Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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trainar = {v} 1. to draw, drag, pull; 2. to train (= to exercise, drill) {Hence:} traino; trainator

trainator = {n} trainer

traino = {n} train (1. "train of a gown, etc."; 2. suite, retinue; 3. cortege, procession; {also:} [Mil.]; 4. "railroad train"); traino directe through train; traino expresse or rapide express train; traino omnibus local train

trair (-ír) = {v} to betray {Hence:} traition; traitor

traition = {n} treason, betrayal; alte traition high treason

traitor = {n} traitor

trajan = {adj} of Trajan, Trajan's; columna trajan Trajan's Column

Trajano = {npr} [Rom. Hist.] Trajan {Hence:} trajan

traject- see trajic-

trajectoria = {n} trajectory

trajic- [-jic-/-ject-] {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} trajectoria

tram [A] = {n} streetcar, tram {Hence:} tramvia etc.

tram-via (-ía) = {n} streetcar line {Hence:} tramviari; tramviero

tramviari = {adj} streetcar (as in "streetcar tickets")

tramviero = {n} streetcar man; specif.: streetcar conductor

tramway [A] = {n} 1. tramway (= track for streetcars); 2. streetcar, tramcar, trolley (car)

tran- see trans-

trance = {n} trance

tranquille = {adj} tranquil, calm {Hence:} tranquillitate; tranquillizar

tranquillizar = {v} to tranquillize, to reassure; tranquillizar se to calm down (= to become calm)

tranquillitate = {n} tranquillity

trans = {prep} across, over, beyond, on the farther side of

trans- = {prefixo} [`tran-' before `-s-' + consonant] trans-, tran- (1. beyond, across; 2. through; 3. [expressing change, transformation]) {Hence:} transalpin etc.; transmontan etc.; transparer etc.; transferer etc.; transformar etc.; transsubstantiar etc.; transcender etc.; transcriber etc.

transact- see transiger

transaction = {n} 1. [Law] adjustment, compromise; 2. transaction

transactional = {adj} transactioal

transactor = {n} transactor

transalpin = {adj} [Geog.] transalpine

transalpino = {n} transalpine (= native of a country beyond the Alps)

transbordar = {v} to transfer, tramsship {Hence:} transbordo

transbordo = {n} transfer, transshipment

transcendental = {adj} [Philos.] transcendental

transcendentalismo = {n} transcendental philosphy, transcendentalism

transcendentalista = {n} transcendentalist

transcendente 1. prp of transcender; 2. {adj} transcendent

transcendentia = {n} transcendency

transcender = {v} to transcend, exceed {Hence:} transcendente-transcendentia, transcendental-transcendentalismo, transcendentalista

transcriber [-scrib-/-script-] = {v} to transcribe (1. to make a written copy of; 2. [Mus.]) {Hence:} transcription; transcriptor; transcripto

transcript- see transcriber

transcription = {n} transcription (1. act of copying; 2. [Mus.])

transcripto = {n} transcript, copy

transcriptor = {n} transcriber

transferentia = {n} transfer, transference

transferer [-fer-/-lat-] = {v} to transfer (1. to move, shift; 2. [Law] "to transfer property, etc.") {Hence:} transferimento; transferentia; transferibile-intransferibile, translation, translatar

transferibile = {adj} transferable

transferimento = {n} transfer (1. removal; 2. [Law])

transfiger [-fig-/-fix-] = {v} to transfix {Hence:} transfixion

transfigurar = {v} to transfigure (= to change the form or appearance of) {Hence:} transfiguration

transfiguration = {n} transfiguration; Transfiguration [Relig.] Transfiguration

transfix- see transfiger

transfixion = {n} transfixion

transformabile = {adj} transformable

transformar = {v} to transform {Hence:} transformismo; transformista; transformabile; transformation; transformative; transformator

transformation = {n} transformation

transformative = {adj} transformative

transformator = {n} transformer (1. one who tranforms something; 2. [Elec.])

transformismo = {n} transformism

transformista = {n} transformist

transfunder = {v} [-fund-/-fus-] {v} to transfuse; {also:} [Med.] {Hence:} transfusion

transfus- see transfunder

transfusion = {n} transfusion; {also:} [Med.]

transgreder [-gred-/-gress-] = {v} to transgress, trespass (against) {Hence:} transgression; transgressive; transgressor; transgressar

transgress- see transgreder

transgressar = {v} to transgress, trespass (against)

transgression = {n} transgression

transgressive = {adj} transgressive

transgressor = {n} transgressor

transiente = {adj} passing, transient

transigente = {adj} accomodating, ready to compromise

transiger [-ig-/-act] = {v} 1. to compromise (= to effect a compromise); 2. to transact {Hence:} transigente-intransigente-intransigentia; transaction-transactional; transactar

transir = {v} to go across, go through {Hence:} transiente; transition; transitive &; transitori; transito

transition = {n} transition

transitive = {adj} [Gram.] transitive {Hence:} intransitive

transito (trán-) = {n} transit

transitori = {adj} transitory, transient; periodo transitori period of transition

translat- see transferer

translatar = {v} to translate (1. to transfer, remove; 2. as in "to translate a book")

translation = {n} translation (1. transference, removal; 2. as in "translation of a book")

translucer = {v} to be translucent (= to be partly transparent) {Hence:} translucide &

translucide = {adj} translucent (= partly transparent) {Hence:} transluciditate

transluciditate = {n} translucence, translucency

transmiss- see transmitter

transmissibile = {adj} transmissible

transmissibilitate = {n} transmissibility

transmission = {n} transmission (1. transmittal, passing on; 2. transmission gear)

transmissor = {n} transmitter (1. person or thing that transmits something; 2. [Teleph.])

transmitter [-mitt-/-miss ] = {v} to transmit, pass on {Hence:} transmissibile-transmissibilitate, intransmissibile; transmission; transmissor

transmontan = {adj} transmontane

transmutabile = {adj} transmutable

transmutabilitate = {n} transmutability

transmutar = {v} to transmute {Hence:} transmutabile-transmutabilitate, intransmutabile; transmutation

transmutation = {n} transmutation

transparente = {adj} transparent

transparentia = {n} transparency

transparer = {v} to show through {Hence:} transparente-transparentia, semitransparente etc.

transpassamento = {n} decease, death

transpassar = {v} 1. to trespass; 2. to die, pass away {Hence:} transpasso; transpassamento

transpasso = {n} 1. trespass; 2. death

transpirabile = {adj} perspirable (= [Med.] that can be disposed of through perspiration)

transpirar = {v} I. to perspire, sweat; II. to transpire (1. to emit, breathe forth; 2. to become known, leak out) {Hence:} transpirabile; transpiration

transpiration = {n} perspiration

transplantar = {v} to transplant {Hence:} transplantation

transplantation = {n} transplantation

transponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to transpose (1. to transfer; 2. to interchange the position of; 3. [Mus.]) {Hence:} transposition; transpositive; transpositor

transportabile = {adj} transportable

transportar = {v} to transport (1. to convey; 2. to enrapture) {Hence:} transporto; transportabile; transportation; transportator

transportation = {n} transportation, transport

transportator = {n} transporter (= one who transports)

transporto = {n} transport (1. transportation, conveyance; 2. transport-ship; 3. rapture); medio de transporto means of transportation, conveyance

transposit- see transponer

transposition = {n} transposition (1. act of transposing; 2. interchange of position; 3. [Mus.])

transpositive = {adj} [Gram.] transpositive

transpositor = {n} transposer (= one who or that which transposes)

transsilvan = {adj} Transylvanian

Transsilvania = {npr} Transylvania

transsilvano = {n} Transylvanian

transsubstantiar = {v} [Theol.] transubstantiate {Hence:} transsubstantiation

transsubstantiation = {n} [Theol.] transubstantiation

transsudar = {v} to transude {Hence:} transsudation

transsudation = {n} transudation

Transvaal = {npr} Transvaal

transvasar = {v} to decant, transvase

transvers- see transverter

transversa = {n} 1. crossbar, crossbeam, etc.; 2. [Fortif.] traverse; 3. cross street

transversal = {adj} transversal transversal {n} [Geom.] transversal

transversar = {v} to cross, traverse (1. to pass across or through; 2. to thwart)

transverse = {adj} lying across or athwart, transverse

transverso = {n} breadth, width; a transverso through (= from side to side); a(l) transverso (de) through (as in "to shoot through the head", "to look through the window"); de transverso askew, awry; reguardar de transverso to look askance

transverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} to turn or direct across {Hence:} transverse-transverso-transversal, transversa, transversar

trapez- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] trapez- (= table) {Hence:} trapezio-trapeziforme etc.; trapezoide

trapezi-forme = {adj} trapeziform

trapezio = {n} 1. [Geom.] trapezium; 2. [Gymnastics] trapeze

trapezoide = {n} [Geom.] trapezoid

trappa = {n} 1. trap; {also:} snare, gin, pitfall; 2. trap door, hatch {Hence:} trappar-trappator; attrappar

trappar = {v} to trap, catch in a trap

trappator = {n} trapper (= one who traps animals)

tratta = {n} [Fin.] draft, bill

travaliar = {v} 1. to torment; 2. to labor, toil; {also:} to travail {Hence:} travalio; travaliator

travaliator = {n} 1. tormentor; 2. workman, laborer

travalio = {n} 1. torment; 2. labor, toil; {also:} travail

trave = {n} beam; {also:} rafter, etc. {Hence:} architrave etc.

[traverso] = {prep} through, from side to side

travestimento = {n} 1. (act of) disguising; disguise; 2. (act of) parodying, parody

travestir = {v} 1. to disguise; 2. to parody {Hence:} travestimento; travestitor

travestitor = {n} 1. disguiser; 2. parodist

tre- see tres

tre-dece (tré-) = {adj} thirteen

tremende = {adj} tremendous (1. terrifying; 2. extraordinary)

tremer = {v} to tremble (= to shake, shiver) {Hence:} tremende; tremor; tremule &

tremolo [I] = {n} [Mus.] tremolo

tremor = {n} trembling, shaking, tremor; tremor de terra earthquake

tremulamento = {n} shaking, trembling

tremulante 1. ppr of tremular; 2. {adj} tremulant, tremulent

tremular = {v} to tremble

tremulator = {n} trembler

tremule = {adj} quivering, tremulous {Hence:} tremular-tremulante, tremulamento, tremulator; tremulo

tremulo (tré-) = {n} aspen, trembling poplar

trenchamento (-sh-) = {n} (act of) cutting, cutting off

trenchante (-sh-) 1. ppr of trenchar; 2. {adj} cutting, sharp; {also:} trenchant

trenchar (-sh) = {v} to cut, cut off {Hence:} trencho; trenchea; trenchamento; trenchante; trenchator

trenchator (-sh-) = {n} cutter (= one who or that which cuts)

trenchea (-éa) = {n} [Mil.] trench

trencho = {n} slice (as in "a slice of meat")

trenta = {adj} thirty {Hence:} trentena; trentesime

trentena = {n} about thirty

trentesime (-ésime) = {adj} thirtieth; le trentesime parte, le trentesimo the thirtieth part, the thirtieth

trentin = {adj} Trentine

Trento = {npr} Trent; consilio de Trento Council of Trent {Hence:} trentin

trep- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} trepide &

trepidar = {v} 1. to tremble, shake; 2. to tremble (with fear), trepidate

trepidation = {n} trepidation (1. tremor, shaking; 2. trembling with fear)

trepide = {adj} trembling, fearful, trepid {Hence:} trepiditate; trepidar-trepidation; intrepide-intrepiditate

trepiditate = {n} agitation, trepidation

tres = {adj} three; regula de tres [Arith.] rule of three {Hence:} trillion &; trenta &; terno &; trin &; tertie &; trichlorido etc.; trioxydo etc.; triphthongo etc.; triplano etc.; trilogia etc.; Tripole etc.; trivio etc.; trimestre etc.; trinomie etc.; tridimensional etc.; triangule etc.; tricolor etc.; trienne etc.; trigemine etc.; trifide etc.; triple etc.; triplice etc.; tripartir etc.; triumviro etc.; dece-tres etc.; tredece etc.; trio

tresor = {n} treasure {Hence:} tresorero; tresoreria

tresoreria (-ía) = {n} treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer)

tresorero = {n} treasurer

tressa = {n} braid, plait, tress

tressage (-aje) = {n} (act of) braiding, plaiting

tressar = {v} to braid, plait {Hence:} tressa; tressage; tressator

tressator = {n} braider, plaiter

tri- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] tri- (= three, thrice) {Hence:} triade-triadic; trias &; triphthongo etc.; trisyllabe etc. See also tres

triade (trí-) = {n} triad (1. trio, trinity, three; 2. specif.: [Mus., Geom., etc.])

triadic = {adj} triadic

triangular = {adj} triangular triangular {v} triangulate

triangulation = {n} triangulation

tri-angule = {adj} triangular {Hence:} triangulo-triangular (1), triangular (2)-triangulation

triangulo (-ángulo) = {n} triangle

trias = {n} [Geol.] Trias {Hence:} triassic

triass- see trias

triassic = {adj} [Geol.] Triassic

tribal = {adj} tribal

tribo = {n} tribe (1. [Anc. Hist.]; 2. as in "Indian tribes"; 3. as in "the cat tribe") {Hence:} tribal; tribuno &

tribu- see tribo

tribuer [tribu-/tribut-] = {v} to assign, allot {Hence:} tributo &; attribuer &; contribuer &; distribuer &

tribular = {v} 1. to thresh; 2. to tribulate

tribulation = {n} tribulation

tribulo (trí-) = {n} threshing machine, thresher {Hence:} tribular-tribulation

tribuna = {n} 1. rostrum, platform, tribune; 2. gallery (in churches, etc.); 3. grandstand

tribunal = {n} tribunal (1. seat of a judge; 2. court or forum of justice)

tribunato = {n} tribunate, tribuneship

tribunitie = {adj} tribunitial, tribunitian

tribuno = {n} tribune (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. defender of the people) {Hence:} tribunato; tribunal; tribunitie; tribuna

tribut- see tribuer

tributari = {adj} tributary (1. as in "tributary nations"; 2. as in "tributary stream")

tributo = {n} tribute (1. enforced payment imposed by a conqueror; 2. as in "a tribute to the dead") {Hence:} tributari

trica = {n} 1. trifle; 2. hindrance, complication {Hence:} intricar &

trichina = {n} [Zool.] trichina {Hence:} trichinosis; trichinose

trichinose = {adj} trichinous

trichinosis (-ósis) = {n} [Pathol.] trichinosis

tri-chlorido (-clór-) = {n} trichloride

tri-cipite (-cí-) = {adj} [Anat.] (of the triceps) tri-cipite (-cí-) {n} triceps

tri-color = {adj} tricolored, tricolor

tri-color = {n} tricolor

tri-corne = {adj} three-cornered {Hence:} tricorno

tricorno = {n} tricorn

tricot [F] = {n} I. tricot (1. knitted material; 2. soft ribbed fabric); II. (knitted garment) sweater, tights, etc. {Hence:} tricotar-tricotage, tricotator, tricotatrice

tricotage (-aje) = {n} 1. knitting; 2. knitted goods

tricotar = {v} to knit (as in "to knit stockings")

tricotator = {n} knitter

tricotatrice = {n} (woman) knitter

tri-cyclo = {n} tricycle

tri-dente = {n} trident (1. three-pronged fish spear; 2. [Mythol.])

tri-dimensional = {adj} tridimensional, threedimensional

triennal = {adj} triennial

tri-enne = {adj} triennial {Hence:} triennio; triennal

triennio = {n} triennium

Trieste = {npr} Trieste

tri-facial = {adj} [Anat.] trifacial, trigeminal

tri-fide (trí-) = {adj} trifid

tri-foliate = {adj} [Bot.] trifoliate

tri-folio = {n} 1. [Bot.] clover, trefoil; 2. [Arch.] trefoil; trifolio de quatro folias four-leaved clover; 3. [Cards] club, card of the suit of clubs

tri-forme = {adj} triform

tri-gemine (-gé-) = {adj} trigeminous, born three at one birth {Hence:} trigemino

trigemino (-gé-) = {n} triplet

tri-latere = {adj} trilateral, three-sided

tri-lingue = {adj} trilingual

trillar = {v} to trill {Hence:} trillo

trillion = {n} trillion (1. unit with 12 zeros annexed; 2. unit with 18 zeros annexed) {Hence:} trillionesime

trillionesime (-ésime) = {adj} trillionth; le trillionesime parte, le trillionesimo the trillionth part, the trillionth

trillo = {n} [Mus.] trill, shake

tri-lobate = {adj} trilobate, three-lobed

tri-lobite = {n} [Paleontol.] trilobite

tri-logia (-ía) = {n} trilogy

tri-mere = {adj} [Bot., Zool.] trimerous

trimestral = {adj} quarterly (= once in a quarter of a year)

tri-mestre = {n} quarter (of a year) {Hence:} trimestral

tri-metro (trí-) = {n} trimeter

trin = {adj} 1. triune; 2. threefold, triple; {also:} [Astrol.] trine {Hence:} trinitate &

Trinidad [H] = {npr} Trinidad

trinit- see trinitate

trinitario = {n} Trinitarian (1. [Theol.]; 2. member of the Order of the Holy Trinity)

trinitate = {n} trinity; Trinitate Trinity (1. [Theol.]; 2. Trinity Sunday) {Hence:} trinitario; antitrinitari

tri-nomie = {adj} [Alg.] trinomial {Hence:} trinomio

trinomio = {n} [Alg.] trinomial

trio = {n} trio

tri-oxydo (-ó-) = {n} trioxide

tripa = {n} [Cookery] tripe; tripas guts, tripes

tri-partir = {v} to divide into three parts {Hence:} tripartition; tripartite

tripartite = {adj} tripartite (= divided into three parts)

tripartition = {n} tripartition

tri-pede (trí-) = {n} tripod; {also:} trivet

tri-phthongo = {n} triphthong (= union of three vowels pronounced in one syllable)

triplamento = {n} (action of) tripling, trebling

tri-plano = {n} triplane

triplar = {v} to triple, treble

tri-ple = {adj} triple, treble {Hence:} tripletto; triplar-triplamento

tripletto = {n} triplet (= combination of three)

triplicar = {v} to triplicate

triplication = {n} triplication

triplicato = {n} triplicate (= one of three copies of a document)

triplice (trí-) = {adj} triplex, triple, threefold {Hence:} triplicitate; triplicar-triplication, triplicato

triplicitate = {n} triplicity

Tri-pole = {npr} Tripoli (= city of Tripoli) {Hence:} tripolitan-tripolitano

tripolitan = {adj} Tripolitan

tripolitano = {n} Tripolitan

tri-reme = {adj} trireme, three-oared tri-reme {n} trireme

tri-secar [-sec-/-sect-] = {v} to trisect {Hence:} trisection

trisect- see trisecar

trisection = {n} trisection

trismo = {n} lockjaw, trismus

triste = {adj} sad; triste (excusa, figura, etc.) sorry (excuse, figure, etc.) {Hence:} tristessa; attristar; contristar

tristessa = {n} sadness

tri-syllabe (-sí-) = {adj} trisyllabic {Hence:} trisyllabo

trisyllabo (-sí-) = {n} trisyllabo

trit- see ter-

tritico (trí-) = {n} wheat

Triton = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Triton; triton [Zool.] triton (= any member of the genus 'Triton' of marine snails); {also:} newt, triton

tritura = {n} trituration (= action of triturating) {Hence:} triturar-triturabile, trituration

triturabile = {adj} triturable

triturar = {v} to triturate

trituration = {n} trituration

trium- see tres

triumphal = {adj} triumphal

triumphante 1. ppr of triumphar; 2. {adj} triumphant

triumphar = {v} to triumph (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. to exult; 3. to obtain victory)

triumphator = {n} triumpher

triumpho = {n} triumph (1. [Rom Antiq.]; 2. exultation of success; 3. as in "triumph of knowledge") {Hence:} triumphal; triumphar-triumphante, triumphator

triumviral = {adj} triumviral

triumvirato = {n} triumvirate

trium-viro (-úm-) = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] triumvir {Hence:} triumvirato; triumviral

trivial adi 1. trivial (= pertaining to the trivium); 2. trite, commonplace; 3. vulgar, coarse {Hence:} trivialitate

trivialitate = {n} 1. triteness; 2. vulgarity, coarseness

tri-vio = {n} [Hist.] trivium {Hence:} trivial &

[tro] = {adv} too, too much; tro (de) (aqua, libros, etc.) too much (water, etc.), too many (books, etc.); de tro superfluous, in the way

trobador = {n} troubadour (= medieval lyric poet of a school flourishing in Provence and the south of France)

trocar = {v} to barter {Hence:} troco; trocator

trocator = {n} barterer

trocha- see trocheo

trochaic = {adj} [Pros.] trochaic

trocheo (-éo) = {n} [Pros.] trochee {Hence:} trochaic

troco = {n} barter

Troia (tróia) = {npr} [Gr. Hist.] Troy {Hence:} troian-troiano

troian = {adj} Trojan; cavallo troian Trojan horse

troiano = {n} Trojan (= inhabitant of Troy)

troika (trói-) [R] = {n} troika

trolley [A] = {n} trolley (= revolving wheel which makes contact with the overhead wire and transmits power to the trolley car)

tromba [I] = {n} [Meteorol.] 1. waterspout; 2. whirlwind

trombon = {n} trombone {Hence:} trombonista

trombonista = {n} trombonist

trompa = {n} 1. horn, trumpet; 2. aspirator (= apparatus for drawing stream of air or gas through a tube); 3. trunk (of an elephant, etc.); trompa de Eustachio Eustachian tube {Hence:} trompetta &

trompetta trumpet (1. the musical instrument "trumpet"; 2. trumpeter) {Hence:} trompettero; trompettar

trompettar = {v} to trumpet (1. to blow a trumpet; 2. to noise abroad)

trompettero = {n} trumpeter

-tron see electron

[trop] [F] = {adv} (= tro)

-trope [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -trope (= turning) {Hence:} tropismo-geotropismo etc.; heliotrope etc.; allotrope etc.; hemitrope etc.; geotropic etc.

troph- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] troph-, tropho- (= nourishment) {Hence:} trophic; atrophe &; hypertrophia &; limitrophe etc.

tropheo (-éo) = {n} trophy

trophic = {adj} trophic (= pertaining to nutrition)

tropic = {adj} tropic, tropical {Hence:} tropico-tropical-intertropical, subtropical, semitropical etc.

tropical = {adj} tropical

tropico = {n} tropic; Tropico del Cancere Tropic of Cancer; Tropico del Capricorno Tropic of Capricorn

tropismo = {n} [Biol.] tropism

tropo = {n} [Rhet.] trope {Hence:} tropologia etc.

tropo-logia (-ía) = {n} tropology {Hence:} tropologic

tropologic = {adj} tropological

[troppo] [I] = {adv} (= tro)

trottar = {v} to trot {Hence:} trotto; trottator

trottator = {n} trotter (= horse which trots)

trotto = {n} trot

trottoir [F] = {n} sidewalk, pavement

troubadour [F] = {n} troubadour

trousseau [F] = {n} trousseau

trovabile = {adj} to be found, findable

trovar = {v} to find {Hence:} trovabile-introvabile; trovator

trovator = {n} 1. finder (= one who finds or has found); 2. troubadour; trouvère

trovero = {n} trouvère

Troyes [F] = {npr} Troyes

tructa = {n} trout

-truder [-trud-/-trus-] = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} abstruder &; intruder &

trufa = {n} truffle {Hence:} trufari, trufiera; trufar

trufar = {v} to stuff with truffles

trufari = {adj} truffle, relating to truffles

trufiera = {n} truffle bed

trulla = {n} (brick or plastering) trowel

truncamento = {n} truncation

truncar = {v} to truncate, lop off

truncate 1. pp of truncar; 2. {adj} truncate, truncated

truncation = {n} truncation

trunco = {n} trunk (1. "tree trunk"; 2. [Anat.]; 3. [Arch.] shaft of a column) {Hence:} truncar-truncamento, truncation, truncate

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