Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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mallette = {n} mailet

malo = {n} apple {Hence:} malacee-malaceas; malic

mal-odor = {adj} malodorous

mal-san = {adj} unhealthy (1. not in good health; 2. unwholesome)

mal-sonante = {adj} 1. ill-sounding; 2. offensive, scandalous

malt = {n} malt {Hence:} maltosa; maltar-maltator

maltar = {v} to malt (= convert into malt)

maltator = {n} malter, maltster

maltosa = {n} [Chem] maltose

maltractamento = {n} maltreatment

mal-tractar = {v} to maltreat {Hence:} maltractamento

mal-versar = {v} to be guilty of malversation or corruption in office {Hence:} malversation

malversation = {n} malversation (= corruption in office)

mam- see mamma

mamilla = {n} [Anat] mamma {Hence:} mamillon; mamillari; mamillate; mamilliforme etc.

mamillari = {adj} mamillary (1. pertaining to the breast; 2. mammiform)

mamillate = {adj} mamillated, mamillary

mamilli-forme = {adj} mamillary, mamilliform

mamillon = {n} [Geog] mamelon

mamma = {n} 1. [Anat] mamma; 2. mama (= mother) {Hence:} mammal &; mammari; mammifere &; mammiforme etc.; mamilla &

mammal = {n} mammal {Hence:} mammalogia etc.

mammal-ogia (-ía) = {n} mammalogy {Hence:} mammalogic

mammalogic = {adj} mammalogical

mammari = {adj} mammary

mammifere = {adj} mammiferous {Hence:} mammifero

mammifero (-í-) = {n} mammal

mammi-forme = {adj} mammiform

mammona = {n} [Bib] mammon

mammut = {n} mammoth

man- (1) = [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} mania-maniac-maniaco, anglomania etc., bibliomania etc., megalomania etc.; bibliomane etc.; megalomane etc.; anglomano etc.; kleptomano etc.; theatromano etc.

man- (2) = {adj} [occurring in compounds] mano- (1. rare, thin; 2. gaseous) {Hence:} manometro etc.

manar = {v} 1. to flow, trickle; 2. to emanate {Hence:} emanar &

manata = {n} handful

mancar = {v} to be lacking (= to be deficient or missing)

manchette [F] = {n} cuff (of a sleeve)

manchu (-tchú, -djú) = {adj} Manchu, Manchurian {Hence:} Manchuria, Manchukuo etc.

manchu (-tchú, -djú) = {n} Manchu (1. Manchurian; 2. Manchu language)

Manchu-kuo (-tchúkwó, -djúkwó) = {npr} Manchukuo

Manchuria (-tch-, -dj-) = {npr} Manchuria

mancipar = {v} to make over or deliver up as property

man-cipe (mán-) = {n} purchaser {Hence:} mancipar-emancipar etc.

manco = {n} lack, want {Hence:} mancar

mand- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} mandibula &; manducar &

mandante = {n} [Law] principal, mandator

mandar = {v} 1. to order (= to have a person follow an order or instruction); 2. to send {Hence:} mandante; mandato &; commandar &; contramandar; demandar &

mandarin = {n} mandarin (= Chinese public official); lingua mandarin Mandarin (language) {Hence:} mandarinato; mandarinismo

mandarina = {n} mandarin (= tangerine) {Hence:} mandariniero

mandarinato = {n} mandarinate

mandariniero = {n} mandarin (tree)

mandarinismo = {n} mandarinism

mandatario = {n} mandatary, mandatory; {also:} attorney, agent, etc.

mandato = {n} 1. order, command; 2. [Law, Pol] mandate; mandato postal (postal) money order {Hence:} mandatario

mandibula = {n} [Anat] jaw; also [Anat, Zool] mandible {Hence:} mandibular

mandibular = {adj} mandibular

mandola [I] = {n} mandola, mandora, pandora, pandore, bandore, etc. (= musical instrument similar to a mandolin, but larger)

mandolino [I] = {n} mandolin

manducabile = {adj} edible

manducar = {v} to eat; manducar (un persona) vive to eat (someone) alive; manducar le parolas to mumble, chew one's words {Hence:} manducabile; manducation

manducation = {n} (act of) eating

[mane]' 1. {n} morning; 2. {adv} early in the morning

maneabile = {adj} easy to handle; manageable

maneabilitate = {n} wieldiness; manageability

maneamento = {n} handling (of a tool, instrument, etc.)

manear = {v} to handle (a tool, instrument); {also:} [Equit] to manage; train, break in {Hence:} maneo; maneamento; maneabile-maneabilitate, immaneabile

maneo (-éo) = {n} I. stratagem, trick; II. manège (1. horsemanship; 2. riding school)

-maner = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} immaner &; permaner &; remaner &

mangan- see manganese, manganic

manganato = {n} [Chem] manganate

manganese = {n} [Chem] manganese (= the metal "manganese") {Hence:} manganite; manganic-manganato, permanganic-permanganato; manganifere; manganose

manganic = {adj} [Chem] manganic

manganifere = {adj} manganiferous

manganite = {n} [Mineral] manganite

manganose = {adj} [Chem] manganous

mangiabile (-já-) = {adj} edible

mangiar (-jár) = {v} to eat {Hence:} mangiabile; mangiator; mangiatoria

mangiar (-jár) = {n} food

mangiator (-ja-) = {n} eater

mangiatoria (-ja-) = {n} manger, crib

mania (-ía) = {n} mania (1. [Pathol]; 2. as in "sport mania"); haber le mania de to have a mania for

maniac (-í-) = {adj} maniac

maniaco (-í-) = {n} maniac

manica = {n} 1. [Clothing] sleeve; 2. hose (= flexibile tube for conveying water, etc.); 3. channel, strait; 4 handcuff; 5 gas-mantle; in manicas de camisa in shirt sleeves; haber le manica large to be lenient (in judging moral matters);

le Manica the (English) Channel

manich- see manico

manichetto = {n} muff

manico = {n} handle (of a hammer, broom, plow, etc.); neck (of a violin) {Hence:} manichetta; dismanicar; immanicar

mani-curo = {n} manicurist

maniera = {n} manner, way; de maniera que so that; manieras manners; bon manieras good manners; mal manieras bad manners {Hence:} manierismo; manierista; manierose; manierar

manierar = {v} to fill with mannerism, to make affected, to stylize

manierismo = {n} mannerism

manierista = {n} mannerist

manierose = {adj} well-mannered, mannerly

manifestar = {v} to manifest

manifestation = {n} manifestation (1. act of manifesting; 2. public demonstration)

manifeste = {adj} manifest {Hence:} manifestar-manifestation; manifesto

manifesto = {n} 1. manifesto; 2. manifest

manilla = {n} 1. bracelet; 2. shackle

mani-luvio = {n} [Med] maniluvium, bath for the hands

manipular = {v} to manipulate {Hence:} manipulation; manipulative; manipulator; manipulatori

manipulation = {n} manipulation

manipulative = {adj} manipulative

manipulator = {n} manipulator

manipulatori = {adj} manipulatory

manivella = {n} [Mach] crank {Hence:} manivellar

manivellar = {v} to crank, turn a crank

manna = {n} manna (1. "Biblical manna"; 2. [Pharm])

mannequin [F] = {n} mannequin (1. figure of a person used by artists, tailors, etc.; 2. dressmaker's live model)

mano = {n} I. hand (1. hand of a person; 2. handwriting); II. quire (of paper); sub mano in an underhanded way; del mano al mano directly without intermediary; de prime mano first-hand; dar le ultime mano a to give the final touch to; un mano lave le altere you scratch my back, I scratch yours; demandar le mano de un persona to ask for someone's hand; mano morte mortmain; lavar se le manos de to wash one's hands of; venir al manos to come to blows; de secunde mano second-hand {Hence:} manata; manilla; manual; manico &; manica; manear &; manumitter etc.; manicuro etc.; quadrumane etc.; manufac- etc.; manuscripte etc.; manomorte etc.; manicuro etc.; maniluvio etc.; mantener etc.; mancipe etc.; sinistronane etc.; quadrumane etc.; lavamanos etc.

mano-grapho (-ó-) = {n} [Engin] manograph

mano-metro (-ó-) = {n} manometer

mano-morte = {n} [Law] mortmain

manovra = {n} 1. operation (= act of putting and keeping in operation); 2. [RR] shunting; switching; 3. seamanship; 4 maneuver; manovras 1. [Mil] maneuvers; 2. [Naut] rigging, tackle {Hence:} manovrar-manovrabile-manovrabilitate, manovrator

manovrabile = {adj} maneuverable

manovrabilitate = {n} maneuverability

manovrar = {v} 1. to operate (= to put and keep in operation); 2. to maneuver

manovrator = {n} maneuverer

Mansard, François = {npr} [1598-1666; French architect] {Hence:} mansarda

mansarda = {n} [Arch] mansard (1. mansard roof; 2. mansard story or room); {also:} garret, attic

mansuete = {adj} tame; {also:} gentle, mild, meek, etc. {Hence:} mansuetude

mansuetude = {n} tameness; {also:} gentleness, meekness, mildness, etc.

mante = {n} [Zool] mantis -mante {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -mancer (= prophet, seer) {Hence:} -mantia-bibliomantia etc., hieromantia etc.; mantic-mantica; chiromante etc.; necromante etc.

mantelletto = {n} mantelet (1. short mantle or cape; 2. [Fortif])

mantello = {n} coat, mantle, cloak, etc. {Hence:} mantelletto; dismantellar &; portamantello etc.

mantenentia = {n} maintenance (1. as in "maintenance of order"; 2. means of sustenance)

man-tener = {v} to maintain (1. to keep in the same position or status; 2. to adhere to an opinion) {Hence:} mantenimento; mantenentia; mantenitor

mantenimento = {n} maintenance (1. as in "maintenance of order"; 2. means of sustenance)

mantenitor = {n} maintainer

-mantia (-ía) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -mancy (= divination)

mantic = {adj} mantic

mantica = {n} manticism, mantic, divination

mantilla [H] = {n} (Spanish) mantilla

manu- see mano

manual = {adj} manual manual {n} manual (= handbook)

manu-fac- [fac-/-fact-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} manufactura-manufacturari, manufacturar

manufact- see manufac-

manufactura = {n} 1. factory, manufactory; 2. manufacture, fabrication

manufacturar = {v} to manufacture

manufacturari = {adj} manufacturing (as in "manufacturing town")

manumiss- see manumitter

manumission = {n} manumission

manu-mitter [-mitt-/-miss-l = {v} to manumit {Hence:} manumission

manu-scripte = {adj} manuscript {Hence:} manuscripto

manuscripto = {n} manuscript

mappa = {n} map

mappamundi [NL] = {n} map of the world

maquerello (makeréllo) = {n} mackerel

mar = {n} sea (= large body of salt water); un mar de (sanguine) a sea of (blood); (in) alte mar (on) high seas; homine de mar seaman, seafaring man; mal de mar seasickness; mar grosse heavy sea; Mar Nigre Black Sea; Mar Morte Dead Sea; Mar del Nord North Sea {Hence:} marea; marin &; maritime; amarar &; ultramar; verdemar etc.

marabu (-bú) = {n} [Ornith] marabou

marabut = {n} marabout (= Mohammedan saint or hermit)

marasca [I] = {n} marasca (cherry) {Hence:} maraschino

marasch- see marasca

maraschino = {n} maraschino

marca (1) = {n} I. mark (1. trace, impression; 2. sign, indication; 3. stamp, brand, label, etc.); II. marker (= instrument for marking); marca de fabrica trademark; (de) marca (superior) (of a superior) brand; (vino) de marca quality or choice (wine); (persona) de marca (person) of mark {Hence:} marcar-marcator, marcate, demarcar &, dismarcar, remarcar &; contramarca-contramarcar

marca (2) = {n} marchland, march {Hence:} marchese &

marcar = {v} to mark (= to indicate, distinguish etc. by a mark or marks)

marcate 1. pp of marcar; 2. {adj} marked (as in "a marked difference")

marcator = {n} marker (= one who marks)

marcer = {v} to wither, wilt {Hence:} marcide; marcor; marcescer &

marcescente 1. ppr of marcescer; 2. {adj} [Bot] marcescent

marcescentia = {n} [Bot] marcescence

marcescer = {v} to wither, wilt {Hence:} marcescente-marcescentia; marcescibile-immarcescibile

marcescibile = {adj} withering, wilting (= liable to wither or wilt)

march- see marca

marcha (-sh-) = {n} march (as in "military, processional, funeral, etc., march"); marcha fortiate forced march; marcha funebre funeral march; poner se in marcha to start, get under way, etc.; ordine de marcha order of march, marching order

marchar (-sh-) = {v} to march {Hence:} marcha-contramarcha-contramarchar

marchesa = {n} marchioness, marquise

marchesato = {n} marquizate

marchese = {n} 1. marquess, marquis; 2. marchioness, marquise {Hence:} marchesato; marchesa

marcide = {adj} withered, wilted; {also:} languid, weak

marco = {n} mark (1. [Hist] unit of weight for gold and silver; 2. [Fin] monetary unit)

Marco = {npr} Mark

marcor = {n} withering, wilting; decaying, decay; also: languishing

marea (-éa) = {n} tide; marea alte high water, high tide; marea basse low water, low tide

marechal [F] = {n} marshal, field marshal {Hence:} marechalato; marechala

marechala (-sh-) = {n} field marshal's wife

marechalato (-sh-) = {n} marshalship

maremma = {n} fen, salt marsh, etc.; {also:} maremma

margar- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} margarina &; margarita; margaric

margaric = {adj} [Chem] margaric

margarina = {n} margarine {Hence:} oleomargarina etc.

margarita = {n} 1. pearl; 2. daisy, marguerite; jectar margaritas ante porcos to cast pearls before swine; Margarita Margaret

marginal = {adj} marginal; nota marginal marginal note

marginar = {v} 1. to leave a margin on; 2. to make marginal notes on

marginate 1. pp of marginar; 2. {adj} bordered, marginate

margine = {n} margin (1. border, edge; 2. "margin of a printed or written page") {Hence:} marginal; marginose; marginar-marginate; emarginar &

marginose = {adj} with a wide margin

Maria (-ía) = {npr} Mary, Marie {Hence:} marista; Marion; marian-marianismo; Marianna etc.

marian = {adj} Marian

marianismo = {n} Mariolatry (= excessive veneration of the Virgin Mary)

Mari-anna = {nprf} Marian, Marianne; Mariannas [Geog] Marianas

marin = {adj} marine (= of the sea); millia marin nautical mile; (planta) marin sea (plant) {Hence:} marinar &; submarin &; ultramarin; aquamarin etc.; rosmarino etc.; marino; marina-marinero

marina = {n} marine (1. as in "merchant marine"; 2. [Paint]); marina de guerra navy; officiero de marina naval officer; ministerio del marina admiralty; infanteria de marina marines; marina mercante merchant or mercantile marine

marinada = {n} marinade

marinar = {v} to marinade, marinate {Hence:} marinada

marinero = {n} sailor, seaman, mariner

marino = {n} seaman

Mario = {nprm} Marius

Marion = {npr} Marion

marionette [F] = {n} marionette, puppet; theatro de marionettes puppet show {Hence:} marionettista

marionettista = {n} puppeteer

marisco = {n} marsh, bog

marista = {n} [RCCh] Marist

maritabile = {adj} marriageable

maritage (-aje) = {n} marriage

marital = {adj} marital

maritar = {v} to marry (= to unite in wedlock); maritar se to marry (= to get married)

maritime (-rí-) = {adj} maritime; commercio maritime seaborne trade; citate maritime seaside town; assecurantia maritime marine insurance; derecto maritime maritime law

marito = {n} husband {Hence:} marital; marittar-maritage, maritabile, remaritar; ex-marito

marmelada = {n} jam, preserves; marmelada (de oranges) (orange) marmelade

marmita = {n} [Cookery] pot

marmorar = {v} to marble, marbleize

marmorari = {adj} marble

marmorator = {n} marbler, marbleizer

marmore = {n} marble (1. as in "Carrara marble"; 2. as in "to play marbles") {Hence:} marmorero; marmoreria; marmoriera; marmorari; marmorar-marmorator; marmorizar

marmoreria (-ía) = {n} 1. marble cutting; 2. marble works

marmorero = {n} 1. marble cutter, marble carver; 2. marble polisher

marmoriera = {n} marble quarry

marmorizar = {v} 1. to marmorize; 2. to marbleize, marble

marocch- see Marocco

marocchin = {adj} 1. Moroccan; 2. morocco marocchin {n} morocco (leather), maroquin {Hence:} marocchinero; marocchineria; marocchinar

marocchinar = {v} to dress (skin) like morocco

marocchineria (-ería) = {n} 1. (action or process of) dressing morocco; 2. trade in morocco (leather)

marocchinero = {n} 1. morocco dresser; 2. morocco dealer

marocchino = {n} Moroccan

Marocco = {npr} Morocco {Hence:} marocchin (1)-marocchino, marocchin (2) &

Marquesas [H] = {npr} Marquesas (Islands)

marguis [F] = {n} marquis

marquise [F] = {n} 1. marquise, marchioness; 2. marquee

marron = {n} chestnut (= edible nut of the sweet chestnut tree) {Hence:} marroniero

marroniero = {n} (sweet) chestnut tree

Marte = {npr} Mars (1. [Rom Relig]; 2. [Astron]) {Hence:} martial; martedi etc.

marte-di (-dí) = {n} Tuesday

martellar = {v} to hammer

martellator = {n} hammerer; hammer operator

martello = {n} 1. hammer; 2. hammerhead (shark) {Hence:} martellar-martellator

martial = {adj} martial (1. pertaining to war; 2. warlike, eager to fight; 3. [Old Chem] containing iron); lege martial martial law; corte martial court-martial

Martin = {nprm} Martin; martin piscator kingfisher

Martino = {nprm} Martin

martio = {n} March

martyre = {n} martyr {Hence:} martyrio; martyrizar; martyrologio etc.; protomartyre etc.

martyrio = {n} martyrdom

martyrizar = {v} to martyr, martyrize

martyro-logio = {n} martyrology (= register of martyrs; also: histories of martyrs collectively)

Marx, Karl = {npr} [1818-1883; German socialist] {Hence:} marxismo; marxista

marxismo = {n} Marxism

marxista = {n/adj} Marxist, Marxian

Maryland [A] = {npr} Maryland

marzapane [I] = {n} marzipan, marchpane

masca = {n} mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in "death mask") {Hence:} mascar-dismascar

mascar = {v} to mask; mascar se to put on, assume, etc., a mask

mascara (más-) = {n} mask (1. cover for the face, used for disguise; 2. person wearing a mask, masker; 3. as in "death mask") {Hence:} mascarar-mascarada

mascarada = {n} masquerade

mascarar = {v} to mask

mascotte [F] = {n} mascot

mascule = {adj} male {Hence:} masculin-masculinitate, masculinizar; emascular &; masculo

masculin = {adj} masculine (1. male, manly; 2. [Gram])

masculinizar = {v} 1. to make manly; 2. [Gram] to make masculine

masculinitate = {n} masculinity

masculo (más-) = {n} male

mason = {n} 1. mason; 2. Mason, Freemason {Hence:} masoneria; francmason etc.

masoneria (-ía) = {n} masonry (1. work of a mason; 2. Freemasonry)

massa (1) = {n} I. mace (1. herald's staff; 2. club); II. sledge hammer, mallet, beetle, ram, etc. {Hence:} massero; massetta; massar

massa (2) = {n} mass (= coherent body of matter or of individual objects); in massa in a body; le massa (de un patrimonio) the (total) estate; le massas the masses {Hence:} massive; massar; amassar &

massacrar = {v} to massacre

massacrator = {n} massacrer

massacro = {n} massacre {Hence:} massacrar-massacrator

massage (-aje) = {n} massage

massar (1) = {v} 1. to beat (with a club), to cudgel, thump; 2. to ram (= to drive with a ram)

massar (2) = {v} to mass, group together

massar (3) = {v} to massage {Hence:} massage

massero = {n} mace-bearer

massetta = {n} small mallet

masseur [F] = {n} masseur

masseuse [F] = {n} masseuse

massive = {adj} massive

mast = {n} [Naut] mast; a medie mast at half-mast

masticar (1) = {v} to chew, masticate {Hence:} mastication; masticator; masticatori; remasticar

masticar (2) = {v} to cement, putty, etc.

mastication = {n} mastication

masticator = {n} chewer masticator {adj} masticatory

mastico (más-) = {n} mastic (1. resin exuding from the mastic tree; 2. any of various pasty cements; {also:} putty) {Hence:} masticar

masto- = {n} [occurring in compounds] masto-, mast- (= breast) {Hence:} mastoide-mastoiditis; mastodonte etc.

mast-odonte = {n} mastodon

mastoide = {adj} mastoid

mastoiditis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol] mastoiditis

mat = {adj} 1. checkmated; 2. dull, mat; chaco mat checkmate {Hence:} matar

matador [H] = {n} matador

matar = {v} 1. to checkmate, mate; 2. to dull, mat (metals, etc.)

match [A] = {n} [Sports] match

mater- see matre

materia = {n} matter (1. physical substance; 2. material of thought); materia prime raw material; tabula del materias table of contents {Hence:} material &

material = {adj} material {Hence:} materialitate; materialismo; materialista-materialistic; materializar-materialization; immaterial-immaterialitate

material = {n} 1. material; 2. matériel

materializar = {v} to materialize (= to render material)

materialization = {n} materialization

materialismo = {n} materialism

materialista = {n} materialist

materialistic = {adj} materialistic

materialitate = {n} materiality

maternal = {adj} maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother; motherly)

materne = {adj} maternal (1. pertaining to the mother; 2. characteristic of a mother, motherly) {Hence:} maternitate; maternal

maternitate = {n} 1. motherhood, maternity; 2. maternity hospital

mathematic = {adj} mathematical {Hence:} mathematico; mathematica

mathematica = {n} mathematics

mathematico = {n} mathematician

Mathusala (-tú-) = {npr} Methuselah

matinal = {adj} 1. morning; 2. rising early

matinas = {npl} [Eccl] matins

matinata = {n} morning (= morning's duration)

matinee [F] = {n} 1. woman's negligee; 2. [Theat] matinee

matinero = {n} early riser

matino = {n} morning {Hence:} matinata; matinero; matiral; matinas

matras (-ás) = {n} mattress {Hence:} matrassero

matrass- see matras

matrassero = {n} mattress maker

matrastra = {n} stepmother

matre = {n} mother; lingua matre parent language; matre vite [Mech] nut; matre affin mother-in-law {Hence:} matrastra; matrice &; matrina; matrimonio &; matrona &; materne &; commatre &; granmatre &; matriarcha etc.; matreperla etc.; matricida etc.; matricidio etc.

matre-perla = {n} mother-of-pearl

matri-archa = {n} matriarch {Hence:} matriarchato; matriarchal

matr-iarchal = {adj} matriarchal

matriarchato = {n} matriarchate

matrice = {n} matrix (1. [Anat]; 2. [Technol]) {Hence:} matricula &

matri-cida = {n} matricide (= one who kills his mother)

matri-cidio = {n} matricide (= act of killing one's mother)

matricula = {n} roll, register, list (of members), etc. {Hence:} matricular; matricular-matriculation

matricular = {adj} pertaining to registration or enrollment matricular {v} to register, enroll (someone); {also:} to matriculate (a student); matricular se to matriculate (as a student)

matriculation = {n} matriculation

matrimonial = {adj} matrimonial

matrimonio = {n} matrimony {Hence:} matrimonial

matrina = {n} godmother

matrona = {n} matron (= elderly wife or widow) {Hence:} matronal

matronal = {adj} matronly

matta = {n} 1. mat (as in "door mat"); 2. [Foundry] matte {Hence:} mattar

mattar = {v} to lay with a mat

Mattheo (-éo) = {nprm} Matthew

matthiol- see Mattioli, P A

matthiola = {n} gillyflower, stock

Mattioli, P A = {npr} [1500-1577; Italian physician] {Hence:} matthiola

matur = {adj} ripe; mature {Hence:} maturitate; maturar-maturation, maturative; immatur-immaturitate; prematur-prematuritate

maturar = {v} 1. to ripen; to mature; 2. [Med] to ripen (1. to bring to a head; 2. to maturate)

maturation = {n} maturation

maturative = {adj} maturative

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