Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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incongenial = {adj} uncongenial

incongrue = {adj} incongruous

incongruente = {adj} incongruent

incongruentia = {n} incongruence

incongruitate = {n} incongruity, incongruousness

inconsciente = {adj} unconscious (= without consciousness)

inconscientia = {n} unconsciousness

inconsequente = {adj} 1. inconsequent, inconsecutive; 2. inconsistent (in reasoning, behavior, etc.)

inconsequentia = {n} inconsequence (1. want of logical sequence; 2. inconsistency (of reasoning, behavior, etc.))

inconsequential = {adj} inconsequential

inconsiderate = {adj} unconsidered, rash

inconsistente = {adj} 1. unsubstantial, not solid or firm; 2. inconsistent (= incoherent, incongruous)

inconsistentia = {n} 1. unsubstantiality, (= want of firmness); 2. inconsistency

inconsolabile = {adj} inconsolable

inconsolate = {adj} disconsolate, unconsoled

inconsonante = {adj} inconsonant

inconspicue = {adj} inconspicuous; unapparent

inconstante = {adj} inconstant

inconstantia = {n} inconstancy

inconstitutional = {adj} unconstitutional

inconstitutionalitate = {n} unconstitutionality

incontaminate = {adj} uncontaminated, incontaminate

incontentabile = {adj} not to be contented, not easily contented

incontestabile = {adj} incontestable

incontestabilitate = {n} incontestability

incontinente = {adj} incontinent

incontinentia = {n} incontinence (1. lack of self-restraint; 2. [Med.])

incontrar = {v} to encounter, meet {Hence:} incontro

incontro = {n} encounter, meeting; ir al incontro de to meet (= to go to meet)

incontrovertibile = {adj} incontrovertible

inconveniente = {adj} improper, not decent

inconveniente = {n} inconvenience

inconvenientia = {n} impropriety (= incorrectness of behavior)

inconvertibile = {adj} inconvertible

inconvertibilitate = {n} inconvertibility

incoragiamento (-ja-) = {n} encouragement

incoragiar (-ja-) = {v} to encourage

incorporal = {adj} incorporeal (as in "incorporeal being")

incorporalitate = {n} incorporeity

incorporar = {v} to incorporate ("to incorporate one thing in another") {Hence:} incorporation

incorporation = {n} incorporation (= synthesis, assimilation, embodiment, etc.)

incorporee = {adj} incorporeal

incorporeitate = {n} incorporeity

incorrecte = {adj} incorrect (1. improper; 2. wrong, inaccurate)

incorrection = {n} incorrectness

incorrigibile = {adj} incorrigible

incorrigibilitate = {n} incorrigibility, incorrigibleness

incorrupte = {adj} incorrupt

incorruptibile = {adj} incorruptible

incorruptibilitate = {n} incorruptibility

incortinar = {v} to curtain

increate = {adj} increate

incredibile = {adj} incredible

incredibilitate = {n} incredibility

incredule = {adj} incredulous

incredulitate = {n} incredulity

incriminar = {v} to incriminate

incrimination = {n} incrimination

incrustar = {v} 1. to encrust (= to cover with a crust, hard coating, or ornamental layer); 2. to inlay (= to decorate with something set in the surface) {Hence:} incrustation

incrustation = {n} I. incrustation (1. act of encursting; 2. crust, deposit, etc.); II. inlay

incubar = {v} to brood, incubate {Hence:} incubo; incubation; incubator

incubation = {n} incubation (1. act of brooding, incubating; 2. [Med.])

incubator = {n} incubator

incubo (ín-) = {n} incubus; {also:} nightmare

incude = {n} anvil (1. "anvil used by a smith"; 2. [Anat.] incus)

inculcar = {v} to inculcate {Hence:} inculcation; inculcator

inculcation = {n} inculcation

inculcator = {n} inculcator

inculpabile = {adj} innocent

incu1par = {v} to inculpate, incriminate

inculpation = {n} inculpation, incrimination

inculte = {adj} 1. uncultivated, untilled; 2. uncultured, untutored; 3. unkempt

incumbente = {adj} incumbent (= imposed as a duty or obligation)

incumbentia = {n} incumbency (= that which is imposed as a duty or obligation)

incumber = {v} -; incumber a to be incumbent (up)on

incunabulo = {n} [Bibliog.] incunabulum

incunar = {v} to put in a cradle

incurabile = {adj} incurable

incurabilitate = {n} incurability

incuria = {n} carelessness (= lack of care)

incuriose = {adj} incurious (1. not desirous of seeing or knowing; 2. not deserving or exciting curiosity)

incurrer [-curr-/curs-] = {v} 1. to run into; 2. to incur {Hence:} incursion

incurs- see incurrer

incursion = {n} incursion

incurvar = {v} to bend, curve {Hence:} incurvatura

incurvatura = {n} curve, curvature

[inde] = {adv} 1. from that place, from there, thence; 2. from that time, after that, thereupon, tenceforward; 3. from that cause, therefore {Hence:} deinde etc.

indebitar = {v} to involve in debt, to indebt; indebitar se to get or run into debt; esser indebitate to be in debt or indebted

indecente = {adj} indecent (1. unbecoming, unseemly; 2. offending against propriety or delicacy)

indecentia = {n} indecency (= lack of decency)

indecifrabile = {adj} indecipherable

indecise = {adj} indecisive, undecided (1. inconclusive, unsettled; 2. irresolute, hesitating)

indecision = {n} indecision

indeclinabile = {adj} 1. (that cannot be declined or refused) unavoidable; 2. [Gram.] indeclinable

indecorose = {adj} indecorous

indefectibile = {adj} indefectible

indefectibilitate = {n} indefectibility

indefendibile = {adj} indefensible

indefensibile = {adj} indefensible

indefinibile = {adj} indefinable

indefinite = {adj} indefinite; articulo indefinite [Gram.] indefinite article

indelibile = {adj} indelible

indelibilitate = {n} indelibility, indelibleness

indelicate = {adj} coarse (1. not fine; 2. unrefined, gross)

indelicatessa = {n} coarseness (1. quality of being coarse, not fine; 2. grossness)

indemne = {adj} unharmed, undamaged, uninjured; scatheless, whole, etc. {Hence:} indemnitate; indemnizar-indemnization

indemnizar = {v} to indemnify (= to compensate for damage, loss, or expenses incurred)

indemnization = {n} indemnification (act of indemnifying, compensating)

indemnitate = {n} 1. wholeness, scathelessness (= state or condition of being whole, unharmed, etc.); 2. indemnity (= compensation for damage, loss, or expenses incurred)

indemonstrabile = {adj} undemonstrable

indentar = {v} 1. to tooth, indent; 2. [Carp.] to join; {also:} to dovetail {Hence:} indentation

indentation = {n} indentation

independente = {adj} independent; independente de independent of

independentia = {n} independence; independentia de independence of

indescriptibile = {adj} indescribable

indesiderabile = {adj} undesirable

indesirabile = {adj} undesirable

indestructibile = {adj} indestructible

indestructibilitate = {n} indestructibility

indeterminabile = {adj} indeterminable

indeterminate = {adj} undetermined (1. indeterminate; 2. irresolute)

indetermination = {n} indetermination (1. (quality of being indeterminate; 2. irresoluteness)

indeterminismo = {n} [Philos.] indeterminism

indeterminista = {n} [Philos.] indeterminist

indevote = {adj} indevout, irreverent

indevotion = {n} indevotion, lack of devotion

India = {npr} India; Indias (oriental, occidental) (East, West) Indies

indiabolar = {v} to infuriate

indiabolate = {adj} possessed (by the devil)

indian = {adj} Indian (1. of or pertaining to India; 2. pertaining to the American Indians); Oceano Indian Indian Occan

indiana = {n} print, printed fabric Indiana {npr} Indiana {Hence:} Indianapolis etc.

Indiana-polis (-ná-) = {npr} Indianapolis

indiano = {n} 1. Indian, Hindu; 2. (American) Indian

indicar = {v} to indicate, be indicative of

indication = {n} indication

indicative = {adj} indicative (1. that indicates; 2. [Gram.]); modo indicative indicative mood

indicativo = {n} indicative, indicative mood

indicator = {n} indicator (1. one who, that which indicates; 2. [Technol.] gauge, meter, etc.); indicator (del stratas) (street) directory

indice (ín-) = {n} I. index (1. indicator; 2. forefinger; 3. as in "index of a book"); II. [R.C.Ch.] Index; poner al indice to put on the Index {Hence:} indicio; indicar-indication; indicative-indivativo; indicator

indicer [-dic-/-dict-] = {v} to announce {Hence:} indiction

indicibile = {adj} ineffable, inexpressible

indicio = {n} indication, mark, token; {also:} clue; indicios [Lav] circumstantial evidence

indict- see indicer

indiction = {n} I. indiction (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [Chronol.] cycle of indiction); II. [R.C.Ch.] convocation (of a council)

indifferente = {adj} indifferent {Hence:} indifferentia; indifferentismo; indifferentista

indifferentia = {n} indifference

indifferentismo = {n} indifferentism

indifferentista = {n} indifferentist

indigena (-dí-) = {n} native; attrib indigenous, native

indigente = {adj} indigent

indigentia = {n} indigence

indiger = {v} to need, be in need of {Hence:} indigente-indigentia

indigeste = {adj} 1. indigestible; 2. confused, disordered

indigestibile = {adj} indigestible

indigestibilitate = {n} indigestibility

indigestion = {n} indigestion

indignar = {v} to make indignant; indignar se (contra, de) to be indignant (with, at) {Hence:} indignation; indignate

indignate = {adj} indignant

indignation = {n} indignation

indigne = {adj} unworthy (1. undeserving; 2. unbecoming to the character or dignity of a person)

indignitate = {n} 1. unworthiness; 2. indignity, insult

indigo (ín-) = {n} indigo (1. the dye "indigo"; 2. the color "indigo"; 3. indigo plant) {Hence:} indigotina

indigotina = {n} [Chem.] indigotin

indirecte = {adj} indirect

indiscernibile = {adj} indiscernible

indiscrete = {adj} indiscreet

indiscretion = {n} indiscretion

indiscutibile = {adj} undebatable

indispensabile = {adj} indispensable

indispensabilitate = {n} indispensability

indisponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to indispose (1. to make unwell; 2. to make unwilling); indisponer un persona contra un persona to set someone against someone {Hence:} indisposition; indisposite

indisposit- see indisponer

indisposite (-pó-) = {adj} indisposed (= unwell); esser indisposite contra un persona to be unfriendly to someone

indisposition = {n} indisposition (1. slight ailment; 2. unwillingness, aversion)

indisputabile = {adj} indisputable

indissolubile = {adj} indissoluble

indissolubilitate = {n} indissolubility

indistincte = {adj} indistinct

indistinction = {n} indistinction (= want of distinction; confusion)

indistinguibile = {adj} indistinguishable

individual = {adj} individual

individualizar = {v} to individualize

individualization = {n} individualization

individualismo = {n} individualism

individualista = {n} individualist; attitude individualista individualistic attitude

individualitate = {n} individuality (= individual character)

individuar = {v} to single out, individuate

individuation = {n} individuation (1. action or process of singling out or individuating; 2. individuality, personal identity)

individuo = {n} individual {Hence:} individual-individualismo, individualista, individualitate, individualizar-individualization; individuar-individuation

indivise = {adj} undivided

indivisibile = {adj} indivisible

indivisibilitate = {n} indivisibility

indivision = {n} indivision

Indo = {npr} Indus, Sind; indo- [occurring in compounds] Indo- (= Indian, Hindu) {Hence:} India-indian-indiano, indiana; Indochina etc.; Indonesia etc.; indoeuropee etc.

Indo-china (-sh-) = {n} Indo-China; Indochina francese French Indo-China {Hence:} indochinese

indochinese (-sh-) = {adj} Indo-Chinese; linguas indochinese Indo-Chinese languages

indocile = {adj} indocile

indocilitate = {n} indocility

indo-europee = {adj} Indo-European {Hence:} indoeuropeo

indoeuropeo = {n} Indo-European

indolente = {adj} indolent (1. [Pathol.] painless; 2. averse to toil or exertion) {Hence:} indolentia

indolentia = {n} 1. indolence; 2. insensibility (lack of feeling)

indolor = {adj} painless

indomabile = {adj} untamable; indomitable

indomabilitate = {n} indomitability

indomate = {adj} untamed

Indo-nesia = {npr} Indonesia {Hence:} indonesian-indonesiano

indonesian = {adj} Indonesian

indonesiano = {n} Indonesian

indorsamento = {n} [Com.] endorsement, indorsement

indorsar = {v} [Com. ] to endorse {Hence:} indorsamento; indorsator

indorsator = {n} [Com.] endorser

indubitabile = {adj} indubitable

indubitate = {adj} undoubted

inducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to induce (1. as in "to induce a person to do something"; 2. [Logic]; 3. [Elec.]); inducer in error to mislead; inducer in tentation to lead into temptation; circuito inducite [Elec.l induced circuit {Hence:} induction; inductive; inductor

induct- see inducer

induction = {n} induction (1. [Logic]; 2. [Elec.; Magnet.]); bobina de induction induction coil

inductive = {adj} I. inducing, leading; II. inductive (1. [Logic]; 2. [Elec., Magnet.])

inductor = {n} 1. [Elec.] inductor; attrib [Elec.] inductive; 2. inducer

indulgente 1. pp of indulger; 2. {adj} indulgent

indulgentia = {n} indulgence (1. state or quality of being indulgent; 2. [R.C.Ch.])

indulgentiar = {v} [R.C.Ch.] to indulgence

indulger [-dulg-/-dult-] = {v} to be indulgent {Hence:} indulgente-indulgentia-indulgentiar; indulto

indult- see indulger

indulto = {n} [Canon Law] indult

indurabile = {adj} 1. that can be hardened; 2. endurable

indurar = {v} 1. to harden, indurate (= to make or become hard); 2. to endure (= to bear) {Hence:} indurabile; induration; indurate

indurate 1. ppr of indurar; 2. {adj} indurate

induration = {n} induration; {also:} [Med.]

industria = {n} 1. skill, ingenuity; 2. [Econ.] industry; cavallero de industria sharper {Hence:} industrial-industrialismo; industriose

industrial = {adj} industrial industrial {n} industrialist

industrialismo = {n} industrialism

industriose = {adj} 1. skilful, ingenious; industrious

inebriar = {v} to make drunk, inebriate; inebriar se to get drunk

inedibile = {adj} inedible, uneatable

inedibilitate = {n} inedibility

inedite (-né-) = {adj} 1. inedited; 2. unpublished

ineffabile = {adj} ineffable ineffabilitate {n} ineffability

inefficace = {adj} ineffective, inefficacious

inefficacia = {n} inefficacy

inefficiente = {adj} inefficient, inefficacious

inefficientia = {n} inefficiency

inelegante = {adj} inelegant

inelegantia = {n} inelegance, inelegancy

ineligibile = {adj} ineligible

ineligibilitate = {n} ineligibility

ineluctabile = {adj} ineluctable

inenarrabile = {adj} indescribable

inepte = {adj} inept, inapt {Hence:} ineptia; ineptitude

ineptia = {n} absurdity, nonsense

ineptitude = {n} 1. inaptitude; 2. ineptitude

inequabile = {adj} unequable

inequal = {adj} 1. unequal; 2. unequable, uneven

inequalitate = {n} 1. inequality; 2. unevenness

inerte = {adj} inert {Hence:} inertia

inertia = {n} inertia (1. [Phys.]; 2. inertness, apathy)

inestimabile = {adj} inestimable

inevitabile = {adj} inevitable

inexacte = {adj} inexact, inaccurate

inexactitude = {n} inexactitude, inaccuracy

inexcitabile = {adj} unexcitable

inexcusabile = {adj} inexcusable

inexcutabile = {adj} inexecutable, impracticable

inexhauribile = {adj} inexhaustible

inexhauste = {adj} unused, unexhausted

inexhaustibile = {adj} inexhaustible

inexigibile = {adj} unclaimable

inexistente = {adj} inexistent

inexistentia = {n} inexistence

inexorabile = {adj} inexorable

inexorabilitate = {n} inexorability

inexperientia = {n} inexperience

inexperimentate = {adj} inexperienced

inexperte = {adj} inexpert

inexpiabile = {adj} inexpiable

inexpiate = {adj} not expiated or atoned, unexpiated, inexpiate

inexplicabile = {adj} inexplicable

inexplicabilitate = {n} inexplicability

inexplicate = {adj} unexplained

inexplorabile = {adj} inexplorable

inexplorate = {adj} unexplored

inexpressive = {adj} inexpressive

inexprimibile = {adj} inexpressible

inexpugnabile = {adj} unassailable, impregnable

inextensibile = {adj} inextensible

inextension = {n} lack of extension

inextinguibile = {adj} inextinguishable

inextirpabile = {adj} incradicable, inextirpable

in extremis [L] in extremis

infacete = {adj} witless, insipid, unfunny

infacibile = {adj} infeasible, unfeasible

infacibilitate = {n} infeasibility, unfeasibility

infallibile = {adj} infallible

infallibilitate = {n} infallibility

infamante = {adj} [Law] infamous (as in "infamous punishment")

infamar = {v} to render infamous

infame = {adj} infamous (= of ill fame or repute) {Hence:} infamia; infamar-infamante, disinfamar

infamia = {n} infamy

infante = {n} 1. baby, infant; {also:} child; 2. infante {Hence:} infanteria; infantia; infantil-infantilismo; infanticida etc.; infanticidio etc.

infanteria (-ía) = {n} infantry

infantia = {n} 1. babyhood; 2. childhood

infanti-cida = {n} infanticide (= one who commits infanticide)

infanticidio = {n} infanticide (= act of killing an infant)

infantil = {adj} infantile (= pertaining to an infant or infants); paralyse infantil infantile paralysis

infantilismo = {n} infantilism

infarinar = {v} to flour (= to sprinkle or cover with flour)

infatigabile = {adj} indefatigable

infatigabilitate = {n} indefatigability

infatuar = {v} to infatuate; infatuar se to become infatuated {Hence:} infatuation

infatuation = {n} infatuation

infebramento = {n} 1. (action of) throwing into a fever; 2. feverishness

infebrar = {v} to throw into a fever, make feverish

infect- see infic-

infectar = {v} to infect

infecte = {adj} foul (= offensive to the senses)

infection = {n} infection

infectiose = {adj} infectious

infective = {adj} infectious, infective

infecunde = {adj} infecund

infecunditate = {n} infecundity

infelice = {adj} unhappy, unfortunate

infelicitate = {n} 1. infelicity, unhappiness; 2. bad fortune, misfortune

infere = {adj} [Bot.] inferior (as in "inferior ovary") {Hence:} inferior &

inferentia = {n} [Logic] inference

inferer = {v} [Logic] to infer {Hence:} inferentia; inferibile

inferibile = {adj} inferrible

inferior = {adj} 1. lower; 2. inferior {Hence:} inferioritate

inferioritate = {n} inferiority

infernal = {adj} infernal; petra infernal [Med.] lunar caustic; machina infernal infernal machine

inferno = {n} hell, inferno {Hence:} infernal

infertile = {adj} infertile

infertilitate = {n} infertility

infestar = {v} to infest

infestation = {n} infestation

infestator = {n} infester

infeste = {adj} 1. harmful; 2. hostile {Hence:} infestar-infestation; infestator

infeudar = {v} to enfeoff (= to give in vassalage)

infeudation = {n} infeudation, enfeoffment

infic- [-fic-/-fect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} infection-infectiose, disinfection; infective; infecte; infectar-disinfectar-disinfectante (1)-disinfectante (2), disinfectator

infidel = {adj} 1. unfaithful; 2. infidel

infidelitate = {n} infidelity (1. unfaithfulness; 2. want of religious belief)

infilada = {n} 1. succession, series (of doors, etc.); 2. [Mil.] enfilade

infilar = {v} to thread (a needle), string (beads, etc.) {Hence:} infilada

infiltrar = {v} -; infiltrar se to infiltrate (= to enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a substance)

infiltration = {n} infiltration

infinitate = {n} infinity; un infinitate de (cosas) an infinity of, no end of (things)

infinite = {adj} infinite {Hence:} infinitate; infinitude; infinitesime-infinitesimal; infinito

infinitesimal = {adj} infinitesimal; calculo infinitesimal infinitesimal calculus

infinitesime (-ésime) = {adj} infinitesimal

infinitive = {adj} [Gram.] infinitive {Hence:} infinitivo

infinitivo = {n} [Gram.] infinitive

infinito = {n} 1. infinite; 2. [Math.] infinity; al infinito ad infinitum

infinitude = {n} infinitude, infiniteness

infirmar = {v} 1. to weaken, make infirm; 2. to invalidate

infirmation = {n} 1. (action of) weakening, making infirm; 2. invalidation

infirme = {adj} infirm, frail {Hence:} infirmero; infirmera; infirmeria; infirmitate; infirmar-infirmation

infirmera = {n} nurse (= woman who takes care of the sick)

infirmeria (-ía) = {n} infirmary, sickroom

infirmero = {n} male nurse

infirmitate = {n} chronic ailment

inflammabile = {adj} inflammable (1. easily set on fire; 2. easily excited)

inflammabilitate = {n} inflammability

inflammar = {v} I. to fire, set on fire; II. to inflame (1. [Med.]; 2. to fire, stir up)

inflammate I. pp of inflammar; II. {adj} 1. blazing, burning; glowing; ardent; 2. inflamed

inflammation = {n} inflammation (1. ignition; 2. [Med.])

inflammative = {adj} inflammative

inflammatori = {adj} inflammatory (1. [Med.]; 2. as in "inflammatory writings")

inflar = {v} 1. to inflate; 2. to swell {Hence:} inflation &; disinflar

inflation = {n} 1. inflation; {also:} [Econ.]; 2. swelling {Hence:} inflationismo; inflationista

inflationismo = {n} infationism

inflationista = {n} inflationist

inflecter [-flect-/-flex-] = {v} to inflect (1. to bend; 2. [Gram.]); inflecter (su voce) to inflect (one's voice); inflecter se [Opt.] to be diffracted {Hence:} inflexion

inflex- see inflecter

inflexibile = {adj} inflexible

inflexibilitate = {n} inflexibility

inflexion = {n} I. inflection, inflexion (1. action of inflecting or bending; 2. [Gram.]); II. [Opt.] diffraction; inflexion (de voce) inflection (of the voice)

inflict- see infliger

infliction = {n} infliction

infliger [-flig-/-flict-l = {v} to inflict {Hence:} infliction

infloramento = {n} (action of) strewing flowers

inflorar = {v} to strew with flowers {Hence:} infloramento

inflorescentia = {n} [Bot.] inflorescence

inflorescer = {v} to begin to blossom {Hence:} inflorescentia

influente = {adj} influential

influentia = {n} influence

influentiar = {v} to influence

influenza [I] = {n} [Pathol.] influenza

influer [-flu-/-flux-] = {v} -; influer super to affect, have an effect on {Hence:} influente-influentia-influentiar; influxo

influx- see influer

influxo = {n} influx, inflow

in-folio = {n} folio (= book in folio)

informante = {n} informant

informar = {v} to inform (1. to give form to; 2. to impart knowledge to); mal informate misinformed {Hence:} informante; information; informative; informator

information = {n} information

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