Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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informative = {adj} informative

informator = {n} informer, informant

informe = {adj} unformed, inform

infortuna = {n} misfortune

infortunate = {adj} unfortunate

infra' 1. {adv} below, underneath, beneath; 2. {prep} below, under, beneath

infract- see infringer

infraction = {n} infraction

infrangibile = {adj} unbreakable

infrangibilitate = {n} unbreakableness

infrarubie = {adj} infra-red

infrastructura = {n} substructure

infrequente = {adj} infrequent

infrequentia = {n} infrequency, infrequence

infringer [-fring-/-fract-] = {v} to infringe (= to break, violate) {Hence:} infringimento; infraction

infringimento = {n} infringement

infructuose = {adj} fruitless

infunder [-fund-/-fus-] = {v} 1. to pour in; {also:} to infuse; 2. to infuse (as in "to infuse tea") {Hence:} infundibulo; infusion; infusorio &

infundibulo = {n} funnel (1. small, tapering tube with a cone-shaped mouth; 2. [Anat.] infundibulum)

infuriar = {v} to infuriate

infuriate 1. pp of infuriar; 2. {adj} infuriate, infuriated

infus- see infunder

infusibile = {adj} infusible, not fusible

infusibilitate = {n} infusibility

infusion = {n} I. pouring in; {also:} infusion; II. infusion (1. [Eccl.]; 2. extract obtained by infusing or steeping)

infusorial = {adj} infusorial

infusorio = {n} infusorian; infusorios Infusoria {Hence:} infusorial

ingagiamento (-ja-) = {n} engagement (= act of engaging or hiring; condition of being engaged or hired)

ingagiar (-ja-) = {v} to engage (= to hire, employ) {Hence:} ingagiamento; ingagiator; reingagiar

ingagiator (-ja-) = {n} engager (= one who engages or employs)

ingemmar = {v} to adorn with gems, ingem

ingeneramento = {n} begetting, engenderment

ingenerar = {v} to beget, engender {Hence:} ingeneramento

ingenerose = {adj} ungenerous

ingenerositate = {n} ungenerousness

ingeniar = {v} -; ingeniar se to exercise ono's wits, strain one's ingenuity

ingenieria (-ía) = {n} engineering (= profession of engineering)

ingeniero = {n} engineer (as in "civil engineer")

ingenio = {n} 1. inborn skill, talent, genius; 2. engine (= mechanical contrivance, tool, instrument, etc.) {Hence:} ingeniero; ingenieria; ingeniose-ingeniositate; ingeniar

ingeniose = {adj} ingenious (1. having an aptitude for invention or construction; 2. cleverly planned or made)

ingeniositate = {n} ingenuity

ingenue = {adj} 1. freeborn; 2. ingenuous {Hence:} ingenuitate

ingenuitate = {n} ingenuousness

ingerentia = {n} interference, meddling

ingerer [-ger-/-gest-] = {v} to introduce, insert; {also:} to ingest; ingerer se to interfere, meddle {Hence:} ingerentia; ingestion

ingest- see ingerer

ingestion = {n} introduction, insertion; {also:} ingestion

inglobar = {v} to enclose, include

ingloriose = {adj} inglorious inglutimento {n} 1. (act of) swallowing, gulping down; 2. engulfment; swallowing up

inglutir = {v} 1. to swallow, gulp down; 2. to swallow up, engulf {Hence:} inglutimento

ingorgamento = {n} engorgement; specif.: [Pathol.]

ingorgar = {v} to engorge {Hence:} ingorgamento

ingovernabile = {adj} ungovernable, uncontrollable

ingranage = {n} gear, gearing; ingranage conic bevel gear; ingranage helicoidal helical or screw gear

ingranar = {v} to gear (1. to put into gear; 2. [Mech.] to mesh) {Hence:} ingranage; disingranar

ingrassar = {v} to grease

ingrassiar = {v} to fatten (= to make or grow fat)

ingrate = {adj} 1. unpleasing, unpleasant; 2. ungrateful, ingrate; (labor) ingrate ungrateful or thankless (work)

ingratiar = {v} to make pleasant; ingratiar se to ingratiate oneself

ingratiose = {adj} ungracious

ingratitude = {n} ingratitude

ingred- [-gred-/-gress-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} ingrediente; ingresso

ingrediente = {n} ingredient

ingress- see ingred-

ingresso = {n} ingress, entrance

inguirlandar (-gi-) = {v} to wreathe

ingummar = {v} to gum (= to treat, smear, etc., with gum)

ingurgitar = {v} to ingurgitate, swallow (1. to engulf; 2. to swallow up greedily) {Hence:} ingurgitation

ingurgitation = {n} ingurgitation

ingypsar = {v} 1. to gypsum; 2. to plaster, cover with plaster

inhabile = {adj} unskilful, clumsy

inhabilitate = {n} unskilfulness, clumsiness

inhalar = {v} [Med.] to inhale {Hence:} inhalation; inhalator

inhalation = {n} [Med.] inhalation

inhalator = {n} inhaler (1. one who inhales; 2. contrivance for inhalation); inhalator

inhardir = {v} to embolden

inharmonia (-ía) = {n} inharmony

inharmonic = {adj} inharmonic

inharmoniose = {adj} inharmonious

inherente 1. ppr of inherer; 2. {adj} inherent

inherentia = {n} inherence

inherer = {v} to inhere, be inherent {Hence:} inherente-inherentia

inhibir = {v} to inhibit (1. to forbid; 2. to restrain, hinder) {Hence:} inbibition; inhibitori

inhibition = {n} inhibition (1. act of forbidding; 2. [Physiol.]; 3. [Psychol.])

inhibitori = {adj} inhibitory (1. prohibitory; 2. [Physiol.])

inhoneste = {adj} dishonorable; indecent

inhospital = {adj} inhospitable

inhospitalitate = {n} inhospitality

inhuman = {adj} inhuman; inhumane

inhumanitate = {n} inhumanity

inhumar = {v} to bury, inter, inhume {Hence:} inhumation

inhumation = {n} burial, interment, inhumation

inhygienic = {adj} unhygienic

inimic (-íc) = {adj} inimical (1. hostile; 2. harmful) {Hence:} inimicitate; inimicar; inimico

inimicar = {v} to make enemies of; inimicar se to become an enemy (of)

inimicitate = {n} enmity

inimico (-íco) = {n} enemy

inimitabile = {adj} inimitable

inintelligente = {adj} unintelligent, obtuse

inintelligentia = {n} want of intelligence, obtuseness

inintelligibile = {adj} unintelligible

ininterrupte = {adj} uninterrupted

inique = {adj} inequitable; iniquitous {Hence:} iniquitate

iniquitate = {n} inequity; iniquity

initial = {adj} initial initial {n} initial

initiar = {v} to initiate (1. to originate; 2. to introduce into a society, sect, etc.; {also:} to introduce to the secrets, elements, etc., of a doctrine or science)

initiation = {n} initiation

initiativa = {n} initiative; prender le initiativa to take the initiative

initiative = {adj} initiative, initiating

initiato = {n} initiate

initiator = {n} 1. initiator; 2. mystagogue

initio = {n} start, beginning {Hence:} initial; initiar-initiation, initiative-initiativa; initiator; initiato

inject- see injicer

injectar = {v} to inject

injectate 1. pp of injectar; 2. {adj} inflamed, congested; {also:} bloodshot

injection = {n} injection

injector = {n} [Med.] injector

injicer [-jic-/-ject-] = {v} to inject {Hence:} injection; injector; injectar-injectate

injunct- see injunger

injunction = {n} injunction (= authoritative admonition or order)

injunger [-jung-/-junct-] = {v} to enjoin (= to command, direct with authority) {Hence:} injunction

injuria = {n} I. injury (1. wrong; 2. damage); II. insult {Hence:} injuriose; injuriar

injuriar = {v} to abuse, insult

injuriose = {adj} injurious, insulting

injuste = {adj} unjust, unfair

injustificabile = {adj} unjustifiable

injustificate = {adj} unjustified

injustitia = {n} injustice

*in loco de = {adv} instead of

in medias res [L] in medias res

innate = {adj} innate; inborn

innatural = {adj} unnatural

innavigabile = {adj} 1. unnavigable; 2. unseaworthy

innavigabilitate = {n} 1. unnavigability; 2. unseaworthiness

innervar = {v} to innervate {Hence:} innervation

innervation = {n} innervation

innobilimento = {n} ennoblement (1. act of giving the rank of nobleman to; 2. act of elevating in excellence or worth)

innobilir = {v} to ennoble (1. to give the rank of nobleman to; 2. to elevate in excellence or worth)

innocente = {adj} innocent (1. not guilty; 2. having no knowledge of evil; 3. harmless, innocuous) {Hence:} innocentia

innocentia = {n} I. innocence (1. guiltlessness; 2. freedom from the knowledge of evil); II. innocuousness, harmlessness

innocue = {adj} innocuous, harmless

innocuitate = {n} innocuousness, harmlessness

innominabile = {adj} unnamable

innominate = {adj} unnamed

innovar = {v} to innovate (= to introduce as new) {Hence:} innovation; innovator

innovation = {n} innovation (1. process of innovating; 2. something newly introduced)

innovator = {n} innovator

innumerabile = {adj} innumerable

innumerabilitate = {n} innumerability

inoblidabile = {adj} unforgettable

inobservabile = {adj} inobservable

inobservante = {adj} inobservant

inobservantia = {n} inobservance, non-observance

inoculabile = {adj} inoculable

inocular = {v} 1. [Hort.] to graft; 2. to inoculate; inocular (un virus, etc.) a un persona to inoculate (a virus, etc.) into someone, inoculate someone with (a virus, etc.) {Hence:} inoculabile; inoculation

inoculation = {n} 1. [Hort.] grafting; 2. inoculation

inodor = {adj} odorless, inodorous

inoffensive = {adj} inoffensive

inofficiose = {adj} [Law] inofficious

inofficiositate = {n} [Law] inofficiosity

inope (ín-) = {adj} 1. helpless; 2. destitute {Hence:} inopia

inopia = {n} 1. helplessness; 2. destitution

inopinate = {adj} unexpected

inopportun = {adj} inopportune

inopportunitate = {n} inopportuneness, inopportunity

inorganic = {adj} inorganic; chimia inorganic inorganic chemistry

inorgoliar = {v} to make proud

inoxydabile = {adj} not oxidizable; {also:} rustproof

inquadramento = {n} 1. (action of) framing; 2. framework, frame

inquadrar = {v} to frame (as in "to frame a picture") {Hence:} inquadramento; inquadrator

inquadrator = {n} 1. (picture) framer; 2. frame maker

inqualificabile = {adj} unspeakable (= indescribably or inexpressibly bad)

inquest- see inquirer

inquesta = {n} 1. inquiry (= investigation); 2. [Law] inquest

inquietar = {v} to disquiet, disturb

inquietator = {n} disturber

inquiete = {adj} inquiet, unquiet

inquietude = {n} inquietude, disquietude

inquirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-] = {v} to inquire, enquire (= to make inquiries) {Hence:} inquesta; inquisition; inquisitor-inquisitorial; inquisitori; inquiritor

inquiritor = {n} inquirer, enquirer

inquisit- see inquirer

inquisition = {n} 1. inquiry, inquisition; 2. [Law] inquisition; 3. [Eccl.] Inquisition

inquisitor = {n} inquisitor (1. one who makes inquiry; 2. [Ch. Hist.])

inquisitori = {adj} inquisitory, inquisitorial

inquisitorial = {adj} inquisitorial

inrabiamento = {n} enragement inrabiar {v} 1. to enrage; 2. to be enraged {Hence:} inrabiamento

inragiamento (-ja-) = {n} enragement

inragiar (-ja-) = {v} 1. to enrage; 2. to be enraged

inraucamento = {n} hoarseness, huskiness

inraucar = {v} to make hoarse or husky {Hence:} inraucamento; disinraucar-disinraucamento

inregimentar = {v} to regiment (= to assign to a regiment)

I.N.R.I. [L] I.N.R.I. (= Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum)

inricchimento = {n} enrichment

inricchir = {v} to enrich (= to make rich with material, mental or spiritual wealth); pila inricchite [Atomic Phys.] enriched pile

inrobar = {v} to clothe, attire; enrobe

inrolamento = {n} [Mil.] enrollment, enlistment

inrolar (1) = {v} [Mil.] to enlist (= to enroll someone for military service) {Hence:} inrolamento

inrolar (2) = {v} to roll, roll up, coil

insablamento = {n} 1. (act of) stranding, running aground, silting, etc.; 2. silt, sand bank, etc.

insablar = {v} to strand, run aground; insablar se to silt

insaccar = {v} to bag, sack (= to put in a bag or sack)

insalar = {v} to salt down, corn

insalubre = {adj} unhealthy, unwholesome; insalubrious

insalubritate = {n} insalubrity, unhealthiness, unwholesomeness

insan = {adj} insane {Hence:} insanitate

insanabile = {adj} incurable

insanabilitate = {n} incurability

insanguinar = {v} to bloody (= to stain with blood) insanitate {n} insanity

insatiabile = {adj} insatiable

insatiabilitate = {n} insatiability

insatiate = {adj} insatiate

insaturabile = {adj} not saturable

inscenar = {v} to stage, put on the stage {Hence:} inscenation; inscenator

inscenation = {n} (action of) staging

inscenator = {n} stage director

insciente = {adj} not knowing, uninformed {Hence:} inscientia

inscientia = {n} ignorance (= lack of knowledge, information)

inscriber [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} I. to inscribe (1. to engrave or write on metal, stone, paper, etc.; 2. [Geom.]); II. to enter, inscribe (in a list); inscriber se to enroll, enlist, register {Hence:} inscription

inscript- see inscriber

inscription = {n} inscription (1. as in "an inscription on a tombstone"; 2. entry in a roll, register, etc.)

inscrupulose = {adj} unscrupulous

inscrutabile = {adj} inscrutable

inscrutabilitate = {n} inscrutability

insecabile = {adj} that cannot be cut, indivisible

insecar [-sec-/-sect-] = {v} to cut in, notch {Hence:} insecto &

insect- see insecar

insecti-cida = {n} insecticide

insecti-vore = {adj} insectivorous {Hence:} insectivoro

insectivoro (-tí-) = {n} insectivore

insecto = {n} insect {Hence:} insectologia etc.; insecticida etc.; insectivore etc.

insecto-logia (-ía) = {n} insectology

insecur = {adj} I. insecure, unsafe; II. unsure, uncertain (1. doubting; 2. doubtful)

insecuritate = {n} insecurity

insellar = {v} to saddle (= to put saddle upon)

insellate 1. pp of insellar; 2. {adj} swaybacked, saddle-backed

inseminar = {v} to inseminate {Hence:} insemination

insemination = {n} insemination

inseniabile = {adj} teachable

inseniamento = {n} 1. (act or art of) teaching; 2. instruction, education, tuition

inseniar = {v} to teach; inseniar un cosa a un persona to teach someone something {Hence:} inseniamento; inseniabile

insensate = {adj} senseless, foolish, insensate

insensibile = {adj} insensible (1. imperceptible; 2. insensitive)

insensibilitate = {n} insensibility, insensitiveness

inseparabile = {adj} inseparable

inseparabilitate = {n} inseparability

inserer [-ser-/-sert-] = {v} to insert {Hence:} insertion; insertar

insert- see inserer

insertar = {v} to insert; {also:} to graft

insertion = {n} insertion

insid- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} insidia &

insidia = {n} 1. snare, ambush; 2. insidiousness {Hence:} insidiose; insidiar-insidiator

insidiar = {v} 1. waylay, ambush; 2. to plot against

insidiator = {n} 1. waylayer; 2. plotter

insidiose = {adj} insidious

insigne = {adj} distinguished, illustrious {Hence:} insignia

insignia = {n} I. ensign (1. badge or emblem of office or dignity; 2. standard, banner); II. standard-bearer; insignias insignia

insignificante = {adj} insignificant

insignificantia = {n} insignificance

insimul (-sí-) = {adv} together insimul (-sí-) {n} general effect, ensemble

insincer = {adj} insincere

insinceritate = {n} insincerity

insinuante 1. ppr of insinuar; 2. {adj} insinuating, ingratiating

insinuar = {v} I. to introduce or insert (gently); II. to insinuate (1. as in "to insinuate oneself into a person's confidence"; 2. to hint, imply) {Hence:} insinuante; insinuation; insinuative; insinuator

insinuation = {n} insinuation

insinuative = {adj} insinuative

insinuator = {n} insinuator

insipide (-sí-) = {adj} insipid, flat {Hence:} insipiditate

insipiditate = {n} insipidity

insipiente = {adj} foolish {Hence:} insipientia

insipientia = {n} foolishness

insistentia = {n} insistence

insister = {v} to insist; insister super to insist on {Hence:} insistentia

in situ [L] in situ

insobrie = {adj} unsober

insobrietate = {n} unsoberness, insobriety

insociabile = {adj} unsociable

insociabilitate = {n} unsociability

insolar = {v} to (place in the) sun, insolate {Hence:} insolation

insolation = {n} 1. insolation, sunning; 2. sunstroke

insolente = {adj} insolent {Hence:} insolentia

insolentia = {n} insolence

insolite (-só-) = {adj} unusual, unaccustomed

insolubile = {adj} insoluble (1. that cannot be dissolved; 2. that cannot be solved)

insolubilitate = {n} insolubility (1. incapacity of being dissolved; 2. incapacity of being solved)

insolvente = {adj} insolvent

insolventia = {n} [Com.] insolvency

insomne = {adj} sleepless, insomnious {Hence:} insomnia

insomnia = {n} insomnia

inspect- see inspicer

inspectar = {v} to inspect

inspection = {n} inspection

inspector = {n} inspector

inspectorato = {n} inspectorate, inspectorship

insperabile = {adj} not to be hoped (for)

insperate = {adj} unhoped-for

inspicer [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} to inspect, superintend {Hence:} inspection; inspector-inspectorato; inspectar

inspirar = {v} 1. to inhale, inspire; 2. to inspire (= to infuse life, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.) {Hence:} inspiration; inspirator

inspiration = {n} 1. inhalation; 2. inspiration

inspirator = {n} inspirer

inspissar = {v} to inspissate, thicken

inspissation = {n} inspissation, thickening

instabile = {adj} unstable

instabilitate = {n} instability

installar = {v} to install (1. to place in office; 2. to put in position for use); installar se to settle down, install oneself {Hence:} installation; reinstallar-reinstallation

installation = {n} installation

instantanee = {adj} instantaneous

instantaneitate = {n} instantaneousness, instantaneity

instante = {adj} instant (= pressing, urgent) instante {n} instant; (a) omne instante continually, at every moment {Hence:} instantanee-instantaneitate

instantia = {n} instance (1. urgent request; 2. [Law])

instar = {v} to press, urge {Hence:} instante (1)-instantia, instante (2) &

instaurar = {v} to establish, set up (a new order, method, etc.) {Hence:} instauration; instaurator

instauration = {n} establishment (of a government, etc.)

instaurator = {n} founder, establisher (of an institution, etc.)

instigar = {v} to instigate {Hence:} instigation; instigator; instigatrice

instigation = {n} instigation

instigator = {n} instigator

instigatrice = {n} instigatrix

instillar = {v} to instill, instil (1. to put in drop by drop; 2. to impart gradually) {Hence:} instillation

instillation = {n} instillation

instinct- see instingu-

instinctive = {adj} instinctive

instincto = {n} instinct; instincto de conservation instinct of self-preservation

instingu- [-stingu-/-stinct-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} instinctive; instincto

instituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} to institute; instituer alicuno herede to institute someone as heir, to appoint someone as heir {Hence:} institutiou; institutor; instituto; instituta

institut- see instituer

instituta = {n} -; institutas [Rom. Law] Institutes (of Justinian)

institution = {n} institution

instituto = {n} institute (= organization for the promotion of literature, science, art, etc.)

institutor = {n} 1. institutor, founder; 2. teacher

instruct- see instruer

instruction = {n} I. instruction (1. education; 2. direction); II. [Law] preliminary investigation

instructive = {adj} instructive

instructor = {n} teacher, instructor; {also:} drillmaster; judice instructor examining magistrate

instruer [-stru-/-struct-] = {v} to instruct (1. to teach, educate; 2. to inform); instruer (un causa) [Law] to examine, investigate (a case) {Hence:} instruction; instructive; instructor

instrumental = {adj} instrumental (1. performed on musical instruments; 2. [Gram.]); causa instrumental instrumental cause

instrumentar = {v} to instrument (1. [Law] to draw up an instrument; 2. [Mus.] to arrange for instruments; {also:} to orchestrate)

instrumentation = {n} [Mus.] instrumentation; {also:} orchestration

instrumentista = {n} [Mus.] instrumentalist

instrumento = {n} instrument (1. tool; 2. "musical instrument"; 3. [Law]); instrumento de percussion percussion instrument; instrumento de vento wind instrument; instrumento de ligno woodwind instrument {Hence:} instrumentista; instrumental; instrumentar-instrumentation

insubmersibile = {adj} insubmersible

insubmission = {n} insubordination, insubmission

insubordinate = {adj} insubordinate

insubordination = {n} insubordination

insubstantial = {adj} insubstantial, unsubstantial

insubstantialitate = {n} insubstantiality, unsubstantiality

insuccesso = {n} failure (= want of success)

insufficiente = {adj} 1. insufficient; 2. incapable, incompetent

insufficientia = {n} 1. insufficiency; 2. incapacity, incompetence

insufflar = {v} to blow upon or into, insufflate {Hence:} insufflation; insufflator

insufflation = {n} insufflation; {also:} [Med.]

insufflator = {n} insufflator (= device for insufflating); {also:} [Med.]

insuffribile = {adj} insufferable, unbearable

insula (ín-) = {n} 1. island, isle; 2. block (of buildings) {Hence:} insular (1)-insularitate; insulario; insular (2) &; peninsula &

insulamento = {n} 1. isolation; 2. [Elec., etc.] insulation

insular = {adj} insular insular {adj} 1. to isolate, insulate; 2. [Elec., etc.] to insulate {Hence:} insulamento; insulation; insulator

insulario = {n} islander

insularitate = {n} insularity

insulation = {n} [Elec., etc.] insulation

insulator = {n} [Elec.] insulator; attrib [Elec., etc.] insulating

insulina = {n} insulin

.insultar = {v} 1. to attack; 2. to insult {Hence:} insulto; insultator

insultator = {n} 1. attacker, aggressor; 2. insulter

insulto = {n} 1. attack; 2. insult

insuperabile = {adj} insuperable

insupportabile = {adj} insupportable, unbearable

insurgente 1. ppr of insurger; 2. {adj} insurgent

insurger [-surg-/-surrect-] = {v} to rise (in revolt) {Hence:} insurgente; insurrection-insurrectional; insurgite-insurgito

insurgite 1. pp of insurger; 2. {adj} insurgent

insurgito = {n} insurgent

insurmontabile = {adj} insurmountable

insurrect- see insurger

insurrection = {n} insurrection

insurrectional = {adj} insurrectional

intabulamento = {n} [Arch.] entablature, entablement

intabular = {v} to board up

intacte = {adj} intact

intactile = {adj} not tactile, intactile

intangibile = {adj} intangible

intangibilitate = {n} intangibility

intascar = {v} to pocket, put in a pocket

integrabile = {adj} [Math.] integrable

integrabilitate = {n} [Math.] integrability

integral = {adj} 1. complete, whole; 2. [Math.] integral integral {n} [Math.] integral

integrante 1. ppr of integrar; 2. {adj} integral (= constituent)

integrar = {v} to integrate (= to complete); {also:} [Math.]

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