Mandatory textbooks:
1. Main Textbook: Laurene V. Fausett, Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition, Pearson, 2008
2. Cleve Moler, Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Mathworks, 2004.
3. W. Y. Yang , W. Cao, T. –S. Chung, J. Morris APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS USING MATLAB, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
4. Gerald W. Recktenwald, Numerical Methods with MATLAB: Implementations and Application, Prentice-Hall, 2006.
5. John H.Mathews, Numerical Methods using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall International, 2004.
6. Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis, Eight Edition, Thomson
11. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Hakan Calis
Course code: EEE 382
Course title: Linear Control Systems
Textbooks: Chosen by subject professor
12. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Kemo Sokolija
Course code: EEE 368
Course title: High Voltage Techniques
Textbooks: M.S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, High Voltage Engineering, second Edition, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1996.; S. Čaršimamović "Atmosferska pražnjenja", Institut za zaštitu od požara i eksplozije, Sarajevo 1999.; A. Greenwood: "Electrical Transients in Power Systems", John Wiley and Sons.
13. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: EEE 332
Course title: Telecommunications II
Textbooks: Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.; M. Hadžialić, "Telekomunikacijske tehnike", u pripremi
14. Professor Name : Assoc. Prof. dr. Ahmad Fevzi Abas
Course code: CEN 361
Course title: Computer Networks
Mandatory textbooks: 1.Main Textbook:Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, McGrawHill, 2008. 2.William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson, 2009
3.Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Recommended textbooks: None
15. Professor Name : Assoc. Prof. dr. Ahmad Fevzi Abas
Course code: CEN 361
Course title: Computer Networks
Mandatory textbooks: 1.Main Textbook:Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, McGrawHill, 2008. 2.William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson, 2009
3.Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Recommended textbooks: None
15. Professor Name : Mentorship
Course code: EEE 392
Course title: Senior Design Project
Mandatory textbooks: Chosen by mentor.
16. Professor Name : Assist. Prof. dr. Mehmet Recep Bozkurt
Course code: EEE 632
Course title: Stohastic Signals and Systems
Textbooks: Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai, "Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
17. Professor Name : Assoc. Prof. dr. Ahmad Fevzi Abas
Course code: EEE 642
Course title: Special Topics in Wireless Communication Systems
Textbooks: IEEE Communication Magazine; Vahid Tarokh, "New Directions in Wireless Communication Research", Springer, 2009.
18. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: BUS 663
Course title: Advanced Statistic
Mandatory textbooks: Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson
Recommended textbooks: 1. Joseph F. Healey, Statistics: a tool for social research, 8th edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2008, 2005, ISBN:0-534-62810-9 2. Gerard Keller, Statistics for management and economics, 2005, ISBN:9780495013396
19. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Kemal Hajdarević
Course code: CEN 668
Course title: Network Management
Textbooks: William Stallings, “SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2”, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999. (Unit - V) (Chapter – 4-7)“Network Management – Principles and Practice” by Mani Subramanian, AddisonWesley Pub Co, First Edition, 2000.
20. Professor Name: Assist. prof. dr. Abdulhamit Subasi
Course code: CEN 671
Course title: Special Topics in Pattern Recognition
Textbooks: S. K. Pal, A. Pal, Pattern Recognition, From Classical to Modern Approaches, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2001; A.R. Webb, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2002.
21. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Gunay Karli
Course code: CEN 670
Course title: Special Topics in Data Mining
Textbooks: D. T. Larose, Data Mining Methods and Models, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006; S. Sumathi, S. N. Sivanandam, Introduction to Data Mining and its Applications, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
d) Odsjek za genetiku i bioinžinjering
1. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mehmet Serdal Sakcali
Course code: GBE 108
Course title: General Chemistry
Textbooks: “General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications”, 9th Edition, Ralph H. Petrucci, William S. Harwood, F. Geoffrey Herring, Prentice Hall (2007).
2. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Ugur Turkyilmaz
Course code: ELT 101
Course title: English Language II
Mandatory textbooks: Robinson Fellag, Linda (2003). Write Ahead: Skills for Academic Success. Pearson, Longman, USA. Additional readings and worksheets will be distributed as necessary. You will need a blank notebook for you course diary, and you must bring it with you to class.
Recommended textbooks: None
3. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Rajfa Musemić
Course code: PHY 102
Course title: Generaly Physics II
Textbooks: Jearl Walker : Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday-Resnick, Willey, 8th EditionD.C. Giancoli: Physics for scientist and engineers, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
4.Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Sahin
Course code: MTH 102
Course title : Calculus II
Mandatory textbooks:
J.E.Marsden, A.J.Tromba, Vector Calculus, Fifth
Edition, W.H.Freeman and Company, New York 2003.
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ali Sahin
Course code: MTH 104
Course title: Probability and Statistics for Engineers Mandatory textbooks: Probability, Statistics and Random Processes Dr.K.Murugesan & P.Gurusamy by Anuradha Agencies, Deepti Publications. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Eighth edition), Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd., 2001. Probability and Statistics for Engineers: G.S.S.Bhishma Rao,sitech., Second edition 2005.
Recommended textbooks: None
6. Professor Name: Mr. sci. Elcin Karli
Course code: TDE 192
Course title: Turkish Language II
Mandatory textbooks: Geoffrey Lewis: Turkish Grammar, Oxford University Press, 2001; B. Orhan Dogan and Anna Wilman: Starting Turkish, Milet Publishing, 2007.
Recommended textbooks: None.
7. Professor Name: Zenaida Karavdić
Course code: BOS 102
Course title: Bosnian language II
Mandatory textbooks: Zenaida Karavdić, Bosanski jezik kao strani jezik, IBU, Sarajevo, 2011.
Recommended textbooks: None
8. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Fatih Ali Canli
Course code: GBE 208
Course title: Analytical Chemistry
Textbooks: Analytical Chemistry and Quantitative Analysis, David S. Hage, James R. Carr
9. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Abdulrezaque Memon
Course code: GBE 214
Course title: Techniques in Molecular Biology
Textbooks: The Condensed Protocols. From Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual (2006). Sambrook, J and Russell, D. W., CHSL PRESS
10. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Semira Galijašević
Course code: GBE 210
Course title: Biochemistry
Textbooks: Biochemistry. L. Stryer. Freeman; Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger A., Cox M. 4th Edition, WH Freeman and Co.
11. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: MTH 204
Course title: Numerical Analysis
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Main Textbook: Laurene V. Fausett, Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Second Edition, Pearson, 2008
2. Cleve Moler, Numerical Computing with MATLAB, Mathworks, 2004.
3. W. Y. Yang , W. Cao, T. –S. Chung, J. Morris APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODS USING MATLAB, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
4. Gerald W. Recktenwald, Numerical Methods with MATLAB: Implementations and Application, Prentice-Hall, 2006.
5. John H.Mathews, Numerical Methods using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall International, 2004.
6. Richard L. Burden, J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis, Eight Edition, Thomson
12. Professor Name: /
Course code: GBE 302
Course title: Practical Training II
Textbooks: /
13. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Fatih Ali Canli
Course code: GBE 320
Course title: System Physiology
Textbooks: Human Physiology, Fox, S.I. 2008. 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, NY.
14. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mehmet Serdar Sakcali
Course code: GBE 330
Course title: Biosensors
Textbooks: Chemical Sensors and Biosensors (Analytical Techniques in the Sciences Biosensors: Theory and Applications) Donald G. Buerk
15. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mehmet Serdar Sakcali
Course code: GBE 338
Course title: Immunology
Textbooks: Cellular and Molecural Immunology: with Student Consult Online Access, 7th Edition (Abbas, Cellular and Molecural Immunology) Abul K. Abbas MBBS, Andrew H. Lichtman MD PhD, Shiv Pillai MD
16. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Abdulrezaque Memon
Course code: GBE 339
Course title: Seminars in Biology
Textbooks: Chosen by subject professor
17. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mehmet Serdar Sakcali
Course code: GBE 343
Course title: Introduction to Forensic Science
Textbooks: Forensic DNA Analysis (Inside Forensic Science) Lawrence Kobilinsky, Henrietta Nunno, Louis Levine, Chelsea House Publications; 1st Edition (March 2007).
18. Professor Name: Mr. sci. Senol Dogan
Course code: GBE 392
Course title: Genetics and Bioengineering Project
Textbooks: /
19. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ahmet Turan Ozcerit
Course code: CEN 576
Course title: Computational Methods in Bioinformatics
Textbooks: D. Edwards, J. Stajich, D.Hansen, Bioinformatics- Tools and Applications 2009, Springer.
20. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Samir Đug
Course code: GBE 517
Course title: Algae Production Systems
Textbooks: Algae Energy: Algae as a New Source of Biodiesel (Green Energy and Technology), Ayhan Demirbas, Muhammet Fatih Demirbas Springer, 1st Edition (June 21, 2010)
21. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Abdulrezaque Memon
Course code: GBE 522
Course title: Microbial Genetics
Textbooks: Microbial Functional Genomics, Jizhong Zhou, Dorothea K. Thompson, Ying Xu, James M. Tiedje, Wiley-Liss; 1st Edition (March 19, 2004).
22. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Huseyin Padem
Course code: GBE 595
Course title: Scientific Research Methods
Textbooks: Research Methods for Business Students, Saunders, Lewis, Thornhill, Prentice Hall, 2007; Qualitative Researching, Jenifer Mason, Sage Publications, 1996.
23. Professor Name: /
Course code: GBE 532
Course title: Master of Science (MSc) Project
Textbooks: /
24. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Fatih Ali Canli
Course code: GBE 607
Course title: Stem Cell Biology
Textbooks: Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, (July 6, 2009), Academic Press, Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Roger Pederson, E. Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, Sir Ian Wilmut
25. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Damir Marjanović
Course code: GBE 615
Course title: Medical Genetics
Textbooks: Essentials od Medical Genetics for Health Professionals, Laura M. Gunder, Scott A. Martin, Jones & Bartlett Learning; 1st Edition (September 17, 2010)
26. Professor Name: Prof. dr. Abdulrezaque Memon
Course code: GBE 612
Course title: RNAi Technology in Eukaryotes
Textbooks: RNAi Technology, R. K. Gaur, Yedidya Gafni, P. Sharma, V. K. Gupta, CRC Press, 1st Edition
27. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Gunay Karli
Course code: CEN 670
Course title: Special Topics in Data Mining
Textbooks: D. T. Larose, Data Mining Methods and Models, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006; S. Sumathi, S. N. Sivanandam, Introduction to Data Mining and its Applications, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
28. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: BUS 663
Course title: Advanced Statistic
Mandatory textbooks: Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson
Recommended textbooks: 1. Joseph F. Healey, Statistics: a tool for social research, 8th edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2008, 2005, ISBN:0-534-62810-9 2. Gerard Keller, Statistics for management and economics, 2005, ISBN:9780495013396
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