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In September, NICAP published an issue of the UFO Investigator (membership publication) containing an outline and preview of this report. Copies were sent to all Members of Congress. Sample reactions:

Congressman W. R. Poage (D. Tex.) - September 22, 1962

"I have long been disturbed by these UFOs. I would be very much interested in seeing the accumulation of facts which you have assembled. . ."

"Congressman E. C. Gathings (D. Ark.) - September 24, 1962

"I shall be interested in seeing a copy of the report your Committee is preparing for Congressional distribution."

Congressman F. Edward Hebert (D. La.) - September 24, 1962

"I shall certainly appreciate receiving a copy of your report when it becomes available. . ."

Congressman Thomas N. Downing (D. Va.) - September 24, 1962

"Thank you for writing to enclose a copy of the "UFO Investigator", and to also bring to my attention your plans to submit a report on your Committee's five-year investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness. . ."

Congressman Charles Raper Jonas (R. NC.) -September25, 1962

"If you care to send me the 128-page report on your five-year investigation, I will be glad to have it. . ."

Senator Jacob K. Javits (R. N.Y.) - October 25, 1962

"I appreciate your views regarding the aerial phenomena. As you know, the Department of Defense and NASA have repeatedly denied the existence of such objects."

Congressman John E. Moss (D. Calif.) - Chairman, Government Information Subcommittee - December 19, 1962

"The Subcommittee has no authority to go into the over-all question of unidentified flying objects, but other Congressional committees may well look into it."

Congressman Richard H. Poff (R. Va.) - December 31, 1962

"I am not satisfied that the Air Force has disclosed all the information which it has assembled, and I am hopeful that the Armed Forces Committee (of which I am not a member) will see fit to conduct an appropriate investigation. . ."


Senator Milward L. Simpson (R. Wyo.) - January 8, 1963

"I have not yet been able to determine that any Congressional Committee plans to hold hearings on the UFO problem, but something may develop after the 88th Congress convenes. I do know that the Senate Armed Services Committee plans early hearings on the entire defense posture and it is possible that the question of unidentified flying objects will be brought up during this investigation. .

Senator Gaylord Nelson (D. Wis.) - January 14, 1963

"I share your belief that there should be no unnecessary secrecy surrounding the matter [of UFOs] and will do what I can to see to it that relevant facts are brought out and made available to the public."

Congressman John F. Shelley (D. Calif.) - January 28, 1963

"I share the concern of my colleagues in Congress about the gravity of the UFO problem. . .my genuine desire to see positive action taken to lessen the danger caused by UFOs to air travel and our national security."

Senator William Proxmire (D. Wis.) - January 31, 1963

"The NICAP report [outline] is a fine document which does much to substantiate the allegation made. You probably noted my remarks that 'The very fact that so many inexplicable incidents have occurred is reason enough for a thorough investigation.' I am going to contact the Department of Defense on this matter..."

Congressman Clark MacGregor (R. Minn.) - May 28, 1963

"I would certainly agree with Senator Keating that more information should be available to the public. I would favor Congressional hearings [on UFOs] which, of course, would require action by the Congressional majority leadership. . ."

Senator Birch Bayh (D. Md.) - May 29, 1963

"I too am interested in these aerial phenomena. Some people tend to discount UFOs, but I feel that any such unknown objects bear investigation. . ."

Senator Vance Hartke (D. Ind.) - June 5, 1963

"I agree. . .that a full explanation of the 'Flying Saucers' seems due."

Senator Kenneth B. Keating (R. N.Y.) - June 28, 1963

"I want to assure you that as a high officer in the military myself, I am not overawed or over impressed by some of the conclusions reached by Air Force officers. As you know, I have no hesitancy in taking issue with other government agencies as to the dangers facing our country. . .I am sorry that there seems to be nothing which I can add to the UFO situation at the present time."

Congressman Glenn Cunningham (R. Nebr.) - August 8, 1963

"I think it quite possible that the Air Force is withholding information about at least a certain number of these [sightings] because I have found that the military services in the past have sometimes acted in a secretive way in other matters when there was really no justification for it. . ."

Senator Len B. Jordan (H. Idaho) - August 16, 1963

"Since you are a member of NICAP, I would welcome any in formation you might provide me which would improve my knowledge of this very mysterious phenomenon. ."


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The human reactions to UFO reports very nearly have prevented a rational investigation of these phenomena. Neither the rabid "believers" nor the dogmatic skeptics favor a scientific review of the UFO problem. Both think they have the answer. To the neo-religious cultists, largely centered in southern California, UFOs are the vessels of saintly beings from space (or another dimension) come to aid us through troubled times. To the skeptics, UFOs are a figment of the imagination dreamed up by unstable individuals unable to face up to the realities of the day. Neither of these positions is tenable on the basis of the evidence acquired to date.

On the basis of the evidence in this report, NICAP has concluded that UFOs are real, and that they appear to be intelligently controlled [Section II]. We believe it is a reasonable hypothesis that UFOs (beyond those explainable as conventional objects or phenomena) are manifestations of extraterrestrial life. The evidence to date is too sketchy to allow any conclusions about what the pilots of UFOs (if any) look like or what their purposes may be in visiting the earth, if UFOs are in fact spaceships. Once UFOs are accepted as a reality, perhaps it will be possible to obtain some of the answers to these fascinating questions.

The problems of UFO investigation, and the inherent dangers, are discussed below, followed by recommendations for solutions to the problems. The basic problem of UFOs is the lack of attention to something which, if true, could be of very great significance indeed to the whole human race. Most skeptics, in the final analysis, base their conclusions on a seemingly inadequate and highly prejudiced investigation [Section IX]. Quite often, skeptics point to the cultists as (allegedly) the source of the whole UFO problem. Only a superficial analysis of the cultist claims is necessary to make one a skeptic, because it is easy to see that they present beliefs and faith rather than evidence. Ergo, there are no UFOs. Thus the cultists (and opportunists, and con-men) obscure the real issues, and mislead critical-minded people into believing that there is no evidence for UFOs.

The basic danger associated with UFOs is a danger to the very fabric of society if UFOs are in fact real unexplained objects maneuvering in our atmosphere. There is a danger of a reverse delusion - fooling ourselves into believing nothing of any significance is being seen. There is a danger of an unprepared public, and the possibility of widespread panic if an external danger or threat to our way of life is suddenly imposed upon us without some prior knowledge of what has been learned about UFOs. Without psychological preparedness, a sudden confrontation with extraterrestrial beings (for example) could have disastrous results.

If there is deliberate secrecy being practiced by authorities (rather than a semi-conscious failure to face up to facts), this would appear to be inexcusable. Secrecy breeds fear and paves the way for panic, by introducing false fears and causing people to substitute imagination for reality. The danger of continuing such a policy was pointed out by NICAP Adviser Morton Gerla, a professional engineer: "This shortsighted policy results in delaying the solution of the UFO mystery, leaving both military and civilian populations unprepared for whatever steps may eventually have to be taken, whether peaceful or hostile. In the event of action being forced upon our government or people by UFO initiative, public confidence in a government following a policy of secrecy prior to being forced into action would be shattered, perhaps with catastrophic results to morale."


Why are UFOs important? Because if they are real (not explainable as a variety of conventional objects), it is generally conceded that they are most likely space ships. Their presence in our skies would naturally be a matter of utmost concern to all nations on earth.

In spite of the fact that UFOs are not "officially" recognized, it is plain that they - and the general idea of some day encountering extraterrestrial beings - have inspired considerable scientific thought and speculation. As a result of our entrance into the Space Age, the idea of UFOs has rapidly become plausible.

The hypothesis that UFOs are space ships has important implications for humanity. Many questions are raised - philosophical, religious and technological. What effect would contact with extraterrestrials have on our society? What relationship would - or should - we have with such beings? What should our behavior toward them be? What effects would their detection have on our technology and industries?

Of all groups which would have an immediate concern about UFOs, pilots obviously are one of the first whose careers and interests would be affected. To obtain the reaction of this group, we asked two NICAP Advisers their opinions on what pilots would most want to know about UFOs if it was suspected that they were space ships.

Mr. L. Dan Sheridan, Jr., former Marine Corps fighter pilot, replied with these questions:

"What is their performance?"

"Are they controlled and who and what controls them?"

"Are they hostile?"

"Are they responsible for the many unexplained crashes and/or loss of aircraft?"

"What is their mission?"

"Are they subject to destruction and/or death?"

"Is there any basis of contact?"

"Why has the fact of their existence been covered up for so long?"

John F. McLeod (Major, USAFR, active in Civil Air Patrol Search & Rescue Squadron, graduate of Harvard University in the field of psychology) replied:

"Because of their special training and experience, pilots in general are better able to report and evaluate aerial phenomena, including possible UFO sightings, than most other groups. A pilot would normally be more exposed to conditions in which such phenomena might occur, he would be more likely to be able to report the details of such phenomena accurately, and he would be more likely to be able to judge the true nature of conditions pertinent to such phenomena.

I believe that, in general, pilots would want to know the following basic data about any report to the effect that UFOs were actually spacecraft:

1. Their type and source of motive power

2. Their origin

3. Their speed and other performance characteristics

4. The nature of their occupants

In short, the average experienced pilot would, I believe, be more interested in the technical facts of such a situation than in any sensational effect it might have. . ." Commenting on pilots as observers of UFOs, Mr. McLeod added, "An experienced pilot's ability to adapt to an unusual situation in the air should enable him to retain an objective attitude after his initial surprise, and his interest should stimulate physical thresholds of awareness regarding the data to be learned from the situation . . -


From the viewpoint of religion, Rev. Albert Baller (German Congregational Church, Clinton, Mass.), a NICAP Board Member, had this to say:


"What our fate will be [if we come into contact with extraterrestrial beings] will depend upon whether there will ever be close enough contact with intelligences from extraterrestrial realms to matter. The very possibility, however, is certainly being envisaged by some scientific experiments now being made. For example, various experiments being carried out at public expense to invent a means of communication between humans and porpoises! The main purpose of these experiments is said to be to prepare ourselves for the time when our interplanetary vehicles shall take us to other worlds and other intelligent beings. Not, of course, that we anticipate that such other beings will confront us speaking the language of porpoises. But to have broken the "porpoise speech code" will give us some insights into breaking other completely foreign speech codes.

"What will such contact mean, if it comes, to our thinking? The question asserts itself especially if you are, as I am, a minister of religion. What will such contact do to our theological conceptions? What will it mean in terms of our beliefs about God, Christ, Salvation, the unique nature of Man? Here, again, one can only guess. But based on the record of man's reaction to other such challenges over the centuries, we may expect this one to be taken in stride too. For this will not have been the first time, by any means, that humankind has had to stretch its thinking and feeling to encompass the wider revelation.


Mr. Robert Purdy, Metallurgical Engineer, through a NICAP member suggested what a few of the effects on technology, industry and science would be if we establish contact with an advanced race of beings:

"In my certain field, metallurgy, of course the first problem most likely to be solved would be a metal so strong, so light, so heat resistant, it could only be dreamed of before this event. The present space programs could be speeded up such that we might be taking our first trip to Mars within several months. Our present corrosion problem which costs this country over 8 billion dollars a year could be reduced to practically nothing. Perhaps another method of obtaining pure metal other than from its ore would be discovered. These suggestions are only a few of the vast number of possibilities such an event would bring into focus."

Dr. Fred C. Fair (professor emeritus of engineering, New York University) a NICAP Adviser, commented on the technology displayed by UFOs, deduced from reported observations:

"Astronomers and chemists agree that the only metallic elements found on stars and planets are the same as the ones that occur on earth. No planet has a supply of a super metal foreign to the earth. Consequently, if the metallic materials used in the construction of the body of the UFO and of the machinery and mechanisms within it are more durable than alloys produced on earth, it would indicate that the art and science of Metallurgy at the source of these UFOs is in advance of the corresponding art and science on earth.

"Without the opportunity of inspecting a UFO, we can infer that the metal parts are superior to any alloy now produced on earth, as shown by the durability and superior performance of the vehicle and the machinery within it. The mechanism of these objects is so nearly perfect that all of them, or at least almost all of them have functioned perfectly while in the area of visibility from the surface of the earth, or while within the earth's gravitational field. Malfunctions of a very few of these objects may account for some of the green fireballs and space explosions that have been reported from time to time.

"UFOs have been clocked by competent observers using adequate equipment at speeds in excess of 17,000 miles per hour. This is beyond the speed that an earth-made controllable and steerable vehicle can attain. Nor is it expected that such speeds may be developed in the foreseeable future. Much has been written concerning the type of organisms that must be within a UFO that can withstand the huge G forces that occur when such objects abruptly change their course through ninety or more degrees while maintaining high velocity. The extreme maneuverability of these huge craft operated at high velocity has been a source of wonder from the time of the earliest observations. Why does a UFO seem to be not subject to the law of inertia? How, without collision, can the forward motion of any object be stopped immediately; and instantaneously assume a new and at times a directly opposite direction? The momentum of any solid body, having mass, would seem to make such a tactic impossible.

"What little we know at present of the Unknown Flying Objects indicates a technology in several fields which has reached a state of development far beyond that attained on earth."


In 1963 a NICAP member posed a hypothetical question to the U. S. Department of Justice: "If a human being killed a space man, in a moment of panic and fear, would this be murder? Or could the person defend his action on the legal ground that he had not committed homicide since the being was not 'human'?"

On July 11, Assistant Attorney General Norbert A. Schlei replied: ". . as a matter of information, it does not seem likely that present criminal laws against homicide would play a primary role in restraining attacks by excited citizens if the situation you describe were to arise. Since criminal laws are usually construed strictly, it is doubtful that laws against homicide would apply to the killing of intelligent, man-like creatures alien to this planet, unless such creatures were members of the human species. Whether killing these creatures would violate other criminal laws - for instance, the laws against cruelty to animals or disorderly conduct - would ordinarily depend on the law of the particular state in which the killing occurred. . until it is clearer what problems of safety, health or commerce such creatures might bring, there is little basis for describing the kinds of laws which might prove appropriate."

Replying to the same question, Professor James P, Whyte, School of Law, College of William and Mary, agreed with Mr. Schlei. Assuming for discussion that UFOs are occupied, he said, the question is whether they are occupied by human beings sufficiently similar to homo sapiens.

"The intelligence of these occupants might or might not be a factor," said Prof. Whyte. "It is just as much homicide to kill an idiot as it is to kill a genius."

Another problem of making contact with, and attempting to communicate with, extraterrestrial beings has been suggested by NICAP Adviser, Dr. Robert L. Hall (social psychologist), and others. That is the possibility of such beings not having a form similar to ours. Our earth-bound analogies (and our egos) tend to make us think in terms of the human form. Some anthropologists and biologists, in fact, have argued that extraterrestrials would very likely have to resemble us in some ways, because of certain physical structures of the human body which led to the development of human intelligence. But, again, this development could have been only one of many possible ways in which intelligent life can develop.

It has been suggested that intelligent life forms might, for example, be of microscopic size - or amorphous blobs. If extraterrestrials who traveled to earth were not humanoid in form, it is conceivable that man could come "face to face" with a space being and not recognize him as an intelligent creature. The question is often asked, "If UFOs are real (i.e., space ships carrying intelligent beings), why haven't they landed?" The answer is that no one knows for sure whether any beings from other planets have landed on earth and, if they did, whether they would be recognizable as such.

Commenting about space travel and extraterrestrial life, Dr. Edward Teller in a lecture at the University of California said, "Where is everybody? It is possible that it's a form of life that we may not recognize as such, and isn't it even more possible that we in our galaxy may just be suburbans living on a God- forsaken outpost?" [1]

In a discussion of the necessary training, and expected behavior, of men who will travel through space, Dr. Harold D. Lasswell (Yale social scientist) states in his concluding remarks:

"All the foregoing rests, of course, on the assumption that earth's inhabitants will be able to execute programs of the kind under discussion, which is no foregone conclusion. The implications of the unidentified flying objects (UFO) may be that we are already viewed with suspicion by more advanced civilizations and that our attempts to gain a foothold elsewhere may be rebuffed as a threat to other systems of public order." [2]


Problems of Scientific Investigation

The atmosphere of ridicule surrounding the subject of UFOs, largely due to the activities of the cultists, has prevented many of the best qualified analysts from lending their talents to a meaningful scientific investigation. Also, a myth has developed in some scientific quarters that there is nothing in UFO evidence that scientists can come to grips with; no quantitative data or concrete evidence. This position is based on quicksand, since no real scientific effort has been made to acquire such data. It is, in fact, not a reasoned position at all, but a presumption. How can these skeptics be so sure until someone tries to obtain better data with instruments? The evidence presented in this report strongly suggests that an organized and instrumented study of UFOs would be very fruitful. If not, then these skeptics would have a solid basis for their currently illogical position.

Some skeptics base their position on the alleged fact that modern tracking instruments have not detected UFOs. On the contrary, UFOs have been tracked with theodolites and filmed at White Sands, N.M. [Section VIII; Photographs], tracked on radar at Cape Kennedy, and by Air Force and civilian radar all over the world. [Section VIII; Radar]. There has been a tendency to rationalize, or suppress, any puzzling data. Interpretation of unexplained objects detected by instruments has been left to guess work.

In the summer of 1963, Richard Hall (NICAP Assistant Director) and Walter N. Webb (NICAP astronomy Adviser) visited a mutual friend in Columbus, Ohio. A. B. Ledwith, engineer and former member of the Smithsonian Institution satellite tracking program, provided some information which illustrates one of the problems of UFO investigation.

While on the satellite project, Ledwith had made a particular point of studying reports of unidentified flying objects which came from the Nunn-Baker camera sites around the world. In particular, he carefully checked each photograph showing an unidentified light source to see if the "UFOs" could be explained in conventional terms. Many, he found, could not. Several of the photographs showing unexplained objects tracked by the Smithsonian cameras were turned over to NICAP.

Ledwith emphasized that the photographs did not prove anything; often it was impossible to completely rule out a stray aircraft, which conceivably could have been captured on film. But the images, nevertheless, were unexplained and no one had reported aircraft in the area. Ledwith also ran into the common skeptical tendency to assume the images must be aircraft, or something conventional.

The Smithsonian teams were tracking satellites. If something else which did not fit the satellite track showed up on the film, it was ordinarily assumed to be a film defect, a meteor, or aircraft. Very little careful checking was done to determine the likelihood of these explanations.

Japanese Site Photograph: UFO?

On April 14, 1959, the Nunn-Baker camera site at Tokyo Mitaka, Japan, was attempting to track Vanguard 2 (launched February 17, 1959). The developed film showed a bright unexplained object, in the wrong position for the satellite. This was Smithsonian observation number SC5-498 (data on file at NICAP). Photograph reproduced here shows prominent trail left by object.

Landings and Near-Landings

The most controversial aspect of the UFO subject is the question of the validity of claims that UFOs have actually landed, in some instances, and that occupants have been seen. On one extreme are fantastic science-fiction sounding claims of sojourns through space with noble beings who have come to aid earthmen through fearsome times. (Such claimants have been labeled "contactees.") Dr. Carl Jung [3] and other psychologists have pointed out the cultist aspect of these claims, the apparent wishful thinking, and formation of a neo-religion which espouses the "New Age" philosophy. On the other extreme are reports from seemingly reliable people, with no obvious ax to grind, who claim to have witnessed the landing or near-landing of strange craft (usually of general elliptical or circular shape).

Although there is a vast difference between the types of people who have made the claims on either extreme, and in the types of experience they depict, the confusion around the UFO subject in general makes it nearly impossible to distinguish between the types. If you seem to treat seriously any of these cases, you seem to be accepting all of them. The most ardent believers and the most severe skeptics both tend to assume that either all such stories are true, or all who claim they are true are crack pots. Unfortunately, life is not that simple and it is not possible at this stage of investigation to make any sweeping judgments.

As long as UFO reports are not investigated scientifically, not quickly and thoroughly checked out, doubt will remain. The confusion also leaves an open field for opportunists and charlatans who, it should be noted, are very active in "contactee" circles.

Since NICAP has concentrated on investigating factual reports of straight forward UFO observations by reputable people, our investigation of landing, near-landing, and "contactee" reports has not been exhaustive. However, it has been more extensive than many people realize. Our policy has been to quietly investigate the controversial cases to the best of our ability without engaging in polemics about them. When facts about these cases have, in our estimation, been fairly conclusively established, we have reported them. In so doing, we have not passed judgment on the whole spectrum of landing claims. Some cases have proved to be fairly obvious hoaxes, others have involved key "witnesses" of dubious background and engaged in dubious activities.

One of the most famous "contactees" made a claim in 1958 which NICAP thoroughly investigated, and disproved. One of this person's alleged "witnesses" masquerades as a Ph.D. and a knowledgeable anthropologist. He is neither. One self-styled evangelist "contactee" engaged in blatant misrepresentation of himself while relating a wild tale of contact with spacemen. Later he was convicted in Los Angeles of selling Doctor of Divinity degrees, mainly to other "contactees." Another was convicted in California of stock fraud. All four, perhaps significantly, claimed meetings with the idealized human-type "spacemen."

Some landings and near-landing cases are more plausible than others. Some may eventually prove to be honest mistakes of some kind. But as long as it is considered a reasonable hypothesis that some UFOs are space ships, it is logical to suppose that some form of contact with extraterrestrial beings is possible. For the moment, we are ignoring other problems which might prevent or delay contact, such as total dissimilarity between us and extraterrestrials, different psychological make-up, etc.

If our hypothesis to explain UFOs is correct, then landing and near-landing reports from seemingly reputable people become the most important cases of all; and this extraterrestrial hypothesis is based on a considerable accumulation of solid evidence presented in this report. But lack of recognition even to solidly established, straightforward UFO sighting reports of a less sensational nature makes objective investigation of these potentially sensational ones nearly impossible.

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