence:} itinerari; itinerario; itinerar-itinerante-itinerantia

-ition = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'; {note:} `-ition' + `-ose' = `-itiose'] -ition {suffixo} (= action or result of {Hence:} adder, addition etc.: apparition etc.; audition etc.; fruition etc.; volition etc.

-itis (-ítis) = {suffixo substantive} [used with names of parts of the body] [Med.] -itis (= inflammatory disease of the ...) {Hence:} appendicitis etc.; laryngitis etc.

-itive = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -itive (1. tending to ...; 2. having the function of {Hence:} definitive etc.; fugitive etc.; intuitive etc.

-itor = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -itor, -er (= one who, or that which ...s) {Hence:} editor etc.; consumitor etc.; servitor etc.

-itori = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -itory (= pertaining to, or serving for, the action of {Hence:} -itoria; -itorio; meritori etc.; auditori etc.; transitori etc.

-itoria = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -e (= instrument for {Hence:} frigitoria etc.; fritoria etc.

-itorio = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -itory, -itorium (= place where is done) {Hence:} auditorio etc.: dormitorio etc.

-itude = {suffixo substantive} [used with adjectives; `-itudin-' before additional suffix] -itude (= state or quality of being ...) {Hence:} aptitude etc.: certitude etc.

-itudin- see -itude

-itura = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -iture (= action or result of] {Hence:} brunitura etc.; vestitura etc.

-ive = {suffixo adjective} [used with the second stem of verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -ive (1. tending to ...; 2. having the function of {Hence:} receptive etc.; decisive etc.; reflexive etc.; executive etc.; diminutive etc.; inventive etc.

[ja] = {adv} already; at once, right away; just now, a moment ago; `non ... ja' no longer (= `jam')

jac- [jac-/ject-;-jic-/ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} jectar-jectata; abjic- &; adjic- &; conjicer &; dejic- &; ejic- &; injicer &; interjic- &; objic- &; projicer &; rejic- &; subjic- &; trajic- &

jacer = {v} to lie (= to be lying in a certain place) {Hence:} jacimento; adjacer &; circumjacer; subjacer &

jach- see jaco

jachetta = {n} jacket, coat; jachetta de fortia strait jacket

jacimento = {n} [Geol.] layer, deposit, stratum

jaco = {n} coat, jacket {Hence:} jachetta

jacobin = {adj} Jacobin (1. as in "Jacobin friar"; 2. [Fr. Hist]) {Hence:} jacobinismo; jacobino

jacobinismo = {n} Jacobinism

jacobino = {n} Jacobin (1. Dominican friar; 2. [Fr. Hist.])

jacobita = {n} [Ch. Hist.; Engl. Hist.; etc.] Jacobite

jacobitismo = {n} Jacobitism

Jacobo = {npr} James {Hence:} jacobin &; jacobita-jacobitismo

jacular = {v} to throw, cast, hurl; to jaculate {Hence:} jaculation; jaculatori; ejacular &

jaculation = {n} jaculation

jaculatori = {adj} ejaculatory (as in "ejaculatory prayer")

jada = {n} jade (= the stone "jade")

jalne = {adj} yellow {Hence:} jalnessa

jalnessa = {n} 1. yellowness; 2. jaundice

jalousie [F] = {n} Venetian blind

jam = {adv} already, at once, right away; just now, a moment ago; indeed, surely

jammais (-máis) = {adv} ever, at any time; non ... jammais never; jammais! never!

Jano = {npr} [Rom. Mythol.] Janus {Hence:} Januario

janu- see Jano

januario = {n} January

Japhet (já-) = {npr} [Bib.] Japheth {Hence:} japhetic

japhetic = {adj} Japhetic

Japon = {npr} Japan {Hence:} japonese-sino-japonese etc.

japonese = {adj} Japanese japonese {n} Japanese (1. Japanese language; 2. native of Japan)

jardin = {n} garden {Hence:} jardinero; jardineria; jardiniera; jardinar-jardinage

jardinage (-aje) = {n} (art of) gardening

jardinar = {v} to garden

jardineria (-ía) = {n} gardening (= gardener's trade or business)

jardinero = {n} gardener

jardiniera = {n} ornamental flower stand, jardiniere

jargon [F] = {n} jargon (1. language regarded as barbarous; 2. technical vocabulary of a special group) {Hence:} jargonar

jargonar = {v} to jargon

jarra = {n} (large earthenware) jar

jasmin = {n} jasmine, jessamine

jazz [A] = {n} jazz (music)

ject- see jac-

jectar = {v} to throw

jectata = {n} pier, mole, jetty

Jehovah (-hóva) = {npr} Jehovah

jejun = {adj} empty-stomached {Hence:} jejunar-jejuno (1); disjejunar; jejuno (2)

jejunar = {v} to fast

jejuno (1) = {n} fast, fasting

jejuno (2) = {n} [Anat.] jejunum

jelose = {adj} jealous; jelose del (libertate) jealous of one's (liberty) {Hence:} jelosia

jelosia (-ía) = {n} jealousy

jentaculo = {n} breakfast

jentar = {v} to breakfast {Hence:} jentaculo

jentar = {n} breakfast

Jeremia (-ía) = {npr} 1. [Bib.] Jeremiah; 2. Jeremy {Hence:} jeremiade

jeremiade (-í-) = {n} jeremiad

Jericho (jé-) = {npr} Jericho

Jerusalem = {npr} Jerusalem

jesu- see Jesus

jesuita (-í-) = {n} Jesuit ([R.C.Ch.]; {also:} one likened to a Jesuit) {Hence:} jesuitismo; jesuitic

jesuita (-í-) = {adj} Jesuit, Jesuitic; {also:} jesuitic, crafty

jesuitic (-í-) = {adj} Jesuit, Jesuitic; {also:} jesuitic, crafty

jesuitismo = {n} Jesuitism; {also:} jesuitism, Jesuitry

Jesus (-sús) = {npr} Jesus {Hence:} jesuita &

-jic- see jac-

jiga = {n} [Dancing, Mus.] jig {Hence:} jigar

jigar = {v} [Dancing, Mus.] to jig

[jo] = {pron} I (= io)

jocar = {v} to play (1. to take part in a game; 2. to gamble; 3. [Theat.] to act)

jocator = {n} 1. player (= participant in a game); 2. gambler

jockey [A] = {n} jockey

joco = {n} 1. play, game (as in "the play of children," "the game of chess," etc.); 2. playing, gaming, gambling; 3. game (= set of things needed to play a game); 4. [Mech.] play; 5. joke, jest; joco de parolas play on words {Hence:} jocose; joculo-jocular (1), jocular (2) &; jocar-jocator

jocose = {adj} playful, jocose

jocular = {adj} jocular (as in "a jocular person") jocular {v} to juggle (= to perform the tricks of a juggler) {Hence:} joculeria; joculator

joculator = {n} juggler, prestidigitator

joculeria (-ía) = {n} jugglery (= skill or act of a juggler)

joculo = {n} 1. little joke or jest; 2. toy, plaything

Johanna = {nprf} Joan

Johannes (-há-) = {nprm} John {Hence:} johannita; Johanna

johannita = {n} knight of St. John

joiel = {n} jewel; joieles jewelry {Hence:} joielero; joieleria

joieleria (-ía) = {n} jeweler's shop

joielero = {n} jeweler

Jonas (jó-) = {npr} Jonah, Jonas

jornal = {n} 1. diary, journal; 2. newspaper; {also:} periodical {Hence:} jornalismo; jornalista-jornalistic

jornalismo = {n} journalism (1. profession of a journalist; 2. newspapers and magazines as a group)

jornalista = {n} journalist

jornalistic = {adj} journalistic

jornata = {n} day's journey

jorno = {n} day (1. "day" as opposed to "night"; 2. period of twenty-four hours) {Hence:} jornal &; jornata; ajornar &; sojornar &

Joseph = {npr} Joseph {Hence:} Josephina

Josephina = {npr} Josephine

*joso = {adv} down

Josue (-é) = {npr} Joshua

Joule, James Prescott = {npr} [1818-1889; physicist after whom the "joule" is named]; lege de Joule Joule's law; effecto Joule Joule effect {Hence:} joule

joule (jául) = {n} [Phys.] joule

Jove = {npr} Jove (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.] Jupiter) {Hence:} jovial &; jovedi etc.

jove-di (-dí) = {n} Thursday

jovial = {adj} jovial {Hence:} jovialitate

jovialitate = {n} joviality

ju- [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} judice etc.

jubilante 1. ppr of jubilar; 2. {adj} jubilant, exultant

jubilar = {v} to rejoice, jubilate

jubilari = {adj} jubilee, of jubilee; anno jubilari jubilee year

jubilation = {n} jubilation, rejoicing

jubilator = {n} rejoicer, one who rejoices

jubileo (-éo) = {n} jubilee (1. [Jewish Hist.] year of Jubilee; 2. [R.C.Ch.] as in "extraordinary jubilee"; 3. celebration of the fiftieth anniversay of an event)

jubilo (júbilo) = {n} exultant joy, jubilee {Hence:} jubilari; jubilar-jubilante, jubilation, jubilator

Juda = {npr} I. [Bib.] Judah (1. one of the sons of Jacob; 2. the Tribe of Judah; 3. the Kingdom of Judah); II. Judas; specif.: 1. Judas Iscariot; 2. St. Jude; also: Jude; basio de Juda Judas kiss {Hence:} Judea; judee &

juda- see judee

judaic = {adj} Judaic

judaizar = {v} to Judaize

judaismo = {n} Judaism

judaista = {n} Judaist, Judaizer

Judea (-éa) = {npr} Judea

judee (-ée) = {adj} Jewish {Hence:} judeo-judaic, judaizar-judaismo, judaista; judeochristian etc.; judeogerman etc.; judeoespaniol etc.

judeo = {n} Jew

judeo-christian = {adj} Judeochristian

judeo-espaniol = {adj/n} Judaeo-Spanish, Ladino

judeo-german = {adj} Judaeo-German, Yiddish {Hence:} judeogermano

judeogermano = {n} Judaeo-German, Yiddish

judicamento = {n} judgment (1. action of judging; 2. sentence)

judicar = {v} to judge

judicative = {adj} judicative

judicator = {n} judger

judicatori = {adj} judicatory

judicatura = {n} judicature (1. function of a judge; 2. judges collectively)

ju-dice (jú-) = {n} judge {Hence:} judicio-judicial, judiciari, judiciose, prejudicio &; judicar-judicamento, judicative, judicator, judicatori, judicatura, adjudicar &, prejudicar

judicial = {adj} [Law] judicial

judiciari = {adj} [Law] judicial; judiciary

judicio = {n} I. judgment (1. sentence; 2. opinion; 3. faculty of judging); II. tribunal; III. trial (as in "trial for theft"); die del judicio doomsday, Day of Judgment; judicio ultime Last Judgment; in judicio on trial; for trial; judicio per juratos trial by jury

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