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24. Professor Name: Assist. prof. dr. Ugur Ergun
Course code: BUS 660
Course title: Advanced Econometrics
Mandatory textbooks: Gujarati, Damodar N.: Essentials of Econometrics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill ,2009,ISBN:0073375845James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, Introduction to Econometrics, Pearson, 2009, ISBN:13:978-0-324-65813-2.
Recommended textbooks: None.
25. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: BUS 663
Course title: Advanced Statistic
Mandatory textbooks: Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson
Recommended textbooks: 1. Joseph F. Healey, Statistics: a tool for social research, 8th edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2008, 2005, ISBN:0-534-62810-9 2. Gerard Keller, Statistics for management and economics, 2005, ISBN:9780495013396
26. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Kemal Hajdarević
Course code: CEN 668
Course title: Network Management
Textbooks: William Stallings, “SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and RMON 1 and 2”, Third Edition, Addison Wesley, 1999. (Unit - V) (Chapter – 4-7)“Network Management – Principles and Practice” by Mani Subramanian, AddisonWesley Pub Co, First Edition, 2000.
27. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Abdulhamit Subasi
Course code: CEN 671
Course title: Special Topics in Pattern Recognition
Textbooks: S. K. Pal, A. Pal, Pattern Recognition, From Classical to Modern Approaches, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2001; A.R. Webb, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2002.
28. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Gunay Karli
Course code: CEN 670
Course title: Special Topics in Data Mining
Textbooks: D. T. Larose, Data Mining Methods and Models, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006; S. Sumathi, S. N. Sivanandam, Introduction to Data Mining and its Applications, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
b) Odsjek za arhitekturu
1. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Yavuz Konca
Course code: ELT 101
Course title: English Language II
Mandatory textbooks: Robinson Fellag, Linda (2003). Write Ahead: Skills for Academic Success. Pearson, Longman, USA. Additional readings and worksheets will be distributed as necessary. You will need a blank notebook for you course diary, and you must bring it with you to class.
Recommended textbooks: None
2. Professor Name: Mr. sci. Elcin Karli
Course code: TDE 192
Course title: Turkish Language II
Mandatory textbooks: Geoffrey Lewis: Turkish Grammar, Oxford University Press, 2001; B. Orhan Dogan and Anna Wilman: Starting Turkish, Milet Publishing, 2007.
Recommended textbooks: None.
3. Professor Name: Zenaida Karavdić
Course code: BOS 102
Course title: Bosnian language II
Mandatory textbooks: Zenaida Karavdić, Bosanski jezik kao strani jezik, IBU, Sarajevo, 2011.
Recommended textbooks: None
4. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Kutanis
Course code: ARC 108
Course title: Statics and strength of materials
Mandatory textbooks: Statics and Strength of Materials, Fa-Hwa Cheng, 1992.
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Deniz Guney
Course code: ARC 115
Course title:
Mandatory textbooks: Construction Technology: An Illustrated introduction Eric Fleming, Blackwell Publishing, 2005.
Recommended textbooks: None
6. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović
Course code: ARC 104
Course title: Introduction to Architecture
Mandatory textbooks: Roth, Leland M. Understanding Architecture: Its Elements, History and Meaning. New York City: Harper Collins, 1992.
Recommended textbooks: None
7. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mila Nikolić
Course code: ARC 114
Course title : Architectural Design I
Textbooks: Architecture Residential Drawing and Design, by Clois E. Kicklighter; Exploring Drafting, by John R. Walker.
8. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović
Course code: ARC 234
Course title : Architectural Design III
Textbooks: Curtis, William. (1987). Modern Architecture Since 1900. Prentice Hall, Inc.: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
9. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mila Nikolić
Course code: ARC 226
Course title: History of Art and Architecture II
Textbooks: Rodley L., Byzantine Art and Architecture an Introduction, Cambridge Press, New York, 1996.; Hillenbrand, R., Islamic Art and Architecture, Thames and Hudson, London, 1999.; Norberg-Schulz, C., Baroque Architecture, Electa, Milan, 1986.
10. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Kutanis
Course code: ARC 257
Course title: Steel Structures
Textbooks: McCormac, J. C. Structural Steel Design: LRFD Method, 4th ed. Prentice Hall, 2008., ISBN: 0-13-600111-4.
11. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ismail Hakki Demir
Course code: ARC 254
Course title: Environmental Control Studio
Textbooks: Fuller Moore., Environmental Control Systems., McGraw-Hill Inc.
12. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Deniz Guney
Course code: ARC 209
Course title: Building Element Design
Textbooks: Structural Mechanics: Loads, Analysis, Materials and Design of Structural Elements, Frank Durka, Hassan Al Nageim, W. Morgan, D. Williams, 1997.
13. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović
Course code: ARC 354
Course title: Architectural Design V
Textbooks: Architecture of Tall Buildings – Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat; Architecture for Industry – Charles Broto, Arian Mostaedi & Julie Romeo.
14. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mila Nikolić
Course code: ARC 324
Course title: Architecture and City
Textbooks: Miles, Malcolm and Tim Hall with Iain Borden, (Eds.): The City Cultures Reader (Routledge Urban Reader Series), 2nd edition. Routledge, 2003.; Le Gates, Richard T. and Frederic Stout (Eds.): The City Reader (Routledge Urban Reader Series), 5th edition. Routledge, 2011.; Jones, Ian et al.: Our Greatest Artefact: the City. CAMOC, 2012.
15. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Kutanis
Course code: ARC 357
Course title: Computer Analysis of Building Structures
Textbooks: Using Auto CAD, Ralph Grabowski, 2010., Structural Analysis, V.S. Prasad.
16. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ismail Hakki Demir
Course code: ARC 303
Course title: City Planning and Urban Design
Textbooks: Urban Design: Green Dimensions by J. C. Moughtin and Peter Shirley, 2005.
17. Professor Name: Mentorship: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović / Assist. Prof. dr. Mila Nikolić
Course code: ARC 362
Course title: Senior Design Project
Textbooks: The publications related to product information and construction elements, legal obligations.
18. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović
Course code: ARC 628
Course title: Stone in Architecture and Architectural Conservation
Textbooks: Siegfried Siegesmund & Rolf Snethlage, 2011, Stone in Architecture / properties and durability - 4th edition.; Erhard M. Winkler, 1997, Stone in Architecture / properties and durability - 3rd edition, University of Notre Dame.
19. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Nermina Mujezinović
Course code: ARC 628
Course title: Stone in Architecture and Architectural Conservation
Textbooks: Siegfried Siegesmund & Rolf Snethlage, 2011, Stone in Architecture / properties and durability - 4th edition.; Erhard M. Winkler, 1997, Stone in Architecture / properties and durability - 3rd edition, University of Notre Dame.
20. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Deniz Guney
Course code: ARC 605
Course title: Construction Economics
Textbooks: Thorbjoern Mann. 1992. Building Economics for Architects; Danny Myers. 2004. Construction Economics – a new approach.
21. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mila Nikolić
Course code: ARC 622
Course title: 20th Century Architecture of the World
Textbooks: Giedion, Sigfried: Space, Time and Architecture – The Growth of a New Tradition, 5th edition, rev. & enl., Harvard Uni. Press, 2009.; Frampton Kenneth: Modern Architecture – a Critical History, 4th edition, Thames and Hudson, 2007.; Hertzberger, Herman: Space and Learning, 010 Uitgeverij, 2008.
22. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Muhamed Kursad Ozlen
Course code: BUS 604
Course title: Qualitative Research Methods
Textbooks: Busines Research Methods, Blumberg,Cooper, Schindler, McGraw-Hill, Higher Education, 2005, ISBN:13978-007711745-0; Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava and David Nachmias. 2000. Research Methods in the Social Sciences; Miller, Delbert C. and Neil J. Salkind. 2002. Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications; Rossi, Peter H., James D. Wright, and Andy B. Anderson (eds.). 1983. Handbook of Survey Research. San Diego: Academic Press, Inc.
c) Odsjek za elektrotehniku
1. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Ugur Turkyilmaz
Course code: ELT 101
Course title: English Language II
Mandatory textbooks: Robinson Fellag, Linda (2003). Write Ahead: Skills for Academic Success. Pearson, Longman, USA. Additional readings and worksheets will be distributed as necessary. You will need a blank notebook for you course diary, and you must bring it with you to class.
Recommended textbooks: None
2. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Rajfa Musemić
Course code: PHY 102
Course title: Generaly Physics II
Textbooks: Jearl Walker : Fundamentals of Physics, Halliday-Resnick, Willey, 8th EditionD.C. Giancoli: Physics for scientist and engineers, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000.
3. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ahmet Nayir
Course code: EEE 102
Course title: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Textbooks: Foundations of Electrical Engineering, by J.R. Cogdell, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1999. ISBN: 0-13-092701-5; Ejup Hot, Osnovi elektrotehnike – knjiga prva; Ejup Hot, Osnovi elektrotehnike – knjiga druga, ETF Sarajevo, 2003. godine.
4.Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Sahin
Course code: MTH 102
Course title : Calculus II
Mandatory textbooks:
J.E.Marsden, A.J.Tromba, Vector Calculus, Fifth
Edition, W.H.Freeman and Company, New York 2003.
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ali Sahin
Course code: MTH 104
Course title: Probability and Statistics for Engineers Mandatory textbooks: Probability, Statistics and Random Processes Dr.K.Murugesan & P.Gurusamy by Anuradha Agencies, Deepti Publications. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Eighth edition), Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons (ASIA) Pvt. Ltd., 2001. Probability and Statistics for Engineers: G.S.S.Bhishma Rao,sitech., Second edition 2005.
Recommended textbooks: None
6. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Ahmet Nayir
Course code: EEE 202
Course title: Circuit Theory II
Textbooks: Electric Circuits, 7-th Edition. By J.W. Nilsson, S.A. Riedel, Prentice Hall, 2001.; M. Kušljugić, M. Hajro: Analiza električnih kola u vremenskom domenu, Univerzitet u Tuzli, 2005.; S. Milojković: Teorija električnih kola, Svjetlost Sarajevo, 1989.
7. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Mustafa Musić
Course code: EEE 206
Course title: Electronics I
Textbooks: Sedra & Smith, Microelectronics Circuits, 4th Edition, Oxford Press; R. Mauro, Engineering Electronics, Prentice Hall; N.R. Malik, Electronic Circuits: Analysis, simulation, and design, Prentice Hall; P. Biljanović: Elektronički sklopovi, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1989.; Dragoljub Milatović: Elektronički sklopovi, Svjetlost Sarajevo, 1986.
8. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. dr. Ahmad Fevzi Abas
Course code: EEE 204
Course title: Electromagnetic Wave Theory
Textbooks: Review of Electromagnetic Wave Theory...
9. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Hakan Calis
Course code: EEE 212
Course title: Signals and Systems
Textbooks: Signals, Systems and Transforms, C. L. Phillips, J. M. Parr, 2007, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-198923-5
10. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: MTH 204
Course title: Numerical Analysis
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