Introduction to Warpspawn Games

INVENTION PHASE Each player draws 2 random chits from the common pile. DEPLOY PHASE

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Each player draws 2 random chits from the common pile.


Play a unit chit onto the board into an empty space on your back row or

Adjacent to any of your bases.

You may play a Base adjacent to a friendly unit but not adjacent to

Another of your bases or an enemy unit.

Modification Chits are attached (placed under) units and bases.

Modification Chits alter the Traits of the attached unit or base.


You can move some, none, or all of your units in move phase.

Units can move orthogonally or diagonally.

Units can move up to a number of spaces equal to their Move Trait.

Units cannot stack.

Units cannot move through other units or bases.


Each of your units can attack one target enemy unit in Fire Phase.

Different units may attack different targets.

Each unit has a Range Trait (number of spaces out it can attack into)

A unit can only attack a target that is within its range.

Units with ranges 2+ can attack over other units.

An attack does 1 point of damage unless otherwise stated.

As soon as a unit takes damage in a turn equal to its Defense Trait, it must retreat.

A retreating unit must move laterally or back towards its side of the board 1 space.

A retreating unit unable to move is destroyed and is removed from the board.

Units that retreat off the board are destroyed.

A unit cannot move laterally if it will come in contact with an enemy unit.

Bases cannot move, so they are destroyed if they must retreat.


If you can force a unit to retreat a second time in the same phase, it is

automatically destroyed.


Immobilization: Target Unit cannot Move or Attack for 3 turns.

Interrupt: Target Opponent skips his next Invention Phase.

Stealth: Unit can Move through other units.

Think: Base Modifier only. For every 2 Think cards draw an extra Chit in Event Phase.

A Base may have a maximum of 1 Think card attached.

Note: Units can be either Troops or Guns.


Unit Name: Type Move Range Defense Notes

Home Base B 0 1 8 Starting Base

Super Agents U 3 1 3 Stealth Troops

Bionic Men U 3 1 3 Troops

Mutants U 2 1 3 Troops

Cyborgs U 2 1 3 Troops

Temporal Stasis Field S - - - Immobilization

Time Machine S - - - Take another Turn

Flux Capacitor M - +1 -

Robots U 2 1 4

Clones U 2 1 2 Troops

Androids U 2 1 3 Troops

Death Ray U 1 3 2 Gun

Force Field M - - +1

Teleportation Pods S - - - Move Unit Anywhere

Nuclear Bombs S - - - Destroy Unit

Neutron Bombs S - - - Destroy Unit

Anti-Matter Bombs S - - - Destroy Unit

Gamma Ray Laser U 1 3 2 Gun

Power Armor M - - +1 Troops only

Antigravity Pods M +2 - -

Force Beams U 1 2 2 Gun

Inertia Field M - - +1

Damper Field M - - +1

Dinosaurs U 3 1 3

Giant Monster U 3 1 4 Damage +1

Zombies U 1 1 3 Troops

Mind Control Device S - - - Take control of Unit

Plasma Cannon U 1 2 2 Gun Damage +1

Alien Technology M +3 - -

Atlantean Technology M +1 +1 +1

Thinking Machine M - - - Think

Shrink Ray U 1 2 2 Immobilization

Super Computer M - - - Think

Super Fortress B 0 - 10

Virtual Reality S - - - Immobilization

Giant Drill U 4 1 3 Stealth

Intelligent Dolphins U 2 1 3 Troops

Smart Bombs S - - - Destroy Unit

Guided Bullets M - - - Troops only Damage +1

Eureka! S - - - Draw 2 Chits

Psi Beam U 1 5 2 Gun

TGI U 1 4 2 Gun(Theoretical Gravity Catapult)

Childs Play S - - - Draw 2 Chits

OOT M +2 - - (Oscillation Overthruster)

Repulsor Field M - - +1

Hallucinogenic Gas S - - - Immobilization

Sleep Gas S - - - Immobilization

Hypno Ray S - - - Take control of Unit

Space Station B 1 - 6

Lab Accident S - - - Interrupt

Computer Virus S - - - Interrupt

Super Soldiers U 2 1 4 Troops

Code Breaker S - - - Negate Special Card

Enigma Machine S - - - Negate Special Card

Planned Obsolescence S - - - Destroy Modifier

Power Failure S - - - Immobilization

Disembodied Brains M - - - Think

Replicator Machine M - - - Think

Perpetl Motn Machine M - - - Gun only Damage +1

Impossible Machine M - - - Think

Better Mousetrap S - - - Destroy Unit

Nanobots U 1 1 4 Stealth & Damage +1

Mechas U 3 2 4 Damage +1

Tissue Regenerator M - - +1

Temporal Anomaly S - - - Take another Turn

Nova Cannon U 1 4 2 Gun Damage +1

Kung Fu Disciples U 2 1 3 Troops

Underground Base B 0 - 7

Underwater Base B 0 - 7

Steal Technology S - - - Take control of Unit

Time Bomb S - - - Destroy Unit

Super Collider M - +1 - Gun only

Fusion Reactor M - - - Gun only Damage +1

Exoskeletons M +1 - +1 Troops only

Corrosion Gas S - - - Destroy Unit



Solo dice game.

WWII Simulation of the Allied relief convoy to the British Island

Stronghold of Malta August 3rd, 1942.

Also known as Operation Pedestal.


Paper, pencil, 1-2 six sided dice, nobody to play with.


Ship Type: Number of Ships: Notes:

Cargo Ships 3D6 Merchant Men

Oil Tankers 1D6

Aircraft Carriers 1D3

Cruisers 1D6 x 5 Warship

Destroyers 1D6 x 10 Warship

Record how many of each type of ship you have.


The game will last 20 + 1D6 Turns

Make a column of that many boxes on a piece of paper.

Number the boxes.

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