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Action Points MPEG-4 ISO Base File Format (14496-12)

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Action Points

  1. MPEG-4 ISO Base File Format (14496-12)

    1. Topics

      1. ISO/IEC 14496-12:201X/AMD 2 Carriage of timed text

    1. Contributions







File Format

Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012/DAM 2 & ISO/IEC 15444-12:2012/DAM 2

SC 29 Secretariat

Accepted N13662


File Format

Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012/PDAM 3 & ISO/IEC 15444-12:2012/PDAM 3

SC 29 Secretariat




File Format

Summary of Voting on ISO/IEC 14496-12:2012/DCOR 1 and ISO/IEC 15444-12:2012/DCOR 1

SC 29 Secretariat

Refer N13666


File Format

Editor?€?s draft of 14496-12 PDAM 3 ?€? Enhanced audio and other improvements, David Singer




File Format

Default Sample Groups,Jean Le Feuvre
Cyril Concolato
Franck Denoual
Fr??d??ric Maz??
Eric Nassor




File Format

Generic Coding Dependencies Signaling in ISOBMFF,Jean Le Feuvre
Cyril Concolato
Franck Denoual
Fr??d??ric Maz??
Eric Nassor



File Format

Looped presentation of media in ISOBMFF tracks

V. K. Malamal Vadakital
M. M. Hannuksela (Nokia)



File Format

Quality Information Carriage in File Format, Shaobo Zhang, Xin Wang, Roy Yue, Spencer Cheng, Ali C. Began



File Format

Timeline Clarification in ISO BMFF and MPEG-DASH



File Format

Informational submission of a request to the MP4RA

David Singer



File Format

Metadata Signaling for DASH using Index Files, Shaobo Zhang, Xin Wang, Roy Yue, Ozgur Oyman


    1. Summary of discussions

      1. m30292 Default Sample Groups

Disposition: accepted

An interesting problem; we’re not happy with defaulting to ‘all’ groups. Can it be somewhere in/near the ‘trex’ box (not in, because we don’t mix fields and boxes)? We note that the sample to group is run-length coded, but it would be nice to leave it out for e.g. map sample groups which remain constant. Using the flags at the box level would mean that samples might be mapped to more than one instance of a type, which isn’t allowed. Perhaps a new version of sample group description

Let’s try a new version of the description box with a default_index field (that defaults to 0), and revise the sentence in the mapping to say that the default applies (even when the box is missing e.g. from a fragment or movie).
Into amendment 3, for further comment.
      1. m30293 Generic Coding Dependencies Signaling in ISOBMFF

Disposition: noted

Interesting problem, and more study needed. Extractors are painful for constant patterns, and simple downward dependency leaves ambiguous some ordering questions. But we currently don’t have tiles in separate tracks, or tiling between coding systems (but see SHVC).

      1. m30315 Looped presentation of media in ISOBMFF tracks

Disposition: noted

This was taken in sequence with the still-picture file material. We really need a flag in the edit list itself, but there is no room. Perhaps a sample group that says merely “these are a burst”, and then the other group that says what burst-number they are, would enable an aware presenter to loop a burst if it wanted.

      1. m30617 - Registration Request Report

Disposition: n/a

RA had registered the interesting content as an input, for consideration.

      1. m30346 Timeline Clarification in ISO BMFF and MPEG-DASH

Disposition: accepted

Amendment 3 already says ‘extend the previous sample’; we need to document what that means if there is no previous sample (it is like an empty edit).

There is an issue with the explicit base-data-offset; when originally written we considered only complete movie files containing fragments, and this base offset was relative within that complete file. It doesn’t make sense for fragments in separate files; we need to make that base explicit in the file format (and note it is useless for the case of fragments in separate files, since you have no idea of the previous sizes), and also make clear that base-data-offset-present cannot be used in this case (and make that explicit in DASH). This means also that you’ll always need a data-offset, to point away from the beginning of the moof. Into amendment 3.
      1. m30347 Metadata Signaling for DASH using Index Files

Disposition: not accepted

We prefer to follow the meta-data track and use the techniques to link them to media tracks, but make them easily accessible. The segment index box is (a) already too complex and (b) at the structural (bytes and pointers) level. If the media track approach doesn’t work, we’ll re-explore other places (like this).

      1. m30350 Quality Information Carriage in File Format

Disposition: noted (in file format)

We note that the time-line alignment is all that is formally needed; don’t talk about storage level concepts (fragments etc.) at the formal level. It might help to have guidelines – align with GOPs, don’t make the quality samples too long in duration.

The scale_factor seems odd; if it’s in every sample, does a default help? And if Q=quality*scale, why not make quality a 16-bit field to start with?

Where do we standardize this? DASH? Part 12 doesn’t have sample formats (‘media formats’), and Part 15 is NALU video specific.

Are we better off using the 4CC of the sample entry (the ‘codec name’) as the registered code-point, as otherwise we’re introducing a new registered type (the ‘quality metric’) and we need to be sure that the sample format can be uniform across all quality metrics, which isn’t clear.

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