Interlingua English Dictionary revised in plain ascii format

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leder [led-/les-;-lid-/-lis-] {v} to wound, injure {Hence:} lesion; lese-illese; collider &; elider &

legal = {adj} legal; medicina legal forensic medicine

legalizar = {v} to legalize (= to make legal, render legally valid)

legalization = {n} legalization

legalitate = {n} legality, lawfulness

legar = {v} 1. to delegate, send as an envoy; 2. to bequeath {Hence:} legation; legato (1); legato (2)-legatario; allegar &; delegar &; relegar &

legatario = {n} legatee

legation = {n} legation (1. office, position, dignity, etc., of a legate or of an envoy; 2. diplomatic representative of a country together with his staff; 3. premises occupied by a legation)

legato (1) = {n} I. legate (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. [R.C.Ch.]); II. envoy

legato (2) = {n} legacy; {also:} bequest

lege = {n} law; homine de lege man of law, lawyer; lege martial martial law; lege de talion law of retaliation; in le nomine del lege in the name of the law {Hence:} legista; legal-legalitate, legalizar-legalization, illegal-illegalitate; legitime &; legifere &; legisfer- etc.

legenda = {n} legend (1. myth, fable; 2. inscription, caption); Legenda auree Golden Legend, Legenda Aurea {Hence:} legendari

legendari = {adj} legendary

leger (1) [-leg-/-lect-] = {v} to gather, pick {Hence:} colliger &; dilig- &; eligir &; seliger &; sacrilege etc.; sortilegio etc.; spicilegio etc.; privilegio etc.

leger (2) [leg-/-lect-] = {v} to read (as in "to read a book, letter, etc.") {Hence:} legenda &; legibile-legibilitate, illegibile-illegibilltate; lection; lector; lectura; releger

legibile = {adj} legible; readable

legibilitate = {n} legibility; readibility

legier (-jér) = {adj} 1. light (= of little weight); 2. slight trifling; 3. superficial, shallow; 4. nimble, agile, fleet {Hence:} legieressa

legieressa (-jer-) = {n} 1. lightness (= state of being not heavy); 2. slightness, trifling; 3. superficiality, shallowness; 4. nimbleness, agility, fleetness

legiferar = {v} to legislate

legifere = {adj} lawmaking {Hence:} legifero; legiferar

legifero (-í-) = {n} lawmaker

legion = {n} legion (1. [Mil]; 2. very large number); legion de honor Legion of Honor; legion estranier Foreign Legion {Hence:} legionari; legionario

legionari = {adj} legionary

legionario = {n} legionary; {also:} legionnaire

legis- see lege

legis-fer- [-fer-/-lat-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} legislation; legislative; legislator; legislatura

legislat- see legisfer-

legislation = {n} legislation (1. making of laws; 2. laws made)

legislative = {adj} legislative (as in "legislative body")

legislator = {n} legislator

legislatura = {n} 1. legislature (= legislative body); 2. time of office of a legislative body

legista = {n} jurist

legitimar = {v} to legitimate (1. as in "to legitimate a child"; 2. to justify)

legitimation = {n} 1. legitimation; 2. identification (= submission of credentials)

legitime (-gí-) = {adj} legitimate (1. lawfully begotten; 2. lawful, accordant with law) {Hence:} legitimismo; legitimista; legitimitate; legitimar-legitimation; illegitime-iilegitimitate

legitimismo = {n} legitimism

legitimista = {n} legitimist

legitimitate = {n} legitimacy

legum- see legumine

legumina = {n} [Chem.] legumin

legumine = {n} 1. legume; pulse; 2. potherb {Hence:} legumina; leguminose-leguminosas; leguminiforme etc.

legumini-forme = {adj} leguminiform

leguminosas = {npl} [Bot.] Leguminosae

leguminose = {adj} leguminous

Lemano = {npr} Lake Leman, Lake of Geneva

lemma = {n} [Logic, Math.] lemma {Hence:} dilemma etc.

Lenin, Nikolai (lé-, -ái) = {npr} [1870-1924; Russian statesman] {Hence:} leninismo; leninista; Leningrad etc.

Lenin-grad = {npr} Leningrad

leninismo = {n} Leninism

leninista = {n} Leninist

lentar = {v} to slow down, reduce speed

lente = {n} 1. lentil; 2. [Opt.] lens {Hence:} lenticula-lenticular; lenticella; lentigine &; lentiforme etc.

lente = {adj} 1. slow (= moving at slow speed); 2. viscid {Hence:} lentor; lentar; relentar &

lenticella = {n} [Bot.] lenticel

lenticula = {n} lentil

lenticular = {adj} lenticular

lenti-forme = {adj} lentiform

lentigine = {n} freckle {Hence:} lentiginose

lentiginose = {adj} freckled

lentor = {n} 1. slowness; 2. viscidity

leon = {n} lion; Leon [Astron.] Lion, Leo; parte del leon lion's share {Hence:} leoniera; leonin

Leonidas (-ó-) = {npr} Leonidas

leoniera = {n} lion's den

leonin = {adj} lion, leonine

leont- = {n} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} leontiase; chameleonte etc.

leontiase (-í-) = {n} [Pathol.] leontiasis

leopardo = {n} [Zool.] leopard

lepid- = {n} [occurring in compounds] lepid-, lepido- (= scale) {Hence:} lepidodendro etc.; lepidoptere etc.

lepido-dendro = {n} [Paleontol.] lepidodendron

lepido-litho (-ólito) = {n} [Mineral.] lepidolite

lepido-ptere = {adj} [Entom.] lepidopterous {Hence:} lepidopteros

lepidopteros (-dóp-) = {npl} [Entom.] Lepidoptera

lepido-sirena = {n} [Zool.] lepidosiren

lepisma = {n} 1. [Entom.] silverfish; 2. [Entom.] Lepisma

leporario = {n} greyhound

lepore = {n} hare {Hence:} leporide; leporario; leporin

leporide (-pó-) = {n} leporide

leporin = {adj} hare, leporine; labio leporin harelip

lepra = {n} leprosy {Hence:} leprose-leproso

leprose = {adj} leprous

leproso = {n} leper

*le qual = {pron} that, which

les = {pron pers} them (as in "I see them", "I write them a letter")

les- see leder

lese = {adj} injured, hurt

lesion = {n} lesion; {also:} [Law, Med.]

lethargia (-ía) = {n} lethargy

lethargic = {adj} lethargic

lethargo = {n} lethargy {Hence:} lethargia; lethargic

lette = {adj} Lettish; {also:} Latvian

letto = {n} 1. Lett; {also:} Latvian; 2. Lettish (language) {Hence:} letton-Lettonia; lette

letton = {adj} Lettish; {also:} Latvian letton {n} 1. Lett; {also:} Latvian; 2. Lettish (language)

Lettonia = {npr} Latvia

leuc- = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] leuk-, leuco- (= white) {Hence:} leucocyto etc.; leucemia etc. ...

leuc-emia (-ía) = {n} leukemia, leuchaemia {Hence:} leucemic

leucemic = {adj} leukemic, leuchaemic

leuco-cyto (-ó-) = {n} [Anat.] leucocyte

levamento = {n} 1. (act of) raising, lifting (up); 2. (act of) removing, carrying or taking away

levante = {n} east (= direction of sunrise); Levante East, Levant {Hence:} levantin-levantino

levantin = {adj} Levantine

levantino = {n} Levantine

levar = {v} 1. to raise, lift (up); 2. to remove, carry or take away; levar se to rise; {also:} to get or stand up; levar le campo to break camp; levar le ancora to weigh anchor; levar (impostos, troppas) to levy (taxes, troups); levar del sol sunrise

levata = {n} [Mil.] levy

levator = {n} he who or that which raises or removes; {also:} lever

levatura = {n} 1. (action of) raising; 2. leaven; {also:} yeast

leve (1) = {adj} light (= of little weight); {also:} frivolous, trifling {Hence:} levitate-levitar-levitation; levar-levamento, levante &, levator, levatura, levata, elevar &, relevar &, sublevar &; alleviar &

leve (2) = {adj} left (= not right) {Hence:} levulosa; levogyr etc.

levistico (-vís-) = {n} [Bot.] lovage; {also:} Levisticum

levitar = {v} to levitate

levitate = {n} lightness (= state of being not heavy); also: levity

levitation = {n} levitation

levo-gyr = {adj} [Phys. Chem., etc.] levogyrate, levogyre, levogyrous

[levorso] = {adv} 1. on the left hand; 2. to the left

levulosa = {n} [Chem.] levulose

lexical = {adj} lexical

lexico (lé-) = {n} lexicon {Hence:} lexcical; lexcicographo etc.

lexicographia (-ía) = {n} lexicography

lexicographic = {adj} lexicographical

lexico-grapho (-ó-) = {n} lexicographer {Hence:} lexicographia; lexicographic

[li] = {def art} the [li] {pron} him

li- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] li-, lio-, leio- (= smooth) {Hence:} lienteria etc.

liaison [F] = {n} liaison (1. "liaison between man and woman"; 2. [Phonet.])

libanese = {adj/n} Lebanese

Libano (lí-) = {npr} Lebanon (1. Lebanon Mountains; 2. state of Lebanon); cedro del Libano cedar of Lebanon {Hence:} libanese; Antilibano

libellar = {v} to libel

libellista = {n} libeler, libelist

libello = {n} libel (1. [Law]; 2. lampoon, satire) {Hence:} libellista; libellar

liberal = {adj} liberal (1. generous; 2. broadminded; 3. [Pol.]); artes liberal liberal arts; education liberal liberal education {Hence:} liberalismo; liberalitate; liberalizar-liberalization; illiberal-illiberalitate

liberal = {n} liberal

liberalizar = {v} to liberalize (= to make liberal)

liberalization = {n} liberalization

liberalismo = {n} liberalism

liberalitate = {n} liberality (1. generosity; 2. broadmindedness)

liberar = {v} to free, liberate; {also:} to release; liberar de to free or deliver from

liberation = {n} liberation

liberator = {n} liberator

libere = {adj} free (= enjoying liberty; not compelled, hampered, restricted, etc.) {Hence:} libertate-libertari-libertarismo, libertario, liberticida etc.; liberal &; liberar-liberation, liberator

libertari = {adj} libertarian

libertario = {n} libertarian

libertarismo = {n} libertarianism

libertate = {n} liberty (= condition of being free, freedom); poner in libertate to set free; libertate de action liberty of action; libertate de conscientia freedom or liberty of conscience; libertate del pressa freedom or liberty of the press; animales in libertate animals in freedom; libertate civil civil liberty; libertate del mares freedom of the seas; prender le libertate de (facer un cosa) to take the liberty of (doing something); prender se libertates con un persona to take liberties with someone

liberti-cida = {n} liberticide (= one who detroys liberty)

libertin = {adj} libertine Hence: libertino-libertinage

libertinage (-aje) = {n} libertinage

libertino = {n} libertine (1. [Rom. Hist.] son of a freedman; 2. freethinker; 3. licentious man)

liberto = {n} [Rom. Hist.] freedman {Hence:} libertin &

libra = {n} pound; libra sterling pound (= twenty British shillings); Libra [Astron.] Libra, Balance {Hence:} libral, equilibre etc.

libral = {adj} libral (1. pertaining to the pound; 2. pertaining to Libra)

libreria (-ía) = {n} 1. library; 2. bookstore

librero = {n} bookseller

librettista = {n} librettist

libretto = {n} [Mus.] libretto {Hence:} librettista

libri-forme = {adj} [Bot.] libriform (= of the nature of liber)

libro = {n} 1. [Bot.] liber, bast; 2. book; tenitor de libros bookkeeper; tener le libros [Accounting] to keep books; libro de cocina cookbook {Hence:} librero; libreria; libretto &; libriforme etc.

Libya = {npr} Libya {Hence:} libyan-libyano; libyc

libyan = {adj} Libyan

libyano = {n} Libyan

libyc (lí-) = {adj} Libyan

lic- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} licentia &; licite-illicite

licentia = {n} licence (1. permission, leave; {also:} as in "licence to bear firearms"; 2. abuse of liberty; 3. [Eur. Univ.] licentiate, licentiate's degree); licentia poetic poetic licence {Hence:} licentiato; licentiose; licentiar-licentiamento

licentiamento = {n} 1. licentiation, conferring the licentiate; 2. disbandment (of troops, etc.)

licentiar = {v} 1. to license (= to give licence to); 2. to confer the degree of licentiate upon; 3. to disband (troops, etc.); {also:} to dismiss, discharge

licentiato = {n} licentiate

licentiose = {adj} licentious; conducta licentiose licentious conduct

licet [L] licet

lichen = {n} lichen (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Pathol.]) {Hence:} lichenoide; lichenose

lichenoide = {adj} lichenoid

lichenose = {adj} lichenous

licite (lí-) = {adj} licit, lawful

lictor = {n} [Rom. Antiq.] lictor

-lider see leder

lied [G] = {n} [Mus.] lied; lieder {npl} lieder

li-enteria (-ía) = {n} [Pathol.] lientery {Hence:} lienteric

lienteric = {adj} lienteric

lift [A] = {n} elevator, lift

liga = {n} league (= association of persons, countries, etc.)

ligamento = {n} [Anat.] ligament

ligamentose = {adj} ligamentous

ligamine = {n} tie, bond

ligar = {v} to bind (1. to tie; 2. as in "to bind books" ) {Hence:} liga; ligamento-ligamentose; ligamine; ligatura; alligar &; disligar &; obligar &; religar

ligatura = {n} I. binding (1. act of binding; 2. bookbinding, binding of a book); II. splice, whipping, etc.; III. ligature (1. [Surg.]; 2. [Print.] combination of two letters; 3. [Mus.] tie, slur)

ligni-cole = {adj} lignicole, lignicolous

lignificar = {v} to lignify

lignification = {n} lignification

ligni-forme = {adj} ligniform

lignina = {n} [Chem.] lignin

lignite = {n} [Mineral.] lignite, brown coal

ligno = {n} wood (as in "made of wood"); {also:} timber, lumber; ligno contraplicate plywood {Hence:} lignina; lignite; lignose-pyrolignose etc.; lignificar-lignification; lignicole etc.; ligniforme etc.

lignose = {adj} ligneous, woody

ligure = {n/adj} Ligurian {Hence:} Liguria; ligustico; ligustro

Liguria = {npr} Liguria

ligus- see ligure

ligustico = {n} [Bot.] lovage

ligustro = {n} [Bot.] privet

lilac = {n} [Bot.] lilac; {also:} attrib. lilac, lilaccolored

liliaceas = {n} [Bot.] Liliaceae

liliacee = {adj} liliaceous, lilylike

lilio = {n} lily; lilio de aqua water lily {Hence:} liliacee-liliaceas

lima (1) = {n} lime (= fruit of the lime)

lima (2) = {n} file (as in "wood file, metal file, nail file, etc.") {Hence:} limar-limator, limatura

limace = {n} snail; {also:} slug {Hence:} limaciforme etc.

limaci-forme = {adj} snail-shaped, limaciform

limar = {v} to file (= to smooth with a file)

limator = {n} filer (= one who smoothes with a file)

limatura = {n} 1. filing (= smoothing with a file); 2. filings, file dust

limi- see limite

liminar = {adj} 1. liminal (= pertaining to the threshold); also: [Psychol.]; 2. opening (as in "the opening pages"), preliminary

limine = {n} threshold {Hence:} liminar; postliminio; preliminar; subliminal; eliminar &

limitabile = {adj} limitable

limitar = {adj} limitary, limiting limitar {v} to limit

limitate 1. pp of limitar; 2. {adj} limited, restricted

limitation = {n} limitation

limitative = {adj} limitative

limite (lí-) = {n} limit, boundary {Hence:} limitar (1); limitar (2)-limitabile-illimitabile, limitation, limitative, limitate-illimitate, delimitar &; limitrophe etc.

limi-trophe (-mí-) = {adj} limitrophe; limitrophe de adjacent to

limon = {n} lemon (= fruit of the lemon tree) {Hence:} limonada-limonadero; limoniero

limonada = {n} lemonade

limonadero = {n} lemonade vendor

limoniero = {n} lemon tree

limousine [F] = {n} [Motoring] sedan; limousine pullman limousine

limpide = {adj} limpid {Hence:} limpiditate

limpiditate = {n} limpidity, limpidness

linea = {n} line (1. cord, rope; 2. fish or fishing line; 3. linear mark, arrangement, etc.); le linea [Geog.] the line (= the Equator); (troppas) del linea (troups) of the line; in linea in line (= in alignment); in linea directe [Geneal.] in direct line; linea de aqua [Naut.] water-mark; linea de battalia battle line; linea de conducta line of conduct; linea de demarcation line of demarcation; linea de tiro line of fire; linea telegraphic telegraph line; linea de omnibus bus line; linea aeree air line, air connection; leger inter le lineas to read between the lines {Hence:} lineage; lineetta, lineal; linear (1); interlinea-interlinear (1), interlinear (2)-interlineation; linear (2)-lineamento; alinear &; delinear &; sublinear; rectilinee etc.; linotypo etc.

lineage (-aje) = {n} ancestry (= one's ancestors viewed as a group)

lineal = {adj} lineal (= pertaining to lines)

lineamento = {n} lineament (as in "the lineaments of a face")

linear = {adj} linear linear {v} to line (= to mark with a line or lines)

lineetta (-ne-étta) = {n} short line; dash

lingoto = {n} 1. ingot; 2. [Typog.] slug

lingua = {n} 1. [Anat.] tongue; 2. language, tongue; lingua materne mother tongue; lingua matre parent language; lingua de terra tongue of land; lingua franc lingua franca {Hence:} linguage; linguetta; linguista-linguistic, linguistica; lingual-interlingual, sublingual; interlingua-interlinguistic, interlinguista-interlinguistica; crassilingue etc.; bilingue etc.

linguage (-aje) = {n} language, speech; linguage familiar colloquial language; linguage per signos sign language

lingual = {adj} lingual

linguetta = {n} languet, languette

linguista = {n} linguist

linguistic = {adj} linguistic

linguistica = {n} linguistics

linimento = {n} liniment

linir = {v} to besmear; {also:} anoint {Hence:} linimento

lino = {n} flax (1. [Bot.]; 2. fibres of the flax plant); (panno de) lino linen (cloth)

lino- see linea

linoleum (-nó-) = {n} linoleum

linotypia (-ía) = {n} linotype, linotyping

linotypista = {n} linotypist

lino-typo = {n} linotype {Hence:} linotypia; linotypista

linqu- [linqu-/lict-] = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} delinquer &; relinquer &

liqu- = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} liquide &; liquor &; liquescer &; liquefacer etc.

lique-facer [-fac-/-fact-] = {v} to liquefy {Hence:} liquefactibile; liquefaction; liquefactive

liquefact- see liquefacer

liquefactibile = {adj} liquefiable

liquefaction = {n} liquefaction

liquefactive = {adj} liquefactive

liquescer = {v} to become liquid, liquesce {Hence:} deliquescer &

liquida (lí-) = {n} [Phonet.] liquid

liquidabile = {adj} 1. liquefiable; 2. that can be liquidated

liquidar = {v} I. to liquefy; II. to liquidate (1. [Com.] to sell out; {also:} to clear; 2. to kill off ruthlessly); III. to go into liquidation, to be liquidated

liquidation = {n} 1. liquefaction; 2. liquidation; 3. (clearance) sale

liquidator = {n} 1. liquefier; 2. liquidator

liquide = {adj} liquid (1. fluid; 2. [Phonet.]) {Hence:} liquiditate; liquidar-liquidabile, liquidation, liquidator; liquido; liquida

liquiditate = {n} liquidity

liquido = {n} liquid (= fluid)

liquiritia = {n} licorice, glycyrrhiza (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Pharm.])

liquor = {n} 1. liquid; 2. liquor (= alcoholic drink); {also:} liqueur {Hence:} liquorista; liquorose

liquorista = {n} 1. distiller (= one who distills alcoholic liquors); 2. liquor dealer

liquorose = {adj} spirituous (as in "spirituous liquors")

lira (pl lire) [I] = {n} [Monet.] lira

lis n-; flor de lis [Her.] fleur-de-lis

Lisbona = {npr} Lisbon

lisiamento = {n} (action of) smoothing, polishing

lisiar = {v} to smooth, polish (= to make even)

lizator = {n} (one who smoothes, etc.) smoother, polisher

lisie = {adj} smooth (= having an even surface); {also:} sleek, glossy {Hence:} lisiar-lisiamento, lisiator

lista = {n} 1. selvage, list; 2. strip (of cloth, etc.); 3. stripe (of color); 4. list ("list of names, figures, words, etc."); lista civil Civil List {Hence:} listar

listar = {v} to list (= to enter in a list)

-lit- see later

litania (-ía) = {n} litany

lite = {n} 1. quarrel, dispute; 2. lawsuit {Hence:} litigar etc.

litera see littera

lith-argyro (-tár-) = {n} [Chem.] litharge

lithic = {adj} lithic (1. of stone; 2. [Med.])

lithium (lít-) = {n} [Chem.] lithium

litho- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] litho-, lith- (= stone) {Hence:} lithic; lithium; lithoide; lithargyro etc.; lithographo etc.; lithosphera etc.; aerolitho etc.; neolitho etc.; monolitho etc.

lithographia (-ía) = {n} 1. lithography; 2. lithograph; 3. lithographic printing office

lithographiar = {v} to lithograph

lithographic = {adj} lithographic

litho-grapho (-ó-) = {n} lithographer {Hence:} lithographia-lithographiar, photolithographia etc; lithographic

lithoide = {adj} lithoid, stonelike

litho-sphera = {n} lithosphere

litigante = {n} litigant

lit-igar = {v} to litigate (1. to be engaged in a lawsuit; 2. to dispute, contest) {Hence:} litigio-litigiose; litigante; litigation

litigation = {n} litigation

litigio = {n} dispute, quarrel; {also:} litigation

litigiose = {adj} litigious (1. quarrelsome; 2. disputable, debatable)

litoral = {adj} coast, littoral litoral {n} coast, littoral

litore = {n} coast {Hence:} litoral, litorina

litorina = {n} [Zool.] Litorina; periwinkle

litro = {n} liter {Hence:} centilitro etc.; hectolitro etc.

littera, litera (lí-) = {n} letter (1. "letter of the alphabet"; 2. epistle); al littera, al pede del littera to the letter, literally; littera de credito letter of credit; litteras letters (= literature, learning); homine de litteras man of letters; le belle litteras humanities; cassa de litteras letter box, mailbox {Hence:} litteral; litterari; litterate-illiterate; litteratura; alliterar &; obliterar &; cargalitteras etc.

litteral, literal = {adj} literal (1. as in "literal notation of numbers"; 2. as in "literal translation")

litterari, literari = {adj} literary; proprietate litterari literary property

litterate, literate = {adj} lettered (= versed in letters, educated, etc.)

litteratura, literatura = {n} literature (= literary productions collectively)

lituan = {adj} Lithuanian {Hence:} Lituania; lituano

Lituania = {npr} Lithuania

lituano = {n} Lithuanian (1. inhabitant of Lithuania; 2. Lithuanian language)

liturgia (-ía) = {n} [Eccl.] liturgy {Hence:} liturgista; liturgic

liturgic = {adj} liturgical, liturgic

liturgista = {n} liturgist (= authority on liturgies)

liv- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] {Hence:} livide-lividitate; livor

livide = {adj} livid (1. having a dull-bluish color; 2. black-and-blue)

lividitate = {n} lividness, lividity

Livonia = {npr} Livonia {Hence:} livonie-livonio

livonie = {adj} Livonian

livonio = {n} Livonian

livor = {n} 1. lividness; 2. [Pathol.] livor

livrar = {v} to deliver (1. to surrender; 2. as in "to deliver goods, messages, etc.") {Hence:} livration; livrator; delivrar &

livration = {n} delivery (1. surrender; 2. as in "delivery of goods, messages, etc.")

livrator = {n} delivery man

livrea (-éa) = {n} livery (= uniform worn by the servants of a household, etc.)

lo = {pron pers} it (as in "I like it," "I'll give it another thought")

lobate = {adj} lobed, lobate

lobo = {n} lobe {Hence:} lobulo-lobular-sublobular, lobulate; lobate-bilobate etc., multilobate etc.; multilobe etc.; trilobite etc.

lobular = {adj} lobular

lobulate = {adj} lobulate

lobulo = {n} lobule; {also:} lobe (of the ear)

local = {adj} local; color local local color local {n} premises, quarters, etc.

localizar = {v} to localize

localization = {n} localization

localitate = {n} locality, spot

locar = {v} 1. to place, set (in a particular place), locate; 2. to let, rent {Hence:} location; locative-locativo; locator; locatario; collocar &; dislocar &; sublocar &

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