Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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usufructuari = {adj} [Law] usufructuary

usufructuario = {n} [Law] usufructuary

usu-fruer [-fru-/-fruct-] = {v} [Law] to enjoy the usufruct {Hence:} usufructo-usufructuari, usufructario

usura = {n} usury {Hence:} usuria; usuari; usurero; usurar

usurar = {v} to practice usury

usurari = {adj} usurious

usurero = {n} usurer

usuria (-ía) = {n} usury

usurpar = {v} to usurp {Hence:} usurpation; usurpator; usurpatori

usurpation = {n} usurpation

usurpator = {n} usurper

usurpatori = {adj} usurpatory

[ut] = {adv} as, how, in order that, to the end that, just as; ut ... ita ... the ... the ..., as ... so ... {Hence:} sicut etc.

ut = {n} [Mus.] (the note) C

ut-' [ut-/us-] {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} utile &; uso &; abut- &

utensile = {n} utensil, tool

uterin = {adj} uterine (1. pertaining to the uterus; 2. born of

the same mother, but of a different father)

utero (ú-) = {n} uterus, womb {Hence:} uterin; uterologia etc.

utero-logia (-ía) = {n} uterology

utile = {adj} useful {Hence:} utilitate-utilitari-utilitario, utilitarismo; utilizar-utilizabile-inutilizabile, utilization, utilizator, utilizate-inutilizate; inutile-inutilitate, inutilizar

utilizabile = {adj} available (= capable of being turned to account)

utilizar = {v} to utilize

utilizate = {adj} utilized, used

utilization = {n} utilization

utilizator = {n} utilizer

utilitari = {adj} utilitarian (as in "utilitarian ethics")

utilitario = {n} utilitarian

utilitarismo = {n} utilitarianism

utilitate = {n} utility, usefulness

Utopia = {n} Utopia; utopia utopia {Hence:} utopismo; utopista; utopic

utopic = {adj} utopian

utopismo = {n} utopianism

utopista = {n} utopian

[utroque] = {indef pron} either or both of two

[utrum ... an] (ú-) = {conj} whether ... or

uva = {n} 1. grape; 2. grapes, bunch of grapes;

uva de Corintho currant (= small seedless raisin used in cooking); uva sic raisin {Hence:} uvula &; uvea

uvea = {n} [Anat.] uvea

uvula = {n} uvula {Hence:} uvular

uvular = {adj} uvular

uxor = {n} wife {Hence:} uxoricida etc.; uxoricidio etc.

uxori-cida = {n} uxoricide (= one who kills his wife)

uxori-cidio = {n} uxoricide (= act of killing one's wife)

va pr of vader 1. go, goes; [grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future]; va! go!; io va comenciar I shall begin, I am going to begin va see also vader

Vaal = {npr} Vaal (river) {Hence:} Transvaal

vacante 1. ppr of vacar; 2. {adj} vacant, not occupied

vacantia = {n} vacancy (= unoccupied post); vacantias vacation, recess

vacar = {v} 1. to be vacant, unoccupied; 2. to be in recess {Hence:} vacante-vacantia

vacca = {n} 1. cow (= female bovine); 2. cowhide {Hence:} vacchero; vaccheria; vaccin-vaccino &

vacch- see vacca

vaccheria (-ía) = {n} 1. cow stables; 2. dairy farm

vacchero = {n} cowherd, cowboy

vaccin = {adj} vaccine

vaccinal = {adj} vaccinal

vaccinar = {v} to vaccinate

vaccination = {n} vaccination

vaccinator = {n} vaccinator (= one who vaccinates)

vaccinic = {adj} vaccinal, vaccinic

vaccino = {n} vaccine (= preparation for vaccination and inoculation) {Hence:} vaccinal; vaccinic; vaccinar-vaccination, vaccinator, revaccinar-revaccination; vaccinogene etc.

vaccino-gene = {adj} vaccinogenic

vacillamento = {n} (act of) vacillating, vacillation

vacillar = {v} 1. to vacillate; 2. to flicker; 3. to be unsteady or shaky {Hence:} vacillamento; vacillation; vacillatori

vacillation = {n} 1. vacillation; 2. (act of) flickering, shaking, etc.; le vacillation de un barca the rocking of a (row)boat

vacillatori = {adj} 1. vacillatory; 2. flickering, shaking, etc.

vacuar = {v} to empty, make empty

vacue = {adj} empty {Hence:} vacuitate; vacuar; evacuar &; vacuo-vacuolo

vacuitate = {n} emptiness, vacuity

vacuo = {n} emptiness; void; {also:} vacuum

vacuolo (-cú-) = {n} [Biol.] vacuole

vadabile = {adj} fordable

vadar = {v} to ford, wade through

vademecum (-mé-) = {n} vade mecum

vader [vad-/-vas-] = {v} to go {Hence:} evader &; invader &; see verbal forms va, [van], [vamos]

vado = {n} ford {Hence:} vadar-vadabile

vagabundage (-aje) = {n} vagabondage

vagabundar = {v} to vagabond

vagabunde = {adj} vagabond {Hence:} vagabundar-vagabundage; vagabundo

vagabundo = {n} vagabond

vagar = {n} to wander about, ramble

vage = {adj} 1. wandering about, rambling; 2. vague (= not clearly defined) {Hence:} vagar-vagabunde &, divagar &, extravagar &; noctivage etc.; multivage etc.

vagina = {n} 1. sheath; 2. [Anat.] vagina {Hence:} vaginismo; vaginitis; vaginula; vaginal; evaginar &; invaginar &

vaginal = {adj} [Anat.] vaginal

vaginismo = {n} [Med.] vaginismus (= spasmodic contractions of the vagina)

vaginitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.) vaginitis

vaginula = {n} [Bot.] vaginule

vaina (-ína) = {n} sheath, scabbard, etc. {Hence:} vainero; disvainar; invainar

vainero = {n} sheather, scabbard maker

[valde] = {adv} 1. vehemently, strongly; 2. exceedingly, very much

valdese = {adj/n} Waldensian; valdeses Waldenses

Valdo, Peter = {npr} Peter Waldo [founder of the Waldenses] {Hence:} valdese

vale! = {interj} vale! (= farewell!)

valente 1. ppr of valer; 2. {adj} valiant

valentia = {n} 1. valor, bravery; 2. [Chem.] valence

valer = {v} 1. to be worth (= to be equal to, in value or in price); 2. to be courageous {Hence:} valide &; valente-valentia; valor &; valetude &; prevaler &; convalescer &; eguivaler etc.

valetude = {n} (state of) health {Hence:} valetudinari; valetudinario

valetudin- see valetude

valetudinari = {adj} invalid, infirm

valetudinario = {n} invalid

valge = {adj} bow-legged

Valhalla = {n} [Mythol.] Valhalla

validar = {v} to validate (= to render valid)

validation = {n} validation (= act of rendering valid)

valide = {adj} 1. able-bodied, robust; 2. valid {Hence:} validitate; validar-validation; invalide-invaliditate, invalidar-invalidation, invalido

validitate = {n} 1. robustness, vigor; 2. validity

valise [F] = {n} traveling bag, valise; {also:} suitcase, satchel, etc.

valkyria = {n} Valkyrie

vallar = {v} to surround with a rampart

vallata = {n} valley

vallation = {n} 1. (act of) surrounding with a rampart; 2. rampart, circumvallation

valle = {n} valley; lilio del valles lily of the valley; per (le) montes e valles over hill and dale; valle de lacrimas vale of tears {Hence:} vallata; vallea

vallea (-éa) = {n} valley

vallo = {n} rampart, circumvallation {Hence:} vallar-vallation-contravallation, circumvallar-circumvallation, circumvallate; intervallo

valor = {n} 1. value, worth; 2. valor; valores [Com.] holdings (as stock, shares, etc.) {Hence:} valorose; valorizar-valorization, revalorizar; plus-valor etc.

valorizar = {v} to valorize (= to fix prices by valorization)

valorization = {n} valorization

valorose = {adj} valorous

valuta = {n} 1. value (= monetary worth of a thing); 2. [Fin.] (monetary) standard {Hence:} valutar-valutation; devalutar-devalutation; evalutar &

valutar = {v} to value, appraise

valutation = {n} valuation, appraisal

valva = {n} 1. leaf or wing (of a folding door); 2. [Bot., Zool., etc.] valve (as in "valves of the pericarp") {Hence:} valvate; valvula &; valvar; multivalve etc.; bivalve etc.

valvar = {adj} [Zool.] valvar, valvular

valvate = {adj} [Bot., Zool.] valvate

valvula = {n} valve (1. [Anat.] as in "heart valves"; 2. [Engin.]; also: tap, spigot, faucet, etc.; 3. [Radio, Elec., etc.] tube); valvula de securitate safety valve {Hence:} valvular-multivalvular etc.

valvular = {adj} [Anat., etc.] valvular

[vamos] (vá-) pr 1me pers pl of vader I. (we) go, are going; II. let's go, let us go; III. [Grammatical functions: 1. auxiliary, forming the future or immediate future; 2. auxiliary, forming the imperative]; vamos comenciar 1. we shall begin, are going to begin; 2. let's begin, let us begin

vampir = {n} vampire (1. bloodsucking ghost or reanimated corpse; 2. [Zool.] vampire bat) {Hence:} vampirismo

vampirismo = {n} vampirism

van = {adj} vain (1. futile; 2. worthless; 3. conceited); in van in vain {Hence:} vanitate-vanitose; evanescer &; vangloria etc.

[van] pr pl of vader 1. go; 2. [grammatical function: auxiliary forming the future or immediate future]; nos van comenciar we shall begin, we are going to begin

vandale = {adj} 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals);

2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)

vandalic = {adj} 1. Vandal, Vandalic (= pertaining to the Vandals;

2. vandal, vandalish (= wantonly destructive)

vandalismo = {n} vandalism

vandalo (ván-) = {n} 1. [Hist.] Vandal; 2. vandal (= wanton destroyer) {Hence:} vandalismo; vandalic; vandale

van-gloria = {n} boastfulness, vainglory {Hence:} vangloriose; vangloriar

vangloriar = {v} -; vangloriar se to brag, boast

vangloriose = {adj} vainglorious, boastful

vanguarda = {n} [Mil.] vanguard

vanilla = {n} vanilla {Hence:} vanillina; vanillismo; vanillate

vanillate = {adj} vanilla-flavored

vanillina = {n} [Bot., Chem.] vanillin

vanillismo = {n} [Med.] vanillism

vanitate = {n} vanity (1. futility; 2. conceit, vainglory)

vanitose = {adj} vainglorious, conceited

vannar = {v} to winnow

vannatura = {n} chaff (= husks separated from the grain hy winnowing)

vanno = {n} winnow, winnowing fan {Hence:} varnar-vannatura

vantar = {v} to boast, of vaunt; vantar se to boast (about oneself) {Hence:} vanteria

vanteria (-ía) = {n} boasting, vauntery

vapor = {n} 1. steam, vapor; 2. steamer, steamship; machina de vapor steam engine; banio de vapor steam bath; nave a vapor steamer, steamship {Hence:} vaporose-vaporositate; vaporizar-vaporization, vaporizator; evaporar &; cavallo-vapor etc.

vaporizar = {v} to vaporize (1. to evaporate; 2. to atomize, spray)

vaporization = {n} vaporization, evaporation

vaporizator = {n} vaporizer, atomizer

vaporose = {adj} vaporous

vaporositate = {n} vaporosity, vaporousness

var = {adj} knock-kneed

vari- see variola

variabile = {adj} variable

variabilitate = {n} variability

variante 1. ppr of variar; 2. {adj} variant, varying variante {n} variant

variar = {v} to vary (1. to differ; 2. to modify, alter)

variate 1. pp of variar; 2. {adj} varied

variation = {n} variation; thema con variationes theme with variations; calculo del variationes calculus of variations

varice (vá-) = {n} [Med.] varix, varicose vein {Hence:} varicose; varicocele etc.

varicella = {n} [Med.] chicken pox, varicella

varico-cele = {n} varicocele

varicose = {adj} varicose

varie = {adj} 1. various (1. different, diverse; 2. several, diverse); II. variable, inconstant {Hence:} varietate; variola &; variar-variante, variabile-variabilitate, invariabile-invariabilitate, variation, variate

varietate = {n} variety (1. variedness, difference; 2. [Biol.]); theatro de varietates vaudeville theater

variola (-rí-) = {n} [Med.] smallpox, variola {Hence:} varicella; variolar; variolic; varioloide; variolose

variolar = {adj} [Med.] variolar, variolous, variolic

variolic = {adj} [Med.] variolic, variolar, variolous

varioloide = {n} [Med.] varioloid

variolose = {adj} [Med.] variolous, variolic, variolar

varion = {n} minnow

Varsovia = {npr} Warsaw

vascello = {n} vessel (= ship)

vascular = {adj} [Anat., Bot.] vascular (as in "vascular membrane, tissue, etc.")

vascularitate = {n} [Anat., Bot.] vascularity

vasculo = {n} 1. vessel, container; 2. vasculum {Hence:} vascular-vascularitate; vasculose

vasculose = {adj} [Anat., Bot.] vascular

vaselina = {n} Vaseline

vaso = {n} 1. vessel (= hollow container); 2. vase; vasos communicante communicating vessels; vaso de election [Eccl.] chosen vessel; vaso sanguinari blood vessel {Hence:} vascello; vasculo &; extravasar &: invasar; transvasar; vasomotor etc.

vaso-motor = {adj} [Anat.] vasomotor

vassallage (-aje) = {n} [Hist.] vassalage (= state of being a vassal)

vassallo = {n} [Hist.] vassal; {also:} attrib {Hence:} vassallage

vastar = {v} to lay waste

vaste = {adj} 1. waste (as in "to lay waste"); 2. vast (= extensive in area or range) {Hence:} vastitate; vastar-devastar &

vastitate = {n} vastness

vatican = {adj} Vatican (1. as in "Vatican Hill"; 2. pertaining to the Vatican); Citate Vatican Vatican City {Hence:} Vaticano

Vaticano = {n} 1. Vatican Hill; 2. Vatican

vaudeville [F] = {n} vaudeville

[vece] = {n} time (as in "three times"); alcun veces sometimes; un vece once (= one time; at one time); a veces at times; altere vece again; plure veces several times, repeatedly (= vice)

vect- see veher

vecte = {n} 1. crowbar, pry, lever, etc.

vector = {n} 1. conveyer, conveyor; 2. [Math.] vector {Hence:} vectorial

vectorial = {adj} [Math.] vectorial

veget- see vegetal

vegetabile = {adj} vegetable

vegetal = {adj} vegetal, vegetable; le regno vegetal the vegetable kingdom vegetal {n} vegetable

vegetar = {v} to vegetate (1. to grow, as plants, seeds, etc.; 2. to live a merely physical life)

vegetarian = {adj} vegetarian

vegetarianismo = {n} vegetarianism

vegetariano = {n} vegetarian

vegetation = {n} vegetation (1. action of vegetating; 2. plant life, plants collectively)

vegetative = {adj} vegetative

vegete (vé-) = {adj} healthy, vigorous, flourishing {Hence:} vegetal (1)-vegetal (2)-vegetarian-vegetarianismo, vegetariano; vegetar-vegetabile, vegetation, vegetative; vegetoanimal etc.

vegeto-animal = {adj} vegeto-animal

vegeto-mineral = {adj} vegeto-mineral

vehemente = {adj} vehement, impetuous {Hence:} vehementia

vehementia = {n} vehemence

veher [veh-/vect-] = {v} [occurring in compounds and derivatives] {Hence:} vehiculo &; vector &; eveher &; inveher &

vehicular = {adj} vehicular vehicular {v} to convey in a vehicle

vehiculo = {n} vehicle; {also:} [Pharm.] {Hence:} vehicular (1); vehicular (2)

[vel] = {conj} or, or rather; vel ... vel either ... or

vela = {n} sail ("the sail of a ship"); facer vela to make sail; poner al vela to set sail; a plen vela under full sail; sub vela under sail {Hence:} velero; veliero

velar = {adj} velar; {also:} [Phonet.] velar {v} to veil

velario = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] velarium

velero = {n} sailmaker

velia = {n} waking, being awake

veliar = {v} 1. to stay awake; 2. to watch, be on the lookout {Hence:} velia; eveliar &; surveliar &

veliero = {n} sailing ship; sailboat

[velle] subj pass of voler 1. would, would wish, would like; 2. [Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the conditional];

ille velle comenciar 1. he would like to begin; 2. he would begin

-veller [-vell-/-vuls-] = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} aveller &; conveller &; diveller &; eveller &; reveller &

velo = {n} veil (as in "bridal veil"); velo (del palatio) soft palate, velum {Hence:} velario; velar (1); velar (2)-disvelar, revelar &

velo- see velocipede

veloce = {adj} speedy, swift {Hence:} velocitate; velocifero; velocimetro etc.; velocipede etc.

velocifero (-cí-) = {n} 1. stagecoach express; 2. velocipede, dandy horse

veloci-metro (-cí-) = {n} speedometer, velocimeter

veloci-pede (-cí-) = {n} velocipede {Hence:} velocipedista; velodromo etc.

velocipedista = {n} velocipedist

velocitate = {n} speed, velocity; de alte velocitate high-speed

velo-dromo = {n} velodrome

-velopp- [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} disveloppar &; inveloppar &

velvet [A] = {n} velveteen

vena = {n} vein (1. blood vessel; 2. as in "veins and arteries"); also: [Bot., Mineral., Geol., etc.]; vena musical musical vein {Hence:} venula; venate; venose-venositate, intravenose; venar-venatura

venar (1) = {v} to hunt, chase {Hence:} veneria; venation; venator; venatori

venar (2) = {v} to vein, grain

venate = {adj} veiny, veined

venation = {n} (action of) hunting; venation

venator = {n} hunter, huntsman

venatori = {adj} hunting, hunter's; venatory

venafura = {n} venation, veining

vender = {v} to sell (= to exchange for money or other payment) {Hence:} vendibile-invendibile; venditor; vendita; revender-revenditor, revendita

vendibile = {adj} vendible, salable

vendita (vén-) = {n} sale (= act of selling)

venditor = {n} vendor (= seller; {also:} vending machine); venditor ambulante peddler

vene- see veneno

vene-ficio = {n} (act of) poisoning

venenifere = {adj} poison-bearing

venenific = {adj} poison-producing, venenific

veneno = {n} poison; {also:} venom (= poisonous fluid secreted by certain snakes, etc.) {Hence:} venenifere; venenific; venenose-venenositate; invenenar-invenenamento; contraveneno; veneficio etc.

venenose = {adj} poisonous, venomous

venenositate = {n} venomousness

venerabile = {adj} venerable

venerabilitate = {n} venerability, venerableness

venerar = {v} to venerate, revere {Hence:} venerabile-venerabilitate; veneration; venerator

veneration = {n} veneration, reverence

venerator = {n} venerator

vener-di (-dí) = {n} Friday; Venerdi Sancte Good Friday

Venere = {npr} Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.]) {Hence:} veneree; venerdi etc.

veneree = {adj} venereal

veneria (-ía) = {n} hunt, chase, hunting; venery

venete (vé-) = {adj} 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetic (= of Venetia or the Veneti); 2. of Venezia {Hence:} veneto-Venetia-venetian-venetiano

Venetia = {npr} 1. [Rom. Antiq.] Venetia; 2. Venezia; 3. Venice

venetian = {adj} Venetian, of Venice

venetiano = {n} Venetian

veneto (vé-) = {n} 1. Venetic (= language of the Veneti); 2. one of the Veneti

Venezuela = {npr} Venezuela {Hence:} venezuelan-venezuelano

venezuelan = {adj} Venezuelan

venezuelano = {n} Venezuelan

vengiabile (-já-) = {adj} worthy of revenge

vengiantia (-ján-) = {n} vengeance, revenge

vengiar (-jár) = {v} to avenge; vengiar se to avenge oneself, take revenge {Hence:} vengiantia; vengiabile; vengiative; vengiator

vengiative (-ja-) = {adj} vengeful, vindictive

vengiator (-ja-) = {n} avenger

venia = {n} mercy, indulgence {Hence:} venial-venialitate

venial = {adj} venial; peccato venial venial sin

venialitate = {n} veniality

venir [ven-/vent-] = {v} to come; venir al mundo to come into the world, be born; venir al manos to come to blows; facer venir to send for {Hence:} venita; advenir &; circumvenir; convenir &; contravenir &; devenir; evenir &; intervenir &; pervenir; prevenir &; provenir &; revenir; subvenir &; supervenir &; benvenite etc.

venita = {n} coming

venose = {adj} venous, venose

venositate = {n} venosity, venousness

ventalio = {n} ventail

ventar = {v} to blow, be windy

ventilar = {v} I. to fan, winnow (grain); II. to ventilate (1. to supply with fresh air; 2. to discuss openly) {Hence:} ventilation; ventilator

ventilation = {n} ventilation (1. supplying with fresh air; 2. as in "ventilation of one's grievance")

ventilator = {n} ventilator; ventilator (electric) (electric) fan

vento = {n} wind (as in "east wind") {Hence:} ventose &; ventar-ventalio; ventilar &; paravento etc.

ventose = {adj} 1. windy, gusty; 2. ventose, flatulent {Hence:} ventositate

ventositate = {n} ventosity, flatulence

ventral = {adj} abdominal, ventral

ventrata = {n} 1. litter (of puppies, etc.); 2. hearty feed

ventre = {n} belly {Hence:} ventrata; ventriculo &; ventral; eventrar &; ventrilogue etc.

ventricular = {adj} ventricular

ventriculo = {n} [Anat.] ventricle {Hence:} ventricular

ventri-loque (-trí-) = {adj} ventriloquous, ventriloquial {Hence:} ventriloquia; ventriloquo

ventriloquia (-ía) = {n} ventriloquism, ventriloquy

ventriloquo (-trí-) = {n} ventriloquist

venula = {n} [Anat.] venule, veinlet

Venus (vé-) = {npr} Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])

ver = {n} spring, springtime {Hence:} vernal; primavera etc.

ver = {adj} true (= truthful; in accordance with truth or reality) {Hence:} verismo; verista; veritate; verace &; verificar &; averar; veridic etc.; verisimile etc.; verdicto etc.; verosimilante etc.; [vere], [vero]

verace = {adj} veracious {Hence:} veracitate

veracitate = {n} veracity

veranda = {n} veranda, verandah

verbal = {adj} verbal (1. as in "a verbal contract"; 2. [Gram.])

verberar = {v} to beat, whip, flog {Hence:} verberation; reverberar &

verberation = {n} (action of) beating, whipping, flogging; verberation

verbo = {n} 1. word; 2. [Gram.] verb; le Verbo the Word {Hence:} verbal; verbose-verbositate; adverbio &; proverbio &

verbose = {adj} verbose

verbositate = {n} verbosity

verde = {adj} green; fructo verde green fruit (= unripe fruit); vino verde hard, sharp, wine; le annos verde the green years; verde vetulessa green old age {Hence:} verdiero; verdura; verdear; verdemar etc.; semperverde etc.; biliverdina etc.

verde = {n} (the color) green

verdear = {v} to become green

verde-mar = {adj} sea-green

ver-dicto = {n} verdict

verdiero = {n} orchard

verdura = {n} I. verdure (1. fresh greenness; 2. green vegetation); II. greens (= green vegetables)

[vere] = {adv} truly, really, indeed, even (= vero)

verger = {v} to verge (as in "a hill verges to the north") {Hence:} converger &; diverger &

vergilian, virgilian = {adj} Vergilian

Vergilio, Virgilio = {nprm} Vergil {Hence:} vergilian

vergonia = {n} shame (1. "feeling of shame"; 2. disgrace); haber vergonia to be ashamed {Hence:} vergoniose; vergoniar-avergoniate

vergoniose = {adj} 1. bashful, modest; 2. shameful, disgraceful

veri-dic (-rí-) = {adj} truthful, veridical {Hence:} veridicitate

veridicitate = {n} truthfulness, veracity

verificabile = {adj} verifiable

verificar = {v} to verify (1. to confirm the truth of; 2. to test or check the correctness of); verificar un conto to check, audit an account {Hence:} verificabile; verification; verificator

verification = {n} verification

verificator = {n} verifier

veri-simile = {adj} likely, probable, verisimilar {Hence:} verisimilitude; inverisimile

verisimilitude = {n} likelihood, probability, verisimilitude

verismo = {n} verism

verista = {n} verist; attrib verist, veristic

veritate = {n} truth; {also:} verity; dicer le veritate to tell the truth; a dicer le veritate to tell the truth; in veritate in truth, truly, really

verme = {n} worm; verme de terra earthworm {Hence:} vermiforme etc.; vermicida etc.; vermivore etc.

vermente = {adv} really, truly; indeed

vermicelli [I] = {npl} vermicelli

vermi-cida = {n} vermicide; attrib vermicidal

vermi-forme = {adj} vermiform; appendice vermiforme vermiform appendix

vermi-fuge (-í-) = {adj} vermifuge vermi-fuge (-í-) {n} vermifuge

vermilie = {adj} bright red, scarlet, vermilion, etc. {Hence:} vermilion

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