fungi-forme = {adj} fungiform
fungo = {n} fungus (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Pathol.]) {Hence:} fungose-fungositate; fungicida etc; fungiforme etc.; fungologia etc.
fungo-logia (-ía) = {n} fungology {Hence:} fungologista
fungologista = {n} fungologist
fungose = {adj} fungous
fungositate = {n} fungosity (1. fungus quality; 2. fungus excrescence)
funicular = {adj} funicular; ferrovia funicular funicular (railway) funicular {n} funicular (railway)
funiculo = {n} I. (small) cord; II. funiculus (1. umbilical cord, funis; 2. [Bot.])
funi-forme = {adj} funiform
fur = {n} thief {Hence:} furetto; furto-furtive; furar
furar = {v} to steal
furbir = {v} to clean, polish, furbish (up) {Hence:} furbitor
furbitor = {n} furbisher
furca = {n} I. fork (1. as in "pitchfork"; {also:} forked or pronged instrument, etc.; 2. as in "knife and fork"; 3. bifurcation); II. gallows {Hence:} furcata; furchetta; furcate; furcar-bifurcar etc.
furcar = {v} to fork (1. to manipulate with a fork; 2. to give the shape of a fork to; 3. to be or turn fork-shaped); furcar se to fork, branch off
furcata = {n} forkful (of hay, food etc.)
furcate = {adj} fork-shaped, forked
furch- see furca
furchetta = {n} fork (as in "knife and fork")
furer = {v} 1. to be out of one's mind; 2. to be furious {Hence:} furibunde; furor
furetto = {n} ferret
furfuracee = {adj} furfuraceous (1. resembling bran, branlike; 2. covered with branlike scales)
furfure = {n} I. bran; II. dandruff, scurf, furfur {Hence:} furfuracee; furfurose
furfurose = {adj} dandruffy, scurfy
furia = {n} 1. [Mythol.] Fury; 2. fury (= fierce anger) {Hence:} furiose-furiositate; furiar-infuriar-infuriate
furiar = {v} to infuriate
furibunde = {adj} 1. frantic, frenzied; 2. raging, furious
furiose = {adj} furious
furiositate = {n} furiousness, fury
furnata = {n} ovenful (of bread, etc.)
furnero = {n} 1. baker; 2. [Ornith.] ovenbird
furno = {n} 1. oven; 2. furnace; alte furno blast furnace {Hence:} furnata; furnero
furor = {n} 1. mania, frenzy; 2. fury, rage
furtive = {adj} furtive, stealthy
furto = {n} 1. (act of) theft; 2. stolen article
furunculo = {n} [Pathol.] furuncle, boil {Hence:} furunculosis
furunculosis (-ósis) = {n} [Pathol.] furunculosis
fus- see funder
fuselage [F] = {n} [Aeronaut.] fuselage
fusero = {n} spindle maker
fusibile = {adj} fusible; easily melted; (filo) fusibile [Elec.] fuse
fusibilitate = {n} fusibility
fusi-forme = {adj} fusiform, spindle-shaped
fusil = {n} 1. steel (to strike fire with); 2. gun, rifle {Hence:} fusilero; fusilar-fusilada
fusilada = {n} fusilade
fusilar = {v} to shoot (down), execute, fusilade
fusilero = {n} fusilier
fusion = {n} 1. melting; 2. fusion
fusionamento = {n} [Com., Pol.] amalgamation, merger
fusionar = {v} [Com., Pol.] to amalgamate, merge
fuso = {n} 1. [Spinning] spindle; 2. [Geom.] lune {Hence:} fusero; affusar; fusiforme etc.
fusta = {n} [Naut.] lateen-rigged lighter
fuste = {n} 1. cudgel, club; 2. shaft (of a column); 3. shaft (of a spear, lance, harpoon, etc.); 4. stock (of a rifle, pistol, etc.) {Hence:} fustigar-fustigation; fusta
fustigar = {v} to cudgel, thrash, beat
fustigation = {n} (act of) thrashing, beating
-futar = {v} [used in compounds] {Hence:} confutar &; refutar &
futile = {adj} insignificant, unimportant {Hence:} futilitate
futilitate = {n} insignificance, unimportance
futur = {adj} future; tempore futur [Gram.] future (tense); futuro, futura intended (husband, wife) {Hence:} futurismo; futurista; futuro
futurismo = {n} [Art.] futurism
futurista = {n} [Art.] futurist; {also:} attrib. futurist, futuristic
futuro = {n} future (1. time to come; 2. [Gram.])
g = {abbr} = `gramma'
gabardina = {n} 1. [Hist.] gaberdine; 2. gabardine (= fabric "gabardine")
gado = {n} codfish, gade
gage [F] = {n} wages, pay {Hence:} ingagiar &
gai = {adj} gay (= merry) {Hence:} gaitate
gaio = {n} [Ornith.] jay
gaitate = {n} gaiety
gal- [gal-/galact-] = {n} [occurring in compounds] gal- (= milk) {Hence:} ornithogalo etc. ...
gala = {n} gala; habito de gala gala dress
galante = {adj} gallant (= polite and attentive to the women) {Hence:} galanteria; galantear
galantear = {v} to court, woo
galanteria (-ía) = {n} gallantry (= polite attention to the women)
galata (gá-) = {n} Galatian; epistola al galatas Epistle to the Galatians {Hence:} Galatia-galatic
Galatia = {npr} Galatia
galatic = {adj} Galatian, Galatic
galea (éa) = {n} galley (1. as in "to condemn to the galleys"; 2. [Print.]) {Hence:} galeassa; galera &; galeon; galeota
galeassa = {n} galieass
galeon = {n} galleon
galeota = {n} galiot
galera = {n} galley (as in "to condemn to the galleys") {Hence:} galeriano
galeria (-ía) = {n} gallery (1. covered passageway; 2. [Theat.]; 3. art museum)
galeriano = {n} galley slave
Galicia = {npr} Galicia (= former Austrian crownland) {Hence:} galician-galiciano
galician = {adj} Galician (= of the Austrian crownland of Galicia)
galiciano = {n} Galician (= as in "Galician from Lwow")
Galilea (-éa) = {n} Galilee {Hence:} galilee-galileo
galilee (-ée) = {adj} Galilean (= of Galilee)
galileo (-éo) = {n} Galilean
galimatias (-ías) = {n} gibberish, jargon, galimatias
gall- see Galles
Gallecia = {npr} Galicia (= province at the northwest corner of Spain)
gallecian = {adj} Galician (= of Spanish province of Galicia)
galleciano = {n} Galician, Gallegan, Gallego (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
galleco = {n} Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language) {Hence:} Gallecia-gallecian-galleciano
gallego [H] = {n} (Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language)
Galles (gál-) = {npr} Wales; Prince de Galles Prince of Wares {Hence:} gallese
gallese = {adj} Welsh galese {n} 1. Welshman, Welshwoman; 2. Welsh (language)
galletto = {n} chicken, cockerel
Gallia = {npr} (Gaul = the land of the Gauls)
galliarda = {n} [Dancing] galliard
galliarde = {adj} vigorous, hardy, hearty; lively, brisk, jolly, etc. {Hence:} galliardia; galliardo; galliarda
galliardia (-ía) = {n} vigor; liveliness, gaiety, etc.
galliardo = {n} hefty fellow, jolly chap, blade, etc.
gallic = {adj} Gallic (1. Gaulish; 2. French)
gallican = {adj} [Eccl. Hist] Gallican
gallicanismo = {n} [Eccl. Hist.] Gallicanism
gallicano = {n} [Eccl. Hist.] Gallican
gallicismo = {n} Callicism
gallico = {n} Gaulish (language)
gallina = {n} 1. hen; 2. chicken (= domestic fowl, barnyard fowl); gallina de India Turkey hen {Hence:} gallinero; gallinera; gallinetta; gallinacee-gallinaceas; gallinicultura etc.
gallinaceas = {npl} [Zool.] gallinaceans
gallinacee = {adj} [Zool.] gallinaceous
gallinero = {n} chicken farmer, poultry man
gallinetta = {n} chicken, chiek; pullet
gallini-cultura = {n} chickcn breeding
gallinera = {n} chicken coop
gallium (gál-) = {n} [Chem.] gallium
gallo (1) = {n} Gaul (= inhabitant of Gaul) {Hence:} Gallia; gallic-gallicismo, gallican-gallicanismo; gallicano, gallico; gallium; gallomania etc.; gallophile etc.; galloroman etc.
gallo (2) = {n} rooster, cock; gallo de India Turkey cock {Hence:} galletto; gallina &
gallo-mania (-ía) = {n} Gallomania, Francomania
gallon [A] = {n} gallon
gallo-phile = {adj} Gallophile, Francophile {Hence:} gallophilia; gallophilo
gallophilia (-ía) = {n} Gallophilism, Francophilism
gallophilo (-ló-) = {n} Gallophile, Francophile
gallo-phobe (-ló-) = {adj} Gallophobe, Francophobe {Hence:} gallophobia; gallophobo
gallophobia (-ía) = {n} Gallophobia, Francophobia
gallophobo (-ló-) = {n} Gallophobe, Francophobe
gallo-roman = {adj} Gallo-Roman
galocha (-sha) = {n} galosh, overshoe
galon = {n} braid, galloon; {also:} [Mil.] chevron; galones [Mil.] stripes {Hence:} galonero; galonar
galonar = {v} to braid (= to trim with braid)
galonero = {n} braid or galloon maker
galopar = {v} to gallop (= to go at a gallop); phthisis galopante [Pathol.] galloping consumption {Hence:} galopo
galopo = {n} 1. gallop; 2. [Dancing] galop
galvan- see Galvani, Luigi
Galvani, Luigi = {npr} [1737-1798; discoverer of galvanism] {Hence:} galvanismo; galvanic; galvanizar-galvanization; galvanometro etc.; galvanoplastia etc.
galvanic = {adj} galvanic (as in "galvanic battery")
galvanizar = {v} to galvanize
galvanization = {n} galvanization
galvanismo = {n} galvanism
galvano-metro (-ó-) = {n} galvanometer
galvano-plastia (-ía) = {n} galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty {Hence:} galvanoplastic-galvanoplastica
galvanoplastic = {adj} galvanoplastic
galvanoplastica = {n} gulvanoplastics
gamba = {n} [Anat.] leg; (viola de) gamba [Mus.] (viola da) gamba {Hence:} gambada &; gambera; gambito; gambon
gambada = {n} gambol {Hence:} gambadar
gambadar = {v} to gambol
gambera = {n} 1. legging; 2. jambeau (= armor for the leg)
gambito = {n} [Chess] gambit
gambon = {n} ham, gammon
gameta = {n} [Biol.] gamete
gamma = {n} I. gamma (= third letter of the Greek alphabet); II. gamut (1. [Mus.]: 2. as in "gamut of colors, emotions, etc."); radio gamma gamma ray {Hence:} gammate; digamma etc.
gammate = {adj} hooked (as in "hooked cross"); cruce gammate hooked cross, gammadion, swastika
gamo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] gamo- (= marriage) {Hence:} gamomania etc.; bigame etc.; cryptogame etc.; endogame etc.; misogame etc.; monogame etc.; polygame etc.
gamo-mania (-ía) = {n} [Psychol.] gamomania
Gange = {npr} Ganges {Hence:} gangetic
gangetic = {adj} Gangetic
gangli- see ganglion
gangli-forme = {adj} gangliform
ganglioma = {n} [Pathol.] ganglioma
ganglion (-ánglion) = {n} ganglion {Hence:} ganglionitis; ganglionar; ganglioma; gangliforme etc.
ganglionar = {adj} ganglionary
ganglionitis (-ítis) = {n} ganglionitis
gangrena = {n} gangrene {Hence:} gangrenose; gangrenar
gangrenar = {v} to gangrene
gangrenose = {adj} gangrenous
gangster [A] = {n} gangster
ganiabile = {adj} that can be won or gained
ganiar = {v} 1. to win, gain; 2. to earn; 3. to win or gain over; ganiar tempore to gain, or play for, time; ganiar un loco to gain or reach a place
ganiator = {n} winner, gainer
ganio = {n} gain, profit {Hence:} ganiar-ganiabile, ganiator, reganiar
garage [F] = {n} garage {Hence:} garagista
garagista (-jis-) = {n} garagekeeper, garageman
garante = {n} guarantor, guarantee {Hence:} garantia; garantir
garantia (-ía) = {n} guarantee, guaranty, warranty
garantir = {v} to guarantee (1. "to guarantee the quality of"; 2. to warrant)
Garden, Alexander = {npr} [1730-1791; American botanist] {Hence:} gardenia
gardenia = {n} gardenia
garden-party [A] = {n} garden party
garnison [F] = {n} garrison
garrettera = {n} garter; ordine del garrettera Order of the Garter
garretto = {n} hollow of the knee {Hence:} garrettera
garrotar = {v} to garrote (= to strangle with the garrote)
garrote [H] = {n} garrote, garrotte (1. instrument used for garroting; 2. execution by means of the garrote) {Hence:} garrotar
garrular = {v} babble, prattle, chatter
garrule = {adj} garrulous {Hence:} garrulitate; garrular
garrulitate = {n} garrulity
garson = {n} lad, boy, young man, youth
gas = {n} gas (= gascous substance; specif.: gas for lighting or heating); gas hilarante laughing gas; gas lacrimogene tear gas {Hence:} gasolina; gasose; gasificar-gasification; gasiforme etc.; gasometro etc.; gasogene etc.
gasificar = {v} to gasify (= to make gascous)
gasification = {n} gasification
gasi-forme = {adj} gasiform, in a gaseous state
gaso-gene = {adj} gas-producing; aerating {Hence:} gasogeno
gasogeno (-ó-) = {n} gas producer
gasolina = {n} gasoline, petrol
gaso-metro (-ó-) = {n} gasometer
gasose = {adj} gaseous
gastr-algia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] gastralgia
gastric = {adj} gastric
gastritis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] gastritis
gastro = {n} abdomen, belly, stomach {Hence:} gastritis; gastrula; gastric; gastralgia etc.; gastroenteritis etc.; gastronome etc.; gastropode etc.; gastroenteric etc.; gastroscopio etc., gastrotomia etc.
gastro-enteric = {adj} gastroenteric
gastro-enteritis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] gastroenteritis
gastro-nome (-tró) = {adj} gastronomic {Hence:} gastronomia-gastronomic; gastronomo
gastronomia (-ía) = {n} gastronomy
gastonomic = {adj} gastronomic
gastronomo (-tró-) = {n} gastronome, gastronomist
gastro-pode (-ópode) = {adj} gastropodous, gastropod {Hence:} gastropodo
gastropodo (-ópodo) = {n} [Zool.] gastropod, gasteropod; gastropodos [Zool.] Gastropoda, Gasteropoda
gastroscopia (-ía) = {n} gastroscopy
gastro-scopio = {n} [Med.] gastroscope {Hence:} gastroscopia
gastro-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] gastrotomy
gastrula = {n} [Embryol.] gastrula
gauder = {v} to rejoice; gauder de to enjoy {Hence:} gaudio-gaudiose; gaudimento
gaudimento = {n} enjoyment
gaudio = {n} joy
gaudiose = {adj} joyful, joyous
Gauss, Karl Friedrich = {npr} [1777-1855; mathematician after whom the "gauss" is named]; logarithmos de Gauss Gaussian or Gauss's logarithms {Hence:} gauss
gauss = {n} [Elec.] gauss
gaza = {n} gauze
gazon = {n} lawn (= ground covered with fine grass)
ge- = {n} [occurring in compounds] geo- (= earth) {Hence:} geode; apogee-apogeo; epigee; hypogee-hypogeo; perigee-perigeo; geographo etc.; geologo etc.; geometra etc.; georama etc.; geopolitica etc.; geocentric etc.; geodesia etc.; geogenia etc.
Gedeon = {npr} Gideon
geisha [J] = {n} geisha
gelar = {v} to freeze (1. to cause to freeze; 2. to become ice)
gelatina = {n} gelatin {Hence:} gelatinose
gelatinose = {adj} gelatinous
gelato = {n} ice (= ice cream, sherbet, etc.)
gelatura = {n} freezing, frost; {also:} chilblain
gelea (-éa) = {n} jelly
gelo = {n} frost (as in "night frost") {Hence:} gelar-gelea, gelatura, gelato-gelatina &, congelar &, disgelar &
gemer = {v} to groan; to whine; to sigh; {also:} to coo {Hence:} gemimento; gemito
gemimento = {n} groaning, sighing; whine; {also:} cooing
geminar = {v} to geminate
geminate 1. pp of geminar; 2. {adj} geminate
gemination = {n} gemination
geminative = {n} geminative
gemine = {adj} 1. twin; 2. double, two-fold {Hence:} geminar-gemination, geminative, geminate; gemino; trigemine etc.
gemino (gé-) = {n} twin; Geminos [Astron.] Gemini, Twins
gemito (gé-) = {n} groan, whine
gemma = {n} 1. gem (= precious stone, pearl, etc.); 2. [Bot.] gemma; sal gemma rock salt {Hence:} gemmula; gemmifere; gemmar-gemmation, gemmate; ingemmar
gemmar = {v} 1. to gem, adorn with gems; 2. to gemmate, bud
gemmate 1. pp of gemmar; 2. {adj} gemmed, jeweled
gemmation = {n} gemmation, budding
gemmifere = {adj} gemmiferous
gemmula = {n} [Bot.] gemmule
gen = {n} [Biol.] gene
gen- (1) = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in "genitive," "progenitor" etc.) {Hence:} genitive &; genitor; genitura-primogenitura etc.; genite-genital, congenite, primogenite etc.; ingenue etc.; indigena; progen- &; terrigene etc.
gen- (2) = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gen- (as in "genesis", "genetic" etc.) {Hence:} genese-anthropogenese etc.; palingenese etc.; genetic-biogenetic etc.; genetica; gasogene ete.; photogene etc.; vitelligene etc.; glycogene etc.; heterogene etc.; heterogenee etc.; exogene etc.; hytrogeno etc.; thallogeno etc.; ontogenia etc.
gena = {n} [Anat.] cheek {Hence:} genal
genal = {adj} chin, genal
gendarme [F] = {n} gendarme
genea- = {n} [occurring in compounds] genea- (= descent) {Hence:} genealogo etc.
genealogia (-ía) = {n} genealogy (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent])
genealogic = {adj} genealogical; arbore genealogic genealogical tree, family tree
genealogista = {n} genealogist
genea-logo (-á-) = {n} genealogist {Hence:} genealogia-genealogista; genealogic
general = {adj} general; in general in general {Hence:} generalitate; generalizar-generalizabile, generalization, generalizator; general (2)-generalato, generalissimo
general = {n} general
generalato = {n} generalship (= office or tenure of a general)
generalizabile = {adj} generalizable
generalizar = {v} to generalize
generalization = {n} generalization (1. act of generalizing; 2. general inference)
generalizator = {n} generalizer
generalissmo (-íssmo) = {n} generalissimo
generalitate = {n} generality (1. generalness; 2. greatest part, majority; 3. general statement)
generar = {v} to generate (= to produce) {Hence:} generation; generative; generator-turbogenerator etc.; degenerar &; ingenerar &; regenerar &
generation = {n} generation (1. act of generating; 2. as in "three generations"); generation spontanee spontaneous generation
generative = {adj} generative
generator = {n} [Mech., Elec.] generator; attrib. generating, generative
genere = {n} 1. [Zool.; Bot.] genus; 2. kind, sort, type, etc.; 3. [Art, Lit.] genre; 4. [Gram.] gender {Hence:} general &; generic; generose &; generar &
generic = {adj} generic
generose = {adj} I. of noble lineage, high-born; of good breed; II. generous (1. noble; 2. liberal) {Hence:} generositate; ingenerose-ingenerositate
generositate = {n} generosity (1. nobleness of mind; 2. liberality)
genese (gé-) = {n} genesis; Genese [Bib.] Genesis
genesis (gé-) = {n} genesis; Genesis [Bib.] Genesis {Hence:} biogenesis etc.; palingenesis etc.
genetic = {adj} genetic (1. of genesis; 2. of genetics)
genetica = {n} genetics (= the science of genetics)
Geneva = {npr} Geneva {Hence:} genevese
genevese = {adj} Geneva, Genevan genevese {n} Genevan
genial = {adj} of genius, inspired; homine genial man of genius
genicular = {v} to bend the knee, kneel (down)
geniculate = {adj} geniculate (= bent abruptly at an angle)
geniculation = {n} 1. (act of) bending the knee, kneeling (down); 2. geniculation
geniculera = {n} [Armor] genouillère
geniculo = {n} knee {Hence:} geniculera; genicular-geniculation, geniculate
genio = {n} genius (1. spirit; guardian spirit, elemental spirit, jinni, etc.; 2. innate character, disposition or aptitude; 3. man of genius) {Hence:} genial-congenial &
genital = {adj} genital
genite (gé-) = {adj} begotten
genitival = {adj} [Gram.] genitival
genitive = {adj} 1. generative; 2. [Gram.] genitive, possessive {Hence:} genitivo-genitival
genitivo = {n} [Gram.] genitive
genitor = {n} sire, begetter
genitura = {n} 1. generation, begetting; 2. offspring
geno-cidio = {n} genocide
genos [Gr.] = {n} [Gr. Hist.] genos; geno- geno- (1. kind, genus; 2. race; 3. offspring) {Hence:} genotypo etc.; genocidio etc.
geno-typo (-ó-) = {n} genotype
Genoveva = {nprf} Genevieve
gente = {n} people (1. nation, national group; 2. persons, folk); derecto del gentes law of nations {Hence:} gentil &
gentiana = {n} [Bot.] gentian {Hence:} gentianacee-gentianaceas
gentianaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Gentianaceae
gentianacee = {adj} gentianaceous
gentil = {adj} 1. noble; 2. nice, pleasant; 3. [Ch. Hist.] gentile {Hence:} gentilessa; gentilitate; gentilismo; gentilhomine etc.
gentil = {n} [Ch. Hist.] gentile
gentilessa = {n} niceness, pleasantness
gentil-homine = {n} 1. nobleman; 2. gentleman (as in "a real gentleman")
gentilismo = {n} [Ch. Hist.] gentilism
gentilitate = {n} [Ch. Hist.] gentiledom
Gentius (gén-) = {npr} [about 180 B.C.; King of Illyria who discovered the gentian according to Pliny] {Hence:} gentiana &
gentleman [A] = {n} gentleman (as in "a real gentleman")
genu = {n} knee {Hence:} geniculo &: genuflecter etc.
Genua = {npr} Genoa {Hence:} genuese
genuese = {adj/n} Genoese
genu-flecter [flect-/-flex-] = {v} to genuflect {Hence:} genuflexion
genuflex- see genuflecter
genuflexion = {n} genuflection, genuflexion
genuin = {adj} genuine (1. purebred; 2. real, authentic) {Hence:} genuinitate
genuinitate = {n} genuineness
geo-centric = {adj} geocentric (= pertaining to or measured from the earth's center)
geode = {n} [Geol.] geode
geo-desia (-ía) = {n} geodesy {Hence:} geodesic
geodesic = {adj} geodetic
geo-detic = {adj} geodetic
geo-genia (-ía) = {n} geogeny {Hence:} geogenic
geogenic = {adj} geogenic
geo-gnosia (-ía) = {n} geognosy
geo-gnosta = {n} geognost (= one versed in geognosy) {Hence:} geognostic
geognostic = {adj} geognostic
geo-gonia (-ía) = {n} geogony
geogonic = {adj} geogonic
geographia (-ía) = {n} geography; geographia physic physical geography; geographia economic economic geography; geographia politic political geography
geographic = {adj} geographical
geo-grapho (-ó-) = {n} geographer {Hence:} geographia; geographic
geologia (-ía) = {n} geology (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area)
geologic = {adj} geological
geologista = {n} geologist
geo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} geologist {Hence:} geologia-geologista; geologic
geo-mante = {n} geomancer, geomant {Hence:} geomantia-geomantic
geomantia (-ía) = {n} geomancy
geomantic = {adj} geomantic
geo-metra (-ó-) = {n} geometer, geometrician {Hence:} geometria; geometric
geometria (-ía) = {n} geometry; geometria plan plane geometry
geometric = {adj} geometric, geometrical
geo-physic = {adj} geophysical {Hence:} geophysica
geophysica = {n} geophysics
geo-politica = {n} geopolitics
ge-orama = {v} georama
Georgia = {npr} [Geog.] Georgia
georgian = {adj} Georgian (1. pertaining to George; 2. pertaining to Georgia)
Georgio = {nprm} George {Hence:} Georgia; georgian
geo-tropic = {adj} [Biol.] geotropic
geo-tropismo = {n} [Biol.] geotropism
geranio = {n} geranium
gerente = {n} manager
gerentia = {n} management
gerer [ger-/gest-] = {v} to manage, administer {Hence:} gerundio &; gerente-gerentia; gestion; gesto &; gesta; gestar &; congerer &; digerer &; ingerer &; suggerer &; belligerente etc.
german = {adj} German {Hence:} Germania; germanismo; germanista-germanistic, germanistica; germanium; germanizar; germano-germanic; germanophile etc.; judeogerman etc.; pangerman etc.
Germania = {n} Germany
germanic = {adj} Germanic
germanizar = {v} to Germanize (= to make German)
germanismo = {n} Germanism
germanista = {n} Germanist (= scholar in Germanics)
germanistic = {adj} Germanist, Germanistic
germanistica = {n} Germanics
germanium (-má-) = {n} [Chem.] germanium
germano = {n} German (1. "German language"; 2. native of Germany)
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