Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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integration = {n} integration (= act of integrating; {also:} [Math.])

integrator = {n} integrator

integre (ín-) = {adj} 1. entire, whole; 2. upright (= of unfailing integrity) {Hence:} integritate; integral; integrar-integrante, integrabile-integrabilitate, integration, integrator, disintegrar-disintegration, reintegrar-reintegration

integritate = {n} integrity (1. entirety; 2. uprightness)

intellect- see intellig-

intellection = {n} intellection (= action or process of understanding)

intellective = {adj} intellective

intellecto = {n} intellect {Hence:} intellectual-intellectualitate

intellectu- see intellecto

intellectual = {adj} intellectual intellectual {n} intellectual

intellectualitate = {n} intellectuality

intellig- [-lig-/-lect-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} intelligente-intelligentia; inintelligente-inintelligentia; intelligibile-inintelligibile; intellection; intellective; intellecto &

intelligente = {adj} intelligent

intelligentia = {n} 1. intelligence (as in "intelligence quotient"); 2. understanding; {also:} knowledge, intelligence (of a thing); haber intelligentia de to understand, have knowledge of; haber intelligentia con (le inimico) to have an understanding with (the enemy)

intelligentsia [R] = {n} intelligentsia, educated (class or classes)

intelligibile = {adj} intelligible

intemperante = {adj} intemperate

intemperantia = {n} intemperance

intemperate = {adj} intemperate

intentente = {n} intendant; {also:} administrator, superintendent, etc.

intendentia = {n} intendency (= office and function of an intendant); also: administration, superintendence, management, etc.

intender [-tend-/-tent-/-tens-] = {v} 1. to intend (= to plan); 2. to understand, apprehend; intender se to get along (together); dar a intender to give to understand {Hence:} intendimento; intendente-intendentia; intention-intentional, intentionate; intente; intento; intentar; intension; intensive; intense-intensitate, intensificar-intensification; superintender &

intendimento = {n} understanding (= ability to understand)

intenibile = {adj} untenable

intenibilitate = {n} untenability, intenability

intens- see intender

intense = {adj} intense (= existing in an extreme degree)

intensificar = {v} to intensify (= to increase the intensity of)

intensification = {n} intensification

intension = {n} intension, intenseness

intensitate = {n} intensity

intensive = {adj} intensive (1. having intensity; 2. [Gram.]); cultura intensive [Agr.] intensive cultivation

intent- see intender

intentar = {v} -; intentar un accusation contra [Law] to direct an accusation against; intentar un processo or un action contra [Law] to institute proceedings, or enter an action, against

intente = {adj} intent

intention = {n} intention; con intention intentionality, purposely

intentional = {adj} intentional

intentionate = {adj} -; ben, mal, intentionate well-, ill-, intentioned

intento = {n} intent, intention

inter (ín-) = {prep} 1. between; 2. among {Hence:} intertanto etc.; [interdum] etc.

inter- = {prefixo} [used with nouns, adjectives, and verbs; also in combination with adjectival suffixes] inter- (= between, among) {Hence:} interacto etc.; interlingua etc., interstellar etc; intervertebral etc.; intercambiar etc.; intervenir etc.

interacto = {n} entr'acte (1. intermission;, piece of music, etc.; performed between the acts of a play)

intercalar = {v} intercalate {Hence:} intercalari; intercalation

intercalari = {adj} intercalary

intercalation = {n} intercalation

intercambiabile = {adj} interchangeable

intercambiar = {v} to interchange, exchange {Hence:} intercambio; intercambiabile

intercambio = {n} interchange

interceder [-ced-/-cess-] = {v} to intercede {Hence:} intercession; intercessor

intercept- see intercip-

interceptar = {v} to intercept (= to seize or stop on the way from one place to another)

interception = {n} interception

intercess- see interceder

intercession = {n} intercession

intercessor = {n} intercessor

intercip- [-cip-/-cept-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} interception; interceptar

intercostal = {adj} [Anat.] intercostal

intercruciar = {v} to intercross (= to put crosswise); intercruciar se to intercross (= to form a cross with one another)

intercurr- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} intercurrente

intercurrente = {adj} intercurrent (1. intervening; 2. [Med.])

*intercurrer = {v] run or occur together or intervene or intercur between points in time

intercutanee = {adj} intercutaneous, subcutaneous

interdicer [-dic-/-dict-] = {v} to interdict (1. to forbid; 2. [Eccl.]) {Hence:} interdiction; interdicto

interdict- see interdicer

interdiction = {n} interdiction (1. prohibition; 2. [Law])

interdicto = {n} [Eccl.] interdict

interdigital = {adj} situated between the digits, interdigital

[inter-dum] (-tér-) = {adv} sometimes, occasionally; for some time; meanwhile, in the meantime

[inter-ea] (-té-) = {adv} meanwhile, in the meantime

interessante 1. ppr of interessar; 2. {adj} interesting

interessar = {v} to interest; interessar se to be interested, take an interest

interessate 1. pp of interessar; 2. {adj} interested (= self-interested, self-seeking)

interessato = {n} interested party

interesse = {n} interest (1. as in "to have an interest in some enterprise"; 2. as in "to take an interest in some subject"; 3. [Fin.]); in le interesse de un persona in or to somebody's interest; prender interesse to take an interest; (libro) sin interesse uninteresting (book); interesse simplice, composite simple, compound, interest {Hence:} interessar-interessante, interessate-interessato-cointeressato; disinteresse-disinteressar-disinteressate

interferentia = {n} [Phys.] interference

interferir = {v} [Phys.] to interfere {Hence:} interferentia

interfoliacee = {adj} [Bot.] interfoliaceous

interfoliar = {v} to interleave (a book, etc.)

interim (ín-) = {adv} meanwhile, (in the) meantime {Hence:} interime

interim (ín-) = {n} interim; in le interim in the interim

interime (té-) = {adj} interim

interior = {adj} interior; {also:} inside, inner, etc.; vita interior inner life; commercio interior domestic, interior trade interior {n} inside, interior

interject- see interjic-

interjection = {n} [Gram.] interjection

interjective = {adj} interjectional

interjic- [jic-/-ject-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} interjection; interjective

interlardamento = {n} (action of) larding or interlarding

interlardar = {v} 1. [Cookery] to lard; 2. to interlard

interlinea = {n} (blank) space (between two written or printed lines)

interlinear = {adj} interlinear interlinear {v} to interlineate, to interline

interlineation = {n} interlineation

interlingua = {n} interlanguage, interlingua

interlingual = {adj} interlingual

interlinguista = {n} interlinguist

interlinguistica = {n} interlinguistics

interlocut- see interloquer

interlocution = {n} interlocution (= interchange of speech)

interlocutor = {n} interlocutor

interlocutori = {adj} [Law] interlocutory

interloquer [loqu-/-locut-] = {v} 1. to interject (a remark); 2. [Law] to award or pronounce an interlocutory decree {Hence:} interlocution; interlocutor; interlocutori

interludio = {n} interlude

interlunio = {n} interlunation, interlunar period

intermaxillar = {adj} intermaxillary; osso intermaxillar intermaxillary bone

intermediari = {adj} intermediary, intermediate

intermediario = {n} intermediary

intermedie = {adj} intermediary, intermediate {Hence:} intermediari-intermediario; intermedio

intermedio = {n} entr'acte (= dance, piece of music, etc., performed between the acts of a play)

intermezzo [I] = {n} intermezzo

interminabile = {adj} interminable

intermiss- see intermitter

intermission = {n} intermission

intermittente = {adj} intermittent; pulso intermittente [Med.] intermittent pulse

intermittentia = {n} intermittence, intermittency

intermitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to intermit; interrupt {Hence:} intermittente-intermittentia; intermission

internamento = {n} internment; campo de internamento internment camp

internar = {v} to intern

international = {adj} international

internationalizar = {v} to internationalize

internationalization = {n} internationalization

internationalismo = {n} internationalism

internationalista = {n} internationalist

internationalitate = {n} internationality

internato = {n} boarding school

interne = {adj} internal; {also:} inner, inside, etc.; angulo interne interior angle; medicina interne internal medicine; (medicamento) pro uso interne (medicine) for internal use {Hence:} internar-internamento; interno-internato

interno = {n} 1. [School] boarder, boarding student; 2. [Med.] intern(e)

internodio = {n} internode

internuncio = {n} internuncio (= representative of the Pope)

interossee = {adj} [Anat.] interosseous

interpellante = {n} interpellant

interpellar = {v} 1. to challenge (someone) to answer; 2. [Parl.] to interpellate {Hence:} interpellante; interpellation; interpellator

interpellation = {n} 1. (peremptory) questioning; 2. interpellation

interpellator = {n} interpellant

interpolar = {v} to interpolate {Hence:} interpolation; interpolator

interpolation = {n} interpolation

interpolator = {n} interpolator

interponer [-pon-/-posit-] = {v} to interpose {Hence:} interposition

interposit- see interponer

interposition = {n} interposition

interprendente = {adj} enterprising

interprender [-prend-/-pris-] = {v} to undertake {Hence:} interprendente; interprisa; interprenditor

interprenditor = {n} (one who undertakes something) undertaker, entrepreneur; {also:} contractor

interpretabile = {adj} interpretable

interpretar = {v} to interpret (1. to explain or expound; 2. to translate as interpreter)

interpretation = {n} interpretation

interpretative = {adj} interpretive, interpretative

interprete (-tér-) = {n} interpreter (1. one whose profession is to translate orally; 2. one who explains or expounds) {Hence:} interpretar-interrpretabile, interpretation, interpretative, misinterpretar-misinterpretation

interpris- see interprender

interprisa = {n} undertaking, enterprise

interramento = {n} interment, burial

interrar = {v} to inter, bury {Hence:} interramento

interregno = {n} interregnum

interrogar = {v} to interrogate, examine {Hence:} interrogation; interrogative; interrogator; interrogatori; interrogatorio

interragation = {n} interrogation; puncto de interrogation question mark

interrogative = {adj} [Gram.] interrogative

interrogator = {n} interrogator

interrogatori = {adj} interrogatory

interrogatorio = {n} [Law] interrogatory

interrumper [-rump-/-rupt-] r to interrupt (1. to break in upon; 2. as in "a building interrupts the view") {Hence:} interruption; interruptive; iuterruptor; interrupte-ininterrupte

interrupt- see interrumper

interrupte = {adj} interrupted

interruption = {n} interruption (= action of interrupting, breaking in upon)

interruptive = {adj} interruptive

interruptor = {n} interrupter (1. one who interrupts; 2. [Elec.])

intersection = {n} [Geom.] intersection

interstellar = {adj} interstellar

interstitial = {adj} interstitial

interstitio = {n} 1. interstice; 2. interval (= space of time between two events) {Hence:} interstitial

intertanto = {adv} meanwhile, in the meantime

intertener = {v} to entertain (= to divert, amuse) {Hence:} intertenimento

intertenimento = {n} entertainment (= diversion, amusement)

intertropical = {adj} intertropical

intervallo = {n} interval

intervenir [-ven-/-vent-] = {v} to intervene (as in "to intervene in a quarrel") {Hence:} intervention

intervent- see intervenir

intervention = {n} intervention (as in "intervention in a quarrel")

intervertebral = {adj} intervertebral

intervider [-vid-/-vist-] = {v} to catch sight of, catch a glimpse of {Hence:} intervista

interview [A] = {n} [Journ.] interview {Hence:} interviewar

interviewar = {v} [Journ.] to interview

interviewer [A] = {n} [Journ.] interviewer

intervist- see intervider

intervista = {n} interview (= meeting, conference)

intervocalic = {adj} [Phonet.] intervocalic

intestate = {adj} [Law] intestate (= without having made a valid will)

intestin = {adj} intestine {Hence:} intestino-intestinal

intestinal = {adj} intestinal

intestino = {n} intestine, bowel

inthronamento = {n} enthronement

inthronar = {v} to enthrone

intimar = {v} to intimate (= to make known formally) {Hence:} intimation

intimation = {n} intimation (= formal notification)

intime (ín-) = {adj} intimate (1. inward, deepseated; 2. close) {Hence:} intimitate; intimar &

intimidabile = {adj} easily intimidated

intimidar = {v} to intimidate

intimidation = {n} intimidation

intimitate = {n} intimacy

intitular = {v} to entitle (as in "to entitle a book, etc.") {Hence:} intitulation

intitulation = {n} (act of) entitling (as in "entitling a book, etc.")

intolerabile = {adj} intolerable

intolerabilitate = {n} intolerability

intolerante = {adj} intolerant

intolerantia = {n} intolerance

intonar = {v} to intonate, intone {Hence:} intonation

intonation = {n} intonation

intonnar = {v} to tun, barrel

intorquer [-torqu-/-tors-] = {v} to twist inwards {Hence:} intorsion

intors- see intorquer

intorsion = {n} intorsion

intoxicar = {v} to poison {Hence:} intoxication

intoxication = {n} toxication, poisoning

intra = {adv/prep} within

intra- {prefixo} [used chiefly with adjectives] intra- (= inside, within) {Hence:} intradorso etc.; intramural etc.; intravenose etc.

intractabile = {adj} intractable

intractabilitate = {n} intractability

intradorso = {n} [Arch.] intrados

intraducibile = {adj} untranslatable

intramural = {adj} intramural

intransferibile = {adj} not transferable, untransferable

intransigente = {adj} uncompromising, intransigent

intransigentia = {n} intransigence

intransmissibile = {adj} not transmissible

intransmutabile = {adj} not transmutable

intravenose = {adj} intravenous; injection intravenose intravenous injection

intrepide = {adj} intrepid

intrepiditate = {n} intrepidity

intricar = {v} I. to entangle, confuse, intricate; II. to intrigue (1. to excite the curiosity or interest of; 2. to carry on underhand plotting or scheming); intricar se to get entangled {Hence:} intrico; intrication; intricate

intricate 1. pp of intricar; 2. {adj} intricate

intrication = {n} intrication, intricacy, complication

intrico = {n} I. intricacy, complication; 2. intrigue (= underhand plotting or scheming)

intriga = {n} intrigue (1. underhanded plotting or scheming; 2. plot of a play, novel, etc.); intriga amorose, intriga galante intrigue (= secret love affair)

intrigante 1. ppr of intrigar; 2. {adj} scheming intrigante {n} intriguer, intrigant

intrigar = {v} to intrigue (1. to excite the curiosity or interest of; 2. to carry on underhand plotting or scheming) {Hence:} intriga; intrigante

intrinsec (-trín-) = {adj} intrinsic

intro = {adv} inwardly, internally, on the inside, in

intro- {prefixo} [used with verbs] intro- (= inwards, to the inside) {Hence:} introducer etc.; introspicer etc.

introducer [-duc-/-duct-] = {v} to introduce (= to insert, put in, bring in, etc.) {Hence:} introduction; introductive; introductor; introductori

introduct- see introducer

introduction = {n} introduction; littera de introduction letter of introduction

introductive = {adj} introductory, introductive

introductor = {n} 1. introducer; 2. introductor (of ambassadors)

introductori = {adj} introductory

intromiss- see intromitter

intromission = {n} intromission

intromitter [-mitt-/-miss-] = {v} to intromit {Hence:} intromission

introspect- see introspicer

introspection = {n} introspection

introspective = {adj} introspective

introspicer [-spic-/-spect-] = {v} to introspect (1. to look within; 2. to practice introspection) {Hence:} introspection; introspective

introvabile = {adj} not to be found

introvers- see introverter

introversion = {n} introversion (1. action or state of turning inwards; 2. [Relig.] contemplation of the indwelling divine presence; 3. [Psychol.])

introverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} to introvert (1. Zool.] to draw inward, invaginate; 2. to turn the mind, direct the attention, inward; 3. to be introverted) {Hence:} introversion; introvertite-introvertito

introvertite 1. pp of introverter; 2. {adj} [Psychol.] introverted

introvertito = {n} [Psychol.] introvert

intruder [-trud-/-trus-] = {v} to intrude (= to thrust or force in or upon); intruder se to intrude (= to thrust oneself in, to encroach) {Hence:} intrusion; intruse-intruso

intrus- see intruder

intruse = {adj} intruding

intrusion = {n} intrusion (= act of intruding upon someone)

intruso = {n} intruder

intuer = {v} to perceive by intuition, to intuit {Hence:} intuition; intuitive

intuition = {n} intuition

intuitive = {adj} intuitive

intumescente 1. ppr of intumescer; 2. {adj} intumescent

intumescentia = {n} intumescence

intumescer = {v} to intumesce {Hence:} intumescente-intumescentia

intus (ín-) = {adv} inside (1. on the inside, within; 2. into, to the inside) {Hence:} intussusception etc.

intus-susception = {n} [Physiol.] intussusception

inundar = {v} to flood, inundate {Hence:} inundation

inundation = {n} inundation, flood

inurban = {adj} inurbane

inusabile = {adj} unusable

inusual = {adj} unusual (1. out of the ordinary; 2. not customary)

inutile = {adj} useless

inutilizabile = {adj} unutilizable, unusable

inutilizar = {v} to render useless

inutilizate = {adj} not utilized, unused

inutilitale = {n} uselessness

invader [-vad-/-vas-] = {v} to invade {Hence:} invasion; invasive; invasor

invaginar = {v} to invaginate {Hence:} invagination; invaginate

invaginate 1. pp of invaginar; 2. {adj} invaginated, invaginate

invagination = {n} invagination, intussuception

invainar = {v} to sheathe (a sword, etc.)

invalidar = {v} to invalidate

invalidation = {n} invalidation

invalide (-vá-) = {adj} 1. invalid, disabled; 2. invalid, without legal force

invaliditate = {n} invalidity (1. want of bodily strength; 2. want of validity, invalidness)

invalido (-vá-) = {n} invalid; specif.: disabled soldier

invariabile = {adj} invariable

invariabilitate = {n} invariability

invas- see invader

invasar = {v} to fill into containers; {also:} to bottle, etc.

invasion = {n} invasion

invasive = {adj} invasive

invasor = {n} invader

invect- see inveher

invectiva = {n} invective, abuse

invective = {adj} abusive, reviling

inveher [-veh-/-vect-] = {v} to inveigh {Hence:} invective-invectiva

inveloppamento = {n} envelopment

inveloppar = {v} to envelop, wrap up {Hence:} inveloppe; inveloppamento; disinveloppar

inveloppe = {n} envelope

inven- [-ven-/-vent-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives) {Hence:} invention; inventive; inventor; inventar

invendibile = {adj} unsalable

invenenamento = {n} (act of) poisoning

invenenar = {v} to poison

invent- see inven-

inventar = {v} to invent

inventariar = {v} to inventory

inventario = {n} inventory; facer le inventario to take stock; beneficio de inventario [Law] beneficium inventarii, benefit of inventory {Hence:} inventariar

invention = {n} invention; invention del cruce Invention of the Cross

inventive = {adj} inventive

inventor = {n} inventor

inverisimile = {adj} unlikely, improbable

inverosimilante = {adj} unlikely, improbable

inverosimilantia = {n} lack of verisimilitude, improbability

invers- see inverter

inverse = {adj} inverse

inversion = {n} inversion

inversive = {adj} inversive

inverso = {n} inverse

inversor = {n} [Elec.] reversing switch

invertebrate = {adj} invertebrate

invertebrato = {n} [Zool.] invertebrate

inverter [-vert-/-vers-] = {v} 1. to invert; 2. to capsize; inverter le currente electric to reverse the electric current {Hence:} invertina; inversion; inversive; inversor; inverse-inverso

invertina = {n} [Biochem.] invertase, invertin

investigabile = {adj} investigable

investigar = {v} to investigate {Hence:} investigabile; investigation; investigator

investigation = {n} investigation

investigator = {n} investigator

investimento = {n} 1. investiture (= formal investing of a person with an office, power, etc.); 2. beleaguerment; 3. [Fin.] investment

investir = {v} to invest (1. as in "to invest with supreme authority"; 2. to beleaguer; 3. [Fin.]) {Hence:} investimento, investitura

investitura = {n} investiture (= formal investing of a person with an office, power, etc.)

inveterar = {v} 1. to grow old; 2. to grow inveterate {Hence:} inveterate

inveterate = {adj} inveterate

inviar = {v} to send {Hence:} invio; inviato

inviato = {n} envoy (1. messenger, representative; 2. [Dipl.])

invicte = {adj} unvanquished

invide (ín-) = {adj} envious {Hence:} invidia-invidiose, invidiar-invidiabile

invidia = {n} 1. covetousness; 2. envy (= feeling of envy)

invidiabile = {adj} enviable

invidiar = {v} to envy (1. to covet; 2. to be envious of)

invidiose = {adj} envious

invincibile = {adj} invincible

invincibilitate = {n} invincibility

invio (-ío) = {n} sending, dispatch

inviolabile = {adj} inviolable

inviolabilitate = {n} inviolability

inviolate = {adj} inviolate

invirgar = {v} [Naut.] to bend (a sail)

invirgatura = {n} 1. [Naut.] (action of) bending (a sail); 2. [Naut.] spread (of sails)

invisibile = {adj} invisible

invisibilitate = {n} invisibility

invitar = {v} to invite {Hence:} invitation; invitator; invitatori; invitatorio; invitato; convitar &

invitation = {n} invitation

invitato = {n} (invited) guest

invitator = {n} one who invites, inviter

invitatori = {adj} inviting, invitatory

invitatorio = {n} [Eccl.] invitatory

invocar = {v} to invoke (1. to call upon for help or protection; 2. to conjure); invocar le adjuta de un persona to appeal to someone for help {Hence:} invocation; invocator; invocatori

invocation = {n} invocation

invocator = {n} invoker

invocatori = {adj} invocatory

involuntari = {adj} involuntary

involut- see involver

involute = {adj} involute (1. involved, intricate; 2. [Bot.])

involution = {n} involution (1. act of involving; state of being involved; 2. retrograde development)

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