Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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electro-static = {adj} electrostatic

electro-statica = {n} electrostatics

electro-therapeutica (-péu-) = {n} electrotherapeutics

electro-therapia (-ía) = {n} electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics

electrotypia (-ía) = {n} electrotypy, electrotyping

electro-typo (-ó) = {n} [Print.] electrotype {Hence:} electrotypia

eleemosyna (-mó-) = {n} alms {Hence:} eleemosynari

eleemosynari = {adj} eleemosynary, charitable

elegante = {adj} elegant {Hence:} elegantia; inelegante-inelegantia

elegantia = {n} elegance

elegia (-ía) = {n} elegy {Hence:} elegiac

elegiac (-íac) = {adj} elegiac (l. [Pros.]; 2. mournful, melancholy)

elemental = {adj} elemental

elementari = {adj} elementary (1. pertaining to an element; 2. pertaining to the first principles of an art, a science, etc.)

elemento = {n} element (1. "an element in nature"; 2. a component part); le quatro elementos the four elements; in su elemento in one's element; elementos elements (= first principles of an art, a science, etc.) {Hence:} elemental; elementari

elephante = {n} elephant; elephante de mar sea elephant, elephant seal {Hence:} elephantiasis; elephantin-chryselephantin etc.

elephantiasis (-íasis) = {n} [Pathol.] elephantiasis

elephantin = {adj} elephantine

elevar = {v} I. to elevate (1. to raise, lift up; 2. to raise in rank or station); II. to raise (as in "to raise horses"); elevar se to rise (up) (as in "a mountain or tree rises up"); elevar un numero al quadrato to square a number {Hence:} elevation; elevator; elevatori; elevate

elevate 1. pp of elevar; 2. {adj} high, lofty

elevation = {n} elevation (1. act of elevating, raising; 2. high ground, raised place; 3. as in "elevation of style"; 4. [Astron.]; 5. [Arith.]); elevation del hostia [Eccl.] elevation of the Host

elevator = {n} 1. elevator (= one who or that which elevates); 2. [Anat.] levator

elevatori = {adj} elevatory

elf [A] = {n} elf

Elia (-ía) = {npr} [Bib.] Elijah, Elias

elider [-lid-/-lis-] = {v} to elide {Hence:} elision

eliger [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} to elect (1. to choose; 2. "to elect by voting"); eliger domicilio [Law] to elect domicile {Hence:} eligibile-eligibilitate, ineligibile-ineligibilitate; election; elective-electivitate; elector-electorato, electoral; electe-electo; reeliger-reeligibile, reelection

eligibile = {adj} eligible (= fit to be chosen or elected)

eligibilitate = {n} eligibility

eliminar = {v} to eliminate {Hence:} elimination; eliminator; eliminatori

elimination = {n} elimination

eliminator = {n} eliminator

eliminatori = {adj} eliminatory

elis- see elider

Elisabeth (-bét) = {nprf} Elizabeth {Hence:} elisabethan

elisabethan = {adj} Elizabethan

elision = {n} elision

élite [F] = {n} elite

elixir = {n} elixir; elixir de longe vita elixir of life

[ella] = {pron pers} 1. she; 2. her (as in "of her," "with her") (= illa)

ellipse = {n} 1. [Math.] ellipse; 2. [Gram.] ellipsis {Hence:} ellipsoide

ellipsoide = {adj} ellipsoid, ellipsoidal

ellipsoide = {n} [Geom.] ellipsoid

elliptic = {adj} elliptic, elliptical (1. [Math.]; 2. [Gram.])

elocut- see eloquer

elocution = {n} elocution

elogio = {n} eulogy; facer le elogio de un persona to sing someone's praises, eulogize someone {Hence:} elogista-elogistic; elogiose; elogizar

elogiose = {adj} eulogistic

elogizar = {v} to eulogize

elogista = {n} eulogist

elogistic = {adj} eulogistic

elongar = {v} to elongate {Hence:} elongation

elongation = {n} elongation (1. act of elongating; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Med.] partial dislocation of a joint due to violent stretching)

eloquente = {adj} eloquent

eloquentia = {n} eloquence

eloquer [-loqu-/-locut-] = {v} to declaim, speak rhetorically {Hence:} eloguente-eloguentia; elocution

elucidar = {v} to elucidate {Hence:} elucidation

elucidation = {n} elucidation

eluctabile = {adj} avoidable

eluctar = {v} to struggle out of (a difficulty, etc.) {Hence:} eluctabile-ineluctabile

eluder [-lud-/-lus-] = {v} to elude (= to avoid or escape by dexterity) {Hence:} eludibile; elusion; elusive

eludibile = {adj} eludible, evadable

elus- see eluder

elusion = {n} elusion

elusive = {adj} elusive

elysie = {adj} Elysian {Hence:} elysio

elysio = {n} Elysium

em- see en-

-em- see hem-

emaciar = {v} to emaciate {Hence:} emaciation; emaciate

emaciate 1. pp of emaciar; 2. {adj} emaciate

emaciation = {n} emaciation

émail [F] = {n} enamel {Hence:} émailliar

émailli- see émail

émailliar (emalyár) = {v} to enamel

emanar = {v} to emanate {Hence:} emanation

emanation = {n} emanation

emancipar = {v} to emancipate (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. to release from slavery or restraint) {Hence:} emancipation; emancipator

emancipation = {n} emancipation (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. release from slavery or restraint)

emancipator = {n} emancipator

emarginar = {v} to remove the margin of, trim the margin of {Hence:} emarginate

emarginate 1. pp of emarginar; 2. [Bot.] emarginate

emascular = {v} to emasculate, castrate {Hence:} emasculation

emasculation = {n} emasculation

embarassar = {v} to embarrass (1. to encumber, hamper; 2. to make self-conscious) {Hence:} embarasso-embarassose; disembarassar

embarasso = {n} 1. obstruction, obstacle; 2. embarrassment

embarassose = {adj} 1. cumbersome, entangled; 2. embarrassing

embargo [H] = {n} embargo

emblema [-ma/-mat-] = {n} emblem {Hence:} emblematic

emblemat- see emblema

emblematic = {adj} emblematic

embolia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] embolism

embryo see embryon

embryo-genese (-gé-) = {n} embryogenesis

embryo-genesis (-gé-) = {n} embryogenesis

embryo-genetic = {adj} embryogenetic

embryo-genia (-ía) = {n} embryogeny {Hence:} embryogenic

embryogenic = {adj} embryogenic

embryologia (-ía) = {n} embryology

embryologic = {adj} embryological

embryo-logo (-ólogo) = {n} embryologist {Hence:} embryologia; embryologic

embryon = {n} embryo; in embryon in embryo {Hence:} embryonal; embryonari; embryonic; embryologo etc.; embryogenese etc.; embryogenetic etc.

embryonal = {adj} embryonic, embryonal

embryonari = {adj} embryonic, embryonary

embryonic = {adj} emhryonic

emendamento = {n} amendment (1. improvement, correction; 2. "amendment of a law, bill, etc.")

emendar = {v} to amend (1. to improve, correct, emend; 2. "to amend a law, bill, etc.") {Hence:} emendamento; emendation

emendation = {n} emendation; {also:} improvement, correction

emer [em-/empt-;-im-/-empt-] {v} to buy, purchase {Hence:} emption; emptor; dirimer &; eximer &; perimer &; redimer &

emer- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} emerite

emergente 1. ppr of emerger; 2. {adj} emergent, emerging; evolution emergente emergent evolution

emergentia = {n} emergence

emerger [-merg-/-mers-] = {v} to emerge {Hence:} emergente-emergentia; emersion

emerite (-mé-) = {adj} emeritus

emers- see emerger

emersion = {n} emersion; {also:} [Astron.]

emetic = {adj} [Med.] emetic {Hence:} emetico

emetico = {n} [Med.] emetic

emigrante = {n} emigrant

emigrar = {v} 1. to emigrate; 2. [Nat. Hist.] to migrate {Hence:} emigrante; emigration; emigrato

emigration = {n} I. emigration (1. action of emigrating; 2. emigrants collectively); Il. [Nat. Hist.] migration

emigrato = {n} emigrant, émigré

emin- = {v} [occurring in derivatives) {Hence:} eminente-eminentia, preeminente-preeminentia, supereminente-supereminentia

eminente = {adj} 1. high, lofty; 2. eminent, outstanding

eminentia = {n} eminence (1. rising ground, height, etc.; 2. distinction of character, abilities, attainments); Eminentia [Eccl.] Eminence

emiss- see emitter

emissario (1) = {n} outlet, duct, emissary

emissario (2) = {n} emissary (= agent, envoy)

emission = {n} emission; {also:} [Com.] issuing, issue; banco de emission bank of issue

emissor = {n} emitter

emitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to emit; {also:} [Com.] to issue {Hence:} emission; emissor; emissario (1); emissario (2)

emmen- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] emmen- (= menses) {Hence:} emmenagoge etc. ...

emmen-agoge = {adj} [Med.] emmenagogue, emmenagogic {Hence:} emmenagogo

emmenagogo = {n} [Med.] emmenagogue

emolliente = {adj} emollient emolliente {n} emollient

emollir = {v} [Med.] to soften, mollify {Hence:} emolliente

emolumento = {n} emolument

emot- see emover

emotion = {n} emotion (= agitation of the feelings) {Hence:} emotional; emotionar-emotionante

emotional = {adj} emotional (= pertaining to emotions)

emotionante = {adj} moving, touching

emotionar = {v} to move, touch

emotive = {adj} emotive

emotivitate = {n} emotiveness, emotivity

emover [-mov-/-mot-] = {v} to move (= to affect emotionally) {Hence:} emotion &; emotive-emotivitate

empathia (-ía) = {n} empathy, Einfühlung

emphase (ém-) = {n} 1. emphasis; 2. bombast

emphatic = {adj} 1. emphatic; 2. bombastic

empir- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives] (= experienced) {Hence:} empirismo; empirista; empiric-empirico

empiric = {adj} empiric, empirical

empirico = {n} empiric (= one who follows an empirical method)

empirismo = {n} empiricism (= empirical method or practice)

empirista = {n} empiricist

emplastrar = {v} to plaster (= to apply a medicinal plaster to)

emplastro = {n} salve, plaster {Hence:} emplastrar

empleabile = {adj} employable

emplear = {v} to employ (1. to make use of; 2. to take or have in one's employ) {Hence:} empleo; empleabile; empleator; empleato; reemplear

empleato = {n} employee

empleator = {n} employer

empleo (-éo) = {n} I. employment (1. employing; 2. occupation); II. use (= action of using)

empt- see emer

emption = {n} purchase

emptor = {n} buyer, purchaser

empyree = {adj} empyreal {Hence:} empyreo

empyreo = {n} empyrean

empyreuma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} empyreuma {Hence:} empyreumatic

empyreumat- see empyreuma

empyreumatic = {adj} empyreumatic

emulgente = {n} 1. ppr of emulger; 2. {adj} [Anat.] emulgent (as in "emulgent vessels")

emulger [-mulg-/-muls-] = {v} to milk dry {Hence:} emulgente; emulsion-emulsionar-emulsionabile; emulsive; emulsor; emulsina

emuls- see emulger

emulsina = {n} [Chem.] emulsin

emulsion = {n} emulsion

emulsionabile = {adj} emulsifiable, emulsible

emulsionar = {v} to emulsify, emulsionize

emulsive = {adj} emulsive

emulsor = {n} emulsifier, emulsor

en- = {prefixo} [`em-' before `-b-', `-m-', `-p-', `-ph-'; used chiefly to form technical terms] en-, em- (= in, into) {Hence:} encylic etc.; enharmonic etc.; entelechia etc.

enarrabile = {adj} describable, explainable

enarrar = {v} to narrate, expound, explain {Hence:} enarrabile-inenarrabile; enarration

enarration = {n} narration, exposition

-enchyma [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} sclerenchyma etc. ...

enclitic = {adj} [Gram.] enclitic {Hence:} enclitico

enclitico = {n} enclitic

encyclic = {adj} encyclical {Hence:} encyclica

encyclica = {n} [Eccl.] encyclical (letter)

encyclopedia (-ía) = {n} encyclopedia {Hence:} encyclopedismo; encyclopedista; encyclopedic

encyclopedic = {adj} encyclopedic

encyclopedismo = {n} 1. encyclopedism; 2. Encyclopedism

encyclopedista = {n} encyclopedist

endemia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] endemic {Hence:} endemic

endemic = {adj} [Med.] endemic

endivia = {n} endive

endo- = {adv} [occurring in compounds] endo-, end- (= within) {Hence:} endoskeleto etc.; endocardio etc.; endosmose etc.; endogene etc.; endocrin etc.

endo-cardio = {n} [Anat.] endocardium {Hence:} endocarditis

endocarditis (-ítis) = {n} [Path.] endocarditis

endo-crin = {adj} [Physiol.] endocrine; glandulas endocrin endocrine glands {Hence:} endocrina-endocrinologo etc.

endocrina = {n} endocrine (gland)

endocrinologia (-ía) = {n} endocrinology

endocrino-logo (-nó-) = {n} endocrinologist {Hence:} endocrinologia

endo-game (-ógame) = {adj} [Anthropol.] endogamous {Hence:} endogmia

endogamia (-ía) = {n} [Anthropol.] ondogamy

endo-gene = {adj} endogenous

endo-skeleto (-ské-) = {n} [Zool.] endoskeleton

endosm- see endosmose

end-osmose = {n} endosmosis {Hence:} endosmotic

endosmotic = {adj} endosmotic

endo-sperma = {n} [Bot.] endosperm

Eneas (-né-) = {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Aeneas {Hence:} Eneide

Eneide (-néi-) = {n} [Lat. Lit.] Aeneid

energia (-ía) = {n} energy; energia atomic atomic energy; energia electric electric power {Hence:} energic

energic = {adj} energetic

enervante = {adj} enervating; unnerving

enervar = {v} to enervate, unnerve {Hence:} enervante; enervation; enervate

enervate 1. pp of enervar; 2. {adj} enervated, enervate

enervation = {n} enervation

enharmonic = {adj} [Mus.] enharmonic

enigma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} enigma; {also:} riddle; puzzle {Hence:} enigmatic; enigmatizar

enigmat- see enigma

enigmatic = {adj} enigmatic

enigmatizar = {v} to enigmatize

-enn- see anno

enoiar = {v} 1. to annoy, vex; 2. to bore; enoiar se to be bored {Hence:} enoio-enoiose

enoio (-nó-) = {n} 1. annoyance, worry, trouble; 2. boredom, ennui

enoiose (-óse) = {adj} boring

enorme = {adj} enormous {Hence:} enormitate

enormitate = {n} 1. enormousness; 2. enormity

ensemble [F] = {n} ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume)

ente = {n} [Philos.] ens {Hence:} entitate

-ente = {suffixo adjective} [used with verbs in `-er'; forming verbal adjectives] -ing, -ent (as in "recurring", "recurrent") {Hence:} -entia; coherente etc.; excellente etc.

-ente = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er'] -ent (1. one who or that which is ...ent; 2. one who or that which ...s) {Hence:} absorbente etc.; convalescente etc.; miscredente etc.; studente etc.

entel-echia (-ía) = {n} [Philos.] entelechy

entente [F] = {n} entente

enter-algia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] enteralgia

enteric = {adj} [Anat.] enteric

enteritis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] enteritis

entero-colitis (-ítis) = {n} [Pathol.] enterocolitis

entero-logia (-ía) = {n} enterology (= science or study of the intestines)

enteron (én-) = {n} [Anat., Zool.] enteron, alimentary canal {Hence:} enteritis; enteric; dysenteria &; enteralgia etc.; enterocolitis etc.; enterologia etc.; enterotomo etc.; lienteria etc.; mesenterio etc.; gastroenteritis etc.

entero-tomia (-ía) = {n} [Surg.] enterotomy

entero-tomo (-ró) = {n} [Surg.] enterotome

enthusias- [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} enthusiasmo &; enthusiasta &

enthusiasmar = {v} to render enthusiastic

enthusiasmo = {n} enthusiasm {Hence:} enthusiasmar

enthusiasta = {n} enthusiast {Hence:} enthusiastic

enthusiastic = {adj} enthusiastic, enthusiastical

-entia = {suffixo substantive} [used with verbs in `-er'] -ence, -ency (= state or quality of or being ...ant) {Hence:} adolescentia etc.; incandescentia etc.; omnipotentia etc.

entitate = {n} ertity

ento- = {adv} [occurring in compounds] ento-, ent- (= within, inside) {Hence:} entozoon etc.

entomo- = {n} [occurring in compounds] entomo- (= insect) {Hence:} entomologo etc.

entomologia (-ía) = {n} entomology

entomologic = {adj} entomological

entomologista = {n} entomologist

entomo-logo (-mó-) = {n} entomologist {Hence:} entomologia-entomologista; entomologic

ento-zoon (-zó-) (pl entozoa) = {n} entozoon

entranias = {npl} entrails

entrar = {v} to enter (= to go or come in); entrar in to enter (into) {Hence:} entrata

entrata = {n} entrance, entry (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall, etc. through which one enters); al entrata del (hiberno, etc.) at the beginning of (winter, etc.)

entrée [F] = {n} [Cooking] entree

entresol [F] = {n} entresol, mezzanine

enuclear = {v} to enucleate (1. to shell, husk, pod, etc.; 2. [Biol.]; 3. [Surg.] {Hence:} enucleation

enucleation = {n} enucleation

enumerar = {v} to enumerate {Hence:} enumeration; enumerative; enumerator

enumeration = {n} enumeration

enumerative = {adj} enumerative

enumerator = {n} enumerator

enunciar = {v} to enunciate (= to set forth) {Hence:} enunciation; enunciative; enunciato

enunciation = {n} enunciation (= statement)

enunciative = {adj} enunciative

enunciato = {n} formulation (of a problem)

enzyma = {n} enzyme

[eo] = {adv} 1. there; thither; 2. until, up to the time; 3. to that purpose, to that end; 4. therefore; 5. to that degree or extent

eo- {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] eo- (= dawn); Eos {npr} [Gr. Mythol.] Eos {Hence:} eoe; eosina-eosinophile etc.; eoanthropo etc.; eocen etc.

eo-anthropo (-tró-) = {n} [Paleontol.] Eoanthropus, Piltdown man

eo-cen [Geol.] = {adj} Eocene {Hence:} eoceno

eoceno = {n} [Geol.] Eocene

eoe (-ó-) = {adj} eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental)

eo-hippo = {n} [Paleontol.] Eohippus

eolic = {adj} Aeolian (= of Aeolus)

eolie = {adj} Aeolian (= of Aeolus); harpa eolie aeolian harp

eolithic = {adj} [Archeol.] eolithic

eo-litho (-ó-) = {n} [Archeol.] eolith {Hence:} eolithic

Eolo (é-) = {npr} [Mythol.] Aeolus {Hence:} eolic; eolie

eos- see eo-

eosina = {n} [Chem.] eosin

eosino-phile (-nó-) = {adj} [Biol.] eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous {Hence:} eosinophilo-eosinophilia

eosinophilia (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] eosinophilia

eosinophilo (-nó-) = {n} [Biol.] eosinophile

eozoic (-zó-) = {adj} [Geol.] Eozoic

eo-zoon (-zó-) = {n} [Geol.] eozoon {Hence:} eozoic

ep- see epi-

epaulette [F] = {n} epaulet, epaulette

ephedra = {n} [Bot.] Ephedra {Hence:} ephedrina

ephedrina = {n} [Pharm.] ephedrine

ephelide (-fé-) = {n} freckle

ephemere = {adj} ephemeral {Hence:} ephemeride; ephemero

ephemeride (-mé-) = {n} 1. calendar, almanac, etc.; 2. [Astron.] ephemeris; ephemerides ephemerides

ephemero (-fé-) = {n} [Zool.] ephemeron, ephemerid; ephemeros [Zool.] Ephemera, Ephemerida

epi- = {prefixo} [`ep-' before `-h-' or vowel, used chiefly to form technical terms] epi-, ep- (= on, upon) {Hence:} epigee etc.; epitaphio etc.; epizoon etc.; ephelide etc.; ephemere etc.

epic = {adj} epic, epical; (un) poema epic (an) epic

epicen = {adj} [Gram.] epicene

epicuree (-ée) = {adj} Epicurean; {also:} epicurean

epicureismo (-ízmo) = {n} 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism

epicureo (-éo) = {n} 1. Epicurean; 2. epicure, epicurean

epicurismo = {n} 1. [Philos.] Epicureanism; 2. epicurism

Epicuro = {npr} [Gr. Philos.] Epicurus {Hence:} epicurismo; epicuree-epicureismo, epicureo

epidemia (-ía) = {n} epidemic {Hence:} epidemic

epidemic = {adj} epidemic, epidemical

epidermis (-dér-) = {n} [Anat., Bot.] epidermis

epigee (-gé-) = {adj} [Bot.] epigeous (= growing upon the ground)

epiglottis (-gló-) = {n} [Anat.] epiglottis

epigono (-pí-) = {n} epigone (= one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation); Epigonos [Gr. Myth.] Epigoni

epigramma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} epigram {Hence:} epigrammatic

epigrammat- see epigramma

epigrammatic = {adj} epigrammatic

epilepsia (-ía) = {n} epilepsy

epileptic = {adj} epileptic (= having to do with epilepsy) {Hence:} epileptico

epileptico = {n} epileptic

opilogar = {v} to epilogize

epilogo (-pí-) = {n} epilogue {Hence:} epilogar

-epipedo (-í-) = {n} [occurring in compounds] -epiped (= plane surface)

epiphyto (-íphyto) = {n} [Bot.] epiphyte

episcopal = {adj} episcopal; ecclesia episcopal Episcopal Church episcopal {n} [Theol.] Episcopalian

episcopato = {n} episcopate (1. office, territory, tenure, etc. of a bishop; 2. body of bishops)

episcopo (-pís-) = {n} bishop {Hence:} episcorato; episcopal; archiepiscopo etc.

episodic = {adj} episodic, episodical

episodio = {n} episode {Hence:} episodic

epispastic = {adj} [Med.] epispastic

epistola (-pís-) = {n} 1. letter, epistle; 2. [Eccl.] Epistle {Hence:} epistolari; epistolero; epistolographo etc.

epistolari = {adj} epistolary

epistolero = {n} letter writer

epistolographia (-ía) = {n} epistolography

epistolographic = {adj} epistolographic

epistolo-grapho (-ló-) = {n} epistolographer {Hence:} epistolographia; epistolographic

epitaphio = {n} epitaph

epithetic = {adj} epithetic

epitheto (-íteto) = {n} [Gram.] epithet {Hence:} epithetic

epizoon (-zó-) (pl epizoa) = {n} [Zool.] epizoon

epocha (é-) = {n} epoch; epocha glacial Ice Age; facer epocha to be epoch-making {Hence:} epochal

epochal = {adj} epochal

epodo = {n} epode

eponyme (-ó-) = {adj} eponymous {Hence:} eponymia; eponymo

eponymia (-ía) = {n} eponymy

eponymo (-ó-) = {n} eponym, eponymus

epo-eia (-péya) = {n} epic, epic poem

epos (é-) = {n} epic, epic poem {Hence:} epic; epopeia etc.

-epte see apte

equabile = {adj} equable

equal = {adj} 1. equal; 2. equable, even {Hence:} equalitate; equalar-equalator; equalizar; inequal-inequalitate

equalar = {v} 1. to equalize; 2. to equal (= to be equal to); equaler se a un persona to consider oneself equal to someone

equalator = {n} equalizer, equaller

equalizar = {v} to equalize

equalitate = {n} 1. equality; 2. equability, evenness

equalmente = {adv} 1. equally; 2. likewise, also

equ-anime (equá-) = {adj} even-tempered {Hence:} equanimitate

equanimitate = {n} equanimity

equar = {v} to equate {Hence:} equabile-inequabile; equation; equator &; adequar &

equation = {n} equation (1. [Math.]; 2. [Astron.])

equator = {n} equator {Hence:} equatorial

Equator = {npr} Ecuador

equatorial = {adj} equatorial

eque = {adj} equitable; fair, right {Hence:} equitate; equal &; equar &; inique &; equilatere etc.; equivoc etc.; equidistante etc.; equinoctio etc.; equivaler etc.

-equer see sequer

equestre = {adj} equestrian; statua equestre equestrian statue

equi-differente = {adj} equidifferent

equi-distante = {adj} equidistant {Hence:} equidistantia

equidistantia = {n} equidistance

equilateral = {adj} equilateral, of equal sides

equi-latere = {adj} equilateral, of equal sides {Hence:} equilateral

equilibrar = {v} to balance (= to equilibrate); (ben) equilibrate (well-)balanced

equi-libre = {adj} balanced, in equilibrium {Hence:} equilibrio; equilibrar-equilibrista-equilibristic, disequilibrar-disequilibrate

equilibrio = {n} equilibrium, balance; equilibrio europee balance of power in Europe; perder le equilibrio to lose one's balance; mantener le equilibrio to keep one's balance

equilibrista = {n} equilibrist

equilibristic = {adj} equilibristic

equin = {adj} equine; pede equin clubfoot

equinoctial = {adj} equinoctial (= pertaining to either equinox); linea equinoctial equinoctial line, celestial equator

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