Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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herpeto-logia (1) (-ía) = {n} herpetology (= study of herpes)

herpeto-logia (2) (-ía) = {n} herpetology (= study of reptiles)

hesitante 1. ppr of hesitar; 2. {adj} hesitant, hesitating

hesitar = {v} to hesitate {Hence:} hesitante; hesitation

hesitation = {n} hesitation

heter- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] hetero-, heter- (= other, different) {Hence:} heteratomic etc.; heterodyne etc.; heterogame etc.; heterogenee etc.; heterosexual etc.

heter-atomic = {adj} [Chem.] heteratomic

heteroclite (-ó-) = {adj} heteroclite (1. [Gram.]; 2. irregular, anamalous) {Hence:} heteroclito

heteroclito (-ó-) = {n} heteroclite (1. [Gram.]; 2. irregular, anamalous thing or person)

hetero-doxe = {adj} heterodox {Hence:} heterodoxia

heterodoxia (-ía) = {n} heterodoxy

hetero-dyne (-ó-) = {adj} [Radio] heterodyne

hetero-game (-ó-) = {adj} heterogamous {Hence:} hetorogamia

heterogamia (-ía) = {n} heterogamy

hetero-gene = {adj} heterogeneous, heterogene

heterogenee = {adj} heterogeneous {Hence:} heterogeneitate

heterogeneitate = {n} heterogeneity

hetero-ptere = {adj} [Entom.] heteropterous {Hence:} heteropteros

heteropteros (-róp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Heteroptera

hetero-sexual = {adj} heterosexual

hex- = {n/adj} [occurring in compounds] hex-, hexa- (= six) {Hence:} hexachordo etc.; hexachordio etc.; hexagon etc.; hexametre etc.; hexapode etc.

hexa-chordio = {n} hexachord (= variety of musical instrument having six strings)

hexa-chordo = {n} [Medieval Mus.] hexachord

hexa-gon = {adj} hexagonal {Hence:} hexagono-hexagonal

hexagonal = {adj} hexagonal

hexagono (-á-) = {n} hexagon

hexa-hedre = {adj} [Math.] hexahedral {Hence:} hexahedro

hexahedro = {n} [Math.] hexahedron

hexa-metre (-ámetre) = {adj} hexameter, hexametric {Hence:} hexametro

hexametro (-ámetro) = {n} hexameter

hexapode (-ápode) = {adj} hexapod {Hence:} hexapodo

hexapodo (-ápodo) = {n} hexapod

hiar = {v} 1. to stand open, gape, yawn; 2. to leave a hiatus {Hence:} hiato

hiato = {n} hiatus (1. lacuna; 2. [Gram., Pros.])

-hib- = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} exhibir &; inhibir &; prohibir &

hibernal = {adj} hibernal, winter

hibernar = {v} to winter, pass the winter; to hibernate

hibernation = {n} hibernation

hiberno = {n} winter; tempore de hiberno wintry weather {Hence:} hibernal; hibernar-hibernation

[†hic] = {dem adj} this †hic {adv} here; de †hic a (un hora, etc.) (an hour etc.) from now; usque (a) †hic 1. to here; 2. up to now, hitherto; †hic juncte herewith

hidalgo [H] = {n} hidalgo

hier- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] hier-, hiero- (= sacred, holy) {Hence:} hierarcha etc.; hierodulo etc.; hierologia etc.; hieroglyphic etc.; hierophanta etc.

hier-archa = {n} hierarch {Hence:} hierarchia; hierarchic

hierarchia (-ía) = {n} hierarchy

hierarchic = {adj} hierarchic

hieratic = {adj} hieratic

hiero-dulo (-úlo) = {n} [Gr. Relig.] hierodule

hiero-glyphic = {adj} hieroglyphic {Hence:} hieroglyphico

hieroglyphico = {n} hieroglyphic, hieroglyph

hiero-logia (-ía) = {n} hierology

hiero-mantia (-ía) = {n} hieromancy

hiero-phanta = {n} hierophant

high life [A] high life, high society

hilare = {adj} of good cheer, cheerful {Hence:} hilaritate; exhilarar &

hilaritate = {n} (good) cheer, cheerfulness, hilarity

[hinc] = {adv} hence, henceforth (1. from this place; 2. from this time; 3. from this reason)

hindu (-ú) [Persian] = {adj/n} Hindu, Hindoo {Hence:} hinduismo

hinduismo = {n} Hinduism

Hindustan [Persian] = {npr} Hindustan

hiudustani [Hind.] = {n} Hindustani

hinnimento = {n} neighing, whinnying

hinnir = {v} to neigh, whinny {Hence:} hinnimento

hinterland [G] = {n} hinterland

hippiatria (-ía) = {n} hippiatry (= study, work, etc. of a horse doctor)

hippiatric = {adj} hippiatric

hipp-iatro = {n} hippiatrist (= horse doctor) {Hence:} hippiatria; hippiatric

hippic = {adj} hippic (= of horses, horsemanship, etc.)

hippo- = {n} roccurring in derivatives and compounds] hipp-, hippo- (= horse) {Hence:} hippic; hippiatro etc.; hippodromo etc.; hippogrypho etc.; hippopotamo etc.; hippophage etc.; eohippo etc.

hippo-campo = {n} hippocampus, sea horse (1. Mythol.; 2. [Zool.] )

hippo-centauro = {n} hippocentaur (= horse centaur, as opposed to fish centaur)

Hippocrate (-ó-) = {npr} Hippocrates {Hence:} hippocratismo; hippocratic

hippocratic = {adj} Hippocratic (= of Hippocrates); juramento hippocratic Hippocratic oath

hippocratismo = {n} Hippocratism

hippo-dromo (-pó) = {n} hippodrome (= course for horse races)

hippo-grypho = {n} [Mythol.] hippogriff, hippogryph

hippo-litho (-ó-) = {n} [Pathol.] hippolith

hippologia (-ía) = {n} hippology

hippo-logo (-pó-) = {n} hippologist {Hence:} hippologia

hippo-phage (-pó-) = {adj} hippophageous (= eating horse meat) {Hence:} hippophagia; hippophago

hippophagia (-ía) = {n} hippophagy

hippophago (-pó-) = {n} hippophagist

hippo-potamo (-pótamo) = {n} hippopotamus

hirpicar = {v} [Agr.] to harrow

hirpice (hírpice) = {n} harrow {Hence:} hirpicar

hirsute = {adj} hirsute

hirundine = {n} [Ornith.] swallow

hispan = {adj} Spanish

Hispania = {npr} Spain

hispanic = {adj} Hispanic

hispanismo = {n} Hispanicism (= Spanish idiom)

hispanista = {n} Hispanist (= student of Spanish language and culture)

hispano (1) = {n} Spaniard {Hence:} Hispania; hispan-hispanismo, hispanista, hispanoamerican etc., hispanomauresc etc., hispano (2); hispanic

hispano (2) = {n} Spanish (language)

hispano-american = {adj} Spanish American, Hispano-American; also: Spanish-American (1. pertaining to Spanish America; 2. pertaining to Spain and America) {Hence:} hispanoamericano

hispanoamericano = {n} Spanish American

hispano-mauresc = {adj} [Art, Arch., etc.] Hispano-Moresque (= pertaining to the period of Moorish rule in Spain)

hissar = {v} to hoist

histo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] histo-, hist- (= web; tissue) {Hence:} histoide; histographo etc.; histologo etc; histogene etc.; histonomia etc.

histo-gene = {adj} histogenous

histogenia (-ía) = {n} histogeny

histographia (-ía) = {n} histography

histo-grapho (-óqrapho) = {n} histographer

histoide = {adj} [Med.] histoid

histologia (-ía) = {n} histology

histologic = {adj} histological

histologista = {n} histologist

histo-logo (-tó-) = {n} histologist {Hence:} histologia-histologista; histologic

histo-nomia (-ía) = {n} histonomy

historia = {n} 1. history; 2. story; historia natural natural history {Hence:} historietta; historic-historicitate; historico; historiar; prehistoria-prehistoric; historiographo etc.

historiar = {v} 1. to relate as a story; to chronicle; 2. to illustrate, illuminate (with scenes from history or legend)

historic = {adj} historical, historic

historicitate = {n} historicity

historico = {n} historian

historietta = {n} anecdote

historiographia (-ía) = {n} historiography

historiographic = {adj} historiographic

historio-grapho (-ó-) = {n} historiographer {Hence:} historiographia; historiographic

hl = {abbr} = `hectolitro'

[hoc] = {dem pron} 1. this (thing, idea); 2. it (as in hoc pluve it is raining; hoc es that is (to say))

hodie = {adv} today

hodo- = {n} [occurring in compounds]; hodo-, -od- (= way, path) {Hence:} anodo &; cathodo &; exodo &: methodo &; synodo &; hodographo etc.; electrodo etc.

hodo-grapho (-dó-) = {n} hodograph

hodo-metria (-ía) = {n} odometry, hodometry {Hence:} hodometric

hodometric = {adj} odometric, hodometric

hodo-metro (-ó-) = {n} odometer, hodometer

hoi polloi [Gr.] hoi polloi, the common herd

hol- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] hol-, holo- (= whole, entire) {Hence:} holismo; holarctic etc.; holographe etc.

hol-arctic = {adj} holarctic (= entirely or exclusively arctic)

holismo = {n} [Philos.] holism

holla! = {interj} holla!

Hollanda = {npr} Holland, the Netherlands; hollanda [Textiles] Holland (cambric) {Hence:} hollandese

hollandese = {adj} Dutch (= of Holland, of the Netherlands) hollandese {n} 1. Dutchman, Hollander; 2. Dutch (Language)

holo-graphe (-ló-) = {adj} holograph, holographic {Hence:} holographo

holographo (-ló-) = {n} holograph

holo-phras- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} holophrase; holophrastic

holophrase (-ló-) = {n} holophrasis

holophrastic = {adj} holophrastic

hom- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] homo-, hom- (= same) {Hence:} homal- &; home- &; homographo etc; homocentric etc.; homonyme etc.; homologe etc.; homogene etc.; homogenee etc.

hom- see also homine

homage (-aje) = {n} homage (1. [Feudal Law]; 2. dutiful respect or honor shown); render homage a to pay homage to; homage de (un autor, etc.) with the compliments of (an author, etc.)

homal- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] homal-, homalo-; homol-, homolo- (= even, regular) {Hence:} homaloide; anomale-anomalia; homalographia etc.

homalo-graphia (-ía) = {n} [Anat.] homalography {Hence:} homalographic

homalographic = {adj} homalographic, homolographic

homaloide = {adj} [Math.] homaloidal, flat, even

homarides = {npl} [Zool.] Homaridae

homaro (hó-) = {n} lobster {Hence:} homarides

home [A] = {n} home (as in "my home is my castle")

home- {adj} [occurring in compounds] homeo- (= like, similar) {Hence:} homeopathe etc.

homeo-mere = {adj} homoeomerous (1. consisting of similar parts; 2. [Bot.])

homeo-patho (-ópato) = {n} homeopath

homeo-pathia (-ía) = {n} homeopathy {Hence:} homeopathic

homeopathic = {adj} homeopathic

homeric = {adj} Homeric; riso homeric Homeric laughter

homeride = {n} Homerid

Homero = {nprm} Homer {Hence:} homeride; homeric

home rule [A] = {n} home rule

homi-cida = {n} homicide (= manslayer); attrib. homicidal, murderous; ferro homicida murderous weapon {Hence:} homicidal

homicidal = {adj} homicidal

homi-cidio = {n} homicide (= act of killing a human being)

hominal = {adj} hominal, pertaining to man

homine = {n} man (1. human being; 2. adult male person); homine de stato statesman {Hence:} hominal; superhomine; hominiforme etc.; homicida etc.; homicidio etc.; gentilhomine etc.

homini-forme = {adj} hominiform, anthropoid

[homo] = {impers pron} one (= on)

homo-centric = {adj} homocentric

homo-chrome = {adj} homochromous, homochrome

homo-game (-mó-) = {adj} homogamous {Hence:} homogamia

homogamia (-ía) = {n} homogamy; specif: [Bot.]

homo-gene = {adj} homogeneous, homogene

homo-genee = {adj} homogeneous {Hence:} homogeneitate

homogeneitate = {n} homogeneity

homo-grapho (-mó-) = {n} [(Gram.] homograph

homo-loge (-mó-) = {adj} homologous; specif.: [Geom., Chem., Biol., etc.] {Hence:} homologia

homologia (-ía) = {n} homology

homo-morphe = {adj} homomorphous {Hence:} homomorphia; homomorphismo

homomorphia (-ía) = {n} homomorphy

homomorphismo = {n} homomorphism

hom-onyme (-mó-) = {adj} homonymous (= having the quality of a homonym or homonyms) {Hence:} homonymia; homonymo

homonymia (-ía) = {n} homonymy

homonymo (-ó-) = {n} homonym, homophone

homo-phone (-mó-) = {adj} homophonous (1. [Mus.]; 2. [Gram.]) {Hence:} homophono

homophono (-mó-) = {n} [Gram.] homophone

homo-ptere = {adj} [Entom.] homopterous {Hence:} homopteros

homopteros (-mó-) = {npl} [Entom.] Homoptera

homo-sexual = {adj} homosexual {Hence:} homosexualitate

homo-sexual = {n} homosexual

homosexualitate = {n} homosexuality

honestate = {n} 1. honesty (= uprightness, truthfulness, etc.); 2. propriety, decency, modesty

honeste = {adj} 1. honest (= upright, truthful, etc.); 2. proper, decent, modest {Hence:} honestate; honestitate; dishoneste-dishonestate, dishonestitate; inhoneste

honestitate = {n} 1. honesty (uprightness, truthfulness, etc.); 2. propriety, decency, modesty

honor = {n} honor; homine de honor man of honor; dama de honor lady-in-waiting; puncto de honor point of honor; facer se honor de to be proud of, pride oneself on; in honor de in honor of; facer honor a 1. to do honor to; {also:} to do justice to (a dinner, etc.); 2. [Com.] to honor (a check, etc.); facer le honores (del domo) to do the honors (of the house) {Hence:} honorari; honorario; honorific; honorar-honorabile-honorabilitate, dishonorabile, dishonor-dishonorar-dishonorante

honorabile = {adj} honorable; mention honorabile honorable mention; le honorabile X. the Honorable X.

honorabilitate = {n} honorableness

honorar = {v} to honor (1. to respect greatly; 2. to confer an honor upon; 3. [Com.]); honorar se de to be proud of, pride oneself on

honorari = {adj} honorary

honorario = {n} fee, honorarium

honorific = {adj} honorific

honoris causa [L] honoris causa

hoplita = {n} [Gr. Antiq.] hoplite

hoplo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] hoplo-, hopl- (= weapon) {Hence:} hoplita; panoplia etc.

hora = {n} hour; que hora what time; un hora one o'clock; (duo) horas (two) o'clock; horas canonic canonical hours; libro de horas book of hours; de bon hora early {Hence:} horari; horario; horoscopo etc.; ampere-hora etc.; watt-hora etc.

horari = {adj} 1. [Astron.] horary; 2. hourly

horario = {n} timetable

hordeacee = {adj} [Bot.] hordeaceous

hordeina (-ína) = {n} [Chem.] hordein

hordeo = {n} barley {Hence:} hordeina; hordeacee

horizontal = {adj} horizontal

horizonte = {n} horizon {Hence:} horizontal

-horn = {n} [occurring in compounds] -horn {Hence:} saxhorn etc.

horologieria (-ía) = {n} 1. watchmaking, clockmaking; 2. watchmaker's, clockmaker's store

horologiero = {n} watchmaker, clockmaker

horologio = {n} timepiece (1. clock; 2. watch); horologio-bracialetto wrist watch {Hence:} horologiero; horologieria

horo-scopo (-ró-) = {n} horoscope

horr- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} horrific &; horride-horriditate; horrende; horror; horribile-horribilitate; abhorrer &; horripilar etc.; horrisone etc.

horrende = {adj} frightful, horrendous

horribile = {adj} horrible

horribilitate = {n} horribleness

horride = {adj} horrid

horriditate = {n} horridness

horrific = {adj} horrific {Hence:} horrificar

horrificar = {v} to horrify

horripilante 1. ppr of horripilar; 2. {adj} hair-raising

horri-pilar = {v} to make one's hair stand on end, give one goose flesh {Hence:} horripilante; horripilation

horripilation = {n} goose flesh, horripilation

horri-sone = {adj} horrisonant, horrible-sounding

horror = {n} horror

hors-d'oeuvre [F] = {n} hors d'oeuvre

hort- = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} hortative; exhortar &

hortative = {adj} hortative

Hortense = {nprf} Hortense {Hence:} hortensia

hortensia = {n} hydrangea

horti-cultor = {n} horticulturist

horti-cultura = {n} horticulture

horto = {n} garden {Hence:} horticultura etc.

hospicio = {n} hospice (1. as in "the hospice of St. Bernard"; 2. home for the poor or sick)

hospital = {adj} hospitable hospital {n} hospital; nave hospital hospital ship {Hence:} hospitalari; hospitalero

hospitalari = {adj} hospital (as in "hospital train")

hospitalero = {n} Hospitaler; cavalleros hospitaleros Knights Hospitalers

hospitalitate = {n} hospitality

hospite (hós-) = {n} 1. host, hostess (= one who entertains a guest or guests); {also:} innkeeper, landlord, etc.; 2. guest (at a hotel, boardinghouse, etc.) {Hence:} hospital (1)-hospitalitate, inhospital-inhospitalitate, hospital (2) &

hostage, ostage (-aje) = {n} hostage

hoste = {n} army, host {Hence:} hostil &

hostil = {adj} hostile {Hence:} hostilitate

hostilitate = {n} hostility

hotel [F] = {n} hotel

hotelier [F] = {n} hotelkeeper

huguenot = {n} Huguenot; attrib. Huguenot, Huguenotic {Hence:} huguenotismo

huguenotismo = {n} Huguenotism

hum- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} humile &; exhumar &; inhumar &

human = {adj} 1. human; 2. humane; litteras human humane letters, humanities {Hence:} humanismo; humanista-humanistic; humanitate-humanitari-humanitarismo, humanitario; humanizar-humanization, dehumanizar; inhuman-inhumanitate; subhuman; superhuman

humanizar = {v} to humanize

humanization = {n} humanization

humanismo = {n} humanism

humanista = {n} humanist

humanistic = {adj} humanistic

humanitari = {adj} humanitarian

humanitario = {n} humanitarian

humandarismo = {n} humanitarianism

humanitate = {n} humanity (1. human nature; 2. mankind; 3. humaneness); humanitates humanities

humectar = {v} to moisten, dampen; {also:} to wet {Hence:} humectation

humectation = {n} 1. (act of) moistening or wetting; 2. moistness

humer = {v} to be moist or wet {Hence:} humectar &; humide &; humor &

humeral = {adj} humeral; [Eccl.] (velo) humeral humeral veil

humero (hú-) = {n} 1. shoulder (as in "to carry on one's shoulders"); 2. [Anat.] humerus {Hence:} humeral

humide = {adj} damp, wet; {also:} humid {Hence:} humiditate; humidificar

humidificar = {v} to humidify

humiditate = {n} dampness; {also:} humidity

humile = {adj} humble (1. showing humility; 2. as in "of humble origin") {Hence:} humilitate; humiliar-humiliation, humiliator

humili- see humile

humiliar = {v} to humble; 2. to humiliate

humiliation = {n} humiliation

humiliator = {n} humbler, humiliator

humililate = {n} humility

humor = {n} humor (1. animal fluid; 2. mental disposition, temperament; 3. as in "sense of humor"); humor aquose [Anat.] aqueous humor; humor vitree [Anat.] vitreous humor; esser de bon (mal) humor to be in a good (bad) humor; le quatro humores the four humors {Hence:} humorismo; humorista-humoristic; humoral; humorose

humoral = {adj} [Med.] humoral

humorismo = {n} humorism (1. sense of humor; 2. [Med.] humoralism)

humorista = {n} humorist (1. humorous author; 2. [Med.] humoralist)

humoristic = {adj} humorous

humorose = {adj} 1. humorous, humoristic; 2. [Med.] humoral

humus [L] = {n} [Agr.] humus

hungare = {adj} Hungarian

Hungaria = {n} Hungary

hungaro (1) (húng-) = {n} Hungarian (= native of Hungary) {Hence:} Hungaria; hungare-hungaro (2)

hungaro (2) (húng-) = {n} Hungarian (language)

hunnic = {adj} Hunnic

Hunno = {n} Hun {Hence:} hunnic

huracan = {n} hurricane

hurrah [A] = {n} hurrah

hussar = {n} [Mil] hussar

hyacinthin = {adj} hyacinthine

hyacintho = {n} hyacinth (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Mineral.]; {also:} jacinth);

Hyacintho [Gr. Mythol.] Hyacinthus {Hence:} hyacinthin

hybrida (hí-) = {n} hybrid; attrib. hybrid {Hence:} hybridismo; hybridar-hybridation

hybridar = {v} to hybridize, cross

hybridation = {n} hybridization, crossbreeding

hybridismo = {n} hybridism

hydr- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] hydr-, hydro- (= water) {Hence:} hydrato-hydratar-hydration, dishydratar, chlorhydrato etc.; hydrido; hydric-chlorhydric etc.; hydrante; anhydre-anhydrido, anhydrite; hydracido etc.; hydrangea etc.; hydropisia hydrogeno etc.; hydrophobia etc.; hydrotherapia etc.; hydraulic etc.; hydroelectric etc.; hydrocephale etc.; hydrolyse etc.; hydrolytic etc.; hydroaeroplano etc.; Hydra

Hydra = {npr} Hydra (1. Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]); hydra [Zool.] hydra

hydr-acido (-á-) = {n} [Chem.] hydracid

hydr-angea (-gé-) = {n} hydrangea

hydrante = {n} hydrant

hydratar = {v} to hydrate

hydratation = {n} hydration

hydrato = {n} hydrate; hydrato de carbon carbohydrate

hydr-aulic = {adj} hydraulic {Hence:} hydraulica

hydraulica = {n} hydraulics

hydric = {adj} hydric

hydrido = {n} hydride

hydro-aeroplano = {n} seaplane, hydroplane

hydro-cele (-cé-) = {n} [Med.] hydrocele

hydro-cephale = {adj} [Med.] hydrocephalous, hydrocephalic {Hence:} hydrocephalia; hydrocephalo

hydrocephalia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly

hydrocephalo (-cé-) = {n} [Med.] hydrocephalus

hydro-cyanic = {adj} [Chem.] hydrocyanic

hydro-dynamic = {adj} hydrodynamic {Hence:} hydrodynamica

hydrodynamica = {n} hydrodynamics

hydro-electric = {adj} hydroelectric

hydrogenar = {v} to hydrogenate

hydro-geno (-ó-) = {n} hydrogen {Hence:} hydrogenar

hydrographia (-ía) = {n} hydrography

hydrographic = {adj} hydrographical

hydro-grapho (-ó-) = {n} hydrographer {Hence:} hydrographia; hydrographic

hydro-lyse (-ó- = {n} hydrolysis

hydro-lytic = {adj} hydrolytic

hydro-meter (-ó-) = {n} hydrometer

hydro-pathia (-ía) = {n} hydropathy {Hence:} hydropathic

hydropathic = {adj} hydropathic

hydro-phobia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] hydrophobia

hydropisia (-ía) = {n} dropsy

hydro-plano = {n} hydroplane (= gliding motorboat)

hydro-static = {adj} hydrostatic {Hence:} hydrostatica

hydrostatica = {n} hydrostatics

hydro-therapeutic (-péu-) = {adj} hydrotherapeutic

hydro-therapia (-ía) = {n} hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics

hydr-oxydo (-ó-) = {n} hydroxide

hyena = {n} [Zool.] hyena

hygiene (-éne) = {n} hygiene {Hence:} hygienista; hygienic-inhygienic

hygienic = {adj} hygienic

hygienista = {n} hygienist

hygr- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] hygr-, hygro (= wet) {Hence:} hygrographo etc.

hygro-grapho (-ó-) = {n} hygrograph {Hence:} barothermohygrographo etc.

hygro-metro (-ó-) = {n} hygrometer

hygroscopic = {adj} hygroscopic

hygro-scopio = {n} hygroscope {Hence:} hygroscopic

Hymene = {npr} [Mythol.] Hymen; hymene hymen (1. marriage; 2. [Anat.]) {Hence:} Hymeneo; hymenio; hymenoptere etc.

Hymeneo (-éo) = {npr} [Mythol.] Hymen; hymeneo marriage, wedding

hymenio = {n} [Bot.] hymenium

hymeno-ptere = {adj} [Entom.] hymenopterous {Hence:} hymenopteros

hymenopteros (-nóp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Hymenoptera

hymnario = {n} hymnal, hymnary

hymno = {n} hymn; hymno national national anthem {Hence:} hymnario; hymnographo etc.

hymnographia (-ía) = {n} hymnography

hymno-grapho (-ó-) = {n} hymnographer {Hence:} hymnographia

hymnologia (-ía) = {n} hymnology

hymnologic = {adj} hymnologic

hymno-logo (-nó-) = {n} hymnologist {Hence:} hymnologic

hyper- = {prefixo} [used chiefly to form technical terms] hyper- (= over; beyond; too much) {Hence:} hypercritic

hyperbola (-pér-) = {n} 1. [Rhet.] hyperbole; 2. [Math.] hyperbola {Hence:} hyperbolic; hyperboloide

hyperbolic = {adj} [Rhet. Math.] hyperbolic

hyperboloide = {n} hyperboloid

hypercritic = {adj} hypercritical

hypercritica = {n} hypercriticism

hypercritico = {n} hypercritic

hypertension = {n} hypertension

hypertrophia (-ía) = {n} hypertrophy {Hence:} hypertrophic; hypertrophiar

hypertrophiar = {v} to hypertrophy (= to affect with hypertrophy)

hypertrophic = {adj} hypertrophic

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