Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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hypn-agogic = {adj} hypnagogic (1. inducing sleep; 2. pertaining to the transition between waking consciousness and sleep)

hypno- = {n} [occurring in compounds] hypno-, hypn- (= sleep) {Hence:} hypnagogic etc.; hypnologo etc; hypnophobia etc.; hypnotherapia etc.

hypnologia (-ía) = {n} hypnology

hypnologic = {adj} hypnologic, hypnological

hypno-logo (-nó-) = {n} hypnologist {Hence:} hypnologia-hypnologic

hypno-phobia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol] hypnophobia

hypnose = {n} hypnosis (= hypnotic state)

hypnot- see hypnotic

hypno-therapia (-ía) = {n} hypnotherapy

hypnotic = {adj} hypnotic (1. soporific; 2. pertaining to hypnotism) {Hence:} hypnotismo; hypnotista; hypnotizar-hypnotization, hypnotizator; hypnotico

hypnotico = {n} hypnotic (= soporific drug)

hypnotizar = {v} to hyptnotize

hypnotization = {n} hypnotization

hypnotizator = {n} hypnotizer

hypnotismo = {n} hypnotism

hypnotista = {n} hypnotist

hypo- = {prefixo} [used chiefly to form technical terms] hypo- (1. below, beneath, under; 2. to a lower degrees; somewhat) {Hence:} hyposulfato etc.; hyposcenio etc.; hypostase etc.; hypophosphoric etc.; hypodermatic etc.; hypogee etc.

hypochlorito = {n} hypochlorite

hypochlorose = {adj} hypochlorous

hypochondria (-ía) = {n} [Med.] hypochondria

hypochondriac (-íac) = {adj} hypochondriac (1. pertaining to the hypochondrium; 2. pertaining to hypochondria)

hypochondriaco (-íaco) = {n} hypochondriac (= one suffering with hypochondria)

hypochondrio = {n} [Anat.] hypochondrium

hypocrisia (-ía) = {n} hypocrisy

hypocrita (-ó-) = {n} hypocrite; attrib. hypocritical; esser hypocrita to be a hypocrite, be hypocritical

hypodermatic = {adj} hypodermic (as in "hypodermic injection")

hypogee (-gée) = {adj} hypogeous, hypogeal, subterranean; specif.: [Bot., Zool.]

hypogeo (-géo) = {n} [Anc. Arch.] hypogeum (= underground chamber)

hypophosphato = {n} hypophosphate

hypophosphito = {n} hypophosphite

hypophosphoric = {adj} hypophosphoric

hypophosphorose = {adj} hypophosphorous

hyposcenio = {n} [Antiq.] hyposcenium

hypostase (-pó-) = {n} [Theol.; Med.] hypostasis

hypostatic = {adj} [Theol.; Med.] hypostatic

hyposulfato = {n} [Chem.] hyposulphate

hyposulfito = {n} hyposulphite

hyposulfurose = {adj} hyposulphurous

hypotenusa = {n} [Geom.] hypotenuse

hypotheca = {n} mortgage {Hence:} hypothecari; hypothecar

hypothecar = {v} to mortgage

hypothecari = {adj} hypothecary

hypothese (-ótese) = {n} hypothesis

hypothetic = {adj} hypothetical, hypothetic

hysteria (-ía) = {n} hysteria {Hence:} hysteric-hysterico, hysterica

hysteric = {adj} hysterical, hysteric

hysterica = {nf} hysteric

hysterico = {nm} hysteric

i- see in-

-i- see -ion

-ia (1) = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns and adjectives] 1. [used with adjectives, especially verbal adjectives in -nt-] -(c)y, -(c)e (= state or quality of being ...); 2. [used with names of peoples and persons] -ia, -y (= country, province, or region of the ...s, or named for ...) {Hence:} -antia; -entia; -ientia; efficacia etc.; perfidia etc.; fortia etc.; ineptia etc.; modestia etc.; insomnia etc.; Arabia etc.; Francia etc.; Georgia etc.; Burgundia etc.

-ia (2) (-ía or stressed on preceding vowel) = {suffixo} substantive [used especially with compounds] -ia, -y (1. [expressing state, quality, and status]; 2. [expressing action, result, and product]; 3. [expressing art, science, and practice]) {Hence:} -eria; abbatia etc.; bizarria etc.; zelosia etc.; nostalgia etc.; monarchia etc.; hemorrhagia etc.; photographia etc.; anatomia etc.; geologia etc.; metallurgia etc.; idolatria etc.

iambic = {adj} [Pros.] iambic

iambico = {n} iambic (= verse composed of iambic feet)

iambo = {n} [Pros.] iamb {Hence:} iambic-iambico

-ian = {suffixo adjective} [used with names of places and persons] -ian (1. pertaining to ...; 2. native to or inhabiting {Hence:} -iano; christian etc.; parisian etc.

-iano = {suffixo substantive} [used with names of places and persons] -ian (1. native or inhabitant of ...; 2. adherent of {Hence:} parisiano etc.; christiano etc.

iatro- = {n} [occurring in compounds] iatro- (= physician) {Hence:} hippiatro etc.; psychiatro etc. ...

iber = {adj} Iberian, Iberic {Hence:} ibero-Iberia, iberic, celtibero etc.

Iberia = {npr} Iberia

iberic = {adj} Iberic, Iberian; Peninsula Iberic Iberian Peninsula

ibero = {n} Iberian

ibi = {adv} there

ibidem (-bí-) = {adv} 1. in the same place, in that very place; 2. ibidem; ibid., ib. ibid., ib.

-ibile = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -ible, -able (= that can be ...ed; that is worthy to be {Hence:} legibile etc.; audibile etc.; deducibile etc.; deductibile etc.; defensibile etc.; flexibile etc.; sensibile etc.

-ic = {suffixo adjective} [`-c' after `-i-' of the stem, or of another suffix; used with nouns] -ic, -ical (= of, pertaining to etc., ... or ...s) {Hence:} -ico; -ica; prosaic etc.; arabic etc.; cubic etc.; dramatic etc; jornalistic etc.; methodic etc.; nostalgic etc.; psychologic etc.

-ica = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns] -ic, -ics (= the science or study of ...) {Hence:} logica etc.; ethica etc.; botanica etc.; gymnastica etc.

icarie = {adj} Icarian; Mar Icarie Icarian Sea

Icaro (í-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Icarus {Hence:} icarie

iceberg [A] = {n} iceberg

ichthy- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ichthy-, ichthyo- (= fish) {Hence:} = ichthyic; ichthyocolla etc.; ichthyol etc.; ichthyologo etc.; ichthyophage etc.

ichthyic = {adj} [Zool.] ichthyic

ichthyocolla = {n} fish-glue, ichthyocol

ichthyol = {n} [Pharm.] ichthyol

ichthyo-litho (ó) = {n} [Paleontol.] ichthyolite

ichthyologia (-ía) = {n} ichthyology

ichthyologic = {adj} ichthyological

ichthyologista = {n} ichthyologist

ichthyo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} ichthyologist {Hence:} ichthyologia-ichthyologista; ichthyologic

ichthyo-phage (-ófage) = {adj} ichthyophagous, fish-eating {Hence:} ichthyophagia; ichthyophago

ichthyophagia (-ía) = {n} ichthyophagy

ichthyophago (-ófago) = {n} ichthyophagist

ichthyosauro = {n} [Paleontol.] ichthyosaur, ichthyosaurus

-ico = {suffixo substantive} [used with nouns; usually correlative to words in -ic and -ica] -ic, -ician, -icist (= one skilled in the art or science of ...) {Hence:} critico etc.; diplomatico etc.; historico etc.; magico etc.; musico etc.; physico etc.

icone = {n} icon {Hence:} iconic; iconographo etc.; iconoclasta etc.; iconolatra etc.; iconostase etc.

iconic = {adj} iconic

icono-clasta = {n} iconoclast {Hence:} iconoclastic

iconoclastic = {adj} iconoclastic

iconographia (-ía) = {n} iconography

iconographic = {adj} iconographic

iconographo (-nó-) = {n} iconographer {Hence:} iconographia; iconographic

iconolatra (-nó-) = {n} iconolater {Hence:} iconolatria

iconolatria (-ía) = {n} inconolatry

iconologia (-ía) = {n} iconology

icono-logo (-nó-) = {n} iconologist {Hence:} iconologia

icono-stase (-nó-) = {n} iconostasis

[id]' 1. {pron pers} it; 2. {dem pron} that; `id es', `i.e.' that is (to say), i.e.

idea (-éa) = {n} idea {Hence:} ideal &; idear-ideation; ideogramma etc.

ideal = {adj} ideal {Hence:} idealitate; idealismo; idealista; idealizar-idealization, idealizator

ideal = {n} ideal

idealizar = {v} to idealize

idealization = {n} idealization

idealizator = {n} idealizer

idealismo = {n} idealism

idealista = {adj} idealist, idealistic idealista {n} idealist

idealitate = {n} ideality

idear = {v} to ideate, conceive

ideation = {n} ideation

idem (í-) = {pron} 1. the same (thing); 2. idem

ident- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} identitate; identic; identificar &

identic = {adj} identical; identic a identical with

identificabile = {adj} identifiable

identificar = {v} to identify (1. to make identical, to treat as identical; 2. to establish the identity of) {Hence:} identificabile; identification

identification = {n} identification

identitate = {n} identity

ideo-gramma = {n} ideogram

ideo-graphia (-ía) = {n} ideography {Hence:} ideographic

ideographic = {adj} ideographic

ideologia (-ía) = {n} ideology (1. science of ideas; 2. as in "Fascist ideology")

ideologic = {adj} ideologic, ideological

ideo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} ideologist {Hence:} ideologia; ideologic

idi- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] idio- (= own, peculiar; separate, distinct) {Hence:} idiosyncrasia etc.

idioma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} idiom (= language peculiar to a people, region, etc.) {Hence:} idomatic

idiomat- see idioma

idiomatic = {adj} idiomatic

idiom neutral [I.N.] = {n} [Interling.] Idiom Neutral

idio-syncrasia (-ía) = {n} idiosyncrasy {Hence:} idiosyncrasic

idiosyncrasic = {adj} idiosyncratic

idiota = {n} idiot; attrib idiotic {Hence:} idiotia; idiotic; idiotismo

idiotia (-ía) = {n} idiocy

idiotic = {adj} idiotic

idiotismo = {n} 1. idiom, idiomatic expression; 2. idiocy

idista = {n} [Interling.] Idist

ido [Ido] = {n} [Interling.] Ido {Hence:} idista

idol-atra (-dó-) = {n} idolater; attrib idolatrous {Hence:} idolatria; idolatric; idolatrar

idolatrar = {v} to idolize (= to make an idol of)

idolatria (-ía) = {n} idolatry

idolatric = {adj} idolatrous, idolatric

idolizar = {v} idolize (= to make an idol of)

idolo (í-) = {n} idol {Hence:} idolizar; idolatra etc.

idyllic = {adj} idyllic

idyllio = {n} idyll {Hence:} idyllic

-iente = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-ir'; forming verbal adjectives] -ing, -ient (as in "nourishing," "nutrient") {Hence:} -ientia; conveniente etc.; obediente etc.

-iente = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-ir'] -ient (1. one who or that which is ...ient; 2. one who or that which {Hence:} emolliente etc.; expediente etc.

-ientia = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-ir'] -ience, -iency (= state or quality of or being ...ient) {Hence:} convenientia etc.; experientia etc.

-era = {suffixo substantive} 1. container, holder, etc. (= that which contains, covers, or protects ...); 2. field; mine, quarry, etc. (= place where ... grows or is found) {Hence:} sucrero etc.; garrettiera etc.; risiera etc.; carboniera etc.

-ero suflixo substantive [used with names of fruits, nuts, etc.] tree, bush, plant (= tree, etc. bearing or producing ...s) {Hence:} amandoliero etc.; fragiero etc.

-ifere = {suffixo adjective} [used with nouns] -iferous (= bearing, producing, yielding) {Hence:} carbonifere etc.; conifere etc.; herbifere etc.; prolifere etc.

-ific (-ífic) = {suffixo adjective} [-fic after -i-; used with nouns] -ific, -fic (= making, causing) {Hence:} -ificar; calorific etc.; pacific etc.; scientific etc.

-ificar = {suffixo verbal} [-ficar after -i-; used with nouns and adjectives] -ify, -fy (= to make, render ...; to convert into ...) {Hence:} amplificar etc.; clarificar etc.; magnificar etc.; petrificar etc.

-ig- see ager

igitur (í-) = {adv/conj} then, therefore, thereupon

igne = {n} fire {Hence:} ignee; ignir-ignition; ignicola etc.; ignivome etc.

ignee = {adj} igneous (1. fiery; 2. [Geol.])

igni-cola (-í-) = {n} fire worshipper

ignir = {v} to ignite

ignition = {n} (state of) ignition, combustion

igni-vome (-í-) = {adj} vomiting fire, ignivomous

ignobile = {adj} ignoble (1. of low birth or position; 2. mean, base) {Hence:} ignobilitate

ignobilitate = {n} ignoblenes

ignominia = {n} ignominy {Hence:} ignominiose

ignominiose = {adj} ignominious

ignorabile = {adj} ignorable

ignorante = {adj} ignorant (= knowing nothing)

ignorantia = {n} ignorance

ignorantismo = {n} ignorantism

ignorar = {v} 1. not to know, to be ignorant of; 2. to ignore; non ignorar to know very well, be well aware of {Hence:} ignorante-ignorantia, ignorantismo; ignorabile

il = {impers pron} it

[il] = {pron pers} 1. he; 2. him (as in "with him, with it", "for him, for it") (= `ille')

il- see in-

ilice (í-) = {n} holly

illa = {pron pers} 1. she; 2. her (as in "of her," "with her")

[†illac] [L] = {adv} there

[†ille] [L] I. {dem adj} 1. that, those; 2. (the) former (= first of two); II. {dem pron} 1. that (one); 2. the former ille {pron pers} 1. he; it; 2. him; it (as in "with him," "with it"; "for him," "for it")

illegal = {adj} illegal

illegalitate = {n} illegality

illegibile = {adj} illegible

illegibilitate = {n} illegibility

illegitime (-gí-) = {adj} illegitimate; (filio) illegitime illegitimate (son)

illegitimitate = {n} illegitimacy

[†illes] I. {pron pers} 1. they; 2. them (as in "with them," "for them"); II. {dem pron} those

illese = {adj} uninjured, unhurt

[illi] = {pron pers} they

illiberal = {adj} illiberal (1. not liberal, narrow-minded; 2. not generous, stingy)

illiberalitate = {n} illiberality

[illic] = {adv} there, in that place

illicite (-lí-) = {adj} illicit

illimitabile = {adj} illimitable

illimitate = {adj} unlimited

illitterate, iliterate = {adj} illiterate (1. unlettered; 2. unable to read or write)

illo = {pron pers} it [used as subject, and as object of a prep.]

illogic = {adj} illogical

illuder [-lud-/-lus-] = {v} to deceive, put under an illusion {Hence:} illusion-illusionismo, illusionista, illusionar, disillusion-disillusionar-disillusionamento; illusori

illuminabile = {adj} illuminable

illuminante = {adj} illuminating, illuminant

illuminar = {v} to illuminate, iliumine (1. to light up; 2. to adorn with decorative letters and miniatures; 3. to enlighten) {Hence:} illuminante; illuminista; illuminismo; illuminabile; illumination; illuminative; illuminator; illuminate-illuminato

illuminate 1. pp of illuminar; 2. {adj} enlightened, illuminate

illumination = {n} illumination (1. action of illuminating or lighting up; 2. "illumination of a manuscript"; 3. enlightenment)

illuminative = {adj} illuminating, illuminative

illuminato = {n} illuminato (= one of the illuminati)

illuminator = {n} illuminator

illuminismo = {n} illuminism

illuminista = {n} illuminist

illus- see illuder

illusion = {n} illusion

illusionar = {v} to delude

illusionismo = {n} illusionism

illusionista = {n} illusionist (1. adherent of illusionism; 2. prestidigitator, conjurer)

illusori = {adj} illusory, illusive

illustrar (1) = {v} to illustrate (1. to elucidate; 2. to provide with illustrations) {Hence:} illustration (1); illustrative; illustrator

illustrar (2) = {v} to illustrate, make illustrious

illustration (1) = {n} illustration (1. elucidation; 2. drawing, or picture used to illustrate)

illustration (2) = {n} illustration (= state of being illustrious)

illustrative = {adj} illustrative

illustrator = {n} illustrator

illustre = {adj} illustrious {Hence:} illustrar-illustration (2)

Illyria = {npr} Illyria

illyric = {adj} Illyric, Illyrian

illyrie = {adj} Illyrian, Illyric

illyrio = {n} Illyrian {Hence:} Illyria; illyrie; illyric

im- see in-

imaginabile = {adj} imaginable

imaginar = {v} 1. to imagine; 2. to devise, invent

imaginari = {adj} imaginary

imagination = {n} imagination (1. act of imagining or picturing in the mind; 2. power ol imagination)

imaginative = {adj} imaginative

imagine = {n} image {Hence:} imaginari; imaginar-imaginabile, imagination, imaginative

imballar = {v} to pack (as in "to pack in a trunk") {Hence:} disimballar

imbalsamamento = {n} 1. embalming, embalmment (of dead bodies); 2. (action of) perfuming

imbalsamar = {v} 1. to embalm ("to embalm a dead body"); 2. to scent, perfume (= to fill with sweet odor) {Hence:} imbalsamamento; imbalsamator

imbalsamator = {n} embalmer

imbarcamento = {n} embarkation, embarkment

imbarcar = {v} to embark (= to put on board ship); imbarcar se in (un interprisa) to embark upon, in (an enterprise)

imbarcation = {n} 1. embarkation; 2. small vessel, boat

imbarcatorio = {n} quay, wharf, dock

imbarrilar = {v} to barrel

imbecille = {adj} imbecile; foolish {Hence:} imbecillitate

imbecille = {n} imbecile; fool

imbecillitate = {n} imbecility

imbellimento = {n} embellishment (1. act of embellishing; 2. adornment, ornament)

imbellir = {v} to embellish (= to make beautiful)

imbiber = {v} 1. to imbibe, absorb; 2. to soak, be soaked; 3. to imbue, inspire

imbibibile = {adj} undrinkable

imbibimento = {n} absorption, soaking

imbibition = {n} 1. absorption, imbibition; 2. act of soaking

imboscada = {n} ambush; cader in un imboscada to fall into an ambush

imboscar = {v} to ambush (= to place in ambush); imboscar se to ambush, lie in ambush {Hence:} imboscada

imbottiliar = {v} to bottle

imbraciamento = {n} embrace

imbraciar = {v} to embrace (1. to clasp in one's arms, hug; 2. "to embrace a career, cause, etc."; 3. to comprise, include) {Hence:} imbraciamento

imbroglio [I] = {n} imbroglio (= intricate and complicated situation)

imbroliamento = {n} entanglement, embroilment

imbroliar = {v} to entangle, embroil (= to throw into a state of confusion) {Hence:} imbroliamento

imbrunir = {v} to brown (= to make brown)

imbrutiente = {adj} besotting, stupefying

imbrutimento = {n} sottishness, brutishness

imbrutir = {v} to stupefy, besot

imbuccamento = {n} 1. (act of) putting (food, {also:} words, etc.) into (someone's) mouth; {also:} (act of) forcing dovn; 2. (act of) raising (the mouthpiece of a wind instrument) to the lips; {also:} (act of) blowing (a wind instrument); 3. (action of) flowing into

imbuccar = {v} 1. to put (food, {also:} words, etc.) into (someone's) mouth; {also:} to force down; 2. to raise (the mouthpiece of a wind instrument) to the lips; also: to blow (a wind instrument); imbuccar in to flow into {Hence:} imbuccamento; imbuccatura

imbuccatura = {n} I. [Mus.] embouchure (1. the shaping of lips, tongue, etc., in producing a tone; 2. mouthpiece of a wind instrument); II. mouthpiece (of a horse's bit); III. mouth (of a river)

imbursar = {v} to take in, imburse {Hence:} reimbursar &

-imento = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er' and `-ir'] -iment, -ishment, -ment (= action or result of {Hence:} abolimento etc.; assortimento etc.; blandimento etc.; experimento etc.; sedimento etc.

-imer : -imer see emer

-imic see amic

imitabile = {adj} imitable

imitar = {v} to imitate {Hence:} imitabile-inimitabile; imitation; imitative; imitator; imitate

imitate 1. pp of imitar; 2. {adj} imitation (as in "imitation lace")

imitation = {n} imitation

imitative = {adj} imitative

imitator = {n} imitator; attrib imitative (= given to imitation)

immaculate = {adj} immaculate; le Immaculate Conception the Immaculate Conception

immagazinage (-aje) = {n} warehousing, storing up

immagazinar = {v} to warehouse, store up

immaliar = {v} to enmesh

immaneabile = {adj} unmanageable

immanente = {adj} immanent

immanentia = {n} immanence

immaner = {v} to stay within, be immanent {Hence:} immanente-immanentia

immanicar = {v} to fix a handle to

immarcescibile = {adj} not withering, not wilting (= not liable to wither or wilt)

immaterial = {adj} immaterial (= not material)

immaterialitate = {n} immateriality

immatur = {adj} unripe; immature

immaturitate = {n} unripeness; immaturity

immediate = {adj} immediate

immedicabile = {adj} immedicable

immemorabile = {adj} immemorial

immemorial = {adj} immemorial

immense = {adj} immense {Hence:} immensitate

immensitate = {n} immensity

immensurabile = {adj} immeasurable, immensurable

immensurabilitate = {n} immeasurability, immensurability

immentionabile = {adj} unmentionable

immerger [-merg-/-mers-] = {v} to immerse, immerge (= to dip, plunge) {Hence:} immersion

immers- see immerger

immersion = {n} immersion (1. dipping, plunging; 2. [Astron.])

immesurabile = {adj} immeasurable, immensurable

immesurabilitate = {n} immeasurability, immensurability

immigrante = {n} immigrant

immigrar = {v} to immigrate {Hence:} immigrante; immigration; immigrato

immigration = {n} immigration (= act of immigrating)

immigrato = {n} immigrant

immin- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} imminente-imminentia

imminente = {adj} imminent

imminentia = {n} imminence

immiscer [-mise-/-mixt-] = {v} to commingle, mix up, immix {Hence:} immixtion

immixt- see immiscer

immixtion = {n} immixture

immobile = {adj} immovable, immobile (1. incapable of movement; 2. not moving, motionless); benes immobile real estate, immovables

immobile = {n} piece of real property; immobiles real estate, realty, immovables

immobiliari = {adj} -; benes immobiliari real estate, immovables

immobilizar = {v} to immobilize

immobilization = {n} immobilization

immobilitate = {n} immobility

immoderate = {adj} immoderate

immoderatessa = {n} immoderateness

immoderation = {n} immoderation

immodeste = {adj} immodest (1. presumptuous, forward; 2. indecent, improper)

immodestia = {n} immodesty (1. presumptuousness, forwardness; 2. indelicacy, unchastity)

immolar = {v} to immolate {Hence:} immolation; immolator

immolation = {n} immolation

immolator = {n} immolator

immoral = {adj} immoral; {also:} unethical {Hence:} immoralismo; immoralista; immoralitate

immoralismo = {n} immoralism

immoralista = {n} immoralist

immoralitate = {n} immorality

immortal = {adj} immortal

immortalizar = {v} to immortalize

immortalitate = {n} immortality

immortificate = {adj} unmortified

immortification = {n} immortification

immun = {adj} 1. exempt; 2. immune {Hence:} immunitate; immunizar-immunization

immunde = {adj} unclean (1. dirty, filthy; 2. ceremonially unclean); spirito immunde unclean, evil, spirit

immunditia = {n} 1. dirt, filth; 2. [Theol.] impurity; immunditias refuse, garbage, etc.

immunizar = {v} to immunize

immunization = {n} immunization

immunitate = {n} immunity (1. exemption; 2. resistance to disease, poison, etc.)

immutabile = {adj} immutable

immutabilitate = {n} immutability

impaccar = {v} to pack (up)

impaccator = {n} packer

impacchetar = {v} to pack (up), wrap (up)

impact- see impinger

impaction = {n} impaction

impacto = {n} impact

impagabile = {adj} priceless

impalamento = {n} impalement

impalar = {v} to impale (= to pierce with a pointed stake)

impaleage (-aje) = {n} packing (in straw)

impalear = {v} 1. to pack (in straw); 2. to thatch {Hence:} impaleage

impalpabile = {adj} impalpable

impalpabilitate = {n} impalpability

impaludar = {v} to turn or transform into a marsh; impaludar se to become marshy

impanar = {v} [Eccl.] to impane {Hence:} impanation

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