strychninismo = {n} [Med.] strychninism
strychno = {n} [Bot.] Strychnos {Hence:} strychnic; strychnina-strychninismo
stuccar = {v} to stucco, overlav with stucco
stuccator = {n} stuccoer, stuccoworker
stuccatura = {n} stuccowork
stucco [I] = {n} stucco {Hence:} stuccar-stuccator, stuccatura
studente = {n} student
studer = {v} to study {Hence:} studente; studio-studiose, studiar-studiante
studiante = {n} student
studiar = {v} to study
studio = {n} I. study (1. act or process of studying; 2. room devoted to study; 3. [Art, Lit.]; 4. [Mus.] étude); II. studio
studiose = {adj} studious (= assiduous in study)
stupe-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to stupefy (1. to make torpid, benumb; 2. to amaze) {Hence:} stupefaciente; stupefaction; stupefactive
stupefaciente = {adj} stupefying, stupefacient stupefaciente {n} narcotic, stupefacient
stupefact- see stupefacer
stupefaction = {n} stupefaction (1. torpor; 2. amazement)
stupefactive = {adj} stupefying, stupefactive
stupende = {adj} amazing, stupendous
stuper = {v} to be stunned, amazed, etc. {Hence:} stupide &; stupende; stupor; stupefacer etc.
stupide = {adj} 1. stunned, amazed; 2. stupid {Hence:} stupiditate
stupiditate = {n} stupidity
stupor = {n} stupor
stupula (stú-) = {n} stubble (= the stumps of wheat, corn, grass, etc. left in the ground after reaping)
sturion = {n} [Ichthyol.] sturgeon
sturno = {n} starling {Hence:} stygie
stygie = {adj} Stygian
Styge = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Styx {Hence:} stygie
su = {adj poss} his; her; its {Hence:} sue; [sui]; suicida etc.; suicidio etc.
suabe = {adj} Swabian {Hence:} suabo-Suabia
Suabia = {npr} Swabia
suabo = {n} Swabian (1. inhabitant of Swabia; 2. Swabian dialect)
suader [suad-/suas-] = {v} to advise, urge, persuade {Hence:} suasibile; suasion; suasive; dissuader &; persuader &
suas- see suader
suasibile = {adj} suasible, persuadable
suasion = {n} suasion
suasive = {adj} suasive, suasory
suave = {adj} sweet, pleasing, suave {Hence:} suavitate; suaviloquente etc.
suavi-loquente = {adj} mild-spoken
suavitate = {n} sweetness, mildness
sub = {prep} under, below, beneath
sub- = {prefixo} [subject to assimilation before `-c-', `-f-', `-g-', `-m-', `-p-', `-r-'; sometimes `sus-' before `-c-', `-p-', `-t-'] sub-, suc-, suf- , sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- (1. under, underneath; 2. subordinate; subdivision of; 3. slightly; 4. up, upwards) {Hence:} subclavio etc.; sublingual etc.; sublinear etc.; suburbio etc.; subalimentar etc.; subbullir etc.; sublevar etc.; succurrer etc.; suffumigar etc.; supportar etc.; supprimer etc.; suspender etc.; sustener etc.
subalimentar = {v} to undernourish
subalimentation = {n} undernourishment; {also:} malnutrition
subalterne = {adj} subaltern, subordinate
subbullimento = {n} simmering
subbullir = {v} to simmer
subcamisa = {n} undershirt
subclavio = {n} [Anat.] subclavius
subconsciente = {adj} subconscious
subconsciente = {n} [Psychol.] subconscious
subconscientia = {n} subconsciousness
subcontrari = {adj} [Philos.] subcontrary
subcuppa = {n} saucer
subcutanee = {adj} subcutaneous
subdelegar = {v} subdelegate
subdelegation = {n} subdelegation
subdivider [-vid-/-vis-] = {v} to subdivide
subdivisibile = {adj} subdivisible
subdivision = {n} subdivision
subdominante = {n} [Mus.] subdominant
subgonnella = {n} petticoat, slip, underskirt
subhuman = {adj} subhuman
subinde = {adv} 1. immediately after, just after, forthwith; 2. repeatedly, frequently; from time to time
subitanee = {adj} sudden {Hence:} subitaneitate
subitaneitate = {n} suddenness
subite (sú) = {adj} sudden {Hence:} subitanee &; subito
subito (sú) = {adv} suddenly, unexpectedly
subjacente = {adj} subjacent
subjacer v-; subjacer a (un cosa) to lie under (something) {Hence:} subjacente
subject- see subjic-
subjectar = {v} to subject, subjugate
subjecte = {adj} subject (1. being under the domination of another; 2. as in "subject to temptation"; 3. as in "a treaty subject to ratification")
subjection = {n} subjection (= action of subjecting or subjugating)
subjective = {adj} subjective (1. pertaining to a subject; 2. as in "a subjective judgment'; 3. [Philos.]; 4. [Psychol.])
subjectivismo = {n} [Philos.] subjectivism
subjectivista = {v} subjectivist
subjectivitate = {n} subjectiveness, subjectivity
subjecto = {n} I. subject (1. matter, theme, topic; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Philos.]; 4. as in "British subject"); II. individual, fellow, chap
subjic- [-jic-/-ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} subjection; subjective-subjectivismo, subjectivista, subjectivitate; subjecte; subjecto; subjectar
subjugar = {v} to subjugate {Hence:} subjugation; subjugator
subjugation = {n} subjugation
subjugator = {n} subjugator
subjunct- see subjunger
subjunctive = {adj} 1. conjunctive, connective; 2. [Gram.] subjunctive
subjunctivo = {n} [Gram.] subjunctive (mood)
subjunger [-jung-/-junct-] = {v} to subjoin, annex, append {Hence:} subjunctive-subjunctivo
sublevamento = {n} 1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection
sublevar = {v} 1. to raise, lift up; 2. to incite to revolt; sublevar se to rise, revolt {Hence:} sublevamento; sublevation
sublevation = {n} sublevation (1. (act of) raising, lifting up; 2. revolt, insurrection)
sublimar = {v} to sublimate (1. to exalt; to sublime, make sublime; 2. [Chem.; Phychoanalysis, etc.])
sublimation = {n} sublimation
sublimato = {n} [Chem.] sublimate
sublime = {adj/n} sublime; Porta Sublime Sublime Porte {Hence:} sublimitate; sublimar-sublimation, sublimato
subliminal = {adj} [Psychol.] subliminal
sublimitate = {n} sublimity
sublinear = {v} to underline
sublingual = {adj} [Anat.] sublingual
sublobular = {adj} sublobular
sublocar = {v} to sublet {Hence:} sublocation
sublocation = {n} (act of) subletting
sublocotenente = {n} [Mil.] sublieutenant
sublunar = {adj} sublunary, sublunar
submarin = {adj} submarine {Hence:} submarino
submarino = {n} submarine (torpedo boat)
submaxillar = {adj} [Anat.] submaxillary
submerger [-merg-/-mers-] = {v} to submerge {Hence:} submergibile; submersibile-insubmersibile; submersion; submerse
submergibile = {adj} submersible
submers- see submerger
submerse = {adj} submerged, submersed
submersibile = {adj} submersible submersibile {n} submarine boat
submersion = {n} submersion
subministrar = {v} to furnish, supply
submiss- see submitter
submisse = {adj} submissive
submission = {n} submission
submissive = {adj} submissive
submitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} 1. to subdue, subject; 2. to submit (as in "to submit for approval"); submitter se to submit, yield {Hence:} submission-insubmission; submissive; submisse
subnavigar = {v} to cruise under water
subnegar = {v} to conceal, hold back, withhold (information required by law) {Hence:} subnegation
subnegation = {n} concealment, withholding (information required by law)
subordinar = {v} to subordinate
subordinate 1. pp of subordinar; 2. {adj} subordinate; subordinate a subordinate to; proposition subordinate subordinate clause
subordination = {n} subordination
subordinato = {n} subordinate
subornar = {v} to suborn {Hence:} subornation; subornator
subornation = {n} subornation
subornator = {n} suborner
subprefecto = {n} subprefect
subprefectura = {n} subprefecture
subprior = {n} subprior
subpriora = {n} subprioress
subproducto = {n} by-product
subrogar = {v} to surrogate, subrogate {Hence:} subrogation; subrogate
subrogate = {adj} surrogated
subrogation = {n} subrogation
subscriber [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} to subscribe (1. to sign one's name to; 2. to promise over one's signature; 3. as in "to subscribe to a periodical or other installment publication") {Hence:} subscription; subscriptor
subscript- see subscriber
subscription = {n} subscription (1. act of signing one's name to; 2. as in "subscription for a periodical, etc.")
subscriptor = {n} subscriber
subsequente = {adj} subsequent
subsequentia = {n} subsequence
subsequer = {v} to follow next {Hence:} subsequente-subsequentia
subsider = {v} to abate, settle down, subside {Hence:} subsidio &
subsidiar = {v} to subsidize (= to grant a subsidy to)
subsidiari = {adj} subsidiary, supplementary
subsidio = {n} subsidy {Hence:} subsidiari; subsidiar
subsistente = {adj} subsistent (= existing)
subsistentia = {n} subsistence; medios de subsistentia means of subsistence, livelihood
subsister = {v} to subsist (1. to continue to exist; 2. to keep oneself alive) {Hence:} subsistente-subsistentia
subspecie = {n} [Biol.] subspecies
substantia = {n} substance (1. [Philos.]; 2. matter, material, stuff; 3. material possessions, property; 4. as in "the substance of what he said;'); in substantia in substance {Hence:} substantial-substantialitate, consubstantial &, insubstantial-insubstantialitate; substantive &; consubstantiation; transsubstantiar &
substantial = {adj} substantial (1. [Philos.]; 2. having substance)
substantialitate = {n} substantiality
substantive = {adj} substantive (= independent and self-subsistent); le verbo substantive 'esser' the substantive verb 'to be' {Hence:} substantivo
substantivo = {n} substantive, noun
substituer [-stitu-/-stitut-] = {v} to substitute (= to put in the place of another person or thing) {Hence:} substitution; substituto
substitut- see substituer
substitution = {n} substitution
substituto = {n} substitute
substrato = {n} substratum; {also:} [Metaph.]
substruct- see substruer
substruction = {n} [Arch.] substruction
substructura = {n} substructure
substruer [-stru-/-struct-] = {v} [Arch.] to substruct {Hence:} substruction
subtangente = {n} [Math.] subtangent
subtender [-tend-/-tens-] = {v} [Geom.] to subtend {Hence:} subtensa
subtens- see subtender
subtensa = {n} [Geom.] subtense
subterfugio = {n} subterfuge
subterfugir = {v} to make use of subterfuges {Hence:} subterfugio
subterranee = {adj} subterranean
subterraneo = {n} basement, underground passage or room, etc.
subtil = {adj} subtle, subtile {Hence:} subtilitate; subtilizar-subtilization
subtilizar = {v} 1. to rarefy, refine; 2. to subtilize (= to make subtle distinctions)
subtilization = {n} 1. rarefaction; 2. subtilization (= drawing of subtle distinctions)
subtilitate = {n} subtlety, subtility
subtitulo (-tí-) = {n} subtitle
*subto = †subtus {adv] below, beneath, underneath
subtract- see subtraher
subtraction = {n} 1. withdrawal, removal; 2. [Math.] subtraction
subtraher [-trah-/-tract-] = {v} 1. to withdraw, take away; 2. [Math.] to subtract subtraher se a to elude, escape from {Hence:} subtraction
subtropical = {adj} subtropical
subtus (súb-) = {adv} below, beneath, underneath
subula (sú-) = {n} awl {Hence:} subulate
subulate = {adj} subulate, awl-shaped
suburban = {adj} suburban
suburbicari = {adj} [Eccl.] suburbicarian, suburbicary
suburbio = {n} suburb
subvenir [-ven-/-vent-] = {v} to assist, aid {Hence:} subvention-subventionar
subvent- see subvenir
subvention = {n} subvention
subventionar = {v} to subsidize, endow
subvers- see subverter
subversion = {n} subversion (= overthrow)
subversive = {adj} subversive
subversor = {n} subverter
subverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} t overthrow, subvert {Hence:} subversion; subversive; subiversor
subvestimentos = {npl} underwear, underclothes
suc- see sub-
succedanee = {adj} substitute, succedaneous {Hence:} succedaneo
succedaneo = {n} substitute, succedaneum
succeder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to succeed (1. to follow; 2. to be successful) {Hence:} succedanee &; succession; successive; successor; successo-insuccesso; succedite
succedite 1. pp of succeder; 2. {adj} successful
success- see succeder
succession = {n} succession (1. the coming of one thing or person after another; 2. "succession as heir")
successive = {adj} successive
successivemente = {adv} successively, in succession
successo = {n} 1. outcome; 2. success; con (bon) successo successfully
successor = {n} successor
succinato = {n} [Chem.] succinate
succinct- see succinger
succincte = {adj} succinct
succinger [-cing-/-cinct-] = {v} to gird up {Hence:} succincte
succinic = {adj} [Chem.] succinic
succino = {n} yellow amber, succin, succinite {Hence:} succinato; succinic
succo = {n} 1. juice, sap, etc.; 2. pith, quintessence (of a book, poem, etc.); succo gastric gastric juice; succo pancreatic pancreatic juice {Hence:} succino &; succulente &; succose
succose = {adj} juicy
succubar = {v} to lie below (= not to lie on top) {Hence:} succubo
succubo (súc-) = {n} succubus
succulente = {adj} succulent {Hence:} succulentia
succulentia = {n} succulence
succumber = {v} to succumb
succurrer [-curr-/-curs-] = {v} to succor, help {Hence:} succurribile; succurso-succursal
succurribile = {adj} succorable
succurs- see succurrer
succursal = {adj} subsidiary, succursal
succursal = {n} branch, branch office
succurso = {n} succor, help
succuss- see succuter
succussa = {n} shake, shaking; {also:} quake
succussion = {n} [Med.] succussion
succuter [-cut-/-cuss-] = {v} 1. to shake (as in "to shake a tree"); 2. to shake off {Hence:} succussion; succusa
sucrage (-áje) = {n} sugaring, sweetening
sucrar = {v} to sugar, sweeten
sucrate 1. pp of sucrar; 2. {adj} sweet, sugary
sucreria (-ía) = {n} sugarworks
sucrero = {n} 1. sugar maker; 2. *sugar bowl
sucrero= {n} sugar bowl
sucro = {n} sugar {Hence:} sucrero; sucreria; sucriera; sucrosa; sucrar-sucrage, sucrate
sucrosa = {n} [Chem.] sucrose
suct- see suger
suction = {n} suction (= act of sucking)
sud = {n} south; (ir) al sud (to go) south; (vento) del sud south (wind); polo sud South Pole; le cruce del sud [Astron.] the Southern Cross {Hence:} sud-west etc.; sud-sud-est etc.
Sudan = {npr} Sudan {Hence:} sudanese
sudanese = {adj/n} Sudanese
sudar = {v} to sweat, perspire; sudar sanguine to sweat blood {Hence:} sudario; sudor &; sudation; sudatori; exsudar &; transsudar &
sudario = {n} sudary, sudarium
sudation = {n} (excessive) perspiration
sudatori = {adj} sudatory
sud-est = {n} southeast
sudor = {n} sweat, perspiration; in le sudor de su fronte by the sweat of one's brow {Hence:} sudorifere; sudorific-sudorifico; sudoripare etc.
sudorifere = {adj} sudoriferous
sudorific = {adj} sudorific
sudorifico = {n} [Pharm.] sudorific
sudori-pare = {adj} sudoriferous, sudoriparous; glandula sudoripare sweat gland
sud-sud-est = {n} South-Southeast
sud-west = {n} Southwest
sue = {pron poss} his; hers; its
suer [su-/sut-] = {v} 1. to sew; 2. to stitch; machina a suer sewing machine {Hence:} subula &; sutura-sutural
suf- see sub-
sufficer = {v} to suffice, be sufficient {Hence:} sufficiente-sufficientia, insufficiente-insufficientia
sufficiente = {adj} sufficient
sufficientia = {n} 1. sufficiency (= sufficient quantity, supply, etc.); 2. (adequate) qualification, ability, competence
suffig- [-fig-/-fix-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} suffixo-suffixar
suffix- see suffig-
suffixar = {v} to suffix
suflixo = {n} [Gram.] suffix
sufflar = {v} I. to blow (1. to send out a strong current of air; 2. as in "the wind blows"); II. to prompt (an actor, etc.); III. [Checkers] to blow, huff; sufflar al aures de un persona to whisper into somebody's ear {Hence:} sufflo; suffletto; sufflator; insufflar &
sufflator = {n} 1. blower (= one who or that which blows); 2. [Theat.] prompter
suffletto = {n} bellows (as in "hand bellows")
sufflo = {n} 1. breath, breathing; 2. breeze, waft
suffocante = {adj} choking, stifling
suffocar = {v} 1. to suffocate, choke (someone or something); 2. to become suffocated or choked {Hence:} suffocante; suffocation
suffocation = {n} suffocation
suffraganee = {adj} [Eccl.] suffragan; episcopo suffraganee suffragan bishop
suffragar = {v} 1. to vote (for); 2. to help, support; 3. [Eccl.] to intercede (for) {Hence:} suffraganee; suffrigio-suffragista
suffragette [A] = {n} suffragette
suffragio = {n} 1. suffrage, vote; 2. help, support; 3. [Eccl.] suffrage; suffragio universal universal suffrage
suffragista = {n} suffragist
suffrentia = {n} suffering, pain
suffrer = {v} to suffer (1. to undergo, endure; 2. to bear with, tolerate; 3. to experience mental or physical pain; 4. to be injured, harmed, impaired). {Hence:} suffrentia; suffribile-insuffribile; suffritor
suffribile = {adj} bearable, tolerable, sufferable
suffritor = {n} sufferer (= one who suffers pain, etc.)
suffumigar = {v} to suffumigate {Hence:} suffumigation
suffumigation = {n} suffumigation
sug- see sub-
suger [sug-/suct-] = {v} to suck (as in "to suck blood") {Hence:} suction; exsug--exsuction; sanguisuga etc.
suggerer [-ger-/-gest-] = {v} to suggest (= to prompt, put into one's mind); {also:} [Hypnot.] {Hence:} suggestibile-suggestibilitate; suggestion-suggestionar; suggestive
suggest- see suggerer
suggestibile = {adj} suggestible (1. easily influenced by suggestion, esp hypnotic suggestion; 2. that may be suggested)
suggestibilitate = {n} suggestibility
suggestion = {n} suggestion (= prompting); {also:} [Hypnot.]
suggestionar = {v} to suggest (= to prompt, put into one's mind); also: [Hypnot.]
suggestive = {adj} suggestive (= tending to suggest)
[sui] = {pron/adj poss} his, her, hers, its
sui-cida = {n} suicide (= one who commits suicide) {Hence:} suicidal; suicidar
suicidal = {adj} suicidal
suicidar v-; suicidar se to commit suicide
sui-cidio = {n} suicide, self-murder
suite [F] = {n} suite (1. following, retinue; 2. [Mus.])
sulcar = {v} to furrow, plow
sulco = {n} 1. furrow; 2. wake (of a ship) {Hence:} sulcar
sulf- see sulfure
sulfato = {n} [Chem.] sulphate
sulf-hydric = {adj} sulphydric; acido sulfhydric sulphydric acid
sulf-hydro = {n} sulphydrate
sulfido = {n} [Chem.] sulphide
sulfito = {n} [Chem.] sulphite
sulfon = {n} [Chem.] sulphone
sulfonal = {n} [Med.] sulphonal
sulfurar = {v} to sulphurize, sulphur
sulfuration = {n} sulphurization, sulphuration
sulfurator = {n} sulphurator
sulfure = {n} [Chem.] sulphur; flor de sulfure [Chem.] flowers of sulphur {Hence:} sulfuriera; sulfuree; sulfuric; sulfurose-hyposulfurose; sulfurar-sulfuration, sulfurator; sulfato-hyposulfato, arseniosulfato etc.; sulfido-oxysulfido etc.; sulfito-hyposulfito; sulfon-sulfonal; sulfhydrato etc.; sulfhydric etc.
sulfuree = {adj} sulphurous, sulphureous
sulfuric = {adj} sulphuric
sulfuriera = {n} sulphur mine
sulfurose = {adj} sulphurous (as in "sulphurous acid")
sulky [A] = {n} sulky (= light, two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle)
sultan = {n} sultan (= ruler of a Mohammedan state) {Hence:} sultanato; sultana
sultana = {n} 1. sultana, sultaness; 2. [Hist.] sultane (= long gown in Turkish style)
sultanato = {n} sultanate
sum- see sub-
sumer [sum-/sumpt-] = {v} to take, lay hold of {Hence:} sumpto &; assumer &; consumer &; presumer &; resumer &
summa = {n} sum (1. [Math.]; 2. amount of money; 3. summary, epitome); facer le summa (de) to add up; summa total sum total; in summa in short {Hence:} summista; summari &; summar-summator; consummar &
summar = {v} [Math.] to add up
summari = {adj} summary (1. expounded briefly; 2. [Law]) {Hence:} summario-summarizar-summarization
summario = {n} summary
summarizar = {v} to summarize
summarization = {n} summarization
summator = {n} one who does sums
summe = {adj} highest, topmost {Hence:} summitate; summa &
summista = {n} summist
summitate = {n} 1. summit, top; 2. leading or outstanding person
sumpt- see sumer
sumpto = {n} expense, cost {Hence:} sumptuari; sumptuose-sumptuositate
sumptu- see sumpto
sumptuari = {adj} sumptuary; lege sumptuari sumptuary law
sumptuose = {adj} sumptuous
sumptuositate = {n} sumptuousness
sup- see sub-
super (sú) = I. {prep} 1. on, upon; on top of; above, over; 2. about, concerning, on; II. {adv} above, on top; super toto above all {Hence:} superbe &; supere-superior &, superar-superabile-insuperabile
super- = {prefixo} super-, over- (1. over, above; 2. very; excessively, too much) {Hence:} supercarga etc.; supertaxa etc.; supertoto etc.; superhuman etc.; superflue etc.; superabundar etc.; superpagar etc.; superponer etc.
superabile = {adj} surmountable, superable
superabundante = {adj} superabundant
superabundantia = {n} superabundance
superabundar = {v} to superabound
superalimentar = {v} to overfeed
superalimentation = {n} overfeeding
superar = {v} 1. to overcome, vanquish, surmount; 2. to surpass, excel, exceed
superbe = {adj} 1. arrogant, overbearing; 2. superb {Hence:} superbia
superbia = {n} arrogance, haughtiness
supercarga = {n} surcharge (1. overload; 2. "surcharge on a postage stamp")
supercargar = {v} to overload, overburden
superciliari = {adj} superciliary
supercilio = {n} (eye)brow
superciliose = {adj} beetle-browed, beetling; {also:} supercilious
supercingula (-cíng-) = {n} surcingle
supercostal = {adj} [Anat.] supracostal
supere = {adj} higher, upper
supereminente = {adj} supereminent
supereminentia = {n} supereminence
supererogar = {v} tc supererogate {Hence:} supererogation; supererogatori
supererogation = {n} supererogation
supererogatori = {adj} supererogatory (as in "supererogatory fasts")
superexcitar = {v} to overexcite; overstimulate
superexcitation = {n} overexcitement; surexcitation
superfacie = {n} surface (1. exterior of an object, superficial area)
superfetation = {n} superfetation (1. [Physiol.]; 2. redundance, superfluity)
superficial = {adj} superficial
superficialitate = {n} superficiality
superficie = {n} surface (= superficial area) {Hence:} superacial-superacialitate
superfin = {adj} superfine
superflue = {adj} superfluous {Hence:} superfluitate
superfluitate = {n} superfluity
superhomine = {n} superman
superhuman = {adj} superhuman
superintendente = {n} superintendent
superintendentia = {n} supervision, superintendence
superintender = {v} to superintend {Hence:} superintendente-superintendentia
superior = {adj} 1. higher, upper; 2. superior {Hence:} superioritate
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