germano-phile = {adj} Germanophile {Hence:} germanophilo
germanophilo (-ó-) = {n} Germanophile
germi- see germine
germi-cida = {n} germicide (= substance that kills germs); attrib. germicidal {Hence:} germicidal
germicidal = {adj} germicidal
germinar = {v} to germinate
germination = {n} germination
germinative = {adj} germinative
germine = {n} germ; germine pathogenic (disease) germ {Hence:} germinar-germination, germinative; germicida etc.
geront- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] geront-, geronto- (= old man) {Hence:} gerontocratia etc. ...
geronto-cratia (-ía) = {n} gerontocracy
gerundio = {n} [Gram.] gerund {Hence:} gerundive-gerundivo
gerundive = {adj} [Gram.] gerundive, gerundial
gerundivo = {n} [Gram.] gerundive
gest- see gerer
gesta = {n} exploit
Gestapo [G] = {n} Gestapo (= secret state police in Nazi Germany)
gestar = {v} to be with child or young {Hence:} gestation; gestatori
gestation = {n} gestation
gestatori = {adj} gestatory
gesticular = {v} to gesticulate {Hence:} gesticulation; gesticulator
gesticulation = {n} gesticulation
gesticulator = {n} gesticulator
gestion = {n} management, administration
gesto = {n} gesture {Hence:} gesticular &
Gethsemani (-sé-) = {npr} Gethsemane
geyser (géi-) = {n} gcyser
ghetto (gét-) = {n} ghetto
ghibellin (gi-) = {adj} [Ital. Hist.] Ghibelline {Hence:} ghibellino
ghibellino (gi-) = {n} [Ital. Hist] Chihelline
gibbo = {n} hump, hunch {Hence:} gibbose-gibbositate
gibbose = {adj} hunched, humped, gibbous; specif.: humpbacked, hunchbacked
gibbositate = {n} gibbousness, gibbosity
gigante = {n} giant; giantess; attrib. giant, gigantic {Hence:} gigantesc; gigantomachia etc.
gigantesc = {adj} gigantic
giganto-machia (-ía) = {n} gigantomachy
gilet [F] = {n} vest, waistcoat
gin [A] = {n} gin (= alcoholic beverage flavored with juniper berries, etc.)
gingibre (jinjíbre) = {n} ginger
gingiva = {n} [Anat.] gum {Hence:} gingivitis; gingival
gingival = {adj} gingival
gingivitis (-ítis) = {n} gingivitis
ginseng (jínséng) = {n} ginseng
girafa (jiráfa) = {n} giraffe
girar = {v} to gyrate, rotate {Hence:} giration; giratori; girasol etc.
gira-sol = {n} [Mineral.] girasol, girasole; fire opal
giration = {n} gyration, rotation
giratori = {adj} gyratory, gyrating
giro [I] = {n} [Com.] Giro
gitarra = {n} guitar {Hence:} gitarrista
gitarrista = {n} guitarist
glacé [F] = {adj} glacé (1. having lustre; 2. coated with icing)
glacial = {n} glacial (1. as in "glacial phenomena"; 2. icy, ice-cold); zona glacial Frigid Zone; epocha glacial, periodo glacial glacial epoch or period, ice age
glaciar = {v} to freeze, ice, glaciate
glacie = {n} ice; rumper le glacie to break the ice; glacia de sucro icing, frosting {Hence:} glaciero; glaciera; glacial-preglacial, postglacial; glaciar; rumpeglacie etc.
glaciera = {n} icehouse, icebox, etc.
glaciero = {n} glacier
glacis [F] = {n} [Fortif.] glacis
gladiator = {n} gladiator
gladiatori = {adj} gladiatorial
gladiatura = {n} gladiatorial combat
gladio = {n} sword {Hence:} gladiolo; gladiator-gladiatori; gladiatura
gladiolo (-í-) = {n} gladiolus, gladiola
glande = {n} acorn {Hence:} glandula &; glandifere; glandiforme etc.
glandifere = {adj} glandiferous, bearing acorns
glandi-forme = {adj} glandiform, acorn-shaped
glandula = {n} gland {Hence:} glandular; glandulose
glandular = {adj} glandular
glandulose = {adj} glandulous
glauc = {adj} blue-green, sea-green, glaucous {Hence:} glaucoma
glaucoma = {n} [Pathol.] glaucoma
glissar = {v} to slide; {also:} to glide, etc.
-glob- see globulo
global = {adj} 1. global, world-wide; 2. total, aggregate, inclusive etc.
globe-trotter [A] = {n} globetrotter
globo = {n} globe (1. sphere, ball; 2. earth; 3. "celestial or terrestial globe"; 4. "globe of a lamp"); globo del oculo eyeball {Hence:} globulo-globular, globulose, hemoglobina etc.; global; globoide; globose-globositate; inglobar
globoide = {n} globoid
globose = {adj} spherical, globe-shaped, globose
globositate = {n} sphericity, globosity
globular = {adj} globular, spherical
globulo = {n} globule; globulos de sanguine blood corpuscles
globulose = {adj} globular (1. composed of globules; 2. spherical)
glomere = {n} ball (of thread, yarn, etc) {Hence:} glomerulo; agglomerar &; conglomerar &
glomerulo = {n} 1. [Bot.] glomerule; 2. [Anat.] glomerulus, glomerule
gloria = {n} I. glory (1. praise, fame, splendor, etc.; 2. [Relig. Art] as in "Christ in glory"); II. [R.C.Ch.] Gloria (as in "the Gloria Patri") {Hence:} gloriola; gloriose-ingloriose; glorificar-glorification, glorificator; vangloria etc.
glorificar = {v} to glorify; glorificar se de to glory in
glorification = {n} glorification
glorificator = {n} glorifier
gloriola (-í-) = {n} petty vanity
gloriose = {adj} 1. glorious; 2. vainglorious
glossa = {n} gloss (= explanation, rendering, etc.); gloss- [occurrillg in derivatives and compounds] gloss-, glosso- (= tongue) {Hence:} glossitis; glossario; glossar-glossator; glossotomia etc.
glossar = {v} to gloss (= to explain by glosses)
glossario = {n} glossary
glossator = {n} glossator, writer of glosses
glossitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] glossitis
glosso-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] glossotomy, excision of the tongue
glotta = {n} [Anat., Zool.] glottis; glott- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glott-, glotto- (= tongue) {Hence:} glottic; polyglotte etc.
glottic = {adj} glottic, glottal
gluc- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] gluc- (= sweet) {Hence:} glucato; glucic; glucina-glucinum; glucosa-glucosido
glucato = {n} [Chem.] glucate
glucic = {adj} [Chem.] glucic; acido glucic glucic acid
glucina = {n} [Chcm.] glucina
glucinum (-ín-) = {n} [Chem.] glucinum
glucosa = {n} [Chem.] glucose, glycose
glucosido = {n} glucoside
gluma = {n} [Bot.] glume, husk {Hence:} glumacee-glumaceas; glumose
glumaceas = {npl} [Bot.] Glumaceae
glumacee = {adj} glumaceous
glumose = {adj} glumous, glumose
glutinar = {v} to glue
glutine = {n} 1. glue; 2. gluten {Hence:} glutinose-glutinositate; glutinar-agglutinar &, conglutinar &
glutinose = {adj} sticky, glutinous
glutinositate = {n} stickiness, glutinousness
glutir = {v} to swallow, swallow down {Hence:} deglutir &; inglutir &
glutte = {adj} gluttonous {Hence:} glutton &
glutton = {n} glutton (1. gormandizer; 2. [Zool.] wolverine) {Hence:} gluttonia; gluttonizar
gluttonia (-ía) = {n} gluttony
gluttonizar = {v} to gluttonize, gormandize
glyc- see glycerina
glycer- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} glyceria; glycerina &
glycer- see glycerina
glycer-al = {n} [Chem.] glyceral
glycerato = {n} [Chem.] glycerate
glyceria = {n} [Bot.] manna grass; Glyceria
glyceric = {adj} [Chem.] glyceric
glycerido = {n} [Chem.] glyceride
glycerina = {n} [Chem.] glycerin {Hence:} glycerato; glycerido; glycerito; glycerol; glyceryl; glyceric; glycerophosphato etc.; glyceral etc.; glycerophosphoric etc.; glycido-glycidic; glycol
glycerito = {n} [Chem.] glyccrite
glycerol = {n} [Chem.] glycerol
glycero-phosphato = {n} [Chcm.] glycerophosphate
glycero-phosphoric = {adj} [Chem.] glycerophosphoric; acido glycerophosphoric glycerophosphoric acid
glyceryl = {n} [Chem.] glyceryl
glycic = {adj} [Chem.] glycic
glycidic = {adj} [Chem.] glycidic
glycido = {n} [Chem.] glycide
glycina = {n} [Chem.] glycin
glycinia = {n} [Bot.] wistaria
glyco-colla = {n} [Chem.] glycocoll
glyco-gene = {adj} [Biochem.] glycogenous, glycogenic {Hence:} glycogeno-glycogenic
glycogenic = {adj} [Biochem.] glycogenic, glycogenous
glycogeno (-ó-) = {n} [Biochem.] glycogen
glycol = {n} [Chcm.] glycol
glycy- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glycy-, glyc-, glyco- (= sweet) {Hence:} glycic; glycina; glycinia; glycyrrhiza etc.; glycocolla etc.; glycogene etc.
glycy-rrhiza = {n} licorice, glycyrrhiza {Hence:} glycyrrhizina
glycyrrhizina = {n} glycyrrhizin
glyph- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] glyph- (= carving) {Hence:} hieroglyphic etc. ...
-gnat- see nate
gneis [G] = {n} gneiss
gno- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} gnoma &; gnomone &; gnosis; gnostic &; diagno- &; progno- &; geognosia etc.; geognosta etc.
-gnobile see nobile
-gnom- see gnomone
gnoma = {n} gnome, aphorism {Hence:} gnomic; gnomologia etc.
gnomic = {adj} gnomic, aphoristic
gnomo = {n} gnome (= goblin)
gnomo-logia (-ía) = {n} gnomology {Hence:} gnomologista; gnomologic
gnomologic = {adj} gnomologic
gnomologista = {n} gnomologist
gnomone = {n} gnomon (1. index rod on sundial; 2. [Geom.]) {Hence:} gnomonic-pathognomonic etc.; physiognomonia etc.; pathognomia etc.
gnomonic = {adj} gnomonic
gnomonica = {n} gnomonics (= the art of constructing sundials)
-gnoscer see nosc-
gnosis = {n} [Metaph.] gnosis
gnostic = {adj} 1. gnostic; 2. Gnostic {Hence:} gnosticismo; agnostic &; gnostico
gnosticismo = {n} Gnosticism
gnostico = {n} Gnostic
gnu = {n} gnu
goal [A] = {n} [Sports] goal goal-keeper [A] {n} [Sports] goalkeeper
golf [A] = {n} golf; percurso de golf golf course
golfo = {n} gulf, bay; currente del golfo Gulf Stream
Gomorrha = {npr} Gomorrah, Gomorrha
-gon- see goni-
gondola (gón-) [I] = {n} gondola {Hence:} gondolero
gondolero = {n} gondolier
gong = {n} gong
goni- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] gonio-, gon- (= angle) {Hence:} diagonal; goniometro etc.; polygon etc.; hexagon etc.
-gonia (-ía) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -gony (= generation, origin) {Hence:} cosmogonia etc.
goniometria (-ía) = {n} goniometry
goniometric = {adj} goniometric
gonio-metro (-ó-) = {n} goniometer {Hence:} goniometria; goniometric
gonna = {n} skirt {Hence:} gonnella-subgonnella
gonnella = {n} skirt
gono- = {n} [occurring in compounds] gono-, gon- (= generation, offspring, semen, etc.) {Hence:} gonorrhea etc.
gono-rrhea (-éa) = {n} [Pathol.] gonorrhea
gorga = {n} throat, gullet, gorge {Hence:} disgorgar &; ingorgar &
gorilla = {n} gorilla
gothic = {adj} Gothic (1. pertaining to the Goths; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] blackletter)
gothico = {n} Gothic (1. Gothic language; 2. [Arch., Art]; 3. [Typog.] black letter)
gotho = {n} Goth {Hence:} gothic-gothico
gourmand [F] = {n} gourmand, epicure
gourmet [F] = {n} gourmet, connoisseur (in food and drink)
governabde = {adj} governable
governaculo = {n} [Naut., Aviation] rudder
governamental = {adj} govermental
governamento = {n} government (1. rule, direction, control; 2. body of persons governing a State)
governante = {n} governess
governar = {v} 1. [Naut.] to steer; 2. to govern (= to rule, direct, control) {Hence:} governaculo; governamento-governamental; governante; governabile-ingovernabile; governator
governator = {n} governor
Graccho = {npr} [Rom. Hist.] Gracchus
gracile = {adj} slender, slim {Hence:} gracilitate
gracilitate = {n} slenderness, slimness
grad- [grad-/-gress-; -gred-/-gress] {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} gradiente; aggreder &; congred- &; digreder &; egred- &; ingred- &; progreder &; regreder &; transgreder &; retrograd- &; plantigrade etc.; tardigrade etc.; saltigrade etc.
-grad [R] = {n} [occurring in compounds] -grad (= town, city) {Hence:} Leningrad etc.
gradation = {n} 1. gradation (= gradual change); 2. [Rhet.] climax
gradiente = {n} [Meteorol., Physiol., etc.] gradient
grado (1) = {n} I. step, stair, rung; II. degree (1. stage, level, grade, etc.; 2. unit of measure for angles, temperature, etc.); III. [Mil., Acad. etc.] degree, rank; a un alte grado to a high degree; grado de comparation [Gram.] degree of comparison {Hence:} gradual-gradualitate; graduar-graduation, graduator, graduate-graduato; gradation; degradar &; centigrade etc.
grado (2) = {n} will, pleasure; de bon grado willingly, with pleasure; de mal grado unwillingly, in spite of oneself; a grado at will {Hence:} agradar-agradamento, agradabile, disagradar-disagradabile; malgrado etc.
gradu- see grado (1)
gradual = {adj} gradual
gradualitate = {n} gradualness
graduar = {v} to graduate (1. to mark with degrees for measuring; 2. to grade, arrange in gradations; 3. to confer an academic or professional degree upon)
graduate 1. pp of graduar; 2. {adj} graduate
graduation = {n} graduation (1. gradation, arrangement in degrees or gradations; 2. division into degrees; 3. action of conferring or receiving an academic or professional degree)
graduato = {n} graduate (1. one who has received an academic or professional degree; 2. graduated measuring cup, tube, etc.)
graduator = {n} graduator, grader
graffar = {v} [Hort.] to graft
graffator = {n} [Hort.] grafter
graffo = {n} [Hort.] graft (= shoot used in grafting) {Hence:} graffar-graffator
gral = {n} Grail; Sancte Gral Holy Grail
gramma = {n} gram {Hence:} centigramma etc.; kilogramme etc.
-gramma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -gram {Hence:} grammatic; grammatico; grammatica-grammatical; cablogramma etc; ideogramma etc.; roentgenogramma etc.; barogramma etc.; cryptogramma etc.; parallelogramma etc.; monogramma etc.; telegramma etc.
grammatic = {adj} grammatical
grammatica = {n} grammar
grammatical = {adj} grammatical
grammatico = {n} grammarian
grammophono (-ó-) = {n} gramophone
gran- = {prefixo} [used with nouns of kinship] grand-, great-, (as in "grandfather", "great-aunt") {Hence:} granamita etc.; granfilio etc.; grannepta etc.; granpatre etc.
grana = {n} seed (of plants) {Hence:} granar; filigrana etc.
granamita (-ná-) = {n} great-aunt
granar = {v} to seed, grow to seed
granario = {n} granary; {also:} barn
granata = {n} 1. pomegranate (= fruit of the pomegranate); 2. [Mil.] grenade, shell {Hence:} granatero
granatero = {n} [Mil.] grenadier
granatifere = {adj} garnetiferous
granaio = {n} [Mmeral.] garnet {Hence:} granatifere
grande = {adj} great (1. big, large, etc.; 2. as in "great man", "great lord", etc.); in grande on a large scale {Hence:} grandor; grandiose &; aggrandir &; grandiloguente etc; grandisone etc.
grande = {n} grandee Grande Britannia {npr} Great Britain
grandi- see grande
grandi-loquente = {adj} grandiloquent {Hence:} grandiloquentia
grandiloquentia = {n} grandiloquence
grandinar = {v} [Meterol.] to hail
grandine = {n} [Meteorol.] hail {Hence:} grandinar
grandiose = {adj} grand, imposing; grandiose {Hence:} grandiositate
grandiositate = {n} grandeur
grandi-sone = {adj} grandisonous, grandisonant
grandor = {n} greatness (1. size; 2. grandeur)
granfilia = {n} granddaughter; granfilia secunde great-granddaughter; granfilia tertie great-great-granddaughter
granfilio = {n} grandson; granfiiio secunde great-grandson; granfilio tertie great-great-grandson
grani-forme = {adj} graniform
granitic = {adj} granitic
granito = {n} granite {Hence:} granitic; granitoide
granitoide = {adj} granitoid, granitoidal
grani-vore = {adj} granivorous {Hence:} granivoro
granivoro (-í-) = {n} granivore
granmatre = {n} grandmother; granmatre secunde great-grandmother; granmatre tertie great-great-grandmother
grannepta = {n} great-niece
grannepto = {n} great-nephew
grano = {n} I. grain, corn (1. seed of cereal grasses; 2. as in "grain market", "corn exchange", etc.); II. grain (1. as in "a grain of sand"; 2. [Meas.]); III. kernel, pit, etc. (= grainlike seed of any plant) {Hence:} granario; granato &; granata &; granito &; granulo &; granose; disgranar &; graniforme etc; granivore etc; grana &
granoncle = {n} great-uncle
granose = {adj} grainy, granular
granpatre = {n} grandfather; granpatre secunde great-grandfather; granpatre tertie great-great-grandfather
granular = {adj} granular granular {v} to granulate (as in "to granulate sugar")
granulation = {n} granulation
granulator = {n} granulater, granulator
granulifere = {adj} granuliferous
granuli-forme = {adj} granular, granuliform
granulite = {n} [Mineral.] granulite
granulo = {n} granule {Hence:} granulite; granular (1); granulifere; granulose; granular (2)-granulation, granulator; granuliforme etc
granulose = {adj} granular, granulose
graph- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} -grapho &; graphia &; graphite &; graphic; graphico; graphica
graphia (-ía) = {n} (system of) writing, script {Hence:} paragraphia; ideographia etc; physiographia etc; orthographia etc.
graphic = {adj} graphic (1. pertaining to writing, drawing, etc.; 2. pertaining to graphs)
graphica = {n} graphic arts
graphico = {n} graph
graphite = {n} graphite {Hence:} graphitic
graphitic = {adj} graphitic
-grapho = {n} [occurring in compounds] I. -graph (1. as in "epigraph"; 2. as in "seismograph"); II. -grapher (as in "geographer") {Hence:} autographo &; paragrapho; graphologo etc; bibliographo etc; biographo etc; mimeographo etc; phonographo etc; photographo etc.; seismographo etc; typographo etc.; calligrapho etc; cryptographo etc.; stenographo etc.; hectographo etc; monographo etc; microseismographo etc.
graphologia (-ía) = {n} graphology (= study of handwriting)
graphologic = {adj} graphological
grapho-logo (-phó-) = {n} graphologist {Hence:} graphologia; graphologic
grasse = {adj} 1. fat (= consisting of fat); 2. fatty (= containing fat) {Hence:} grassia-disgrassiar, ingrassiar; ingrassar
grassia = {n} grease, fat
grate = {adj} grateful, thankful {Hence:} gratia &; gratitude; gratificar-gratification; ingrate-ingratitude
gratia = {n} grace (1. gracefulness; 2. graciousness; 3. mercy, clemency); {also:} [Theol.]; gratias a thanks to, due or owing to; colpo de gratia coup de grâce, finishing stroke; render gratias a to give thanks to; anno del gratia year of grace; con bon (mal) gratia with a good (bad) grace; cader del gratia de to fall out of grace with; facer gratia a un persona de to spare someone something; Gratia Grace; gratias! (I) thank you! thanks! {Hence:} gratiose-gratiositate, ingratiose, malgratiose etc.; gratiar-gratiabile; disgratia &; ingratiar; regratiar
gratiabile = {adj} pardonable
gratiar = {v} 1. to pardon (a criminal); 2. to grace
gratificar = {v} 1. to give a gratuity to; 2. to gratify
gratification = {n} 1. gratuity; 2. gratification
gratin [F] = {n} [Cookingl gratin; al gratin au gratin
gratiose = {adj} 1. graceful; 2. gracious
gratiositate = {n} graciousness
gratis (qrá-) [L] = {adv} gratis, free (of charge)
gratitude = {n} gratitude
gratta-celo = {n} skyscraper
grattamento = {n} scratching, scraping
grattar = {v} to scratch, scrape {Hence:} grattamento; grattator; grattacelo etc.
grattator = {n} scratcher, scraper (= one who scratches, scrapes)
gratuite (-ú-) = {adj} gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted)
gratular = {v} to express joy at (someone's good fortune), congratulate {Hence:} gratulation; gratulatori; congratular &
gratulation = {n} good wishes, congratulation
gratulatori = {adj} congratulatory; littera gratulatori letter of congratulation or good wishes
gravamine = {n} grievance, gravamen
gravar (1) = {v} to engrave {Hence:} gravator
gravar (2) = {v} to burden, encumber
gravator = {n} engraver
grave = {adj} I. heavy; II. grave (1. solemn, important; 2. low-pitched, deep); accento grave [Gram.] grave accent {Hence:} gravitate &; gravide &; gravar-gravamine, aggravar &
gravide = {adj} pregnant (= with child, gravid) {Hence:} graviditate
graviditate = {n} pregnancy, gravidity
gravit- see gravitate
gravitar = {v} [Phys. ] to gravitate
gravitate = {n} gravity (1. [Phys.]; 2. seriousness, importance; 3. lowness of pitch); gravitate specific specific gravity; centro de gravitate center of gravity {Hence:} gravitar-gravitation
gravitation = {n} [Phys.] gravitation
gravure [F] = {n} engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) {Hence:} photogravure etc.; rotogravure etc.
grec = {adj} Greek, Grecian; i grec (the letter) y
greca = {n} [Art] Greek fret, key pattern, meander
Grecia = {n} Greece
grecizar = {v} to Grecize, Hellenize
grecismo = {n} Grecism, Hellenism (1. Grecian quality; 2. Greek idiom)
greco = {n} Greck (1. Greek language; 2. inhabitant of Greece) {Hence:} Grecia; grec-grecismo, grecizar, grecoroman etc., greco, greca
greco-roman = {adj} Greco-Roman, Graeco-Roman
-gred- see grad-
-greder see grad-
gregar = {v} to (collect into a) flock or herd
gregari = {adj} 1. gregarious (= tending to flock or herd together); 2. belonging to the common herd
grege = {n} flock, herd, drove, etc.; {also:} troop, band, crowd, etc. {Hence:} gregari; gregar; aggregar &; congregar &; disgregar &; segregar &; egregie
gremial = {n} [Eccl.] gremial
gremio = {n} lap; {also:} bosom {Hence:} gremial
grenadier [F] = {n} [Mil.] grenadier
grenadina = {n} grenadine (= sirup of pomegranates)
grillia = {n} I. grate (1. grating; 2. frame of iron bars holding a fire); II. grill, gridiron; III. [Elec.] grid {Hence:} grilliar-grilliada, grilliage
grilliada = {n} 1. (action of) grilling; 2. grilled food
grilliage (-aje) = {n} grating, lattice work; {also:} wire netting, etc.
grilliar = {v} to grill
grillo = {n} [Entom.] cricket
grimassar = {v} to grimace, make (wry) faces
grimasse [F] = {n} grimace, (wry) face {Hence:} grimassar
grippe [F] = {n} [Pathol.] grippe
gris = {adj/n} gray, grey {Hence:} grisalia
grisalia = {n} grisaille
grisette [F] = {n} grisette (= French girl of the working class)
grizzly [A] = {n} grizzly (bear)
groenland- see Groenlandia
groenlandese = {adj} Greenland, Greenlandic groenlandese {n} Greenlander
Groen-landia = {npr} Greenland {Hence:} groenlandese
grog [A] = {n} grog
groom [A] = {n} groom (= manservant; specif.: stableman, stableboy)
grossa = {n} gross (= unit consisting of twelve dozen)
grosse = {adj} big, bulky, etc.; mar grosse heavy sea {Hence:} grossier; grosseria; grosso; grossa
grosseria (-ía) = {n} coarseness, rudeness
grossier = {adj} coarse (1. not fine; 2. rude, not refined)
grosso = {n} bulk (= main mass); le grosso del armea the main body of the army; in grosso at wholesale
grossula = {n} gooseberry {Hence:} grossular
grossular = {adj} gooseberry, grossular
grotta = {n} grotto {Hence:} grottesc &
grottesc = {adj} grotesque {Hence:} grottesco
grottesco = {n} grotesque; grottescos [Art] grotesques
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