themat- see thema
thematic = {adj} thematic; specif.: [Gram., Mus.]
theo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] 1. theo- (as in "theology"); 2. the- (as in "theist") {Hence:} theismo; theista; athee &; theocrate etc.; theologo etc.; theodicea etc.; theogonia etc.; theurgo etc.; theocratia etc.; theocratic etc.; theosophe etc.; polytheismo etc.; monotheista etc.; Dorothea etc.
theo-crate (-ó-) = {n} theocrat
theo-cratia (-ía) = {n} theocracy
theo-cratic = {adj} theocratic
theo-dicea (-éa) = {n} theodicy
theo-gonia (-ía) = {n} theogony {Hence:} theogonic
theogonic = {adj} theogonic
theologia (-ía) = {n} theology
theologic = {adj} theological
theologizar = {v} to theologize
theo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} theologian {Hence:} theologia; theologic; theologizar
theo-mantia (-ía) = {n} theomancy
theor- = {v} [occurring in derivatives]
theorema [-ma/-mat-] = {n} theorem
theorematic = {adj} theorematic
theoretic = {adj} theoretical
theoretica = {n} theoretics
theoretico = {n} theorist, theoretician
theoria (-ía) = {n} 1. [Gr. Relig.] theoria; 2. theory
theoric = {adj} theoretical
theorizar = {v} to theorize
theorista = {n} theorist
theoro (-óro) = {n} [Gr. Hist.] theor {Hence:} theoria-theorista, theoric, theorizar; theor--theorema-theorematic, theoretic, theoretico, theoretica
theo-sophe (-ósophe) = {adj} theosophical {Hence:} theosophia-theosophic; theosopho
theosophia (-ía) = {n} theosophy
theosophic = {adj} theosophical
theosopho (-ósopho) = {n} theosophist
therap- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} therapia-hydrotherapia etc.; penumonotherapia etc., psychotherapia etc.; therapenta &
therapeuta = {n} therapeutist {Hence:} therapeutic-hydrotherapeutic etc.; therapeutica-electrotherapeutica etc.; psychotherapeuta etc.
therapeutic = {adj} therapeutic, therapeutical
therapeutica = {n} therapeutics
therapia (-ía) = {n} 1. therapy; 2. therapeutics
therm- = {adj/n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] therm- (1. warm, hot; 2. heat) {Hence:} thermite; thermal; thermic; diathermia &; thermocauterio etc.; thermochimia etc.; thermodynamica etc.; thermometro etc.; thermostato etc.; Thermopylas etc.; thermidor etc.
thermal = {adj} thermal
thermas (tér-) = {npl} thermae; specif.: [Rom. Antiq.]
thermic = {adj} thermic; excambiator thermic [Atomic Phys.] heat exchanger
thermi-dor = {n} [French Revolutionary Calendar] Thermidor {Hence:} thermidorian-thermidoriano
thermidorian = {adj} [Fr. Hist.] Thermidorian
thermidoriano = {n} [Fr. Hist.] Thermidorian
thermite = {n} thermite (as in "welding with thermite")
thermo-cauterio = {n} thermocautery
thermo-chimia (-ía) = {n} thermochemistry
thermo-dynamica = {n} thermodynamics
thermo-metro (-ó-) = {n} thermometer
Thermo-pylas (-mó-) = {nprpl} Thermopylae
thermos [A] = {n} Thermos (bottle)
thermo-stato (-ó-) = {n} thermostat
thesaureria (-ía) = {n} treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer)
thesaurero = {n} treasurer
thesaurizar = {v} to hoard (money, etc.)
thesaurizator = {n} hoarder (of money)
thesauro = {n} 1. treasure; {also:} [Eccl.] (collection of) relics and ornaments; 2. treasury (= repository for a treasure or treasures); 3. thesaurus {Hence:} thesaurero; thesaureria; thesaurizar-thesaurizator
these = {n} thesis (1. [Pros.]; 2. proposition; specif.: [Logic]; 3. dissertation)
thetic = {adj} thetic (1. [Pros.]; 2. dogmatic)
theurgia (-ía) = {n} theurgy, (white) magic
theurgic (-úrgic) = {adj} theurgic
theurgista = {n} theurgist
the-urgo (-úrgo) = {n} theurgist {Hence:} theurgia-theurgista, theurgic
thom- see Thomas
Thomas (tómas) = {nprm} Thomas {Hence:} thomismo; thomista
thomismo = {n} [Philos.] Thomism
thomista = {n} Thomist thomista {adj} Thomist, Thomistic
Thor = {npr} [Norse Mythol.] Thor {Hence:} thorite; thorium-thoric
thorace = {n} thorax {Hence:} thoracic; penumothorace etc.
thoracic = {adj} thoracic
thoric = {adj} [Chem.] thoric
thorite = {n} [Mineral.] thorite
thorium (tó-) = {n} [Chem.] thorium
thrombosis (-ósis) n, thrombosis
throno = {n} throne {Hence:} disthronar-disthronamento; inthronar-inthronamento
thunnero = {n} tunny fishermen or dealer
thunno = {n} [Ichthyol.] tuna (fish), tunny {Hence:} thunnero
thymic = {adj} thymic
thymo (1) = {n} [Bot.] thyme {Hence:} thymol
thymo (2) = {n} [Anat.] thymus {Hence:} thymic
thymol = {n} [Chem.] thymol
thyr-, thyro- see thyreo-
thyreo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] thyreo-, thyro- (1. shield; 2. thyroid) {Hence:} thyreoide; thyreotomia etc.; thyroide; thyrotomia etc.
thyreoide = {adj} [Anat.] thyroid, thyreoid
thyreo-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] thyrotomy, thyreotomy
thyroide = {adj} [Anat.] thyroid; glandula thyroide thyroid (gland); cartilagine thyroide thyroid cartilage
thyro-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] thyrotomy
[ti] = {pron} you, thee (used as object of verb) (= te)
Tibere, Tibre = {npr} Tiber
Tibet = {npr} Tibet {Hence:} tibetan-tibetano
tibetan = {adj} Tibetan
tibetano = {n} Tibetan
tibia (1. (1. [Anat.] shinbone; 2. [Gr. and Rom. Mus.]) {Hence:} tibial
tibial = {adj} [Anat.] tibial
tic [F] = {n} [Med.] tic, twitching
-tic- see tacer
ticket [A] = {n} ticket (as in "railroad, theater, etc., ticket")
tic-tac ticktack, ticktock; facer tic-tac to tick, ticktack, ticktock
tigrate = {adj} tigrine
tigre = {n} tiger {Hence:} tigressa; tigrate
tigressa = {n} tigress
tilde [H] = {n} tilde
tilia = {n} 1. linden; 2. linden blossom {Hence:} tiliacee-tiliaceas
tiliaceas = {n} [Bot.] Tiliaceae
tiliacee = {adj} [Bot.] tiliaceous
timbal = {n} 1. timbal, kettledrum; 2. [Cookery] timbale {Hence:} timbalero
timbalero = {n} kettledrummer
timbrar = {v} to stamp (= to impress with an official stamp)
timbro = {n} I. timbre; II. stamp (1. as in "rubber stamp"; 2. mark made with a stamp"; also: postmark; 3. "postage stamp" {Hence:} timbrar
timer = {v} to fear, be afraid (of) {Hence:} timide &; timor &; timibile
timibile = {adj} fearful, to be feared
timide = {adj} timid {Hence:} timiditate; intimidar-intimidabile, intimidation
timiditate = {n} timidity
timon = {n} 1. pole (of a vehicle); {also:} tongue, beam (of a plow); thill, etc.; 2. [Naut.] helm; {also:} rudder {Hence:} timonero
timonero = {n} helmsman
timor = {n} fear {Hence:} timorate; timorose
timorate = {adj} overscrupulous
timorose = {adj} timorous, fearful
Timotheo = {npr} Timothy
tinct- see tinger
tincto = {n} hue, tint, dye
tinctor = {n} dyer
tinctori = {adj} tinctorial
tinctorial = {adj} tinctorial
tinctura = {n} 1. (action of) dyeing; 2. dye, coloring matter; 3. color, hue; 4.[Pharm.] tincture
tinctureria (-ía) = {n} dyer's shop
tincturero = {n} dyer
tinea = {n} 1. [Pathol.] tinea, ringworm, athlete's foot, etc.; 2. (small) moth {Hence:} tineose
tineose = {adj} infected with tinea, ringworm, etc.
-tiner see tener
tinger [ting-/tinct-] = {v} to dye (= to give a new color to) {Hence:} tinctor; tinctori-tinctorial; tinctura-tincturero, tinctureria; tincto; distinger
-tinger see tanger
tinta = {n} 1. tint, shade, hue; 2. ink; tinta de China India ink; tinta sympathic invisible ink {Hence:} tintiera; tintar
tintar = {v} to tint, tinge
tintiera = {n} inkwell
tintinnamento = {n} (action of) tinkling, jingling, clinking
tintinnar = {v} to tinkle, jingle, clink {Hence:} tintinno; tintinnamento
tintinno = {n} tinkle
tira-corcos (-cór-) = {n} corkscrew
tirada = {n} 1. (act of) pulling; drawing, etc.; 2. tirade
tirage (-aje) = {n} I. draft, draught (of a chimney); II. printing (1. action of pulling or printing; 2. copies printed at one time; {also:} circulation)
tiramento = {n} 1. (act of) drawing out, stretching; 2. (act of) drawing, dragging, pulling, etc.
tirar = {v} 1. to draw out, stretch; 2. to draw, drag, pull, etc.; 3. [Print.] to pull; 4. to shoot, shoot off; tirar (un linea, parallelas, etc.) to draw (a line, parallels, etc.) {Hence:} tiro; tirada; tirage; tiramento; tirator; tiratorio; retirar &; tiracorcos etc.
tirator = {n} 1. drawer (= one who or that which draws); 2. marksman, sharpshooter; franc tirator franc-tireur
tiratorio = {n} drawer (= sliding box in a chest, desk, etc.)
tiro = {n} shooting, firing; {also:} shot
-tirp- see stirpe
tisana = {n} (medicinal) tea, tisane
Titan = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Titan {Hence:} titanic (1); titanium &; titanifere; titanomachia
titanic (1) = {adj} Titanic; {also:} titanic, enormous
titanic (2) = {adj} [Chem., Mineral.] titanic
titanifere = {adj} titaniferous
titanite = {n} [Mineral.] titanite
titanium (-tá-) = {n} [Chem.] titanium {Hence:} titanite; titanic (2)
titano-machia (-ía) = {n} titanomachia, war of the Titans
titillar = {v} to titillate; to tickle {Hence:} titillation
titillation = {n} titillation; tickling
titrar = {v} [Chcm.] to titrate {Hence:} titration
titration = {n} [Chem.] tiration
titubar = {v} to stagger, totter {Hence:} titubation
titubation = {n} (act of) staggering, tottering; {also:} [Pathol.] titubation
titular = {adj} titular (= held by virtue of a title titular {v} 1. to entitle (as in "to entitle a book, etc."); 2. to endow with a title of rank, to title
titulo (tí-) = {n} I. title (1. "title of nobility, honor, rank, etc."; 2. recognized claim or right; 3. "title of a book, song, etc."); II. [Assaying] fineness of gold or silver; III. [Paleog.] mark over a word as sign of abbreviation {Hence:} titular (1); titular (2); intitular &; subtitulo
toalia (-ália) = {n} towel
toast [A] = {n} toast (1. toasted bread; 2. as in "to drink a toast") {Hence:} toastar
toastar = {v} to toast (1. as in "to toast bread"; 2. to propose a toast to)
toboggan [A] = {n} toboggan
tocca = {n} 1. touch (= action of touching); 2. cap; {also:} toque; petra de tocca touchstone
toccabile = {adj} touchable
toccante 1. ppr of toccar; 2. {adj} touching, pathetic
toccar = {v} to touch (1. as in "to touch a person on the arm"; 2. to affect emotionally) {Hence:} tocco; toccante; toccabile; toccator; toccata; retoccar &
toccata = {n} [Mus.] toccata
toccator = {n} toucher (= one who or that which touches)
tocco = {n} touch (= act of touching)
toddy [A] = {n} toddy
toga = {n} 1. [Rom. Antiq.] toga; 2. gown, robe (of office) {Hence:} togate
togate = {adj} togaed (= having a toga)
toilette [F] = {n} 1. dressing table, dresser; 2. dressing room; 3. toilet (= dressing, grooming); 4. toilette (= attire)
Tokai [Hu.] = {npr} Tokay; tokai Tokay (wine)
Tokio = {npr} Tokyo
tolerabile = {adj} tolerable (= that can be endured)
tolerabilitate = {n} tolerability
tolerante = {adj} tolerant
tolerantia = {n} tolerance, toleration
tolerar = {v} to tolerate, endure {Hence:} tolerante-tolerantia, intolerante-intolerantia; tolerabile-tolerabilitate, intolerabile-intolerabilitate; toleration; tolerator
toleration = {n} toleration
tolerator = {n} tolerator
tom- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -tom- (= cut, cutting) {Hence:} atomo &; phlebotomo etc.; microtomo etc.; rheotomo etc.; -tomia-phlebotomia etc.; zootomia etc.; stereotomia etc.; tomo
tomahawk [A] = {n} tomahawk
tomate = {n} tomato {Hence:} tomatiero
tomatiero = {n} tomato plant
tombola [I] = {n} tombola
-tomia (-ía) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -tomy (= cutting)
tomo = {n} volume (= section of a work in several volumes, as in "four volumes in three")
tonal = {adj} tonal
tonalitate = {n} [Mus.] tonality
tonar = {v} to thunder
tonder [tond-/tons-] = {v} to shear, clip, etc. {Hence:} tonsion; tonsor; tonsura-tonsurar-tonsurato
tonic = {adj} tonic (1. [Med.]; 2. pertaining to the stress of a syllable; 3. [Mus.])
tonica = {n} [Mus.] keynote
tonicitate = {n} [Physiol.] tonicity
tonitro (tó-) = {n} thunder
tonna = {n} I. tun, cask; II. ton (1. [Weight]; 2. [Naut.]); tonna metric metric ton {Hence:} tonnage; tonnello; intonnar
tonnage (-aje) = {n} tonnage (= cubical content of a vessel in tons); tonnage de registro register tonnage
tonnello = {n} tun, cask
tono = {n} I. tone (1. sound, sound quality; 2. [Paint.]; 3. [Physiol.]); II. key (as in "the key of C"); tono major, minor major, minor key; dar le tono [Mus.] to give the pitch; tonos harmonic [Mus.] overtones {Hence:} tonal-tonalitate; tonic-tonicitate, tonica; tonar-detonar &, intonar &; atone &; barytone etc.; monotone etc.; diatonic etc.; semitono etc.
tons- see tonder
tonsilla = {n} [Anat.] tonsil {Hence:} tonsillitis; tonsillar; tonsillotomia etc.; tonsillectomia etc.
tonsillar = {adj} tonsillar
tonsill-ectomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] tonsillectomy
tonsillitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] tonsillitis
tonsillo-tomia (-ía) = {n} tonsillectomy
tonsion = {n} fleece (= coat of wool that covers a sheep or simiar animal); le tonsion de auro the Golden Fleece
tonsor = {n} shearer, clipper (= one who shears, clips, etc.)
tonsura = {n} 1. (act of) shearing, clipping etc.; also: shearings, etc.; 2. [Eccl.] tonsure
tonsurar = {v} to tonsure
tonsurato = {n} cleric, priest
topazo = {n} topaz
topic = {adj} topical (1. local; {also:} [Med.]; 2. pertaining to a topic, heading, or subject)
topico = {n} 1. topical or local application or remedy; 2. topic; Topicos Topics (= work by Aristotle bearing that title)
topo- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] topo-, top- (= place) {Hence:} topic-topico; topographo etc.; toponymia etc.
topographia (-ía) = {n} topography (1. art or practice of topography; 2. topographical features of an area)
topographic = {adj} topographical
topo-grapho (-óqrapho) = {n} topographer {Hence:} topographia; topographic
top-onymia (-ía) = {n} toponymy
torcha (-sha) = {n} torch, flambeau
toreador [H] = {n} toreador
tormentar = {v} 1. to torture, put to torture; 2. to torment (= to cause torment)
tormentator = {n} 1. torturer; 2. tormentor, tormenter
tormentilla = {n} [Bot.] tormentil
tormento = {n} 1. torture (as in "to put to torture"); 2. torment, anguish {Hence:} tormentilla; tormentose; tormentar-tormentator
tormentose = {adj} torturing, tormenting
tornado = {n} tornado
tornar = {v} to turn (1. "to turn on a lathe"; 2. to change or reverse position of)
torna-sol = {n} turnsole (1. [Bot.] heliotrope, sunflower, etc.; 2. purple dye obtained from the Chrozophora tinctoria)
tornator = {n} turner (= one who turns objects on a lathe)
torna-vite = {n} screw driver
tornear = {v} 1. to whirl, gyrate; 2. to tourney {Hence:} torneo
torneo (-éo) = {n} tournament, tourney
torneria (-ía) = {n} turnely (= a turner's work shop)
torno = {n} I. lathe; II. turn (1. as in "the turn of a wheel"; 2. as in "to be someone's turn") {Hence:} tornar-torneria, tornator, contornar &, retornar &, tornasol etc., tornavite etc.; tornear &; ampere-torno etc.
torpedar = {v} to torpedo
torpedinar = {v} to torpedo
torpedine = {n} torpedo (1. [Zool.] "electric ray"; 2. [Mil.] as in "submarine torpedo", "aerial torpedo"; 3. Open car with torpedo body) {Hence:} torpedinero; torpedinar
torpedinero = {n} torpedineer
torpedo = {n} torpedo (1. [Mil.] as in "submarine torpedo", "aerial torpedo"; 2. open car with torpedo body) {Hence:} torpedar
torper = {v} to be numb, torpid or sluggish {Hence:} torpide-torpiditate; torpor
torpide = {adj} torpid
torpiditate = {n} torpidity
torpor = {n} torpor
torquer [torqu-/tort-/tors-] = {v} I. to twist (1. as in "to twist threads into yarn"; 2. to wrench, contort; 3. as in "to twist a passage"); II. to wring (as in "to wring the linen") {Hence:} torquimento; tortura &; torte-torto, bistorta etc.; tortuose-tortuositate; torsion; contorquer &; distorquer &; extorquer &; intorquer &; retorquer &
torquimento = {n} (act of) twisting, wringing
torre-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to torrefy (= to scorch, parch) {Hence:} torrefaction
torrefact- see torrefacer
torrefaction = {n} torrefaction
torrente 1. ppr ol torrer; 2. {adj} torrent {Hence:} torrente (2)-torrential
torrente = {n} torrent
torrential = {adj} torrential
torrer [torr-/tost-] = {v} to parch, scorch {Hence:} torride; torrente &; tostar &; torrefacer etc.
torride = {adj} torrid
tors- see torquer
torsion = {n} torsion (= act of turning or twisting)
torso [I] = {n} torso
tort- see torquer
torta = {n} tart; pie; {also:} cake, etc.; torta de patella pancake {Hence:} torteletta; tortiera
torte = {adj} twisted, crooked
torteletta = {n} tartlet
tortiera = {n} pie pan; pie dish
torto = {n} 1. something crooked or twisted; {also:} twist, bend; 2. wrong, harm, injury; {also:} [Law] tort; a torto wrongfully
tortuca = {n} turtle, tortoise
tortuose = {adj} tortuous
tortuositate = {n} tortuosity (= quality of being tortuous)
tortura = {n} torture {Hence:} torturar
torturar = {v} to torture, put to torture
tory [A] = {n} Tory
toscan = {adj} Tuscan (= of Tuscany); ordine toscan [Arch.] Tuscan order {Hence:} Toscana; toscano
Toscana = {npr} Tuscany
toscano = {n} Tuscan (1. native of Tuscany; 2. Tuscan dialect)
tost- see torrer
tostar = {v} 1. to toast; 2. to roast (as in "to roast coffee") {Hence:} tostator
tostator = {n} 1. toaster (= one who or that which toasts); 2. roaster (= one who or that which roasts)
tosto = {adv} presently, soon, promptly; plus tosto rather (1. more truly or accurately; 2. sooner, preferably); si tosto que as soon as
[tot] = {adj} so many, such a great number
total = {adj} total; summa total sum total total {n} total
totalizar = {v} to totalize (= to ascertain the total of)
totalization = {n} totalization
totalizator = {n} totalizator (= totalizer); specif.: [Horse Racing]
totalitari = {adj} totalitarian
totalitario = {n} totalitarian
totalitarismo = {n} totalitarianism
totalitate = {n} totality
tote = {adj} I. all (1. the whole of; 2. "all the parts, members, etc. of a whole series or group"); II. every, each; esser tote aures to be all ears; tote le (homines) all (men); tote le (caseo) all the (cheese), the entire (cheese); totes all, everyone; de tote (le) corde wholeheartedly; tote (le) duo both {Hence:} total-totalitate-totalitari-totalitarismo, totalitario, totalizar-totalization, totalizator; toto-supertoto; toto (2)
totem (tó-) = {n} totem {Hence:} totemismo; totemic
totemic = {adj} totemic
totemismo = {n} totemism
totevia (-ía) = {adv} yet, still, nevertheless
toto = {n} all, everything; le toto the whole; super toto above all; ante toto after all; in toto entirely, wholly, in toto; in toto e per toto entirely, wholly toto {adv} all, quite, wholly
tour [F] = {n} tour, trip, excursion {Hence:} tourismo; tourista-touristic;
tour de force [F] tour de force
tourismo (turízino) = {n} tourism
tourista (turísta) = {n} tourist
touristic (turístic) = {adj} tourist, touring
tourniquet [F] = {n} [Med.] tourniquet; 2. turnstile
tox- see toxic
toxic = {adj} toxic, poisonous {Hence:} toxina-antitoxina; toxico-intoxicar &, toxicologo etc.
toxico = {n} poison
toxicologia = {n} toxicology
toxicologic = {adj} toxicological
toxico-logo (-có-) = {n} toxicologist {Hence:} toxicologia; toxicologic
toxina = {n} [Biochem.] toxin
[tra] = {prep} through
trabe = {n} beam; {also:} rafter, etc. {Hence:} trabecula
trabecula = {n} [Anat., Zool., etc.] trabecula
trachea (-éa) = {n} windpipe, trachea {Hence:} tracheitis; tracheal; tracheotomia etc.
tracheal = {adj} tracheal
tracheitis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] tracheitis
tracheo-tomia (-ía) = {n} tracheotomy
tracia = {n} track, trail; tracias traces, vestiges
traciar = {v} to trace (1. to follow the trail of, track; 2. to draw in outline) {Hence:} tracia; traciator; retraciar
traciator = {n} tracer (= one who or that which traces)
tract- see traher
tractabile = {adj} tractable (= easy to deal with or to control)
tractabilitate = {n} tractability
tractamento = {n} treatment
tractar = {v} to treat (1. to deal with, handle, subject to a treatment; 2. to entertain); tractar de (un thema, etc.) to treat (of) (a topic, etc.); tractar de (le pace, etc.) to treat for (peace, etc.) {Hence:} tractamento; tractabile-tractabilitate, intractabile-intractabilitate; tractato; retractar; maltractar etc.
tractato = {n} 1. treatise; 2. treaty, agreement
traction = {n} traction (= pulling, draft)
tracto = {n} I. (action of) drawing, pulling; II. tract (1. stretch of territory; 2. period of time; 3. [Liturgy]); III. trait (1. lineament of the face, feature; 2. distinctive characteristic); IV. stroke (= short line drawn with a pen, paintbrush, etc.)
tractor = {n} tractor (= automotive vehicle used for hauling, etc.)
trad- = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} tradition &; extrader &
trade-union [A] = {n} trade-union {Hence:} trade-unionismo; trade-unionista
trade-unionismo = {n} trade-unionism
trade-unionista = {n} trade-unionist
tradition = {n} tradition {Hence:} traditional-traditionalismo, traditionalista
traditional = {adj} traditional
traditionalismo = {n} traditionalism
traditionalista = {n} traditionalist
traducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} 1. to convey, transfer; 2. to translate (as in "to translate into French") {Hence:} traducibile-intraducibile; traduction; traductor
traducibile = {adj} translatable
traduct- see traducer
traduc-tion = {n} translation (1. act of translating from one language into another; 2. version resulting from translation)
traductor = {n} translator (= one who translates from one language into another)
trafficar = {v} to traffic
trafficator = {n} trafficker
traffico (trá-) = {n} trade, commerce, traffic {Hence:} trafficar-trafficator
trag- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds]; tragus [Anat., etc.] tragus {Hence:} tragic-tragicomic etc., tragicomedia etc.; tragacantha etc.; tragedo etc.
trag-acantha = {n} tragacanth
tragedia = {n} tragedy
tragediano = {n} tragedian
trag-edo = {n} tragedian (1. actor in a tragedy; 2. author of tragedies) {Hence:} tragedia-tragediano
tragi- see tragic
tragic = {adj} tragic, tragical (1. of a tragedy; 2. calamitous)
tragi-comedia = {n} tragicomedy
tragi-comic = {adj} tragicomic
traha = {n} drag, dray, road sledge; {also:} sled, sleigh
traher [trah-/tract-] = {v} to draw, pull; to drag {Hence:} traha; traction; tractor; tracto; tractar &; abstraher &; attraher &; contraher &; detraher &; distraher &: extraher &; retraher &; subtraher &
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